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Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, The movie cameraman filming trams leaving the depot in the morning (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 14:02), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58339
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, The shutter on the lens of a movie camera (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 13:05), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58338
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, Abstraction of machines (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 1:03:30), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58364
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, An eye (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 31:17), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58350
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, Firemen (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 32:53), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58351
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, Sparks in an industrial plant (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 40:24), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58352
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, Trams (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 42:18), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58353
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, Legs (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 45:23), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58354
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, Exercise class (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 45:39), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58355
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, Carrossel (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 46:04), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58356
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, A cinema audience watching a clip about aircraft (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 1:02:47), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58363
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, The movie cameraman filming people entering and leaving an elevator (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 30:38), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58349
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, The smokestack of a factory (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 15:28), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58340
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, A worker maintaining machines (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 16:39), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58341
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, Making music (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 1:00:39), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58362
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, Polevaulting (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 47:33), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58357
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, Galloping horse and rider (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 49:01), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58358
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, The movie cameraman (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 56:15), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58359
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, An ear (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 59:33), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58361
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, The movie cameraman in a beer glass (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 56:35), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58360
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, A factory (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 17:38), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58342
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, The light from carbon rods inside the projector (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 04:41), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58328
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, The lens of a movie camera (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 11:38), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58337
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, A movie cameraman films an oncoming train (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 10:09), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58336
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, An idle machine (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 08:022), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58335
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, Izvestiya [All-Union newspaper] (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 08:09), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58334
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, A typewriter (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 07:46), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58333
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, Mannequin (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 07:04), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58332
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, Looking down an apartment building with laundry (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 06:21), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58331
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, Brushing teeth (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 19:00), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58344
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, Rooftops (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 06:15), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58330
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, A poster (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 05:31), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58329
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, A smiling girl on a strip of film stock (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 23:33), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58348
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, The movie cameraman on the street (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 18:33), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58343
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, A seat in a movie theatre (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 04:00), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58327
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, Seats in a movie theatre (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 02:49), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58326
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, The movie camera (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 02:25), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58325
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, Split screen street scene (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 20:49), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58345
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, The movie cameraman films passengers on a horse drawn vehicle (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 22:04), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58346
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, Buildings (Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 1:05:26), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58365
Dziga Vertov (director), 1929, The horse(Film still from Dziga Vertov, "Man with the Movie Camera", 23:08), Film frame, This work is out of copyright, LL/58347
Enrique Diaz, 1929, Tina Modotti and Diego Rivera. Reenactment of the murder of Julio Antonio Mella by the police. Mexico City, 16th January, 1929. Mella (1903-1929) was murdered by a Cuban agent while walking down the street with Modotti (1896-1942), Gelatin silver print, Galerie Bilderwelt, LL/103227
Enrique Diaz, 1929, Tina Modotti. A meeting after the murder of Julio Antonio Mella. Mexico City, 17th January, 1929. Mella was murdered by a Cuban agent while walking down the street with Modotti (1896-1942), who is seen standing, Gelatin silver print, Galerie Bilderwelt, LL/103228
Unidentified manufacturer, 1929, Iroquois Beaded Toronto Exhibition Souvenir Wall Frame for two Tintypes or Carte de visites, Frame, Private collection of Pam Ferrazzutti, LL/82388
Unidentified photographer, 1929, Outdoor portrait of a woman with a car foreground, Hungary, Photograph, FOTO:Fortepan, LL/82960
Unidentified photographer, 1929, Nighttime scene of illuminated building, apparently celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the Lightbulb in Amsterdam, Silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/56918
Unidentified photographer, 1929, Czechoslovakian identity card, Identity card, front and back, Private collection, LL/38754
Unidentified photographer, 1929, Delivery of bells to the Auferstehungskirche (Church of the Resurrection), Essen, Photograph, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/129262
Unidentified photographer, 1929, Carnival photo studio/tent with faux hot air balloon prop inside. France, Photo postcard, detail, Private collection of Christopher Steiner, LL/115979
Unidentified photographer (Holmes family?), 1929, Heres Wishing You The Same Old Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 1929, Christmas greeting, photo collage, Private collection of Robert E. Jackson, LL/116097
Valentina Kulagina, 1929, Design for the cover and original cover of the Russian book "How the Capitalists of all Countries Suppress the Weaker Classes" by A.G. Krawtschenko. Moscow 1929, Photocollage with ink and pencil and letterpress/halftone print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/47976
Wilhelm Niemann (1891-1981), 1929, International World's Fair Barcelona, Pavilion of the German Electrical Industry, designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe., Gelatin silver print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/123976
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1929, Catalogue cover for "Internationale Ausstellung des Deutschen Werkbunds Film Und Foto Stuttgart 1929", Exhibition catalogue,, LL/33212
1929, Book cover for Werner Grõff "Es kommt der neue Fotograf!" (Berlin, H. Reckendorf, 1929), Book cover, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/29122
1929, Book cover for Averianov, V. "Posledney Front" (the Last Front) (Moscow: Krestianskaya Gazeta, 1929), Book cover, Helix Art Center, LL/33912
1929, Book cover for Werner Graeff, 1929, Es Kommt der Neue Fotograf!, ((Berlin: Verlag Hermann Reckendorf G.m.b.H.), Book cover, Lempertz - Cologne, LL/52155
Lehnert & Landrock, 1929, Book cover for Rudolf Lehnert & Ernst Landrock, 1929, Frauen des Morgenlandes, (Zurich: Orell Füssli), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/61391
August Sander, 1929, Antlitz der Zeit: 60 Fotos Deutscher Menschen [Face of Our Time] (Munich: Transmare Verlag/Kurt Wolff Verlag, [1929]), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/33799
August Sander, 1929, Book cover for August Sander "Antlitz der Zeit -- Face of our Time. Introduction by Alfred Döblin. " (Munich: Transmare and Kurt Wolff, 1929), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28352
Edward Steichen, 1929, Book cover for Edward Steichen "Steichen. the Photographer. Text by Carl Sandburg" (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1929), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28353
, 1929, Book cover for "Vystavka Iaponskoe Kino -- Exhibition of Japanese Cinema. Text by N. Kaufman and others" (Moscow: All-Union Society for Cultural Relations Abroad, 1929), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28350
Franz Roh & Jan Tschichold, 1929, Cover for "Foto-Auge, Oeil et Photo, Photo-Eye" (Stuttgart: Akademischer Verlag, Dr. Fritz Wedekind & Co., 1929), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/19230
Germaine Krull, 1929, Book cover for Germaine Krull "100 x Paris" (Berlin: Editions Verlag der Reihe, 1929), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/43346
Hans Richter, 1929, Book cover for Hans Richter, 1929, Filmgegner von Heute - Filmfreunde von Morgen, (Berlin: Verlag Hermann Reckendorf), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/55904
, 1929, Book cover for Hans Richter "Filmgegner von Heute-Filmfreunde Morgen [Enemy of Film Today-Friend of Film Tomorrow]" (Berlin: Verlag Hermann Reckendorf, 1929), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/42130
, 1929, Book cover for Hans__Richter "Filmgegner von Heute. Filmfreunde von Morgen -- Film-foe of today. Film-friend of tomorrow" (Berlin: Hermann Reckendorf, 1929), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28351
John Heartfield, 1929, Book cover for John Heartfield & Kurt Tucholsky, 1929, Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, (Berlin: Neuer Deutscher Verlag), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/53682
John Heartfield, 1929, Book cover for John Heartfield & Kurt Tucholsky, 1929, Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, (Berlin: Universum-Bücherei für Alle), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/53683
John Heartfield, 1929, Book cover for John Heartfield "Deutschland, Deutschland Ueber Alles. Text by Kurt Tucholsky" (Berlin: Neuer Deutscher Verlag, 1929), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28348
Karl Blossfeldt, 1929, Book cover for "Karl Blossfeldt: Urformen der Kunst" (Berlin, Verlag Ernst Wasmuth A.G, 1929), Book cover, Artcurial, LL/27282
Karl Blossfeldt, 1929, Cover and title page from American 2nd edition, "Art Forms in Nature" (E. Weythe, New York, 1929)., [Art Forms in Nature], Book cover and title page, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/14434
Karl Blossfeldt, 1929, Reverse of title pages from German 2nd edition (top), American 2nd edition (center), and British 2nd edition (bottom)., [Urformen der Kunst / Art Forms in Nature], Reverse of title pages, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/14436
László Almásy, 1929, Book cover for László Almásy, 1929, Autóval Szudánba [With motorcar to the Sudan], (Budapest: Franklin), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/82975
László Moholy-Nagy, 1929, Book cover for László Moholy-Nagy, 1929, Von Material zu Architektur. Bauhausbücher 14, (Munich: Albert Langen Verlag), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/58781
Man Ray, 1929, Book cover for Man Ray, 1929, Kiki: Souvenirs, (Paris: Editions Henri Broca), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/43352
Takaho Itagaki, 1929, Book cover for "Kikai to geijutsu tono koryu -- the Cultural Exchange Between Machine and Art." (Tokyu: Iwanami shoten, 1929), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28349
Werner Gräff, 1929, Book cover for Werner Grõff "Es Kommt Der Neue Fotograf! -- Here Comes the New Photographer! " (Berlin: Hermann Reckendorf, 1929), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28347
Walter Dexel (designer), 1929, Fotografie der Gegenwart (Contemporary Photography) (Poster for exhibition in Magdeburg), Poster, linocut, MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, New York, LL/103713