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Photographs and images taken, or published, in 1865
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Lightbox > 1865
Brady's National Photographic Portrait Galleries, 1861-1865 (taken) 1869-1875? (print), Slave pen, Alexandria, Va., [The War for the Union. Photographic History.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108696
A. Hill Messinger, 1861-1865 (taken) 1880-1889 (print), [Unidentified emaciated prisoner of war, from Belle Isle, Richmond, at the U.S. General Hospital, Div. 1, Annapolis], Albumen print, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/105586
A. Hill Messinger, 1861-1865 (taken) 1880-1889 (print), [Unidentified emaciated prisoner of war, from Belle Isle, Richmond, at the U.S. General Hospital, Div. 1, Annapolis], Albumen print, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/105585
P.S. Weaver, 1861-1865 (taken) 1880-1889 (print), Devil's Den, Gettysburg, Albumen print, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/62728
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861-1865 (taken) 1885 (print), The Three Brothers, 3,818 feet, reflected, Yosemite, California., Albumen print, mammoth plate, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/31210
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861-1865 (taken) 1885 (print), Section of the Grizzly Giant, 33 feet diameter, Mariposa Grove, California, Albumen print, mammoth plate, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/31209
Powers Bros., 1862-1865 (taken), Eve Disconsolate, Carte de visite, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/121614
Adolphe Braun, 1863-1865 (taken) 1871 (print, after), Vue Suisse, Chillon, Albumen print, Musée Condé, LL/33784
Adolphe Braun, 1863-1865 (taken) 1871 (print, after), Vue Suisse. Lausanne, Albumen print, Musée Condé, LL/33783
Baron Raimund von Stillfried, 1863-1865 (taken) 1877-1878 (album), [Singing girl with shamisen] [Chanteuse jouant du shamisen], [Japonais, 4], Albumen print, hand-coloured, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/89170
G.O. Brown, 1864-1865 (taken) 1880-1889 (print), Views in the woods between Palmers and Spotswoods Houses at point where Federals carried Confederate entrenchments, [Battlefield of the "Wilderness."], Photograph, half stereograph, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/72919
G.O. Brown, 1864-1865 (taken) 1880-1889 (print), Confederate entrenchments near McCool's [i.e. McCoull's] house, [Battlefield of the "Wilderness."], Photograph, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/72920
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1865, English CDV album (Open), Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/9954
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1865, Professor Pierre Jean Edouard Desor, Geologist, Carte de visite, Wisconsin Historical Society, LL/32881
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1865, English CDV album (Closed), Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/9953
1865, Charles Robinson, Springfield, Photographicon, Book page, Google Books, LL/97763
Alinari, 1865, [Firenze, Cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore], Stereoview, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/118449
Bisson frères, 1865, Pope Pius IX, Carte de visite, Archive Farms, LL/121455
D. Appleton & Co., 1865, Appleton's Stereoscopic Emporium, Stereocard, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/80923
Gates Bros., 1865, [Entrance Gorge (Looking Down) - 4th Glen], Albumen silver print, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/95791
Gates Bros., 1865, [Matchless Scene - from 2nd Rustic Bridge, 3rd Glen], Albumen silver print, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/95792
Gates Bros., 1865, [The Narrow Pass - 4th Glen], Albumen silver print, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/95793
Hills & Saunders, 1865, Pipe Major William Ross (1822-91), Albumen print, hand-coloured, The Royal Collection, LL/91258
Lawrence & Houseworth, 1865, Starr King's Tomb. March 4th, 1865. San Francisco, CA, Carte de visite, Hindman Auctions, LL/118686
Lawrence & Houseworth, 1865, Mexican Mill, Virginia City, Stereocard, Private collection of Mark Kittinger, LL/107644
Philadelphia Photographic Co., 1865, A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, or Jeff in Crinoline, Carte de visite, International Center of Photography (ICP), LL/47797
Slee Brothers, 1865, [Jefferson Davis in Women's Clothing], Carte de visite, International Center of Photography (ICP), LL/47799
Sommer & Behles, 1865, Iside Campodoglio, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/70985
Sommer & Behles, 1865, Biga Vaticano, Roma, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/70987
Sommer & Behles, 1865, Ercole Vaticano, Roma, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/70986
Southwell Brothers, 1865, Hon. Lewis Wingfield as Miss Yellowleaf in a revival of "the Bengal Tiger", Carte de visite, Paul Frecker, LL/34096
E. & H.T. Anthony & Co., 1865, Park of captured guns at Rocketts, Richmond, Va., [The War for the Union. Photographic History.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108656
E. & H.T. Anthony & Co., 1865, Rebel artillery soldiers, killed in the trenches of "Fort Hell," at the storming of Petersburgh, Va., April 2d, 1865, [The War for the Union. Photographic History.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108695
London Stereoscopic Company, 1865, No. 114 Group of Glass. By Phillips. No. 3., [Dublin International Exhibition, 1865], Stereoview, Private collection of Peppin - Peppin Anaglyphes, LL/122742
Thomas Houseworth & Co, 1865, Photographic premises of Thomas Houseworth & Co, San Francisco, Stereoview, half, detail, Private collection of Graham Pilecki, LL/70357
A.J. Johnson (publisher), 1865, China, Map, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/46342
Abdullah frères, 1865, Abdel Kader portrait, Carte de visite, Private collection of Michel Mégnin, LL/129365
Abdullah frères, 1865, Portrait of a boy [Joseph S. Greene], Carte de visite, Private collection of Andrea Cesari, LL/29570
Albert Frisch, 1865, Boat of the photographer on the Amazon [Boot des Photographen.], Albumen print, Leibniz-Instituts für Länderkunde (IfL), Geographischen Zentralbibliothek, LL/60493
Alexander Gardner, 1865, No. 1, Arrival on Scaffold, [Hanging of the Lincoln conspirators on July 7, 1865], Albumen print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/51381
Alexander Gardner, 1865, No. 2, Reading the Death Warrant, [Hanging of the Lincoln conspirators on July 7, 1865], Albumen print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/51382
Alexander Gardner, 1865, George B. Atzerodt (One of the Lincoln Assassination Conspirators), [The Lincoln Conspiracy Album], Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/6414
Alexander Gardner, 1865, No. 3, Adjusting the Ropes, [Hanging of the Lincoln conspirators on July 7, 1865], Albumen print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/51383
Alexander Gardner, 1865, No. 4, Thus It Be Ever With Assassins, [Hanging of the Lincoln conspirators on July 7, 1865], Albumen print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/51384
Alexander Gardner, 1865, Man arrested on suspicion of being one of the Lincoln Assassination Conspirators. Name not disclosed. [Identified as Hartmann Richter], Albumen print, on album page, George Eastman Museum, LL/52659
Alexander Gardner, 1865, Man arrested on suspicion of being one of the Lincoln Assassination Conspirators. Name not disclosed. [Identified as Hartmann Richter], Albumen print, on album page, George Eastman Museum, LL/52660
Alexander Gardner, 1865, Man arrested on suspicion of being one of the Lincoln Assassination conspirators. Name not disclosed. [Identified as Joao M. Celestino], Albumen print, on album page, George Eastman Museum, LL/52661
Alexander Gardner, 1865, Man arrested on suspicion of being one of the Lincoln Assassination conspirators. Name not disclosed. [Identified as Joao M. Celestino], Albumen print, on album page, George Eastman Museum, LL/52662
Alexander Gardner, 1865, Man arrested on suspicion of being one of the Lincoln Assassination conspirators. Name not disclosed. [Identified as Joao M. Celestino], Albumen print, on album page, George Eastman Museum, LL/52663
Alexander Gardner, 1865, Edward Spangler. One of the Lincoln Assassination Conspirators., Albumen print, on album page, George Eastman Museum, LL/52665
Alexander Gardner, 1865, Ruins of Petersburg and Richmond Railroad Bridge, Across the James, [Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book of the War. Incidents of the War, pl. 88], Albumen print, Private collection of Jeff Nolte, LL/124811
Alexander Gardner, 1865, Ruins of Petersburg and Richmond Railroad Bridge, Across the James, [Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book of the War. Incidents of the War, pl. 88], Albumen print, Lee Gallery, LL/12697
Alexander Henderson, 1865, Spring Inundation near Montreal, QC, 1865, Albumen print, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/125837
Alexander Svoboda, 1865, Ephesus. General View Looking towards Scala Nova, Saint Paul's Prison on the Hill, Site of the Temple of Diana, Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/94466
Alexander Svoboda, 1865, Monument of Sesostris at Kara - Bell, Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/94467
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/126985
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/126992
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Ebay, LL/101486
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/126990
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/126989
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/126986
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/126991
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/126984
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/101493
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/101495
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/101494
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/101491
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Ebay, LL/101485
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Ebay, LL/101487
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Ebay, LL/101488
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Ebay, LL/101489
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/126993
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/101492
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Ebay, LL/101484
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Ebay, LL/101483
Alexandre Bertrand, 1865, Exterieur van de Marktkerk te Wiesbaden, [Bords du Rhin], Stereoview, Rijksmuseum, LL/114801
André Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri, 1865, Uncut sheet of carte de visites of a French gentleman, Carte de visite, Carl Mautz Vintage Photographs, LL/11989
André Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri, 1865, Prince Napoleon Bonaparte, Carte de visite, Archive Farms, LL/90771
André Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri, 1865, Marie Sax in L'Africaine, Carte de visite, Paul Frecker, LL/13456
Brady's National Photographic Portrait Galleries (New York & Washington DC), 1865, Funeral car of the late beloved President Lincoln (Manuscript title on verso) [Detail], Carte de visite, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/10965
Carleton E. Watkins, 1865, Section of the Grizzly Giant, Mariposa Grove, California, Albumen print, Antiq-Photo, LL/30897
Carlo Ponti, 1865, Carte de visite of the Pie Seller, Carte de visite, albumen print, Antiq-Photo, LL/8593
Cham (1818-1879), 1865, Are you looking for Mr. Nadar? Look up! Look down!, Drawing, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/94146
Charles Marville, 1865, Chateau de St. Germain en Laye, Albumen print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/25242
Charles Marville, 1865, Rue St-Julien-Le-Pauvre [de la Rue Galande], Paris, Albumen print, Denver Art Museum, LL/66401
Charles Nègre, 1865, Prison of the Iron Mask, Albumen print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/27095
Charles Nègre, 1865, Moissonneurs, Environs de Grasse, Albumen print, from wet plate negative, Archive Farms, LL/127905
Charles Hippolyte Aubry, 1865, Study of a Flowering Potted Plant, Albumen print, Lee Gallery, LL/3302
C.L. Weed, 1865, Hydraulic Mining - The Palm Claim, Timbuctoo, Yuba County, Carte de visite, California Historical Society, LL/105759
C.L. Weed, 1865, Mirror Lake and Reflections, Yosemite Valley, Mariposa County, California, Albumen print, American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution, LL/7652
C.L. Weed, 1865, Hydraulic Mining - The Sluice Blocks, Carte de visite, California Historical Society, LL/105748
C.L. Weed, 1865, Jewish Synagogue, Sutter Street, from Union Square, San Francisco, Carte de visite, California Historical Society, LL/105755
C.L. Weed, 1865, View from Sierra Rocks -Eastern Shore of Lake Tahoe, looking South towards Cave Rock, Carte de visite, California Historical Society, LL/105756
Charles Piazzi Smyth, 1865, Coffer in King's chamber of Great Pyramid, Albumen print, Science Museum, LL/73183
Charles Piazzi Smyth, 1865, Entrance to the Great Pyramid of Giza, Albumen print, National Science and Media Museum, LL/73184
Charles Piazzi Smyth, 1865, Great Pyramid, its sepulchral hill, the Sphinx, &c, from hill top, south?, Glass plate photographic negative, Royal Observatory Edinburgh, LL/103956
Claude Monet (1840-1926), 1865, Le Pavé de Chailly, Oil painting, Musée d'Orsay, LL/41175
Claude Monet (1840-1926), 1865, The Bodmer Oak, Fontainebleau Forest, Oil painting, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/41178
Jabez Hughes, 1865, Queen Victoria on horseback with John Brown and Princess Louise, Albumen print, hand-coloured, The Royal Collection, LL/91240
Jabez Hughes, 1865, Queen Victoria on horseback with John Brown, Albumen print, hand-coloured, The Royal Collection, LL/91239
Dmitri Constantine, 1865, Athens - Philopappos monument, Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/71523
Dmitri Constantine, 1865, [Sculptural fragment - dancing Maenad in high relief], Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/50648
Dmitri Constantine, 1865, Wingless Victory - sculptural fragment from the Athena Nike parapet, Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/71516
Dmitri Constantine, 1865, Athens - Parthenon, western facade, Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/71517
Dmitri Constantine, 1865, Athens - Erechtheion, eastern facade, Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/71518
Dmitri Constantine, 1865, Athens - sculptural fragment, Parthenon frieze, Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/71519
Dmitri Constantine, 1865, Athens - sculptural fragment, Parthenon frieze, Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/71520
Dmitri Constantine, 1865, Athens - view of the Acropolis from the southeast, including temple of Zeus Olympios and arch of Hadrian, Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/71522
Dmitri Constantine, 1865, Bourgeois visitors amidst ruins, Photograph, albumen print (?), Source requested, LL/57524
Dmitri Constantine, 1865, Athens - temple of Zeus Olypmpios, Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/71524
Dmitri Constantine, 1865, Athens - Acropolis, Propylea from the west, Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/71525
Dmitri Constantine, 1865, Athens - sculptural fragment, Parthenon frieze, Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/71526
Dmitri Constantine, 1865, Athens - sculptural fragment, Parthenon frieze, Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/71527
Dmitri Constantine, 1865, The Acropolis from the Southwest, Athens, Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/71531
Dmitri Constantine, 1865, The Caryatid Porch of the Erechtheion, Athens, Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/71532
Dmitri Constantine, 1865, Athens - sculptural fragment, figure from the parapet of the theatre of Dionysus, Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/71533
E. Maunoury, 1865, Santiago [Railway Station for the "Chemin du sud"], [Andenken an Chile], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88144
E. Maunoury, 1865, Valparaiso [Photographic Studio of Eujenio Maunoury], [Andenken an Chile], Albumen print, detail, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88139
E. Maunoury, 1865, Santiago [Railway locomotive, "No. 6 Rancagua"], [Andenken an Chile], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88145
E. Maunoury, 1865, Santiago [Railway locomotive, "No. 5 Maipu"], [Andenken an Chile], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88146
E. Maunoury, 1865, Valparaiso [Photographic Studio of Eujenio Maunoury], [Andenken an Chile], Albumen print, detail, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88140
E. Maunoury, 1865, Valparaiso [Photographic Studio of Eujenio Maunoury], [Andenken an Chile], Albumen print, detail, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88138
E. Maunoury, 1865, Valparaiso [Photographic Studio of Eujenio Maunoury], [Andenken an Chile], Albumen print, detail, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88137
E. Maunoury, 1865, Valparaiso [Photographic Studio of Eujenio Maunoury], [Andenken an Chile], Albumen print, detail, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88136
E. Maunoury, 1865, Valparaiso [Students at the Naval School], [Andenken an Chile], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88135
E. Maunoury, 1865, Peruvian Indian Fruit Girl, Carte de visite, Antiq-Photo, LL/8125
E. Maunoury, 1865, Valparaiso, Cabane dans la Montagne., [Andenken an Chile], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88151
E. Maunoury, 1865, Valparaiso [Population on the cliffs watching naval combat], [Andenken an Chile], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88153
E. Maunoury, 1865, Santiago, Types, Les Peons & les Marchandes de Mole [?], [Andenken an Chile], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88154
E.G. Fowx, 1865, [Sailors in front of turret on the U.S.S. Lehigh Passaic-class ironclad monitor upon the James River, with chicken in the foreground], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108780
Edmond Behles, 1865, Termi di Caracalla, Roma, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/70984
Edmond Behles, 1865, Tomba di Cecilia Metalla, Roma, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/70983
Edmond Behles, 1865, Via Appia, Roma, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/70981
Edmond Behles, 1865, Arco di Druso, Roma, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/70982
Enrico Van Lint, 1865, Bas Relief, Baptisty of St John, Pisa, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/64846
Ermé Desiré, 1865, Men with Camel, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/127609
Eugene Clutterbuck Impey, 1865, Pavilions in the Harem Court, Agra, Albumen print, Bernard J. Shapero Rare Books, LL/45962
Eugene Clutterbuck Impey, 1865, The Jumma Masjid, from the courtyard, Delhi, Albumen print, Bernard J. Shapero Rare Books, LL/45963
Fayans (Warsaw), 1865, Stephanskaya, Russian ballerina, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/106937
Francis Hacker, 1865, Jeff's Soliloquy: To Be or Not to Be (Hanged) That's the Question, 1986., Carte de visite, International Center of Photography (ICP), LL/47801
Francis Hacker (copyright), 1865, The Capture of Jefferson Davis, Carte de visite, Archive Farms, LL/115783
Francis Frith, 1865, Drachenfels and the Siebengebirg, From Rolandseck, [Hyperion: A Romance. Illustrated with Twenty-Four Photographs of the Rhine, Switzerland, and the Tyrol], Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/116522
Francis Frith, 1865, Le lac de Mõrjele, Aletschhorn, Albumen print, Musée de l'Elysée, LL/7908
Francis Frith, 1865, Valley of the Neckar, Albumen print, British Library, LL/49694
Francis Frith, 1865, The Market Place, Stuttgard, Albumen print, British Library, LL/49695
Francis Frith, 1865, The Devil's Bridge, Albumen print, British Library, LL/49696
Francis Frith, 1865, Drachenfels, And The Siebengebirg, From Rolandseck, Albumen print, British Library, LL/49702
Francis Frith, 1865, The Walnut Trees, Interlachen, Albumen print, British Library, LL/49701
Francis Frith, 1865, Summit Of The Furca Pass, Albumen print, British Library, LL/49699
G.O. Brown, 1865, Wilderness Tavern ruin & Germania (i.e. Germanna) plank road as seen from Lacy's house, (Wilderness), [American Scenery (Stereoscopic.)], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108369
G.O. Brown, 1865, Soldier's graves near cemetery no. 2 (Wilderness), [American Scenery (Stereoscopic.)], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108380
G.O. Brown, 1865, Rebel grounds, near triangle of death. Wilderness field, [American Scenery (Stereoscopic.)], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108377
G.O. Brown, 1865, Todd's Tavern, at junction of Brock and Piney Branch roads (Wilderness field), [American Scenery (Stereoscopic.)], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108376
G.O. Brown, 1865, Reb works across plank road, 1/3 mile west of cemetery no. 1 (Wilderness), [American Scenery (Stereoscopic.)], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108375
G.O. Brown, 1865, Spot where Gen. Wadsworth, USA, fell. Shattered tree struck by same shell that killed his horse, [American Scenery (Stereoscopic.)], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108374
G.O. Brown, 1865, One of Grant's breast works opposite of cemetery no. 2, Wilderness, [American Scenery (Stereoscopic.)], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108373
G.O. Brown, 1865, Soldier's graves of the 5th A.C. (i.e. Army Corps) Wilderness battle field, [American Scenery (Stereoscopic.)], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108372
G.O. Brown, 1865, View in woods front of Reb works near Spottwood [i.e. Spotswood] House, (Wilderness), [American Scenery (Stereoscopic.)], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108371
G. Hoogwinkel Jr, 1865, Portrait of a girl [Portret van een meisje], Carte de visite, Rijksmuseum, LL/76424
George Cassinello (1830-1911, Brighton), 1865, Pope Pius IX, Cabinet card, Archive Farms, LL/122339
George K. Warren, 1865, Harvard Yard from Cambridge Common, [View of Cambridge], Albumen print, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, LL/96752
George K. Warren, 1865, Harvard Yard, Looking North, [View of Cambridge], Albumen print, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, LL/96754
George K. Warren, 1865, West Point, Albumen print, Source requested, LL/64736
George K. Warren, 1865, Rogers Gymnasium, Harvard College, [View of Cambridge], Albumen print, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, LL/96756
George K. Warren, 1865, The Delta, [View of Cambridge], Albumen print, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, LL/96755
George N. Barnard, 1865, Ruins in Columbia, S.C. No. 2, Albumen print, Lee Gallery, LL/3145
George O. Ennis, 1865, Ruins of the Arsenal, Richmond, [Photographic Views of Richmond, Virginia.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108736
George S. Cook, 1865, View of Sumter 1865, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108502
George Simpson McTavish, 1865, Portraits of Inuit Hunters / White Porpoise, Esquimaux and Kayak and Seal Skin "Daw" or Buoy., Albumen print, Library and Archives Canada, LL/95634
George Washington Wilson, 1865, Durham Cathedral, The Galilee, Photographic print, British Library, LL/40183
Giorgio Sommer, 1865, Éruption de l'Etna, Sicile, Albumen print, Piasa, LL/48150
Gustav Völkerling, 1865, "Dessauer Eichen" (Oaks in Dessau), Albumen print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/91354
H. Schnaebeli, 1865, Untitled, [Deutsches-Gestüt Album. Photographien vorzüglicher Pferde], Albumen print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/115519
H.S. Fifield, 1865, Flume No. 167., Stereoview, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/116698
Hermann Krone, 1865, Portraits of scientists from Dresden, Museum Ludwig, LL/7713
Hippolyte-Auguste Collard, 1865, Viaduc de la Revoute, Ligne de Roanne A Lyon, [Chemin de Fer Du Bourbonnais], Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/55177
Ignaz Franz Schrecker (1834-1888), 1865, Rosti Pál (1830-1874), Albumen print, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/86042
Isidore van Kinsbergen, 1865, Daughters of the rajah of Boeleleng, who was exiled in 1872, Albumen print, Universiteit Leiden, Prentenkabinet, LL/76205
J. Duclos, 1865, Ponts de Nantes, Sur La Loire, Albumen print, Museum of Photographic Arts - MOPA, LL/45381
J. Geiser, 1865, Ary Jacobse ?, member of the entourage of Alexandrine (Alexine) Tinne, Carte de visite, Hague Municipal Archives / Haagse Beeldbank, LL/83765
J.B. Roberts, 1865, Rochester, NY. Buffalo St. during the flood, Carte de visite, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/76156
J.B. Roberts, 1865, Rochester, NY. Main St. during the flood, Carte de visite, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/76158
J.E. Larkin, 1865, Rebel Prison at Elmira, [Home Views, No. 15], Stereo, DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU, LL/50113
J.E. Larkin, 1865, Rebel Prison at Elmira, 1865, [Home Views, No. 15], Stereo, detail, DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU, LL/50140
James Gardner, 1865, Meeting of the Shenandoah and Potomac, at Harper's Ferry, [Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book of the War. Incidents of the War, pl. 26], Albumen print, Lee Gallery, LL/13907
James McDonald, 1865, City walls : the Zion Gate, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102940
James McDonald, 1865, Views in the environ of the city : a. the Village of Siloam; b. Tomb of David, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102942
James McDonald, 1865, City walls : a. exterior of the north wall of the city, east of Damascus Gate; b. exterior of the north wall of the city, east of Damascus Gate, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102939
James McDonald, 1865, City walls : a. the Damascus Gate; b. outside of wall of city, close to the Damascus Gate on the east side, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102938
James McDonald, 1865, Views within the city : a. private houses standing on the west edge of the Tyropean Valley (opposite Robinson's Arch); b. Goliath's Tower at n.w. corner of the city, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102937
James McDonald, 1865, Views within the city : Pool of Hezekiah, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102936
James McDonald, 1865, Ancient tombs in the environs of the city : a. tomb of Absalom; b. tomb of St. James, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102945
James McDonald, 1865, Ancient tombs in the environs of the city : a. tombs in the Valley of the Kedron; b. entrance to the tombs of the kings, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102944
James McDonald, 1865, View within the city : a. ruins near the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on the east side; b. ruins near the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on the east, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102931
James McDonald, 1865, Views within the city : a. ancient gateway at the Damascus Gate; b. portion of an old arch at the s.w. end of the bazaars, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102932
James McDonald, 1865, Views in the environs of the city : a. Valley of Hinnom, looking south from the Jaffa Gate; b. stair case in the English Cemetery cut out of the face of the escarped rock, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102943
James McDonald, 1865, Views within the city : a. entrance to the Hospital of the Knights of St. John; b. Ecce Homo Arch, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102933
James McDonald, 1865, Views within the city : a. to so called Tower of Antonia in the street leading the St. Stephen's Gate; b. Street El-Wad or of the Valley, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102935
James McDonald, 1865, Views in the city : a. ancient fountain in the street El-Wad; b. Church of St. Anne with north face of the Pool of Bethesda, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102934
James McDonald, 1865, Views in the environs of the city : a. entrance to the Church of the Virgin in the Valley of the Kedron; b. the Garden of Gethsamane and Church of the Virgin, in the Valley of the Kedron, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102941
James McDonald, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. east face of n.e. angle; b. Golden Gate from the north east, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102924
James McDonald, 1865, Interior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. interior of Kubbat-as-Sakhra; b. screen and pulpit on the south entrance to platform, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102909
James McDonald, 1865, Interior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. Dome of the Chain; b. s.w. corner of the platform, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102910
James McDonald, 1865, Interior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. interior of Kubbat-as-Sakhra; b. screen and pulpit on the south entrance to platform, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102911
James McDonald, 1865, Interior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. Dome of the Chain; b. s.w. corner of the platform, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102912
James McDonald, 1865, Interior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. gate of the cotton market in west wall and cloister; b. west wall and cloisters, looking south, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102913
James McDonald, 1865, Interior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : eastern view of the platform from the Golden Gate, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102914
James McDonald, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. Golden Gate from outside; b. Golden Gate from inside, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102915
James McDonald, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. eastern wall near south east angle; b. eastern face of south east angle, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102916
James McDonald, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. southern face of south east angle; b. triple gateway in south wall, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102917
James McDonald, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. double gateway in south wall; b. west side of south west angle, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102918
James McDonald, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. part of springing of arch near south west angle; b. detail of masonry at Wailing Place, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102919
James McDonald, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. wall south of Wailing Place; b. Wailing Place of the Jews, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102920
James McDonald, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. part of Western Wall near Bâb-al-Hadîd; b. north wall at Pool of Bethesda, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102921
James McDonald, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : n.e. corner of Haram enclosure, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102922
James McDonald, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. east face of n.e. angle; b. Golden Gate from the north east, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102923
James McDonald, 1865, Citadel : from the s.w. outside the wall of the city, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102925
James McDonald, 1865, Ancient Gateway at the Damascus Gate [Jerusalem], Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/57768
James McDonald, 1865, Citadel : a. tower at n.e. angle of citadel; b. detail of the escarp of n.e. tower of citadel, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102926
James McDonald, 1865, Citadel : a. entrance to citadel; b. detail of lower part of the n.e. tower of citadel, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102927
James McDonald, 1865, Church of the Holy Sepulchre : a. entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre; b. the tower of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102928
James McDonald, 1865, Interior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. west entrance to Kubbat-as-Sakhra; b. details of n.e. side of Kubbat-as-Sakhra, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102908
James McDonald, 1865, Interior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. north side of platform from the minaret over the Pool of Bethesda; b. south entrance to Kubbat-as-Sakhra, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102907
James McDonald, 1865, Interior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. Kubbat-as-Sakhra from s.e. corner of platform; b. Kubbat-as-Sakhra from n.w. corner of platform, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102906
James McDonald, 1865, Church of the Holy Sepulchre : a. window in the south face of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre; b. entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102929
James McDonald, 1865, Church of the Holy Sepulchre. West entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (built up), [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102930
James McDonald, 1865, Panoramic view of the city. General view of the city, from the Hill of Evil Counsel, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102948
James McDonald, 1865, Panoramic view of the city. General view of the city, from the Mount of Olives, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102947
James McDonald, 1865, Panoramic view of the city. General view of the city and of the Valley of the Kedron from the n.e., [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102946
James McDonald, 1865, Titlt page for 1865, Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Title page, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102903
James W. Campbell, 1865, South Battery, looking West. Ruins of 600-Pounder Blakely Gun in foreground, Charleston., [War Views. No. 185], Stereo, detail, DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU, LL/50148
James W. Campbell, 1865, South Battery, looking West. Ruins of 600-Pounder Blakely Gun in foreground, Charleston., [War Views. No. 185], Stereo, DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU, LL/50147
John Murray, 1865, Elysuhr Valley, Simla, Indien, Salt paper negative, Villa Grisebach Auktionen GmbH - Berlin, LL/94724
John Murray, 1865, Elysuhr Valley, Simla, Indien, Salt paper negative, Villa Grisebach Auktionen GmbH - Berlin, LL/94725
John Reekie, 1865, Ruins of Gaines' Mill, Virginia, [Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book of the War. Incidents of the War, pl. 93], Albumen print, American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution, LL/7605
John Thomson, 1865, Siamese Buddhist bonze, Glass negative, stereo, Wellcome Collection, LL/73852
John Thomson, 1865, Siamese Priest and Royal Pupil, Glass negative, stereo, Wellcome Collection, LL/73851
John Thomson, 1865, His Majesty Prabat Somdet Pra parameñdr Mahá Mongkut, First King of Siam, in State Costume, Albumen silver print, from glass negative, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/40545
John Thomson, 1865, His Majesty Prabat Somdet Pra parameñdr Mahá Mongkut, First King of Siam, in State Costume, Albumen silver print, from glass negative, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/77977
John C. Browne, 1865, On the Susquehanna Canal, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/122590
John Edward Saché, 1865, Calcutta Merchant, Albumen print, sepiaEYE, LL/60308
John Edward Saché, 1865, Calcuttta, Rope Seller, #86, Albumen print, sepiaEYE, LL/60310
John Edward Saché, 1865, Grain Merchant's shop, India, #87, Albumen print, sepiaEYE, LL/60313
John Edward Saché, 1865, Four Ayahs from Nainital Region, #84, Albumen print, sepiaEYE, LL/60314
John Edward Saché, 1865, Calcutta, Hill Coolies, Albumen print, sepiaEYE, LL/60316
Joseph P. Babbitt, 1865, Portrait of two gentlemen, Carte de visite, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/11539
Juan Laurent, 1865, Portrait de Marie de Medicis by Peter Paul Rubens, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/116723
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865, 'Boadicea' (Susan Anne Eliza Muir-Mackenzie), Albumen print, National Portrait Gallery - NPG, LL/114331
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865, Wist ye not that your father and I sought thee sorrowing?, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/6409
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865, "Friar Laurence and Juliet" "From Life", Photograph, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/101514
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865, Friar Laurence and Juliet, Albumen print, Photoseed, LL/101515
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865, My grandchild my chef d' oeuvre, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/74576
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865, For Signor my chef d' oeuvre My grand child age 2 years & 3 months Born at Barbados May 1863, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/74578
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865, The Gardener's Daughter (portrait of Mary Ryan), Albumen print, Chrysler Museum of Art, LL/117030
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865, Alfred Tennyson (The Dirty Monk), Albumen print, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/45905
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865, Sir Henry Taylor [A study in the manner of Rembrandt], Albumen print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/31206
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865, Study of Prospero - Henry Taylor, Albumen print, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41783
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865, William Michael Rossetti: Study No. 2., Albumen print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/37146
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865, 'Paul and Virginia' (William Frederick Gould; Elizabeth Keown), Cabinet card, gold-edged, National Portrait Gallery - NPG, LL/114321
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865, Sir Henry Taylor, Carte de visite, gold-edged, National Portrait Gallery - NPG, LL/114322
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865, 'La Madonna Aspettante' (William Frederick Gould; Mary Ann Hillier), Carte de visite, gold-edged, National Portrait Gallery - NPG, LL/114330
L. Pierson, 1865, Back view of a lady, Pesme of Paris, Carte de visite, Private collection of Brad Feuerhelm, LL/18081
Lady Frances Jocelyn, 1865, Intérieur, Albumen print, National Gallery of Art, LL/84939
Lala Deen Dayal, 1865, Delhi, India - Hall of Audience (Dayal #129), Albumen print, Antiq-Photo, LL/8618
Leon Crémière, 1865, Le Prince Imperial, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/55178
Lewis Carroll, 1865, Elisabeth "Kate" Terry as "Andromede", Glass negative wet plate collodion, Musée d'Orsay, LL/37342
Louis-Rémy Robert, 1865, Still Life of Sèvres Porcelain, Albumenized carbon print, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, LL/46599
Ludovico Wolfgang Hart, 1865, Une jeune fille juive de Damas en grande Toilette, [La Syrie : costumes, voyages, paysages, Paris, Librairie du Petit Journal], Albumen print, hand-coloured, Institut du Monde Arabe, LL/124232
Ludovico Wolfgang Hart, 1865, Paysans Kurdes, Syrie, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/116740
Ludovico Wolfgang Hart, 1865, Portefaix à Beyrouth, Syrie, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/116739
Ludovico Wolfgang Hart, 1865, Pâtre du Liban avec un chevreau, Syrie, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/116738
Luther V. Moulton, 1865, Legless Man in Dog Cart, Carte de visite, Private collection of Laddy Kite, LL/47470
M. Petagna, 1865, Papal chamberlain, Carte de visite, hand-coloured, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/121775
Mathew B. Brady, 1865, Sergent Boston Corbett, 16th N.Y. Cav. Who shot J. Wilkes Booth, April 26, 1865., Carte de visite, George Eastman Museum, LL/32714
Nadar, 1865, Nadar in his balloon basket, Albumen print, Contemporary Works / Vintage Works, LL/64227
Nadar, 1865, Report on the sewers of Paris: chamber of Notre Dame bridge, N° 1 [Égouts de Paris] : [chambre du Pont Notre-Dame, n°1], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/94145
Sarony, 1865, Amputation carried out on Joseph Bramwell, a 37 year old former miner, and father of seven, Albumen print, Bonhams - London, LL/48564
Sarony, 1865, Menken, Carte de visite, George Eastman Museum, LL/74487
Numa Fils (Paris), 1865, Portrait of woman cross dresser, Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11270
Oscar Gustave Rejlander, 1865, Want Z'ees Shoes Blacked, Carte de visite, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs - Auctions, LL/63021
P. Bergheim, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Sharif : Wailing Place of the Jews, Albumen print, Penn Libraries - University of Pennsylvania, LL/86461
P. Bergheim, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Sharif : Wall South of Wailing Place, Albumen print, Penn Libraries - University of Pennsylvania, LL/86460
P. Bergheim, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Sharif : Detail of Masonry at Wailing Place, Albumen print, Penn Libraries - University of Pennsylvania, LL/86459
P.T. Sherlock, 1865, [Jefferson Davis in a Dress, Holding a Bowie Knife], Carte de visite, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/121022
P.T. Sherlock, 1865, [Jefferson Davis in a Dress, Holding a Bowie Knife], Carte de visite, International Center of Photography (ICP), LL/47798
Paul Berthier, 1865, Pente de l'Etna, après l'éruption, Albumen print, from glass negative, Pierre Bergé & Associés, LL/58245
Paul Berthier, 1865, Pente nord est de l'Etna. limite de la région cultivée, Albumen print, from glass negative, Pierre Bergé & Associés, LL/58246
Phillipe Jacques Potteau & Louis Pierre Rousseau (1807-1876), 1865, Moustafa ben Ouarga (26 ans) tirailleur algérien, Paris, Albumen print, Piasa, LL/48163
Phillipe Jacques Potteau & Louis Pierre Rousseau (1807-1876), 1865, Jean Lagrène (66 ans) Bohémien, Paris, Albumen print, Piasa, LL/48162
Pieter Oosterhuis, 1865, Nadar's balloon in Amsterdam, Photograph, Private collection of Jan Weijers (Servatius), LL/48991
Pieter Oosterhuis, 1865, Reuzenballon 'le Géant' van Nadar wordt opgelaten in Amsterdam, 14 september 1865, Stereoview, Rijksmuseum, LL/99100
Pieter Oosterhuis, 1865, Reuzenballon 'le Géant' van Nadar wordt opgelaten in Amsterdam, 14 september 1865, Stereoview, Rijksmuseum, LL/99101
Powell & Co., 1865, Anti-Slavery Constitutional Amendment Picture, Albumen silver print, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, LL/113642
R.B. Bontecou, 1865, Peter Strien, [Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion (1870-1888)], Photograph, mounted, NIH: U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), LL/66077
R.B. Bontecou, 1865, James H. Stokes, [Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion (1870-1888)], Photograph, mounted, NIH: U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), LL/66078
R.B. Bontecou, 1865, Martin Restle, [Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion (1870-1888)], Photograph, mounted, NIH: U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), LL/66079
R.B. Bontecou, 1865, Ludwig Kohn, [Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion (1870-1888)], Photograph, mounted, NIH: U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), LL/66076
Raudnitz, 1865, Workshop for stereoviews (Atellier de vues stereoscopiques), Book illustration, Private collection of Paula Fleming, LL/101276
Ridgeway Glover, 1865, Home of Abraham Lincoln, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108868
Rockwood (New York), 1865, Back view of a gentleman, Carte de visite, Private collection of Brad Feuerhelm, LL/18074
Samuel J. Miller (American, 1822-1888), 1865, Untitled (Portrait of Seated Man Holding a Daguerreotype and Brush), Daguerreotype, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114472
Samuel Bourne, 1865, The Kutub Minar with the Great Arch from the West, Delhi, Carbon print, Private collection of Peter Spangenberg, LL/64624
Samuel Bourne, 1865, Sumeree Temple at Ramnuggar, Benares, Albumen print, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, LL/96873
Samuel Bourne, 1865, View below the Meribul Pass, Singapore, Albumen silver print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71223
Samuel Bourne, 1865, The Chandney Chouk, The Principle Street in Delhi, Albumen print, Museum of Photographic Arts - MOPA, LL/45360
Samuel Bourne, 1865, The Lahore Gate, the Palace, Delhi, Albumen print, Museum of Photographic Arts - MOPA, LL/45392
Samuel Bourne, 1865, #1356, The Chandney Chowk. Delhi, Albumen print, sepiaEYE, LL/60305
Samuel A. Cooley, 1865, Mortar Battery, Morris Island, S.C., [The War for the Union. Photographic History.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108508
Schrecker Ignác (1834-1888), 1865, Portrait of Pál Rosti, Photograph, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/101834
Serge Levitsky, 1865, Tsarevitch Alexander later Alexander III, Carte de visite, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/123842
Serge Levitsky, 1865, Empress Maria Alexandrovna, wife of Alexander II, Carte de visite, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/125040
Serge Levitsky, 1865, Tsarevitch Alexander [later Alexander III] and Princess Dagmar of Denmark, Carte de visite, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/42412
Sir Benjamin Simpson, 1865, Front view of the Asokan Edict Pillar, Lauriya Nandangarh, Champaran District, Albumen print, British Library, LL/95432
Sir Benjamin Simpson, 1865, Side view of the Asokan Edict Pillar, Lauriya Nandangarh, Champaran District, Albumen print, British Library, LL/95431
Sir Benjamin Simpson, 1865, Rear view of the Asokan Edict Pillar, Lauriya Nandangarh, Champaran District, Albumen print, British Library, LL/95430
Thomas Easterly, 1865, St. Louis Court House, showing completed dome, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67849
Thomas Easterly, 1865, Judge Silas Bent Residence, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67848
Thomas C. Roche, 1865, [Depot Field Hospital, City Point, Virginia], Albumen silver print, from glass negative, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/40585
Thomas C. Roche, 1865, A Dead Confederate soldier, [The War for the Union; Photographic War History, 1861-1865.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110028
Timothy H. O'Sullivan, 1865, Petersburg, Va. Mills; photographic wagon of Engineer Dept. in foreground, Stereograph, glass, wet collodion, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/61350
Timothy H. O'Sullivan, 1865, Petersburg, Va. Mills; photographic wagon of Engineer Dept. in foreground, Stereograph, glass, wet collodion, detail, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/61351
, 1865, Quarters of Men in Fort Sedgwick, Known as Fort Hell, [Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book of the War. Incidents of the War, pl. 83], Albumen print, American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution, LL/7598
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107014
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107007
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107008
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107011
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107012
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107048
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107013
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107010
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107009
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107019
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107018
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107017
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107015
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107016
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107034
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107050
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107047
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107046
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107045
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107044
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107043
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107042
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107041
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107040
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107039
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107038
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107037
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107036
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107035
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107020
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107033
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107032
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107031
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107030
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107029
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107028
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107027
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107026
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107025
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107024
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107023
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107022
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107021
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106963
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106955
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106956
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106957
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106958
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106959
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106960
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106961
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106962
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106954
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106964
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106965
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106966
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106967
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106968
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106969
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106970
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106971
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/106945
Unidentified photographer, 1865, V.I. Lapshina, Russian ballerina, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/106936
Unidentified photographer, 1865, A.D. Kosheva, Russian ballerina, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/106938
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/106939
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/106940
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/106941
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/106942
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/106943
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/106944
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106972
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/106946
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/106947
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/106948
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/106949
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/106950
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/106951
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/106952
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106953
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106997
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106989
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106990
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106991
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106992
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106993
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106994
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106995
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106996
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106988
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106998
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106999
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107000
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107001
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107002
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107003
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107004
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107005
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Susan M. Davis, Salt print, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/80732
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106973
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106974
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106975
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106976
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106977
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106978
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106979
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106980
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107006
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106981
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106982
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106983
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106984
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Columbia Rode Safely Through The Storm, Carte de visite, Private collection of Graham Pilecki, LL/79056
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106985
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106986
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106987
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107096
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107108
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107107
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107106
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107105
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107104
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107103
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107102
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107101
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107100
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107099
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107098
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107097
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107109
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107095
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107094
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107093
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107092
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107091
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107090
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107089
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107088
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107087
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107086
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107085
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107121
Unidentified photographer, 1865, King Otto I of Greece during his exile in Bavaria, Photograph, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/119373
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Josiah Collins IV, CSA, Ambrotype, North Carolina Museum of History - NCMOH, LL/117607
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Cave of Yenoshima, Albumen print, LACMA: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, LL/117536
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Construction of the Suez Canal. Extraction of spoil, Stereocard, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/108084
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107128
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107127
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107126
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107125
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107124
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107123
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107122
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107051
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107120
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107119
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107118
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107117
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107116
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107115
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107114
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107113
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107112
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107111
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107110
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107066
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107072
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107059
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107052
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107071
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107070
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107069
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107068
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107067
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Bourgeois visitors to the Acropolis, Photograph, albumen print (?), Source requested, LL/57523
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107084
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107053
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Bourgeois visitors to the Acropolis, Photograph, albumen print (?), Source requested, LL/57522
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107060
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107065
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107061
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107062
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107064
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107063
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107077
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107083
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107082
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107081
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107080
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107079
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107056
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107078
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107055
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107057
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107076
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107049
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107054
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107058
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107075
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107074
Unidentified photographer, 1865, Unidentified sitter, [Album of photographic portraits of August persons and persons well-known in Russia], Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/107073
Unidentified photographer (French), 1865, [Caged birds], Stereoview, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/98510
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1865, Jeff Davis' Last Ditch, Carte de visite, International Center of Photography (ICP), LL/47795
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1865, Jeff Davis in disguise, as he appeared at the time of his capture, Carte de visite, International Center of Photography (ICP), LL/47796
Unidentified photographer / Sculptor, 1865, Portrait of Matilde de Aguilera y Gamboa, Lady of Fontagudc, Photosculpture statue, white bisque porcelain, Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford University, LL/117867
Upton or Whiting (?), 1865, Hanging of Little Six and Medicine Bottle, Carte de visite, back, Cowan's Auctions, Inc, LL/82772
Upton or Whiting (?), 1865, Hanging of Little Six and Medicine Bottle, Carte de visite, Cowan's Auctions, Inc, LL/82771
W.F. Browne, 1865, Same gun and sling cart as shown in no. 1051, showing how the gun is slung under the cart, [View of Confederate Water Batteries on James River.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108393
W.P. Egbert, 1865, Charles Christopher Parry, Botanist, Carte de visite, Wisconsin Historical Society, LL/32880
Warren De la Rue, 1865, Photo-engraving of a Lunar Photograph, Photo-engraving, cropped, Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering and Technology, LL/46489
Washington Lafayette Germon, 1865, [Germon's Temple of Art, 914 Arch Street, Philadelphia], Stereoview, Library Company of Philadelphia, LL/118187
Washington Lafayette Germon, 1865, Germon's Temple of Art, 914 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Stereocard, Library Company of Philadelphia, LL/59594
Washington Lafayette Germon, 1865, Germon's Temple of Art, 914 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Stereocard, detail, Library Company of Philadelphia, LL/59595
William Bell, 1865, Private John Bar, Recovery after a Penetrating Wound of the Abdomen with Fracture of the Left Os Innominatum, from the Photographic Catalogue of the Surgical Section, Albumen silver print, American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution, LL/113646
William Notman, 1865, Peat excavator at Bulstrode Farm, near Barrington, QC, Silver salts on glass - Gelatin dry plate process, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/105289
William Notman, 1865, Peat excavator at Bulstrode Farm, near Barrington, QC, Wet collodion process, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/124625
William Notman, 1865, Allan Becher, London CW, Carte de visite, Private collection of Richard Lee Bland, LL/63953
William Notman, 1865, Parliament Buildings in Course of Erection at Ottawa, Albumen silver print, National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, LL/63463
William Notman, 1865, Officers of the 30th Regiment of Footsoldiers, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/116198
William Notman, 1865, Miss Stevenson, as "Photography", Montréal, QC, Albumen print, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/104193
William H. Bell, 1865, Heads and Fragments of Heads of Humeri, from the Photographic Catalogue of the Surgical Section, Albumen print, American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution, LL/40267
William H. Bell, 1865, Gunshot Fracture of the Shaft of the Right Femur, United with Great Shortening and Deformity, Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/50572
William H. Mumler, 1865, "We are about making a movement that will astonish the world," J.D., Carte de visite, International Center of Photography (ICP), LL/47800
Wm. E. James, 1865, Fort Sumter celebration, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109436
Xavier Merieux, 1865, Photographic trade card, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/6986
Zangaki Brothers, 1865, Woman Wearing Yashmak (Veil) and Carrying Child on Shoulders; Man in Carved Wooden Window Panel of Brick Structure, Albumen print, National Anthropological Archives, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, LL/84189
Zangaki Brothers, 1865, Portrait of Man, Vendor, and Woman with Oranges; Two Other Women with Children Near Basket of Oranges; All Wearing Yashmaks (Veils) Boy in Window of Carved Wooden Window Panel of Brick Structure; All in Costume, Albumen print, National Anthropological Archives, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, LL/84192
André Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri, 1865 (taken), Post mortem of Sainte Madelaine, Carte de visite, Bazar Nadar / Wouter Lambrechts, LL/105671
Timothy H. O'Sullivan, 1865 (taken) 1866 (published), High Bridge, Crossing the Appomattox, near Farmville, on South Side Railroad, Virginia, [Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book of the War], Albumen print, National Gallery of Art, LL/117831
Samuel Bourne, 1865 (taken) 1866, June (after, print), Sumeree Temple at Ramnaga, Benares, Albumen silver print, National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, LL/63273
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865 (taken) 1869 (album assembled), King Ahasuerus and Queen Esther, [The Norman Album], Albumen print, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), LL/80154
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865 (taken) 1869 (album assembled), The Red and White Roses, [The Norman Album], Albumen print, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), LL/80153
Charles Marville, 1865 (taken) 1871 (after, print), The Impasse de l'Essai at the Horse Market, Paris, Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/50684
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865 (taken) 1875 (print), Robert Browning, Carbon print, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/68154
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865 (taken) 1875 (print), Robert Browning, Carbon print, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/68155
John Reekie, 1865 (taken) 1880-1900 (print), Unburied dead on battlefield, [The War for the Union. Photographic War History, 1861-1865.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109979
Samuel Bourne, 1865 (taken) 1880s (print), The Happy Valley, Gwalior, Albumen print, Private collection of Peter Spangenberg, LL/45024
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865 (taken) 1893 (ca, print), Alfred, Lord Tennyson (Dirty Monk), Photogravure, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/45836
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865 (taken) 1893 (ca, print), The Very Reverend Dr. Jowett (Master of Balliol, Oxford), Photogravure, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/80042
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865 (taken) 1893 (published), Robert Browning, Photogravure, National Portrait Gallery - NPG, LL/114333
Julia Margaret Cameron, 1865 (taken) 1902 (ca, print), Robert Browning, Carbon print, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/77570
Alexander Gardner, 1865 (taken) 1950-1955 (ca, print), Lincoln's Chair at Ford's Theatre, Gelatin silver print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71302
Lawrence & Houseworth, 1865, Backmark for "Album Views - California. - Photographed and Published by Lawrence & Houseworth, 317 & 319 Montgomery St, San Francisco.", Carte de visite, back, Hindman Auctions, LL/118687
Abdullah frères, 1865, Reverse of carte de visite for Abdullah Freres., Carte de visite, back, Private collection of Andrea Cesari, LL/29571
Emilie Bieber, 1865, Backmark for Emilie Bieber‘s Hamburg studio, Backmark, Private collection of T. Max Hochstetler, LL/14223
G.O. Brown, 1865, Wilderness Tavern ruin & Germania (i.e. Germanna) plank road as seen from Lacy's house, (Wilderness), [American Scenery (Stereoscopic.)], Stereoview, back, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108370
George O. Ennis, 1865, Back label for "Ruins of the Arsenal, Richmond.", [Photographic Views of Richmond, Virginia.], Stereoview, back, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108737
J.B. Roberts, 1865, Backmark for "J.B. Roberts & Co., 58 State Street, Rochester, N.Y.", Carte de visite, back, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/76157
Joseph P. Babbitt, 1865, Backmark for "J. P. Babbitt - Photographer - Fort Scott, Kansas.", Carte de visite, back, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/11540
Leon Crémière, 1865, Backmark for "Leon Cremiere" with A. Barrere label, Carte de visite, back, Archive Farms, LL/119267
Sociedade Photographica do Palacio de Crystal?, 1865, List for "Vistas da Exposição Internacional Portuense", Stereoview, list, Private collection of Nuno Borges de Araújo, LL/119440
Thomas C. Roche, 1865, Backmark for "A Dead Confederate soldier", [The War for the Union; Photographic War History, 1861-1865.], Stereoview, back, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110029
William Notman, 1865, Backmark for "Notman, Montreal", Carte de visite, back, Private collection of Richard Lee Bland, LL/63954
John Reekie, 1865 (taken) 1880-1900 (print), Backmark for "Unburied dead on battlefield", [The War for the Union. Photographic War History, 1861-1865.], Stereoview, back, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109980
Lallemand & Hart, 1865, France - Alsace / Département du Bas-Rhin. - Commune de Schleithal / Costume de dimanche, [Galerie Universelle des Peuples: Alsace, Eighth plate], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/13061
Lallemand & Hart, 1865, Title page of "Galerie Universelle des Peuples: Alsace" by Lallemand and Hart, [Galerie Universelle des Peuples: Alsace], Letterpress, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/13052
Lallemand & Hart, 1865, France - Alsace / Département du Bas-Rhin. - Commune de Blaesheim / Les fileuses, [Galerie Universelle des Peuples: Alsace, Seventh plate], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/13053
Lallemand & Hart, 1865, France - Alsace / Département du Bas-Rhin. - Commune de Blaesheim / Les fileuses (Detail), [Galerie Universelle des Peuples: Alsace, Seventh plate], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/13054
Lallemand & Hart, 1865, France - Alsace / Département du Bas-Rhin. - Commune d'Entzheim / Jeunes filles, costume de fête, [Galerie Universelle des Peuples: Alsace, First plate], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/13055
Lallemand & Hart, 1865, France - Alsace / Département du Bas-Rhin. - Strasbourg / Costume des jardinithres, [Galerie Universelle des Peuples: Alsace, Second plate], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/13056
Lallemand & Hart, 1865, France - Alsace / Département du Bas-Rhin. - Commune de Pfulgriesheim / Costume de travail de Kochersberg, [Galerie Universelle des Peuples: Alsace, Third plate], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/13057
Lallemand & Hart, 1865, France - Alsace / Département du Bas-Rhin. - Commune de Geispolsheim / Costume de dimanche, [Galerie Universelle des Peuples: Alsace, Fourth plate], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/13058
Lallemand & Hart, 1865, France - Alsace / Département du Bas-Rhin. - Commune de Krautergersheim / Costume de fête, avec les bonnets-soleils, [Galerie Universelle des Peuples: Alsace, Fifth plate], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/13059
Lallemand & Hart, 1865, France - Alsace / Département du Bas-Rhin. - Commune de Blaesheim, [Galerie Universelle des Peuples: Alsace, Sixth plate], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/13060
Lallemand & Hart, 1865, France - Alsace / Département du Bas-Rhin. - Commune de Schleithal / Intérieur, [Galerie Universelle des Peuples: Alsace, Tenth plate], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/13062
Lallemand & Hart, 1865, France - Alsace / Département du Bas-Rhin. - Commune de Hundsbach / Costume d'enfant, [Galerie Universelle des Peuples: Alsace, Eleventh plate], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/13063
Lallemand & Hart, 1865, France - Alsace / Département du Bas-Rhin. - Commune d'Oberseebach / Costume d'église, [Galerie Universelle des Peuples: Alsace, Ninth plate], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/13064
Lallemand & Hart, 1865, France - Alsace / Département du Bas-Rhin. - Commune d'Oberseebach / Cavalier sur un cheval de labour, [Galerie Universelle des Peuples: Alsace, Twelfth plate], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/13065
Lallemand & Hart, 1865, Book cover for "Galerie Universelle des Peuples: Alsace" by Lallemand and Hart, [Galerie Universelle des Peuples: Alsace], Book cover, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/16015
Alexander Gardner, 1865, Title page from "Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book of the War" (Washington: Philp & Solomons, [1865]), Title page, Donald A. Heald - Rare Books, Prints & Maps, LL/26995
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, Journal cover for Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal including "Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.", Journal cover, Ebay, LL/101481
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, Journal cover for Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal including "Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.", Journal cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/101490
Nadar, 1865, Book cover for Nadar, 1865, Le Droit au Vol (The Right to Flight), (Paris: J. Hetzel, Libraire Editeur), Book cover, softbound, Contemporary Works / Vintage Works, LL/64226
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1865, Horizontal Screw Engines of the Steam Yacht Brilliant, by Messrs. Day and Co., Southampton, Engraving, Google Books, LL/35257
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1865, Guadalajara - Palace of the Duke Infantado, Engraving, Google Books, LL/35259
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1865, Fig. 43. Unfinished Work of a Spanish Nun, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/36116
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1865, It may not be generally known that Munich is at the head of all cities in the world for photography, Book page, Google Books, LL/36149
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, Title page for Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c., Title page, Ebay, LL/101482
H. Hollister, 1865, Hollister's photographic studio advertising card - Niagara Falls, Ontario, Advertising card, Library and Archives Canada, LL/46631
James McDonald, 1865, "Photographs taken in and about the City of Jerusalem" in Title page for 1865, Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Contents page, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102905
James McDonald, 1865, "Photographs taken in and about the City of Jerusalem" in Title page for 1865, Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Contents page, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102904
Nadar, 1865, Walk in the sewers of Paris - Rue du Château-d'Eau (illustration of Morin from a photograph by Nadar), Illustration, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/94134
Thomas Annan, 1865, Book review for Sir Walter Scott "Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field", Book review, Google Books, LL/39622
André Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri, 1865 (taken) 1883 (print), Prince Napoleon Bonaparte, Woodcut, Archive Farms, LL/90772

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