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Photographs and images taken, or published, in 1902
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Lightbox > 1902
1902, An advertising poster for moving pictures made for and viewed with Edison's stereo-projecting Kinetoscope that allowed the images to be seen by a group of people on a screen, Poster, Source requested, LL/33178
Detroit Publishing Co., 1902, William Henry Jackson seated at table. Probably in Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad car., Glass negative, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/74213
Fair & Thompson, 1902, Nez Perce War Dance -- The Orator., Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108744
Fair & Thompson, 1902, Nez Perce War Dance -- The Council., Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108743
Fair & Thompson, 1902, Nez Perce War Dance -- No. 4., Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108742
Fair & Thompson, 1902, Nez Perce War Dance -- No. 3., Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108741
Fair & Thompson, 1902, Nez Perce War Dance -- No. 2., Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108740
Fair & Thompson, 1902, Nez Perce War Dance -- No. 1., Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108739
Pan American Photo Art Co., 1902, Front view, cathedral, Puebla, Mexico, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109868
Pan American Photo Art Co., 1902, A great fiesta, Ameca-meca, Mexico, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109864
Pan American Photo Art Co., 1902, Original Shrine of Guadalupe, erected 1638, improved 1895, Cuernavaca, Mexico, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109865
Pan American Photo Art Co., 1902, Finest view of Viga Canal, Mexico City, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109867
Underwood & Underwood, 1902, But this was all that happened., Stereoview, Private collection of Robert Olson, LL/119613
Underwood & Underwood, 1902, Miss Birdie had a pleasant dream one day -, Stereoview, Private collection of Robert Olson, LL/119612
Underwood & Underwood, 1902, Royal Bengal Tiger (Felis Tigris) taking a bath, showing fondness for water characteristic of the animal, Stereoview, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/117958
Underwood & Underwood, 1902, Evolution of the sickle and flail--33-horse team combined Harvester--Walla Walla, Washington, Albumen prints, stereograph card, American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution, LL/7619
Underwood & Underwood, 1902, Young Seals sporting an the beach, Santa Catalina Island, off California, Stereoview, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/122696
Underwood & Underwood, 1902, Stupendous Log Raft, containing millions of feet, a Camp's year's work, profit $20,000 - Colombia River, Oregon., Stereoview, The Film Museum - Dept. for Archives & Digitization, The Danish Film Institute, LL/125951
Underwood & Underwood, 1902, Yosemite's surpassing beauty - mirrored image of the distant majestic Yosemite Falls, Yosemite Valley, California, Stereoview, hand-coloured, Private collection of Robert Olson, LL/123171
Underwood & Underwood, 1902, Stupendous Log-Raft, containing millions of feet, a Camp's year's work, profit $20,000 - Colombia River, Oregon., Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/125952
Underwood & Underwood, 1902, A thirty-three horse hitch combine harvester harvesting the grain in Walla Walla Washington., Stereocard, half, Private collection of John Quin, LL/92615
Underwood & Underwood, 1902, The beautiful falls of the Riviere du Loup, Quebec, Stereoview, Private collection of Tony Richards, LL/105833
Underwood & Underwood, 1902, An Elephant "Siesta" - basking in the sun in their beautiful native home, Interior Ceylon, Stereoview, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/100712
Underwood & Underwood, 1902, Native farming in tropical Ceylon - ploughing a paddy field., Stereoview, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/100710
Universal Photo Art Co., 1902, The so-called "lily feet" contrasted with the natural feet of Chinese women, Canton, China, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110795
Universal Photo Art Co., 1902, Chinese prisoner in the cangue placarded with the record of his crime, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110796
Viking View Co., 1902, Odde, paa afstand, Norge, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110810
Viking View Co., 1902, Odde, Hardanger, Norge, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110811
Viking View Co., 1902, Fredrikshald med Fredriksten Faestning, Norge, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110815
Viking View Co., 1902, Haukelidsaeteren, Norge, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110816
Viking View Co., 1902, Det indre af vor Frelsers Kirke, Christiania, Norge, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110817
Viking View Co., 1902, Gamle Akers Kirke, Christiania, Norge, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110818
Viking View Co., 1902, Fisketorvet, Christiania, Norway, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110819
Viking View Co., 1902, Stortorvet, Christiania, Norge, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110820
Whiting View Co., 1902, New East River Bridge, in course of construction, New York City, U.S.A., [Twentieth Century Series.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/111005
Whiting View Co., 1902, Elevated railroad, Eighth Ave., New York City, U.S.A., [Twentieth Century Series.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/111016
Whiting View Co., 1902, Sunken Gardens, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A., Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110730
A. Böhmer (?-1908), 1902, "Before Tomorrow" (Dawn), Platinum print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/120283
Alfred Stieglitz, 1902, Photographic Journal of a Baby, Photogravure, Archive Farms, LL/55285
Alvin Langdon Coburn, 1902, Landscape, Photograph, George Eastman Museum, LL/56874
André Desgranges (Aix Les Bains (Savoie) (summer) Nice (winter)), 1902, Béatrice d'Alexandry d'Orengiani before her wedding 1902, Photograph, Private collection of Marc De Clercq, LL/126440
Bain News Service (publisher), 1902, Dr. Doyen separating Hindoo twins, Glass negative, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/64483
Baron R. von Transehe-Roseneck, 1902, The Waldsee, [Die Kunst in der Photographie], Photogravure, Antiq-Photo, LL/8752
C.H. Graves, 1902, Boroebodor. Ruins of the world's greatest Buddhist temple, Java. General view, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108878
C.H. Graves, 1902, The preparation of tea in Japan. Packing tea for the United States, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108876
C.H. Graves, 1902, The preparation of tea in Japan. Packing tea in one pound paper parcels, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108875
C.H. Graves, 1902, The preparation of tea in Japan. Inspecting and tasting tea, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108874
C.H. Graves, 1902, Boroebodor. Ruins of the world's greatest Buddhist temple, Java. Small temples of Buddha on the summit, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108883
C.H. Graves, 1902, The preparation of tea in Japan. Sifting and sorting tea, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108873
C.H. Graves, 1902, Boroebodor. Ruins of the world's greatest Buddhist temple, Java. The shrine of Buddha at the summit, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108882
C.H. Graves, 1902, Boroebodor. Ruins of the world's greatest Buddhist temple, Java. One of the most famous bas-reliefs, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108881
C.H. Graves, 1902, The preparation of tea in Japan. Firing tea, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108872
C.H. Graves, 1902, A Javanese orchestra, Java, Stereoview, half, detail, Private collection of John Quin, LL/129701
C.H. Graves, 1902, Boroebodor. Ruins of the world's greatest Buddhist temple, Java. The stairway of the temple, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108884
C.H. Graves, 1902, Boroebodor. Ruins of the world's greatest Buddhist temple, Java. Looking over the east wall, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108880
C.H. Graves, 1902, The preparation of tea in the Japan. Picking out the stems, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108877
C.H. Graves, 1902, Boroebodor. Ruins of the world's greatest Buddhist temple, Java. On the fourth terrace, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108879
Charles Gaspar, 1902, Nature Morte [Still life], [Die Kunst in der Photographie], Photogravure, Antiq-Photo, LL/8134
Clarence H. White, 1902, The Peacock Feather (Julia Hall McCune), Platinum print, with crayon and gouache, Cleveland Museum of Art, LL/70236
D. Joseph, 1902, Two Turkish grease wrestlers, Adali Halil (left) and Kurtdereli Mehmed (right), Albumen print, Private collection of Engin Ozendes, LL/65791
Edouard Vuillard, 1902, The two sunshades, Gelatin silver print, Private collection, LL/45891
Edouard Hannon, 1902, Forest and Swamp (Wald und Sumpf), Heliogravure, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/126286
Edward Steichen, 1902, Rodin - the Thinker (Rodin - Le Penseur), Carbon print, toned, Cleveland Museum of Art, LL/7946
Edward Steichen, 1902, Alphonse-Maria Mucha, Gelatin bromide print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72167
Edward Steichen, 1902, The Little Round Mirror, [Camera Work, no. 14, pl. 05], Photogravure, on Japanese paper, Lempertz - Cologne, LL/52089
Ema Spencer, 1902, Her first Little Winter Coat, Private collection of Henri van der Tol, LL/47736
Emile Joachim Constant Puyo, 1902, La Vanne, the Winnows, [Die Kunst in der Photographie], Photogravure, Antiq-Photo, LL/8755
Emile Joachim Constant Puyo, 1902, La Branche Fleurie, [Die Kunst in der Photographie], Photogravure, Antiq-Photo, LL/8753
Ernst Juncker, 1902, Studienkopf [the pipe smoker], [Die Kunst in der Photographie], Photogravure, Antiq-Photo, LL/8133
Erwin Raupp (1863-1931), 1902, Trees near bridge, Gum bichromate print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/120284
Eugène Atget, 1902, Petit Trianon (The Temple of Love, Petit Trianon), Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/50620
Eugène Atget, 1902, Juvisy, les belles fontaines, Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/50583
Eugène Atget, 1902, Pontoise, Eglise Saint-Maclou, Printing out paper print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/19244
Eugène Atget, 1902, Versailles, Cyparisse par Flamen, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/45508
Eugène Atget, 1902, Versailles - (coin de parc), Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/45500
Eugène Atget, 1902, Versailles, coin de parc, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/45493
Eugène Atget, 1902, Bassin de Neptune, Versailles, Albumen silver print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71126
Eugène Atget, 1902, Cluny (Detail), Gelatin silver chloride print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71128
Eugène Atget, 1902, Fontaine Gaillon, Carrefour Gaillon, Albumen silver print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71180
Eugène Atget, 1902, Au soleil d'or - place de l'Ecoles (7e arr), Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/45487
Eugène Atget, 1902, Hotel du Marquis de Lagrange 4 et 6 rue de Braque, Albumen silver print, from glass negative, RISD Museum, LL/114248
Eugène Atget, 1902, Versailles, Trianon, (Coin de Parc), Albumen print, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114584
Eugène Atget, 1902, Pontoise-ancien Palais du Tribunal, Musèe., Albumen print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/115043
Frank Eugene, 1902, Sepperl [Frank Eugene's pet dachsund], Gelatin silver print, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/129228
Franz Goerke, 1902, Villa Piuma, Sestri Levante, [Die Kunst in der Photographie], Photogravure, Antiq-Photo, LL/8750
Franz Goerke, 1902, Under Storm Clouds, Warnemunde, [Die Kunst in der Photographie], Photogravure, Antiq-Photo, LL/8749
Franz Goerke, 1902, Sandunes, out of sight, [Die Kunst in der Photographie], Photogravure, Antiq-Photo, LL/8744
Frederick H. Evans, 1902, York Minster, North Transept: "In Sure and Certain Hope", Platinum and/or palladium print, Charles Isaacs Photographs, Inc, LL/11513
Frederick H. Evans, 1902, York Minster: "In Sure and Certain Hope", Platinum print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71718
Georges Mèliès, 1902, Le voyage dans la Lune #7, Gelatin silver print, AnamorFose, LL/8780
Georges Mèliès, 1902, Le voyage dans la Lune #1, Gelatin silver print, AnamorFose, LL/8774
Georges Mèliès, 1902, Le voyage dans la Lune #4, Gelatin silver print, AnamorFose, LL/8779
Georges Mèliès, 1902, Le voyage dans la Lune #2, Gelatin silver print, AnamorFose, LL/8775
Georges Mèliès, 1902, Le voyage dans la Lune #8, Gelatin silver print, AnamorFose, LL/8773
Georges Mèliès, 1902, Le voyage dans la Lune #5, Gelatin silver print, AnamorFose, LL/8776
Georges Mèliès, 1902, Le voyage dans la Lune #3, Gelatin silver print, AnamorFose, LL/8777
Georges Mèliès, 1902, Le voyage dans la Lune #6, Gelatin silver print, AnamorFose, LL/8778
Gertrude Käsebier, 1902, Indian Chief, [Camera Notes, vol. 6, no. 1], Photogravure, Lee Gallery, LL/3232
Gertrude Käsebier, 1902, Black and white, an informal portrait of a young Negro woman surrounded by laundry in Newport, R.I., Glass dry plate negative, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/48773
Gertrude Käsebier, 1902, Alfred Stieglitz, Glass dry plate negative, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/48768
H.C. White, 1902, The Market in the Jewish Quarters, Warsaw, Poland, Stereoview, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/98969
H.C. White, 1902, Great Bell Market in the Fair Nijni-Novgorod, Russia., Stereoview, Ebay, LL/99188
H.C. White, 1902, Cornish Fishwives with their fish baskets on their backs, Penzance, Cornwall, Photograph, Private collection of John Quin, LL/99830
H.C. White, 1902, The Market in the Jewish Quarters, Warsaw, Poland, Stereoview, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/110002
H.C. White, 1902, The Eifel Tower from the Palace of Electricity, Paris Exposition, Paris. France, Stereoview, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/123043
H.C. White & Co., 1902, Great Bell Market in the Fair Nijni-Novgorod, Russia., Stereoview, half, Ebay, LL/99189
H.G. Peabody, 1902, Cliff House and Seal Rocks, National Archives and Records Administration, LL/35251
H.J. Barby, 1902, Japanese woman with fan from the "Japanese town" in Zoo, Copenhagen, Copy of glass negative, Det Kongelige Bibliotek (The Royal Library), LL/100173
H.H. Tammen, 1902, The Ute Indian Tribe, Gelatin silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/43858
H.H. Tammen (publisher), 1902, Portrait of the Ute Indian Tribe, Silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/40297
Heinrich Hamann (1883-1975, possibly) Johann Hinrich W. Hamann (1859-1935, possibly) Atelier J. Hamann, 1902, Pole vault on the Heiligengeistfeld (Stabhochsprung auf dem Heiligengeistfeld), Collodion paper, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/126351
, 1902, Un mendiant accroupi, [A travers le Turkestan Russe], Heliogravure, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/65212
Hugo Henneberg, 1902, Ploughing, [Camera Notes], Halftone, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71827
Hugues Krafft, 1902, Le Starchii-Aksakal de Samarkand en grand costume de cérémonie, [A travers le Turkestan Russe], Heliogravure, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/65216
Hugues Krafft, 1902, Une femme Juive de Samarkand coiffée d'un diadème de perles et d'émeraudes, [A travers le Turkestan Russe], Heliogravure, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/65221
Hugues Krafft, 1902, Une jeune femme tadjik de Samarkand jouant du Doutar, [A travers le Turkestan Russe], Heliogravure, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/65220
Hugues Krafft, 1902, Marchand de tabac accroupi dans sa boutique, [A travers le Turkestan Russe], Heliogravure, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/65219
Hugues Krafft, 1902, Une femme revêtue de son manteau et de son voile, [A travers le Turkestan Russe], Heliogravure, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/65218
Hugues Krafft, 1902, Une femme Juive de Samarkand en atours de cérémonie, [A travers le Turkestan Russe], Heliogravure, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/65217
Hugues Krafft, 1902, Le portique de Châh-Zindé vu du premier palier intèrieur, [A travers le Turkestan Russe], Heliogravure, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/65215
Hugues Krafft, 1902, Une avenue de la ville russe de Samarkand, [A travers le Turkestan Russe], Heliogravure, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/65214
Hugues Krafft, 1902, Le vestibule d'un riche marchand de Tachkent, [A travers le Turkestan Russe], Heliogravure, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/65213
J. Craig Annan, 1902, The Etching Printer - William Strang, 1859 - 1921, Photogravure, National Galleries of Scotland, LL/56783
John Benjamin Stone, 1902, Corporal Laxon, Native Borneo Police, House of Commons [London, GB], [House of Commons], Scan from negative, Birmingham Central Library, LL/29722
John Benjamin Stone, 1902, May-Day Festivities. Knutsford, Cheshire. Children taking part., [Folk customs], Platinotype, Birmingham Central Library, LL/29725
John Claude White, 1902, Prayer Wheel at Lamteng, [Sikhim and Sikhim & Tibet Frontier - album], Silver bromide print, gold-toned, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72536
Jules Jacot Guillarmod, 1902, K2, Photograph, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/124193
Karl Bulla, 1902, [Karl Karlovich Bulla with his cameras], Photograph, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/86518
Leonard Berlin-Bieber, 1902, Rosa Poppe, Actor, Cabinet card, Private collection of T. Max Hochstetler, LL/20890
Levin Corbin Handy (American, 1855-1903), 1902, General Ulysses Grant at City Point, Gelatin silver print, from glass negative, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/54311
Louis Gelet, 1902, Tohotaua, Gelatin silver print, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/97824
M.H. Zahner, 1902, Jacques Cartier Market and Nelson Monument.-Montreal, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109674
M.H. Zahner, 1902, Scene on wharf at Montreal on arrival of ocean steamer, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/111092
M.H. Zahner, 1902, Victoria Square.--Montreal, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/111097
M.H. Zahner, 1902, Montreal from Notre Dame Church, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/111096
M.H. Zahner, 1902, Interior Notre Dame Church.--Montreal, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/111095
M.H. Zahner, 1902, St. James Street, looking east.--Montreal, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/111094
M.H. Zahner, 1902, Victoria Bridge, two miles.--Montreal, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/111093
M.H. Zahner, 1902, Saint Lambert St.-Montreal, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109673
Mrs. I.M. Turnbull, 1902, Portrait of two adult Somali males. Elderly male at left wearing cloths, turban, bead necklace. Head-rest [?] hanging from string around waist. Male at right wearing cloths, holding spear., Photograph, British Museum, LL/89845
Mrs. I.M. Turnbull, 1902, Portrait of two adult Somali males, wearing cloths, hair-ornaments, holding spears. Male standing at left has dagger strapped to arm. Male sitting at right is holding circular shield on arm. Painted backdrop., Photograph, British Museum, LL/89842
Mrs. I.M. Turnbull, 1902, Portrait of adult Somali male in profile, wearing cloth, hair-ornament, holding spear., Photograph, British Museum, LL/89841
Paul Gauguin (1848-1903), 1902, Young Girl With Fan (Jeune fille à l'éventail), Oil on canvas, Museum Folkwang, LL/97823
Pierre Dubreuil, 1902, Behind the Scenes, Oil print, Galerie Zur Stockeregg, LL/4463
S.T. Blessing, 1902, Levee Sugar Landing, [Views of New Orleans and Vicinity], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108336
T.W. Ingersoll, 1902, Great Sutro Bath House, San Francisco, California, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109344
Unidentified photographer, 1902, Going to Catacombs., Gelatin silver print, DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU, LL/102206
Unidentified photographer, 1902, Life of Jesus Christ, Gelatin silver print, Israel Museum, Jerusalem, LL/40717
Unidentified photographer, 1902, Souvenir, Mt. Pleasant School, District No. 2, Gay Township, Iowa. Eathel Faucett, Teacher, Card mounted, school souvenir, Private collection of Julie English Suneson, LL/65180
Unidentified photographer, 1902, X-ray of Edvard Munch's left hand before surgery at the Rikshospitalet, showing a small bullet from a revolver in the shattered middle finger, X-ray, Munch Museum, LL/107419
Unidentified photographer, 1902, One of Seven Cases of Small Pox, Jefferson Township… O.,May and June, 1902. Compliments of D. H. Rowe, M.D., Cabinet card, mount, Larry Gottheim, Be-hold, Inc, LL/69689
Unidentified photographer, 1902, Museum Umlauff, Hamburg. Huiteananui, Maori Raths and meeting house, Photograph, on printed card, Weltmuseum Wien, LL/84678
Unidentified photographer, 1902, Museum Umlauff, Hamburg. Huiteananui, Maori council and assembly house: board 3. Right side of the porch, height 182cm, depth 270 cm, Photograph, on printed card, Weltmuseum Wien, LL/84677
Unidentified photographer, 1902, Street scene in France with the shadow of the photographer, Photograph, Private collection of Willem Van Haecht, LL/107144
Unidentified photographer, 1902, Police record for Joseph Stain, Police record, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/114456
Unidentified photographer, 1902, Judging panel of the Royal Photographic Society Exhibition 1902 in the Royal Academy [London], Glass negative, Private collection of James Morley, LL/78471
Unidentified photographer, 1902, Judging panel of the Royal Photographic Society Exhibition 1902 in the Royal Academy [London], Glass negative, Private collection of James Morley, LL/78470
Unidentified photographer, 1902, Sultan & Grandfather of Terengganu Sultanate in Bangkok, Photograph, National Archives of Thailand, LL/121751
Unidentified photographer, 1902, Our Darling Effie Viola Miller, Memorial card, UCR - University of California, Riverside, LL/75926
Unidentified photographer, 1902, Life of Jesus Christ, Gelatin silver print, Israel Museum, Jerusalem, LL/40716
Unidentified photographer / Bergeret, 1902, [A woman retouching negatives], Postcard, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/127581
Unidentified police photographer, 1902, Body of Arthur Leroy, Raincy (France), murdered by Edmond Bidaud and Lucie Leboulleux., Gelatin silver print, Rijksmuseum, LL/79066
William T. Gramer (Composer), 1902, The Kodak Girl. March and Two Step, Sheet music, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/43316
William D. Murphy, 1902, On the Beach, [Camera Notes], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72016
William H. Rau, 1902, Anniversary Designs Fairmount Park Philadelphia, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109946
William H. Rau, 1902, Prince Henry's Special Train. Through the Corridor, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109947
William H. Rau, 1902, A leper of Martinique, of all mankind the most loathsome, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109971
William H. Rau, 1902, A Carib Indian woman of Martinique in native dress, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109972
Hugo Simberg (Finnish, painter, 1873-1917), 1902 (taken), An early version of The Wounded Angel (1903), Photograph, Finnish National Gallery - Ateneum, LL/90960
Hugo Simberg (Finnish, painter, 1873-1917), 1902 (taken), Model in the studio for The Wounded Angel (1903), Photograph, Finnish National Gallery - Ateneum, LL/90959
Adam Clark Vroman, 1902 (taken) (ca, printed), A Hopi Doorway, Sichumovi Pueblo, Platinum print, Etherton Gallery, LL/22211
Frederick H. Evans, 1902 (taken) 1903 (halftone), York Minster: Into the North Transept, [Camera Work, no. 04, pl. 05], Halftone, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71721
Frederick H. Evans, 1902 (taken) 1903 (halftone), York Minster: Into the North Transept, [Camera Work, no. 04, pl. 05], Halftone, DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU, LL/122475
Edward Steichen, 1902 (taken) 1903 (photogravure), Rodin, [Camera Work, no. 02, pl. 01], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72221
Edward Steichen, 1902 (taken) 1903 (photogravure), Lenbach, [Camera Work, no. 02, pl. 07], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72201
Edward Steichen, 1902 (taken) 1903 (photogravure), Self-Portrait, [Camera Work, no. 02, pl. 01], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72224
Frederick H. Evans, 1902 (taken) 1903 (photogravure), York Minster: "In Sure and Certain Hope", Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71719
Alfred Stieglitz, 1902 (taken) 1903 (print), The Hand of Man, [Camera Work, no. 01, pl. 09], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72320
Gertrude Käsebier, 1902 (taken) 1903 (print), Serbonne, Gum halftone, Museum of Photographic Arts - MOPA, LL/45406
Frederick H. Evans, 1902 (taken) 1904 (photogravure), York Minster: In Sure and Certain Hope, [Camera Work, no. 04, pl. 04], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71629
Edward Steichen, 1902 (taken) 1905 (halftone), Rodin - Le Penseur, [Camera Work, no. 11, pl. 07], Halftone, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72222
Edward Steichen, 1902 (taken) 1906 (photogravure), The Little Round Mirror, [Camera Work, no. 14, pl. 05], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72235
Edward Steichen, 1902 (taken) 1906 (photogravure), The Little Model, [Camera Work, no. 14, pl. 06], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72234
Edward Steichen, 1902 (taken) 1906 (photogravure), In Memoriam, [Camera Work, Steichen Supplement (1906), pl. 07], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72191
Heinrich Kühn, 1902 (taken) 1906 (photogravure), Roman Campagna, [Camera Work, no. 13, pl. 05], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71938
Hugo Henneberg, 1902 (taken) 1906 (photogravure), Pomeranian Motif, [Camera Work, no. 13, pl. 04], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71828
René Le Begue, 1902 (taken) 1906 (photogravure), Study, [Camera Work, no. 16, pl. 06], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71960
Gertrude Käsebier, 1902 (taken) 1906 (print), Alfred Stieglitz, Platinum print, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/68144
J. Craig Annan, 1902 (taken) 1907 (photogravure), The Etching Printer - William Strang, Esq., A.R.A., [Camera Work, no. 19, pl. 02], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71334
Joseph T. Keiley, 1902 (taken) 1907 (photogravure), Portrait - Miss De C., [Camera Work, no. 17, pl. 03], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71914
Alfred Stieglitz, 1902 (taken) 1907 (print), Snapshot - From my Window, New York, [Camera Work, no. 20, pl. 07], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72304
Alfred Stieglitz, 1902 (taken) 1911 (print), The Hand of Man, [Camera Work, no. 36, pl. 13], Photogravure, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/51386
Alfred Stieglitz, 1902 (taken) 1911 (print), Hand of Man, [Camera Work, no. 36, pl. 13], Photogravure, on tissue, Private collection of Jeff Nolte, LL/128797
Edward Steichen, 1902 (taken) 1981 (print), Torso, Paris, 1902, [The Early Years, 1900-1927], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72245
1902, Book cover for "Les nouveautés Photographiques" by Frédéric Dillaye (Ed. Montgredien et Cie), Book cover, Source requested, LL/6783
1902, Book cover for Walter F. Eagleson, 1902, Trick Photography. For Professional and the Amateur, (Winterset, Ohio: Self-published), Book cover, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/64125
Alonzo Bunker, 1902, Book cover for Alonzo Bunker D.D., 1902, Soo Thah: A Tale of the Making of the Karen Nation, (New York: Young People's Missionary Movement), Book title page and frontispiece, Amazon - USA, LL/101383
Jacob A. Riis, 1902, Book cover for Jacob A. Riis, 1902, The Battle With the Slum, (New York: The Macmillan Company), Book cover, Archive Farms, LL/64769
1902, La Societa Fotografica Subalpina A Ricordo de l'Esposizione Internationale di Fotografia Artistica - Torino - 1902, Plaque, Atelier Petzval Collection, LL/60763
1902, La Societa Fotografica Subalpina A Ricordo de l'Esposizione Internationale di Fotografia Artistica - Torino - 1902, Plaque, Atelier Petzval Collection, LL/60762
1902, Plaque -La Societa Fotografica Subalpina a Ricordo de l'Esposizione Internazionale - Fotografia - Artistica - Torino 1902, Medal, Private collection of Andrew Daneman, LL/24426
1902, Plaque -La Societa Fotografica Subalpina a Ricordo de l'Esposizione Internazionale - Fotografia - Artistica - Torino 1902 (front), Medal, Private collection of Andrew Daneman, LL/24427
1902, Plaque -La Societa Fotografica Subalpina a Ricordo de l'Esposizione Internazionale - Fotografia - Artistica - Torino 1902 (back), Medal, Private collection of Andrew Daneman, LL/24428
Underwood & Underwood, 1902, Map of "Itay" showing route travelled, [Rome through the Stereoscope], Map, Private collection of Ralph Reiley, LL/129498
Underwood & Underwood, 1902, Map of the "Vatican City" showing the visual coverage of each photograph [Detail], [Rome through the Stereoscope], Map, detail, Private collection of Ralph Reiley, LL/129497
Underwood & Underwood, 1902, Map of "Ancient Rome" showing the visual coverage of each photograph, [Rome through the Stereoscope], Map, Private collection of Ralph Reiley, LL/129496
Lucien Métivet (artist), 1902, The Instantly Difficult - Ne bougeons plus! (Le Difficile Instantane - Don't move anymore!), Woodcut, Archive Farms, LL/129838

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