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Photographs and images taken, or published, in 1861
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Lightbox > 1861
1861, Book cover for James Deane, 1861, Ichnographs from the sandstone of Connecticut River, (Boston: Little, Brown and Company), Book cover,, LL/77962
Bisson frères, 1861, Savoie 44, L'Ascension du Mont Blanc, Albumen print, Millon et Associes, LL/78289
Bisson frères, 1861, Savoie 43, Le Passage des Echelles, Albumen print, Millon et Associes, LL/78288
Ghémar Frères, 1861, Archduke Maximilian of Austria, Carte de visite, Private collection of Wilfried Vandevelde, LL/118890
Ghémar Frères, 1861, Archduchess Charlotte of Austria (Princess of Belgium), Carte de visite, Private collection of Wilfried Vandevelde, LL/118891
John & Charles Watkins, 1861, Charles Dickens, Carte de visite, National Portrait Gallery - NPG, LL/66745
John & Charles Watkins, 1861, Charles Dickens, Carte de visite, National Portrait Gallery - NPG, LL/66746
Osborn & Durbec, 1861, Sumter after bombardment, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109855
Osborn & Durbec, 1861, [Fort Sumter interior after bombardment], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109850
Trutpert Schneider & Sons, 1861, Interior Room in the Farmhouse of Great Prince Mikhail Nikolayevich "Mikhailovka" near Peterhof, Daguerreotype, stereo, Hermitage Museum, LL/92545
E. & H.T. Anthony & Co., 1861, Earth Entrenchments and Cannon, Maryland Heights, Harpers Ferry, [War Views. No. 2168], Stereo, DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU, LL/50100
E. & H.T. Anthony & Co., 1861, Earth Entrenchments and Cannon, Maryland Heights, Harpers Ferry, [War Views. No. 2168], Stereo, detail, DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU, LL/50129
London Stereoscopic Company, 1861, Still life of an interior with Dome Clock, Sculptures, Photographs and a Stereoscope, Stereocard, Rijksmuseum, LL/79132
William Notman Studio, 1861, Sketch of graptolites by James Hall, copied for William Logan, Carte de visite, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/98958
Adrien Tournachon, 1861, [Numéro de cirque : cheval à terre et deux hommes simulant un combat], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88605
Adrien Tournachon, 1861, [Numéro de cirque : deux chiens dont un en équilibre sur un tonneau], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88602
Adrien Tournachon, 1861, [Untitled], [Cirque de Napoléon et de l'Impératrice], Stereocard, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/123897
Adrien Tournachon, 1861, [Untitled], [Cirque de Napoléon et de l'Impératrice], Stereocard, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/123898
Adrien Tournachon, 1861, [Untitled], [Cirque de Napoléon et de l'Impératrice], Stereocard, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/123899
Adrien Tournachon, 1861, [Untitled], [Cirque de Napoléon et de l'Impératrice], Stereocard, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/123900
Adrien Tournachon, 1861, [Numéro de cirque : deux chiens dont un en équilibre sur un tonneau], Stereocard, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88609
Adrien Tournachon, 1861, [Numéro de cirque : singe costumé monté sur le dos d'un chien], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88583
Adrien Tournachon, 1861, [Numéro de cirque : cheval blanc posant les pattes avant sur une chaise], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88591
Adrien Tournachon, 1861, [Numéro de cirque : homme déguisé en singe porté sur un bâton], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88594
Adrien Tournachon, 1861, Cirques de Napoléon et de l'Impératrice : [homme déguisé en singe sur une table, entouré de quatre hommes en habit], Albumen print, detail, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88590
Adrien Tournachon, 1861, Cirques de Napoléon et de l'Impératrice : [homme déguisé en singe sur une table, entouré de quatre hommes en habit], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88589
Alexandrine Tinne, 1861, Beeklaan with an ash, planted by King William II, and in the background the steam pumping station Hanenburg, Albumen print, Hague Municipal Archives / Haagse Beeldbank, LL/83779
Alexandrine Tinne, 1861, Tournooiveld seen from Hoge Nieuwstraat to the Hoge Nieuwstraat, Albumen print, Hague Municipal Archives / Haagse Beeldbank, LL/83777
Alexandrine Tinne, 1861, Lange Voorhout seen from the home of Alexandrine Tinne (No 32), with her carriage. Right no. 15 (later Pulchri Studio) [The Hague, The Netherlands], Albumen print, Hague Municipal Archives / Haagse Beeldbank, LL/83742
André Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri, 1861, Prince Poniatowsky, Carte de visite, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/129326
André Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri, 1861, Mme Dubray en huit poses, sept seule et une avec une femme, Albumen print, Musée d'Orsay, LL/112959
André Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri, 1861, An uncut sheet of cartes-de-visite depicting the Bou el Mogdad, in 8 different poses, Albumen print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/80114
Andreas Krüss (Hamburg, maker), 1861, Lantern for dissolving views No 165, Magic lantern, Teylers Museum, LL/63947
Anna Atkins (1799-1871) and Anne Dixon (1799-1864), 1861, Peacock, [Presentation album to Henry Dixon], Cyanotype, Hans P. Kraus, Jr., Inc., LL/111460
Anna Atkins (1799-1871) and Anne Dixon (1799-1864), 1861, Papaver rhoeas, [Presentation album to Henry Dixon], Cyanotype, Hans P. Kraus, Jr., Inc., LL/111459
Baynham Jones, 1861, Brug in Bradford-on-Avon / Roman Bridge, Bradford Wilts (title on object), Stereoview, Rijksmuseum, LL/114885
Bertrand (artist), 1861, Nouveau porte-lumiere solaire applique a la photographie, par M. Edouard Delessert. [Solar enlarger], Magazine illustration, engraving, Archive Farms, LL/64826
Camille Silvy, 1861, Lady (Henrietta) Augusta Lloyd-Mostyn (née Nevill), Albumen prints (x 3), National Portrait Gallery - NPG, LL/107611
, 1861, Edward, Prince of Wales - Princess Alice, Carte de visite, Paul Frecker, LL/12790
Carl Hermann Günther, 1861, Coronation ceremony of the King of Prussia, Albumen print, stereoview, half, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/56068
Carl Hermann Günther, 1861, Coronation ceremony of the King of Prussia, Albumen print, stereoview, half, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/56067
Carl Hermann Günther, 1861, Coronation ceremony of the King of Prussia, Albumen print, stereoview, half, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/56066
Carl Curman, 1861, Carl Curman, possibly taken with a self-timer, Carte de visite, Swedish National Heritage Board, LL/35771
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Stereoview of Yosemite, Glass positive stereoviews, Christie's - New York, LL/23784
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Sentinel (View down the Valley) 3270 ft. Yosemite, Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/68747
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Section of the Grizzly Giant, Mariposa Grove, 33 ft. Diam., Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/68746
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, The Grisly Giant, Mariposa Grove, Yosemite, Albumen silver print, from glass negative, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/105779
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Yo-wi-ye or Nevada Falls, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/57151
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Stereoview of Yosemite, Glass positive stereoviews, Christie's - New York, LL/23755
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, River View of the Royal Arches, Yosemite, Albumen print, National Gallery of Art, LL/92699
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Grizzly Giant, Mariposa Grove, Albumen print, National Gallery of Art, LL/92697
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, River View-Washington Column, Yosemite, Stereoview on glass, George Eastman Museum, LL/54433
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Tutucanula - El Capitan 3600 ft. Yo Semite, Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/50695
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Cathedral Spires - Yo Semite, Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/50512
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Mt. Broderick in Distant Centre, Piroyac, Falling Chrystals, Vernal Fall, Albumen silver print, from glass negative, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/105787
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Pompomasos (Leaping Frogs), Three Brothers, Albumen silver print, from glass negative, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/105786
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Cascade, Nevada Fall on Left, View above Vernal Fall, Albumen silver print, from glass negative, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/105785
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, River View Down Valley, Cathedral Rock on Left, Albumen silver print, from glass negative, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/105783
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Distant view of Half Dome and Vernal Fall, Collodion stereo positive on glass, George Eastman Museum, LL/75280
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, River View-Washington Column, Yosemite, Collodion stereo positive on glass, George Eastman Museum, LL/75279
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, River View. Cathedral Rocks, Collodion stereo positive on glass, George Eastman Museum, LL/75278
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Cascade. Nevada Fall. Yo Semite Cascade. Between the Vernal and Nevada Falls, Collodion stereo positive on glass, George Eastman Museum, LL/75277
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, The Mono Pass, Collodion stereo positive on glass, George Eastman Museum, LL/75276
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, View from Glacier Point, [Watkins' Yosemite - Handwritten text], Stereocard, George Eastman Museum, LL/75238
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Hutchings, [Watkins' Yosemite - Handwritten text], Stereocard, George Eastman Museum, LL/75237
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Selected images of Yosemite, Albumen print, Christie's - New York, LL/23754
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, The Yosemite Valley, [Watkins' Yosemite - Handwritten text], Stereocard, George Eastman Museum, LL/75236
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Cathedral Rocks, [Watkins' Pacific Coast], Stereocard, George Eastman Museum, LL/75234
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, The Sentinel, 3270 feet, [Watkins' Pacific Coast], Stereocard, George Eastman Museum, LL/75232
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Tu-toch-anula or El Capitan. 3600 Ft. high, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/74723
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, River View, Down the Valley, Cathedral Rock on Left (Yosemite), Albumen silver print, from glass negative, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/105790
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, The Sentinel 3270 Ft. high, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/74722
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Sentinel-View down the Valley, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/74721
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, The Sentinel 3270 Ft. high Front view, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/74590
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Cho-looke or Yo Semite Fall From the Upper House, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/74566
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Half Dome and Vernal Fall, from South Fork, Stereocard, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/68839
Carleton E. Watkins, 1861, Under the Upper Yosemite Fall, Stereocard, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/68802
Carlo Perrin, 1861, L'evacuazione del Borgo di Gaeta durante l'armistizio, Lithograph, Comune di Gaeta, LL/41587
Carlo Perrin, 1861, Veduta generale di Gaeta dopo la resa, Lithograph, Comune di Gaeta, LL/41586
Charles Clifford, 1861, Royal Arms, [Photographic Souvenir of Spain vol. I], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93198
Dr. C.L. Lochman, 1861, Carlisle Barracks, Group - Commandant's House, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109628
Édouard Baldus, 1861, Rhone River, Lyons, France, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/64975
Édouard Baldus, 1861, Amphithéâtre, Arles, Albumen print, Tajan, LL/54007
Édouard Baldus, 1861, Arc antique, Orange, Albumen print, Tajan, LL/54008
Édouard Baldus, 1861, Amphithéâtre, Nîmes, Albumen print, Tajan, LL/54009
Édouard Baldus, 1861, Palais des Papes, Avignon, Albumen print, Tajan, LL/54010
Édouard Baldus, 1861, Saint-Chamas, Albumen print, Tajan, LL/54011
Édouard Baldus, 1861, Marseille, Albumen print, Tajan, LL/54012
Édouard Baldus, 1861, Fort Saint Jean, Marseille, Albumen print, Tajan, LL/54013
Édouard Baldus, 1861, Aigues-Mortes, Albumen print, Tajan, LL/54014
Édouard Baldus, 1861, Bec de l'aigle, La Ciotat, Albumen print, Tajan, LL/54016
Édouard Baldus, 1861, Orange theatre Antique, [Chemins de fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerranée], Albumen print, Lee Gallery, LL/22087
Édouard Baldus, 1861, Roquefavour, [Chemins de fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerranée], Albumen print, Lee Gallery, LL/22080
Édouard Baldus, 1861, Vienne, Souterrain, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/119991
Edwin Emerson, 1861, Troy from the photographic room windows, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108714
Emma Roberts (active 1861), 1861, Osborne House fan, Fan, The Royal Collection, LL/92937
Emma Roberts (active 1861), 1861, Osborne House fan, Fan, The Royal Collection, LL/92938
Eugène Sevaistre, 1861, Un particolare della batteria Sant'Antonio distrutta dall'esplosione della polveriera Sant'Antonio il 5 febbraio 1861 [Gaeta, Italy], Albumen print, Comune di Gaeta, LL/41583
Felice Beato, 1861, Fane's Horse, China, [Regimental groups, Tientsin, 1861], Albumen print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/43691
Felice Beato, 1861, Left Wing. 67th Regiment. 1861. Tientsin. / Front row: Dr. Heard / Dr. Mathison / Lt.Col. Hague / Lt. Baker/ Lt. Robertson / Ens. Mosse // Lieut. Lloyd / G.T.H.A. /Lt. Col. Thomas / Lt. Gardiner / Lt. Cardew, Albumen print, Private collection of Dr. Timothy Connor - Historical Photographs of China, LL/72627
Francis Bedford, 1861, Devil's Bridge - Welsh Women at Tea, [Welsh Costumes], Stereocard, Archive Farms, LL/112161
François-Marie-Louis-Alexandre Gobinet de Villecholle (aka Franck), 1861, Cadets at the Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, Albumen print, from collodion negative, Archive Farms, LL/55411
Georg Jacob Gattineau, 1861, Untitled, Portrait of a fencing student wearing a red cap, Salted paper print, hand-applied colour, KaufmaNelson Vintage Photographs, LL/24912
George Stacy, 1861, Hospital scene at Fortress Monroe, Va., Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110415
George K. Warren, 1861, Sales Boy With Basket, Harvard College, Salt print, Lee Gallery, LL/12896
George K. Warren, 1861, Self Portrait wearing a straw hat, Albumen print, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/80824
George Washington Wilson, 1861, HMS Cambridge in Hamoaze, great gun practice - a broadside, Stereoview, National Museums Scotland, LL/98343
George Washington Wilson, 1861, H.M.S. "Cambridge" in Hamoaze. Great-Gun Practice. No. 316., Stereoview, CCA: Canadian Centre for Architecture, LL/107154
George Washington Wilson, 1861, 316 HMS Cambridge Great Gun Practise, Stereoview, Private collection of Peter Blair, LL/107152
Great Britain. North American Boundary Commission (creator), 1861, Boundary Commission depot, Sinyakwateen, Pend Oreille River - Indian wigwam and canoe in the foreground, season of the flood, [Northwest Boundary Survey / British North American Boundary Commission], Albumen print, Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley, LL/61596
Great Britain. North American Boundary Commission (creator), 1861, Zenith telescope and observatory tent, Yahk River station. Captain Darrah and assistant (i.e. Capt. Haig.), [Northwest Boundary Survey / British North American Boundary Commission], Albumen print, Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley, LL/61601
Gustav Reiger, 1861, Maria Sofia di Baviera, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/106115
Gustav Reiger, 1861, Francesco II delle Due Sicilie, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/106114
Henry Peach Robinson, 1861, Somebody's Coming (study for "Autumn"), Albumen print, hand-coloured, Princeton University Art Museum, LL/44640
Houghton, G. H. (George Harper, approximately 1824-1870), 1861, Camp Griffin, Salted paper print, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/77880
J.P. Joannes & Adr. Tournachon [jeune], 1861, [Numéro de cirque : acrobate placé derrière un enfant faisant le grand écart], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88585
J.P. Joannes & Adr. Tournachon [jeune], 1861, [Trois jeunes artistes de cirque, dont un est assis en haut d'une colonne], Albumen print, cropped, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88612
J.P. Joannes & Adr. Tournachon [jeune], 1861, [Trois jeunes artistes de cirque se disputant un bâton], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88615
J.P. Joannes & Adr. Tournachon [jeune], 1861, [Numéro de cirque : homme tirant sur un vêtement porté par un homme déguisé en singe], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88599
J.P. Joannes & Adr. Tournachon [jeune], 1861, [Trois jeunes artistes de cirque posant devant une colonne], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88610
J.P. Joannes & Adr. Tournachon [jeune], 1861, [Numéro de cirque avec deux acrobates], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88607
J.P. Joannes & Adr. Tournachon [jeune], 1861, [Artiste de cirque monté sur un piédestal], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88608
J.R. James, 1861, James "Jimmy" Rogers (1821?-1863) in costume as Widow Twankay in the musical comedy play "Aladdin, or the Wonderful Scamp" (1861), Carte de visite, Private collection of Jerilyn Marshall, LL/128327
Jacques Henri Alfred Odart de Parigny (early amateur French photographer), 1861, 1861 - Le Guédeniau - Etude, Albumen print, Bazar Nadar / Wouter Lambrechts, LL/128594
James Clerk Maxwell, 1861, Tartan Ribbon, Science Museum, LL/41539
James Mudd, 1861, Alfred Tennyson, Carte de visite, National Portrait Gallery - NPG, LL/66749
James Mudd, 1861, Alfred Tennyson, Carte de visite, National Portrait Gallery - NPG, LL/66750
J.E. Mayall, 1861, Queen Victoria and the Princess Royal, Carte de visite, Private collection of John Quin, LL/102569
John P. Soule, 1861, No. 31. Tip Top House, Mt. Washington, 1861., Stereoview, Private collection of Barry Wick, LL/118652
John P. Soule, 1861, No. 32. Tip Top House - Summit of Mt. Washington, 1861., Stereoview, Private collection of Barry Wick, LL/118651
Karol Beyer, 1861, Self-portrait of Karol Beyer, Photograph, National Museum in Warsaw - Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie (MNW), LL/102771
Lauder Brothers (45 Lower Sackville Street, Dublin), 1861, Portrait of a gentleman, Ambrotype, 1/4 plate, Capitol Gallery, LL/17780
Lewis Carroll, 1861, Annie and Henry Rogers, Albumen print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/28809
Lewis Carroll, 1861, The Broad Walk in Christ Church Meadow, Oxford, Albumen print, Princeton University Library, LL/40712
Louis de Clercq, 1861, Séville, Vue du Palais St. Elme, Albumen print, Bloomsbury Auctions - London, LL/76328
Maksymilian Fajans, 1861, Portrait of Maksymilian Fajans (1825-1890), Photograph, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/60924
Mary Rosse, 1861, Lord Rosse's telescope at Birr Castle, Ireland, Albumen prints, mounted, The Royal Society, LL/58681
Mathew B. Brady, 1861, Camp Sprague, First Rhode Island Regiment, Company D [Washington, D.C.], Albumen silver print, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/50239
Mathew B. Brady, 1861, Abraham Lincoln, Carte de visite, Carl Mautz Vintage Photographs, LL/11960
Mathew B. Brady, 1861, Officers, 71st Regiment, New York Infantry, Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/50615
Mathew B. Brady, 1861, Untitled (Portrait of Two Girls), Daguerreotype, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114525
N. Thomas (artist, 1825-1925?), 1861, Elmer Ephraim Ellsworth, Lithograph, hand-colored, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, LL/81863
Nadar, 1861, [Catacombes de Paris] : [façade n°9], Photograph, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/94144
Nadar, 1861, The Hand of the Banker D. (chirographic study) printed in one hour with electric lighting, Wet collodion glass negative, Musée d'Orsay, LL/37327
Nadar, 1861, Catacombes de Paris, Albumen print, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/52691
Nadar, 1861, Self portrait of Nadar in the Catacombs of Paris [Félix Tournachon dit Nadar, autoportrait photographique dans les catacombes de Paris], Photograph, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/94143
Nadar, 1861, [Catacombes de Paris] : [mannequin n°2], Photograph, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/94142
Nadar, 1861, [Catacombes de Paris] : [crypte n°9], Photograph, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/94141
Nadar, 1861, Catacombes, Paris, Albumen print, mounted, Source requested, LL/47753
Nadar, 1861, Catacombes, Paris, Albumen print, mounted, Source requested, LL/47752
Nadar, 1861, View in the Catacombs, Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/42077
Nadar, 1861, [Catacombes de Paris] : [façade n°11], Photograph, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/94140
Nadar, 1861, [Citation de Virgile], Photograph, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/94139
Nadar, 1861, [Catacombes de Paris] : [crypte n°8], Photograph, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/94138
Nadar, 1861, The Hand of the Banker D. (chirographic study) printed in one hour with electric lighting, Wet collodion glass negative, Musée d'Orsay, LL/62305
Paul Hadol (engraver, 1835-1875) / Firmin Gillot (undetermined role, 1820-1872), 1861, Nadar, Engraving, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/99404
Philippe Potteau, 1861, [Portrait of Kouang Hay], Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/51537
Pierre Petit, 1861, Gustave Dore, [Les figures du temps, notices biographiques / photographies de Pierre Petit…], Albumen print, tipped-in, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/101654
Pierre Joseph Rossier, 1861, View in the Yamun of the Allied Commissioners. (no.) 81, [Views in China, Canton - Second Series], Stereoview, back, Private collection of Gary Dineen, LL/127146
Pierre Joseph Rossier, 1861, View in the Yamun of the Allied Commissioners. (no.) 81, [Views in China, Canton - Second Series], Stereoview, Private collection of Gary Dineen, LL/127145
Pierre-Ambroise Richebourg, 1861, Salon Peinture de 1861, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/119279
Pietro Semplicini (Italian, active 1850s-90s), 1861, Fissore's Plow from Tortona, Plow from Parma, Albumen silver print, from collodion negative, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/73867
Pompeo Pozzi, 1861, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Albumen print, Ader Nordmann, LL/62382
Robert Macpherson, 1861, The Templum Minerva Medica and the Surrounding Area, Albumen print, National Gallery of Art, LL/78344
Sadahide Hashimoto (1807-1879), 1861, Plan de Yokohama, Map, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88169
Serge Levitsky, 1861, Aglaé de Gramont, Carte de visite, Paul Frecker, LL/12267
Unidentified artist, 1861, A photographic salon, Illustration, Archive Farms, LL/55251
Unidentified photographer, 1861, Drawing Room, with the Duchess of Kent's table, Frogmore House, Photograph, hand-painted, The Royal Collection, LL/91170
Unidentified photographer, 1861, The table belonging to the Little Writing Room upstairs. Frogmore Hous, Photograph, hand-painted, The Royal Collection, LL/91164
Unidentified photographer, 1861, 67th Regt 1861, [Regimental groups, Tientsin, 1861], Albumen print, Private collection of John Cloake, LL/44220
Unidentified photographer, 1861, Brașov, Albumen print, Romanian National Archives, LL/88265
Unidentified photographer, 1861, 60th Rifles 1861, [Regimental groups, Tientsin, 1861], Albumen print, Private collection of John Cloake, LL/44219
Unidentified photographer, 1861, 31st Regt 1861, [Regimental groups, Tientsin, 1861], Albumen print, Private collection of John Cloake, LL/44218
Unidentified photographer, 1861, The Small Library. The Duchess's Chair. Frogmore House, Photograph, hand-painted, The Royal Collection, LL/91169
Unidentified photographer, 1861, The Apartments of Prince and Princess Frederick William of Prussia, Windsor Castle, Photograph, hand-painted, The Royal Collection, LL/91168
Unidentified photographer, 1861, The Lower Corridor, looking towards the Ante room, Frogmore House, Photograph, hand-painted, The Royal Collection, LL/91161
Unidentified photographer, 1861, The Corridor Upstairs, South Window, Frogmore House, Photograph, hand-painted, The Royal Collection, LL/91167
Unidentified photographer, 1861, The Staircase. Frogmore House, Photograph, hand-painted, The Royal Collection, LL/91162
Unidentified photographer, 1861, The Apartments of Prince and Princess Frederick William of Prussia, Windsor Castle, Photograph, hand-painted, The Royal Collection, LL/91163
Unidentified photographer, 1861, Drawing Room, south east window, Frogmore House, Photograph, hand-painted, The Royal Collection, LL/91172
Unidentified photographer, 1861, [Geological Survey party camp: "In camp near Monterey 1861".], Pannotype, collodion positive on leather, Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley, LL/75035
Unidentified photographer, 1861, A Nation Mourns the Loss, Photo collage, Private collection of Jan Weijers (Servatius), LL/67185
Unidentified photographer, 1861, Members of the Portugese Royal Family, Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/117304
Unidentified photographer, 1861, The Duchess's Sitting Room. With her chair, in which she sat when she was taken ill, 15th March 1861, Frogmore House, Photograph, hand-painted, The Royal Collection, LL/91175
Unidentified photographer, 1861, Contraband camp at Harpers Ferry, Stereoview, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/111236
Unidentified photographer, 1861, The Small Library. Her Royal Highness's Table. Frogmore House, Photograph, hand-painted, The Royal Collection, LL/91174
Unidentified photographer, 1861, Duchess of Kent's Bedroom, Frogmore House, Photograph, hand-painted, The Royal Collection, LL/91173
Unidentified photographer, 1861, Drawing Room, with the Duchess of Kent's table, Frogmore House, Photograph, hand-painted, The Royal Collection, LL/91171
Unidentified photographer / Unidentified maker, 1861, Bracelet with a miniature of Victoria, Duchess of Kent (1786-1861), Bracelet, The Royal Collection, LL/92942
Unidentified photographer / Unidentified maker, 1861, Bracelet with a miniature of Victoria, Duchess of Kent (1786-1861), Bracelet, The Royal Collection, LL/92943
Utagawa Yoshikazu (Japanese, active c. 1850-70), 1861, France (A French Photographer Assisted by His Wife), Color woodcut, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71069
Utagawa, Yoshikazu (active 1848-1863, artist), 1861, [The European Photographer in Japan with Daguerreotype Camera], Woodcut, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/125199
W.F. Browne, 1861, The Ambulence [i.e. Ambulance] Corps, [The War for the Union; Photographic War History, 1861-1865.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108394
Wilhelm Schneider, 1861, St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow, Daguerreotype, stereo, Private collection, LL/79326
William Ellis, 1861, Radama II, King of Madagascar, with crown, Photograph, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/95235
William Notman, 1861, Miss Fry, Montreal, QC, Photograph, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/99456
William H. Grundy, 1861, Page from "Sunshine in the Country - a Book of Rural Poetry" First edition, Book, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21578
William J. Stillman, 1861, Palais de Justice, Rouen, [Normandy], Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/119852
William Morris Grundy, 1861, To the Trout Fisher, [Sunshine in the Country: A Book of Rural Poetry], Book page, with tipped-in albumen print, Bearnes, Hampton and Littlewood, LL/87382
William Morris Grundy, 1861, An Autumn Landscape, [Sunshine in the Country: A Book of Rural Poetry], Book page, with tipped-in albumen print, Bearnes, Hampton and Littlewood, LL/87383
Auguste Rosalie Bisson, 1861 (taken) 1871 (published), (Left) L'Ascension du Mont Blanc / (Right) Great Crevasses at the Foot of Mont Blanc, Albumen print / Magazine illustration, Private collection of Alan Griffiths, LL/95907
Édouard Baldus, 1861, Stamp for Edouard Baldus, Stamp, Lee Gallery, LL/13313
Edwin Emerson, 1861, Troy from the photographic room windows, Stereoview, back, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108715
J.R. James, 1861, J. R. James's Photographic Gallery of Celebrities, Liverpool Road, Near the "Angel," Islington - with label for "Lacy", Carte de visite, back, Private collection of Jerilyn Marshall, LL/128328
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1861, Book cover for 1861, The Progress of His Royal Highness Prince Alfred Ernest Albert through the Colony, British Kaffraria, the Orange Free State, and Port Natal, in the Year 1860, (Cape Town, Saul Solomon & Co.), Book cover, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/51924
1861, Book title page for.-E.-H., Bon Le Couteulx de Canteleu, 1861, La Chasse du loup, par,… avec des planches photographiées d'après nature par Crémière, Hanfstaengel et Platel, (Paris: impr. de Vve Bouchard-Huzard), Book title page, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/102293
1861, Book cover for Menut Alexander Alophe, 1861, Le Passe, Le Present et L'Avenir de la Photographie, (Paris: E. Dentu), Book cover, Archive Farms, LL/55250
1861, Front cover for Major Richard Delafield, 1861, Report on the Art of War in Europe in 1854, 1855, and 1856, (Washington: George W. Bowman), Book cover, Archive Farms, LL/64939
L.-G. Kleffel (author), 1861, Title page for "Manuel de Photographie praque Guide Complet" by L.-G. Kleffel (Paris: Libr. Centrale des Sciences de Leiber, Bruxelles, Librairie D'Auguste Schnee, 1861), Title page, Google Books, LL/34843
William H. Grundy, 1861, Book "Sunshine in the Country - a Book of Rural Poetry" First edition, Book, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21577
William Morris Grundy, 1861, Book cover for William Morris Grundy, 1861, Sunshine in the Country: A Book of Rural Poetry, (London: Richard Griffin), Book cover, Bearnes, Hampton and Littlewood, LL/87380
William Morris Grundy, 1861, Title page for William Morris Grundy, 1861, Sunshine in the Country: A Book of Rural Poetry, (London: Richard Griffin), Book cover, Bearnes, Hampton and Littlewood, LL/87381
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1861, Figure 1. (Camera), Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34845
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1861, Figure 14. (Dark tent), Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34844
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1861, Title page for Alfred H. Wall, "A Manual of Artistic Colouring, applied to Photographs: A Practical Guide to Artists and Photographers" (London: Thomas Piper, Photographic News Office, 1861), Title page, Google Books, LL/35361
1861, Wholesale Photographic & Optical Warehouse, J. Solomon, Advert, Google Books, LL/35362
1861, Reeve's and Son's Photographic Colours, Etc., Advert, Google Books, LL/35363
1861, Alcoholic Varnish for Glass Positives - Henry Rigge, Advert, Google Books, LL/35365
1861, Alfred H. Wall - Undertakes Photographic Colouringà, Advert, Google Books, LL/35366
1861, Leake's Dark Tent, for Photography in the Field, Advert, Google Books, LL/35367
Watts and Skeen, 1861, Birth registered in October, November, December, 1861 showing "Harry Watts" born "Sup Registrars District" Headington (Oxfordshire, England), Official records, Private collection of Gina Alderson, LL/92488
London Stereoscopic Company, 1861, Notice to Photographers of "Carte de Visite" - London Stereoscopic Company, Advert, Google Books, LL/35364
London Stereoscopic Company, 1861, Notice to Photographers of "Cartes De Visite", Advert, Google Books, LL/34460
J.E. Mayall, 1861, General Williams - From a Daguerreotype by Mayall, Book page, Google Books, LL/36115
Nadar, 1861, Title page for Nadar "Quand j'étais étudiant", Troisieme edition (Paris: Michel Levy Freres: 1863), Title page, Google Books, LL/35288
Pierre Petit, 1861, Advert for Les figures du temps, notices biographiques / photographies de Pierre Petit…, Book cover, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/101653
Pierre Petit, 1861, Title page for Les figures du temps, notices biographiques / photographies de Pierre Petit…, Book cover, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/101652
Richard Beard, 1861, Henry Mayhew [From a Daguerreotype by Beard.], Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34979
Richard Beard, 1861, The Coster-Girl, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34980
Richard Beard, 1861, The Oyster Stall, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34981
Richard Beard, 1861, Orange Mart, Dukes Place, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34982
Richard Beard, 1861, The Irish Street-Seller, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34983
Richard Beard, 1861, The Wallflower Girl, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34984
Richard Beard, 1861, The Groundsel Man, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34985
Richard Beard, 1861, The Baked Potato Man, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34986
Richard Beard, 1861, The London Coffee-Stall, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34987
Richard Beard, 1861, "Telescopic View of the Moon", Book illustration, Google Books, LL/103108
Richard Beard, 1861, Title page for "London Labour and the London Poor", Volume I by Henry Mayhew (London: Charles Griffin, and Company, 1861), Title page, Google Books, LL/35252
Richard Beard, 1861, Title page for "London Labour and the London Poor", Volume III by Henry Mayhew (London: Griffin, Bohn, and Company, 1861), Title page, Google Books, LL/35253
Richard Beard, 1861, Photographs of Railway Accidents, Magazine page, Google Books, LL/38443

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