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Photographs and images taken, or published, in 1840
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Lightbox > 1840
John William Draper, 1839-1840 (taken), Portrait of Dorothy Catherine Draper [back label], Daguerreotype, back label, Spencer Museum of Art, The University of Kansas, LL/101048
John William Draper, 1839-1840 (taken), Portrait of Dorothy Catherine Draper, Daguerreotype, Spencer Museum of Art, The University of Kansas, LL/101047
Hippolyte Bayard, 1839-1840 (taken) 1869 (print), Still Life with Plaster Casts, Salted paper print from the original direct positive, Musée d'Orsay, LL/37317
1840, Extract of a letter from Dr. Richardson to Sir John Franklin, dated 5th February 1840., Newspaper clipping, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/104396
1840, Voigtländer Daguerreotype camera, No. 344, Camera, Leitz Photographica Auction, LL/105055
1840, Voigtländer Daguerreotype camera, No. 344, Camera, Leitz Photographica Auction, LL/105056
1840, Voigtländer Daguerreotype camera, No. 344, Camera, Leitz Photographica Auction, LL/105057
1840, Voigtländer Daguerreotype camera, No. 344, Camera, Leitz Photographica Auction, LL/105058
1840, Voigtländer Daguerreotype camera, No. 344, Camera, Leitz Photographica Auction, LL/105059
1840, Voigtländer Daguerreotype camera, No. 344, Camera, Leitz Photographica Auction, LL/105060
1840, Voigtländer Daguerreotype camera, No. 344, Camera, Leitz Photographica Auction, LL/105061
1840, Page XXIX of Atti della prima riunione degli scienziati italiani tenuta in Pisa nell'ottobre del 1839 (Pisa: Tipografia Nistri, 1840), Book page, detail,, LL/91582
Johann and Joseph Natterer, 1840, Portrait of Josef Berres, Daguerreotype, Technisches Museum, LL/98090
Adolphe Duperly, 1840, Daguerian Excursions in Jamaica -Title Page, Title page, British Library, LL/49652
Adolphe Duperly, 1840, Ordnance Yard (Taken From Port Royal Street), [Daguerian Excursions in Jamaica, pl. 8], Lithograph, based on a daguerreotype, British Library, LL/49653
Adolphe Duperly, 1840, Cascade Of White River Near Ocho Rios In St Anns, [Daguerian Excursions in Jamaica, pl. 18], Lithograph, based on a daguerreotype, British Library, LL/49658
Adolphe Duperly, 1840, Market street (Falmouth), [Daguerian Excursions in Jamaica, pl. 23], Lithograph, based on a daguerreotype, British Library, LL/49654
Adolphe Duperly, 1840, A View Of The Ordnance Yard (Taken From The Wharf), [Daguerian Excursions in Jamaica, pl. 1], Lithograph, based on a daguerreotype, British Library, LL/49657
Adolphe Duperly, 1840, Montego Bay St James, [Daguerian Excursions in Jamaica, pl. 22], Lithograph, based on a daguerreotype, British Library, LL/49656
Adolphe Duperly, 1840, Lindo Store (Parish Of St Ann), [Daguerian Excursions in Jamaica, pl. 13], Lithograph, based on a daguerreotype, British Library, LL/49655
Albert Stapfer, 1840, Vue de la galerie du château de Talcy, Daguerreotype, Musée d'Orsay, LL/42649
Art Davis (maker) H.P. Lewis (printer, Boston), 1840, Daguerreotype apparatus, Broadside, American Antiquarian Society, LL/68535
Atelier Petzval, 1840, [Daguerrian image developed without mercury by the continuator action of red rays observed by Edmond Becquerel (1840)], Daguerreotype, Musée Nicéphore Niépce / Museum of Photography, LL/53959
Department of State. U.S. Section, International Boundary Commission, United States, Alaska, and Canada, 1840, View on Lower Katawamkedgwick Lake Looking North from Upper Part, [Records of Boundary and Claims Commissions and Arbitrations, 1716 - 1994], Paper print, National Archives and Records Administration, LL/118802
Edmond Becquerel, 1840, Daguerrian image developed without mercury by the continuator action of red rays observed by Edmond Becquerel, Daguerreotype, Musée Nicéphore Niépce / Museum of Photography, LL/64446
Florus Ignác Stašek (1782-1862), 1840, The cut stem of a plant, photomicrograph, Daguerreotype, National Technical Museum, LL/61274
Hippolyte Bayard, 1840, Self-Portrait as a Drowned Man, Direct positive on paper, Société Française de Photographie, LL/5538
Hippolyte Bayard, 1840, Self-Portrait as a Drowned Man, Direct paper positive, Société Française de Photographie, LL/33077
Hippolyte Bayard, 1840, Self-Portrait as a Drowned Man, Direct paper positive, Société Française de Photographie, LL/128114
Hippolyte Bayard, 1840, Self-Portrait as a Drowned Man, Direct positive on paper, Société Française de Photographie, LL/112277
Hippolyte Bayard, 1840, Le Noyé d'Hippolyte Bayard, Direct positive on paper (x3, variants), Société Française de Photographie, LL/112276
Honoré Daumier, 1840, Patience is the Virtue of Donkeys, Lithograph, Archive Farms, LL/117023
Honoré Daumier, 1840, La patience est la vertu des ânes [Patience is the virtue of asses.], Lithograph, Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon, LL/34677
Huddleston & Co. (USA, 19th century), 1840, Untitled (Portrait of a Woman), Daguerreotype, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114518
Josef von Berres, 1840, Ferdinandsbrücke in Vienna, Print from etched daguerreotype, Albertina, LL/54533
Josef von Berres, 1840, Heliogravure auf geätzter Daguerreotypplatte von J. Berres 1840, Fizeau process engraving from a daguerreotype (CHECK), George Eastman Museum, LL/69948
Josef von Berres, 1840, View of St. Stephen's Cathedral from the Observatory of the Old University in Vienna, Intaglio print (Phototyp), Rijksmuseum, LL/78784
Josef von Berres, 1840, View of St. Stephen's Cathedral from the Observatory of the Old University in Vienna, Intaglio print (Phototyp), Rijksmuseum, LL/78785
Josef von Berres, 1840, Reproduction of a lithograph by Jean Pierre Marie Jazet of the painting 'Judith und Holophernes' by Horace Vernet (1829), Intaglio print (Phototyp), Rijksmuseum, LL/78786
Josef von Berres, 1840, Reproduction of an engraving 'Psyche mit Schmetterling', Intaglio print (Phototyp), Rijksmuseum, LL/78787
Josef von Berres, 1840, Reproduction of an 1839 engraving by Franz Xaver Stöber of the painting 'Die Klostersuppe' by Josef Danhauser (1838), Intaglio print (Phototyp), Rijksmuseum, LL/78788
Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey, 1840, Self portrait (?) of Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey [Autoportrait présumé], Daguerreotype, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/67097
Levett Landen Boscawen Ibbetson, 1840, Fossils, Engraved on a Daguerreotype Plate, Lithograph, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/92244
Levett Landen Boscawen Ibbetson, 1840, Fossils, Engraved on a Daguerreotype Plate, Print; Photomechanical Lithography, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, LL/126532
Louis Compte, 1840, View of the Imperial Palace at Rio de Janeiro [Vista do Paço Imperial na cidade de Rio de Janeiro], Daguerreotype, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/79506
Noël Marie Paymal Lerebours (editor) Johann Hürlimann (engraver), 1840, Colonne Trajane a Rome, [Excursions daguerriennes : vues et monuments les plus remarquables du globe], Engraving with acquatint from a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/128457
Robert Cornelius, 1840, View of intersection of Eighth Street and Market Street, Philadelphia, Daguerreotype, 1/6 plate, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/73613
Robert Cornelius, 1840, [Henry Howard Houston, 1820-1895], Daguerreotype, 1/6 plate, Library Company of Philadelphia, LL/50464
Samuel F.B. Morse, 1840, [Portrait of a Young Man], Daguerreotype, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/72406
Samuel F.B. Morse, 1840, [Portrait of a Young Man], Daguerreotype, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/72405
Théodore Maurisset, 1840, Daguerreotypomania, Lithograph, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/7512
Théodore Maurisset, 1840, La Daguerreotypomanie, Lithograph, Archive Farms, LL/126746
Théodore Maurisset, 1840, Daguerreotypomania, Lithograph, hand-colored, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/129744
Théophile Gautier (French, 1811-1872) / Eugène Piot (French, 1812-1890), 1840, View of Cádiz, Spain, Daguerreotype, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/62887
Théophile Gautier (French, 1811-1872) / Eugène Piot (French, 1812-1890), 1840, Gardens of El Alcázar, Seville, Spain, Daguerreotype, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/62891
Théophile Gautier (French, 1811-1872) / Eugène Piot (French, 1812-1890), 1840, View of Seville, Spain, Daguerreotype, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/62892
Théophile Gautier (French, 1811-1872) / Eugène Piot (French, 1812-1890), 1840, Court of the Lions, The Alhambra, Daguerreotype, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/62893
Théophile Gautier (French, 1811-1872) / Eugène Piot (French, 1812-1890), 1840, The Town Hall, Seville, Spain [Ayuntamiento de Sevilla], Daguerreotype, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/62894
Unidentified artist, 1840, Illustration from Light: Its Properties and Effects, (London: Religious Tract Society, 1840), Illustration, hand-coloured, detail, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/77318
Unidentified artist, 1840, Illustration from Light: Its Properties and Effects, (London: Religious Tract Society, 1840), Illustration, hand-coloured, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/49053
Unidentified photographer, 1840, Blick vom Wetterturm am Haus Bürgergasse 13 zur ehemaligen Dietrichsteinbastei in Graz, Daguerreotype, Daguerreobase, LL/126462
Unidentified photographer / Unidentified artist, 1840, Le Colisee A Rome, [Excursions daguerriennes : vues et monuments les plus remarquables du globe], Engraving with acquatint from a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/127015
W. Schmidt (active 1836), 1840, Bracelet with a miniature of Prince Albert and a photograph of Victoria, Princess Royal, Bracelet, The Royal Collection, LL/92933
Henry Fox Talbot, 1840, Portrait of Talbot's wife, Constance, Salt print, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41810
1840, Book cover for Title page for "Paris et ses Environs Reproduits par le Daguerrotype" Sous la Direction de M. Ch. Philipon (Paris: Chez Aubert et Cie, 1840), Book cover, Google Books, LL/35153
1840, Title page for Atti della prima riunione degli scienziati italiani tenuta in Pisa nell'ottobre del 1839 (Pisa: Tipografia Nistri, 1840), Book title page,, LL/91581
Josef von Berres, 1840, Book cover for Professor Berres, 1840, Phototyp nach der Erfindung des Professors Berres in Wien, (Wien), Book cover, Rijksmuseum, LL/78789
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1840, Title page for "A Full Description of the Daguerreotype Process: As Published by M. Daguerre." (New York: for sale by J.R. Chilton, 1840), Title page, Google Books, LL/34800
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1840, [Title page for the first Hungarian manual of Daguerre's process], Cover page, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/127417
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1840, Title page of the Hungarian daguerreotype manual Daguerre képei 'elkészítési' módjának leírása (Vienna) [Translated from the German edition by Dr. Jakab Zimmermann], Title page, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/70685
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1840, Cover for Daguerre, 1840, Descrizione pratica del nuovo ìstromento chiamato II Dagherrotipo coll'aiuto del quale si riproducono spontaneamente le immagini della natura ricevute nella camera obscura…,, (Roma: Alessandro Monaldi), Book cover, Private collection of Marco Trinei, LL/91659
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1840, Place de la Colonne Vendome, Book plate, Google Books, LL/35148
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1840, Title page for "Paris et ses Environs Reproduits par le Daguerrotype" Sous la Direction de M. Ch. Philipon (Paris: Chez Aubert et Cie, 1840), Title page, Google Books, LL/35147
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1840, Fontain des Innocens, Book plate, Google Books, LL/35149
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1840, Pont Neuf du Quai Conti, Book plate, Google Books, LL/35150
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1840, Notre Dame de Paris, Book plate, Google Books, LL/35151
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1840, Le Pont au Change, Book plate, Google Books, LL/35152
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1840, Photogenic Images of Microscopic Objects. By M. Donné, Magazine page, Google Books, LL/35188
1840, Instructions in the Daguerreotype - Mr. Seager, Advert, Google Books, LL/34801
1840, Daguerreotype Apparatus, Advert, Google Books, LL/34802
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1840, A Full description of the Daguerreotype Process: As Published by M. Daguerre…Edited by Prof. Mapes, Woodcut, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/64372
Noël Marie Paymal Lerebours (editor) Friedrich von Martens (engraver), 1840, L'Arsenal à Venise, Italie, [Excursions daguerriennes : vues et monuments les plus remarquables du globe], Engraving with acquatint, from a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/124073
Unidentified photographer, 1840, La Vallée des Tombeaux, Egypte, [Excursions daguerriennes : vues et monuments les plus remarquables du globe], Print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/95275

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