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Photographs and images taken, or published, in 1921
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Lightbox > 1921
Keystone View Company, 1921, Looking through great Hawkesbury River Bridge, N. S. W., Australia, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109544
Keystone View Company, 1921, Maori mothers, New Zealand, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/111123
Alexander Keighley, 1921, The Gathering of the Flock, Carbon print, Victoria and Albert Museum, LL/125437
Alfred Stieglitz, 1921, Georgia O'Keeffe-Hands and Grapes, Gelatin silver print, National Gallery of Art, LL/103604
Anne Brigman, 1921, Sanctuary / the Grand Canyon, Gelatin silver print, Etherton Gallery, LL/22128
Arthur Kales, 1921, Ted Shawn in Malaguena with Martha Graham, Black & white print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/36031
August Sander, 1921, Farmer from Hunsrueck as judge (Hunsruecker Bauer als Schiedsrichter), Gelatin silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/116402
Edward Weston / Margrethe Mather, 1921, Two Nudes (Marion Morgan Dancers?), Platinum print, Claremont Colleges Library, LL/92091
Edward Weston, 1921, Portrait of the photographer Johann Hagemeyer, Platinum-palladium print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/57653
Edward Weston, 1921, Attic, Glendale, California, Platinum print, George Eastman Museum, LL/69920
Edward Weston, 1921, Johan Hagemeyer [with Margrethe Mather and Otto Mattheisen], Gelatin silver print, Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley, LL/92058
E.O. Hoppé, 1921, "Darby and Joan" Josiah and Mrs. Dean, London, Black and white photograph, E.O. Hoppé Collection, LL/97925
E.O. Hoppé, 1921, In the West Street District, New York City, Gelatin silver print, E.O. Hoppé Estate, LL/16529
E.O. Hoppé, 1921, Rooftops, Apartments, New York City (View from E. O. Hoppé's studio on West 57th Street), Gelatin silver print, E.O. Hoppé Estate, LL/16514
E.O. Hoppé, 1921, Woolworth Building, New York City, Gelatin silver print, E.O. Hoppé Estate, LL/16513
Erwin Blumenfeld, 1921, Marquis de Sade, Collage on paper, Israel Museum, Jerusalem, LL/62308
Eugène Atget, 1921, Saint Loup de Naud, Seine et Marne, Albumen print, Peter Fetterman Gallery, LL/409
Eugène Atget, 1921, Rue de l'Hotel de Ville, Gelatin silver chloride print, Howard Greenberg Gallery, LL/37914
Eugène Atget, 1921, Gonesse-St. Peter, [Churches of Paris (L'Eglises de Paris) [Portfolio]], Photograph, gold toning on printing out paper, Wesleyan University - Davison Art Center, LL/124976
Eugène Atget, 1921, [Staircase, Montmartre], Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/50667
Eugène Atget, 1921, Montmartre, 2 Rue de Calvaire, Albumen print, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114577
Everett S. Turner, 1921, Hollyhocks, Canaan, Connecticut, Platinum print, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/15599
Furley Lewis, 1921, Portrait of Henry B. Goodwin, Gelatin silver print, Private collection of Björn Andersson, LL/31838
George Leigh Mallory (1886-1924), 1921, Makalu from 21,500ft peak on ridge South of Kama-Chu, Carbon print, The Royal Collection, LL/93096
George W. Harris, 1921, Holiday Card by George Harris, Photographic holiday card, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, LL/103661
Ivan Alekseevich Vladimirov (1870-1947), 1921, A Visit from the Photographer, Painting, Source requested, LL/53632
Jean-Baptiste Tournassoud, 1921, Les Sables d'Olonne, a sea side town, France [les Sables d'Olonne], Silver print, Association of the Friends of Jean-Baptiste Tournassoud, LL/8019
Johan Hagemeyer, 1921, From S. F. Ferry Building Steps (San Francisco), Gelatin silver print, Sotheby's - New York, LL/58452
Khalil Raad, 1921, Najla Krikorian. Palestine / Jerusalem, Print, hand-coloured, Arab Image Foundation, LL/20152
Man Ray, 1921, [Self-portrait with pipe, Paris], Gelatin silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/50658
Max Ernst, 1921, Sacred Comversation, Collage, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/66051
Mikado studios, Mandalay, 1921, D" Coy Winners, Mandalay League, 1921 [with wives and girlfriends], Photograph, card mounted, Private collection of Michael Jones, LL/127422
Mikado studios, Mandalay, 1921, D" Coy Winners, Mandalay League, 1921, Photograph, card mounted, Private collection of Michael Jones, LL/127421
Nickolas Muray, 1921, Hubert Stowitts in "Indo-Chinoise Dance", Gelatin silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/50578
Olafur Magnússon, 1921, The port of Reykjavík, Photograph, Kongernes Samling, LL/120929
Paul Outerbridge, 1921, Socks and Garter, Platinum print, Lee Gallery, LL/21303
Rudolf Dührkoop, 1921, Gerhart Hauptmann, Heliogravure, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/65229
Unidentified photographer, 1921, Claude Monet in front of his House at Giverny, Autochrome, Musée d'Orsay, LL/65385
Unidentified photographer, 1921, Ryak airport, Bekaa, Lebanon, Gelatin silver print, Arab Image Foundation, LL/64667
Unidentified photographer, 1921, Canning Factory [Syracuse State School for Mental Defectives], Printed photograph, Private collection of Robert Bogdan, LL/49419
Unidentified Photographer, 1921, Jose Vasconcelos (1882-1959) (left) and Diego Rivera (1886-1957) (next to him) during an outdoor event at Chapultepec Park, Mexico City, Gelatin silver print, Galerie Bilderwelt, LL/103225
Unidentified photographer, 1921, Midnight Meeting of the Klu Klux Klan [Stone Mountain near Atlanta, Georgia], Gelatin silver print, Klotz / Sirmon Gallery (CLOSED), LL/3439
Unidentified photographer, 1921, Unknown Soldier from World War I being taken from the USS Olympia at the Washington Navy Yard and transported to the US Capitol to lay in state. On November 11, 1921 the body was intered at Arlington National Cemetery, Color image, District of Columbia Public Library, LL/39598
Unidentified photographer, 1921, Begonias, Autochrome, stereo, Archive Farms, LL/105447
Unidentified photographer, 1921, Display of Masonic emblems, Photograph, North Carolina Museum of History - NCMOH, LL/129472
Unidentified photographer, 1921, The Mission Art Company photographers pose next to their camera truck, Los Angeles, Californi, Photograph, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/94564
Unidentified photographer, 1921, Morning Colors [Syracuse State School for Mental Defectives], Printed photograph, Private collection of Robert Bogdan, LL/49418
Unidentified photographer (International Press photo), 1921, A lady picking strawberries that she has grown using a barrel, Gelatin silver print, Private collection of John Quin, LL/129274
Unidentified photographer(s), 1921, Cactus themed album page - "El Espiritu de '21 Staff", Album page, Private collection of Robert E. Jackson, LL/112795
Walter Frederick Seely, 1921, Tina Modotti and Robo, Gelatin silver print, Galerie Bilderwelt, LL/103224
Man Ray, 1921 (taken), Belle Haleine, Eau de Violette (Beautiful Breath, Violet Water), Gelatin silver print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72065
Man Ray, 1921 (taken), Photograph of Label for Belle Haleine, Eau De Voilette, Gelatin silver print, stamped carte postale, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72095
Man Ray, 1921 (taken), Berenice Abbott, Gelatin silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/50495
Edward Weston, 1921 (taken) 1930 (identification card), Press identification card issued to Modotti (1896-1942) by Union Foto. Berlin 1930. The Photo was taken by Edward Weston in Los Angeles in 1921., Gelatin silver print, Galerie Bilderwelt, LL/103230
Eugène Atget, 1921 (taken) 1940s (ca, print), La Villette, fille publique faisant le quart, 19e [La Villette, Streetwalker Waiting for a Client, 19th arrondissement], Silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/59504
Ansel Adams, 1921 (taken) 1974 (print), Forest And Stream, Lyell Fork Of The Merced River, Yosemite National Park, California, Gelatin silver print, Sotheby's - New York, LL/73991
James Abbe, 1921 (taken) 1975 (print), Rudolph Valentino, Gelatin silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/15999
Edward Steichen, 1921 (taken) 1981 (print), Three Pears and an Apple, France, c. 1921, [The Early Years, 1900-1927], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72244
Ralph Steiner, 1921 (taken) 1981 (print), At the Beach, Silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/42125
Edward Steichen, 1921 (taken) 1981-1982 (print), Three Apples, France, [Steichen: Twenty-Five Photographs], Gelatin silver print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72243
E.O. Hoppé, 1921 (taken) 2021 (print), Olga Spessivtseva as Aurora in "The Sleeping Beauty", [Ballets Russes], Platinum / palladium print, E.O. Hoppé Estate, LL/116072
Hugo Erfurth, 1921, Signature of Hugo Erfurth, Signature, Private collection, LL/34220
Hugo Erfurth, 1921, Blind stamp of Hugo Erfuth, Blind stamp, Private collection, LL/34221
Alfred Stieglitz, 1921, Cover of Catalogue for Stieglitz's 1921 Exhibition of Photographs at Anderson Galleries, New York City, Catalogue cover, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71338
Ernst Fuhrmann, 1921, Book cover for Ernst Fuhrmann, China. Das Land der Mitte, (Hagen: Folkwang Verlag, 1921), Book cover, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/51834
Heinrich Kühn, 1921, Book cover for Heinrich Kühn "Technik der Lichtbildnerei" (Verlag Von Wilhelm Knapp, 1921), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/43340
Keystone View Company, 1921, She Sees Her Son in France, Postcard, front, Private collection of Ralph Reiley, LL/102124
Keystone View Company, 1921, See Around the World with your Stereoscope and Take the Family Along, Postcard, back, Ebay, LL/102127
Keystone View Company, 1921, See Around the World with your Stereoscope and Take the Family Along, Postcard, front, Ebay, LL/102126
Keystone View Company, 1921, She Sees Her Son in France, Postcard, back, Private collection of Ralph Reiley, LL/102125

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