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Photographs and images taken, or published, in 1899
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Lightbox > 1899
Charles Scowen, 1875-1899 (taken) 1892 (after, print), Ficus Elastica - Assam India - Rubber, Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/101878
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1899, Kunstbeilagen (Art Supplements-photogravures) Index page, [Die Kunst in der Photographie], Index page, Photoseed, LL/17075
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1899, Index page, [Die Kunst in der Photographie], Index page, Photoseed, LL/17074
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1899, Title page for "Herausgegeben Von Franz Goerke (Edited by Franz Goerke) Dritter Jahrgang: 1899 (third Year)", [Die Kunst in der Photographie], Title page, Photoseed, LL/17073
1899, Book with stereoviewer in a pocket attached to the back cover of T.C. Porter, 1899, Impressions of America, (London: C. A. Pearson Ltd.), Book, with stereoviewer, Eric Chaim Kline, Bookseller, LL/123009
1899, My Mother's Old Daguerreotype, lyrics by Herbert Lynn, music by Grace Walker, (M. Witmark & Sons), Song sheet, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/55106
1899, Book spine and cover of T.C. Porter, 1899, Impressions of America, (London: C. A. Pearson Ltd.), Book, Eric Chaim Kline, Bookseller, LL/123008
1899, "Bosco" folder, Packaging, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/84157
1899, Page spread of T.C. Porter, 1899, Impressions of America, (London: C. A. Pearson Ltd.), Book, Eric Chaim Kline, Bookseller, LL/123007
1899, Title page of T.C. Porter, 1899, Impressions of America, (London: C. A. Pearson Ltd.), Book, Eric Chaim Kline, Bookseller, LL/123006
Braun Clément & Cie, 1899, Publisher details for "Maison Ad, Braun & Cie." on back of an album, [Lac Léman, album de 28 phot. des cantons de Genève et de Vaud], Studio details, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88045
Detroit Photographic Co., 1899, 53411. Utes. - Southern - Pee-Viggi and Squaw, Photochrome, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/47905
Detroit Photographic Co., 1899, Studio portrait of a Native American family, Photochrome, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/115515
Hofmeister Brothers, 1899, Executive Committee of the Society for the Promotion of Amateur Photography: Ernst Juhl, Eduard Arning and Walter von Ohlendorff (Das Präsidium der Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Amateurphotographie: Ernst Juhl, Eduard Arning und Walter von Ohlendorff), Heliogravure, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/126330
Hofmeister Brothers, 1899, Abend [the Haymaker], Sanguine gum print, Royal Photographic Society, LL/7517
Hofmeister Brothers, 1899, Ernte, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #6)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17110
Lumière Brothers, 1899, [Untitled], Lumiere Trichrome process, Private collection of Mark Jacobs, LL/8494
Wm. Notman & Son, 1899, Dining room, S.S. "Toronto", Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co., Silver salts on glass - Gelatin dry plate process, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/100929
Sampson Stereoscopic Co., 1899, Hotel Netherland, 5th Ave. and 59th St., New York, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110137
Sampson Stereoscopic Co., 1899, Washington Memorial Arch, New York, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110138
Sampson Stereoscopic Co., 1899, Herald Square, the home of the New York Herald, U.S.A., Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110139
Sampson Stereoscopic Co., 1899, Union Square, looking up Broadway, New York, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110140
Sampson Stereoscopic Co., 1899, Fourteenth St., looking east from Broadway, New York, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110142
Underwood & Underwood, 1899, Court ladies of 15th cent., before the tomb of Maximilian I., Innsbruck, Austria, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109458
Keystone View Company, 1899, 9804, Temple of Kom Ombo, Egypt, Stereoview, Private collection of Ralph Reiley, LL/128068
Keystone View Company, 1899, 9496 - (b) In His Fancy She Greets Him, Stereocard, detail, Stereoviews: Stereoviews and Fine 19th & 20th Century Antique Photographs, LL/30146
Keystone View Company, 1899, 9496 - (b) In His Fancy She Greets Him, Stereocard, Stereoviews: Stereoviews and Fine 19th & 20th Century Antique Photographs, LL/30145
Keystone View Company, 1899, 9463 - the Empty Crib - "We‘re nearer to the other shore Since the baby died.", Stereocard, Stereoviews: Stereoviews and Fine 19th & 20th Century Antique Photographs, LL/30143
A. Cumont (Brussels), 1899, Sonnabendmarkt in Brüssel, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #3)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17091
A. Lincoln Myers studio (Atlantic City), 1899, [Multigraph portrait of Elsie DeWitt], Tintype, Rijksmuseum, LL/126087
Abdullah Qajar, 1899, Official Royal Portrait of Prince Nosratollah, Cabinet card, Brooklyn Museum, LL/57786
Adalbert Athen (Hamburg), 1899, Bildniss, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #2)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17082
Adam Clark Vroman, 1899, View in the Pueblo of Zuni, New Mexico [Zuni Indians], Black and white glass negative, National Anthropological Archives, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, LL/99195
Adam Clark Vroman, 1899, Clouds Near Enchanted Mesa, Platinum print, Andrew Smith Gallery, LL/2327
Adam Clark Vroman, 1899, No. C67. 99" Marmon, Governor Of Zuni, Platinum print, Andrew Smith Gallery, LL/2346
Baron Adolph de Meyer, 1899, Victoria Regia, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #4)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17097
Adolphe Braun, 1899, Château de Chillon, la Dent du Midi, [Lac Léman, album de 28 phot. des cantons de Genève et de Vaud], Photo-mechanical print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88043
Adolphe Braun, 1899, Les Avants, la dent de Jaman, [Lac Léman, album de 28 phot. des cantons de Genève et de Vaud], Photo-mechanical print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88042
Adolphe Braun, 1899, Genève, place Neuve, [Lac Léman, album de 28 phot. des cantons de Genève et de Vaud], Photo-mechanical print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88041
Adolphe Braun, 1899, Aigle, le Château, les Jumelles, les Cornettes de Bise, Grammond, [Lac Léman, album de 28 phot. des cantons de Genève et de Vaud], Photo-mechanical print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88044
Adolphe Braun, 1899, Cover for Lac Léman, [Lac Léman, album de 28 phot. des cantons de Genève et de Vaud], Album cover, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88040
Albert F. Schwartz, 1899, Kuh 'Babette II', S. 1/108 Glan-Donnersberger, Albumen print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/33509
Albert Hickman (Dorchester, NB, Canada), 1899, Members of the Fort Folly band (Mi'kmaq), New Year's Day chevarie (sp?), 1899, Dorchester, New Brunswick, Canada., Scan of a contact print, from a glass negative, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, LL/126116
Albert-Edouard Drains, 1899, Landschafts Studie, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #1)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17076
Albert-Edouard Drains, 1899, Fischer (detail), [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #3)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17112
Albert-Edouard Drains, 1899, Fischer, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #3)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17088
Alexander Keighley, 1899, Frühlingsanfang, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #2)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17084
Alfred Stieglitz, 1899, Strassenklatsch, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #5)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17105
Alfred Percival Maudslay, 1899, Fotógrafia del costado occidental del gran patio de Palacio, de Palenque, Chiapas, Gelatin developing out paper, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/51471
Alfred Percival Maudslay, 1899, Fotógrafia del costado este del patio de Palacio, de la torre despues de la excavación en Palenque, Chiapas, Gelatin developing out paper, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/51470
Anthon Kalland (Hammerfest), 1899, Fjälllapper, Albumen print, Galleri Balder, LL/89538
Betty Diesler (K÷nigsberg), 1899, Studie, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #6)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17108
Big Moscow Photography (Shuya, Russia), 1899, A retoucher, Cabinet card, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/112046
C.P. Goerz, 1899, Photographic studio of C.P. Goerz, Book illustration, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/105146
Carl Winkel (Gottingen), 1899, Landschaftsstudie, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #6)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17111
Charles Job, 1899, Am Kai, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #5)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17102
Charles W. Moss, 1899, Im Hafen, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #2)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17085
Clarence H. White, 1899, Evening Interior, Platinum print, Lee Gallery, LL/3309
Clarence H. White, 1899, The Ring Toss [Showing three versions], Photographic prints, Source requested, LL/46713
D. Taylor (Mafeking, South Africa), 1899, Sgt. Major Edward Jollie Jr. of New Zealand, Mafeking, South Africa, Cabinet card, Private collection of Sheila Yeoman, LL/128788
De Lancey W. Gill, 1899, Jesus Antonio Moya, Santa Ana Pueblo, Carbon print, Museum of New Mexico, LL/47147
De Lancey W. Gill, 1899, Object 1899 [Wild Rice Kernels After thrashing and Winnowing], Black and white gelatin glass negative, Source requested, LL/6564
Dr. Biesalski & Dr. Kruger (Berlin), 1899, Schmied Am Ambos, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #6)], Photogravure, two-color, Photoseed, LL/17107
E. Goubier (French, active 1890s - 1900s), 1899, Boy in Military Dress with Helmet on Stand, Gelatin silver print, hand-coloured, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/66474
Edward Arning (Hamburg), 1899, Hamburger Winter, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #6)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17106
Edward S. Curtis, 1899, House and Hearth - Plover Bay, [Souvenir of the Harriman Alaska Expedition: May-August, 1899], Gelatin silver print, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin, LL/6103
Edward S. Curtis, 1899, The Way to the Nunatak - Ridged Ice, [Souvenir of the Harriman Alaska Expedition: May-August, 1899], Gelatin silver print, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin, LL/6102
Edward S. Curtis, 1899, Plate 308 - Puget Sound Type, [The North American Indian - Portfolio IX - (1967 - Deli Sacilotto)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/12190
Edward S. Curtis, 1899, Plate 314 - Princess Angeline, [The North American Indian - Portfolio IX - (1967 - Deli Sacilotto)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/12193
Edward S. Curtis, 1899, Plate 320 - Lummi Type, [The North American Indian - Portfolio IX - (1967 - Deli Sacilotto)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/12195
Edward S. Curtis, 1899, Indian (Tlingit) Chief's House, Cape Fox, Alaska, [Harriman Alaska Expedition: May-August, 1899], Private collection of Jan Weijers (Servatius), LL/26051
Edward S. Curtis, 1899, Mending His Canoe, [Harriman Alaska Expedition], Photogravure, Archive Farms, LL/107275
Edward S. Curtis, 1899, Sitka Indian Huts, [Harriman Alaska Expedition], Photogravure, Archive Farms, LL/107274
Ernst Schatz (Breslau), 1899, Uberschwemmung, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #2)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17086
Eugène Atget, 1899, Palais de l'Industrie (Demoli), Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/45449
Eugène Atget, 1899, Maison Francois I - Cour la Reine, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/45460
Eugène Atget, 1899, Moulin de la Galette, Albumen print, Sotheby's - Paris, LL/44408
Eugène Atget, 1899, Inauguration Carrefour de L'Observatoire, Private collection of Henri van der Tol, LL/47701
Eugène Atget, 1899, Facteur, rue Candolle, quartier Mouffetard, 5ème arrondissement, Paris, Albumen print, Musée Carnavalet, LL/95868
Eugène Atget, 1899, Chapelle rue St Jacques 284, Albumen print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/76352
Félix Vallotton, 1899, On the Beach, Oil on board, Private collection, LL/45890
Félix Thiollier, 1899, Untitled, Photograph, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/95084
Frances Benjamin Johnston, 1899, Class in American History, [Hampton Album], Platinum print, MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, New York, LL/33244
Frances Benjamin Johnston, 1899, Group of emigrants (women and children) from eastern Europe on deck of the S.S. Amsterdam, Photographic print, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/37116
Frances Benjamin Johnston, 1899, Washington, D.C. Classroom, Cyanotype, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/80771
Franz Goerke (Berlin), 1899, Das Schloss Am Meer, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #3)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17093
Franz Goerke (editor), 1899, Journal cover for "Herausgegeben Von Franz Goerke (Edited by Franz Goerke) Dritter Jahrgang: 1899 (third Year)", [Die Kunst in der Photographie], Journal cover, Photoseed, LL/46570
Friedrich Behrens (Posen), 1899, Birken, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #3)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17089
Fritz Ghiglione (Wien), 1899, Pinien, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #5)], Halftone (of original photogravure), Photoseed, LL/17101
George Davison, 1899, Reflections, Weston-on-the-Green, Photogravure, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41831
George Davison, 1899, Reflections, Weston-on-the-Green, Photogravure, National Science and Media Museum, LL/45197
Gertrude Käsebier, 1899, Art Students, Paris (daughter, Hermine, Frances Delehauty, Charlotte Swith, Eduard Steichen), Platinum print, Lee Gallery, LL/12710
Gertrude Käsebier, 1899, Blessed Art thou among Women, Platinum print, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/6332
Gertrude Käsebier, 1899, Portrait of F. Holland Day, Photogravure, Archive Farms, LL/55253
Giovanni Battista Berra, 1899, Un ballo a Torino, Photograph, Musei Civici Imola, LL/124180
Hans Winkelmann, 1899, Im Winter, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #1)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17081
Helene Kopetzky, 1899, Waldidyll, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #1)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17079
Herman Heyn (Omaha), 1899, Stars Come Out, Oglala Sioux, Platinum print, Larry Gottheim, Be-hold, Inc, LL/83557
Herman Heyn (Omaha), 1899, Sun Flower, Cheyenne, Platinum print, Larry Gottheim, Be-hold, Inc, LL/83558
Hugo Henneberg, 1899, Am Kanal, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #6)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17109
Hugo Henneberg, 1899, Ruhige See, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #1)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17078
Ivan Boldyrev, 1899, Portrait of Vasily Vereshchagin, Silver bromine print, with watercolour, Hermitage Museum, LL/56531
J. Craig Annan, 1899, Portraitstudie, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #2)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17083
J. Craig Annan, 1899, Janet Burnet, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #1)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17077
John Annan, 1899, 46 Nelson Street, City, [The Old Closes & Streets of Glasgow (1900 edition)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/12257
John Annan, 1899, 47 Back Wynd from Trongate, [The Old Closes & Streets of Glasgow (1900 edition)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/12258
John Annan, 1899, 48 the Back Wynd, [The Old Closes & Streets of Glasgow (1900 edition)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/12259
John Annan, 1899, 49 Bridgegate from Corner of Market Street, [The Old Closes & Streets of Glasgow (1900 edition)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/12260
Josef Sechtl, 1899, A group drinking beer, Photographic negative, Sechtl & Vosecek Museum of Photography, LL/100432
Jules Robuchon (1840-1922), 1899, Rue Victor-Hugo : Departure of the horse races from the place d'Armes, Poitiers, Postcard, cyanotype, Médiathčque François Mitterrand, LL/116021
Léonard Misonne, 1899, Auf Der Landstrasse, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #4)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17098
Loewy et Puiseux, 1899, Photographie Lunaire Rayonnement de Tycho - Phase Croissante, Photogravure, National Gallery of Art, LL/117788
Loewy et Puiseux, 1899, Photographie Lunaire Blancanus - Tycho - Schiller, Photogravure, National Gallery of Art, LL/117787
Lucien Métivet, 1899, La Courtiere en Photographies, Woodcut, Archive Farms, LL/64881
Ludwig David, 1899, Fleet Mit Katharinenkirche In Hamburg, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #5)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17100
Marcel Vanderkindere, 1899, Vor Dem Sturm, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #4)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17099
Mary Devens, 1899, Bildniss Im Style Van Dyck, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #3)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17092
Maurice Brémard, 1899, Studie, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #4)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17095
Max Schmidt (Rogasen), 1899, Die Schuster, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #2)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17087
Nadar, 1899, Claude Monet, Digital image, edited, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/41171
O. Bozenhardt (Hamburg), 1899, Mühle, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #4)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17094
Otto Scharf, 1899, Auf Dem Felde, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #5)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17104
Paul Signac, 1899, Pont de Grenelle, Oil painting, Amos Anderson Art Museum, LL/40757
Petit, 1899, Toledo, the Puerta del Sol, Toledo Olvidado, LL/36079
Pierre Bonnard, 1899, Ker-Xavier Roussel and Edouard Vuillard, Venice, Sepia-toned gelatin silver print from original negative, Musée d'Orsay, LL/45871
Pierre Dubreuil, 1899, Auf Dem Kirchhhof, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #4)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17096
Rank Parker (?, artist), 1899, Score sheet for "Snap-shot Sal", Song sheet cover, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/67911
Reginald W. Craigie, 1899, Idyll In Suffolk, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #3)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17090
René Le Begue, 1899, Auf Der Lauer, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #1)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17080
Robert Demachy, 1899, Junge Dame, Heliogravure, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/65224
Robert Demachy, 1899, Frau mit Zigarette, Heliogravure, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/65225
Rockett, 1899, Battleship [Spanish American War], Collodion paper print, Oakland Museum of California, LL/52158
Rockett, 1899, The Spanish Flag Ship Rena Christina, Manila Bay, P.I. [Spanish American War], Collodion paper print, Oakland Museum of California, LL/52157
Rudolf Dührkoop, 1899, Alfred Lichtwark, Photographic print, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/42197
S.F. Boganinski, 1899, The road to the Pyramids, Stereocard, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/108083
S.F. Boganinskij, 1899, Sevastopol. Warship in the port, Stereoview, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/107774
Serge Levitsky, 1899, Collage of 42 Portrait Photographs Made by S.L. Levitsky in the 1870s-1880s, Albumen print, Hermitage Museum, LL/56515
Thomas Andrew, 1899, Malietoa Tanumafili I - King of Samoa, Gelatin dry plate, Museum of New Zealand - Te Papa Tongarewa, LL/85095
Thomas Smillie, 1899, Marshall Islands Navigation Chart, Cyanotype, Smithsonian Institution Archives, LL/102196
Thomas Smillie, 1899, Marshall Islands Navigation Chart, Cyanotype, Smithsonian Institution Archives, LL/102197
Thomas Smillie, 1899, Marshall Islands Navigation Chart, Cyanotype, Smithsonian Institution Archives, LL/102198
Thomas Smillie, 1899, Marshall Islands Navigation Chart, Cyanotype, Smithsonian Institution Archives, LL/32243
Unidentified artist, 1899, Audacious Sports: A photographer descending a cliff [Les Sports Audacieux: Photographe descendant une falaise], Magazine illustration, Private collection of Patrick Salčtes, LL/61308
Unidentified artist, 1899, Audacious Sports: A photographer descending a cliff [Les Sports Audacieux: Photographe descendant une falaise], Magazine illustration, Private collection of Patrick Salčtes, LL/61316
Unidentified photographer, 1899, View of the Chefren Pyramid [Egypt, the city of Cairo], [Expedition to Abyssinia 1899-1900 (Captain Davydov, Staff Captain Dragomirov)], Photograph, Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, LL/100532
Unidentified photographer, 1899, Mrs. Bishop In Manchu Dress., Illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/96447
Unidentified photographer, 1899, In the Somali desert [Somalia], [Expedition to Abyssinia 1899-1900 (Captain Davydov, Staff Captain Dragomirov)], Photograph, Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, LL/100513
Unidentified photographer, 1899, The arastra (an ancient device for crushing rock) on Ralph Ira Murphy's gold mining claim on Sawmill Creek at Turnagain Arm on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, Cyanotype, Private collection of David Berry?, LL/93562
Unidentified photographer, 1899, Ralph Ira Murphy's gold mining claim on Sawmill Creek at Turnagain arm on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, Cyanotype, Private collection of David Berry?, LL/93561
Unidentified photographer, 1899, Map showing Property of the North Star Co. in Sitka Land District, Alaska., Cyanotype, Private collection of David Berry?, LL/93560
Unidentified photographer, 1899, Cabin of Ralph Ira Murphy's gold mining claim on Sawmill Creek at Turnagain arm on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, Cyanotype, Private collection of David Berry?, LL/93559
Unidentified photographer, 1899, Gold mine claim of Ralph Ira Murphy on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, Cyanotype, Private collection of David Berry?, LL/93558
Unidentified photographer, 1899, Imperial Oil in Sarnia, Photograph, Private collection of John S. Rochon, LL/86773
Unidentified photographer, 1899, View of the pyramid of Abusir [Egypt, the city of Cairo], [Expedition to Abyssinia 1899-1900 (Captain Davydov, Staff Captain Dragomirov)], Photograph, Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, LL/100529
Unidentified photographer, 1899, Dewey Day, Montpelier, Vermont, Cyanotype, Robert Tat Gallery, LL/8912
Unidentified photographer, 1899, View of the Zakhara pyramid [Egypt, the city of Cairo], [Expedition to Abyssinia 1899-1900 (Captain Davydov, Staff Captain Dragomirov)], Photograph, Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, LL/100530
Unidentified photographer, 1899, View of the Cheops Pyramid [Egypt, the city of Cairo], [Expedition to Abyssinia 1899-1900 (Captain Davydov, Staff Captain Dragomirov)], Photograph, Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, LL/100531
Unidentified photographer, 1899, Mafeking, South Africa, 1899., Cyanotype, Private collection of Sheila Yeoman, LL/128791
Unidentified photographer, 1899, "B.S.A.P. Fort Officers, Sergeants, Sergeant-Majors during Siege / Canon Kopje / February", Photograph, Private collection of Sheila Yeoman, LL/128789
Unidentified photographer, 1899, Portrait of a Nigerian (?) man with scarification., Albumen print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/115511
Unidentified photographer, 1899, Method of attaching a small camera to a limb, Book illustration, Flickr, LL/55496
Unidentified photographer, 1899, A murder trial purportedly in New Bedford, Massachusetts, Silver print, with press markings, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/56909
Unidentified photographer(s), 1899, Child abduction (Enlèvement d'enfant), Wanted poster, Ader Nordmann, LL/80354
Unknown member of the Edinburgh Photographic Society, 1899, Allan Ramsay's shop in process of demolition, Photographic print, Edinburgh City Libraries and Information Services, LL/41025
Viscount Maitland, 1899, Die themse Bei Shepperton, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #5)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/17103
Waldemar Franz Herman Titzenthaler, 1899, Stonedresser, Glossy collodion silver print, Harvard Art Museum / Fogg Museum, LL/116555
William H. Rau, 1899, Cathedral Rocks, Susquehanna River near Meghoppen, Albumen print, American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution, LL/7603
Edward S. Curtis, 1899 (taken), Lummi Type, [The North American Indian, Volume IX, Plate 320], Photogravure, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/21773
Albert Gottheil, 1899 (taken) 1900 (photogravure), In Der Niederung, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #6)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/18705
Nicola Perscheid, 1899 (taken) 1900 (photogravure), Rechtsanwalt Hezel, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #1)], Photogravure, Photoseed, LL/18672
Clarence H. White, 1899 (taken) 1901 (print), Sunlight, Platinum print, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/68142
Edward S. Curtis, 1899 (taken) 1901 (print), Eskimo Winter Hut, Plover Bay, Siberia (Alaska), [Harriman Alaska Expedition: May-August, 1899], Photogravure, Private collection of Jan Weijers (Servatius), LL/26086
Clarence H. White, 1899 (taken) 1903 (halftone), Ring Toss, [Camera Work, no. 03, pl. 05], Halftone, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72527
Edward Steichen, 1899 (taken) 1903 (photogravure), The Pool, [Camera Work, no. 02, pl. 02], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72239
Frederick H. Evans, 1899 (taken) 1903 (photogravure), Ely Cathedral: A Memory of the Normans, [Camera Work, no. 04, pl. 01], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71607
Gertrude Käsebier, 1899 (taken) 1903 (photogravure), The Manger, [Camera Work, no. 01, pl. 02], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71897
Gertrude Käsebier, 1899 (taken) 1903 (photogravure), Blessed Art Thou Among Women, [Camera Work, no. 01, pl. 03], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71878
Clarence H. White, 1899 (taken) 1904 (print), The Cameo (Portrait of Julia McCune), Gum platinum print, Museum of Photographic Arts - MOPA, LL/50780
Gertrude Käsebier, 1899, Signature of Gertrude Käsebier, Signature, Lee Gallery, LL/13362
A. Lincoln Myers studio (Atlantic City), 1899, Wet stamp for ‘A. LINCOLN MEYERS, / Artistic / PHOTOGRAPHER, / STUDIO' - ‘March 3, '99] / [Oc]ean Front & N.Y., Ave., / Atlantic City, N.J.', Tintype, back, wet stamp, Rijksmuseum, LL/126088
Penabert, 1899, Backmark for "G. Penabert - 36 & 38, Passage du Havre, 36 & 38 - Au Rez-de-Chaussee - Paris", Carte de visite, back, Private collection of Thomas E. McCarty, LL/50235
1899, Book cover for Alexander Black, 1899, Captain Kodak: A Camera Story, (Bos: Lothrop Publishing Co.), Book cover, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/60849
Ferdinando Ongania, 1899, Book cover for Ferdinando Ongania, 1899, Calli e Canali in Venezia, (Venice: Ferd. Ongania Editore), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/61394
Frank Rinehart, 1899, Book cover for F.A. Rinehart, 1899, Rinehart's Indians, (Omaha: F. A. Rinehart), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/80748
Robert Demachy, 1899, Front cover for Robert Demachy, 1899, Katalog 1899, (Berlin: Meisenbach, Riffarth & Co), Catalogue cover, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/65222
1899, Sheet music for "I'd like to hace a Photograph of that", as sung by Harry Woodruff in Anna Held's production of "Papa's Wife", words by Harry B. Smith, music by Reginald de Koven, Sheet music, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/90690
Alexander Gardner, 1899, Portrait of Running Antelope on a Uunited States of America $5 Silver Certificate, US Government Silver Certificate, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/103033
Alexander Gardner, 1899, Portrait of Running Antelope on a Uunited States of America $5 Silver Certificate, US Government Silver Certificate, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/103032
Eadweard Muybridge, 1899, [Muybridge's use of electo-magnetic shutters to capture motion], Book illustration, Flickr, LL/55556
Giorgio Sommer, 1899, Title page for a photography catalogue for Giorgio Sommer, Naples, Catalogue cover, Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut, LL/92851
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1899, Portrait of Daguerre on a coin - "Second Prize, Indianapolis, 1899", Coin, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/35421
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1899, Coin for "Second Prize - Class B - Indianapolis, 1899", Coin, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/35422
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1899, Portrait of Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, Publicity, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/9679
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1899, Kodak publicity using a portrait of Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, Publicity, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/9680
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1899, Portrait of Daguerre on a coin - "Second Prize, Indianapolis, 1899", Coin, detail, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/35420
Theophile Ernest Enjalbert, 1899, Photographie Automatique, Book page, merged and cropped, Google Books, LL/91917

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