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Photographs and images taken, or published, in 1891
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Lightbox > 1891
1891, Songsheet for "You Press the Button We Do the Rest" (words by Webster Fulton, music by W.S. Mullaly), Songsheet, Musée Nicéphore Niépce / Museum of Photography, LL/76213
1891, 4x5 Tourists Pocket Outfit, consisting of a 4x5 Tourists Pocket Camera, with1 Daisy Double Dry-Plate Holder,1 Canvas Carrying Case, with shoulder strap, and1 Extension Tripod, No. 1, with patent reversing attachment,, Book illustration, Flickr, LL/55494
Atelier Nadar, 1891, Docteur Etienne-Jules Marey, inventeur de la chronophotographie, Glass negative, black and white, Médiathčque de l'architecture et du patrimoine, LL/89242
Atelier Nadar, 1891, Docteur Etienne-Jules Marey, inventeur de la chronophotographie, Glass negative, black and white, Médiathčque de l'architecture et du patrimoine, LL/89241
G.R. Lambert & Co., 1891, William Hancock, Chinese Maritime Customs Service official, posing with unidentified Sumatran man, Cabinet card, Harvard-Yenching Library, LL/76259
Lutterodt family, 1891, King Taki II, the king of Accra, with some of his servants 1891, Cabinet card, Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft in Basel / Basel Mission Archives / Mission 21, LL/79383
Wm. Notman & Son, 1891, Lounge for Mr. Thompson, Montreal, QC, Albumen print, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/125520
Sebah & Joaillier, 1891, 227 Marchand de melons, Albumen print, Sotheby's - London, LL/58831
Sebah & Joaillier, 1891, 255 Cimetiere turc a Eyoubet et Groupe de femmes turques, Albumen print, Sotheby's - London, LL/58830
Sebah & Joaillier, 1891, 216 Faiences a l'entree du turbé de la Sultane Valide et le chef gardien en priere, Albumen print, Sotheby's - London, LL/58829
Sebah & Joaillier, 1891, 189 Entrée et Tour du Seras Kierat, Albumen print, Sotheby's - London, LL/58828
Benjamin J. Falk, 1891, Harmony and Discord, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/118517
Benjamin West Kilburn, 1891, Tis the Land of Liberty, flowing with milk and honey, Stereoview, Private collection of Allan Janus, LL/128437
C. Schiendl, 1891, The discoverers and founders of photography (Die Entdecker und Gründer der Photographie), Illustration, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/119686
Carleton E. Watkins, 1891, Golden Gate Mining Claim, No. 23; Feather River, Butte County, Cal., Albumen print, Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley, LL/105881
Carleton E. Watkins, 1891, Golden Feather Mining Claim, No. 9; Feather River, Butte County, Cal., Albumen print, Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley, LL/105859
Carleton E. Watkins, 1891, Golden Feather Mining Claim, No. 13; Feather River, Butte County, Cal., Albumen print, Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley, LL/105874
Carleton E. Watkins, 1891, Golden Feather Mining Claim, No. 12; Feather River, Butte County, Cal., Albumen print, Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley, LL/105875
Carleton E. Watkins, 1891, Golden Feather Mining Claim, No. 10; Feather River, Butte County, Cal., Albumen print, Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley, LL/105876
Carleton E. Watkins, 1891, Golden Feather Mining Claim, No. 3; Feather River, Butte County, Cal., Albumen print, Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley, LL/105877
Carleton E. Watkins, 1891, Golden Gate Mining Claim, No. 2; Feather River, Butte County, Cal., Albumen print, Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley, LL/105880
Carleton E. Watkins, 1891, Golden Feather Mining Claim, No. 4; Feather River, Butte County, Cal., Albumen print, Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley, LL/105879
Carleton E. Watkins, 1891, Golden Feather Mining Claim, No. 1; Feather River, Butte County, Cal., Albumen print, Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley, LL/105878
Charles F. Lummis, 1891, A Hummingbird perched on a Hand, Cyanotype, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/67652
Dmitry Ermakov, 1891, Georgian Military Highway. Darial canyon and the highway, Albumen print, Georgian National Museum, LL/46411
Edvard Munch, 1891, Rue Lafayette [Die Rue Lafayette], Oil painting, Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, LL/40748
Edward Linley Sambourne, 1891, Self portrait of Edward Linley Sambourne, Illustration, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/57423
F. Kratky, 1891, [Statue of George of Podebrady (1420-1471), King of Bohemia], [General Land Centennial Exhibition In Prague (1891)], Stereoview, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/126444
Fahreddin Türkkan, 1891, Students of the Military Academy pose with construction labourers at a tunnel on the railway line from Haydarpasa in Istanbul to Ankara, Photograph, Private collection of Engin Ozendes, LL/122262
Felice Beato, 1891, Assault on Kyaing-Kwintaung Stockade, Burma, by the 2nd Devon Regt, during the Wuntho Sawbwa campaign, Albumen print, Cambridge University Library, Royal Commonwealth Society, LL/40137
Frances Benjamin Johnston, 1891, Breaker boys in Kohinor mine, Shenandoah City, Pa., Cyanotype, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/37120
Francis Chit, 1891, Garden statues, Royal Palace, Bangkok, Albumen silver print, National Gallery of Australia (NGA), LL/58903
Francis Chit, 1891, 'Golden Mountain' inside the Palace on the occasion of the ceremonial haircut of the heir to the throne, Albumen silver print, National Gallery of Australia (NGA), LL/58900
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Chilkaht Range, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17170
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Chilkaht Peaks, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17171
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Chilkaht Alaska, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17172
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Str. Queen on Ice, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17173
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Face of Muir Glacier from Steamer, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17175
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Face of Muir Glacier from Steamer, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17176
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Face of Muir Glacier from Steamer, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17177
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Juneau Alaska, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17169
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Face of Muir Glacier from Morain, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17178
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Muir Glacier from Top, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17179
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Ice Peaks, Muir Glacier, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17180
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Muir Glacier and Bay, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17181
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Glacier Bay, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17182
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Glacier Bay, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17183
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Indian Ave. Sitka, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17184
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Trading Store & Greek Church Sitka, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17185
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, The Ocean View from Sitka, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17186
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Approaching Muir Glacier, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17174
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Face of Taku Glacier, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17167
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Taku Glacier, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17166
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, First Iceberg, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17165
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Totems: the Bear, Ft. Wrangle, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17164
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Steamer Landing Ft. Wrangle, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17163
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Tredwell Mine Douglas Island, [Alaska Views], Albumen print, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17168
Frank Meadow Sutcliffe, 1891, Dinner Time, Photographic print, British Library, LL/40181
Frank Meadow Sutcliffe, 1891, "Sunshine and Shadow" [Whitby Harbor], Albumen print, Private collection of Henri van der Tol, LL/126673
Frank Meadow Sutcliffe, 1891, "Sunshine and Shadow" [Whitby Harbor], Carbon print, Private collection of Henri van der Tol, LL/126669
Frédéric-Auguste Cazals (1865-1941), 1891, La culture du "moi"., Ink drawing and collage, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/121179
Frédéric-Auguste Cazals (1865-1941), 1891, La culture du "moi"., Ink drawing and collage, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/121180
Frederick H. Evans, 1891, Ely Cathedral, Galilee Porch into Nave, Platinum print, Hans P. Kraus, Jr., Inc., LL/30031
Frederick H. Evans, 1891, Ely Cathedral: Tomb of Bishop of Redman, Platinum print, Lee Gallery, LL/3205
Frederick H. Evans, 1891, Ely Cathedral, Entrance to Bishop West's Chapel, Platinum print, Charles Isaacs Photographs, Inc, LL/11512
Frederick H. Evans, 1891, Ely Cathedral; Prior's Door and Old Bedesman, England, Platinum print, Leonard Joel, LL/52370
Gabriel Lippmann, 1891, Color spectrum, method of interference, Photograph, Fondation Herzog, LL/57276
Georges Demeny, 1891, Sequence of the Mouth Pronouncing the Sentence 'Je vous aime', Collotypes, Rijksmuseum, LL/78721
Georges Poulet, 1891, Groupe chez le commissaire de police, [Aurora Argentina], Cyanotype, Daniel Blau Ltd, LL/50724
Georges Poulet, 1891, Groupe d'agents à Suncho-Corral, [Aurora Argentina], Cyanotype, Daniel Blau Ltd, LL/50723
Georges Poulet, 1891, Campement à Sauce Viejo, [Aurora Argentina], Cyanotype, Daniel Blau Ltd, LL/50726
Georges Poulet, 1891, Environs de Sauce Viejo, [Aurora Argentina], Cyanotype, Daniel Blau Ltd, LL/50727
Georges Poulet, 1891, Construction of the Sauce Viejo Station [Argentina], Cyanotype, Archive Farms, LL/55233
Grabill, 1891, Villa of Brule. the great hostile Indian camp on River Brule near Pine Ridge, S. D., National Archives and Records Administration, LL/35242
Grabill (Deadwood, S.D.), 1891, Indian Chiefs and US Officials, Photograph, Cowan's Auctions, Inc, LL/83476
Hannah Maynard, 1891, Gems of BC, 1890, Glass plate negative, composite, British Columbia Archives, LL/70868
Henry P. Bosse, 1891, From Foot of Robinson's Rock Looking Upstream, Cyanotype, National Gallery of Art, LL/76747
Henry P. Bosse, 1891, S. McGregor, Ia., Cyanotype, National Gallery of Art, LL/76751
Henry P. Bosse, 1891, C.B. & Q. R.R. Bridge at Burlington, IA, Cyanotype, Lee Gallery, LL/50709
Henry P. Bosse, 1891, No. 155a. Lower Lock Des Moines Rapids Canal, Cyanotype, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/79875
Henry P. Bosse, 1891, From Wagon Road at S. St. Paul, Minn. Looking Downstream, Cyanotype, National Gallery of Art, LL/76748
Henry P. Bosse, 1891, Construction of Rock and Brush Dam, L.W. 1891, Cyanotype, National Gallery of Art, LL/76743
Henry P. Bosse, 1891, No. 135. Iowa State Penitentiary - Fort Madison, Iowa, Cyanotype, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/79876
Henry P. Bosse, 1891, Levee at Rapids City, Illinois, Cyanotype, National Gallery of Art, LL/76750
Henry P. Bosse, 1891, Wingdams Opposite Robinson's Rocks, Cyanotype, Minneapolis Institute of Art - MIA, LL/54492
Henry P. Bosse, 1891, Levee at La Crosse, Wis., Cyanotype, National Gallery of Art, LL/76749
Henry P. Bosse, 1891, Fountain City, Wis., Cyanotype, National Gallery of Art, LL/76745
Henry P. Bosse, 1891, From Foot of Robinson's Rock Looking Upstream, Cyanotype, National Gallery of Art, LL/76746
Herve Friend, 1891, Redlands From Smiley Hill, Source requested, LL/16158
Innokenty Pavlovsky, 1891, Prisoners are chained to wheelbarrows, Sakhalin island, Photographs, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/112569
J. Jarvis, 1891, Sugar Landing, Lower Levee, New Orleans, U. S. A., Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109442
J. Jarvis, 1891, A Cotton Float, New Orleans, U. S. A., Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109441
J.C. Schaarwächter, 1891, Francisco d' Andrade, Cabinet card, Private collection of T. Max Hochstetler, LL/14253
J.C. Schaarwächter, 1891, Francisco d' Andrade as Don Juan, Cabinet card, Private collection of T. Max Hochstetler, LL/19915
J.E. Middlebrook, 1891, The Floors - sorting the gravel for diamonds, Kimberley, South Africa, Albumen print, Cambridge University Library, Royal Commonwealth Society, LL/40127
J.E. Middlebrook, 1891, Diamond mine - flat sheet on 800 level, bottom of rock shaft, Kimberley, South Africa, Albumen print, Cambridge University Library, Royal Commonwealth Society, LL/40126
J.H. Grabill, 1891, Indian Chiefs who counciled with Gen. Miles and settled the Indian War. Deadwood, SD, Albumen print, Hindman Auctions, LL/118697
J.L. Wimbush, 1891, Young Higgins, Magazine illustration, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/61862
K. Bellmann (Prague), 1891, [General Land Centennial Exhibition, Prague: the central court with the Palace of Industry at the far end], Photograph, Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA, LL/126445
K. Bellmann (Prague), 1891, [General Land Centennial Exhibition, Prague: the Palace of Industry], Photograph, Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA, LL/126446
K. Bellmann (Prague), 1891, [General Land Centennial Exhibition, Prague: the central court showing the pavilion to the right of the Palace of Industry], Photograph, Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA, LL/126447
K. Bellmann (Prague), 1891, [General Land Centennial Exhibition, Prague: the Art Exhibition building], Photograph, Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA, LL/126448
K. Bellmann (Prague), 1891, [General Land Centennial Exhibition, Prague: the Kingdom of Bohemia Parliament building (Landesausschuss des Konigreiches Bohmen)], Photograph, Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA, LL/126449
K. Bellmann (Prague), 1891, [General Land Centennial Exhibition, Prague: a Bohemian farmhouse], Photograph, Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA, LL/126450
K. Bellmann (Prague), 1891, [General Land Centennial Exhibition, Prague: the Prague Iron Industry Pavilion], Photograph, Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA, LL/126451
K. Bellmann (Prague), 1891, [General Land Centennial Exhibition, Prague: the Pavilion of the City of Prague], Photograph, Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA, LL/126452
K. Bellmann (Prague), 1891, [General Land Centennial Exhibition, Prague: the Paper Industry Pavilion], Photograph, Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA, LL/126453
K. Bellmann (Prague), 1891, [General Land Centennial Exhibition, Prague: the Zivnostenska Bank Building], Photograph, Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA, LL/126454
Louis De Wecker and J. Masselon, 1891, Fond D'Oeil Normal, Collotype, Archive Farms, LL/125754
N. Walwin Holm, 1891, Annexation of Ado to Lagos Colony, Photograph, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/116551
Sarony, 1891, Sarah Bernhardt, Cabinet card, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/104283
Sarony, 1891, Sara Bernhardt [Dressed as Cleopatra], Cabinet card, Harvard Houghton Library, LL/121054
Sarony, 1891, Sarah Bernhardt, Cabinet card, Classic Photographics, LL/48714
Ogawa Kazumasa Studio, 1891, Tokyo Geisha, Albumen print, tinted, Old Japan, LL/9216
R.K. Bonine, 1891, War, S[tate] and Navy Departments, Washington, D.C., Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108349
R.K. Bonine, 1891, White House lawn, front view, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108350
S.G. Payne & Son, 1891, Florence Nightingale, Bromide postcard print, National Portrait Gallery - NPG, LL/41380
Teoberto Maler, 1891, Chúnkanab, el templo, Gelatin developing out paper, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/51452
Unidentified artist, 1891, [The interior of a photographic studio], Illustration, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/79054
Unidentified photographer, 1891, Athens, [Die Mittelmeerfahrt der "Augusta Victoria"], Collotype, book plate, Sotheby's - London, LL/82726
Unidentified photographer, 1891, Malta, [Die Mittelmeerfahrt der "Augusta Victoria"], Collotype, book plate, Sotheby's - London, LL/82727
Unidentified photographer, 1891, Auburndale School, Toledo, Ohio, Photograph, Private collection of William Christen IV, LL/64725
Unidentified photographer, 1891, Jerusalem, [Die Mittelmeerfahrt der "Augusta Victoria"], Collotype, book plate, Sotheby's - London, LL/82725
Unidentified photographer, 1891, Cairo, [Die Mittelmeerfahrt der "Augusta Victoria"], Collotype, book plate, Sotheby's - London, LL/82724
Unidentified photographer, 1891, Augusta Victoria, [Die Mittelmeerfahrt der "Augusta Victoria"], Collotype, book plate, Sotheby's - London, LL/82723
Unidentified photographer, 1891, Constantinople, [Die Mittelmeerfahrt der "Augusta Victoria"], Collotype, book plate, Sotheby's - London, LL/82722
Unidentified photographer, 1891, A Road in Hong Kong, Albumen print, hand-coloured, Archive Farms, LL/120493
Unidentified photographer, 1891, Photographic utensils, Book illustration, Private collection of Bálint Flesch?, LL/102532
Unidentified photographer, 1891, Eastman Kodak Office on State Street [Rochester], Photograph, George Eastman Museum, LL/125213
Unidentified photographer, 1891, N.Y. potato, Monroe County seedling grown 1891, weight 9 pounds 8 ounces, Millie R. Pratt, Cabinet card, Capitol Gallery, LL/69017
Unidentified photographer, 1891, The camel caravan starting from Cootanoorina, [Elder Scientific Exploring Expedition (1891-1892)], Photograph, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/55103
Unidentified photographer, 1891, Brocktown Fair, Tintype, 1/2 plate, Private collection of Andrew Daneman, LL/40995
Unidentified photographer, 1891, Execution at Kowloon in 1891. Five bandits awaiting execution, Albumen print, Wellcome Collection, LL/97127
Unidentified photographer (German), 1891, Dance in honour of deceased King Bell, Cameroon, Albumen print, Rijksmuseum, LL/79111
Unidentified photographer (German), 1891, Man, photographic advertisement, Collodion silver print, George Eastman Museum, LL/74649
W.C. Thompson (Amesbury, Mass.), 1891, Studio portrait of a young girl with plaster studio props and a painted background, Cabinet card, Private collection of Eva Allen, LL/80563
Wallace (Manchester, N.H.), 1891, The most popular barber in New Hampshire, 1891, Cabinet card, Larry Gottheim, Be-hold, Inc, LL/69660
William Henry Jackson, 1891, 06087. Popocatapetl & Ixtacchihuatl, Albumen print, Andrew Smith Gallery, LL/2318
Kazumasa Ogawa, 1891 (taken) 1892 (print), V. Biwajima Bridge, [The Great Earthquake of Japan, 1891], Halftone, possibly the Meisenbach process, Private collection, LL/30059
Kazumasa Ogawa, 1891 (taken) 1892 (print), XXII. Nagara Gawa Railway Bridge, [The Great Earthquake of Japan, 1891], Halftone, possibly the Meisenbach process, Private collection, LL/30060
Kazumasa Ogawa, 1891 (taken) 1892 (print), XXIII. Nagara Gawa Railway Bridge, [The Great Earthquake of Japan, 1891], Halftone, possibly the Meisenbach process, Private collection, LL/30061
Kazumasa Ogawa, 1891 (taken) 1892 (print), XXVIII. Life after the Earthquake, [The Great Earthquake of Japan, 1891], Halftone, possibly the Meisenbach process, Private collection, LL/30062
A.A. Glines, 1891, Backmark for "Arthur A. Glines, 6 Winter St., Boston, Mass.", Cabinet card, back, Private collection of Dan Barber, LL/92641
1891, Victor Bizot, 1891, Six months around the world, 1886-1887, (Lyon, Imp. Schneider brothers), Book cover, Archive Farms, LL/70965
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Back of a card from the series "Alaska Views", [Alaska Views], Albumen print, back, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17161
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, Title page of album "Alaska Views" with identifications of images (note the Haynes imprint), [Alaska Views], Title page, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17160
F. Jay Haynes, 1891, List of available views from back of a card from the series "Alaska Views", [Alaska Views], Albumen print, back, detail, Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs, LL/17162
1891, Sheet music for "Picture That Is Turned Toward The Wall", words by Chas. Graham, Sheet music, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/90696
F. Brookes, 1891, Advertisement for F. Brookes, artist and photographer, Advert, British Library, LL/37236
Frederick Gutekunst, 1891, Frederick Gutekunst [Photography store], Book illustration, Flickr, LL/55509
James Edward Kelly (born New York City 1855-died New York City 1933), 1891, Mathew B. Brady, Drawing, pencil heightened with white on paper, American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution, LL/97552
James Musgrove, 1891, Detail from a photograph mount, Autotype, Oceania-Ethnographica, LL/23393
W.C. Beetham, 1891, Silver Medal for Leeds International Photographic Exhibition, awarded to W.C. Beetham for "Whole Plate or Larger Photograph", 1891, Medal, Private collection of David Likar, LL/16633

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