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Colnaghi & Co. (13/14, Pall Mall East., publisher), 1857, Photographs of the "Gems of the Art Treasures Exhibition," Manchester, 1857, Album page, The Royal Collection, LL/91153
Edward Anthony, 1857, 5. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The North Dutch Church. Interior View-The Pulpit and the Middle Aisle, from the main entrance., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, back, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/99999
Edward Anthony, 1857, 5. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The North Dutch Church. Interior View-The Pulpit and the Middle Aisle, from the main entrance., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/99998
Edward Anthony, 1857, 6. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The North Dutch Church. Interior view of Pulpit and the Harpending tablet from the North Gallery., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, back, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/100001
Edward Anthony, 1857, 4. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The North Dutch Church, New-York. The principal entrance on William Street., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, back, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/99997
Edward Anthony, 1857, 4. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The North Dutch Church, New-York. The principal entrance on William Street., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/99996
Edward Anthony, 1857, 3. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The North Dutch Church, New-York. General View of the Front from the corner of Fulton Street., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, back, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/99995
Edward Anthony, 1857, 3. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The North Dutch Church, New-York. General View of the Front from the corner of Fulton Street., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/99994
Edward Anthony, 1857, 2. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The North Dutch Church, New-York., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, back, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/99993
Edward Anthony, 1857, 2. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The North Dutch Church, New-York., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/99992
Edward Anthony, 1857, 1. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The North Dutch Church, New-York., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, back, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/99990
Edward Anthony, 1857, 1. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The North Dutch Church, New-York., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/99989
Edward Anthony, 1857, 10. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The Middle Lecture Room., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/100010
Edward Anthony, 1857, 11. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The Book of Requests., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, back, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/100015
Edward Anthony, 1857, 10. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The Middle Lecture Room., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, back, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/100013
Edward Anthony, 1857, 10. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The Middle Lecture Room., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/100012
Edward Anthony, 1857, 10. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The Middle Lecture Room., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, back, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/100011
Edward Anthony, 1857, 9. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The First Half Hour., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, back, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/100009
Edward Anthony, 1857, 9. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The First Half Hour., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, back, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/100007
Edward Anthony, 1857, 8. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. Entrance to the Consistory Rooms. In which the Business-men's Prayer Meeting is held., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, back, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/100005
Edward Anthony, 1857, 8. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. Entrance to the Consistory Rooms. In which the Business-men's Prayer Meeting is held., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/100004
Edward Anthony, 1857, 7. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The North Dutch Church. Interior View-The Organ and Choir from the North Gallery., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, back, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/100003
Edward Anthony, 1857, 7. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The North Dutch Church. Interior View-The Organ and Choir from the North Gallery., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/100002
Edward Anthony, 1857, 6. Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. The North Dutch Church. Interior view of Pulpit and the Harpending tablet from the North Gallery., [The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting, set of 12 views.], Stereoview, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/100000
F.A. Cosgrove (Saint John, N.B., Canada), 1857, Advert for "F.A. Cosgrove, Importer Of and Wholesale Dealer in Clocks…", Advert, Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, LL/120939
Gustave Le Gray, 1857, Camp de Châlons: e lieutenant prince Murat, le général Fleury, le lieutenant-colonel de Toulongeon, le colonel Lepic, le capitaine de Verdière., [Album Lepic], Albumen print, Musée de l'Armée, LL/44710
Honoré Daumier, 1857, Les Bons Bourgeois -- Position reputee la plus commode pour avoir un joli portrait au Daguerreotype, Lithograph, with applied colour, George Eastman Museum, LL/74513
Leonida Caldesi, 1857, Queen Victoria (1819-1901) and Victoria, Princess Royal, later Empress of Germany (1840-1901), Photograph, hand-coloured, The Royal Collection, LL/90907
Robert Howlett & George Downes (London), 1857, The Leviathan, Steam Ship - Side view, showing cradles, taken from the river side at low water, Stereocard, National Museums Scotland, LL/68468
Robert Howlett & George Downes (London), 1857, The Leviathan, Steam Ship - Deck view, looking forward, taken amidships, Stereocard, National Museums Scotland, LL/68471
Francis Frith, 1857, Title page for Francis Frith, 1857, Stereoscopic Views in Egypt Nubia Etc. From Negatives Taken By F. Frith Esq., (London: H. Negretti & Zambra), Title page, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/113872
Thomas Sutton, 1857, Title page for Thomas Sutton "A treatise on the positive collodion process" (London: Bland & Long, 1857), Title page, Google Books, LL/35535
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1857, Misericordia, Book page, Google Books, LL/35184
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1857, Birmingham Photographic Society - Rules and Regulations of the Photographic Exchange Club, Book page, Google Books, LL/35546
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1857, Sydney Smyth's Photographic Colours, Journal page, Google Books, LL/34386
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1857, On a simple method of changing the sensitive plates in working with the stereoscopic camera in the open air. - By Chas. A. Long, Journal page, Google Books, LL/34385
1857, Elisha Mander, Manufacturer of Cases, Frames, Mats, Preservers and Stereoscopes and Importer of French and German Photographic Goods, Advert, Google Books, LL/35543
1857, Newman's Photographic Colours, Advert, Google Books, LL/35545
Eliphalet Brown, 1857, Review of "Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan", Magazine page, Google Books, LL/35133
Thomas Sutton, 1857, Establishment for Permanent Positive Printing by the Method of Development, Conducted by Messrs. Sutton & Blanquart-Evrard, Advert, Google Books, LL/35538
Thomas Sutton, 1857, Will shortly be published - "A Treatise on the Negative Collodion Process" by Thomas Sutton, Advert, Google Books, LL/35547