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1840-1860 [References]
1940-1960 [References]
Abstract [References]
Abstraction of light [References]
Abstraction of scale [References]
Abstraction of the real [References]
Academic study of sexuality [References]
Acropolis [References]
Actors and performers [References]
Adolescence [References]
Advertising [References]
Advertising albums [References]
Advertising in newspapers [References]
Aerial [References]
Aerial photography [References]
Aerial reconnaissance and bombing photography [References]
Afghanistan [References]
Afghanistan Wars (1979-?) [References]
Africa [References]
African Americans [References]
Agricultural and pastoral [References]
Air transportation [References]
Airplanes [References]
AIZ - Arbeiter Illustrierte Zeitung [References]
Alabama [References]
Alaska [References]
Albania [References]
Albumen prints [References]
Albums [References]
Alethoscopes [References]
Algeria [References]
Algerian Civil War (1991-2002) [References]
Algerian War of Independence (1950s) [References]
Allegorical photography [References]
Alternate personalities and questioning identity [References]
Alternative process movement [References]
Amateur photography [References]
Ambrotypes [References]
American Civil War (1861-1865) [References]
American Colony photographers of Jerusalem [References]
American influences on Pictorialism [References]
American struggles for civil rights [References]
Andorra [References]
Animals [References]
Anonymous photography [References]
Antarctica [References]
Anthropology and ethnology [References]
Aperture [References]
Appropriation [References]
Archaeological Survey of India [References]
Archaeology [References]
Architecture [References]
Arctic [References]
Argentina [References]
Arizona [References]
Arkansas [References]
Armenia [References]
Armenian massacres (1915-1923) [References]
Art [References]
Artist studies - Académies [References]
Artists [References]
Asia [References]
Astronomy [References]
Athletes [References]
Australia [References]
Austria [References]
Authors, playwrights and poets [References]
Autochromes [References]
Avant-garde [References]
Awards and medals [References]
Babies [References]
Backgrounds and foregrounds [References]
Backmarks [References]
Bahamas [References]
Bahrain [References]
Balloons, airships and dirigibles [References]
Bangladesh [References]
Barbados [References]
Bauhaus [References]
Beaches [References]
Belarus [References]
Belgium [References]
Benin [References]
Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung [References]
Bermuda [References]
Bhutan [References]
Birds [References]
Bizarre still lifes [References]
Body fluids and animal parts [References]
Boer War (1899-1902) [References]
Bolivia [References]
Bosnia Herzegovina [References]
Botany [References]
Botswana [References]
Brazil [References]
Bromoil prints [References]
Bulgaria [References]
Burkina Faso [References]
Burundi [References]
Cabinet cards [References]
California [References]
Calotypes [References]
Calotypists - Egypt [References]
Calotypists - France [References]
Calotypists - Great Britain [References]
Calotypists - India [References]
Calotypists - Italy [References]
Calotypists - Portugal [References]
Calotypists - Spain [References]
Calotypists - The Holy Land [References]
Calotypists - USA [References]
Cambodia [References]
Camera clubs [References]
Camera lucida [References]
Camera Notes [References]
Camera obscura [References]
Camera Work [References]
Cameraless photographs [References]
Cameras [References]
Cameroon [References]
Canada [References]
Capturing motion [References]
Carbon prints [References]
Card photographs [References]
Cars [References]
Cartes de visite [References]
Cased photographs [References]
Cases [References]
Catastrophes [References]
Celebrities [References]
Censorship [References]
Central African Republic [References]
Chairs and sofas [References]
Characters and occupational types [References]
Charity [References]
Chemigrams [References]
Children [References]
Chile [References]
China [References]
Christian architecture [References]
Christianity [References]
Cinema on photography [References]
Circus performers and workers [References]
Cityscapes - Urban [References]
Civil engineering [References]
Clarence H. White School of Photography [References]
Cliché-verre [References]
Climate and weather [References]
Clouds [References]
Cold War (1945-1991) [References]
Collage [References]
Collecting photography [References]
Collotypes [References]
Colombia [References]
Colonialism [References]
Colorado [References]
Colosseum [References]
Colour [References]
Commercial [References]
Commercial catalogues [References]
Commercial gallery [References]
Commercial uses of collage and photomontage [References]
Composite and combination prints [References]
Composite portraits [References]
Concealment with masks and veils [References]
Conceptual [References]
Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) [References]
Connecticut [References]
Conservation [References]
Contact sheets [References]
Contemporary world [References]
Copying photographs and copyists [References]
Copyright [References]
Côte d'Ivoire [References]
Crime and punishment [References]
Crime scene photography [References]
Crimean War (1854-1856) [References]
Croatia [References]
Cuba [References]
Curating [References]
Cyanotypes [References]
Cyprus [References]
Czechia [References]
Daguerreotypes [References]
Daguerreotypists - Africa [References]
Daguerreotypists - Canada [References]
Daguerreotypists - China [References]
Daguerreotypists - Egypt [References]
Daguerreotypists - France [References]
Daguerreotypists - Germany [References]
Daguerreotypists - Great Britain [References]
Daguerreotypists - Greece [References]
Daguerreotypists - India [References]
Daguerreotypists - Italy [References]
Daguerreotypists - Japan [References]
Daguerreotypists - Russia [References]
Daguerreotypists - Spain [References]
Daguerreotypists - Sweden [References]
Daguerreotypists - The Holy Land [References]
Daguerreotypists - Turkey [References]
Daguerreotypists - USA [References]
Dancers [References]
Dark tents and dark boxes [References]
Dead [References]
Death, post-mortem, memorial portraiture and memento mori [References]
Delaware [References]
Denmark [References]
Deserts and dunes [References]
Digital imaging [References]
Digital photomontage [References]
Dioramas [References]
Distortions [References]
District of Columbia [References]
Djibouti [References]
Documentary [References]
Domestic violence [References]
Domesticated animals [References]
Domination [References]
Dominican Republic [References]
Drawing and optical devices [References]
Drum [References]
Dry plates [References]
Dry-plate photography [References]
Dusseldorf School [References]
Earliest war photographs (1840-1870) [References]
Early color landscape photography [References]
Early examples of photo reportage [References]
Early pictorialist landscape photography [References]
Early political photomontage [References]
Early social commentary [References]
Ears [References]
Earthquakes [References]
Eating disorders [References]
Ecuador [References]
Edinburgh Calotype Club [References]
Education [References]
Egypt [References]
El Salvador [References]
Elderly [References]
Emergence of the photo-agency [References]
Emotions [References]
Endangered and extinct species [References]
England [References]
Environment [References]
Ephemera [References]
Equatorial Guinea [References]
Equivalents, similes and visual metaphors [References]
Eritrea [References]
Erotica and nudes [References]
Estonia [References]
Eswatini [References]
Ethiopia [References]
Ethnic and traditional costumes [References]
Ethnographic nudity [References]
Europe [References]
Events [References]
Evidence [References]
Exaggeration photo postcards [References]
Exhibitions and competitions [References]
Expeditions and exploration [References]
Experimental and manipulated photography [References]
Exteriors of photographic studios [References]
Eyes [References]
f/64 [References]
f295 [References]
Fabricated realities [References]
Fakes, forgeries, tricks and deceptions [References]
Falklands - Malvinas War (1982) [References]
Family life [References]
Family of Man [References]
Famines [References]
Fantasy [References]
Fashion [References]
Fashion 1910-1920 [References]
Fashion 1920-1930 [References]
Fashion 1930-1940 [References]
Fashion 1940-1950 [References]
Fashion 1950-1960 [References]
Fashion 1960-1970 [References]
Fashion 1970-1980 [References]
Fashion 1980-1990 [References]
Fashion 1990-2000 [References]
Fashion magazines [References]
Fauna [References]
Feet [References]
Fetish [References]
Fiji [References]
Film stills [References]
Film und Foto [References]
Filmmaking [References]
Filmmaking and cinema [References]
Fine art photomontage [References]
Finland [References]
Fires [References]
First World War (1914-1918) [References]
Fish [References]
Floods [References]
Flora [References]
Florence [References]
Florida [References]
Flowers [References]
Folklore and popular tradition [References]
Forest of Fontainebleau [References]
Forests [References]
Fotoform [References]
France [References]
Franco-Austrian War (1859) [References]
Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) [References]
Free speech [References]
Friends of Photography - Carmel [References]
Fruits [References]
FSA - Farm Security Administration [References]
Futurism [References]
Gambia [References]
Gardens and parks [References]
Gelatin silver prints [References]
Gender [References]
Genre studies [References]
Geographical regions [References]
Geology [References]
Georgia [References]
Georgia [References]
Germany [References]
Ghana [References]
Global trends in Pictorialism [References]
Graffiti [References]
Great Depression [References]
Greece [References]
Greek Civil War (1946-1949) [References]
Guatemala [References]
Guidelines, manuals and instructions [References]
Guinea [References]
Gulf War (1990-1991) [References]
Guyana [References]
Hair [References]
Haiti [References]
Halftones [References]
Hand-painted photographs [References]
Hands [References]
Harper's Bazaar [References]
Hawaii [References]
Health [References]
Heliogravures [References]
Hidden cameras [References]
History of photography [References]
Homelessness [References]
Homoeroticism [References]
Hong Kong [References]
Housing conditions [References]
Humour [References]
Hungary [References]
Hypnotism [References]
Ice and snow [References]
Iceland [References]
Iconic photographs [References]
Identity documents and badges [References]
Illinois [References]
Illustrated magazines [References]
Illustrated magazines and photojournalism [References]
Immigrants and immigration [References]
Imprimerie photographique Blanquart-Evrard [References]
India [References]
Indian Mutiny (1857-1858) [References]
Indonesia [References]
Industrial [References]
Infrared photography [References]
Insects, arachnids and others [References]
Installation art [References]
Instantaneous photography [References]
Interiors of photographic studios [References]
Intimate relationships [References]
Iowa [References]
Iran (Islamic Republic of) [References]
Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) [References]
Iraq [References]
Iraq War (2003-2011) [References]
Ireland [References]
Islam [References]
Islamic architecture [References]
Israel and Palestine [References]
Italian Risorgimento (1849-1871) [References]
Italy [References]
Itinerant photographers [References]
Ivorytypes and American Ivorytypes [References]
Jamaica [References]
Japan [References]
Jerusalem [References]
Jordan [References]
Judaism [References]
Jules Verne: Around the World in Eighty Days [References]
Kansas [References]
Kazakhstan [References]
Kentucky [References]
Kenya [References]
Kite photography [References]
Kodak [References]
Korea (Democratic People's Republic of) [References]
Korean Punitive Expedition (1871) [References]
Korean War (1950-1953) [References]
Kuwait [References]
Kyrgyzstan [References]
Land art [References]
Land transportation [References]
Landscape [References]
Landscape photography and environmental issues [References]
Landscape photography and historical issues [References]
Landscape photography and natural catastrophes [References]
Landscape photography and spatial relationships [References]
Landscapes of Asia [References]
Landscapes of North America [References]
Landscapes of the Middle East [References]
Lantern slides [References]
Lao People's Democratic Republic [References]
Latin America [References]
Latvia [References]
Lebanon [References]
Legal [References]
Legs [References]
Leisure [References]
Lesotho [References]
Liberia [References]
Libya [References]
Liechtenstein [References]
LIFE magazine [References]
Life stages [References]
Linked Ring Brotherhood [References]
Literature [References]
Lithuania [References]
London [References]
Louisiana [References]
Luxembourg [References]
Lynch photography [References]
Madagascar [References]
Magic lanterns [References]
Magnesium light [References]
Magnum [References]
Maine [References]
Malawi [References]
Malaysia [References]
Mali [References]
Malta [References]
Mammoth plate photography [References]
Manufacture of photography-related items [References]
Maps [References]
Marine and maritime [References]
Marketing [References]
Maryland [References]
Massachusetts [References]
Mauritania [References]
Medical [References]
Megalethoscopes [References]
Memory [References]
Mental health and psychiatry [References]
Mexican Revolution (1910-early 1920s) [References]
Mexican-American War (1846-1848) [References]
Mexico [References]
Michigan [References]
Middle East [References]
Middle East (1948-?) [References]
Military [References]
Mining and extraction [References]
Minnesota [References]
Mission Héliographique [References]
Mississippi [References]
Missouri [References]
Mixed media [References]
Mobile studios [References]
Modernism [References]
Moldova [References]
Monaco [References]
Mongolia [References]
Montana [References]
Montenegro [References]
Mordançage [References]
Morocco [References]
Motorcycles and scooters [References]
Mountains [References]
Movement and motion [References]
Mozambique [References]
Mugshots [References]
Multiple exposures [References]
Museums [References]
Musicians [References]
Myanmar [References]
Namibia [References]
Narratives [References]
National Geographic [References]
Native Americans [References]
Naturalism [References]
Nature [References]
Naturism [References]
Naval Aviation Photographic Unit [References]
Nebraska [References]
Negatives [References]
Nepal [References]
Netherlands [References]
Nevada [References]
New Bauhaus / Art Institute of Chicago [References]
New Caledonia [References]
New Hampshire [References]
New Jersey [References]
New Mexico [References]
New Objectivity - Neue Sachlichkeit [References]
New Topographics [References]
New York [References]
New York City Photo League [References]
New York School of Photography (1930s-1960s) [References]
New Zealand [References]
Niagara Falls [References]
Nicaragua [References]
Niger [References]
Nigeria [References]
Night [References]
Non-canonical photography [References]
Non-paper objects [References]
North American Indian Wars (1860-1900) [References]
North Carolina [References]
North Dakota [References]
Northern Ireland [References]
Northern Ireland - The Troubles (1960s-1998) [References]
Norway [References]
Nuclear [References]
Objects incorporating photographs [References]
Occupational [References]
Occupations and roles [References]
Oceania [References]
Oceanography and underwater photography [References]
Ohio [References]
Oil politics [References]
Oklahoma [References]
Oman [References]
Ordnance Survey - Great Britain [References]
Oregon [References]
Orientalism [References]
Orotones [References]
Pacific [References]
Pack animals - mules, donkeys, burros and horses [References]
Packaging [References]
Painting on photographs [References]
Pakistan [References]
Panama [References]
Panoramas [References]
Pantograph [References]
Paper and waxed paper negatives [References]
Paper objects [References]
Papua New Guinea [References]
Paraguay [References]
Paris [References]
Paris Commune (1871) [References]
Partners [References]
Parts of the body [References]
Patents [References]
Pennsylvania [References]
Peoples of the world [References]
Performance art [References]
Perspective [References]
Peru [References]
Pets [References]
Philippines [References]
Photo postcards [References]
Photo-Club de Paris [References]
Photo-essays [References]
Photo-jewelry [References]
Photo-mechanical processes [References]
Photo-Secession [References]
Photobooks [References]
Photobooths [References]
Photochromes - Photochroms [References]
Photogenic drawings [References]
Photogrammetry [References]
Photograms [References]
Photograph frames and easels [References]
Photographers [References]
Photographers who died in action [References]
Photographic collections [References]
Photographic exhibitions [References]
Photographic publications [References]
Photographic stock library [References]
Photographic studios [References]
Photographic surveys movement [References]
Photographic theory [References]
Photographic vans, wagons and cars [References]
Photographing art - paintings and drawings [References]
Photographing art - sculpture [References]
Photographing celebrities [References]
Photography assimilated into popular culture [References]
Photography related magazines and journals [References]
Photogravures [References]
Photojournalism [References]
Photomicroscopy [References]
Photomontage [References]
Photorealism [References]
Physionotrace [References]
Pictorial Photographers of America [References]
Pictorialism [References]
Picture Post [References]
Pinhole cameras [References]
Plastic cameras [References]
Platinum prints [References]
Poetry [References]
Poland [References]
Polaroids [References]
Police and law enforcement photography [References]
Political collage from 1970 onwards [References]
Political collage in Weimar Germany [References]
Politicians [References]
Popular formats [References]
Portrait [References]
Portugal [References]
Post-modernism [References]
Postage stamps [References]
Postcards [References]
Poverty [References]
Pre-Raphaelite [References]
Prehistory of photography [References]
Preservation of photographic archives [References]
Printing works [References]
Prisons [References]
Process and product [References]
Propaganda [References]
Props [References]
Prostitution [References]
Publications, books, manuals, journals and magazines [References]
Puerto Rico [References]
Qatar [References]
Racial issues [References]
Railroad photograph cars and studios on trains [References]
Railways [References]
Real photo postcards [References]
Refugees [References]
Religions [References]
Religious architecture [References]
Remnants of the Ancient and Classical world [References]
Rephotographic projects [References]
Representations of people [References]
Republic of Macedonia [References]
Republic of the Congo [References]
Rhode Island [References]
Rise of the illustrated magazine [References]
Rivers and streams [References]
Roman Photographic School - Circolo del Caffé Greco [References]
Romania [References]
Rome [References]
Rooms and their contents [References]
Royal Photographic Society [References]
Royalty [References]
Rural communities [References]
Russia [References]
Russian Revolution (1917) [References]
Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) [References]
Rwanda [References]
Sailing ships [References]
Salt prints [References]
Samoa [References]
San Marino [References]
Satellite imaging [References]
Saudi Arabia [References]
Scientific [References]
Scientific experiments [References]
Scotland [References]
Sea [References]
Seashells [References]
Seattle Camera Club [References]
Second Afghan War (1878-1880) [References]
Second Chinese Opium War (1856-1860) [References]
Second World War (1939-1945) [References]
Self-portraits [References]
Senegal [References]
Sequences and series [References]
Serbia [References]
Sex Industry [References]
Sexuality [References]
Shadows [References]
Shipping [References]
Sierra Leone [References]
Signage [References]
Significant photographic studios - Examples [References]
Silhouette [References]
Singapore [References]
Skeletons [References]
Skulls [References]
Slavery, abolition and civil rights [References]
Slovakia [References]
Slovenia [References]
Snapshots [References]
Social conflict [References]
Social life of photographs [References]
Social outsiders [References]
Société Française de Photographie [References]
Society for Photographing Relics [References]
Solar enlargers [References]
Solarization [References]
Solomon Islands [References]
South Africa [References]
South America [References]
South Carolina [References]
South Dakota [References]
Spain [References]
Spanish American War (1898) [References]
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) [References]
SPE - Society for Photographic Education [References]
Spirit photography and paranormal manifestations [References]
Sports [References]
Sports and pastimes [References]
Sri Lanka [References]
Staged photography [References]
Stamps [References]
Standard Oil Co. [References]
Stanhopes [References]
Steamboats and paddle steamers [References]
Stereoscopes [References]
Stereoviews, stereographs and stereocards [References]
Still life [References]
Storage and display [References]
Straight landscape photography [References]
Street [References]
Street photographers [References]
Street: Classic French examples [References]
Street: Current trends [References]
Street: Garry Winogrand [References]
Stroboscopes and stroboscopy [References]
Studio lighting [References]
Studios on boats and barges [References]
Subjective photography - Subjektive fotografie [References]
Subterranean photography [References]
Sudan [References]
Suriname [References]
Surrealism [References]
Surveillance [References]
Sweden [References]
Switzerland [References]
Syria - Syrian Arab Republic [References]
Tableau vivant [References]
Tactile photography [References]
Taiwan [References]
Tajikistan [References]
Tanzania - United Republic of Tanzania [References]
Techniques [References]
Tennessee [References]
Tents [References]
Terrorism [References]
Texas [References]
Text and calligraphy [References]
Thailand [References]
The Holocaust (1933-1945) [References]
The Pyramids and the Sphinx [References]
Tibet [References]
Tintypes [References]
Tio fotografer - Ten Photographers [References]
Tipos [References]
Tipped-in photographs and books illustrated with photographs [References]
Tipped-in photographs and magazines and journals illustrated with photographs [References]
Tobacco [References]
Togo [References]
Tonga [References]
Tornados [References]
Touting for business [References]
Toys [References]
Transit of Venus [References]
Transportation [References]
Travel [References]
Trees [References]
Trends [References]
Trinidad and Tobago [References]
Tunisia [References]
Turkey [References]
Turkmenistan [References]
Typologies [References]
Uganda [References]
UK [References]
Ukraine [References]
Understanding photography [References]
United Arab Emirates [References]
Urban life [References]
Uruguay [References]
USA [References]
Using different viewpoints [References]
Using intermediates [References]
USSR in Construction [References]
Utah [References]
Uzbekistan [References]
Vanuatu [References]
Vatican City - Holy See [References]
Vegetables [References]
Venezuela [References]
Venice [References]
Vermont [References]
Vernacular [References]
Vietnam [References]
Vietnam War (1961-1975) [References]
Viewers [References]
Virginia [References]
Vogue [References]
Volcanic eruptions [References]
Vorticism [References]
VU [References]
Wales [References]
War [References]
War of the Triple Alliance (1865-1870) [References]
Washington [References]
Water and waterfalls [References]
Water in the West Project [References]
Water transportation [References]
Weimar Germany (1919-1933) [References]
Welfare [References]
West Virginia [References]
Wet-plate photography [References]
Wiener Photographische Blätter - Herausgegeben Vom Camera-Club In Wien [References]
Wisconsin [References]
Women photographers [References]
Woodburytypes [References]
Working conditions [References]
Working conditions of the 1930s [References]
World's Fairs and International Exhibitions [References]
Wyoming [References]
X-rays [References]
Yemen [References]
Yosemite [References]
Yugoslav Wars (1991-1999) [References]
Zambia [References]
Zimbabwe [References]
Zoos [References]

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