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Cabinet cards





1Cabinet cards: Introduction
2Cabinet Portraits. - A New Impulse for Portraiture (1866)
Dating cabinet cards
3Dating cabinet cards
4Cabinet cards with printed decorative mounts
Painted cabinet cards
5Cabinet cards: Painted
6Owen Angel: Follett Family Album of Children Costumed for a Fancy Dress Ball (ca 1880)
7Cabinet cards: Portraits
8Cabinet cards: Babies
9The softening technique of Andrei Denier
10Cabinet cards: Portraits with decorative surrounds
11Cabinet cards: Celebrities
12Cabinet cards: Politicians
13Cabinet cards: Royalty
14Cabinet cards: Occupations and roles
15Cabinet cards: Military
16Cabinet cards: Ethnic and traditional costumes
17Cabinet cards: Ethnic: Native Americans
18Cabinet cards: Post-mortem and memorial portraits
19Cabinet cards: Advertising
20Cabinet cards: Charity
21Banner girls and ladies
22Cabinet cards: Animals
23Cabinet cards: Cityscapes
24Cabinet cards: Landscapes
25New York facades shown in cabinet cards
26Cabinet cards: Multiple exposures
27Cabinet cards: Photomontage
28Cabinet cards: Spirit photography
29Cabinet cards: Events
30Cabinet cards: Objects
31Cabinet cards: Scientific
32Cabinet cards: Photographica
33India and the cabinet card
Placement of studio props, backgrounds and foregrounds
34Cabinet cards: Studio prop placement
35Cabinet cards: Backgrounds and foregrounds
36Robinson & Roi: The Famous Glass Dress - Royal Robe of Princess Eulalia
37McDonald: Advertising cabinet cards for the Storm Sign Co., South Bend, Ind.
38Introduction to the backmarks on cabinet cards
39Cabinet cards: Backs: Awards
40Cabinet cards: Backs: Royal patronage
41Cabinet cards: Backs: Graphics that place photography with the arts
42Cabinet cards: Backs: Photographic studios
43Cabinet cards: Backs: Photographica
44Cabinet cards: Backs: Electric light
45Cabinet cards: Backs: Shared graphic motifs
46Cabinet cards: Backs: Missing studio details
47Cabinet cards: Backs: Changes in studio ownership
48Cabinet cards: Backs: Women photographers
49Cabinet cards: Backs: Landscapes, cityscapes and buildings
50Cabinet cards: Backs: Diverse occupations
51Cabinet cards: Backs: Whimsy
52Overstamped cabinet card backs
Tissue guards
53Tissue guards
Cabinet card mailers
54Cabinet card mailers and envelopes
55Cartes de visite and cabinet card photograph albums
Contemporary art and the cabinet card
56Cabinet cards as contemporary art
Abraham Bogardus (1822-1908), Bradley & Rulofson, W. & D. Downey, Helen Edlund (1858-1941), Benjamin J. Falk (1852-1925), Jeremiah Gurney (1812-1895), F. Jay Haynes (1853-1921), Wilhelm Höffert (1832-1901), Thomas Houseworth, J. Landy, Nadar (1820-1910), Paul Nadar (1856-1939), William Notman (1826-1891), William Rulofson (1826-1878), Sarony (1821-1896), Window & Grove
Subscribers have access to the fifty six informative Fragments on this Theme, Online Exhibitions, Visual Indexes and References.
1Cabinet cards: Introduction
2Cabinet Portraits. - A New Impulse for Portraiture (1866)
Dating cabinet cards
3Dating cabinet cards
4Cabinet cards with printed decorative mounts
Painted cabinet cards
5Cabinet cards: Painted
6Owen Angel: Follett Family Album of Children Costumed for a Fancy Dress Ball (ca 1880)
7Cabinet cards: Portraits
8Cabinet cards: Babies
9The softening technique of Andrei Denier
10Cabinet cards: Portraits with decorative surrounds
11Cabinet cards: Celebrities
12Cabinet cards: Politicians
13Cabinet cards: Royalty
14Cabinet cards: Occupations and roles
15Cabinet cards: Military
16Cabinet cards: Ethnic and traditional costumes
17Cabinet cards: Ethnic: Native Americans
18Cabinet cards: Post-mortem and memorial portraits
19Cabinet cards: Advertising
20Cabinet cards: Charity
21Banner girls and ladies
22Cabinet cards: Animals
23Cabinet cards: Cityscapes
24Cabinet cards: Landscapes
25New York facades shown in cabinet cards
26Cabinet cards: Multiple exposures
27Cabinet cards: Photomontage
28Cabinet cards: Spirit photography
29Cabinet cards: Events
30Cabinet cards: Objects
31Cabinet cards: Scientific
32Cabinet cards: Photographica
33India and the cabinet card
Placement of studio props, backgrounds and foregrounds
34Cabinet cards: Studio prop placement
35Cabinet cards: Backgrounds and foregrounds
36Robinson & Roi: The Famous Glass Dress - Royal Robe of Princess Eulalia
37McDonald: Advertising cabinet cards for the Storm Sign Co., South Bend, Ind.
38Introduction to the backmarks on cabinet cards
39Cabinet cards: Backs: Awards
40Cabinet cards: Backs: Royal patronage
41Cabinet cards: Backs: Graphics that place photography with the arts
42Cabinet cards: Backs: Photographic studios
43Cabinet cards: Backs: Photographica
44Cabinet cards: Backs: Electric light
45Cabinet cards: Backs: Shared graphic motifs
46Cabinet cards: Backs: Missing studio details
47Cabinet cards: Backs: Changes in studio ownership
48Cabinet cards: Backs: Women photographers
49Cabinet cards: Backs: Landscapes, cityscapes and buildings
50Cabinet cards: Backs: Diverse occupations
51Cabinet cards: Backs: Whimsy
52Overstamped cabinet card backs
Tissue guards
53Tissue guards
Cabinet card mailers
54Cabinet card mailers and envelopes
55Cartes de visite and cabinet card photograph albums
Contemporary art and the cabinet card
56Cabinet cards as contemporary art

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