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1The announcement of photography OR Arago annonce la découverte de Daguerre
2Introduction to the Daguerreotype
The process
3The Daguerreotype
Early accounts
4The Daguerrotipe - Private letter from Professor S.F.B. Morse to the editor of the Observer, dated, Paris, March 9th (1839)
5The 'Daguerreotype.' - We have seen the views taken in Paris (1839)
6Antoine Claudet: Advert for "the DAGUERREOTYPE; or, Nature delineated by Herself"
7Visit to Plumbe's Gallery, New York (1846)
Manuals and instructions
8Daguerreotype manuals and instructions
10Interesting group posed for a Daguerreotype by a friend of the family / Interesting and valuable result (1855)
Publications that did, or said they did, use daguerreotypes as the basis for their illustrations
11The influence of the daguerreotype upon art
12Paris et ses Environs Reproduits par le Daguerrotype, Sous la Direction de M. Ch. Philipon (Paris: Chez Aubert et Cie, 1840)
13Lorenzo Suscipj (daguerreotypist) and Johann Jakob Falkeisen (artist, Swiss, 1804-1883): Vues d'Italie d'après la daguerreotype (Ferdinando Artaria et Fils, 1840-1841)
14Adolphe Duperly: Daguerian Excursions in Jamaica (ca 1844)
15Noël Marie Paymal Lerebours: Excursions daguerriennes : vues et monuments les plus remarquables du globe (1842)
16T. Bettinger: Vues d'Algérie prises au dauguerréotype (1847)
17Bruges, ses Monuments et ses Tableaux, edited by Daveluy (Bruges, Daveluy, 1855)
18Jean Baptiste Marie Chamouin: Vues de Paris (1845)
19Charles Guillain: Voyage a la Côte Orientale d'Afrique (1856)
Cameras, equipment and plates
20Daguerreotype cameras
21Daguerreotype equipment
22Daguerreotype apparatus (1843)
23Daguerreotype apparatus (1853)
24Daguerreotype plates
25Daguerreotype plate sizes
26Silver hallmarks on daguerreotype plates
27Daguerreotype mats
Packaging and labels
28Packaging for daguerreotypes
29Labels for Daguerreotypists
The process of having a portrait taken
30Portrait factory on Broadway, New York
Exposure times
31Daguerreotype exposure times
32Costs charged for Daguerreotypes
Painted backgrounds and daguerreotypists
33Studio painted backgrounds for daguerreotypes
34Antoine Claudet: Backgrounds for daguerreotypes
35Daguerreotypes: Portraits
36Daguerreotypes: Ethnic
37Daguerreotypes: Ethnic: Indians
38Daguerreotypes: Ethnic: Chinese
39Daguerreotypes: Ethnic: Native Americans
40Daguerreotypes: Ethnic: Spanish
41Daguerreotypes: Ethnic: Norwegian
42Daguerreotypes: Occupations and roles
43Daguerreotypes: Occupations and roles of women
44Daguerreotypes: Celebrities
45Daguerreotypes: Actors
46Shakespearean characters from "Illustrated Tallis's Shakespeare" (1860)
47Jenny Lind (1820-1887)
48Daguerreotypes: Politicians
49Daguerreotypes: Military
50Daguerreotypes: Post-mortem portraits
51Daguerreotypes: Charitable causes
52Daguerreotypes: Events
53Californian Gold Rush (1848-1855)
54Daguerreotypes: Art
55Daguerreotypes: Exteriors
56Daguerreotypes: Landscapes
57Daguerreotypes: Nature
58Daguerreotypes: Panoramas
59Daguerreotypes: Scientific
60Daguerreotypes: Still life
61Daguerreotypes: Multiple images
62Daguerreotypes: Erotica and nudes
Stereo daguerreotypes
63Stereo daguerreotypes
Coloring daguerreotypes
64Painted daguerreotypes
65Patent: To Richard Beard. of Earl-street, Blackfriars, Gent., for improvements in the means of obtaining likenesses
66Frederick Langenheim: Patents for Coloring Daguerreotype Plates
67Patent: Wm. A. Pratt, Improvement in Colouring Daguerreotype-Pictures (1846)
68Daguerreotype frames
69Daguerreotypes with painted glass passe-partouts
70Daguerreotype photo-jewelry
71Printing from daguerreotype plates
Encounters with artists
72The encounters between the London Daguerreotypist John Jabez Mayall and the artist John Turner (1847-1849)
73Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre: Daguerreotype plates
74Joseph Saxton: Philadelphia Central High School for Boys and Pennsylvania State Arsenal
75Bertha Wehnert-Beckmann: Portraits
76Alexander Doussin Dubreuil: Ireland: The Repeal Martyrs (1842-1845)
77Louis-Adolphe Humbert de Molard: Daguerreotype portraits
78Hermann Carl Eduard Biewend: Daguerreotype portraits
79Carl Ferdinand Stelzner: Daguerreotype portraits
80Lorenzo G. Chase: Anthropological studies
81Robert Cornelius: Daguerreotype portraits
82Henry Fitz Jr.: Daguerreotype portraits
83Marcus Aurelius Root: Daguerreotype portraits
84Mathew B. Brady: Daguerreotype portraits
85Charles DeForest Fredricks: Daguerreotype portraits
86W. & F. Langenheim: Daguerreotype portraits
87Jeremiah Gurney: Daguerreotype portraits
88Samuel Broadbent: Daguerreotype portraits
89Southworth and Hawes: Daguerreotype portraits
90Rufus P. Anson: Daguerreotype portraits
91Thomas Easterly: Daguerreotypes
92Alexander John Ellis: Venice (1841)
93Jules Itier: China
94Samuel A. Bemis: The White Mountains of New Hampshire
95Fontayne & Porter: The Cincinnati Panorama (1848)
96George Skene Keith: Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion (1859)
97Trutpert Schneider & Sons: Storage box for ten stereo daguerreotypes of palace interiors [Possibly Bavaria or Russia] (ca 1860)
98Photographic Phenomena, or the new school of portrait painting (1842)
99Marketing: Business cards of Daguerreotypists
100Advertising for Daguerreotypists
101Meade daguerreotype case a portrait of Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre
102Marketing: Cased photographs
Copying daguerreotypes
103Copying photographs and copyists: Queen Victoria Presiding at the Reopening of the Reconstructed Crystal Palace at Sydenham (Daguerreotype - Albumen print)
104Copying photographs and copyists: Portraits of Anne L. Gilles (Daguerreotype - Cabinet card)
105Copying photographs and copyists: Portraits of an old woman (Daguerreotype - Tintype)
   Process and product

A closer look
Daguerreotypists - Africa
Daguerreotypists - Canada
Daguerreotypists - China
Daguerreotypists - Egypt
Daguerreotypists - France
Daguerreotypists - Germany
Daguerreotypists - Great Britain
Daguerreotypists - Greece
Daguerreotypists - India
Daguerreotypists - Italy
Daguerreotypists - Japan
Daguerreotypists - Russia
Daguerreotypists - Singapore
Daguerreotypists - Spain
Daguerreotypists - Sweden
Daguerreotypists - Switzerland
Daguerreotypists - The Holy Land
Daguerreotypists - Turkey
Daguerreotypists - USA

See also
Cased photographs
Contemporary daguerreotypes
Daguerreotypists - Africa
Daguerreotypists - Canada
Daguerreotypists - China
Daguerreotypists - Egypt
Daguerreotypists - France
Daguerreotypists - Germany
Daguerreotypists - Great Britain
Daguerreotypists - Greece
Daguerreotypists - Italy
Daguerreotypists - Japan
Daguerreotypists - Russia
Daguerreotypists - Spain
Daguerreotypists - Sweden
Daguerreotypists - Switzerland
Daguerreotypists - The Holy Land
Daguerreotypists - Turkey
Daguerreotypists - USA

Related topics
Albumen prints
Bon Tons
Bromoil prints
Carbon prints
Cased photographs
Dry-plate photography
Fresson prints
Gelatin silver prints
Hand-painted photographs
Imprimerie photographique Blanquart-Evrard
Infrared photography
Iphone applications
Ivorytypes and American Ivorytypes
Kirlian photography
Lantern slides
Magic lanterns
Paget plates
Painting on photographs
Paper and waxed paper negatives
Photogenic drawings
Platinum prints
Salt prints
Scanning electron microscope
Stereoviews, stereographs and stereocards
Wet-plate photography
Mads Alstrup (1808-1876), Napoleon Aubanel, Platt D. Babbitt (1822-1879), Isaac Wallace Baker, Perez Mann Batchelder (1818-1873), Richard Beard (1801-1885), Auguste Belloc (1800-1868), Samuel A. Bemis (1793-1881), Johan Wilhelm Bergström (1812-1881), T. Bettinger, Hermann Carl Eduard Biewend (1814-1888), Louis Auguste Bisson (1814-1876), Solomon Nunes Carvalho (1815-1897), Vincent Chevalier (1770-1841), Charles-Marie-Isidore Choiselat, Choiselat & Ratel, Antoine Claudet (1797-1867), Frederick C. Coombs (1803-1874), Robert Cornelius (1809-1893), Cromer's Amateur, Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre (1787-1851), Gérard de Nerval (1808-1855), Louis-Joseph Deflubé (1797-1884), Geneviève-Élisabeth Disdéri, Thomas Coffin Doane (1814-1896), Camille Dolard, John William Draper (1811-1882), Louis Jules Duboscq (1817-1886), Jean-Gabriel Eynard (1775-1863), Henry Fitz Jr. (1808-1863), Abel Fletcher (1820-1890), Marc-Antoine Gaudin (1804-1880), Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey (1804-1892), Adam Gola, Alexis Gouin, François Gouraud (1808-1847), Jean-Baptiste-Louis Gros (1793-1870), Charles Guillain (1808-1875), Gabriel Harrison (1818-1902), M.M. Hazeltine (1827-1903), Sarah Garrett Hewes, Paul Michel Hossard (1787-1862), Jabez Hughes (1819-1884), Louis-Adolphe Humbert de Molard (1800-1874), Jules Itier (1802-1877), William Edward Kilburn (1818-1891), H.B. King (1830-1905), C. Lacroix, W. & F. Langenheim, J.E. Mayall (1813-1901), S.C. McIntyre, Henry William Mathew Meade (1822-1865), Mary Ann Meade, Anton Melbye (1818-1875), Désiré François Millet, Samuel F.B. Morse (1791-1872), Charles Mouhot, Jacques Moulin, James Nasmyth (1807-1890), Johann and Joseph Natterer, J.W. Newland, Paine, Hugh Lee Pattinson, Benjamin Franklin Pease (1822-1888), Joseph Wilhelm Pero, Philibert Perraud, Christian Piil (1804-1884), John Plumbe Jr. (1809-1857), Alphonse Plumier, Louis Prélier, Stanislas Ratel (1824-1904), Pierre-Ambroise Richebourg (1810-1875), Hendrik Hermanus Roelse (1831-1872), John Ruskin (1819-1900), Adolph Schaefer, Wilhelm Schneider (1839-1921), Trutpert Schneider & Sons (1804-1899), William Shew (1820-1903), Southworth & Hawes, Joseph B. Starkweather, Mathew J. Steffens (1852-1928), P.K. Strezek, Charles-François Thibault, E. Thiésson, Warren Thompson, Antal Vállas (1809-1869), George K. Warren (1824-1884), Alexander B. Weeks, Eduard Wehnert (1811-1847), Isaac Augustus Wetherby (1819-1904), J.A. Whipple (1822-1891), Whipple & Black, H. Whittemore, T.R. Williams (1825-1871), J.T. Zealy
Subscribers have access to the one hundred and five informative Fragments on this Theme, Online Exhibitions, Visual Indexes and References.
1The announcement of photography OR Arago annonce la découverte de Daguerre
2Introduction to the Daguerreotype
The process
3The Daguerreotype
Early accounts
4The Daguerrotipe - Private letter from Professor S.F.B. Morse to the editor of the Observer, dated, Paris, March 9th (1839)
5The 'Daguerreotype.' - We have seen the views taken in Paris (1839)
6Antoine Claudet: Advert for "the DAGUERREOTYPE; or, Nature delineated by Herself"
7Visit to Plumbe's Gallery, New York (1846)
Manuals and instructions
8Daguerreotype manuals and instructions
10Interesting group posed for a Daguerreotype by a friend of the family / Interesting and valuable result (1855)
Publications that did, or said they did, use daguerreotypes as the basis for their illustrations
11The influence of the daguerreotype upon art
12Paris et ses Environs Reproduits par le Daguerrotype, Sous la Direction de M. Ch. Philipon (Paris: Chez Aubert et Cie, 1840)
13Lorenzo Suscipj (daguerreotypist) and Johann Jakob Falkeisen (artist, Swiss, 1804-1883): Vues d'Italie d'après la daguerreotype (Ferdinando Artaria et Fils, 1840-1841)
14Adolphe Duperly: Daguerian Excursions in Jamaica (ca 1844)
15Noël Marie Paymal Lerebours: Excursions daguerriennes : vues et monuments les plus remarquables du globe (1842)
16T. Bettinger: Vues d'Algérie prises au dauguerréotype (1847)
17Bruges, ses Monuments et ses Tableaux, edited by Daveluy (Bruges, Daveluy, 1855)
18Jean Baptiste Marie Chamouin: Vues de Paris (1845)
19Charles Guillain: Voyage a la Côte Orientale d'Afrique (1856)
Cameras, equipment and plates
20Daguerreotype cameras
21Daguerreotype equipment
22Daguerreotype apparatus (1843)
23Daguerreotype apparatus (1853)
24Daguerreotype plates
25Daguerreotype plate sizes
26Silver hallmarks on daguerreotype plates
27Daguerreotype mats
Packaging and labels
28Packaging for daguerreotypes
29Labels for Daguerreotypists
The process of having a portrait taken
30Portrait factory on Broadway, New York
Exposure times
31Daguerreotype exposure times
32Costs charged for Daguerreotypes
Painted backgrounds and daguerreotypists
33Studio painted backgrounds for daguerreotypes
34Antoine Claudet: Backgrounds for daguerreotypes
35Daguerreotypes: Portraits
36Daguerreotypes: Ethnic
37Daguerreotypes: Ethnic: Indians
38Daguerreotypes: Ethnic: Chinese
39Daguerreotypes: Ethnic: Native Americans
40Daguerreotypes: Ethnic: Spanish
41Daguerreotypes: Ethnic: Norwegian
42Daguerreotypes: Occupations and roles
43Daguerreotypes: Occupations and roles of women
44Daguerreotypes: Celebrities
45Daguerreotypes: Actors
46Shakespearean characters from "Illustrated Tallis's Shakespeare" (1860)
47Jenny Lind (1820-1887)
48Daguerreotypes: Politicians
49Daguerreotypes: Military
50Daguerreotypes: Post-mortem portraits
51Daguerreotypes: Charitable causes
52Daguerreotypes: Events
53Californian Gold Rush (1848-1855)
54Daguerreotypes: Art
55Daguerreotypes: Exteriors
56Daguerreotypes: Landscapes
57Daguerreotypes: Nature
58Daguerreotypes: Panoramas
59Daguerreotypes: Scientific
60Daguerreotypes: Still life
61Daguerreotypes: Multiple images
62Daguerreotypes: Erotica and nudes
Stereo daguerreotypes
63Stereo daguerreotypes
Coloring daguerreotypes
64Painted daguerreotypes
65Patent: To Richard Beard. of Earl-street, Blackfriars, Gent., for improvements in the means of obtaining likenesses
66Frederick Langenheim: Patents for Coloring Daguerreotype Plates
67Patent: Wm. A. Pratt, Improvement in Colouring Daguerreotype-Pictures (1846)
68Daguerreotype frames
69Daguerreotypes with painted glass passe-partouts
70Daguerreotype photo-jewelry
71Printing from daguerreotype plates
Encounters with artists
72The encounters between the London Daguerreotypist John Jabez Mayall and the artist John Turner (1847-1849)
73Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre: Daguerreotype plates
74Joseph Saxton: Philadelphia Central High School for Boys and Pennsylvania State Arsenal
75Bertha Wehnert-Beckmann: Portraits
76Alexander Doussin Dubreuil: Ireland: The Repeal Martyrs (1842-1845)
77Louis-Adolphe Humbert de Molard: Daguerreotype portraits
78Hermann Carl Eduard Biewend: Daguerreotype portraits
79Carl Ferdinand Stelzner: Daguerreotype portraits
80Lorenzo G. Chase: Anthropological studies
81Robert Cornelius: Daguerreotype portraits
82Henry Fitz Jr.: Daguerreotype portraits
83Marcus Aurelius Root: Daguerreotype portraits
84Mathew B. Brady: Daguerreotype portraits
85Charles DeForest Fredricks: Daguerreotype portraits
86W. & F. Langenheim: Daguerreotype portraits
87Jeremiah Gurney: Daguerreotype portraits
88Samuel Broadbent: Daguerreotype portraits
89Southworth and Hawes: Daguerreotype portraits
90Rufus P. Anson: Daguerreotype portraits
91Thomas Easterly: Daguerreotypes
92Alexander John Ellis: Venice (1841)
93Jules Itier: China
94Samuel A. Bemis: The White Mountains of New Hampshire
95Fontayne & Porter: The Cincinnati Panorama (1848)
96George Skene Keith: Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion (1859)
97Trutpert Schneider & Sons: Storage box for ten stereo daguerreotypes of palace interiors [Possibly Bavaria or Russia] (ca 1860)
98Photographic Phenomena, or the new school of portrait painting (1842)
99Marketing: Business cards of Daguerreotypists
100Advertising for Daguerreotypists
101Meade daguerreotype case a portrait of Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre
102Marketing: Cased photographs
Copying daguerreotypes
103Copying photographs and copyists: Queen Victoria Presiding at the Reopening of the Reconstructed Crystal Palace at Sydenham (Daguerreotype - Albumen print)
104Copying photographs and copyists: Portraits of Anne L. Gilles (Daguerreotype - Cabinet card)
105Copying photographs and copyists: Portraits of an old woman (Daguerreotype - Tintype)

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