Luminous-Lint - for collectors and connoisseurs of photography Register
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Information requests
1Improving content on photographic techniques
Hand-painted photographs
2Introduction to hand-painted photographs
3Introduction to colour
4Packaging for colour plates and film
Photochromes, photochroms and related processes
5Léon Vidal: Le Trésor Artistique de la France (1878)
Early colour processes
8James Clerk Maxwell: Experiments with colour
9Louis Ducos du Hauron: Early experiments with colour
10Gabriel Lippmann: Lippmann colour glass plate process
11Frederic Eugene Ives: San Francisco Earthquake (1906)
12Sanger Shepherd colour process
13Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii: Early colour photographs of trees and tracks
14Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii: Ethnic and traditional costumes
15Dufay color
Paget plates
16Paget plates: Packaging
17Frank Hurley: Paget plates of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition (1914-1917)
18The Lumière Brothers and the family: Autochromes
19Examples of Autochromes
20Pictorialists and the Autochrome
21Fernand Cuville: Greece: Mount Athos
Colour photography and the First World War (1914-1918)
22Colour photography during the First World War (1914-1918)
23French color photographs of the First World War (Autochromes)
24Fernand Cuville: Autochromes of the First World War
25Color postcards of the battles at Verdun
26Frank Hurley: Paget plates of the First World War
Artistic colour photography in Europe
27Keld Helmer-Petersen: Colour
28Luigi Ghirri: Kodachrome
29Franco Fontana: Colour
Nature photography and colour
30Eliot Porter: Colour
31Ernst Haas: Colour
Documentary photography and colour
32Albert Kahn: Archives of the Planet (1909-1931)
33FSA - Farm Security Administration - OWI: Early colour
34John Bulmer: Colour
35Documerica Project (1971-1977)
Street photography and colour
36The acceptance of colour in North American street photography
37Harry Callahan: Colour work
38William Eggleston: Colour
39Stephen Shore: Uncommon Places
40Helen Levitt: Colour
41Saul Leiter: New York in colour
42Joel Meyerowitz: Street photography
43Fred Herzog: Colour
Fashion and the use of colour
44The rise of colour in fashion photography
Advertising and commercial colour
45Nickolas Muray: Advertising
Colour abstracts
46Henry Holmes Smith: Colour abstractions
Colourising the past
47Colourising the past
Angie Acland (1849-1930), William Albert Allard (1937-), John Batho (1939-), Alexandra Boulat (1962-2007), Guy Bourdin (1928-1991), John Bulmer, David Burnett (1946-), Larry Burrows (1926-1971), Ellen Carey (1952-), Vincenzo Castella (1952-), Toni Catany (1942-), Mark Cohen (1943-), Jean-Claude Coutausse (1960-), Stéphane Couturier (1957-), Charles Cushman (1896-1972), Louise Dahl-Wolfe (1895-1989), Denis Dailleux (1958-), Xavier Damon (1969-), Thomas Demand (1964-), Bertrand Desprez (1963-), Louis Ducos du Hauron (1837-1920), William Eggleston (1939-), Bernard Faucon (1950-), Franco Fontana (1933-), Huger Foote (1961-), Peter Fraser (1953-), Gisèle Freund (1908-2000), Toto Frima (1953-), Pablo Genovés (1959-), Luigi Ghirri (1943-1992), Léon Gimpel (1878-1948), Paolo Gioli (1942-), Len Gittleman, Claus Goedicke (1966-), Nan Goldin (1953-), Jan Groover (1943-2012), Harry Gruyaert (1941-), Andreas Gursky (1955-), Ernst Haas (1921-1986), Keld Helmer-Petersen (1920-2013), Fred Herzog (1930-2019), Levi L. Hill (1816-1865), Hiro (1930-2021), Candida Höfer (1944-), Horst (1906-1999), Frank Hurley (1885-1962), Frederic E. Ives (1856-1937), Hugo Jaeger, Albert Kahn (1860-1940), Nick Knight (1958-), Edwin H. Land (1909-1991), Jacques-Henri Lartigue (1894-1986), Annie Leibovitz (1949-), Saul Leiter (1923-2013), Ouka Lele (1957-), Gabriel Lippmann (1845-1921), Auguste Lumière (1862-1954), Serge Lutens (1942-), Madame Yevonde (1893-1975), Constantine Manos (1934-), Dolorès Marat (1944-), Gustave Marissiaux (1872-1929), Herbert Matter (1907-1984), James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), William Copeland McCalla (1872-1962), Dilip Mehta (1952-), Sheila Metzner (1939-), Joel Meyerowitz (1938-), Richard Misrach (1949-), Guido Mocafico (1962-), Laurent Monlaü (1957-), Sarah Moon, Yasumasa Morimura (1951-), Lorie Novak (1954-), Lawrence W. Oliverson, Paul Outerbridge (1896-1958), Martin Parr (1952-), Jack Partington (1914-1987), Christian Patterson (1972-), Otto Pfenninger, Pierre et Gilles, Gueorgui Pinkhassov (1952-), Robert Polidori (1951-), Eliot Porter (1901-1990), Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1943), John Rawlings, Miguel Rio Branco (1946-), Georges Rousse (1947-), Paolo Roversi (1947-), Leo Rubinfien (1953-), Satoshi Saikusa (1959-), Lucas Samaras (1936-), Lise Sarfati (1958-), David Seidner (1957-1999), Andres Serrano, Stephen Shore (1947-), Julius Shulman (1910-2009), Arthur Siegel (1913-1978), David Sims, Raghubir Singh (1941-1999), Sandy Skoglund (1946-), Edward Steichen (1879-1973), Clare Strand (1973-), Jean-Marc Tingaud (1947-), Patrick Tosani (1954-), Jean-Baptiste Tournassoud (1866-1951), Arthur Tress (1940-), John B. Trevor (1878-1956), Lars Tunbjörk (1956-2015), Pete Turner (1934-2017), Javier Vallhonrat (1953-), Ed Van der Elsken (1925-1990), Robert Van der Hilst (1940-), Léon Vidal (1833-1906), Christian Vogt (1946-), Robert Walker (1945-), Alex Webb (1952-), Boyd Webb (1947-), William Wegman (1943-), Neil S. Winokur (1945-)
Subscribers have access to the forty seven informative Fragments on this Theme, Online Exhibitions, Visual Indexes and References.
Information requests
1Improving content on photographic techniques
Hand-painted photographs
2Introduction to hand-painted photographs
3Introduction to colour
4Packaging for colour plates and film
Photochromes, photochroms and related processes
5Léon Vidal: Le Trésor Artistique de la France (1878)
Early colour processes
8James Clerk Maxwell: Experiments with colour
9Louis Ducos du Hauron: Early experiments with colour
10Gabriel Lippmann: Lippmann colour glass plate process
11Frederic Eugene Ives: San Francisco Earthquake (1906)
12Sanger Shepherd colour process
13Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii: Early colour photographs of trees and tracks
14Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii: Ethnic and traditional costumes
15Dufay color
Paget plates
16Paget plates: Packaging
17Frank Hurley: Paget plates of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition (1914-1917)
18The Lumière Brothers and the family: Autochromes
19Examples of Autochromes
20Pictorialists and the Autochrome
21Fernand Cuville: Greece: Mount Athos
Colour photography and the First World War (1914-1918)
22Colour photography during the First World War (1914-1918)
23French color photographs of the First World War (Autochromes)
24Fernand Cuville: Autochromes of the First World War
25Color postcards of the battles at Verdun
26Frank Hurley: Paget plates of the First World War
Artistic colour photography in Europe
27Keld Helmer-Petersen: Colour
28Luigi Ghirri: Kodachrome
29Franco Fontana: Colour
Nature photography and colour
30Eliot Porter: Colour
31Ernst Haas: Colour
Documentary photography and colour
32Albert Kahn: Archives of the Planet (1909-1931)
33FSA - Farm Security Administration - OWI: Early colour
34John Bulmer: Colour
35Documerica Project (1971-1977)
Street photography and colour
36The acceptance of colour in North American street photography
37Harry Callahan: Colour work
38William Eggleston: Colour
39Stephen Shore: Uncommon Places
40Helen Levitt: Colour
41Saul Leiter: New York in colour
42Joel Meyerowitz: Street photography
43Fred Herzog: Colour
Fashion and the use of colour
44The rise of colour in fashion photography
Advertising and commercial colour
45Nickolas Muray: Advertising
Colour abstracts
46Henry Holmes Smith: Colour abstractions
Colourising the past
47Colourising the past

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