Luminous-Lint - for collectors and connoisseurs of photography Register
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Nancy Newhall, 1950 (ca), Ansel Adams, Negative, gelatin on safety base roll film, George Eastman Museum, LL/69880
James Gianelos (American, 1928-), 1978, Ansel Adams, Gelatin silver print, Cleveland Museum of Art, LL/70309
George Frederick Watts (artist), 1850-1852, Julia Margaret Cameron, Oil on canvas, National Portrait Gallery - NPG, LL/44297
Henry Herschel Cameron, 1870, Portrait of Julia Margaret Cameron, Albumen print, Victoria and Albert Museum, LL/62719
Thomas Rodger Jr., 1860 (ca), Antoine Claudet (1797-1867), writer on photography, exponent of Daguerreotype process, bought the English patent from Daguerre., Photographic print, St. Andrews University Library, Special Collections / The Photographic Collection, LL/40257
Nan Goldin, 1999 (taken) 2001 (print), Self-portrait Laughing, Paris, Cibachrome print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/55706
Johan Hagemeyer, 1935, 24 May, Edward Weston, Negative, nitrate, Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley, LL/92072
A selection from the 21,098 photographers included:
Ansel Adams
Julia Margaret Cameron
Antoine Claudet
Lala Deen Dayal
Nan Goldin
Lee Miller
Edward Weston
Luminous-Lint includes 4,077 portraits of photographers many supplied by relatives and collectors.

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