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I.C.U. Co. 
I.M.R. Co. 
Ibbetson, Levett Landen Boscawen  (1799 - 1869)
Ibrahim, H.M. 
Ibrahim, Mohammedani 
Ichac, Pierre  (1901, 7 June - 1978, 20 August)
Ichiki Shirõ  (1828 - 1903)
Ichimura, Tetsuya  (1930 - )
Ickovic, Paul 
Ida Kõkichi  (1846 - 1911)
Iddings, Andrew S. 
Ide, David T. 
Ignatovich, Boris 
Igout, Louis  (1837 - 1881)
II Hong 
Ikkõ  (1931, 3 November - )
Ilford Photo Co. 
Illingworth, T. 
Illingworth, William  (1844, 20 September - 1893)
Illingworth & Bill 
Illingworth & McLeish 
Illustrosa Photo Co. 
Imboden, Connie  (1953 - )
Imes, Birney  (1951 - )
Immke, H.W. 
Imperatore, G. 
Imperial Photograph Co. 
Imperial Publishing Co. 
Imperial Theater Photographic Office 
Impey, Eugene Clutterbuck  (1830 - 1904)
Imsand, Jean-Pascal  (1950 - 1994)
Inada, Norifumi 
Incorpora, Guiseppe  (1834 - 1914)
Independent View Co. 
Indiana College of Fine Arts & Photography 
Indiana College of Photography 
Infante, Francisco  (1943 - )
Ingalton & Drake, Ltd. 
Ingelevics, Vid 
Ingersoll, T.W. 
Ingersoll, W.B. 
Ingersoll, Wm. B. 
Inggs, Stephen 
Ingham, Clark & Co. 
Ingleby Jr., Clement Mansfield  (1823 - 1886)
Inglefield, Edward Augustus  (1820 - 1894)
Inglis, Alex. 
Inglis, G.F. 
Inglis, James  (1835 - 1904)
Ingraham, Linda 
Ingraham & Claflin 
Ingram, W.R. 
Inha, Into Konrad  (1865 - 1930)
Inman, Milton  (1899 - 1979)
Innes, Cosmo Nelson  (1798 - 1874)
Innes, Major 
Inoue, Koji 
Inoue, Tatsugoro 
Inskip, John 
Inskipp, H.G. 
International News Service 
International Photo Enlarging Co. 
International Photograph Gallery 
International Photographic Exchange 
International Stereo View Co. 
International Stereogram Co. 
International Stereoscope Association 
International Stereoscopic Co. 
International View Co. 
International View Co. 
International View Co., The 
Ionesco, Irina  (1935, 3 September - )
Iooss, Walter 
Iowa View Co. 
Iranyan, Mihran 
Irber, Conn H.  (1911, 21 August - 1982, 20 June)
Ireland, E. 
Ireland, G.H. 
Ireland, W.R. 
Ireland & Co., George H. 
Irie, Taikichi 
Iris, Henry 
Irish, George S. 
Irish & Co. 
Irish Scenery, New Series 
Irons, Shirley 
Irvine, J.A. 
Irvine, Scott 
Irvine & McKenzie 
Irving, James 
Irving & Co., A.S. 
Isaac, John 
Isaacs, A.C. 
Isaacs, Albert Augustus  (1826, 24 January - 1903, 15 November)
Isaia, Jamie 
Isbell, John N. 
Isbell & Co., John N. 
Iselin, Roland 
Isenring, Johann Baptist  (1796 - 1860)
Isett, Stuart 
Isgrò, Emilio 
Isherwood, W. 
Ishimoto Yasuhiro  (1921, 14 June - 2012, 6 February)
Ishiuchi Miyako  (1947 - )
Isiah, Snr and Jnr, John 
Ismail, Yusuf 
Israel, Gebruder 
Israel, I.D. 
Israel & Co. 
Issei, Suda 
Istler, Josef 
Italian Studio 
Ithaca & Cayuga Lake Scenery 
Itier, Jules  (1802, 8 April - 1877, 13 October)
Itkoff, Michael  (1981, 21 January - )
Ito, Yoshihiko 
Iturbide, Graciela  (1942, 16 May - )
Ivancevic, Djani  (1979 - )
Ivanov-Allilouyev, Sergey  (1891 - 1979)
Ivanov-Alliluyev, S. 
Iverson, Barry 
Ives, Edwin B. 
Ives, Fred E. 
Ives, Frederic E.  (1856, 17 February - 1937, 27 May)
Ives, H.P. 
Ives, Herbert Eugene  (1882 - 1953)
Ives & Hover 
Ivimey & Ward 
Iwasaki, Yuji 
Iyahsawmy, C. 
Iyer, L. K. Anantha Krishna 
Izima Kaoru  (1954 - )
Izis  (1911, 17 January - 1980, 16 May)
Izu, Kenro 

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