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Since I founded Luminous-Lint it has been assisted by many thousands of people and to acknowledge everybody who has helped with locating a photograph, checking a fact, providing texts and searching for obscure references would be next to impossible. Here I'd like to thank some of those who have supported this project in so many ways. If your name is not shown put it down to a lapse on my part and accept my gratitude for all your help.
Many thanks, Alan

Private collectors
This list includes all the private collectors who have assisted in providing examples for Luminous-Lint from their collections.
Lynne Abbott • Bruce Adair • Hans Christian Adam • Jerry Adams • Liz Adams • Arturo Agnesina • Steph Aherns • Paul Aioanei • Dr. Derya Akkaynak • Saskia Albert • Gina Alderson • Stuart Alexander • Victor Alford • Hisham Algosaibi • David Allan • Eva Allen • Terry Alphonse • Steve Altic • Alexander Anderson • John and Sue Anderson • Matt Anderson • Nelson Anderson • Walter Anderson • Björn Andersson • Ross Angus • Fjork Ansto • Marco C. Antonetto • Shirley Haines Appleby • Nuno Borges de Araújo • Nick Arnold • Steve Arnold • Lee Aronfield • Herb Ascherman • John Ashby • Robert Ashby • Noja Asner • Dori Atlantis • Marc C. Austin • Matthew Auxier • Colin Axon • Loretta Ayeroff • Tareq Aziz • Alberto Azzi • Katherine Babin • Melania Baccaro • James W. Bailey • Ann Bain • Bence Bakker • Shane Balkowitsch • Patrick Ballanger • Clint Ballew • Kim Banister • Steve Bannos • Stan Bantor • Dan Barber • Andrew Barnard • Reid M. Baron • Sandy Barrie • Gary Bart • Maggie Bartley • Barbara Barto • Geoffrey Batchen • Gordon Bates • Joe Bauman • Nicky Pia Baxter • William B. Becker • Michele Behan • Victor Bejan • Darlene Dunton Benedict • Emanuele Bennici • Dorene Benshoof • Paul K. Berg • David Bergenham • David Berry • George C. Berticevich • Tomasz Bielawski • Beth Bilokryly • Daniel Binder • Gerhard Bissell • Professor Hans I. Bjelkhagen • Jim Black • Kent Blackmore • Peter Blair • Richard Lee Bland • Tom Bliss • Amaury Blow • Helaine and Yorick Blumenfeld • Bob Blumenthal • Robert Bogdan • Erin Bohannon • Dick Bolt • Márton Áron Borda • John Kadel Boring • W. & T. Bosshard • Denis Véronique Boullé • Lesley & Cheryl Bousfield • Jacques Bouzerand • Bob Boyd • C. Trenton Boyd • Torin Boyd • Philip Bradley • Richard Bram • Brashier • Chris Brenner • Jackie Britton • Pepper Broad • Gery Brooks • David Brown • Elaine Brown • Gordon P. Brown • Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Brown • Rick Brown • Sue Brown • Mary Bryksinski • Daniel Buck • Peter Budgell • Gary Budnik • Gupta Bupesh • Daniele Buraia • Paul Burford • James V. Burke • Ken Burkhart • Andy Burr • Phyllis Berger Byrne • Jose Calvelo • Neil Campau • Colin Campbell • Jim Cantwell • Mark Carey • Ann Morley Carmel • Megan Marie Carroll • Keri Cassel • Nicolae Ion Catalin • James Catmur • Alain Caumont • Andrea Cesari • Roni Yasmin Chaabane • Noel Chanan • John A. Cher • Chiesa-Gosio • Ronald Chojnacki • William Christen IV • Charles Christenson • Per Christiansen • Gery Cichowlas • Felipe Cirullo • Daniel Clauzier • Patrick Clemente • Michael Cleveland • Tonya Clevenger • John Cloake • Rachel Clothier • Bradley Coates • Donna J. Coates • Rod Coates • Ron Coddington • Mark Cohen • Piet Colaert • Mike Colella • Ned Coleman • Bob Collignon • Dan Colucci • Dr. Timothy Connor • Elliot Conte • Fostin Cotchen • Morgan Courtney • W.J. Coville • Kirby & Gabby Crabtree • Tom Crates • Matt Crawford • Jesse Cress • William Allen Creswell • Bev Croft • Charley Cross • Clive Crossley • M. & M. Cuarterolo • Natalie M. Curley • Humberto Currarino •  Juan Curto Vivas • Guillaume d'Hubert • Betty Jo Babbitt D'Mura • Yannick d'Ursel • Alonzo Dagley • Andrew Dally • Andrew Daneman • Eduardo Dargent • Darmet • Michel David • Michel F. David • Shayne Davidson • Nigel Davis • Scott Davis • Marc De Clercq • Ralf De Jonge • Randall De Rijk • Palinda Stephen de Silva • Sylvia de Swaan • F.K.J. de Vries • Marjon de Vries • Steve DeGenaro • Jacek Dehnel • Pablo Delano • John DeMestico • Kristin Marie Dennis • Yashny Dennis • Laure Deratte • Louie Despres • Aimee Devine • George Dewaelheyns • Jonathan Dewdney • Mario Di Salvo • Peggy Dillard • Gary Dineen • Ian Disman • John Divola • Catharine Howard Dobson • Rodney E. Dobson • Riccardo Domenichini • Richard Donnelly • Julia Driver • Brian Duddy • Kevin Duffy • Kjeld Duits • R. Bruce Duncan • Mark Dunkelman • Will Dunniway • Gilles Dupont • James Eason • Sue Echelmeyer • Rick Edge • Katrin Eismann • Adrian Elliot • Mike Ellis • Nancy Ellis • James Elmegreen • E. Lee Eltzroth • Lee Eltzroth • Billy Embleton • David Emerick • John Emigh • Ed Engel • Robert Enteen • Bruce T. Erickson • Patty Harbort Erickson • Andres Eskind • Mr and Mrs Eric Estorick • Martin Etheridge • Roberta Etter • Sara Evans • Steven Evans • Gary W. Ewer • Gilles Fallaix • Giovanni Fanelli • Jim Farber • Zsuzsa Farkas • Ezra Feingold • Diane Fenster • Roberto A. Ferrari • Pam Ferrazzutti • Ian Ferrence • Brad Feuerhelm • Ron Field • Sara Filippin • Virginia Filippousi • Sue Fisher-Pascall • Orla Fitzpatrick • Matthew Fleming • Paula Fleming • Bálint Flesch • Michele Florack • Marc Fluri • Harris Fogel • Mike Forder • Felix Forestier • Maria Fortina • John Foster • Eric and Louise Franck • Brendon Franks • Klas Fransberg • Alan H. Fraser • Christopher Fray • Greg French • Louise Frey • Wayne Friesen • Marcus Fruit • Montse Gaché • Richard M. Gadd • Harald Gaertner • Lauren Gallant • Victor Galusca • Bob Gantz • Jerry D. and Mary K. Gardner • James Garfinkel • Lou Ann Garner • Juno Gemes • Valerius Geng • Diane Gerard • Luther Gerlach • Jim Gillespie • Dave Girshoff • David Girshoff • Leigh Gleason • Mark Glovsky • Paul Godfrey • Christophe Goeury • Suzan Gonzalez • Christopher Goodwin • Nakki Goranin • Jerry Gorman • Giuseppe Gorra • John Gossage • Stöckel Gottlieb • Philippe Grange • Michael Gray • Patrick Gray • Robert Gray • Edward Grazda • Jeff Green • Julia Green • Shawnra Greene • Miklós Gregász • Fr. Gregor • Willie Gregory • Max Greis • Tim Greyhavens • Alan Griffiths • Katherine Griffiths • Evgeny Grigoriev • Stephen Grose • Connor Grosh • Ricardo Grosso • Jerry Grulkey • Lou Guadagno • Paola Guerriero • Daniel Guggisberg • Mário Guinapo • Hans Gummersbach • Eric Gustafson • Sergio Gutierrez • Costas Halavrezos • Brian Hale • Richard B. Hall • George Hamilton • Olavi Hankimo • John Hannavy • Rob Harle • Stephen J. Harpur • David Harris • John Hart • Richard Hart • Bryan Hartig • Brett Harvey • Alexandre Hauben • Svein Olav Haukedal • Daniel W. Hausman • Joseph Hays •  Yunlinghao He • Josh Heller • Karen Hendrix • James Herbst • Beth Alison Herzhaft • Ole Hesager • Patricia Hickling • Susan Higginbotham • Debra Hill • Richard Scott Hill • Robert G. Hill • Brent C. Hilleary • William T. Hillman • Diane Hindle • Robert Hirsch • Aardwolf Hitchin • Larry & Sharon Hite • T. Max Hochstetler • Michael Hocken • Kris Hodson • Blaise Paul Hofer • Christine Holtz • Fawn Hoos • James Hoskinson • Joan Hostetler • Don Howdyshell • Beth Hoxie • Philip Hoyle • Kellye Hubbell • Ilse Hughes • Joseph Hughes • Ĺke Hultman • Ross Hulvey III • John Hurlock • Lawrence Impey • Robert Inglis • Kim Iocovozzi • Dr. Adrian-Silvan Ionescu • Elizabeth Isenburg • K. Azril Ismail • Karim Ismail • Ed Italo • Robert E. Jackson • Michael G. Jacob • Mark Jacobs • Jacquier-Veyre • Allan Janus • Richard Jeffries • Jim Jesiek • Margo Jim • Alan Johanson • Drew Johnson • Bill Jones • Michael Jones • Robert Jones • Sara Debarr Jones • William Jones • Lawrence T. Jones III • Christopher H. Jordan • Dave Jordano • Charles T. Joyce • Alan Judge • Dainius Junevicius • Martin Jürgens • Philippe Jusforgues • Marty Kaiser • Richard Kakou • Serge Kakou • Aleksi Kallioja • Daile Kaplan • Finn Brćstrup Karlsen • Amy Karns • Caitlin Karolczak • Philip Katcher • Mark Katzman • Paul Kaufman • William Kayamba • Lance Keimig • Ross J. Kelbaugh • Robin Kelsey-Lehr • Thomas Kennaugh • Dale Kenny • Richard Kernochan • James Kerr • Jo Ann Kexe • Professor Omer S. Khan • Waqar Khan • David King • Tricia King • Alexander Kitaev • Laddy Kite • Mark Kittinger • Romy Klessen • Stuart Klipper • Wolfgang Klotz • David Knaus • David Knight • Ann Vibeke Knudsen • Lewis Koch • Jeanne Kohl • Robert Kolbe • Kaden Kratzer • Jeffrey Kraus • Andy Kraushaar • Ken Kriete • Dr. Margit Zara Krpata • Maarten Krul • Dan Kuczynski • Claudia Kunin • Gerardo F. Kurtz • John Laking • Stacey Lambrow • Lee Laney • Bob Lansdale • Marie Laporte • Martin Last • Christoph Laubsch • Leonard A. Lauder • Gene Laughter • Heinz-Werner Lawo • Will Layfield • Tom Lazdowski • Alex Lcr • Yves Lebrec • Bill Lee • Laura Lee • Michel Lefrancq • David & Kim Leggett • Liberty Lehr • Robin Kelsey and Michael Lehr • Robin Kelsey and Michael Lehr • Roz Leibowitz • Stef Leinwohl • Lauren Leja • Peter LeMare • Karen Lemmert • Janet Lenon • Eleni Leoussi • Dimitri Levas • Barbara Levine • Mimi Levitt • Gérard Lévy • Steve Lewandowski • Glyn Lewis • David Likar • Andy Likins • Jim Linderman • Kathy Lindgren • Tim Lindholm • Larry Lingle • Paul Lipscombe • Stephen Loewentheil • Ann Longmore-Etheridge • Matt López-Jensen • Michael Loudon • David Lowe • Geoff Lowe • Jacoby Curtiss Michael Lowney • Jack Lubiner • Maureen Luchini • Tom Luciano • William Lulow • Bruce Lundberg • Pär Lundqvist • Dror Maayan • Jiri Madlo • Catharina Maebe • Manuel Magalhaes • Szabó Magdolna • J. Magendie • Chris Magewick • Joseph Maghe • André Magnin • Nigel Maister • Gavin Maitland • Chris & Julie Maldonado • Antonio Mancino • Stephen Manford • Danelle Ganiard Mann • Robert Mann • Rod Mann • Gary Marcos • Ginnie Marlow • Christopher Marquez • Peter Marquis-Kyle • Jerilyn Marshall • Jim Marshall • Sue Mart • Xavier Martel • John F. Martin • Rory Martin • Jules Martino • J.P. Mascalet • Glenn Mason • Alain Masson • Sheila Masson • Enid Mastrianni • Annemarie and Gerd Mattes • Jim Matthews • Michael Mattis and Judy Hochberg • David Mattison • Dr. Jens Mattow • Carl Mautz • Michael Hargreave Mawson • Sergey Maximishin • Brian May • Alan Mays • Valentina Mazza • Renato Mazzoni • Norman McBeath • Edward McCann • Thomas E. McCarty • Steve McConnell • Campbell McCubbin • Lynn McDaniel • Greg McDougall • Michael McEachern • Rob McElroy • David McGreevy • John F. & Mary K. McGuigan • Jean McIntyre • Herbert C. McKay • Prue McKay • Leigh McKinnon • Greg McMahon • John McWilliams • Mike Medhurst • Michel Mégnin • Hector Meinhof • Elton Michael • Rafal Mieczkowski • Jindra Mikulícková • Stephen R. Milanowski • Vin Miles • John Milleker Jr. • Peter Miller • Richard Miller • Stephen Mills • Marcel Minck • Laurie Minor • Mart Mittlestadt • Alex Moh • Tom Mohr • Barnabé Moinard • Thomas Molocea • Brian Monette • Lori & Arthur John (Jack) Monk • Brodnax Moore • Jay Moore • Nathan Moore • Ricard D. Moore • Thomas Moore • Milton Moreno • Dave Morin • James Morley • Kelly Morrison • Julie Moss-Lewis • Cindy Motzenbecker • Dan Moyer • Colleen Mullins • Sean Murphy • Any Murray • Ben Murray • Joan Murray • John-Marcus Murray • Joshua Murray • Karen Mutch • Colleen Nadas • Elia Nadimi • Elias Nahmias • Michel Nallino • Domenico Nardozza • Phil Nathanson • Theodoros Natsinas • Stefano Neis • B. Nelson • Ken Nelson • Kelsey Graham New • Gael Newton • John Nichols • Geoff Nicholson • Pippo Nicoletti • Rob Niederman • Tieler Niedzwiecki • Al Niemiec • Claudia Pawlowski Niemiec • Klaus Niermann • Dale Niesen • Ulrik Nilsson • Lilian and Dieter Noack • Julie Noffsinger • Sean Nolan • Jeff Nolte • Carolyn and Michael Nore • Russell Norton • Susan O'Neill • Jeffrey Oaks • Sara Ochleng • Rob Oechsle • Suzanne Ogram • Robert Olson • Elizabeth Opalenik • Charles Orear • Nicolas Osborn • France Scully Osterman • Mark Osterman • Graham Ovenden • Engin Ozendes • Bahattin Oztuncay • Sunshine Paciaffi • Nancy Paiva • Giovanni Pansini • Angelos Papaioannou • Ann Parker • Billy Parrot • Shawn & Tammy Parsley • Dennis Pastor • Brian Pearson • Michael Pecosky • George Pek • Mark Pence • Christopher Penning • Jan Kaye Pentz • Terence Pepper • Peppin • Brice François Perin • Peppy Peters • Christian Peterson • Norine Petruolo • Christer Pettersson • Damiët Margarita Philippona • Jill Phillips • Luciano Picchioni • Gary Pilecki • Graham Pilecki • Danny Pinnell • Susan Pinnell • Christopher Pinney • Timothy G. Piotrowski • Charles Plantz • Phil Playford • George Polakoff • Ron Polito • Marcin Poluch • Irene Mydske Pomerinke • Mario-Cezar Popescu • Gregory Popovitch • Dave Porter • Simon Post • Dr. Russell A. Potter • Patrick Pound • Steven S. Powers • Don and Newly Preziosi • Pridham • Denis John Prince • Dieter Provoost • Brad Pursell • Bill Purvis • John Quin • Pat Quinn • Jim Radke • Katherine Rae • Bea Rae-Smith • Rory Robin Rafferty Jr. • Ram Rahman • Sukanya Rahman • Juliet Rake • Hal Rammel • Tony Ramos • Greg Ramsey • Peter Randlřv • Rene Rangle • David Rattray • Hugh Ashley Rayner • Irwin Reichstein • Ralph Reiley • Elizabeth Reilly • James Reilly • Tom Reitz • Stephen Restelli • Jürgen Retzlaff • Beverly Reynolds • Joseph Michael Reynolds • Michael Rhodes • Charlie Rhyne • Paul S. Richards • Tony Richards • Jeffrey I. Richman • Howard & Jane Ricketts • Liese A. Ricketts • Amy Rigall • Pär Rittsel • John Robertson • Diana Robinson • Doug Robinson • Keith Robinson • Mike Robinson • Scott Robson • Guy Rochon • John S. Rochon • John Rodden • Mark Lee Rotenberg • Shawn Rowan • Jeremy Rowe • Nancy J. Rowell • Ray Ruddy • Olivier Ruffinetto-Delhaise • Hoff Ruud • Caroline Ryan • Gerhard Ryding • Michael S. Sachs • Marcel Safier • Patrick Salčtes • Brian K. Sampson • Glenn Cornell Samson • Angela Claire Sanders • Asaia Santambrogio • Claudio Santambrogio • Salvatore Sutera Sardo • Thomas Sauvin • Brad Sawyer • Robert H. Sayers • Brian Scadden • Claudio Scarpellini • Larry J. Schaaf • Joseph M. Scheidly III • Larry Scher • Norbert Schiller • Jan Schimmelman • Stuart Schneider • Karen L. Schnitzspahn • David A. Schorsch • William Schultz • Christopher Schwer • Chuck Schwimmer • Peter Searle • Sharon Hart Sefton • Wolfgang Sell • Rod Selva • Donald Serfass • Sean Sexton • Rebecca Dora Jean Shears • Sophieke Sheets • Robert Shimmin • Robert Harshorn Shimshak • Liliana Shortridge • Janelle Showalter • Andrey Shulgin • Dietmar Siegert • Adriano Silingardi • David Silver • Hal Simon • Jerome Simon • Paul Skipper • Maya Slater • Krzysztof Slowinski • Rena Small • Ronald K. Smeltzer • René Smets • Adam R. Smith • Andrew Smith • Brian Smith • Dan Smith • Johgn Mathew Smith • Kenneth Smithson • Brian Smolens • Thomas Southall • Andrea Spallart • Peter Spangenberg • Don Spinar • Philip Diane Spinolo • John Spotify • Dr. Andreas Stammwitz • Mihai Stanescu • Ira Stein • Christopher Steiner • Andy Stephen • Brad Stephens • Marilyn Stern • Professor Brian Stevenson • William Stier • Johan Stockel • John Strathatos • Pat Street • Anthony Charles Stringfellow • Peter Stubbs • Dusan Stulik • Andrea Stultiens • Dr. Neil Sturrock • Julie English Suneson • Mihály Surányi • Mark Surowiecki • John Sutherland • Homer Sykes • Walter Szécheny • Zsuzsi Szegedy-Maszak • Gerry Szymanski • Howard and Carole Tanenbaum • Lisa Tao • Bruno Tartarin • Kate Tatham • Josh Taylor • Rose Teanby • Haruhisa Terasaki • Chanawat Thamapiyawong • Lucie Thibault • Seth Thompson • Tom Thompson • Hugh Tifft • Richard O. Titus • Larry Tocci • Frans Toes • Bill Tometich • John Toohey • Dave Tooley • Zsuzsa N. Tóth • Philip Toussaint • Yefim Tovbis • Christoph Traugott • Marco Trinei • Esther Trosow • Karen Trout • Nicolas Tschopp • Giovanni Turnelli • David Turner • Steve Turner • Terrell Tennisson Tutka • Theodor E. Ulieriu-Rostás • Paula Uruburu • Axel V'csey • Nick Vaccaro • Dick Valentinetti • Richard Valentinetti • Nadia Valla • Wim van Berk • Anton van Dalen • Wim Van de Hulst • Henri van der Tol • Willem Van Haecht • F. Van Hoof-Williame • John Van Noate • Wilfried Vandevelde • David W. Vaughan • Roger Vaughan • David Vegh • Carlos Gabriel Vertanessian • Kerry Vickers • Florian Vigneron • Glenn Vogel • Milos Vujasinovic • Eric Bos Waaldijk • Christopher Wahren • Greg Walden • Scott Waldie • Stacy Waldman • Count Charles-André Colonna Walewski • Eric Walford • Rex Walker • Ian Wallace • Leonard A. Walle • Franz Volker Waller • Brian Wallis • Marc Walter • Paul F. Walter • Thomas Walther • Jeff Ward • Greg Warmbrodt • Marna Waskin • Casey Allen Waters • Dennis A. Waters • Erin Waters • Kyle Watson • Roger Watson • Joel Wayne • Gawain Weaver • JN Webb • Dr. Christopher Webster • Jan Weijers • Dan Weinstock • Fawn Weir • Elena Werner • Larry West • Shane Westmoreland • Thomas Weynants • Joel White • Stephen White • George and Susan Whiteley IV • Jirí Wicherek • Barry Wick • John Wieler • Wilfried Wiesinger • Wolfgang Wiggers • Ruth Wilcock • Russell Wilfred • Jack and Beverly Wilgus • Hans Willems • Dave Williams • Kelvin Wilson • Ray Winder • Wolfgang Witters • Steffen Wolff • David Wood • Graham Wood • John Wood • Richard Alan Wood • Eric Woolcott • Clark and Joan Worswick • Christopher Wright • Jason David Wright • James Wyman • Dave Wynn • Joan Yeckel • Kevin Yee • Sheila Yeoman • Doug York • Robert Yoskowitz • Mitch Young • Robert Young • David Yunt • Bob Zeller • Ben Ziegler • Jan Zimmerman • Lori Zimmerman • Mike Zohn • Oksana Zussman.

If you are a private collector who has provided examples and you are not listed here - my apologies. Please let me know and I will ensure your assistance is acknowledged.

The works of many photographers have been provided by galleries, museums and collectors but there are also those who have provided them directly to Luminous-Lint. Here is a list of those who have graciously supplied examples of their work. Thanks to you all for your talent and willingness to share the works of your imaginations and labours.
Rolf Aamot • Stanko Abadžic • Mike Abrahams • Mac Adams • Peter Adams • Max Adelman • Paul Aioanei • Reem Al Faisal • Alexey Alexeev • Mariette Pathy Allen • Aaron Anderson • Mark Arbeit • Roy Arden • Herb Ascherman • Vasco Ascolini • Jerry Atnip • Gay Auerbach • Loretta Ayeroff • Jo Babcock • Karl Baden • Shane Balkowitsch • Patrick Ballanger • Roger Ballen • Brendan Bannon • Mandy Barker • Michelle Bates • Barat Ali Batoor • Jeffrey Becom • Alan Bekhuis • Alyson Belcher • Wayne Martin Belger • Patricia A. Bender • Stephen Berkman • Michael Berman • Dale Bernstein • Joseph-Philippe Bevillard • Paul Biddle • Susie Bigglestone • Michael Bishop • Julie Blackmon • Jans Bock-Schroeder • Dominique Bollinger • Barnabás Bosshart • Harry Bowers • Cec Bown • Marilyn Bridges • Pierre Brochet • Angie Brockey • Jeff Brouws • Gordon P. Brown • Giacomo Brunelli • Kevin Bubriski • John Bulmer • Robert Burley • Jack Burman • Neil Burnell • David Burnett • Virginia Burroughs • Edward Burtynsky • Lewis Bush • Dietmar Busse • Roger Camp • John Paul Caponigro • Brigitte Carnochan • Jacob Carter • Paul Cava • Bruno Chalifour • Tom Chambers • Valera and Natasha Cherkashin • Nina Chernik • Mark Chester • Carl Chiarenza • Paul Christean • William Christenberry • Joy Christiansen • Jonathan Clark • Alain Gerard Clement • Mark Cohen • Alex Coppel • William Coupon • Mike Crawford • Arthur Crestani • Donigan Cumming • John Cyr • Clarisse d'Arcimoles • Xavier Damon • Andrew Danson • John Darwell • Judy Dater • Andrew Davidhazy • René de Carufel • Jane Waggoner Deschner • Cesare Di Liborio • Giovanni di Mola • Edward Dimsdale • Kevin Dingman • Rick Dingus • John Divola • Mitch Dobrowner • Elena Dorfman • Beth Dow • Tom Drahos • Marian Drew • Luis Duarte • Doug Dubois • Jeff Dunas • Bob Duncan • Will Dunniway • Jim Egan • Jill Enfield • Ignacio Evangelista • Steven Evans • Terry Evans • Harold Feinstein • Chris Felver • Susan Fenton • Gerald Figal • Kurt Edward Fishback • Rose-Lynn Fisher • Lola Flash • Neil Folberg • Fran Forman • Annette Fournet • Abe Frajndlich • Steffani Frideres • Debra Frieden • Jack Fulton • Helen K. Garber • Robert Gardner • Juno Gemes • Race Gentry • Amy Holmes George • Luther Gerlach • Nate W. Gibbons • Luca Gilli • Steve Giovinco • Paul Girvan • Andrej Glusgold • Luca Gobölyös • Rafael Goldchain • Joy Goldkind • Jon Goodman • Audrey Gottlieb • Jane Gottlieb • Elijah Gowin • Shannon Graham • Edward Grazda • William Greiner • Alan Griffiths • Frank Grisdale • Charles Grogg • Maleich Gruberstarss • Bruce Haley • Barnaby Hall • Amanda Hammond • Leslie Harris • Christine Harris-Amos • Caroline Harrison • Khaled Hasan • Muriel Hasbun • Jefferson Hayman • Chester Higgins • James Higginson • Paul Hill • Robert Hirsch • David Hlynsky • Sarah Hobbs • Bronwen Hodgkinson • Tracey Holland • William Horeis • Henry Horenstein • Corine Hörmann • Sarah Hoskins • Barbara Houghton • Graham Howe • Nicholas Hughes • John Hurlock • Caroline Hyman • Steve Irvine • Charise Isis • Michael Itkoff • Barry Iverson • Michael Jackson • George Janechek • Luc Janssens • Allan Janus • Bill Jay • Aristeo Jiménez • Erik Johansson • Eirik Johnson • Keith Johnson • Geir Jordahl • Clemens Kalischer • Philip Katcher • Suzan Katz • Thomas Kellner • Courtney Kelsey • Robb Kendrick • Michael Kenna • Ingvar Kenne • Bob Kersey • Doug Keyes • Chuck Kimball • Terry King • Heidi Kirkpatrick • Mark Klett • Stan Klimek • Jens Knigge • Karen Knorr • Lewis Koch • Roger Kockaerts • Rolf Koppel • Roman Kravchenko • Sallie Kravetz • David Kregenow • Gershon Kreimer • Les Krims • Mikhail Kudish • Romano Kuduzovic • Norman Kulkin • Udit Kulshrestha • Claudia Kunin • Erik T. Kunsman • Nicola Kurtz • Teru Kuwayama • Fernando La Rosa • Victor Landweber • Gene Laughter • William Laven • Donald Lawrence • Bill Lee • Eva Leitolf • Urey Lemon • Alan Lennon • Rick Lent • Eleni Leoussi • Henry Leutwyler • David Lewis • Jerome Liebling • Peter Liepke • Susan Lipper • Paul Lipscombe • Larry Louie • Mary Ann Lynch • Andrzej Maciejewski • Alex Maclean • Andreas Magdanz • Akshay Mahajan • David Maisel • David Malin • Arrigo Mamone • Tim Mantoani • Joăo Mariano • Knut Wolfgang Maron • Peter Marshall • Maslen and Mehra • Michael Massaia • Eliza Massey • Alain Masson • Annu Palakunnathu Matthew • Paul Maurer • Norman McBeath • Anne Arden McDonald • Maija McDougal • Lawrence McFarland • Keith McLeod • Susan Meiselas • James Mellon • Tony Mendoza • Barbara Mensch • Arthur Meyerson • Damian Michaels • Chester Michalik • Victor Milin • Jody Miller • Peter Miller • Jeffrey Milstein • Randa Mizra • Denny Moers • Samer Mohdad • Evgeny Mokhorev • Judith Molle • Milton Montemegro • Beth Moon • Steve Mulligan • Pino Musi • Filippo Mutani • James Nachtwey • T.S. Nagarajan • Harry Nankin • John Neel • Dan Nelkin • Eric Nelson • Nora Ness • Bea Nettles • Han Nguyen • Stefano Nicolini • Mads Nissen • Lori Nix • Michael Northrup • Gabriele and Helmut Nothhelfer • Meagan O'Donnell • Ryan Obermeyer • Pavel Odvody • Peter Offler • Arthur Ollman • Elizabeth Opalenik • Ted Orland • Isaías Orozco-Lang • Lothar Osterburg • France Scully Osterman • Mark Osterman • Charles Page • Stuart Page • Trevor Paglen • Selín Alejandro González Palomino • Louie Palu • Jerry Park • David Pare Parker • Christian Patterson • Danilo Pedruzzi • Chris Penning • Marilia Peres • Craig Anthony Perkins • Bill Perlmutter • Sean Perry • Tom Persinger • Stephen Petegorsky • Salvatore Piermarini • Pine Woods • Melissa Ann Pinney • Irving Pobboravsky • Alan Pogue • Gregory Popovitch • Mark L. Power • Michael Pritchard • Burton Pritzker • Justin Quinnell • Norma I. Quintana • Ram Rahman • Ron Reeder • Jack Reisland • Saelon Renkes • Ellen Rennard • Susan Ressler • Nancy Rexroth • Liese Ricketts • Angelika Rinnhofer • Lissa Rivera • Lisa M. Robinson • Mike Robinson • Frank Rodick • Francisco Mata Rosas • Ron Rosenstock • Ken Rosenthal • Lukas Roth • Marissa Roth • Dominic Rouse • Olivier Ruffinetto-Delhaise • Sheron Rupp • Marialba Russo • Aidas Rygelis • Adam Rzepecki • Josephine Sacabo • Joel Salcido • Glenn Cornell Samson • Michelle Sank • Claudio Santambrogio • Walter Schels • Emil Schildt • Werner Schnelle • Joe Schwartz • Junichi Seki • Susan Seubert • John Sevigny • Jennifer Shaw • Najaf Shokri • Hugh Shurley • Richard Simpson • Joseph Singer • Mark Sink • Clarissa Sligh • Klavdij Sluban • Rena Small • René Smets • Derek Smith • Fred Smith • Hoppy Smith • Rodney Smith • Timothy Soar • Jerry Spagnoli • Helene Sroat • Pauline St. Denis • John Steele • Chris Steele-Perkins • Amy Stein • Sander Steins • Joni Sternbach • S. Gayle Stevens • Lionel F. Stevenson • Iain Stewart • Mike Stimpson • Stephen Stinehour • Clare Strand • Stan Strembicki • Petr Strnad • Stephen Strom • Andy Summers • Kirill Surov • Ellen Susan • Susyn • Dick Swift • Homer Sykes • Robert Szabo • Arturo Talavera • Benjamin C. Tankersley • Maggie Taylor • Yuval Tebol • Henk Thijs • Aimée Thirion • Kent Thompson • Otmar Thormann • Alex Timmermans • George Todd • Leo Touchet • Pierre Toutain-Dorbec • Philip Trager • Annelies Štrba • Arthur Tress • Albrecht Tübke • Pedro Tzontémoc • Jerry Uelsmann • Siegfried Utzig • Carl Uytterhaegen • Elsbeth Struijk van Bergen • Robert Van der Hilst • Ron van Dongen • Luc Van Muylem • Krijn van Noordwijk • Craig Varjabedian • Jose Martinez Verea • Philippe Vermčs • Rick Vincil • John Vink • Lori Vrba • Paul Wainwright • Stacy Waldman • Ania Zofia Walker • James Walker • Jeff Wall • Frank Ward • Mike Ware • Dodie Warren • Oliver Wasow • Todd Watts • Eric Weeks • Robert Wesler • Eva Sköld Westerlind • Kim Weston • Neal White • Susan Wides • Larry Wiese • Jack Wilgus • Huntington Witherill • Barry Wolf • Jeffrey Wolin • Penny Wolin • Benjamin Wooten • Christopher A. Wright • Yuval Yairi • Marc Yankus • Edward Yanowitz • Alexey Yushenkov • George Zimbel • Carl Zimmerman • Harvey Zucker • Ion Zupcu.

If you are a photographer who has provided examples and you are not listed here it is my error so let me know and I will ensure your photographs are acknowledged.

Photographer Estates and Rights Management Organisations
Abigail Heyman Estate • ADAGP - Société des Auteurs dans les Arts Graphiques et Plastiques (Paris) • Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung (Berlin) • André and Elizabeth Kertész Foundation Inc (New York City) • Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts (New York City) • Angela Williams Archive • Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust (Mill Valley) • AP Image/Wide World (New York City) • Art + Commerce (New York City) • Artists Rights Society (ARS) (New York City) • Asociación Manuel Álvarez Bravo AC (Mexico City) • Bill Charles Inc. (New York City) • Bill Charles London (London) • Brett Weston Archive (Oklahoma City) • Carl-Strüwe-Archiv (Bielefeld) • Carousel Research Inc. (New York City) • Center for Creative Photography (Tucson) • Check with the estate • Christer Strömholm Estate • Courtesy of the Lucien Aigner Estate • Curatorial Assistance: Museum Services Worldwide (Pasadena) • David Moore Estate (Marrickville) • Dorothy Bohm Archive • E.O. Hoppé Estate (Pasadena) • Edmund Teske Archives (South Pasadena) • Ernst Haas Estate (Pasadena) • Estate of A. Aubrey Bodine (Denton) • Estate of Axel Bahnsen • Estate of Walter Chappell (Ukiah) • Estate of Ylla • Fondation Jean-Pascal Imsand (Zurich) • Frederick & Frances Sommer Foundation (Prescott) • Gordon Matta-Clark Estate (New York City) • Harry Lapow / Marcelle Lapow Toor • Herb Ritts Jr Foundation (Beverly Hills) • Imogen Cunningham Trust (Lopez Island) • Inge Morath Foundation (New York City) • Jo Talbot & Sue Young (London) • John Gutmann Fellowship Trust • Kapa Images • Kitchen Creative Management (Camperdown) • Lee Miller Archive (Chiddingly) • Nickolas Muray Photo Archives, LLC • Norman Parkinson Archive (London) • Notman Photographic Archives, McCord Stewart Museum (Montreal) • Peter Bock-Schroeder Photographic Estate • Richard Avedon Foundation (New York City) • Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation - Art & Commerce Anthology (New York City) • Rogovin Collection, LLC (Mark Rogovin, President) (Forest Park) • Rudolf Koppitz Estate • Sze Yuen Ming estate • The Arthur Rothstein Legacy Project • The Bert Morgan Archive • The Estate of Yousuf Karsh • Todd Webb Photographs (Portland) • VG Bild-Kunst (Bonn) • Victor Laredo Estate • Walker Image Trust • William Eggleston Trust • Williams Research Center of the Historic New Orleans Collection (New Orleans).

Photographs from a vast number of museums are included on Luminous-Lint and I'm grateful to all the curators, cataloguers, conservation teams and staff who preserve our global photographic heritage.
Aalborg Historical Museum - Nordjyllands Historiske Museum (Aalborg) • ABC Museum of Drawing and Illustration (Madrid) • Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums (Aberdeen) • Aberdeen Treasure Hub (Aberdeen) • Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum (Springfield) • Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) • Acropolis Museum (Athens) • Adams Museum (Deadwood) • Adirondack Museum (Blue Mountain Lake) • Akron Art Museum (Akron) • Albertina (Vienna) • Albright-Knox Art Gallery (Buffalo) • Alice Austen Museum House (Staten Island) • Alinari Photo Archives (Florence) • Allen Memorial Art Museum (Oberlin) • Alte Pinakothek (Munich) • Altonaer Museum - Stiftung Historische Museen Hamburg (Hamburg) • American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution (Washington) • American Folk Art Museum (New York City) • American Museum of Natural History (New York City) • American Textile History Museum - Osborne Library (Lowell) • Amon Carter Museum (Forth Worth) • Amos Anderson Art Museum (Helsinki) • Amsterdams Historisch Museum (Amsterdam) • Aquincum Museum (Budapest) • Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada • Art Gallery of New South Wales (Sydney) • Art Gallery of Ontario - AGO (Toronto) • Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago) • Ashmolean Museum (Oxford) • ASTRA National Museum Complex - Complexul National Muzeal ASTRA (Sibiu) • Ateneum Art Museum, Finnish National Gallery (Helsinki) • Auckland Institute and Museum (Auckand) • Auckland War Memorial Museum • Autry Museum of the American West (Los Angeles) • Baltimore Museum of Art (Baltimore) • BAMPFA - UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (Berkeley) • Baratynsky Museum (Kazan) • Bavarian National Museum - Bayerisches Nationalmuseum (Munich) • Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Munich) • Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen / Bavarian State Painting Collections (Munich) • Bayerisches Nationalmuseum (Munich) • Beaverbrook Art Gallery (Frederickton) • Benaki Museum - Photographic Archives Department (Athens) • Bennington Museum (Bennington) • Bergen City Museum (Bergen) • Berlinische Galerie: Landesmuseum für Moderne Kunst, Fotografie und Architektur (Berlin) • Biblioteca Nacional de Espańa (Madrid) • Biblioteca Nacional, Uruguay (Montevideo) • Bibliotheken Universiteit Leiden (Leiden) • Bibliothèque des Arts Décoratifs (Paris) • Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon (Lyon) • Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie (Paris) • Birmingham Central Library (Birmingham) • Birmingham City Archives (Birmingham) • Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (Birmingham) • Bishop Museum (Honolulu) • Bornholms Museum (Rřnne) • Bradford Museums and Galleries (Bradford) • British Library (London) • British Museum (London) • Brooklyn Museum (Brooklyn) • Brunel Museum (London) • Bytown Museum (Ottawa) • C.N. Gorman Museum at UC Davis (Davis) • C/O Berlin (Berlin) • C/O Berlin, Amerika Haus (Berlin) • Ca' Pesaro - Galleria internazionale d'arte moderna (Venice) (Venice) • California Museum of Photography (Riverside) • Camera Heritage Museum (Staunton) • Campbell House Museum (Toronto) • Canada Science and Technology Museum (Ottawa) • Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography (Ottawa) • Canadian War Museum (Ottawa) • Canterbury Museum (Christchurch) • Carnegie Art Museum (Oxnard) • Carnegie Museum of Art (Pittsburgh) • Casa da Imagem (Vila Nova de Gaia) • CCA: Canadian Centre for Architecture (Montreal) • Centre de photographie de Lectoure (Lectoure) • Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris) • Centro de Fotografía de Montevideo (Intendencia de Montevideo) • Centro Portuguęs de Fotografia (Porto (Oporto)) • Château-Musée de Nemours (Nemours) • Chau Chak Wing Museum - The University of Sydney (Sydney) • Chicago History Museum (Chicago) • Chiostri di San Domenico (Reggio Emilia) • Chrysler Museum of Art (Norfolk) • Cincinnati Art Museum (Cincinnati) • Cincinnati Museum Center (Cincinnati) • City Museum of Gödöllo (Gödölloi Városi Múzeum) (Gödöllo) • Cleveland Museum of Art (Cleveland) • Colchester Historeum (Truro) • Collection RKD / Netherlands Institute for Art History (The Hague) • Corcoran Gallery of Art (Washington) • Cornell University, Johnson Museum of Art • Corning Museum of Glass (Corning) • Crocker Art Museum (Sacramento) • Currier Museum of Art (Manchester) • Dayton Art Institute (Dayton) • de Young - Legion of Honor, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (San Francisco) • DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU (Dallas) • Delaware Art Museum (Wilmington) • Den Hirschsprungske Samling (Copenhagen) • Denver Art Museum (Denver) • Denver Public Library (Denver) • DesBrisay Museum (Bridgewater) • Det Kongelige Bibliotek (The Royal Library) (Copenhagen) • Det Nationale Fotomuseum (National Museum of Photography) (Copenhagen) • Detroit Institute of Arts Museum (Detroit) • Deutsche Bank Art (Frankfurt am Main) • Deutsches Historisches Museum (Berlin) • Deutsches Museum (Munich) • Digitalt Museum, Norway • Dordrechts Museum (Dordrecht) • Dr. Johnson's House (London) • DZ BANK Kunstsammlung at the Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main (Frankfurt am Main) • Edo-Tokyo Museum (Tokyo) • Ethnologisches Museum: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Ethnological Museum of Berlin) (Berlin) • Félicien Rops Museum (Namur) • Fenimore Art Museum • Field Museum (Chicago) • Fine Art Museums of San Francisco (San Francisco) • Finnish Museum of Photography (Helsinki) • Finnish National Gallery - Ateneum (Helsinki) • Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge (Cambridge) • Florida Museum of Photographic Arts (Tampa) • FOAM - Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam (Amsterdam) • Fogg Art Museum (Cambridge) • Fotografiska, Manhattan (New York City) • Fotomuseum im Münchner Stadtmuseum (Munich) • FotoMuseum Provincie Antwerpen - FOMU (Antwerp) • Fotomuseum WestLicht (Vienna) • Fotomuseum Winterthur (Winterthur) • Fotomuuseum - Tallinna Linnamuuseum (Tallinn) • Frac Nouvelle-Aquitaine MÉCA (Bordeaux) • Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives (Washington) • Frida Kahlo Museum / Museo Frida Kahlo (Coyoacán) • Fukuoka Asian Art Museum (Fukuoka) • Galleria Borghese (Rome) • Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna (GAM) (Turin) • Gemäldegalerie (Berlin) • Gemeentelijke Archiefdienst Maastricht (Maastricht) • Genus Bononiae - Musei nella Cittŕ (Bologna) • George Eastman Museum (Rochester) • Georgian National Museum (Tbilisi) • Getty Research Institute (Los Angeles) • Getty Villa (Pacific Palisades) • Gilbert Collection (London) • Gilcrease Museum (Tulsa) • Glenbow Museum (Calgary) • Glomdalsmuseet (Elverum) • Goethe-Museum (Frankfurt am Main) • Golden Dragon Museum (Bendigo) • Grafton Museum (Grafton) • Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst / The Museum of Applied Arts (Leipzig) • Greensboro History Museum (Greensboro) • Griffin Museum of Photography (Winchester) • Guggenheim Museum (NY) (New York City) • Guildhall Library (London) • H.C. Andersens House (Odense C) • H.H. Bennett Studio (Wisconsin Dells) • Haags Historisch Museum (The Hague) • Haggin Museum (Stockton) • Hallmark Museum of Contemporary Photography (Turners Falls) • Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin (Austin) • Harry S. Truman Library & Museum (Independence) • Harvard Art Museum / Busch-Reisinger Museum (Cambridge) • Harvard Art Museum / Fogg Museum (Cambridge) • Harvard College Observatory (Cambridge) • Harwood Museum of Art (Taos) • Hastings Historical Society (Hastings-on-Hudson) • Haus der Kunst - Munich (Munich) • Hawaiian Mission Houses Historic Site and Archives (Honolulu) • Hayward Gallery (London) • Henry Art Gallery (Seattle) • Hermitage Museum (St. Petersburg) • High Museum of Art (Atlanta) • Historisch Museum Rotterdam (Rotterdam) • Hood Museum of Art (Hanover) • Hudson River Museum (Yonkers) • Huis Marseille Museum for Photography (Amsterdam) • Hungarian Museum of Photography / Magyar Fotográfiai Múzeum (Kecskemét) • Hungarian National Gallery (Budapest) • Hungarian National Museum (Budapest) • Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens (San Marino) • Ialomita County Museum (Slobozia) • Images of Empire, British Empire & Commonwealth Museum (Bristol) • Imperial War Museum (London) • Imperial War Museum North (Manchester) • Indianapolis Museum of Art (Indianapolis) • Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e.V. (Stuttgart) • Institut Lumičre (The Lumiere Institute) (Lyon) • Institute of Contemporary Art (Boston) • International Center of Photography (ICP) (New York City) • International Cryptozoology Museum (Portland) • Israel Museum, Jerusalem (Jerusalem) • J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles) • Jakobstads museum (Jakobstad) • James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art (St. Petersburg) • JCII Camera Museum / Japan Camera Industry Institute (Tokyo) • Jeu de Paume - Concorde (Paris) • Jeu de Paume - l'Hotel de Sully (Paris) • Jewish Historical Museum - Joods Historisch Museum (Amsterdam) • Jewish Museum (New York City) • John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum (Boston) • Johnson-Shaw Stereoscopic Museum (Meadville) • Kahitsukan - Kyoto Museum of Contemporary Art (Kyoto) • Kalamazoo Valley Museum (Kalamazoo) • Kasteel Huis Doorn (Doorn) • Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis) • Kilde Museum (Kilde) • Kimbell Art Museum (Fort Worth) • Kingman Museum (Battle Creek) • Kingston Museum and Heritage Service (Kingston upon Thames) • Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art (Kitakyushu) • Koninklijk Huis Archief Den Haag (Den Haag) • Krannert Art Museum (Champaign) • Kunst Museum Bonn (Bonn) • Kunst Museum St. Gallen (St. Gallen) • Kunsthalle Mannheim (Mannheim) • Kunsthaus Zürich (Zurich) • Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna (Vienna) • Kuopio Museum of Cultural History (Kuopio) • La Alhambra (Granada) • LACMA - Art Rental & Sales Gallery (Los Angeles) • LACMA: Los Angeles County Museum of Art (Los Angeles) • Lapworth Museum of Geology, University of Birmingham (Birmingham) • Le Musée Gaspar (Arlon) • Library of Congress, Geography and Maps Division (Washington) • Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division (Washington) • Light Factory: Contemporary Museum of Photography and Film (Charlotte) • Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History (Los Angeles) • Los Angeles Public Library (Los Angeles) • Louisiana State Museum (New Orleans) • Louvre, Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi) • Madeira Museum of Photography - Vicentes Photographic Museum (Funchal) • Magic Lantern Museum (San Antonio) • Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II Museum, City Palace (Jaipur) • Maisons de Victor Hugo (Paris) • Malmo Museum (Malmö Museer) (Malmo) • Manchester Art Gallery (Manchester) • Maritime Museum, Denmark (Copenhagen) • Martin and Osa Johnson Safari Museum (Chanute) • Martin-Gropius-Bau (Berlin) • Massachusetts General Hospital, Archives and Special Collections (Boston) • Massillon Museum - MassMu (Massillon) • McCord Stewart Museum (Montreal) • Medelhavsmuseet (Stockholm) • MEP - Maison Européene de la Photographie (Paris) • Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York City) • Middlebury College Museum of Art (Middlebury) • Milwaukee Art Museum (Milwaukee) • Mineralogical and Geological Museum (Cambridge) • Minneapolis Institute of Art - MIA (Minneapolis) • Miramare Museo Storico e il Parco del Castello (Trieste) • Missouri History Museum (St. Louis) • MIT Museum (Cambridge) • Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales (Sydney) • mNACTEC - Museu de la Cičncia i de la Tčcnica de Catalunya (Terrassa) • Moderna Museet (Stockholm) • MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, New York (New York City) • Monticello - Thomas Jefferson Foundation (Charlottesville) • Morris Museum of Art (Atlanta) • Moscow House of Photography (Moscow) • Mount Vernon - The Fred W. Smith Library for the Study of George Washington (Mount Vernon) • Multimedia Art Museum (Moscow) • Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow / Moscow House of Photography (Moscow) • mumok - Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien (Vienna) • Munch Museum (Oslo) • Munchner Stadtmuseum (Munich) • Murom History and Art Museum (Moscow) • Musee Adrien Mentienne (Bry-sur-Marne) • Musée Calouste Gubenkian (Lisbon) • Musée Cantini (Marseille) • Musée Carnavalet (Paris) • Musée Clemenceau (Paris) • Musée Condé (Chantilly) • Musée d'art américain Giverny (MAAG) (Giverny) • Musée d'art et d'histoire de Genčve (Geneva) • Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Langres (Langres) • Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (Paris) • Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain (Strasbourg) • Musée d'ethnographie de Genčve - MEG (Geneva) • Musee d'histoire de la medecine (Paris) • Musée d'Histoire de la Ville de Luxembourg (Luxembourg City) • Musée d'Orsay (Paris) • Musée de Bretagne (Rennes) • Musée de Grenoble (Grenoble) • Musée de l'Armée (Paris) • Musée de l'Elysée (Lausanne) • Musée de l'Histoire vivante (Montreuil) • Musée de l'Homme (Paris) • Musée de la Coopération franco-américaine (Blérancourt) • Musée de la musique (Paris) • Musée de la photographie de Madagascar (Antananarivo) • Musée de la police intégré (Brussels) • Musée Départmental Albert Kahn (Boulogne-Billancourt) • Musée des arts et métiers (Paris) • Musee des Beaux Arts Hyacinthe Rigaud (Perpignan) • Musée des Beaux-Arts (Lille) • Musée des Beaux-Arts (Troyes) • Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Arras (Arras) • Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Reims (Reims) • Musée des Civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée (Paris) • Musée du Berry (Bourges) • Musée du Louvre (Paris) • Musée du quai Branly (Paris) • Musée Eugčne Delacroix (Paris) • Musée Fabre, Montpellier (Montpellier) • Musée français de la Photographie (Bičvres) • Musée Gatien-Bonnet (Lagny-sur-Marne) • Musée Gruérien (Bulle) • Musée Historique de Mulhouse (Mulhouse) • Musée Ingres Bourdelle (Montauban) • Musée international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (Geneva) • Musée Lesecq des Tournelles (Rouen) • Musee Luxembourg - ML (Paris) • Musee Magritte Museum, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium (Brussels) • Musée Maillol - Fondation Dina Vierny (Paris) • Musée Maurice Denis (Saint-Germain-en-Laye) • Musée national d'histoire et d'art, Luxembourg (Luxembourg City) • Musée national de la photographie (Drummondville) • Musée National des Arts Asiatiques Guimet (Paris) • Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec (Québec City) • Musée National du Sport (Nice) • Musée Nicéphore Niépce / Museum of Photography (Chalon sur Saône) • Musée océanographique de Monaco (Monaco) • Musée Picasso (Paris) • Musée Sainte-Croix (Poitiers) • Musées des Pays de l'Ain (Bourg en Bresse) • Musei Civici Imola (Imola) • Musei di Strata Nuova, Palazzo Rosso (Genoa (Genova)) • Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze (Florence) • Museo Camera (Haryana) • Museo Centrale del Risorgimento (Rome) • Museo Collezione Salce (Trevisio) • Museo del Prado (Madris) • Museo del Precinema. Collezione Minici Zotti (Padua) • Museo del Traje (Madrid) • Museo di Antropologia criminale Cesare Lombroso (Turin) • Museo Galileo (Florence) • Museo Glauco Lombardi - Fondazione Museo Glauco Lombardi • Museo Histórico Nacional (Buenos Aires) • Museo Historico Nacional (Santiago) • Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia (Madrid) • Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales de Uruguay (Montevideo) • Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (Buenos Aires) • Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza (Madrid) • Museo Nazionale del Cinema (Turin) • Museu Casa de Benjamin Constant (Rio de Janeiro) • Museu de Óptica da Madeira - Madeira Optics Museum (Funchal) • Museu Histórico Nacional (Rio de Janeiro) • Museu Imperial (Petrópolis) • Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (Barcelona) • Museum Association of Émile Zola (Medan) • Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen (Rotterdam) • Museum Centre of Turku (Turku) • Museum Dr. Guislain (Ghent) • Museum Enschedé (Haarlem) • Museum Five Continents - Museum Fünf Kontinente (Munich) • Museum Folkwang (Essen) • Museum Fotoatelier Seidel (Ceský Krumlov) • Museum für Asiatische Kunst: Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin (Berlin) • Museum für Fotografie / Museum of Photography (Berlin) • Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte / Museum of Hamburg History (Hamburg) • Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG (Hamburg) • Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte der Hansestad (Lübeck) • Museum für Ostasiatische / Museum of East Asian Art (Cologne) • Museum Ludwig (Cologne) • Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) • Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (Sydney) • Museum of Bermuda Art (Bermuda) • Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago (Chicago) • Museum of Contemporary Photography - MoCP (Chicago) • Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague (Prague) • Museum of Ethnography - Néprajzi Múzeum (Budapest) • Museum of Fine Arts / Musée des beaux-arts, Lyon (Lyon) • Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (Boston) • Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent (Ghent) • Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH) (Houston) • Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield (Springfield) • Museum of Jurrasic Technology (Culver City) • Museum of London (London) • Museum of New Mexico (Santa Fe) • Museum of New Mexico: Museum of Fine Arts (Santa Fe) • Museum of New Zealand - Te Papa Tongarewa (Wellington) • Museum of Old Newbury (Newburyport) • Museum of Photographic Arts - MOPA (San Diego) • Museum of Photography - Fotografiska (Stockholm) • Museum of Photography, Fotofragijos Muzejus, - Siauliai (Siauliai) • Museum of South Texas History (Edinburg) • Museum of the City of New York (New York City) • Museum of the History of Science (Oxford) • Museum of Theatrical and Musical Art (St. Petersburg) • Museum Victoria (Melbourne) • Museum Victoria (Melbourne) • Museum Volkenkunde (Leiden) • Museums Victoria • Museums Victoria Collections (Melbourne) • Muzeul Revolutiei, Complex Muzeal Arad (Arad) • Muzeum Lubelskie (Lublin) • Muzeum Sztuki - Museum of Art in Lódz (Lodz) • Mystic Seaport Museum (Mystic) • Náprstek Museum (Náprstkovo muzeum - Národní muzeum) (Prague) • Národní Technické Muzeum (Prague) • NASA (Washington) • Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design (Oslo) • Nationaal Archief of the Netherlands / National Archive of the Netherlands (The Hague) • National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution (Washington) • National Anthropological Archives, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution (Suitland) • National Archives (Richmond) • National Archives and Records Administration (College Park) • National Army Museuem (Waiouru) • National Army Museum (Chelsea) • National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum (Oklahoma City) • National Galleries of Scotland (Edinburgh) • National Gallery - Thailand (Bangkok) • National Gallery of Art (Washington) • National Gallery of Australia (NGA) (Parkes) • National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada (Ottawa) • National Gallery of Greece (Anthens) • National Gallery of Ireland (Dublin) • National Library of Australia (Canberra) • National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh) • National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru (Aberystwyth) • National Maritime Museum (London) • National Medal of Honor Museum (Arlington) • National Museum in Warsaw - Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie (MNW) (Warsaw) • National Museum of African American History and Culture - Smithsonian Institution (Washington) • National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution (Washington) • National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution (Washington) • National Museum of Denmark (Copenhagen) • National Museum of Health and Medicine (Silver Spring) • National Museum of Iceland (Reykjavík) • National Museum of Ireland (Dublin) • National Museum of Lithuania (Vilnius) • National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo (Tokyo) • National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution (Washington) • National Museum of Photography - Denmark (Copenhagen) • National Museum of Romanian History (Bucharest) • National Museum of Science and Industry • National Museum of Singapore (Singapore) • National Museum of the American Indian Archives Center, Smithsonian Institution. (Washington) • National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution (Washington) • National Museum of the Romanian Peasant (Bucharest) • National Museum of Wales - Amgueddfa Cymru (Cardiff) • National Museum of Women in the Arts (Washington) • National Museums Scotland (Edinburgh) • National Portrait Gallery (Canberra) • National Portrait Gallery - NPG (London) • National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution (Washington) • National Science and Media Museum (Bradford) • National Technical Museum (Prague) • National Trust Fox Talbot Museum (Lacock, Chippenham) • National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum (Chicago) • National World War II Museum (New Orleans) • Natural History Museum (London) • Neanderthal Museum (Mettmann) • Nederlands Fotomuseum (Rotterdam) • Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art (Kansas City) • Neue Nationalgalerie (Berlin) • New Bedford Whaling Museum (New Bedford) • New Britain Museum of American Art (New Britain) • New Brunswick Museum (Saint John) • New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA) (New Orleans) • New York State Military Museum (Saratoga Springs) • Nexř Museum (Nexř) • NGV - National Gallery of Victoria (Melbourne) • Nordic Museum (Stockhom) • Nordiska museet - The Nordic Museum (Stockholm) • Norman Rockwell Museum (Stockbridge) • Norsk Folkemuseum (Oslo) • North Carolina Museum of History - NCMOH • Northwestern University Library, McCormick Library of Special Collections (Evanston) • Norton Simon Museum (Pasadena) • Norwich Castle Museum (Norwich) • Nova Scotia Museum (Halifax) • NYPL - New York Public Library (New York City) • Oakland Museum of California (Oakland) • Odense Bys Museer (Odense) • Ortiz Echagüe Collection - Legado Ortiz Echagüe (Navarra) • Oslo Museum (Oslo) • Otto Lilienthal Museum (Anklam) • PAFA - Pennslyvania Academy of the Fine Arts (Philadelphia) • Pails Fesch - Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Ajaccio (Ajaccio) • Palazzo Magnani (Reggio Emilia) • Palm Springs Art Museum (Palm Springs) • PatrimonioNacional - Archivo General de Palacio (Madrid) • Peabody Essex Museum (Salem) • Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology (Cambridge) • Peles National Muzeum / Muzeul National Peles – Castelul Peles si Castelul Pelisor (Sinaia) • Penn Museum - University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (Philadelphia) • Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia) • Pier 24 Photography (San Francisco) • Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna (Bologna) • Pinakothek der Moderne (Munich) • Pitt Rivers Museum (Oxford) • Portland Art Museum (Portland) • Powerhouse Museum (Sydney) • Preus Museum (Horten) • Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation (Charlottetown) • Princeton University Art Museum (Princeton) • Qatar Museum Collections • Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery (Launceston) • Queens Museum (Queens) • Queensland Art Gallery (Brisbane) • Queensland Museum (Brisbane) • Ranndesk Gallery of Art (New York City) • Réunion des Musées Nationaux - RMN (Paris) • Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam) • Rijksmuseum van Oudheden Leiden (Leiden) • RISD Museum (Providence) • Rochester Museum and Science Center (Rochester) • Royal Cornwall Museum (Truro) • Royal Engineers Museum Library & Archive (Gillingham) • Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium (Bruxelles) • Royal Ontario Museum - ROM (Toronto) • Royal Photographic Society (Bristol) • Ruskin Museum (Coniston) • Russian Museum of Ethnography (St. Petersburg) • Saint Louis Art Museum (St. Louis) • Salvador Dalí Museum (St. Petersburg) • Salzburg Museum (Salzburg) • Samokov Museum of History (Samakov) • Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara) • Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History (Santa Barbara) • Saratoga County Historical Society at Brookside Museum (Ballston Spa) • Science Museum (London) • Scottish National Gallery (Edinburgh) • Scottish National Portrait Gallery (Edinburgh) • Sechtl & Vosecek Museum of Photography (Tabor) • Semmelweis Medical History Museum (Budapest) • SFMOMA - San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (San Francisco) • Sheffield City Council, Library Service (Sheffield) • Sheldon Art Galleries (St Louis) • Smith College Museum of Art (Northampton) • Smithsonian - Archives of American Art (Washington) • Smithsonian Books (Washington) • Smithsonian Castle Collection (Washington) • Smithsonian Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (Washington) • Smithsonian Institution Archives (Washington) • Smithsonian Libraries (Washington) • Smithsonian National Postal Museum (Washington) • Smithsonian National Zoo (Washington) • Snite Museum of Art (Notre Dame) • Société Française de Photographie (Paris) • Sonoma Valley Museum of Art (Sonoma) • Sorolla Museum (Madrid) • South Street Seaport Museum (New York City) • Spencer Museum of Art, The University of Kansas (Lawrence) • SPM Salsali Private Museum (Dubai) • Sprengel Museum (Hannover) • Springfield Museum of Art (Springfield) • Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Ethnolgisches Museum (Berlin) • Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kunstbibliothek (Berlin) • Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main (Frankfurt am Main) • Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig - The Museum of City History (Leipzig) • Städtische Galerie Dresden - Kunstsammlung (Dresden) • Staedel Museum (Frankfurt am Main) • STAM - Ghent City Museum (Ghent) • State Art Museum, Odessa (Odessa) • State Museum of Political History of Russia (St. Petersburg) • State Silk Museum (Tbilisi) • Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum (Stirling) • Stockholm City Museum (Stockholm) • Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer (Grand Island) • Swansea Museum, Library (Swansea) • Swiss Camera Museum / Musée suisse de l'appareil photographique (Vevey) • Swiss Foundation for Photography / Fotostiftung Schweiz / Schweizerische Stiftung für die Photographie (Winterthur) • Sydney University Museums - Macleay Museum (Sydney) • Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery (Hobart) • Tate Britain (London) • Tate Liverpool (Liverpool) • Tate Modern (London) • Tate St Ives (St Ives) • Tbilisi History Museum (Tbilisi) • Tbilisi Photography & Multimedia Museum (Tbilisi) • Technisches Museum (Vienna) • Tekniska Museet - The National Museum of Science and Technology (Stockholm) • Tel Aviv Museum of Art (Tel Aviv) • Teylers Museum (Harlem) • The Academy of Natural Sciences (Philadelphia) • The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum (Exeter) • The Clark - Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute (Williamstown) • The David Collection (Copenhagen) • The Film Museum - Dept. for Archives & Digitization, The Danish Film Institute (Copenhagen) • The Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum (Oxford) • The Hague Museum of Photography (The Hague) • The Hardmans' House (Liverpool) • The Johnson Collection - TJC Gallery (Spartanburg) • The Morgan Library & Museum (New York City) • The National Gallery, London (London) • The Phillips Collection (Washington) • The Pioneer Museum - Gallatin Historical Society (Bozeman) • The State Russian Museum (Saint Petersburg) • Thessaloniki Museum of Photography (Thessaloniki) • Thorvaldsens Museum (Copenhagen) • Tokyo Photographic Art Museum (Tokyo) • Towneley Hall Art Gallery & Museum (Burnley) • Transformer Station (Cleveland) • Tropenmuseum (Amsterdam) • Tucson Museum of Art (Tucson) • Tunbridge Wells Museum & Art Gallery (Royal Tunbridge Wells) • Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums (Newcastle upon Tyne) • U.S. Army Quartermaster Museum • UBS Art Gallery (New York City) • Union Pacific Museum (Council Bluffs) • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (Washington) • Universiteit Leiden, Prentenkabinet (Leiden) • Universiteitsmuseum Utrecht (Utrecht) • University Art Museum, University of New Mexico (Albuquerque) • University Museum of Bergen (Bergen) • University Museums, University of Delaware (Newark) • University of Aberdeen Photographic Archives (Aberdeen) • University of Bergen Library / Universitetsbiblioteket I Bergen Knudsensamlingen (Bergen) • University of California, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive - BAMFA • University of Graz, Hans Gross Kriminalmuseum (Graz) • University of Iowa Libraries (Iowa City) • University of Maryland, Photography Collections (College Park) • University of Oregon Libraries (Eugene) • University of Richmond Museums (Richmond) • University of Tennessee, Knoxville, McClung Museum of Natural History & Culture (Knoxville) • University of Vermont, Fleming Museum of Art (Burlington) • University of Washington Libraries - Digital Collections (Seattle) • Upplandsmuseet (Uppsala) • Van Abbemuseum (Eindhoven) • Världskulturmuseet - Etnografiska (Gothenburg) • Vatican Museums (Vatican City) • Victoria and Albert Museum (London) • Victoria Police Museum (Melbourne) • Vizcaya Museum and Gardens (Miami) • Volkskunde Museum - Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art (Vienna) • Walker Art Center (Minneapolis) • Walker Art Gallery (Liverpool) • Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud, Köln (Köln) • Walters Art Museum (Baltimore) • Warren Anatomical Museum, Center for the History of Medicine (Boston) • Watts Gallery (Guildford) • Wellcome Collection (London) • Weltmuseum Wien (Vienna) • West Midlands Police Museum (Birmingham) • Whatcom Museum of History and Art (Bellingham) • Whitney Museum of American Art (New York City) • Whitney Museum of Art • Winnipeg Art Gallery (Winnipeg) • Wittliff Gallery of Southwestern & Mexican Photography (San Marcos) • Worcester Art Museum (Worcester) • Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center (Jerusalem) • Yale University Art Gallery (New Haven) • Yeshiva University Museum at the Center for Jewish History (New York City) • York Museums Trust (York).

Photographic Galleries
10 Chancery Lane Gallery (Hong Kong) • 303 Gallery (New York City) • 798 Photo Gallery (Beijing) • A Gallery for Fine Photography (New Orleans) • A.M. Richard Fine Art (Brooklyn) • A.P.H. - Christian Bouqueret (Paris) • Ace Gallery - Beverly Hills (Beverly Hills) • Ace Gallery - Los Angeles (Los Angeles) • Adhoc Galeria (Vigo) • Admira Photography (Milan) • ADN Galería (Barcelona) • Aeroplastics Contemporary (Brussels) • Afterimage Gallery (Dallas) • Alan Klotz Gallery (New York City) • Alexander Ochs Galleries (Berlin) • Alibi Fine Art (Chicago) • Alonso Art (Miami) • Amber Roome Contemporary Art (Edinburgh) • An American Space Gallery (New York City) • Anahita Gallery (Santa Fe) • Anastasia Photo (New York City) • Andrea Meislin Gallery (New York City) • Andrew Shire Gallery - Los Angeles (Los Angeles) • Andrew Smith Gallery (Santa Fe) • Anhava (Helsinki) • Anne de Villepoix (Paris) • Anne Reed Gallery (Ketchum) • Annet Gelink Gallery (Amsterdam) • Ansel Adams Gallery (Yosemite) • Anzenberger Gallery (Vienna) • Aperture Gallery (New York City) • Aplanat Galerie für Fotografie (Hamburg) • Approach (London) • Argentic - Photo-Collection (Paris) • Ars Futura Galerie (CLOSED - Dec 2004) (Zurich) • Art 45 (Montreal) • Art Agents Gallery (Hamburg) • Art Gaspar (Barcelona) • Artazart (Paris) • ArtChina - Contemporary Gallery and Art Store (Hamburg) • ArteF Galerie für Kunstfotografie (Zurich) • Artseal Gallery (CLOSED) (San Francisco) • Atelier pH7 (Brussels) • Atlas Gallery (London) • Aura Gallery (Shanghai) • Australian Centre for Photography (Paddington) • B&D Studio Contemporanea (Milan) • Bachmann Eckenstein Art & Antiques (Basle) • Bank (Los Angeles) • Barbara Gillman Gallery (Miami) • Barry Friedman Ltd (New York City) • Barry Singer Gallery (Petaluma) • Base Gallery (Tokyo) • Baudoin Lebon (Paris) • BC Space (Laguna Beach) • Beetles + Huxley (London) • Benham Gallery (Seattle) • Bernhard Knaus Fine Art (Frankfurt am Main) • Bernheimer Fine Art Photography (Munich) • Bett Gallery (North Hobart) • Bitforms Gallery NYC (New York City) • Bitforms Gallery Seoul (Seoul) • Blair Goodwin Gallery (Inverness) • Blue Sky Gallery (Oregon Center for the Photographic Arts) (Portland) • Bond Street Gallery (CLOSED - Nov 1, 2008) (Brooklyn) • Bonni Benrubi Gallery (New York City) • Brancolini Grimaldi Arte Contemporanea (Rome) • Breese Little (London) • Bruce Silverstein (New York City) • Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery (New York City) • Buchmann Gallery (Berlin) • Burlingame Gallery (Exeter) • Byron McMahon Gallery (CLOSED) (Sydney) • Camara Oscura Galeria de Arte (Madrid) • Camera Obscura Gallery (Denver) • Camera Work (Berlin) • Candace Dwan Gallery (New York City) • Carl Hammer Gallery (Chicago) • Carolina Nitsch Project Room (New York City) • Carrie Haddad Photographs (Hudson) • Catherine Edelman Gallery (Chicago) • Center for Fine Art Photography (Fort Collins) • Center for Photographic Art (Carmel) • Center for Photography (St. Louis) • CEROS - Jean-Mathieu Martini / Serge Plantureux (Paris) • Chambre avec vues (Paris) • Charles Cowles Gallery, Inc (New York City) • Charles Nes Photography LLC New York - Paris (New York City) • Cheim & Read Gallery (New York City) • Chinasquare (New York City) • Chris Beetles (London) • Christopher Grimes Gallery (Santa Monica) • Circus Gallery (Los Angeles) • Claire Oliver Gallery (New York City) • ClampArt (New York City) • Clark House Gallery (Bangor) • Claudia Delank (Cologne) • Cohen Amador Gallery (now the Amador Gallery) (New York City) • Cokkie Snoei Gallery (Rotterdam) • Coldsprings Gallery (Santa Clarita) • Commerce Graphics Ltd Inc (CLOSED - 2013) (New York City) • Contemporary Works / Vintage Works (Chalfont) • Contiempo Gallery (San Francisco) • Cook Fine Art (New York City) • Corkin Gallery (Toronto) • Cornerhouse (Manchester) • Craig Krull Gallery (Santa Monica) • Cristinerose Gallery (New York City) • Czech Center of Photography (Prague) • D. Mortenson Gallery (Stonington) • D3projects (Santa Monica) • DAM Berlin (Berlin) • Daneyal Mahmood Gallery (New York City) • Daniel Blau Ltd (London) • Daniel Cooney Fine Art (New York City) • Danziger Projects (New York City) • David Gallery (Culver City) • David Hill Gallery (London) • Davis and Cline Galleries (Ashland) • Davis Orton Gallery (Hudson) • Deborah Bell Photographs (CLOSED - 2011) (New York City) • Deborah Colton Gallery (Houston) • DF2 Gallery (Los Angeles) • Dianne Tanzer (Fitzroy) • DNA (Berlin) • Dolphin Gallery (Kansas City) • Dom Fotografie (Poprad) • dpm Gallery (Miami) • Drkrm Gallery (Los Angeles) • Duncan Miller Gallery (Los Angeles) • Dvir Gallery (Tel Aviv) • East Wing (Dubai) • Editions Léo Scheer (Paris) • Edwynn Houk Gallery (New York City) • EFG Gallery (New York City) • Etherton Gallery (Tucson) • Evo Gallery (Santa Fe) • Extraspazio Gallery (Rome) • Eyejammie Fine Arts Gallery (New York City) • F2 Gallery (Beijing) • Fabien Fryns Fine Arts (CLOSED) • Faggionato Fine Art (London) • Fahey / Klein Gallery (Los Angeles) • Farmani Gallery: Gallery of Contemporary Photography (Los Angeles) • FAS Contemporary Art (London) • Fay Gold Gallery (Atlanta) • Feroz Gallery (Bonn) • FGA (San Juan) • Fifty One Fine Art Photography (Antwerp) • Flatbed Gallery and Press (Austin) • Flatland Gallery (Utrecht) • Flo Peters Gallery (Hamburg) • Flomenhaft Gallery (New York City) • Flowers East (London) • Foil Gallery (Tokyo) • Foley Gallery (New York City) • Forma Centro Internazionale di Fotografia (Milan) • Foto galerija Lang (Samobor) • FotoFest (Houston) • Fotogallerie Wien (Vienna) • Fotografia Italiana (Milan) • Fotografisk Center (Copenhagen) • Fototeka (Los Angeles) • Fraenkel Gallery (San Francisco) • Francis Naumann Fine Art (New York City) • Frank Pictures (Santa Monica) • FSM Gallery - Fondazione Studio Marangoni (Florence) • Fucares (Madrid) • Fundación Alfonso y Luis Castillo / Arte x Arte (Buenos Aires) • FW Frehrking Wiesehöfer (Cologne) • G. Gibson Gallery (Seattle) • G/P (Tokyo) • G2 Gallery (Venice) • Gagosian Gallery, New York (New York City) • Gagosian Gallery, Paris (Paris) • Galería 356 (San Juan) • Galería Adora Calvo (Salamanca) • Galería Alonso Vidal (Barcelona) • Galeria Altamira (Gijón) • Galeria Bacelos (Vigo) • Galería Candela (San Juan) • Galeria Chroma | Fotografia Fine Art (Săo Paulo) • Galeria Estiarte (Madrid) • Galería Fernando Pradilla (Madrid) • Galeria Filomena Soares (Lisbon) • Galeria Fotografii B&B / Gallery of Photography B&B (Bielsko-Biala) • Galeria Millan (Săo Paulo) • Galería Oliva Arauna (Madrid) • Galeria Sicart (Barcelona) • Galeria Toni Tapies (Barcelona) • Galerie 1900-2000 (Paris) • Galerie 208 (Paris) • Galerie 291 Paris (Paris) • Galerie ACTE 2 (Paris) • Galerie Adler (Paris) • Galerie Agathe Gaillard (Paris) • Galerie Albert Benamou (Paris) • Galerie Alex Daniels - Reflex Amsterdam (Amsterdam) • Galerie Almine Rech (Paris) • Galerie Andrea Brenner (Dusseldorf) • Galerie Anne Barrault (Paris) • Galerie Anne de Villepoix (Paris) • Galerie Anton Weller - Isabelle Suret (Paris) • Galerie Autochrome: Art Photographique de 1839 ŕ nos jours (Lyon) • Galerie Berinson (Berlin) • Galerie Bernhard Knaus GmbH (Mannheim - CLOSED - 2007) (Mannheim) • Galerie Berthet-Aittouarčs (Paris) • Galerie Bilderwelt • Galerie BMG (Woodstock) • Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer (Dusseldorf) • Galerie Camera Obscura (Paris) • Galerie Caprice Horn (Berlin) • Galerie Central Color (Paris) • Galerie Chantal Crousel (Paris) • Galerie Clairefontaine (Luxembourg City) • Galerie Clairefontaine - Espace 2 (Luxembourg City) • Galerie Clara Maria Sels (Dusseldorf) • Galerie Claude Samuel (Paris) • Galerie Conrads (Dusseldorf) • Galerie Daniel Blau (Munich) • Galerie Dominique Fiat (Paris) • Galerie Dominique Weitz (Paris) • Galerie Erna Hecey (Brussels) • Galerie Esther Woerdehoff (Paris) • Galerie f5,6 (Munich) • Galerie Françoise Paviot (Paris) • Galerie Frank Fluegel (Nuernberg) • Galerie für Moderne Kunst und Plakatkunst (Cologne) • Galerie Hafenrichter & Fluegel (Nuremberg) • Galerie Hafenrichter & Flügel (Nurnberg) • Galerie Hopkins (Paris) • Galerie Hors Sol (Paris) • Galerie Johannes Faber (Vienna) • Galerie Julian Sander (Cologne) • Galerie Junger (Baden) • Galerie Kamel Mennour (Paris) • Galerie Kamm (Berlin) • Galerie Karsten Greve (Paris) (Paris) • Galerie Kicken Berlin (Berlin) • Galerie Kowasa (Barcelona) • Galerie Le Réverbčre (Lyon) • Galerie Le Simoun (Paris) • Galerie Loevenbruck (Paris) • Galerie m Bochum (Bochum) • Galerie Mamia Bretesché (Paris) • Galerie Marian Goodman (Paris) • Galerie Marion Meyer (Paris) • Galerie Martin Kudlek (Cologne) • Galerie Michčle Chomette (Paris) • Galerie Michel Rein (Paris) • Galerie Nelson (Paris) • Galerie Olivier Houg (Lyon) • Galerie Pascal Vanhoecke (Paris) • Galerie Philippe Chaume (Paris) • Galerie Polaris (Paris) • Galerie Poller (New York City) • Galerie Priska Pasquer (Cologne) • Galerie Rabouan Moussion (Paris) • Galerie RX (Paris) • Galerie Schuebbe Projekt (Dusseldorf) • Galerie Seine 51 (Paris) • Galerie Seippel Cologne (Cologne) • Galerie Sonia Zannettacci (Geneva) • Galerie St. Pčre (Paris) • Galerie Stefan Röpke (Cologne) • Galerie Tanit (Munich) • Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac (Paris) • Galerie Thérčse Dion (Montreal) • Galerie van der Mieden (Antwerp) • Galerie van Gelder (Amsterdam) • Galerie Vanessa Quang (Paris) • Galerie Voss (Dusseldorf) • Galerie Vrais Reves (Lyon) • Galerie Xippas (Paris) • Galerie Yvon Lambert (Paris) • Galerie Zur Stockeregg (Zurich) • Galleri Balder (Oslo) • Galleria dell'Arco (Palermo) • Galleria Magenta52 (Vimercate) • Galleria Martini & Ronchetti (Genoa (Genova)) • Galleria PaciArte Contemporary (Brescia) • Gallerie Thomas Zander (Cologne) • Gallery 19/21 (Guilford) • Gallery 291 (San Francisco) • Gallery 339 - Fine Art Photography (Philadelphia) • Gallery 727 (Los Angeles) • Gallery argus fotokunst (Berlin) • Gallery Luisotti (Santa Monica) • Gallery M (Denver) • Gallery Momo (Johannesburg) • Gallery of Photography (Dublin) • Gallery White Room (Tokyo) • Gallery482 (Brisbane) • Gendell Gallery (San Francisco) • Gerald Peters Gallery (Dallas) • Gitterman Gallery (New York City) • Guido Costa Projects (Turin) • Gun Gallery (Stockholm) • Guy Hepner (New York City) • HackelBury Fine Art Ltd (London) • Haines Gallery (San Francisco) • Halsted Gallery (Bloomfield Hills) • Hamiltons Gallery (London) • Hamish Morrison Galerie (Berlin) • Hans P. Kraus, Jr., Inc. (New York City) • Hardcore Art Contemporary (Miami) • Hasted Hunt (New York City) • Helmut Newton Foundation (Berlin) • Hemphill (Washington) • Henry Feldstein (Forest Hills) • Herrmann & Wagner (Berlin) • Higher Pictures (New York City) • Highland Gallery (Marfa) • Hiromi Yoshii (Tokyo) • Hirschl & Adler (New York City) • Holden Luntz Gallery (Palm Beach) • Hosfelt Gallery (NY) (New York City) • Hosfelt Gallery (SF) (San Francisco) • Hous Projects (New York City) • Howard Greenberg Gallery (New York City) • Hug - Gallery for International Photography (CLOSED) (Amsterdam) • HUP Gallery (Amsterdam) • Hyperion Press Limited (New York City) • Hypnos • I. Wolk Gallery (St. Helena) • IBU Gallery (Paris) • ICM - Photography for collectors (Haarlem) • Impressions Gallery (Bradford) • IndiPix (New Delhi) • Ingleby Gallery (Edinburgh) • Iris Gallery of Fine Art Photography (Great Barrington) • J.J. Brookings (San Jose) • J.J. Heckenhauer (Berlin) • Jackson Fine Art / Charlotte Jackson Fine Art (Atlanta) • James Hyman Gallery (London) • Jan Kesner Gallery (Los Angeles) • Janet Borden Gallery (New York City) • Janet Lehr, Inc. (New York City) • Jen Bekeman (New York City) • Jenkins Johnson Gallery - New York (New York City) • Jenkins Johnson Gallery - San Francisco (San Francisco) • JHB Gallery (New York City) • Joel Soroka Gallery (Aspen) • John Berggruen Gallery (San Francisco) • John Cleary Gallery (Houston) • John Nichols Gallery (Santa Paula) • John Pence Gallery (San Francisco) • John Stevenson Gallery (New York City) • Josef Lebovic Gallery (Sydney) • Joseph Bellows Gallery (La Jolla) • Josephus Daniels Gallery (Carmel) • Juan Ruiz Galeria (Maracaibo) • Juana de Aizpuru (Madrid) • Julie Saul Gallery (New York City) • Kahmann Gallery (Amsterdam) • Kamakura Gallery (Kanagawa) • Karpio + Facchini Gallery (Miami) • Kathleen Ewing Gallery (Washington) • Kathmandu Photo Gallery (Bangkok) • Kaune Sudendorf: Gallery for Contemporary Photography (Cologne) • Keith de Lellis Gallery (New York City) • Kenise Barnes Fine Art (Larchmont) • Keumsan Gallery (Seoul) • Klompching Gallery (Brooklyn) • Klotz / Sirmon Gallery (CLOSED) (New York City) • Kominek Gallery (Berlin) • Kopeikin Gallery (CLOSED - 2020) (West Hollywood) • Kornelia Tamm Fine Arts (Santa Fe) • Kudlek Van der Grinten (Cologne) • L.A. Galerie Lothar Albrecht (Frankfurt am Main) • L.A. Galerie Lothar Albrecht GmbH (Zug) • L.A. Gallery Beijing (Beijing) • L'Atelier d'Artistes (Paris) • La B.A.N.K. Galerie (Paris) • La Galerie de Chartres (Chartres) • Lanterna Magica (Palermo) • Laurence Miller Gallery (New York City) • Le Réverbčre (Lyon) • LeadApron (Los Angeles) • Lee Gallery (Winchester) • Leica Gallery in Frankfurt (Frankfurt am Main) • Leica Gallery in Istanbul (Istanbul) • Leica Gallery in Melbourne (Melbourne) • Leica Gallery in New York (New York City) • Leica Gallery in Săo Paulo (Săo Paulo) • Leica Gallery in Solms (Solms) • Leica Gallery in Tokyo (Tokyo) • Leica Gallery in Vienna (Vienna) • Lemon Sky Projects (Los Angeles) • Les Filles du Calvaire (Paris) • Light Work (Syracuse) • Linda Durham Contemporary Art (Santa Fe) • LipanjePuntin artecontemporanea - Rome (Rome) • LipanjePuntin artecontemporanea - Trieste (Trieste) • Lisa Sette Gallery (Scottsdale) • Los Angeles Center for Digital Art (Los Angeles) • Luhring Augustine Gallery (New York City) • Luis Adelantado (Valencia) • Lumas Editions Gallery (Berlin) • Lumas Editions Gallery - New York (New York City) • Lumičre - The Galleries of Peachtree Hills (Atlanta) • Lurie Gallery (Studio City) • M+B (Los Angeles) • m97 Gallery (Shanghai) • Madelyn Jordon Fine Art (Scarsdale) • Magnum Photos London - Print Room (London) • Mai 36 Galerie (Zurich) • Marc Selwyn Fine Art (Los Angeles) • Marcia Rafelman Fine Arts (Toronto) • Marella Gallery (Milan) • Margo Leavin Gallery (Los Angeles) • Marian Goodman Gallery (NY) (New York City) • Marian Goodman Gallery (Paris) (Paris) • Marianne Courville Gallery (Hudson) • Martin Gordon Gallery (Phoenix) • Marvelli Gallery (New York City) • Massimo Minini (Brescia) • Maureen Paley (London) • Maurer Zilioli Contemporary Arts (Brescia) • Max Estrella (Madrid) • McNamara Gallery Photography (Wanganui) • MEM (Tokyo) • Mia Sundberg Galleri (Stockholm) • Michael Dawson Gallery (Los Angeles) • Michael Hoppen Gallery (London) • Michael Senft / Masterworks (East Hampton) • Michael Stevenson (Cape Town) • Miller Block Gallery (Boston) • MK galerie (Rotterdam) • Modernbook Gallery (San Francisco) • Moises Perez de Albeniz (Pamplona) • Monika Sprüth Philomene Magers - Cologne (Cologne) • Monika Sprüth Philomene Magers - London (London) • Monika Spruth Philomene Magers - Munich (Munich) • Monroe Gallery Of Photography (Santa Fe) • Monte Clark Gallery - Vancouver (Vancouver) • Moving Gallery (Omaha) • Museo Archivo de la Fotografía (Mexico City) • Nature Morte (New Delhi) • Nessim Galeria (Budapest) • New Art Project (Paris) • Nicholas Metivier Gallery (Toronto) • Nicole Fiacco Gallery (CLOSED) (Hudson) • Niletuzun: Gallery of Italian Photography (Los Angeles) • Noortman Master Paintings (Amsterdam) • OMC Gallery for Contemporary Art (Huntington Beach) • Open Shutter Gallery (Durango) • Opus Gallery (Newcastle upon Tyne) • Opus Mirabilis (Paris) • Ordover Gallery (Solana Beach) • Ordover Gallery - San Diego Natural History Museum • Ostlicht - Gallery for Photography (Vienna) • Ostra Studio (Digital collection) • Oswald Gallery (TX) (CLOSED) (Austin) • Oswald Gallery (WY) (Jackson) • Pace / MacGill Gallery (New York City) • Paci Contemporary (Brescia) • Panopticon Gallery (Boston) • Patrick De Brock Gallery (Knokke) • Patrick Mikhail Gallery (Ottawa) • Paul Kasmin Gallery (New York City) • Paul Kuhn Gallery (Calgary) • Paula Cooper Gallery (New York City) • PDNB Photographs Do Not Bend Gallery (Dallas) • Peer Gallery (New York City) • Pekin Fine Arts (Beijing) • Peter Fetterman Gallery (Santa Monica) • Peter Hay Halpert Fine Art - New York (New York City) • Peter Hay Halpert Fine Art - Philadelphia (Philadelphia) • Peter Juvelis Fine Art/TRESART (Coral Gables, Miami) • Photo & Contemporary (Turin) • Photo Gallery International (Tokyo) • Photo Verdeau (Paris) • Photo-Eye Gallery (Santa Fe) • Photografica Fine Art Gallery (Lugano) • Photographers Gallery (Los Angeles) • Photographers Gallery & Erdmann Contemporary (Cape Town) • Photographers' Gallery (London) • Photographic Center Northwest (Seattle) • Photography 414 (Fredericksburg) • Photology (Milan) • Picture Photo Space, Inc. (Osaka) • Picture This Gallery (Hong Kong) • Pierre Spake Fine Art (Ware) • Pierre-François Ouellette Art Contemporain (Montreal) • Point Light Gallery (Surry Hills) • Point of View Gallery (New York City) • Prakapas Gallery (Bronxville) • Private View/galerie Thierry Marlat (Paris) • Pro-Jex Gallery (Austin) • Purdy Hicks (London) • Queensland Centre for Photography (QCP) (Bulimba) • Ralls Collection, Inc. (Washington) • Rat Hole Gallery (Tokyo) • Red Ink Studio Gallery (San Jose) • Rena Bransten Gallery (San Francisco) • Reunion (London) • Ricco/Maresca Gallery (New York City) • Robert Berman Gallery (Santa Monica) • Robert Burge / 20th Century Photographs, Ltd. (New York City) • Robert Klein Gallery (Boston) • Robert Koch Gallery (San Francisco) • Robert Mann Gallery (New York City) • Robert Miller Gallery (New York City) • Robert Morat Galerie (Hamburg) • Robert Tat Gallery (San Francisco) • Ronald Feldman Gallery (New York City) • Rosamund Felsen Gallery (Santa Monica) • RoseGallery (Santa Monica) • Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery (Sydney) • S K Josefberg Studio (CLOSED - 2004) (Portland) • Saatchi Gallery (London) • Sage Paris (Paris) • Sandra Berler Gallery (Chevy Chase) • Sandra Byron Gallery (became the Byron McMahon Gallery - March 2007) (Sydney) • Scalo|Guye (CLOSED - June 30, 2008) (West Hollywood) • Scheinbaum & Russek Ltd. (Santa Fe) • Schneider Gallery (Chicago) • Scott Nichols Gallery (San Francisco) • Seagrave Gallery • Sean Kelly Gallery (New York City) • Senda (Barcelona) • sepiaEYE (New York City) • Seraphin Gallery (Philadelphia) • SF Camerawork (San Francisco) • Shugoarts (Tokyo) • Side Photographic Gallery (Newcastle upon Tyne) • Silver Print Gallery and Archive (Ein Hod) • Silverstein Photography (New York City) • Skew Gallery (Calgary) • Sous Les Etoiles The Gallery (New York City) • Southside Gallery (Oxford) • Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus (Munich) • Staley+Wise Gallery (New York City) • Staton Greenberg Gallery (CLOSED) (Santa Barbara) • Stellan Holm Gallery (New York City) • Stephen Bulger Gallery (Toronto) • Stephen Cohen Gallery (Los Angeles) • Stephen Daiter Gallery / Daiter Contemporary (Chicago) • Stephen L. Clark Gallery (Austin) • Stephen Wirtz Gallery (CLOSED August 2014) (San Francisco) • Steven Kasher Gallery (New York City) • Stills Gallery (Paddington) • Studio 391 Fine Art Photography (Gualala) • Studios Robespierre, Serge Plantureux (Montreuil) • Susan Hobbs Gallery (Toronto) • Susan Spiritus Gallery (Newport Beach) • Sutcliffe Gallery (Whitby) • T20 (Murcia) • Taik Gallery (Helsinki) • Taka Ishii (Tokyo) • Taka Ishii Gallery (Tokyo) • Taro Nasu (Tokyo) • Tasveer (Bangalore) • Temple Gallery (Tucson) • Tepper Takayama Fine Arts (Boston) • Teutloff Photo + Video Collection (Bielefeld) • The Empty Quarter (Dubai) • The Parking Lot (London) • Third Gallery Aya (Osaka) • Throckmorton Fine Art, Inc. (New York City) • Tilt Gallery (Phoenix) • Tissato Nakahara Gallery (Paris) • Toluca (Paris) • Tomio Koyama Gallery (Tokyo) • Tonpeek Photography (Utrecht) • Torch (Amsterdam) • Tristan's Gallery (Wadebridge) • Turner Carroll Gallery (Santa Fe) • Turquoize Fine Arts (Toronto) • TZR Galerie Kai Brückner (Dusseldorf) • Ubu Gallery (New York City) • Van Kranendonk Gallery (Den Haag) • Van Zoetendaal Photography (Amsterdam) • Vermont Center for Photography (Brattleboro) • Verve Gallery of Photography (CLOSED - 2017) (Santa Fe) • Victoria Miro (London) • Victoria Miro Gallery (London) • Vintage Galéria (Budapest) • Vision / Neil Folberg Gallery (Jerusalem) • Volakis Gallery (Napa) • Von Lintel Gallery (New York City) • Vu' La Galerie (Paris) • Wach Gallery (Avon Lake) • Wall Space Gallery (Seattle) • Walsh Gallery (Chicago) • Wanted Paris (Paris) • Watermark Fine Art Photographs & Books (CLOSED) (Houston) • Wedge Gallery (Toronto) • Weinstein Gallery (Minneapolis) • Wessel + O'Connor Fine Art (Lahaska) • Weston Gallery, Inc. (Carmel) • Westwood Galley (New York City) • Wetterling Gallery (Stockholm) • White Room Gallery (CLOSED) (Los Angeles) • White Space Beijing (Beijing) • White Space Gallery in St Peter's (London) • Whitewall Gallery (Seoul) • Winter Works on Paper (New York City) • Wm. Floyd (New York City) • Yancey Richardson Gallery (New York City) • Yoshii Gallery (New York City) • Yossi Milo Gallery (New York City) • Young Gallery: Fine Art Photography (Brussels) • Yours Gallery (Warsaw) • Zabriskie Gallery (New York City) • Zebra Gallery (London) • Zeit-Foto Salon (Tokyo) • Zelda Cheatle Gallery (London) • Zone B (Berlin) • Zone E (Essen).

Photographic dealers
19th century photography (Bilthoven) • Aaron Benneian: Historical Americana (Lampeter) • Agitatto (Geneva) • Akehurst Creative Management Ltd • Alain Le Gaillard (Paris) • Alain Paviot (Paris) • Allison Holland • Ampersand Vintage (Seattle) • AnamorFose (Izegem) • Andrew Dally (Llanwrtyd Wells) • Andrew Ward • Anne Arden McDonald (Brooklyn) • Antiq-Photo (La Quinta) • Antiquariat Daniel Good GmbH (Beromünster) • Ariel Meyerowitz Gallery (New York City) • Arnaud Delas Fine Photography (London) • Artphot S.P.R.L. (Brussels) • Asia Photo Books • Au Bonheur du Jour (Paris) • Bauman Rare Books (New York City) • Baxley Stamps (Alamogordo) • Bayarre Pascale & Fabrice (Paris) • Bazar Nadar / Wouter Lambrechts • Bernard J. Shapero Rare Books (London) • Bernard Quaritch Ltd (London) • Bibliophoto (Paris) • BigKugels • Bjarne Tokerud Bookseller (Victoria) • Blind Spot Artist Representation (New York City) • Burns Americana • Camera Lucida Photographs (Toronto) • Candace Tallman Fine Arts (Oakhurst) • Capitol Gallery (Morgantown) • Caracola Latin American Fine Art (Altadena) • Carl Mautz Vintage Photographs (Nevada City) • Carole Thompson Fine Art & Photographs (Santa Barbara) • Charles A. Hartman Fine Art (Portland) • Charles Guice Fine Art Photography LLC (Berkeley) • Charles Isaacs Photographs, Inc (New York City) • Charles Schwartz Ltd (New York City) • Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs (New Haven) • Classic Photographics (Newcastle upon Tyne) • Collected Image (Evanston) • Craigs Camera (Torrington) • Daniella Dangoor (London) • David A. Schorsch-Eileen M. Smiles American Antiques (Woodbury) • David Chow (Providence) • Debra Heimerdinger / Fine Art Photographs (Brevard) • Dennis A. Waters Fine Daguerreotypes (Exeter) • Dennis George Crow (Los Angeles) • Des Photographies (Paris) • Diktats • Dinah May Vintage & Contemporary Photographs (London) • Douglas Stewart Rare Books (Armadale) • Early Image: 19th & Early 20th Century Photographs • Eastern Window (Jan van der Wal) • Ebay seller - diggerlee • Eric Franck Fine Art (London) • Ezra Mack (Greenwich) • Fine Early Photography (Baltimore) • Fine Japanese Prints / Japanese Prints - Appraisers (Tokyo) • Florence Loewy (Paris) • G. Ray Hawkins (Los Angeles) • Galerie du Jour Agnes B (Paris) • Galerie Lumičre des Roses (Montreuil) • Galerie Nicole et Léon Herschtritt (Paris) • Gallery F (Kingston upon Thames) • Gary Edwards Gallery (Washington) • Gibbs Books (Williamsville) • GimpelFils (London) • Grahame Putland Gallery (New York City) • Greg French Early Photography (Jamaica Plain) • Guillaume Ingert - Photographies de collection (Paris) • Guy Hepner Contemporary (Los Angeles) • Hamburg Kennedy Photographs (New York City) • Helix Art Center (San Diego) • Howard Schickler Fine Art (CLOSED - 2006) • (Fort Lauderdale) • India & The Orient (Bath) • Indoislamica (London) • InstallationsAntiques (Houston) • International Images (Los Angeles) • J. Cosmas Vintage Photography (Providence) • Jack Mord, Dealer • Janet Sirmon Fine Art (Los Angeles) • Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics • Jeremy Rowe Vintage Photography • Jill Quasha (New York City) • John Benjafield - Photo-UK (Norwich) • Joseph Dasta Art and Antiquities • June Bateman Fine Art (New York City) • Katrina Doerner (Brooklyn) • KaufmaNelson Vintage Photographs (Bainbridge Island) • Ken & Jenny Jacobson (Great Bardfield) • Kevin Longino Fine Photographs (Greenwich) • L. Parker Stephenson Photographs (New York City) • L'île aux images (Paris) • La Bonne Vivante • Larry Gottheim, Be-hold, Inc (Yonkers) • Lee Marks Fine Art (Shelbyville) • Leo Haks: Indonesian Art & Photography (Amsterdam) • Leonard Joel (Melbourne) • Levin Gallery: Fine Art Photography (Monterey) • Lewis Lehr, Inc (New York City) • Linus Carr Art and Photographs Ltd (Leamington Spa) • Lisa Tao (London) • Louis / Bernard (Baltimore) • Louis Klaitman Fine Vintage and Contemporary Photographs (Berkeley) • M. and R. Sayer Fine Arts LLC (New York City) • Maloney Fine Art (Culver City) • Martin Asbaek Projects (Copenhagen) • Medhurst & Co (Overland Park) • Meter Gallery (New York City) • Michael Maslan Vintage Posters, Photographs, Postcards & Ephemera (Seattle) • Michael Shapiro Photographs (San Francisco) • Michael Treloar Antiquarian Book Sellers (Adelaide) • Morehouse Gallery (Brookline) • Muse XX (New York City) • Nailya Alexander (New York City) • Nevares Fine Art (New York City) • Ninteen-Thirteen: Art Antiques Artifacts (Albany) • Noble Numismatics (Melbourne) • Northern Light Gallery (Bronshoj) • Obscura: photos + books • Oceania-Ethnographica (Melbourne) • Old Japan (Purley) • Ozanne Rare Books (Paris) • Pablo Butcher (Dorchester-on-Thames) • Past to Present: Vintage Photo Gallery (Manchester) • Patricia Laligant Gallery (New York City) • Paul Cava Fine Art (Bala Cynwyd) • Paul Frecker (London) • Paul M. Hertzmann, Inc (San Francisco) • Perspective Fine Art, Inc (Soquel) • Philippe Doublet • Photo-And-Co - Photographies anciennes • PhotoArt (Hamburg) • PhotoBigBang (Grenoble) • Photoceros (Paris) • Photokunst (Friday Harbor) • Pop's Postcards • Pump Park Vintage Photography (Downpatrick) • Radiant Light Gallery (Concord) • Rare Photo Gallery - Neil David MacDonald (Toronto) • Redwood Gallery (Cobham) • Relic Man - Civil War Relics • Richard Meara (Cobham) • Richard Moore Photographs (Oakland) • Richard T. Rosenthal (Philadelphia) • Robert Hershkowitz Ltd. (London) • Roland Belgrave Vintage Photography (Brighton) • Samuel Frederic Photography: International Contemporary Art Photography (Brussels) • Sasha Wolf Photographs (New York City) • Sebastian Dobson (London) • Select Vernacular Photographs / Norman Kulkin (Los Angeles) • Sims Reed Rare Books (London) • Stereoviews: Stereoviews and Fine 19th & 20th Century Antique Photographs (Washington) • Stewart & Skeels (London) • Tartt Gallery (Warrenton) • The 19th Century Rare Book and Photograph Shop (Brooklyn) • Thomas V. Meyer - Fine Art (San Francisco) • • Timothy Baum (New York City) • Un Livre Une Image (Paris) • Vance Martin (Kensington) • Vernacular Photography (Philadelphia) • Vincent Borrelli, Rare and Contemporary Photography Books (Albuquerque) • Vintage-Photos (Marseille) • Walkabout Books (Laguna Niguel) • Willem Photographic (Monterey) • William L. Schaeffer / Photographs (Chester) • Witkin Gallery (New York City) • World of Stereoviews (Hemingstone) • Yosefa Drescher Fine Art (West Hartford).

Auction houses and other services
Auction houses are a constant source of rarely seen imagery that is important to photohistory and at times their lot notes can be highly informative. Photohistory is like a vast jigsaw puzzle where many of the pieces are missing. At times auction lots turn up a missing piece of the puzzle.
ACMS, LLC (New York City) • Adams Amsterdam Auctions (Amsterdam) • Ader (Paris) • Ader Nordmann (Paris) • Alexander Historical Auctions (Chesapeake City) • American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) (Washington) • Archival Methods (Rochester) • Artcurial (Paris) • Artmark (Bucharest) • Aste di Antiquariato Boetto (Genoa (Genova)) • Auction House Heinze & Co • Bags Unlimited (Rochester) • Baron Ribeyre & Associes • Bassenge Photography Auctions (Berlin) • Bearnes, Hampton and Littlewood (Exeter) • Bloomsbury Auctions - London (London) • Bloomsbury Auctions - NY (New York City) • Bloomsbury Auctions - Rome (Rome) • Bonhams - Dubai (Dubai) • Bonhams - London (London) • Bonhams - New York (New York City) • Bonhams - New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles • Bonhams & Butterfields - Los Angeles (Los Angeles) • Bonhams & Butterfields - New York (New York City) • Bonhams & Butterfields - San Francisco (San Francisco) • Botterweg Auctions (Amsterdam) • Cased Image - Alan A. Bekhuis • Center for Photography at Woodstock (Woodstock) • Charles-Edouard Delettrez Auction (Paris) • Chiswick Auctions • Choppin de Janvry (Paris) • Christie's - London (London) • Christie's - New York (New York City) • Christie's - Paris (Paris) • Christopher Wahren Fine Photographs - Auctions (New Haven) • Cowan's Auctions, Inc (Cincinnati) • Creative Center for Photography (Hollywood) • Creative Circle • CSI Insurance Agency, Inc (Roswell) • Dale Stulz (Hawthorne) • David W. Lewis (Callander) • Dominic Winter Book Auctions (South Cerney, Nr Cirencester) • Dorotheum (Vienna) • Drewatts & Bloomsbury (London) • Dreweatts & Bloomsbury (Bloomsbury) • Ebay • Everard & Company (Savannah) • Falkiners Fine Papers (London) • Fleischer's Auctions (Columbus) • Gonnelli Casa D'Aste (Florence) • Greisen / Czech Center of Photography (Prague) • Gros & Delettrez (Paris) • Guernsey's - New York (New York City) • Heritage Auctions (Dallas) • Hôtel des Ventes d'Enghien (Enghien-les-Bains) • HS Rare Books (Buenos Aires) • Interencheres - La Gallerie de Chartes (Chartres) • Interencheres - Lyon (Lyon) • Ironbound - Shelving and storage (Vineland) • J. Hewit & Sons Ltd., Tanners and Leather Dressers (Edinburgh) • Jackson's International Auctioneers & Appraisers of Fine Art and Antiques (Cedar Falls) • Jefferson Stereoptics (London) • John McInnis Auctioneers (Amesbury) • John Staszn (New York City) • Juan Naranjo (Barcelona) • Kontura (Zagreb) • Leclere, Maison de Ventes (Marseille) • Leitz Photographica Auction (Vienna) • Lempertz - Cologne (Cologne) • Live Auctioners • Lorraine Davis (Houston) • LynKnight Postcard & Paper Auctions (Overland Park) • Maine Photographic Workshops (Rockport) • Marie Martin / Will Stapp • Mary Virgina Swanson (Tucson) • McDougalls Fine Art Auctions (London) • Millon et Associes (Paris) • Monica Half (Bronxville) • Neret-Minet Tessier (Paris) • New York Central Art Supply (New York City) • Northeast Document Conservation Center (Andover) • Oddi Printing (Ocean) • Oger-Blanchet • P4 Photography (formerly Potássio Quatro) (Lisbon) • Paul Messier - Conservation of Photographs and Works on Paper (Boston) • Penelope Dixon & Associates (Miami Beach) • Phillips - London (London) • Phillips - New York (New York City) • Phillips de Pury - London (London) • Phillips de Pury - New York (New York City) • Photo Review - Auction (Langhorne) • Piasa (Paris) • Pierre Bergé & Associés (Brussels) • Print File Archival Storage (Orlando) • Rago Arts and Auction Center (Lambertville) • Robert Frew: Antiquarian Books, Maps & Prints (London) • Rougier&Plé, Graphigro et Créa • Rouillac (Montbazon) • Russell Norton (New Haven) • Santa Fe Center for Photography (Santa Fe) • SAS, Special Auction Services (Newbury) • Shepherds Bookbinders (London) • Skinner - Boston (Boston) • Soler y LLach (Barcelona) • Sotheby's - Amsterdam (Amsterdam) • Sotheby's - London (London) • Sotheby's - New York (New York City) • Sotheby's - Paris (Paris) • Stereographica - Antique Photographica (Valatie) • Stinehour Press (Lunenburg) • Stockholms Auktionsverk (Stockholm) • Swann Galleries - New York (New York City) • Tajan (Paris) • Talas (New York City) • The Romantic Agony Book & Print Auctions (Brussels) • Tudhope Paper & Photograph Conservation Studio (Denver) • Van Ham Fine Art Auctions (Cologne) • Villa Grisebach Auktionen GmbH - Berlin (Berlin) • Visual Studies Workshop (VSW) (Rochester) • Viviane Esders (Paris) • Westchester Fine Art Auctioneers & Appraisers (Valhalla) • Westlicht Auctions (Vienna) • Westlicht Photographica Auctions (Vienna).

Book dealers and book collectors
Thanks to all those who have provided the book covers or page spreads from rare photographic books and journals.
Allsworth Rare Books (London) • Andrew Cahan: Bookseller, Ltd (Chapel Hill) • Arcana: Books on the Arts (Culver City) • Bondi Books (Tokyo) • BookBeat (Oak Park) • Dashwood Books (New York City) • Donald A. Heald - Rare Books, Prints & Maps (New York City) • Dr Jeffrey Stern (York, Heslington) • Eric Chaim Kline, Bookseller (Santa Monica) • Foto-Grafix Books (San Francisco) • fotobibliografica • Fred & Elizabeth Pajerski (New York City) • Harper's Books (East Hampton) • James E. Arsenault & Company (Arrowsic) • Jim O'Neil (Boston) • La Chambre Claire (Paris) • Photo Books International (London) • Photo-Eye Books (Santa Fe) • Quaritch (London) • Simon Finch Rare Books (Edinburgh) • Steve Rose (Indianapolis) • The Manhattan Rare Book Company (New York City) • Vincent Borrelli Bookseller (Albuquerque) • Zucker Art Books (New York City).

Organisations that don't fall into the categories above
This includies libraries, archives and research organisations around the world that have supplied photographs or information.
Aalborg City Archives (Aalborg) • Abo Akademi University, Turku, Picture Collections (Turku) • Afghan Box Camera Project • AIPAD: The Association of International Photography Art Dealers (Washington) • Alkazi Collection of Photography • Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical Society (Fort Wayne) • ALMA - Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (Antofagasta) • Alternative Photography • Amazon - Canada • Amazon - France • Amazon - Germany • Amazon - UK • Amazon - USA • Amazon Rekognition • AMC - Archive of Modern Conflict (Toronto) • American Academy in Rome (Rome) • American Antiquarian Society (Worcester) • American College of Greece (Athens) • American Colony Archive Jerusalem (Jerusalem) • American Farm School in Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki) • American Museum of Photography • American Philosophical Society (Philadelphia) • American University in Cairo (Cairo) • American University of Beirut, Jafet Library (Beirut) • Amherst College, Archives & Special Collections • Antarctic Heritage Trust (New Zealand) (Christchurch) • AP - Associated Press • Arab Image Foundation (Beirut) • ARCHIM - Service interministériel des archives de France (Paris) • Archive Farms • Archive of Bornholm (Rřnne) • Archive of Lřgstřr (Lřgstřr) • Archive of Modern Conflict (London) • • Archives de la Seine-Maritime (Rouen) • Archives de Paris (Paris) • Archives de Wallonie • Archives Department de Cantal (Aurillac) • Archives diocésaines de Luxembourg • Archives M. Golosovsky • Archives of Ontario (North York) • Archives of St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) • Archivio fotografico del Comitato per Bologna Storico Artistica (Bologna) • Archivio Fotografico del Comune, Genova (Genoa (Genova)) • Archivio Ivan Bianchi (Locarno) • Archivio Storico della Cittŕ di Torino (Turin) • Armagh Observatory (Armagh) • Arquivo Regional da Madeira (Funchal) • Art Gallery of Nova Scotia - AGNS (Halifax) • Art in Context Center for Communications (New York City) • Art Library of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon) • artfairs Inc. (Los Angeles) • ArtNet • Arts Council Collection (London) • Assens Lokalarkiv - Assens Local Archives (Assens) • Association des Amis du Petit Palais (Geneva) • Association of the Friends of Jean-Baptiste Tournassoud (Paris) • Associazione per la Fotografia Storica (Torino) • Atelier Malicot (Sablé-sur-Sarthe) • Auckland Libraries (Auckland) • Auer Photo Foundation (Hermance) • Australian War Memorial (Campbell) • Austrian National Library - Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Vienna) • Autograph ABP (London) • Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley (Berkeley) • Barnardo Photographic Archive (London) • Basetrack • Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities - Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Munich) • Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Bavarian State Library) (Munich) • Bendigo Art Gallery (Bendigo) • Berkshire Valley Models (Fenton) • Bettman Archive • Biblioteca Civica di Treviso (Treviso) • Biblioteca di storia moderna e contemporanea (Rome) • Biblioteca Nacional de Chile • Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (Venice) • Biblioteca Palatina (Parma) • Biblioteca Pública Municipal do Porto (Porto (Oporto)) • Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico • Bibliothèque de Genčve (Geneva) • Bibliothèque de l'Hôtel de Ville (Paris) • Bibliothèque de Toulouse (Toulouse) • Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand (Paris) • Bibliothèque municipale du Havre • Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg (Strasbourg) • Bibliothèques d'Amiens Métropole (Amiens) • Bildarchiv Denkmalschutz Hamburg (Hamburg) • Birr Castle Archives (Birr) • Bishopsgate Institute (London) • BIU Santé (Paris) • Blurb • Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford (Oxford) • Boston College Libraries (Boston) • Boston Public Library (Boston) • Boston Public Library, Print Department (Boston) • BP (London) • Brandeis University Libraries, Robert D. Farber University Archives and Special Collections Department (Waltham) • Brigham Young University - Harold B. Lee Library Digital Collections (Provo) • Briscoe Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin • British Columbia Archives (Victoria) • British Geological Survey (Edinburgh) • British Library, Endangered Archives Programme, The Fouad Debbas Collection (London) • Brown University Library, Special Collections (Providence) • Budapest City Archives (Budapest) • Budapest Picture Archive (Budapest) • Burchfield Penney Art Center at Buffalo State College (Buffalo) • Calamity Photo • California Historical Society (San Francisco) • California State Library (Sacramento) • Cambridge University Library (Cambridge) • Cambridge University Library, Royal Commonwealth Society (Cambridge) • CanadaPost • Canadian Photography Institute [Closed 2020] (Ottawa) • Carmarthenshire Archives Service (Carmarthen) • Carousel Research (New York City) • Cassa di Risparmio Foundation (Bologna) • Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna, Collections (Bologna) • CCPF - Centro de Conservaçăo e Preservaçăo Fotográfica da Funarte (Rio de Janeiro) • Center for Documentary Studies, Duke University (Durham) • Central Intelligence Agency • Central Universal Scientific Library named after N. Nekrasov (Moscow) • Centre de Recerca i Difusió de la Imatge - CDRI (Girona) • Centre des Monuments Nationaux (Paris) • Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales - CNES (Paris) • Centre national de l'audiovisuel - Département photographie (Dudelange) • Centro Portuguęs de Fotografia (CPF) (Porto (Oporto)) • Centro Studi e Archivio della Comunicazione - CSAC (Parma) • CERN • Château de Compičgne (Compičgne) • Chester County Historical Society (West Chester) • Chiapas State Attorney General's Office • Christopher Cardozo Fine Art • Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library (Cincinnati) • City of Sydney Archives (Sydney) • City of Sydney Library (Sydney) • City of Toronto Archives (Toronto) • City of Vancouver Archives (Vancouver) • City of Westminster Archives (London) • Civic Archives of Bozen-Bolzano (Bolzano) • Civico Archivio Fotografico (Milan) • Claremont Colleges - Honnold Mudd Library (Claremont) • Claremont Colleges Library (Claremont) • ClassArts • Clear Lake Historical Society (Clear Lake) • Colec?ia Costica Acsinte (Closed) (Slobozia) • Collectie Driesen • Collection Champagne Mercier, Épernay • Collection of the Royal House of Luxembourg • College of Psychic Studies (London) • Collezione della Fondazione Carispo di Spoleto (Spoleto) • Colton Historical Society (Colton) • Columbia University Libraries (New York City) • Columbia University, Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library (New York City) • Comune di Gaeta (Gaeta) • Contact Press Images • Corbis • Cornell University Library (Ithaca) • Cornell University, Department of Computer Science (Ithaca) • Cornell University, ILR School, Kheel Center (Ithaca) • Coville Photographic Art Foundation • Creative Commons - Wikipedia • Criminocorpus • Croatian State Archives (Zagreb) • Czech Center New York (New York City) • Daguerreian Society (Cecil) • Daguerreobase • Dalhousie University - Libraries - Archives and Special Collections (Halifax) • Dance Heritage Coalition • Danielsson Archives (Papeete, Tahiti) • Danish Photo Historical Society - Registration of Danish Stereoviews (RODS) • Dartmouth College (Hanover) • Davison & Associates (Dublin) • Debrecen University (Debrecen) • Decaneas Archive (Reeve) • DEIAHL - Deutsches Evangelisches Institut für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes (Jerusalem) • Derbyshire Record Office (Matlock) • Detroit Public Library (Detroit) • Deutsche Fotothek in der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (Desden) • Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive) (Koblenz) • Dickinson College, Special Collections • Diocesan Archives of Gyor - Gyori Egyházmegyei Levéltár (Gyor) • District of Columbia Public Library (Washington) • Donation Jacques Henri Lartigue, Ministčre de la Culture (Charenton-le-Pont) • Drexel University - The Academy of Natural Sciences (Philadelphia) • Drouot (Paris) • Duke University • Duke University Libraries - Preservation & Conservation Departments • Duke University, Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library • Durango Public Library (Durango) • Durham University Library (Durham) • DZ BANK Kunstsammlung (Frankfurt am Main) • E.O. Hoppé Collection • Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester (Rochester) • Ecole Biblique et Archeologique Française (Jerusalem) • Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées (Champs-sur-Marne) • Ecole nationale supérieure des beaux-arts (ENSBA) (Paris) • Edinburgh City Libraries and Information Services (Edinburgh) • Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections Division (Edinburgh) • Edward Reeves (Lewes) • Emilio Segrč Visual Archives, American Institute of Physics (College Park) • English Heritage (Swindon) • English Heritage - National Monuments Record (Swindon) • Enough Project • Episcopal Library of Székesfehérvár (Székesfehérvár) • ESA - European Space Agency • Esto - Images of Architecture and the Built Environment (Mamaroneck) • ETH - Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (Zurich) • Etsy • Europeana • Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft in Basel / Basel Mission Archives / Mission 21 (Basel) • Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration • Everybody Street • Faces of War • FestFotoPoA (Porto Alegre) • Flickr • Florida Center for Instructional Technology • Folger Shakespeare Library (Washington) • Fondation HCB: Henri Cartier-Bresson (Paris) • Fondation Herzog (Basel) • Fondazione Gualandi (Bologna) • Fondazione Primoli (Rome) • FondoRomano - Archivio Fotografico e Cartografico di Roma • Fortepan • Foto Colectania (Barcelona) • Foto Rio - Encontro Internacional de Fotografia do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janiero) • FOTO:Fortepan • Fototeca Nacional INAH - Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia • Fototeca UniBO Arti Visive (Bologna) • Fotovision (Orinda) • Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography • Franklin Institute (Philadelphia) • Free Church of Scotland (Edinburgh) • Free Library of Philadelphia • French Patent and Trademark Office (INPI) (Courbevoie Cedex) • Friedrich-Schiller-University: Historical collections on natural sciences (Jena) • Gallica • Gayaza High School, Archive (Gayaza) • George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida • Getty Images • Glasgow School of Art Library (Glasgow) • Golestan Palace Library (Tehran) • Google Books • Google Doodles • Google Earth • Google Images • Google Ngram • Government Art Collection (GAC) (London) • Grafton Regional Gallery (Grafton) • Greenpeace • Guardian News and Media Archive (London) • Gwent Archives (Ebbw Vale) • Gyor Diocese Archives (GYEL) (Gyor) • Hague Municipal Archives / Haagse Beeldbank (The Hague) • Hakodate City Central Library (Hakodate) • Halifax Municipal Archives (Halifax) • HALO Trust • Harrison County WV Historical Society (Clarksburg) • Harvard Houghton Library (Cambridge) • Harvard Business School, Historical Collections (Cambridge) • Harvard Fine Arts Library (Cambridge) • Harvard Law School Library (Cambridge) • Harvard Medical Library (Boston) • Harvard Theatre Collection • Harvard University Archives (Cambridge) • Harvard University Library (Cambridge) • Harvard University, The Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts (Cambridge) • Harvard University, Tozzer Library (Cambridge) • Harvard-Yenching Library (Cambridge) • Hasselblad Foundation (Göteborg) • Hathi Trust • Haverhill Public Library (Haverhill) • Hawaii State Archives (Honolulu) • Hindman Auctions • Hispanic Society of America (New York City) • Historic Houses Trust (Sydney) • Historic New England (Boston) • Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (Bristol) • Historical Society of Newbury (Newburyport) • Historical Society of Old Newbury (Newburyport) • Historical Society of Old Yarmouth (Yarmouth Port) • Historical Society of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) • Historie & Kunst, Copenhagen Municipality - (Copenhagen) • Honkawa Elementary School (Hiroshima) • Honolulu Academy of Art (Honolulu) • House - Studio - Carlos Relvas (Golegă) • Houston Center for Photography (Houston) • Howard University, Library • Hřjreby Local History Archive (Hřjreby) • Hudson's Bay Company Archives (HBCA), a division of the Archives of Manitoba (Winnipeg) • Huffington Post • Human Rights Watch (New York City) • Hungarian National Library (Budapest) • Hungarian University of Fine Arts (Budapest) • IGNCA - Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (New Delhi) • Indiana Historical Society (Indianapolis) • INHA - Institut national d'histoire de l'art (Paris) • Insight Optometry Group (Halifax) • Institut de France (Paris) • Institut du Monde Arabe (Paris) • Institut für Angewandte Photophysik - Institute of Applied Photophysics (Dresden) • Institut für Baugeschichte der Universität Karlsruhe (Karlsruhe) • Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene / Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health (IGPP) (Freiburg i.Br.) • Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton) • Institute of Palestine Studies • Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de Espańa (IPCE) - Fototeca • Instituto Moreira Salles (IMS) (Rio de Janeiro) • Instituto Óscar Domínguez de Arte y Cultura Contemporánea (IODACC) (Santa Cruz de Tenerife) • International Historical Press Photo Collection of Sveriges Television (Stockholm) • Internet Archive (San Francisco) • Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford University (Stanford) • Irish Capuchin Archives (Dublin) • Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione (ICCD) (Rome) • Istituto Mazziniano (Genoa (Genova)) • JAXA - Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (Tokyo) • Jefferson County Historical Society (Madison) • John Bosko Archives • John Hopkins University Library • John Kobal Foundation (London) • Joint Pathology Center (JPC) (Silver Spring) • Joy of Giving Something, Inc. (New York City) • Judith Rothschild Foundation (Flourtown) • Kansas City Public Library (Kansas City) • Kansas Historical Society (Topeka) • Keio University Library (Tokyo) • Kentucky Virtual Library • Kilde Roskilde Arkiv (Roskilde) • King's College London (London) • Kodak • Kolding City Archives (Kolding) • Kongernes Samling (Copenhagen) • Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut (Florence) • L'autographe (Geneva) • L'Illustration (Paris) • Lafuente Archive / Archivo Lafuente (Heras) • Lawrence History Center (Lawrence) • Ĺbo Akademis bildsamlingar (Turku) • Leeds Library Service - Leodis (Leeds) • Leibniz-Instituts für Länderkunde (IfL), Geographischen Zentralbibliothek (Leipzig) • Leice Store (San Francisco) • Leiden University Library (Leiden) • Les Archives du Calvados (Caen) • Les Rencontres Arles Photographie (Arles) • Letterform Archive (San Francisco) • Library and Archives Canada (Ottawa) • Library Company of Philadelphia (Philadelphia) • Library of the Boston Athenaeum (Boston) • Library of the Romanian Academy (Bucharest) • Library of Virginia - State Library and Archive (Richmond) • Libyan Information Ministry • Liebling Family Trust • Light Research (Buffalo) • Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering and Technology (Kansas City) • Lokalhistorisk Arkiv for Viborg Kommune (Viborg) • London College of Fashion (London) • London Library (London) • London Metropolitan Archives (London) • London School of Economics - Digital Library (London) • London Stereoscopic Company (Windlesham) • Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource: (Exeter) • Luminous-Lint (Halifax) • LundPhotographics (Waldoboro) • Madison County Historical Society (Oneida) • Magnum Foundation • Malin Space Science Systems (San Diego) • Manchester City Council (Manchester) • Manchester University - John Rylands Library (Manchester) • Manskopf Collection / Sammlung Manskopf (Frankfurt am Main) • Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation (Arles) • MAPP Editions Ltd (London) • Margolis & Moss (Santa Fe) • Marine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole) • Martin Parr Foundation (Bristol) • Marxists International Archive • Maryland Center for History and Culture (Baltimore) • Massachusetts Historical Society (Boston) • Massimo & Sonia Cirulli Archive (New York City) • McCracken Research Library of the Buffalo Bill Center of the West (Cody) • Médiathčque de l'architecture et du patrimoine (Charenton-le-Pont) • Médiathčque François Mitterrand (Poitiers) • MeijiShowa (Ashiya, Hyogo) • Meise Botanic Garden (Meise) • Melbourne Observatory Collection (Melbourne) • Memorial University of Newfoundland - Digital Archives Initiative (DAI) (St. John's) • Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library - FSZEK (Budapest) • Ministčre de la Culture - France (Paris) • Ministerio Del Interior (Madrid) • Ministry of Defense (Bristol) • Minnesota Historical Society (St. Paul) • Missouri Historical Society (St. Louis) • Monark Cameras • Monmouth County Historical Association (Freehold) • Moonchu Foundation - The Moonchu Collection of Early Chinese Photography (Hong Kong) • Museo Universidad de Navarra (Navarra) • Narciso Clavería y Zaldúa archive • National Archive of the Netherlands / Nationaal Archief (The Hague) • National Archives at San Francisco (San Bruno) • National Archives of Argentina (Archivo General de la Nación Argentina) (Buenos Aires) • National Archives of Canada (Ottawa) • National Archives of Hungary (Budapest) • National Archives of Thailand (Bangkok) • National Archives of the Seychelles • National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) - Archives (Bangalore) • National Collection of Qatar (Doha) • National Diet Library • National Film Board of Canada (Montreal) • National Institutes Of Health (Bethesda) • National Library of Brazil, Iconography Division (Fundaçăo Biblioteca Nacional. Divisăo de Iconografia) (Rio de Janeiro) • National Library of Ireland (Dublin) • National Library of New Zealand (Wellington) • National Library of Norway / Nasjonalbiblioteket (Oslo) • National Library of Poland (Warsaw) • National Library of Romania - Biblioteca Naţională a României (Bucharest) • National Library of Sweden (Stockholm) • National Monuments Record, English Heritage (Swindon) • National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (Washington) • National Parks Service • National Records of Scotland (formerly National Archives of Scotland) (Edinburgh) • National Trust • National Trust for Scotland • NATO / OTAN (Brussels) • Nebraska State Historical Society (Lincoln) • Neptune Canada, University of Victoria (Victoria) • New Hampshire Historical Society • New York City Bar (New York City) • New York City Municipal Archives (New York City) • New York Historical Society (New York City) • Newberry Library (Chicago) • Newcastle University Library - Special Collections (Newcastle upon Tyne) • NHRA - Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority (Norfolk) • NIH: U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) (Bethesda) • No Strings Foundation (Los Angeles) • Norfolk & Norwich Millennium Library (Norwich) • Norfolk Heritage Centre (Norwich) • Norfolk Library and Information Service, Norfolk County Council (Norwich) • North Adams Public Library (North Adams) • North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development • North Carolina State Archives (Raleigh) • Northwest University, The Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies, Winterton Collecton • Notchland Inn (Hart's Location) • Nova Scotia Archives (Halifax) • Nurstead Court Archives (Gravesend) • NYC Department of Records - Municipal Archives (New York City) • NYU Abu Dhabi, Akkasah Centre for Photography (Abu Dhabi) • Odense Stadsarkiv / Historiens Hus (Odense) • Ohio State University, Colombus (Columbus) • Ohio State University, Jerome (Jerome) • Ohio University • Oklahoma Historical Society • Onondaga Historical Association (Syracuse) • Orange County Archives (Santa Ana) • Oregon State University Libraries (Corvallis) • PapersPast • Paris Descartes University (Paris) • Paris Police Prefecture (Paris) • Parks Canada (Gatineau) • PBA Galleries (Berkeley) • Penn Libraries - University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) • Pennsylvania State University Library (University Park) • Peoria Historical Society • Perkins School for the Blind (Watertown) • PhotoAlliance (San Francisco) • • Photography and the Archive Research Centre, UAL London College of Communication (London) • (Berlin) • Photoinstitut Bonartes (Vienna) • Photowings • Pinacoteca di Brera (Milan) • Police Cantonale Vaudoise (Lausanne) • Portsmouth Free Public Library (Portsmouth) • PRC - 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RIBA (London) • Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Carribbean Studies (KITLV) (Leiden) • Royal Observatory Edinburgh (Edinburgh) • Royal Photograph Collection (Windsor) • Royal Society of Edinburgh (Edinburgh) • Ryerson University - Ryerson Image Centre (Toronto) • San Diego State University, Library, Special Collections (San Diego) • San Francisco Public Library (San Francisco) • Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico (Albuquerque) • Santa Clara University, Archives & Special Collections (Santa Clara) • Satellite Sentinel Project • Saxtons River Historical Society (Saxtons River) • Scholz & Friends (Berlin) • Science History Institute (Philadelphia) • Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge (Cambridge) • SDO - Solar Dynamics Observatory • Seattle Municipal Archives (Seattle) • Secretaria Municipal de Cultura de Teresópolis (Teresópolis) • Shpilman Institute for Photography (Closed 2015) (Tel Aviv) • Smithsonian Institution Libraries • Société Jersiaise (St Helier) • Societŕ Geografica Italiana (Rome) • Someecards • Soprintendenza Archeologia, belle arti e paesaggio per la cittŕ metropolitana di Bologna e le province di Modena, Reggio Emilia e Ferrara (Bologna) • Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le province di Bergamo e Brescia (Brescia) • Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le province di Ravenna, Forlě-Cesena e Rimini (Ravenna) • Soprintendenza per i Beni Storici Artistici Etnoantropologici di Bologna Ferrara Forli` Cesena Ravenna e Rimini (Bologna) • Soprintendenza Speciale per il Patrimonio Storico Artistico ed Etnoantropologico e per il Polo Museale della citta' di Firenze (Florence) • South Dakota State Historical Society (Pierre) • Southampton Archive Services (Southampton) • Southern Oregon Historical Society (Jacksonville) • St Bride Library (London) • St. Andrews University Library, Special Collections / The Photographic Collection (St. Andrews) • Staatlichen Bibliothek Passau (Passau) • Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Berlin) • Stadsarchief Amsterdam (Amsterdam) • Stadtarchiv - 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(Ponzano) • United Nations Photo • United States Geological Service • Universität der Künste Berlin (Berlin) • Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht (Utrecht) • University College, London (London) • University of Amsterdam, Special Collections (Amsterdam) • University of Arkansas, University Libraries, Digital Collections (Fayetteville) • University of British Columbia, Library (Vancouver) • University of California, Santa Cruz. McHenry Library (Santa Cruz) • University of Chicago, University Library, Lantern Slide Collection (Chicago) • University of Chicago, University Library, Middle East Photo Archive (Chicago) • University of Cologne, Archaeological Institute (Cologne) • University of Glasgow, Library (Glasgow) • University of Heidelberg - University Library (Heidelberg) • University of Kansas, Kenneth Spencer Research Library • University of Kentucky Libraries • University of Louisville, Photographic Archives • University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections (Winnipeg) • University of Massachusetts, Amherst, University Libraries, Special Collections (Amherst) • University of Michigan, Art, Architecture and Engineering Library (Ann Arbor) • University of Michigan, Bentley Historical Library (Ann Arbor) • University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library (Ann Arbor) • University of Missouri - Kansas City (Kansas City) • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Wilson Library • University of Nottingham (Nottingham) • University of Otago, Hocken Collections (Dunedin) • University of Ottawa, CRCCF (Ottawa) • University of Pennsylvania - University Archives and Records Center (Philadelphia) • University of Perugia, Dipartimento di Lettere (Perugia) • University of Rochester, Departement of Rare Books (Rochester) • University of Saskatchewan Library, Special Collections (Saskatoon) • University of Southern California. Libraries (Los Angeles) • University of Tartu, Special Collections (Tartu) • University of Texas Libraries (Austin) • University of the Arts London, London College of Communication (London) • University of Toronto, Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library (Toronto) • University of Warwick (Warwick) • US Patent Office • USC Libraries • Vassar College Digital Library • Vatican (Holy Hearts' Fathers of Picpus) • Venice, Gallerie dell'Accademia (Venice) • Ville de Paris / Bibliothčque Marguerite Durand • Virginia Military Institute (Lexington) • Virtual War Memorial Australia (Adelaide) • Warrnambool & District Historical Society (Warrnambool) • Water Supply and Sewerage Corporation of Athens, Photographic Archive (Athens) • Wayne State University, Walter P. 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