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The Stereographs Project
This is an early release of a Luminous-Lint project on stereographs.
How far we go is dependent on those who wish to collaborate to bring together resources to assist the community to better understand the history of stereographs. Please contact me directly if you wish to collaborate in pushing forward our knowledge.
This project will expand to include:
  1. Indexes to stereo photographers.
    On Luminous-Lint 21,098 photographers are included and of these 12,489 are stereo photographers, of which 9,215 operated in the USA. Many additions, corrections and enhancements have been made to the available data sets. Stereograph examples, backmarks, labels, advertisements and news clippings for each photographer are sought.
    Stereo photographer indexes include 12,489 alternative names. Improvements in these indexes are in progress.
    The disambiguation of photographers with similar names is critical and this is addressed where appropriate.
  2. Geographical indexes of stereo photographers by country and states which were previously unavailable have been created and standardized.
  3. Visual indexes to backlists with the highest quality versions we can obtain are now available.
  4. Thematic indexes to subjects covered by stereographs will be integrated into over a thousand themes already on Luminous-Lint.
  5. Readings lists and online texts will be included: bibliographies are already available.

I welcome suggestions for other indexes that may be useful to the community.
This project has the aim of ensuring that stereographs are integrated with other forms of photography to improve our understanding of photohistory.


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