J., G.M.
Jaar, Alfredo
(1956 - )
Jablonski, Patrick
Jachna, Joseph D.
(1935 - 2016)
Jacklett, Joseph
Jackman, Ethan P.
Jackman, H.
Jackman, L.E.
Jackson, A.J.
Jackson, Alison
Jackson, B.D.
Jackson, Bradford D.
Jackson, C.
Jackson, Dr
Jackson, H. & E.
Jackson, J.
Jackson, J.W.
Jackson, M.W.S.
Jackson, Michael
(1966 - )
Jackson, T.H.
Jackson, W.D.
Jackson, W.P.
Jackson, William Henry
(1843, 4 April - 1942, 30 June)
Jackson, Zig
(1957 - )
Jackson & Co., A.L.
Jackson & Knight
Jackson & McKeen
Jackson and Lawrie
Jackson Bros.
Jacob, Arthur A.
Jacobi, C.H.
Jacobi, Lotte
(1896, 17 August - 1990, 6 May)
Jacobs, H.C.
Jacobs, James M.
Jacobs, Roel
(1943 - )
Jacobs, W.E.
Jacobsen, G.P.
Jacobsen, H.N.
Jacobsen, H.P.
Jacobsen, Jul.
Jacobson, Bill
(1955 - )
Jacobson, G.
Jacobson, Jeff
Jacobson, Jodie Vinceta
Jacobson, M.
Jacoby, W.H.
Jacot, Monique
(1934, 19 August - )
Jacquard, C.
Jacquart, Henri
Jacquart & Deramond
Jacquelin & Darbelley
Jacquet, Eugene
Jaeger, Hugo
Jaeger, J.
Jaffee, Jay
Jageman, Carl V.
Jagemann, G.
Jager, A.
Jäger, Gottfried
(1937, 13 May - )
Jagger, Thomas Augustus
Jagodic, Stane
Jagor, Andreas Fedor
(1817 - 1900)
Jagor, Feodor
Jahan, Pierre
(1909, 9 September - 2003, 21 February)
Jahiel, Adam
Jakisch, Franz
Jakrlova, Hana
Jalbhoy, R.
Jamblin, John
James, C.H.
James, Christopher
(1947 - )
James, Don
James, E.L.
James, G.W.
James, Geoffrey
(1942 - )
James, George
James, George H.
James, Henry
(1803 - 1877)
James, Henry Curry
(1817 - 1866, 13 April)
James, J.E.
James, M.B.
James, W.E.
James, W.J.
James, William H.
James, Wm. E.
(1835 - 1887)
James & Co.
James & Co.
James & Pratt
James & Webb
Jameson, Charles
Jameson & Benson
Jamsetjee, Rustomjee
Janecek, George
Janes, G.M.
Janeway & Terrington
Jansen, Arno
(1938, 13 February - )
Janssen, Pierre Jules Cesar
(1824, 22 February - 1907, 23 December)
Janssen, Robert
(1904, 24 July - 1989)
Janssens, Luc
Jansson, August
Jansz, James Peter
Jantsch, W.F.
Janus, Allan
Japan Photographic Association
Jaques, Bertha
(1863 - 1941)
Jarché, James
(1890 - 1965)
Jarecke, Kenneth
(1963 - )
Jarecki, Ottomar
Jarret, F.
Jarrot, A.
Jarvis, B.
Jarvis, J.
(1849 - 1931)
Jarvis, Samuel J.
Jarvis & Arless
Jasanský, Pavel
Jasienski, Stefan
Jastrembski, Richard
Javelle & Ida
Jay, Bill
(1940, 12 August - 2009, 10 May)
Jaycox, P.L.
Jaynes, A.D.
Jaynes, E.L.
Jeanes, E.D.
Jeanes, J.
(1935, 13 June - 2009, 18 November)
Jeanrenaud, Alphonse
Jeffares, I.H.B.
Jeffers, J.E.
Jeffers & McDonnald
Jefferson, Mark
Jeffres, J.F.
Jeffres & Pentz
Jeffrey, Thos. A
Jehangir, P.
Jeker, Werner
Jelley, Edwin E.
Jelly, D.
Jelovsek, Rick
Jenik, Rosa
Jenkins, Allan
Jenkins, Harding
Jenkins, J.G.N.
Jenkins III, John
Jenkinson, George F.
Jenkinson, Mark
Jenks, Fred
Jenks, J.M.
Jenney, J.A.
Jenney & Miller
Jenney & White
Jennings, A.F.
Jennings, C.H.
Jennings, J. Payne
Jennings, Samuel
Jennings, W.H.
Jennings, W.N.
Jennings, William N.
(1860 - 1946)
Jenny, Hans
(1904 - 1972)
Jenny, J.A.
Jensen, Anja
Jensen, Christen
Jensen, Fred.
Jensen, H.P.
Jensen, Joelle
Jensen, John Paul
Jensen, Oluf
Jenshel, Len
Jentzsch, Oscar
Jephson, John Mounteney
(1819 - 1865)
Jerie, W.
Jern, Alexander
Jernegan, E.
Jerrems, Carol
Jessen, Jacob Vinamata
Jessop, Andrea
Jessup, E.
Jevons, William Stanley
(1835, 1 September - 1882, 13 August)
Jewell, F.
Jewell, W.H.
Ji Yeon Heo
Jiagang, Chen
(1962 - )
Jiang Zhi
(1971 - )
Jim, Don
Jim French / Colt Studio
Jirasek, Vaclav
JMD, Jr.
Joaillier, Polycarpe
(1848, 5 December - 1904, 13 February)
Joaque, Francis W.
Job, Charles
(1853 - 1930)
Jobbins, W.H.
Jochner, Carl
Jodas, Miroslav
Jodice, Mimmo
(1934 - )
Joel, Yale
(1919, 21 February - 2006, 30 September)
Joguet Pere & Fils
Johan, Simen
Johannes, Bernhard
Johannes, Jos
Johannes and Co, Joseph N.
Johannsson, Sveinn Fannar
(1977 - )
Johansen, Oskar
Johndrow, David
Johns, W.E.
Johns, William
Johnson, A.A.
Johnson, A.F.
Johnson, A.P.
Johnson, B.
Johnson, C.E.
Johnson, C.E.
(1857 - 1926)
Johnson, C.F.
Johnson, C.F.
Johnson, C.S.
Johnson, C.W.
Johnson, C.W.
Johnson, C.W.J.
Johnson, Charles Granville
(1832 - 1914)
Johnson, Clinton
Johnson, D.J.
Johnson, David
Johnson, E.L.
Johnson, E.M.
(1844 - 1910)
Johnson, E.P.
Johnson, E.W.
Johnson, Edward E.
Johnson, Eirik
(1974 - )
Johnson, Fred H.
Johnson, G.L.
Johnson, George G.
Johnson, George H.
Johnson, Gust. A.
(1864 - 1950)
Johnson, H.C.
Johnson, H.G.
Johnson, J.G.
Johnson, J.H.
Johnson, J.M.
Johnson, J.S.
Johnson, James H.
Johnson, Keith
Johnson, L.D.
Johnson, L.D.
Johnson, Levi D.
Johnson, Lewis Furneaux
Johnson, M.
Johnson, Mark
(1946, 6 January - )
Johnson, May
Johnson, Michael
Johnson, Miss
Johnson, N.G.
Johnson, P.
Johnson, P.A.
Johnson, Peter A.
Johnson, Sarah Anne
(1976, 5 July - )
Johnson, Sy
Johnson, T.C.
Johnson, T.H.
Johnson, T.H.
Johnson, T.S.
Johnson, Thomas C.
Johnson, Thomas S.
Johnson, Thos.
Johnson, Thos. H.
Johnson, Tore
(1928, 8 January - 1980, 14 May)
Johnson, W.
Johnson, W.S.
Johnson, Walter
Johnson, William
Johnson, William J.
Johnson & Beach
Johnson & D'Utassy
Johnson & Glenton
Johnson & Hart
Johnson & Henderson
Johnson & Lufkin
Johnson & Mentzel
Johnson Bros.
Johnson Bros.
Johnson Gallery
Johnson, Bird, & Co.
Johnson, Williams & Co.
Johnston, A.C.
Johnston, Alfred Cheney
(1885, 8 April - 1971, 17 April)
Johnston, C.F.
Johnston, Clifford
Johnston, Frances Benjamin
(1864, 15 January - 1952, 16 March)
Johnston, George
Johnston, H.G.
Johnston, J. Dudley
(1868 - 1955)
Johnston, J.S.
Johnston, James
Johnston, Mark
Johnston, Mary Alice
Johnston, S.B.
Johnston, Thomas Brumby
(1814 - 1897)
Johnston, W.
Johnston, W.T.
Johnston, William
Johnston, William M.
Johnston & Hoffmann
Johnstone, John
Johnstone, Major
Johnstone, O'Shaughnessy & Co.
Jokesz, Antal
Jokisalo, Ulla
(1955 - )
Jolm, Fr.
Joly, Prof. John
Joly de Lotbinière, Pierre-Gustave
(1798, 5 February - 1865, 8 June)
Jones, Baynham
Jones, C.C.
Jones, C.E.
Jones, C.E.
Jones, Calvert Richard
(1804 - 1877)
Jones, Charles
(1866 - 1959, 15 November)
Jones, Colin
(1936 - 2021)
Jones, Daniel
Jones, F.
Jones, F.B.
Jones, George Fowler
(1819 - 1905)
Jones, George H.
Jones, H.
Jones, Harold
(1940, 29 September - )
Jones, J.G.F.
Jones, J.H.
Jones, J.L.
Jones, James
Jones, L.D.
Jones, L.P.
Jones, N.P.
Jones, O.M.
Jones, Owen
(1819 - 1905)
Jones, P.
Jones, P.B.
Jones, Paul
Jones, Peter C.
Jones, Pirkle
(1914, 2 January - 2009, 15 March)
Jones, R.A.
Jones, R.L.
Jones, Ray
(1900 - 1975)
Jones, Sam
Jones, Theodore M.
Jones, W.S.
Jones, Wesley
Jones, William
Jones, William E.
Jones & Co., G.T.
Jones & Elliott
Jones & McCorkindale
Jones & Morrison
Jones & Stiff
Jones Bros.
Jones Jr., Baynham
(1806 - 1890)
Jonkmanns, Bernd
Jonsson, Sune
(1930, 20 December - )
Jordahl, Geir
(1957, 28 January - )
Jordan, C.J.
Jordan, Chris
Jordan, H.A.
Jordan, J. Murray
Jordan, J.L.
Jordan, J.L. & H.A.
Jordan, Lisa
Jordan, Thomas Brown
(1807 - 1890)
Jordan & Jewell
Jordan & Macy
Jordan & Wilder
Joreige, Lamia
Jörgensen, Karl
Josby & Co.
Jose, Charles
Josephson, Kenneth
(1932, 1 July - )
Joslin, A.J.T.
Joslin, J.
Joslin & Phillips
Joslin's Old Stand
Jouan, C.
Joubert, F.
Jouet, E.
Jougla, J.
Journal Le Stereoscope
Jouvin, C.
Jouvin, Hippolyte
(1825, 7 December - 1889, 3 August)
Jouvin, L.
Jovanovic, Anastas
(1817 - 1899)
Jovanovic, Milan
(1863 - 1944, 17 March)
Joy, B.F.
Joy, John F.
Joyce, Paul
(1940, 27 December - )
Juan I-Jong
Judd, A.W.
Judd, C.L.
Judd, C.S.
Judd, Charles L.
Judd, H.M.
Judd, J.L.
Judd, M.E.
Judd, W.S.
Judd & McLeish
Judd & Ranger
Judd & Rugg
Jude, Ron
(1965 - )
Judez, M.
Judge, Arthur W.
Judge, Fred
(1872 - 1950)
Judkins, D.R.
Judkins, G.H.
Judkins, L.D.
Judkins, Mrs. S.B.
Judkins & Hammor
Juley & Son
Julian, Dr. J.J.
Julienne & Barrère, E.
Julio, E.
Julius, C.D.
Jull, R.W.
Jullien, J.
Jumonji, Bishin
(1947 - )
Juncker, Ernst
Jung, J.A.
Jung, Theodor
(1906 - )
Junichi Seki
Júnior, Christiano
(1830 - 1902)
Junod, C.
Jupe, R.
Jupe and Co, J.F.
Jurado, Carlos
Jurado, Cecilia
Jurgell, Val G.