G., R.C.
G.H. Aldrich & Co.
G.R. & Co.
GAB Photo
Gaberman, Brian
Gable & Usher
Gabler, A.
(1833, 25 March - 1888, 19 May)
Gabler, G.M.
Gabler Family
Gábor, Arion Kudász
Gabriel, H.C.
Gabrielli, Enrico
Gabrielova, Vera
(1919 - )
Gadgil and Co, S.N.
Gadonneix, Marina
Gaensly, Guillerme
(1843 - 1928)
Gaffield, T.
Gaffney, R.L.
Gage, F.B.
(1824 - 1874)
Gageiro, Eduardo
(1935 - )
Gagliani, Oliver
(1917, 11 February - 2002)
Gagne, T.N.
Gagnon, Charles
(1934 - )
Gahr, David
Gaillard, F.
Gaillard, Philippe
Gaitán, Luis B.
Galadshev, Piotr Stepanovitch
(1900 - 1971)
Galbreaith, Mrs. H.
Galbreaith & Co.
Galbreaith, Harvey & Lyle
Galdi, Vincenzo
(1871 - 1961)
Gale, Colonel Joseph
Gale, H.N.
Gale & Curtis
Galeazzo, Partina
Galella, Ron
Galembo, Phyllis
Galiffe, J.F.
Gall, C.
Gall, Sally
Gallagher, Will
Gallaher, J.
Gallaher, J.B.
Gallaher, Miss Louisa Bernie
Gallery, Wyatt
Gallo, Vincent
Gallop, S.H.
Galloway, Ewing
(1881 - 1953)
Galloway, Richard
Galloway, T.
Gallrein, F.A.D.
Gallup, C.H.
Galt, John
Galton, Robert Cameron
(1830 - 1902)
Galton, Sir Francis
(1822, 16 February - 1911, 17 January)
Galworthy, M.M.
Gamble, J.C.
Gamsby & Scott
Gandert, Miguel
(1956 - )
Gandhi, Kanu
(1917 - 1986)
Gandy, C.A.
Ganis, John B.
(1951 - )
Ganly, E.G.
Gannett & Morse
Gano, R.M.
Gano & Clark
Gano & Co., R.M.
Ganor, Avi
(1950, 8 October - )
Ganz, J.
Gao Brothers
Garabedian, Issay
Garaicoa, Carlos
Garan, Gina
Garbeck, George
Garber, Davis
Garber, Helen K.
Garcia, Esteban
Garcia, Hector
(1923, 23 August - 2012, 2 June)
Garcia, Maria Teresa
Garcia, Romualdo
(1852 - 1930)
Garcia Hevia, Luis
(1819 - 1877)
Garcia Joya, Mario
(1938 - )
García-Fraile, Chus
Garcin, A.
(1816 - 1895)
Gardam, William
Garden City Photo Co.
Gardiner, R.H.
Gardiner Landscape Ph. Assoc.
Gardner, A.B.
Gardner, Alexander
(1821, 17 October - 1882, 10 December)
Gardner, B.L.
Gardner, C.C.
Gardner, Dr. C.H.
Gardner, G.W.
Gardner, Geo. D.
Gardner, James
Gardner, M.M.
Gardner, M.M. & W.H.
Gardner, R.G.
Gardner, Robert
(1925, 5 November - 2014, 21 June)
Gardner, W.
Gardner, W.B.
Gardner, W.M.
Gardner & Fry
Gardner & Gibson
Gardner's Studio
Garduño, Antonio
Garduño, Flor
(1957, 21 March - )
Gareis, L.A.
Garfield, Peter
Garg, Govind P.
Garland, E.F.
Garland, F.D.
Garland, F.G.
Garland, Terri
Garling, P.S.
Garlington, Michael
Garn, Andrew
(1957 - )
Garnell, Jean Louis
Garner, T.
Garner & Bagnall
Garnett, J.
Garnett, William A.
(1916, 27 December - 2006, 26 August)
Garnier, J.
Garnier Jr., Jashua
Garreaud, E.
(1835 - 1875)
Garrett, C.A.
Garrett, C.A. & T.P.
Garrett, C.A. & T.W.
Garrett, C.B.
Garrett, C.E.
Garrett, Edward
Garrett, Edwin
Garrett, Elwood
Garrett, John L.
Garrett, M. & W.
Garrett, Norman Rhoads
(1896 - 1981)
Garrett, T.A.
Garrett, T.P.
Garrett & Sons, T.C.
Garrick, David
Garrick, Henry Bailey Wade
Garrison, Charles F.
Garrison, K.M.
Garrison Bros.
Garrod, Richard
Garstin, J.
Gartley, Alonzo
Gartner, M.
Garwood, C.
Gasberg, J.C.
Gaskell, Anna
Gaskell, L.J.
Gaspar, Charles
(1871 - 1850)
Gasser, Peter
(1947, 8 June - )
Gassian, Claude
Gastineau, William
(1821 - 1872)
Gaston & Mathieu
Gastrell, James E.
Gatch, William M.
Gates, C.A.
Gates, E.C.
Gates, E.R.
Gates, Frank M.
Gates, G.F.
Gates, G.F.
Gates, George F.
Gates, M.R.
Gates, Menzo E.
Gates, P.T.
Gates, Willis D.
Gates, Wm. H.
Gates (R. R.?), R.R.?
Gates & Baker
Gates & Curtis
Gates & Malette
Gates Bros.
Gates Co.
Gatewood, Charles
(1942, 8 November - 2016, 29 April)
Gattineau, Georg Jacob
Gaudard, Pierre
(1927, 6 October - 2010, 29 July)
Gaudin, A.
(1816 - 1894)
Gaudin, A. & F.
Gaudin, Charles
(1825 - 1905)
Gaudin, Marc-Antoine
(1804, 5 April - 1880, 2 April)
Gaudin frères
Gaughler, S.P.
Gaul, J.
Gault, S.W.
Gaumy, Jean
Gaut, Adrian
Gautherot, Marcel
(1910, 14 July - 1996, 8 October)
Gauthier, Charles
Gauthier, Serge
Gautier, L.
Gautier, Théophile
(1811, 30 August - 1872, 23 October)
Gautrand, Jean-Claude
(1932, 19 December - )
Gauvin Bros.
Gawthrop, Allen
Gay, C.H.
Gay, E.F.
Gay, Observatoire
Gay's Gallery of Art
Gayer, Edward John
(1833, 22 December - 1878, 12 August)
Gayffier, Eugène Charles de
Gayford, Alfred B.
Gaylord, Edwin E.
Gaylord, M.
Gaylord, P.B.
Gaylord & Thompson
Gaylord, Zimmerman, and Sargent
Gaz, Stan
Gazard, John
Gearing & Co., Chas. J.
Gearon, Tierney
Gebhardt, Rottmann, & Co.
Gebhart, J.D.
Geddes, Anne
Gedney, William
Geenen, Lajos
(1972, 18 February - )
Geer, W.F.
Geerlinks, Margi
(1970 - )
Geesaman, Lynn
Gehr, Herb
Gehres, M.C.
Gehring, D.
Geiger, Anna Bella
(1933 - )
Geiger, Earl R.
Geiser, J.
Geiser, Jean
(1848 - 1923)
Geisinger, Earl L.
Geisler, L.
Gelbie, E.
Gelderd, W.P.
Geldmacher, Fr. W.
Gelles, Judy
Gelpke, André
(1947, 15 March - )
Gem Photo Novelty Co., The
Gem Slide Co.
Gemmill & Keet
Gems of Florida
Gems of German Life
Gems of Maine Scenery
Genazzini, G.
Gendre, Léon
Gendron, A.M.
Generini, Vito
Géniaux, Charles
(1870 - 1931)
Géniaux, Paul
(1873 - 1929)
Genovés, Pablo
(1959 - )
Genthe, Arnold
(1869, 8 January - 1942, 9 August)
Genthe, Selma
Gentile, Charles
Gentry, Joan
(1937, 5 December - )
Gentry, Julius A.
Genzken, Isa
George, D.S.
George, Monroe
George, Robert
George, Sergeant R.
George & Co, E.L.
George & Rawlings
Georges, Zigi
Gerard, Charles
Gerdom, H.E.
Gere, Richard
Gerhard Sisters
Gerhes, Gábor
(1962 - )
Gerlach, C.S.
Gerlach, G.P.
Gerlach, Luther
Gerlach & Fromhagen
Gerlovin & Gerlovina
Gerlovin, Valeriy
(1945 - )
Gerlovina, Rimma
(1951 - )
German, C.S.
German & American Photographic Gallery
German-American Photo Gallery
Germon, Washington Lafayette
(1823 - 1878)
Gernsheim, Alison
Gernsheim, Helmut
(1913, 1 March - 1995, 20 July)
Gerock, Ed.
Gerode, Franz
Gerould, E.P.
Gerry, E.T.
Gersht, Ori
(1967 - )
Gerson, Bernard
Gerster, Georg
(1928, 30 April - )
Gerstmann, Roberto M.
Gertinger, Julius
Gerts, W.S.
Geruzet, Jules
Gervais-Courtellemont, Jules
(1863 - 1931)
Gescheidt, Alfred
Gesell, G.
Gest, Ben
(1975 - )
Getchell, W.H.
Getchell Bros.
Gething, G.B.
Getman, J.F.
Getman & Bowdish
Getter, John
Getty, Gisela
Gettys, T.R.
Getz, C.J.
Geussens, Dimitri
Ghadirian, Shadi
(1974 - )
Ghelli, Scevola
Ghémar, Louis
(1819, 8 January - 1873, 11 May)
Ghémar Frères
Ghirardini, N.
Ghirri, Luigi
(1943, 5 January - 1992)
Ghosal, Babu Ambica Charan
Ghosh, Ashim
Ghuys, Gustave
Giacomelli, Mario
(1925, 1 August - 2000, 25 November)
Gianella, Victor
(1918, 5 January - )
Gianettino, Larry
Giannuzzi, Antonio
(1819 - 1876)
Giard, Robert
Gibbard, Christopher G.
(1832 - 1890)
Gibbens, Willie
Gibboney, S.R.
Gibbons, Nathaniel W.
Gibbs, L.E.
Gibbs, Major J. Innis
Giberne, George
Gibson, C.H.
Gibson, David H.
Gibson, G.H.
Gibson, J.B.
Gibson, J.J.
Gibson, James F.
(1828 - 1905)
Gibson, John Pattison
Gibson, Ralph
(1939, 16 January - )
Gibson, Tom
(1930, 11 December - )
Gibson & Hayes
Gibson and Co
Gidal, Tim
(1909, 18 May - 1996)
Giddings, George D.
Giegel, Philipp
Gieraltowski, Krzysztof
(1938 - )
Giers, C.C.
(1828 - 1877)
Gifford, B.R.
Gifford, Jas.
Gifford, Noah
Gigli, Ormond
(1925 - )
Giglio, Christopher
Gihon, J.L.
Gihon, John
Gihon & Rixon
Gihon & Thompson
Gilbert, Alfred
Gilbert, Benton M.
Gilbert, C.
Gilbert, C.M.
Gilbert, Douglas R.
Gilbert, Gladys
Gilbert, J.Z.
Gilbert, Ruth
(1909, 10 December - 2007, 7 April)
Gilbert, S.P.
Gilbert, Sara
Gilbert & Bacon
Gilbert & Co.
Gilbert & George
Gilbert & Miller
Gilbert & Wilkin
Gilbert Bros.
Gilbertson, Ashley
(1978, 22 January - )
Gilbreth, Frank
Gilbreth, Frank B.
(1868, 7 July - 1924, 14 June)
Gilbreth, Lillian
(1878, 24 May - 1972, 2 January)
Gilbreth & Gilbreth
Gilchrest, G.K.
Gilchrist, G.E.
Gilden, Bruce
(1946, 16 October - )
Giles, George Michael James
(1853, 20 December - 1916, 24 August)
Giles, Will
Giles, William
(1856 - 1933)
Gilfellan, T.
Gill, De Lancey W.
(1859 - 1940)
Gill, Frank
Gill, H.J.
Gill, Leslie
(1908, 12 May - 1958)
Gill, Robert
Gill, W.H.
Gill, Wm. L.
(1827 - 1893)
Gill & Hayes
Gill & Judkins
Gillam, T.A.
Gillard, W.M.
Gillespie, J.
Gillespie, S.M.
Gilli, Luca
Gillingham, Charles L.
Gillis, Edwin
Gillis, J.W.
Gillis, John F.
Gillo, Robert
Gillsäter, Sven
Gilman, E.C.
Gilman & Gardner
Gilmore, J.W.
Gilpin, Henry
(1922 - 2011)
Gilpin, Laura
(1891, 22 April - 1979, 30 November)
Gilson, A.S.
Gilson, W.E.
Gimpel, Charles
(1912 - 1973)
Gimpel, Léon
(1878, 13 May - 1948, 7 October)
Ginanneschi, Isabelle
Ginder and Co
Ginsberg, Allen
(1926, 3 June - 1997, 5 April)
Ginter, D.
Ginter, W.M.
Ginther, J.J.
Ginzburg, Stanislav
Gioli, Paolo
(1942, 12 October - )
Giordan, Albert
Giovinco, Steve
(1961, 31 August - )
Gipperley, W.H.
Girard, A.
Girard, Greg
Girard, Thierry
Girardin, Eugene
Giraud, Alain
Giraud, E.F.
Giraudon, A.
Giraudon's Artist
Girault de Prangey, Joseph-Philibert
(1804 - 1892)
Girdlestone, Colonel George
(1824 - 1863)
Girdwood, H.D.
Girling, W.
Giroux, André
(1801 - 1879)
Girsch, Pesi
(1954 - )
Gitelson, Jonathan
Gitman, Sergei
Gittings, Paul Linwood
(1900 - 1988)
Gittleman, Len
Giulio, Cesare
Givin, Thomas D.
Givin Brothers
Gjslason, L.
(1950, 21 May - )
Glaisby, W.P.
Glaisher, Cecilia Louisa
(1828 - 1892)
Glaister, Thomas S.
Gläser, E.
Glasgow, C.
Glass, C.F. & H.B.
Glass, H.B.
Glass, Jennifer
Glass, Zoltan
(1903 - 1982)
Glasscock, Ira
Glassman, Audrey
Gleason, F.C.
Gleason, Herbert W.
(1855 - 1937)
Gleason, James
Gleason, W.B.
Gledhill, R.C.
Glen Views
Glendenny, N.
Glenn, C.A.
Glenn, J.C.
Glenn, Waldron, & Co.
Glenton, F.
Glessner, F.
Gleston & Co., E.G.
Glickman, Andrew
Glickman, Judy Ellis
Glines, A.A.
Glinn, Burt
(1925 - 2008, 9 April)
Glinn, George
Gloaguen, Hervé
(1937, 11 May - )
Globe Gallery
Globe Photo Art Co.
Globe Stereograph Co., The
Glock, W.
Glosser, H.
Glover, Ridgeway
(1831 - 1866)
Glover, Thomas George
(1826, 23 May - 1881, 12 September)
Glusgold, Andrej
(1968 18 September - )
Glynn, William
Gobindram & Oodeyram
Goble, Harvey
(1822 - 1867)
Gochõ Shigeo
(1946 - 1983)
Godard, Adolphe
Godchaux, Joseph
Goddard, John Frederick
Godeau, Vincent
Godfrey, Captain
Godfrey, G.W.
Godfrey, P.
Godfrey, Rev. Edward
(1820, 4 September - 1918, 24 February)
Godfrey, W.M.
Godfrey & Noble
Godshaw & Flexner
Godwin, Fay
(1931, 17 February - 2005, 27 May)
Godwin, W.J.
Goebe, R.
Goedicke, Claus
(1966 - )
Goerke, Franz
Goerlich, Ulrich
Goethe, George
(1896, 16 August - 1977, 7 January)
Goethe, M.A.
Goetschius, J.C.
Goetschius Brothers
Goetting, A.H.
Goetz, J.
Goetz, Louis A.
Goff, O.S.
(1843 - 1916)
Goh, Emil
Gohl, Andrea
Gohlke, Frank
(1942, 3 April - )
Goicolea, Anthony
Goin, Peter
Gola, Adam
Gold, J.
Goldbacher, E.
Goldberg, Jim
(1953 - )
Goldberg, Nathaniel
Goldblatt, David
(1930, 29 November - 2018, 25 June)
Goldchain, Rafael
(1953, 21 December - )
Golden, Eunice
Golden, J.A.
Golden, Judith
(1934, 29 November - 2023, 16 January)
Golden Gate Series
Goldensky, Elias
(1867 - 1943)
Golder & Robinson
Goldes, David
Goldin, Nan
(1953, 12 September - )
Goldin & Co., John
Goldkind, Joy
(1943, 18 July - )
Goldman, Debra
Goldring, Nancy
(1945 - )
Goldsberry, B.E.
Goldsmid, J.H.
Goldsmith, Jim
Goldsmith & Lazelle
Goldstein, Leo
Goldsworthy, Andy
(1956, 26 July - )
Goldsworthy, J.B.
Golemboski, Carol
(1971 - )
Golestan, Kaveh
(1950 - 2003, 2 April)
Golf Stereoscopic Co.
Golsch, A.C.
Golsen, Ralph J.
Golubev, Victor Viktorovich
(1878, 11 February - 1945, 19 April)
Gomes, A.C.
Gomes, Alair de Oliveira
(1921 - 1992)
Gomes, Lyle
Gomes, P.F.
Gómez, Juan N.
Gomez, Mirta
Gonnet, Esteban
(1829, 3 September - 1868, 30 March)
Gonnu Kasnath
Gonsalves, Joaquin
Gonzales, G.J.
Gonzales-Day, Ken
González Palma, Luis
(1957 - )
Good, Chas.
Good, Frank
(1839 - 1928)
Good, J.
Good, Jonathan
Good & Berner Bros.
Good, Berner Bros. & Lant
Goodale, George C.
Goodall, Edward A.
Goodall, Thomas Frederick
Goode, B.
Goode, Joe
(1937 - )
Goodell, Abner C.
Goodell, C.E.
Goodeve, Thomas Minchin
Goodfellow, Stephen
Goodhard, C.A.
Gooding, C.G.
Goodlander, M.D.
Goodlet, H.Y.
Goodman, C.E.
Goodman, Chas.
Goodman, H.
Goodman, John
Goodman, Jon
(1953, 9 October - )
Goodnight, L.E.
Goodrich, C.O.
Goodrich, G.W.
Goodrich, J.P.
Goodrich & Phear
Goodrich & Stewart
Goodridge, J.L.
Goodridge Bros.
Goodridge Brothers
Goodwin, A.V.
Goodwin, Henry B.
(1878, 20 February - 1931, 11 September)
Goodwin, Hoza L.
Goodwin, J.W.
Goodwin, Kathleen
Goodwin, Mrs. R.H.
Goold, Henry
Gopp & Co., E.J.
Gordin, Misha
Gordon, A.
Gordon, H.
Gordon, James Davidson
Gordon, Robert
Gore, St George Corbet
(1849, 24 February - )
Goren's Picture Gallery
Gorgas, J.R.
(1829 - 1903)
Gorgas & Mulvey
Gorham, L.B.
Gorham, L.C.
Gorham & Co.
Görlich, Ulrich
Gorman, Greg
(1949 - )
Gorman & Co.
Gorny, Hein
(1904 - 1967)
Goro, Fritz
(1901, 2 September - 1986)
Gorst, Thomas
Gorus, J.T.
Gosani, Bob
Gosling, H.
Goss, Dr
Goss, E.L.
Goss, F.H.
Gossage, John
(1946, 15 March - )
Gostelow, Philip
Goston, Joao
Gothe, L.
Goto, John
Gotsche, Rudolf
Gott, C.O.
Gottfried, Arlene
Gottheil, Albert
(1867 - 1942)
Gottlieb, Jane
(1946, 17 July - )
Gottlieb, William P.
(1917, 28 January - 2006, 23 April)
Gottmann, Gosbert
Gotts, Andy
Gottschalk, Harald
Gottscho, Samuel
(1875 - 1971)
Goudal, Noémie
Gough, Kate E.
Gough, T.W.
Gouin, A. & M.
Gouin, Alexis
Goulart, M.
Gould, C.E.
Gould, C.R.
Gould, E.P.
Gould, F.H.
Gould, G.E.
Gould, Hal D.
Gould, J.W.
Gould, W.J.
Gould & Baxter
Goupil, Albert
Goupil-Fesquet, Frédéric
Gouraud, François
(1808 - 1847)
Govan, George Moncrieff
(1829, 3 March - 1898, 1 April)
Gove, E.B.
Gove & Allen
Gove & Frees
Gowan, Colonel Boyce Edward
(1839, 21 October - 1892, 3 March)
Gowin, Elijah
(1967 - )
Gowin, Emmet
(1941, 22 December - )
Gowland, Peter
Gowrie, Walline Jr.
Graack, N.P.
Graber, F.X.
Graber, W.A.
Grabham, Oxley
Grace, Arthur
Grachev, Mikhail
Grad, Josef
Gradnitzer, Lisi
Grady, John
Graeber & Wright
Graeff, John W.
Graeme, J.K.
Graf, Heinrich
(1837 - 1884)
Graf, Peter Brooks
Graff, F.
(1817 - 1890)
Gräff, Werner
Graham, Brian
Graham, Colonel Robert Blackall
Graham, Dan
(1942, 31 March - )
Graham, David
Graham, E.D.
Graham, F.P.
Graham, J. Andrew
Graham, J.W.
Graham, James
(1806 - 1869)
Graham, Jno. W.
Graham, Lonnie
Graham, N.C.
Graham, Paul
(1956, 19 September - )
Graham, Robert
Graham, Rodney
(1949, 16 January - )
Graham, T.
Grainer, F.
Grainer, Franz
(1871, 28 September - 1948)
Gramaglia, Maggiorino
Grames, Eberhard
Gramm, A.F.
Grand Bazar
Grandfield, T.
Grandy, Jeff
Grandy, Z.B.
Grange, Pierre
Granger, G.G.
(1903, 24 November - 1946, 17 June)
Graniss, G.N.
Grannan, Katy
Grannis, LeRoy
Grant, A.G.
Grant, George A.
Grant, Henry
(1907 - 2004)
Grant, J.
Grant, John
Grant, Ken
Grant, L.A.
Grant, Leonard W.
Grant, M.H.
Grant, Susan Kae
Grant & Hunton
Grant Bros.
Grant jun., John Peter
Grantham, H.A.
Graphoscopic Co., The
Gras, Amadeo
(1805 - 1871)
Grass, Franz
Gratl, Anton
Graubner, Oscar
Graven, O.J.
Graver, N.M.
Graves, C.H.
(1867 - 1943)
Graves, J.A.
Graves, Ken
Graves, Merrill H.
Graves, S.F.
Graves & Greenwood
Gray, Benjamin
Gray, J.J.
(1818, 8 January - 1882, 18 October)
Gray, Mike
Gray, T.A.
Gray, Tracey
Gray, W. & E.
Gray, Wellington
(1841, 29 September - 1925, 15 July)
Gray & Hall
Gray & White
Graybiel, E.
Graybiel, E.
Graybill, Ed. L.
Grazda, Edward
(1947, 27 March - )
Grazebrook, J.T.
Grcevic, Mladen
(1918, 8 October - )
Great Southern Photo Co.
Great Sunny South Picture Concern
Great Western Photo. Pub. Co.
Great Western Photograph Publishing Co.
Great Western View Co.
Greater New York Stereo Co., The
Greaves, W.A.
Greber, J.
Greeley, T.
Green, Arthur
(1832 - 1873)
Green, Charles R.
Green, F.
Green, G.D.
Green, G.D.
Green, Gary
Green, Guy
Green, J.A.
(1873 - 1905)
Green, J.F.
Green, J.T.
Green, John
Green, John
Green, Mr.
Green, Orlando L.
Green, Ruzzie
(1892 - 1956)
Green, Sharon
Green, T.C.
Green, W.
Green, W.
Green, W.A.
Green, W.A.
Green, Wesley
Green & Co., W.C.
Green & Co., W.H.
Green & Gardiner
Green & Harbaugh
Green & Smith
Green & Son, J.A.
Green & Tenney
Green Jr., George W.
Green Jr., R.E.
Green Mountain Stereoscopic Co.
Green-Wood Cemetery, The
Greenberg, Idit
Greenberg, Jill
Greenberg, Stanley
Greenburg, Idit
(1965 - )
Greene, C.M.
Greene, G.M.
( - 1895, 17 July)
Greene, J.M.
Greene, John Beasly
(1832 - 1856, 29 November)
Greene, M.G.
Greene, M.V.B.
Greene, Milton
(1922 - 1985)
Greene, P.B.
Greene, Stanley
(1949, 14 February - 2017, 19 May)
Greene, William Asbury
Greene & Kirkpatrick
Greene & Roshon
Greene & Williams
Greenfield, Lauren
(1966 - )
Greenfield, Lois
Greenfield, M.W.
Greenfield-Sanders, Timothy
Greengage, J.P.
Greenlaw, Alexander
(1818 - 1870)
Greenleaf, Carlton J.
Greenman & Son, James
Greenwald, J.P.
Greenwald & Clippinger
Greenwood, Miles
Greenwood, W.H.
Greenwood & Hartley
Greer, Fergus
Greg, Kenneth
Greger, Karl
Gregg, John C.
Gregg, S.
Gregg & Clark
Gregory, A.W.
Gregory, J.
Gregory, J.B.
Gregory, Joy
Gregson, E.
Grehan, Farrell
Greiner, Albert
Greiner, M.L.
Greiner, William
(1957, 8 September - )
Greiner & Hemperly
Greines, Irving
Greisamer, S.P.
Grelling, G.
Gremellion, Kimberley
Gremillion, Kimberly
Grenier Bros.
Gresham, James
Greve, Jan
Grey, J.
Grey, Joel
(1932, 11 April - )
Gribovsky, Antonin
(1933 - 1989)
Grice, G.W.
Grider, Kelly
(1963, 11 February - )
Greig, Cynthia
(1959 - )
Griesbach, Charles Ludolph
(1847, 11 December - 1907, 13 April)
Griffin, Allan
Griffin, Brian
(1948, 13 April - 2024, 26 January)
Griffin, Kevin
Griffin, L.H.
Griffin, L.V.
Griffin, T.H.
Griffin, Jr., T.J.
Griffith, B.K.
Griffith, George W.
Griffith, J.H.
Griffith, Robert Francis
(1828 - 1901)
Griffith & Griffith
Griffiths, Francis Robert
Griffiths, Ken
Griffiths, Lewis Richard Cook
Griffiths, Philip Jones
(1936, 18 February - 2008, 19 March)
Griffiths, Samuel
Griffiths & Samson
Griggs, Jos.
Griggs, Noel
Griggs Bros.
Grignani, Franco
(1908, 4 February - 1999)
Grigson, Adolphus Wellington
Griley, T.R.
Grillet, Claude
Grime, Cicero
Grimm, Frank
Grimprel, Georges
Grinberg, Alexander
(1885 - 1979)
Grindat, Henriette
(1923 - 1986)
Grinker, Lori
Grinnan, L.
Grinnold Foto Co.
Grisdale, Frank
(1954, 2 June - )
Grist, A.T.
Griswold, M.M.
Griswold, M.M.
Griswold, V.M.
Griva, Domenico Riccardo Peretti
(1882, 28 November - 1962, 11 July)
Grobe, R.
Grobet, Lourdes
Groebli, René
(1927, 9 October - )
Groesel, C.F.
Groff, Mrs. L.
Grogg, Charles
(1966, 4 December - )
Groh, G.M.
Groll, Andreas
(1812 - 1872)
Grome, Renato
(1954 - )
Gronay, Stefan
Grönvald, S.J.
Groom, J.
Groote, Emil E.
Grooteclaes, Hubert
Groover, Jan
(1943, 24 April - 2012, 1 January)
Gros, Jean-Baptiste-Louis
(1793 - 1870)
Gross, J.B.
Gross, Leidigh
Gross, W.H.S.
Gross, W.R.
Gross & Becker
Grossman, Sid
(1913 - 1955)
Grossman, Silke
(1954 - )
Grossman, Walter
Grosvenor, L.C.
Grosvenor & Harger
Grote, A.
Groups From Life
Grove, John Montgomery Charles
Grove, S.H.
Grove, V.V.
Grove, W.
Grove, William Robert
(1811 - 1896)
Groves, Mrs. Lunetta D.
Groves, R.W.
Groves & Little
Grubauer, Albert
(1869 - 1960)
Grubb, Thomas
(1800 - 1878)
Gruber, F.
Gruber, L. Fritz
(1908 - 2005)
Gruen, Bob
Gruen, John
(1946 - )
Gruen, John Jonas
(1926 - )
Gruere, Florence
Grumbkow, Georges B. von
Grundy, William H.
Grundy, William Morris
(1806 - 1859)
Grune & Stratton
Grünzweig, Bedrich
(1910 - 2009)
Gruyaert, Harry
(1941, 25 August - )
Grygar, Stepan
Gryspeerdt, Norman
(1911 - 1998, 12 July)
Grzeszykowska & Smaga
Grzeszykowska, Aneta
(1974 - )
Gsell, Émile
(1838 - 1879)
Guariglia + Chen
Guay, E.
Guay, Joseph
Gubelman, Theo.
Gudmundson, Wayne
Gudzowaty, Tomasz
(1971 - )
Guerard, Baptiste
Guerard, Henri
Guerard Bros.
Guergel, Gebr.
Guerin, Fitz W.
Guerrero, Anabell
Guerrero, Pedro E.
(1917 - 2012)
Guest, Christopher
Gugler, J.
Guibert, Hervé
Guibor, G.B.
Guidalevitch, Victor
(1892 - 1962)
Guidi, Guido
(1941 - )
Guigoni & Bossi
Guilbert, G.K.
Guilbert, Jaques
Guild, H.H.
Guild, Mrs. A.E.
Guild, W.H.
Guillain, Charles
(1808, 19 May - 1875, 17 February)
Guilleminot, Boespflug & Co.
Guillou, Constant
(1812 - 1872)
Güler, Ara
(1928, 16 August - 2018, 17 October)
Gulick, John Thomas
(1832, 13 March - 1923, 14 April)
Gulick, Theo.
Gulland, D.L.
Gulliver, Thomas
Gulmez Frères
Gundlach, F.C.
(1926, 16 July - )
Gunn & Stuart
Gunnarsson, Nelly
Gunther, Carl
(1827 - 1912)
Gunther, Hermann
Gunther, Wm.
Guntner, A.
Guorui, Shi
Guppy, Amelia Elizabeth
(1808 - 1886)
Gupta, Sunil
Guran, Milton
Gurdjean, S.A.
Gurley & Harris
Gurlitz, H.
Gurnea, E.L.
Gurney, C.S.
Gurney, Henry D.
Gurney, Jeremiah
(1812 - 1895, 21 April)
Gurnsey, Byron H.
Gurnsey & Brandt
Gurnsey & Illingsworth
Gurrad, John L.
Gurrey, Alfred
Gurrey, Caroline Haskins
Gursky, Andreas
(1955 - )
Guschin, Vadim
(1963 - )
Gusinde, Martin
Gustafson, Ron
Gustin & Bro., M.
Gutch, John Wheeley Gough
(1809 - 1862)
Gutekunst, Frederick
(1831, 25 September - 1917, 27 April)
Gutekunst & Bro.
Gutierrez, Juan
(1859 - 1897)
Gutmann, John
(1905, 28 May - 1998, 12 June)
Gutov, Dmitri
Gutschow, Beate
Guttenberg, M.
Guy & Bros.
Gwathmey, Rosalie
Gyenis, Tibor
(1970 - )
Gylstorff, A.