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Alexander Gardner
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Alexander Gardner
Alexander Gardner

The DeGolyer Library (Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275-0396, USA) has a copy of the Gardner 127 plate 1867-1868 western landscape portfolio, Across the Continent on the Kansas Pacific Railroad (Route of the 35th Parallel) which was the first comprehensive western landscape survey.
[With thanks to Anne Peterson]
His obituary in the New York Times (Dec 11, 1882, p.5) read:
"Alexander Gardner, a well-known citizen of Washington, who achieved a national reputation during the late war by his photographic work with the Army of the Potomac and who has been for several years prominently connected with Masonic and other relief associations, died yesterday morning of diabetes at the age of 61. He was born in Paisley, Scotland, and emigrated to America in 1850. He was the originator of the National Relief Association and has been an officer of it since 1874."

Genealogy of Alexander Gardner
Lightbox > Portraits
Alexander Gardner, n.d., Photography wagon, with Alexander Gardiner seated in the middle, Albumen print, This work is out of copyright, LL/35273
Alexander Gardner, 1863, Alexander Gardner, Carte de visite, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, LL/45551
Charles Armor (American, 1844-1911), 1883, Framed oil painting of photographer Alexander Gardner, Oil on canvas, George Eastman Museum, LL/69904

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