Born: 1793 - France Died: 1870 - France, Ivry-sur-Seine Gender: Male Active: Greece / Argentina / Great Britain / France
French diplomat and amateur daguerreotypist who traveled widely. He was Chargé d'affaires in Bogota (1837-1844) in Colombia where he took some daguerreotypes. In 1850 he took daguerreotypes in Athens. He headed the earliest photographic society in the world, ‘La Societé Héliographique‘, which was founded in France in 1851. He also took an image of the 1851 Great Exhibition in London.
As a diplomat he was involved with the French Forces during the Second Opium War but it is not thought that he took any photographs. He was also involved in the 1858 "Treaty of Amity and Commerce" signed in Edo that established diplomatic relations beteen between France and Japan.
Genealogy of Jean-Baptiste-Louis Gros
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