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N.W. Stereoscopic Co. 
Nabholtz, Peter 
Nabil, Youssef  (1972, 6 November - )
Nabisco Shredded Wheat 
Nachtwey, James  (1948 - )
Nadar  (1820, 6 April - 1910, 21 March)
Nadar, Paul  (1856 - 1939)
Nadar & Adrien Tournachon 
Nadas, Peter 
Nadau, Rose 
Nafew Co., Sam'l 
Nagano Shigeichi 
Nagao, Yasushi 
Nagarajan, T.S.  (1932 - )
Nagasaka, Yoshimitsu 
Nagashima Yurie  (1973 - )
Nagatani, Patrick  (1945, 19 August - 2017, 27 October)
Nagatsuka, Hokun 
Naggar, André 
Nagy, Tamas 
Nähr, Moriz 
Nair, Rajesh 
Naitoh Masatoshi  (1938 - )
Najjar, Michael  (1966 - )
Nakagawa, Osamu James  (1962 - )
Nakagawa, Takashi 
Nakahira Takuma  (1938 - )
Nakajima, M.S. 
Nakamura, Dai 
Nakamura, Masaya 
Nakamura, Shoji 
Nakamura, Yasunosuke 
Nakayama Iwata  (1895 - 1949)
Namuth, Hans  (1915, 17 March - 1990, 13 October)
Nani, Leone  (1880 - 1935)
Nankin, Harry  (1953, 28 September - )
Napel, Alex ten 
Naphew & Co. 
Napier, Mark  (1798 - 1879)
Nappelbaum, Ida 
Nappelbaum, Moisei  (1869 - 1958)
Napper, R.P.  (1818, 23 December - 1867, 31 October)
Nara, J. William 
Nara, Yoshitomo 
Naramore, D.H. 
Narasingh Studio 
Naretti, Luigi 
Narrayen, Shivashunker 
Nash, Graham  (1942, 2 February - )
Nash, John Pearson  (1828, 2 October - 1885, 17 August)
Nash, Paul  (1889, 11 May - 1946, 11 July)
Nash Bros. 
Nasir al-Din Shah  (1831, 16 July - 1896, 1 May)
Nasiruddin, S. 
Nasmyth, James  (1807, 19 August - 1890, 7 May)
Nason, George W 
Nason, J.H. 
Nason, P.C. 
Nasseri, Timo 
Nast, Charles A. 
Nast & Martin 
Nast Bros. 
Nasvik, Harland P.  (1908, 28 February - 1993, 23 October)
Natal, Judy  (1953 - )
Natalia LL 
Natcher, Jas. 
Nation, Captain 
National Photograph Co. 
National Photographic Publishing Co. 
National Stereoscopic Advertising Co. 
National View Co. 
Natori Yõnosuke  (1910 - 1962)
Natterer, Johann and Joseph 
Naturalist in Florida, The 
Nau de Champlouis, Albert Victor 
Naudot, Paul 
Naughton, Thomas 
Nauman, Bruce  (1941, 6 December - )
Naumann & Melander 
Navarre, Marie 
Navarro, Rafael 
Navia, José Manuel 
Nay, Fred L. 
Naya, Carlo  (1816 - 1882)
Naya & Schoefft 
Naylor, Genevieve  (1915 - 1989)
Neal, C.E. 
Neal & Simmons 
Neale, H. 
Nealey, N.A. 
Neave, Judge Charles 
Need, Captain C. 
Needham, Wint 
Neely, L.W. 
Neff, J.B. 
Neff, P. 
Nègre, Charles  (1820, 9 May - 1880, 16 January)
Negretti, Henry  (1818, 13 November - 1879, 29 September)
Negretti & Zambra 
Negri, G. 
Neild, Arthur 
Neiler, J.C. 
Neill, Andrew Charles Brisbane  (1814, 11 April - 1891, 19 July)
Neill, James George  (1810 - 1857)
Neill, William 
Neilson, George B. 
Neimanas, Joyce  (1944 - )
Neleman, Hans 
Nelkin, Dan  (1946, 10 May - )
Nellis, G.K. 
Nelly  (1899 - 1998, 18 August)
Nelson, A. 
Nelson, B.S. 
Nelson, F. 
Nelson, John 
Nelson, John Duckworth  (1816 - 1870)
Nelson, Kendall 
Nelson, Loren 
Nelson, N.A. 
Nelson, Nels M. 
Nelson, Walter  (1942, 31 July - )
Nelson & Bailey 
Nelson & Bowie 
Nelson & Marshall 
Nelson Studio 
Nemec, Tomki 
Nemeth, G. 
Németh, Hajnal  (1972 - )
Németh, József  (1911 - )
Nemeth, Tibor 
Nenns, W.K. 
Nepean, Henry Mack  (1829, 19 November - 1914, 14 September)
Nepean, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Mack 
Nerlich & Co. 
Nerlinger, Oskar  (1893 - 1969)
Nesbitt, A.F. 
Nesbitt, G. 
Nese, J.S. 
Nesemann, Enno 
Neshat, Shirin  (1957 - )
Nesme, Léonce  (1835 - 1904, 28 March)
Ness, Nora 
Nestler, M. 
Netner, B.B. 
Nettles, Bea  (1946 - )
Nettleton, C. 
Nettleton, J.C. 
Neubert, Vladimir 
Neubronner, Julius  (1852, 8 February - 1932, 17 April)
Neue Photographische Gesellschaft (NPG) 
Neuhauss, Richard 
Neumayer, Franz 
Neurdein, E. 
Neurdein, Etienne  (1832 - 1918)
Neurdein, Louis  (1846 - 1914)
Neurdein Frères 
Neusüss, Floris M.  (1937, 3 March - )
Nevill, Caroline Emily  (1829 - 1887)
Neville & Saunders 
Nevin, Thomas J. 
Nevin, Thos. 
Nevins, George O. 
Ney, Augustus 
New, J.H. 
New Calcutta Photographic Establishment 
New Educational Series 
New England Calcium Light Co. 
New England Photographic View Co. 
New England Stereo Co. 
New Jersey Stereoscopic View Co. 
New York & Boston Calcium Light Co. 
New York Art Gallery 
New York Stereocopic View Co. 
New York Stereoscopic Co. 
New York View Co., The 
Newall, Robert Stirling 
Newberry, C.S. 
Newby, J. 
Newby, J.H. 
Newby, S. 
Newcomb, M.W. 
Newcomb, R.W. 
Newcombe, C.H. 
Newdick, A.P. 
Newel, W.J. 
Newell, A. 
Newell, L.V. 
Newell, R.  (1822 - 1897)
Newell & Nickerson 
Newell & Son, R. 
Newhall, Beaumont  (1908 - 1993)
Newhall, Nancy  (1908 - 1974)
Newland, Arthur George Edward  (1857, 25 November - 1924, 28 December)
Newland, J.W. 
Newland, W.B. 
Newland & Moore 
Newman, Arnold  (1918, 3 March - 2006, 6 June)
Newman, J. 
Newman, J.B. 
Newman, John Hubert 
Newman, Louis R. 
Newman, Marvin 
Newman, Wm. 
Newth, E.W. 
Newth, H.R. 
Newton, Alfred 
Newton, G.A. 
Newton, H.C. 
Newton, H.J. 
Newton, Helmut  (1920, 31 October - 2004, 23 January)
Newton, Henry  (1822, 17 June - 1900, 20 March)
Newton, J.J. 
Newton, William John  (1785 - 1869)
Neyt, Adolphe  (1830 - 1892)
Nga, Jehad 
Nguyen, Cat Tuong 
Nguyen, Han 
Nguyen, Liza  (1979 - )
Nguyen, Loan 
Niagara Falls Carving Co. 
Niagara Falls View Co. 
Nias, R. 
Nicci, Giuseppe 
Niccolini, Dianora 
Nice, J.F. 
Nichol, Peter D. 
Nicholas, H.C. 
Nicholas, James Perratt 
Nicholas, John P. 
Nicholas & Son 
Nicholas and Curths 
Nicholas Brothers 
Nicholl, Spencer P. Talbot  (1841 - 1908)
Nicholl, William Henry  (1819 - 1874)
Nicholls, F. 
Nicholls, Horace W.  (1867 - 1941)
Nicholls, J. 
Nichols, C.W. 
Nichols, D.A. 
Nichols, E.C. 
Nichols, G.M.D. 
Nichols, Michael 
Nichols, T.H. 
Nichols, W. 
Nichols & Noyes 
Nichols, Norton & Co. 
Nicholson, A. 
Nicholson, J. 
Nicholson, Karla G. 
Nicholson, Sandy  (1973, 16 March - )
Nickel, Richard  (1928 - 1972)
Nickerson, A.S. 
Nickerson, B.B. 
Nickerson, Bessie 
Nickerson, G.H. 
Nickerson, Jackie 
Nickerson, Rogers 
Nickerson & Smith 
Nickerson & Son 
Nicklin, Richard 
Nicolas, Alexandre Eugène  (1814 - 1862)
Nicolini, Stefano  (1960, 14 May - )
Nicoll, E.L. 
Nicols, S.B. 
Nicosia, Nic  (1951, 24 June - )
Niedermayr, Walter  (1952 - )
Nielsen, A.O. 
Nielsen, Axel 
Nielsen, Holger A. 
Nielsen, L. 
Nielsen, Oluf 
Nielson, Aug. 
Nielson & Co., H.F. 
Niemeyer, Gregory 
Niépce, Joseph Nicéphore  (1765, 7 March - 1833, 5 July)
Niermeijer, Martin 
Nieuwenhuis, C.  (1863 - 1922)
Nieweg, Simone 
Nightingale, James Edwards  (1817 - 1892)
Nikemkin, Alex 
Nikodem, Artur 
Nilsson, John 
Nilsson, Lennart  (1922 - )
Nilsson, Morten 
Nilsson, Pål-Nils 
Nimoy, Leonard 
Nims, F.A. 
Nims, I. 
Nims, W. 
Ninagawa Mika  (1972 - )
Ninaud, Emile  (1845 - 1925)
Ninci, Guiseppe  (1823 - 1890)
Ninet, Alph. 
Ninet, Victor 
Nishayama, Kiyoshi 
Nitsch, Hermann 
Niver & Co., A.L. 
Nix, Lori  (1969 - )
Nixon, H. J. 
Nixon, Jeff 
Nixon, Nicholas  (1947 - )
Nizam, James 
Noack, Alfredo  (1833 - 1895)
Nobel, Alfred  (1833, 21 October - 1897, 10 December)
Noble, Anne 
Noble, David 
Noble, E.A. 
Noble, W.H. 
Noda, Hoho 
Nodermann & Furthmeher 
Noe, Charles B. 
Noe, J.S. 
Noel, Sr., Adolphe 
Noetling, Fritz (?) 
Noggle, Anne  (1922 - 2005, 16 August)
Nohl, Mark 
Noice, Marshall 
Nojima Yasuzõ  (1889, 12 February - 1964, 14 August)
Nokes, Leda & Dana 
Nomachi, Kazuyoshi  (1946 - )
Nomura Hitoshi  (1945 - )
Noodt, V.R. 
Nooijer, Paul de  (1943, 15 June - )
Nook, J. 
Noon, Ann  (1950 - )
Noonan, R. 
Noordhoek, Wim 
Norcross, Otis 
Norden, H. 
Norder, C.W. 
Nordisk Stereoskop Billedgalleri 
Nordstrom, Mats G.H. 
Norfleet, Barbara  (1926 - )
Norfolk, Simon  (1963, 24 January - )
Noring, J. 
Norland, B. 
Norman, Dorothy  (1905 - 1997)
Norman, George 
Norman, Henry C. 
Norman, L. 
Normand, Alfred-Nicolas  (1822, 1 June - 1909, 2 March)
Norris, Dr. Hill 
Norris, John 
Norris, T.R. 
Norris & Co. 
North, A.C. 
North, A.M. 
North, F.E. 
North, G.H. 
North, G.S. 
North, Thos. 
North, W.C. 
North, W.C.  (1814 - 1890)
North & Decker 
North & Osbahr 
North & Oswald 
North Western View Co. 
North-Western Stereoscopic Co. 
Northrop, S.C. 
Northrup, Michael  (1948, 25 August - )
Northwest Trading Co. 
Northwestern Art & Photograph Co. 
Northwestern View Co. 
Norton, A.C. 
Norton, B.F. 
Norton, Captain 
Norton, G.H. 
Norton, H.Q. 
Norton, Miles B. 
Norton, N. 
Norton, T.G. 
Norton & Johnson 
Norton & Luther 
Norwell, A. 
Norwood, P. 
Nos Beautés 
Noskowiak, Sonya 
Noss, D.W. 
Noss, D.W. & H. 
Noss, H. 
Nothhelfer, Gabriele  (1945 - )
Nothhelfer, Gabriele & Helmut 
Nothhelfer, Helmut  (1945 - )
Notman, James  (1849 - 1932)
Notman, Jas. 
Notman, W.M. & James 
Notman, William  (1826, 8 March - 1891, 25 November)
Notman, William McFarlane  (1858, 1 November - 1913, 1 May)
Notman & Campbell 
Notman & Co., J.S. 
Notman & Fraser 
Notman & Sandham 
Notman & Son, Wm. 
Notman & Sons 
Notman Studio - Halifax 
Nott, A. 
Nott, Edward S. 
Nougé, Paul  (1895, 13 February - 1967, 6 November)
Novak, Lorie  (1954 - )
Novatski, Viktor 
Noverre, Lieutenant William Lynd 
Noverre & Bro. 
Noverre & Co., J.H. 
Nowack, M. 
Nowack & Chase  
Nowaczynski, Mark 
Nowak, Waclaw 
Nowell, Benjamin Jonathon 
Nowell, F.A. 
Nowell, Frank Hamilton  (1864 - 1950)
Nowinski, Ira 
Nowrojee, Shapurjee 
Noyd-Erickson & Co. 
Noyer, Armand 
Noyes, A.J. 
Noyes, George 
Noyes, J.B. 
Noyes, J.H. 
Nozawa, Fumiko 
Nozolino, Paulo  (1955, 21 March - )
Nudd, Oliver F. 
Nugent, W. 
Nurnberg, Walter  (1907 - )
Nurswanjee, Dhunjibhai 
Nurswanjee, Shaporjee 
Nuseibeh, Said 
Nusserwanjee, D. 
Nute, C.N. 
Nutter, G.C. 
Nutter & McDowell 
Nyblin  (1826 - 1910)
Nyboe, Chr. H. 
Nye, C.O. 
Nye, J.C. 
Nye, W.B. 
Nykvist, Ralph 
Nyquist, Robert C.  (1924, 16 July - 2000, 4 March)

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