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Photographs and images taken, or published, in 1853
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Lightbox > 1853
1853, Hallmark on Daguerreotype plate, Daguerreotype, hallmark, Nederlands Fotomuseum, LL/52963
Bisson frères, 1853, Tête humaine désarticulee. Préparée par Phillippe Pottau, Prép.r du Muséum. (du Cabinet de Mr. A. Devéria. mars 1853) [Dissected human skull], Salted paper print, from wet collodion on glass negative, Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht, LL/48898
Bisson frères, 1853, Cephalopodes Fossiles et Vivants, Salted paper print, Archive Farms, LL/121088
Bisson frères, 1853, Clement de Jonghe, Printseller, by Rembrandt, Salted paper print, from an albumen on glass negative, Archive Farms, LL/122118
Le Dien & Le Gray, 1853, Pompeii: maison du Faune ou la Grande mosaique, Salt print, James Hyman Gallery, LL/90109
Le Dien & Le Gray, 1853, Pompeii: vue des tombeaux, Salt print, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/81697
Le Dien & Le Gray, 1853, End of the Tescato Bridge in Trastevere, Rome, Salt print, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/81694
Le Dien & Le Gray, 1853, Pompeii: Maison du Faune, Salt print, The Hyman Collection, LL/54700
Southworth & Hawes, 1853, Reverend William T. Smithett, Daguerreotype, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, LL/67467
A. Dauthage (lithographer), 1853, Andreas von Ettingshausen, Lithograph, Wellcome Collection, LL/53741
Achille and Théodule Devéria, 1853, Achille Devéria, Salt print, with ink, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/43663
Alois Auer, 1853, Naturselbsdruck, [Nature print], Nature print, Archive Farms, LL/117363
Alphonse Fortier, 1853, Église de Saint Etienne du Mont, Salt print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/59754
Amelia Elizabeth Guppy, 1853, Babylonian Artifacts on Books, Photograph, Harvard Houghton Library, LL/84377
André Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri, 1853, La Maison Carrée, Nimes, France, Photograph, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/62166
Anna Atkins (British, 1799-1871) and Anne Dixon (British, 1799-1877), 1853, Cystopteris dentata, British, Cyanotype, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/98777
Anna Atkins, 1853, Cystopteris dentata, [Cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns], Cyanotype, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/80575
Anna Atkins, 1853, Equisetum sylvaticum [collaboration between Anna Atkins and Anne Dixon], [In her book "Cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns" (ca. 1860)], Cyanotype, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/6301
Anna Atkins, 1853, Ceylon, [Cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns (1853)], Cyanotype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41712
Anna Atkins, 1853, Lastrea rigida, [Cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns (1853)], Cyanotype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41711
Anna Atkins, 1853, British Ferns, [Cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns (1853)], Cyanotype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41710
Anna Atkins, 1853, Asplenium radicans, [Cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns (1853)], Cyanotype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41702
Anna Atkins, 1853, Aspidium, [Cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns (1853)], Cyanotype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41709
Anna Atkins, 1853, Athyrium molle, [Cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns (1853)], Cyanotype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41708
Anna Atkins, 1853, Asplenium marinum, [Cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns (1853)], Cyanotype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41707
Anna Atkins, 1853, Asplenium septentrionale, [Cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns (1853)], Cyanotype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41701
Anna Atkins, 1853, Lastrea feonisecii, [Cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns (1853)], Cyanotype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41700
Anna Atkins, 1853, Asplenium ruta muraria, [Cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns (1853)], Cyanotype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41706
Anna Atkins, 1853, Asplenium chinensis, [Cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns (1853)], Cyanotype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41699
Anna Atkins, 1853, Jamaica, [Cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns (1853)], Cyanotype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41703
Anna Atkins, 1853, Darea cicutaria, [Cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns (1853)], Cyanotype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41705
Anna Atkins, 1853, Aspidium denticulatum, [Cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns (1853)], Cyanotype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41704
Antoine Claudet, 1853, A studio portrait of a seated woman holding a book, Daguerreotype, Private collection of James Catmur, LL/119303
Carleton E. Watkins, 1853, Untitled (Mining Town), Daguerreotype, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114499
Carol Szathmari, 1853, A krími háború {Crimean War], Salt print (?), Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/79013
Charles Clifford, 1853, Principal Doorway of the Carthusian Monastery, Burgos, Albumen silver print, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/25996
Charles Clifford, 1853, San Lorenzo de El Escorial Monasterio, Albumen print, from paper negative, Archive Farms, LL/64987
Charles Clifford, 1853, Latona Fountain in the Gardens of La Granja, Segovia, Albumen silver print, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/25995
Charles Clifford, 1853, Facade of San Pablo, Valladolid, Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/66482
Charles Clifford, 1853, [Statue of Saint Bruno in the Carthusian Monastery of Our Lady of Miraflores, Burgos], Albumen silver print, from paper negative, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/7451
Charles Clifford, 1853, Plaza Oriente and Royal Theatre, Madrid, [Photographic Souvenir of Spain vol. I], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93197
Charles Clifford, 1853, Segovia, Cathedral, [Photographic Souvenir of Spain vol. I], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93180
Charles Clifford, 1853, Menores Court, Salamanca, [Photographic Souvenir of Spain vol. I], Salted paper print, The Royal Collection, LL/93149
Charles Clifford, 1853, Segovia, Aqueduct, [Photographic Souvenir of Spain vol. I], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93182
Charles Clifford, 1853, The Alcazar from Fuencisla, [Photographic Souvenir of Spain vol. I], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93183
Charles Clifford, 1853, The Church of San Pablo, Valladolid, [Photographic Souvenir of Spain vol. I], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93187
Charles Marville, 1853, Main entrance, portal of St. Wulfran Church, Abbeville, Salt print, from paper negative, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/59763
Charles Marville, 1853, Sceaux, vu des hauteurs d'Aulnay, [Études photographiques, 1 Serie, No 16], Salt print, Villa Grisebach Auktionen GmbH - Berlin, LL/94721
Charles Marville, 1853, Boomstudie, [Études Photographiques, Lille 1853], Photograph, Louis-Désiré Blanquart-Evrard print, Rijksmuseum, LL/48879
Charles Marville, 1853, Carrière, [Études photographiques, 1 Serie, No 15], Salt print, Villa Grisebach Auktionen GmbH - Berlin, LL/94720
Charles Marville, 1853, Detail of Chartres Cathedral main portal, Salt print, from paper negative, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/59762
Charles Marville, 1853, Uranie, Galerie De L'ecole Des Beaux Arts, A. Paris, Blanquart-Evrard Salt paper print, from a calotype negative, Chiswick Auctions, LL/115694
Charles Marville, 1853, The Seine from the Pont du Carrousel Looking towards Notre Dame, Salted paper print, from paper negative, National Gallery of Art, LL/92664
Charles Marville, 1853, The Virtues Crushing the Vices, Strasbourg Cathedral, Salted paper print, National Gallery of Art, LL/92658
Charles Marville, 1853, Cathédrale de Strasbourg, Grand Portail, Blanquart-Evrard process print, Archive Farms, LL/114645
Charles Marville, 1853, Maison de la Rue de la Tannerie a Abbeville, Blanquart Evrard process print, Archive Farms, LL/128504
Charles Marville, 1853, Barrière ouverte, [Études photographiques, 1 Serie, No 19], Salt print, Villa Grisebach Auktionen GmbH - Berlin, LL/94719
Charles Marville, 1853, Clotilde, Eglise de Clotilde, Paris, Salt print, paper negative, Lee Gallery, LL/3249
Charles Nègre, 1853, Pifférari Assis, Italian Street Musicians (in the Courtyard, 21 Quai de Bourbon), Albumen print, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), LL/67052
Charles Nègre, 1853, Arles Statues, Saint-Trophime, Arles, Salt print, from paper negative, Pierre Bergé & Associés, LL/58202
Charles Nègre, 1853, Paris: The Angel of the Resurrection on the Roof of Notre-Dame, Salted paper print, National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, LL/39101
Charles Nègre, 1853, Arles Église Saint-Trophime, détail des sculptures, Salt print, from paper negative, Pierre Bergé & Associés, LL/58214
Charles Nègre, 1853, The Barrel Organ Player With Two Children Listening, Print on salted paper after a lost glass negative, Musée d'Orsay, LL/7953
Charles Nègre, 1853, The Vampire (Henri Le Secq at Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris), Salted paper print, National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, LL/33097
Charles Thurston Thompson, 1853, Venetian Mirror c. 1700 from the Collection of John Webb, Albumen print, from wet collodion-on-glass negative, Victoria and Albert Museum, LL/36307
Circle of the Caffé Greco, 1853, 1547- Caffth Greco circle. Roma, Arch of Titus, bassorilievo, Salt print, from albumen plate negative, Private collection of Marco C. Antonetto, LL/27540
Claude-Marie Ferrier, 1853, Notre Dame de Paris (before spire), Albumen, on glass stereoview, Archive Farms, LL/112408
Comte Frédéric Flachéron, 1853, The Tiber, Rome (Le Tibre à Rome), Paper negative, Artcurial, LL/19505
D.J. Smith, 1853, St. Paul's, Halifax, NS, Daguerreotype, Nova Scotia Museum, LL/129069
Édouard Baldus, 1853, Maison Caree, Nimes [France], Albumen print, Andrew Smith Gallery, LL/2367
Édouard Baldus, 1853, Maison Caree, Nimes, Albumen print, Lee Gallery, LL/3140
Eliphalet Brown, 1853, China Girl. Syeee Head Dress., Engraving, Private collection of Leigh McKinnon, LL/102078
Eugène Constant, 1853, Arch of Titus, Relief of the Triumph of the Roman Legion, Albumen silver print, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), LL/120743
Eugène Constant, 1853, Arch of Titus, Relief of the Triumph of the Roman Legion, Albumen silver print, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), LL/120744
Eugène Constant, 1853, View of the Roman Forum Towards the Capitoline Hill, Looking West, Albumen silver print, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), LL/120745
Eugene Piot, 1853, Florence: Santa Maria del Fiore. Détails du 1er et du 2e ordre. 1296 et 1425, [L'Italie Monumentale], Salted paper print, Ecole nationale supérieure des beaux-arts (ENSBA), LL/52721
Eugene Piot, 1853, Florence. Santa Maria del Fiore. 2me porte du côté sud. Arch-te Arnolfo di Sapo. 1296, [L'Italie Monumentale], Albumen print, Ecole nationale supérieure des beaux-arts (ENSBA), LL/52718
Eugene Piot, 1853, Florence. Santa Maria del Fiore. Le Dôme. Archte Brunellesco. 1444, [L'Italie Monumentale], Salted paper print, Ecole nationale supérieure des beaux-arts (ENSBA), LL/52717
Félix Teynard, 1853, Souâdj, tombeau de Mourâd-Bey, entrée de la mosquée, Salt print, Pierre Bergé & Associés, LL/67599
Félix Teynard, 1853, Le Kaire, mosquée Nâcéryer, Salt print, Pierre Bergé & Associés, LL/67600
Gabriel Tranchard, 1853, Excavations by Victor Place in Khorsabad. The photo shows a huge gate, flanked by two human-headed bulls., Photograph, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/57372
Gabriel Tranchard, 1853, [Excavations by Victor Place in Khorsabad], Photograph, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/95819
Gustave Courbet, 1853, The Bathers (Les Baigneuses), Oil painting, Musée Fabre, Montpellier, LL/7947
Henri Le Secq, 1853, Abrissarbeiten an der Place de l'Hôtel de Ville, Photographic print, Musée Carnavalet, LL/40742
Henri Le Secq, 1853, West Portal, Chartres Cathedral, Photolithograph, Archive Farms, LL/114650
Henri Le Secq, 1853, No. 1 - Chartes, [Premier Cahier de lithophotographie - Published by Goupil & Cie et Gide & Baudry, printed by Lemercier], Photolithograph, Private collection of Olivier Ruffinetto-Delhaise, LL/55131
Henri Le Secq, 1853, No. 2 - Beauvais, [Premier Cahier de lithophotographie - Published by Goupil & Cie et Gide & Baudry, printed by Lemercier], Photolithograph, Private collection of Olivier Ruffinetto-Delhaise, LL/55132
Henri Le Secq, 1853, No. 3 - Neuviller (Alsace), [Premier Cahier de lithophotographie - Published by Goupil & Cie et Gide & Baudry, printed by Lemercier], Photolithograph, Private collection of Olivier Ruffinetto-Delhaise, LL/55133
Henri Le Secq, 1853, No. 6 - Chartres, [Premier Cahier de lithophotographie - Published by Goupil & Cie et Gide & Baudry, printed by Lemercier], Photolithograph, Private collection of Olivier Ruffinetto-Delhaise, LL/55136
Henri Le Secq, 1853, Démolitions de Paris, Porte Saint Martin, Salt print, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/81656
Henri Le Secq, 1853, No. 5 - Strasbourg, [Premier Cahier de lithophotographie - Published by Goupil & Cie et Gide & Baudry, printed by Lemercier], Photolithograph, Private collection of Olivier Ruffinetto-Delhaise, LL/55135
Henri Le Secq, 1853, No. 4 - St Loup De Naud, [Premier Cahier de lithophotographie - Published by Goupil & Cie et Gide & Baudry, printed by Lemercier], Photolithograph, Private collection of Olivier Ruffinetto-Delhaise, LL/55134
Hermann Krone, 1853, [Still life showing the utensils of a washerwoman], Photograph, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/61769
Horace Vernet (1789-1863), 1853, Self-portrait, Oil on canvas, Hermitage Museum, LL/93889
Ivan Nostits, 1853, Winter Scenery on the Embankment of the Neva, Albumen print, Hermitage Museum, LL/56526
Ivan Bianchi, 1853, St. Petersburg. Panteleimonovsky Bridge, Albumen print, Archivio Ivan Bianchi, LL/92387
James Robertson, 1853, Woman, Constantinople, Turkey, Albumenized salt print, hand-painted, Archive Farms, LL/65023
James Robertson, 1853, Bosphore. Les Eaux-Douces d'Europe [Empire Ottoman], Salt paper print, hand-painted, Gros & Delettrez, LL/57244
James Robertson, 1853, Constantinople (Istanbul). Soldat et son narguilé [Empire Ottoman], Salt paper print, hand-painted, Gros & Delettrez, LL/57245
James Robertson, 1853, [Title to be confirmed], [Photographic Views of Constantinople], Albumen print, mounted, Bonhams - London, LL/55340
James Robertson, 1853, New Kiosk of Sultan Abdul Medjid, with Mosque at Tophanna., Salt print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/115516
John Phillips, 1853, Study of the Moon, Albumen print, The Royal Society, LL/58676
John Beasly Greene, 1853, Memnon Colossus [Egypt], Salt print, Galerie Johannes Faber, LL/1721
Julien Vallou de Villeneuve, 1853, Portrait of Pierre-Francois Beauvallet, Salt print, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/81609
Julien Vallou de Villeneuve, 1853, Portrait of Henri Polydor Maubant, Salt print, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/81608
Julien Vallou de Villeneuve, 1853, Portrait of Maria Pingaud (Mlle Favart), Salt print, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/81607
Ladislas Chodzkiewicz (Polish), 1853, Fontainebleau: La Cour de Chasse, Salted paper print, George Eastman Museum, LL/57110
Ladislas Xavier Chodzkiewicz (Polish, 1813-1898), 1853, Fontainebleau: La Cour de Chasse, Salted paper print, George Eastman Museum, LL/74539
Leopoldo Alinari, 1853, Firenze. Il Duomo con impalcatura al Campanile (3) (TS Bardi), Dilute albumen print, Private collection of Marco C. Antonetto, LL/28280
Louis Rousseau, 1853, Class of sponges. Iphythion Panicea of the Antilles, Salt print, retouched background, Bazar Nadar / Wouter Lambrechts, LL/122434
Louis-Alphonse Davanne, 1853, Pompéï, Boulangerie, Waxed paper negative, Villa Grisebach Auktionen GmbH - Berlin, LL/94673
Louis Auguste Bisson, 1853, Fillette accoudée tenant une ombrelle, son chapeau posée sur une chaise, Daguerreotype, in mount, ArtNet, LL/98870
Louis-Désiré Blanquart-Evrard, 1853, La Vierge et l'Enfant Jésus, par Murillo, Salted paper print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/105554
Louis-Rémy Robert, 1853, Detail de la Piece du Dragon, Bassin de Neptune, [Souvenirs de Versailles], Blanquart Evrard process print, Archive Farms, LL/129660
Mary Dillwyn, 1853, Some of the singers in Sketty Church 1853 M. D., Salt print, National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, LL/47190
Mary Dillwyn, 1853, Dulcie Eden & Llewelyn Thomas, Salt print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/84936
Olympe Aguado, 1853, Studio portrait of the photographer's mother Maria de Carmen Vidoire Moreno (marquise de las Marismas), Salt print, from glass negative, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/56033
Olympe Aguado, 1853, Julie Valentine de Contades, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/64841
Olympe Aguado, 1853, Maria de Carmen Vidoire Moreno, Salted paper print, Archive Farms, LL/112854
Olympe Aguado, 1853, Olympe Aguado - Self Portrait, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/128302
Paul Gavarni (French, 1804-1866), 1853, La derniere passion de mon epoux?…voila ce qu'en dit le daguerreotype…, Lithograph, Yale University Art Gallery, LL/88674
Platt D. Babbitt, 1853, Untitled (Niagara Falls), Daguerreotype, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114481
Pompeo Bondini, 1853, Pont de l'aqueduc fournissant les thermes de Caracalla (Arc de Drusus). Via Appia, 1853, Salt paper print, Studios Robespierre, Serge Plantureux, LL/19592
Pompeo Bondini, 1853, Tombeau du Boulanger Eurysace Esquilin, Salt paper print, Studios Robespierre, Serge Plantureux, LL/19593
Pompeo Bondini, 1853, View of the Appian Way, Rome, Salt print, Private collection of Marco C. Antonetto, LL/26719
Rafferty & Leask, 1853, Daguerreotype Hats, Newspaper, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/66822
Raymond de Berenger (Paris 1811-1875), 1853, Les Portes de Sassenage, Salt print, from paper negative, Pierre Bergé & Associés, LL/58187
Robert H. Vance, 1853, Untitled (Portsmouth Square, San Francisco), Daguerreotype, stereo, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114497
S. A. Mitchell (prepared by), 1853, Greece, Map, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/46333
S. A. Mitchell (prepared by), 1853, Southern Italy (Naples, Sicily), Map, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/46332
Stephen Pearce (1819-1904), 1853, Sir Edward Augustus Inglefield, Painting, National Portrait Gallery - NPG, LL/93557
Thomas Easterly, 1853, Josephine Clofullia [Madame Clofullia, P.T. Barnum's "Bearded Lady of Geneva"], Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/47652
Thomas Easterly, 1853, Lola Montez, profile with black veil, Daguerreotype, Missouri History Museum, LL/82111
Unidentified artist, 1853, Title page to Treatise on optics by Sir David Brewster (1853), Book illustration, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/79215
Unidentified artist, 1853, Brattle Street Church, Boston, Wood engraving, Boston Public Library, Print Department, LL/54547
Unidentified artist, 1853, The Anthony Prizes for the Best Daguerreotypes, Engraving, magazine illustration, Minneapolis Institute of Art - MIA, LL/54489
Unidentified artist, 1853, View of the U. S. Line of Battle Ship, Franklin and the Floating Dock. Basin and Railways at the Navy Yard, Kittery, Maine. Copied from a daguerreotype January 27th, 1853, Engraving, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/86869
Unidentified photographer, 1853, Autumn Landscape, Salted paper print, Princeton University Art Museum, LL/44651
Unidentified photographer, 1853, Fredrick's Photographic Temple of Art, New York City, Photograph, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/76969
Unidentified photographer, 1853, Voilier dans le port de Sète, Calotype, Musée Nicéphore Niépce / Museum of Photography, LL/76211
Unidentified photographer, 1853, Group portraits of costumed members of the artists' society "Stubenvoll", Munich, Salt prints, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/67207
Unidentified photographer, 1853, John Dillwyn Llewelyn by MD, [Mary Dillwyn Llysdinam Album/41], Salt print, National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, LL/95506
Unidentified photographer, 1853, Rue de Bourgogne, Bercy, Daguerreotype, Musée Carnavalet, LL/95830
Unidentified photographer, 1853, [Quaker Sisters], Daguerreotype, 1/6 plate, with applied colour, George Eastman Museum, LL/6400
Unidentified photographer, 1853, Mineral Still Life, Albumenized salt print, Archive Farms, LL/64887
Unidentified photographer (French) / Unidentified artist (French), 1853, A toy rabbit with a drum, Stereoview, colour lithograph, Private collection of Paula Fleming, LL/120429
Unidentified photographer (USA, 19th century), 1853, Untitled (Portrait of Seated Man), Daguerreotype, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114477
Unidentified photographer (USA, 19th century), 1853, Untitled (Portrait of a Man with a Top Hat Standing next to a Gravestone), Daguerreotype, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114488
Unidentified photographer (USA, 19th century), 1853, Untitled (Portrait of a Cobbler), Daguerreotype, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114533
Unidentified photographer (USA, 19th century), 1853, Untitled (Lynn News), Daguerreotype, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114513
Vicomte Joseph Vigier, 1853, Lestelle. Notre-Dame de Bétharam. (Route d'Argelès à Pau), Salt print, from a paper negative, Hans P. Kraus, Jr., Inc., LL/96341
Vicomte Joseph Vigier, 1853, Vue de la Vallée de Luchon prise de la tour de Castelvieilh, Salted paper print, from paper negative, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/79822
Vicomte Joseph Vigier, 1853, Torrent de la cascade des Demoiselles, Bagnères de Luchon., Salted paper print, from paper negative, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/79824
Vicomte Joseph Vigier, 1853, Saint-Sauveur. Route de Pierrefitte à Luz, Salt print, from a paper negative, Hans P. Kraus, Jr., Inc., LL/96340
Vicomte Joseph Vigier, 1853, Bagnthres de Luchon. Pont de l'ardoise pris en revenant de la cascade des Parisiens., Salt print, from paper negative, Hans P. Kraus, Jr., Inc., LL/24894
Vicomte Joseph Vigier, 1853, Saint-Sauveur. Rochers et blocs pris en traversant le chaos., Salt print, from paper negative, Hans P. Kraus, Jr., Inc., LL/24893
Vicomte Joseph Vigier, 1853, St. Saveur Pont de Sia (Route de Gavarnie), Salt print, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/81708
Vicomte Joseph Vigier, 1853, Landscape near Saint Sauveur, Salt print, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/81709
Vicomte Joseph Vigier, 1853, Saint-Sauveur. La Vallée de Luz Prise du Chemin de Sasis, Salt print, from a paper negative, Hans P. Kraus, Jr., Inc., LL/96338
Vicomte Joseph Vigier, 1853, Saint-Sauveur. Vallée d'Argelès en Face les Ruines de Beaucens, Salt print, from a paper negative, Hans P. Kraus, Jr., Inc., LL/96337
Vicomte Joseph Vigier, 1853, Chaumière en ruine dans le village de Sasis, Salt print, from paper negative, Hans P. Kraus, Jr., Inc., LL/53060
Vicomte Joseph Vigier, 1853, View of the Pyrenees: Rocher de l'homme from the Bridge of Versasque, Salted paper print, National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, LL/39125
Victor Prevost, 1853, Forêt de Compiègne, Paper negative, George Eastman Museum, LL/75188
Victor Prevost, 1853, [illegible] Forêt de Compiègne, Paper negative, George Eastman Museum, LL/70108
Victor Prevost, 1853, Doorway with gothic tracery, Château de Pierrefonds, Paper negative, George Eastman Museum, LL/70104
W.J. Taylor, 1853, Photographic Society of London medal, Medal, The Royal Collection, LL/92946
W.J. Taylor, 1853, Photographic Society of London medal, Medal, The Royal Collection, LL/92945
W.J. Taylor, 1853, Photographic Society of London medal, Medal, The Royal Collection, LL/92944
Wilhelm von Herford, 1853, Maison Carée in Nimes, France, Salt print, from paper negative, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/43706
William Johnson (American, born 1823-1880s), 1853, Untitled (Portrait of Three Seated Men Wearing Turbans), Daguerreotype, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114507
William A. Pumphrey, 1853, 23 - The Minster from the School of Design (S.E.) [York Cathedral, England], Calotype, from waxed paper negative, Private Collection of Robert G. Hill, Toronto, Ont., LL/49827
William A. Pumphrey, 1853, City Walls between Walmgate Bar and the Red Tower - York, Salt print, from calotype negative, Private collection of Alain Masson, LL/50056
William A. Pumphrey, 1853, Walmgate Bar, [Photographic Views of York and its environs], Calotype print, Chiswick Auctions, LL/115705
William A. Pumphrey, 1853, The Minster Transept (The South) [York, England], Salt print, coated, Archive Farms, LL/55321
Charles Nègre, 1853 (taken) 1854 (print), [Italian Musicians (Pifferari) at 21 quai Bourbon, Ile Saint-Louis, Paris], Heliogravures, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/99394
B.N., 1853 (taken) 1854, May (reproduced), The Arch of Titus. From a Photograph taken in 1853., Photograph, tipped-in, Manchester University - John Rylands Library, LL/79349
Henri-Victor Regnault (French, 1810 - 1878), Alphonse-Louis Poitevin (French, 1819 - 1882), 1853 (taken) 1855-1860 (print), Sèvres, The Seine at Meudon, Carbon print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/119935
Charles Nègre, 1853 (taken) 1890s (print), Joueur d'orgue de Barbarie, Paris, Collodion paper print from the original calotype negative by Charles Nègre, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/25248
Frederick Berger (taken) / Isabel Agnes Cowper (copied), 1853 (taken) 1891 (copied), Cape York Islander, Albumen print, Victoria and Albert Museum, LL/120122
Francis Lockey, 1853 (taken) 1900 (ca, print), Malmesbury Abbey, South Door, Gelatin silver print, from calotype negative, Archive Farms, LL/64862
Rev. Francis Lockey (1796-1869), 1853 (taken) 1900 (print), Malmesbury Abbey, South Door, Gelatin silver print, from original calotype negative, Archive Farms, LL/114694
Charles Nègre, 1853, Blind stamp for "Charles Nègre", Blind stamp, Bazar Nadar / Wouter Lambrechts, LL/99144
William A. Pumphrey, 1853, Blind stamp for " W. Pumphrey, York / Photographic Artist", Blind stamp, Private Collection of Robert G. Hill, Toronto, Ont., LL/49829
Lerebours et Secretan, 1853, Catalogue des Instruments, Catalogue title page, Archive Farms, LL/112144
Robert Hunt (author), 1853, Title page for "A Manual of Photography" (third edition) by Robert Hunt (London: John Joseph Griffin & Co., 1853), Title page, Google Books, LL/34648
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1853, Title page for "the Photographic Art Journal", Vol.V, 1853 (New York: W.B. Smith), Title page, Google Books, LL/34624
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1853, Brewster stereoscope, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34656
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1853, Camera for the collodion process, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34655
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1853, Illustrated Passports, Magazine page, Google Books, LL/36165
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1853, Camera for the collodion process, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34654
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1853, W.C. "Sonnet to a Daguerreotype", Google Books, LL/39528
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1853, The apparatus for the Daguerreotype, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34653
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1853, [A studio arrangement], Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34649
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1853, [Optical apparatus - unspecified], Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34650
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1853, The apparatus for the Daguerreotype, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34652
Southworth & Hawes, 1853, Advert for "Southworth & Hawes", Advert, Archive Farms, LL/71000
Southworth & Hawes, 1853, Artists' Daguerreotype Rooms, No. 5 1/2 Tremont Row, Boston. Southworth & Hawes, Advert, Google Books, LL/34999
Southworth & Hawes, 1853, Stereoscope Advertisement, pg. 1, Letterpress, Archive Farms, LL/107939
Southworth & Hawes, 1853, Stereoscope Advertisement, pg. 2, Letterpress, Archive Farms, LL/107940
Southworth & Hawes, 1853, Advert for "Southworth & Hawes", Advert, Archive Farms, LL/70999
Meade Brothers Studio, 1853, Interior View of Meade Brothers' Daguerreotype Gallery, Broadway, New York, Wood engraving on paper, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, LL/97501
Meade Brothers Studio, 1853, Interior View of Meade Brothers' Daguerreotype Gallery, Broadway, New York, Wood engraving on paper, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, LL/97500
Meade Brothers Studio, 1853, Our Daguerrean Galleries - No. 1. The Meade Gallery, New York, Magazine illustration, Internet Archive, LL/55568
Alois Auer, 1853, Title page of Alois Auer "the Polygraphic Apparatus, or, The Different Departments of Art carried on in the Imperial Court and Government Printing-Office in Vienna by Louis Auer" (Vienna: Imperial Court and Government Printing Office, 1853), Title page, Google Books, LL/36174
Antoine Claudet, 1853, The Focimeter, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34651
Charles Nègre, 1853, Le Joueur d'orgue barbarie [The Organ-Grinder], Oil and red chalk, on paper, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/67048
Charles Nègre, 1853, Le Joueur d'orgue barbarie [The Organ-Grinder], Oil over salted paper print, from paper negative, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/67049
E.K. Tenison, 1853, Mr. E. K. Tenison, of Kilbonan Castle, exhibited a number of photographs of very large size, representing views in Spain., Book page, Google Books, LL/36082
George K. Warren, 1853, Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association Award to G. K. Warren for Daguerreotypes Exhibition of 1853, Bronze medallion, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, LL/126533
George K. Warren, 1853, Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association Award to G. K. Warren for Daguerreotypes Exhibition of 1853, Bronze medallion, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, LL/126534
George K. Warren, 1853, Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association Award to G. K. Warren for Daguerreotypes Exhibition of 1853, Bronze medallion, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, LL/126535
George K. Warren, 1853, Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association Award to G. K. Warren for Daguerreotypes Exhibition of 1853, Bronze medallion, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, LL/126536
J.A. Whipple, 1853, Advert for "Daguerreotypes Taken on Paper instead of Silver Plates, with all the Beauty and Distinctiveness of Engravings. J. A. Whipple, Patentee", Advert, Archive Farms, LL/70988
J.J. Outley, 1853, Coin stamped with the name of photographer J.J. Outley, Coin, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/9767
J.V.R. Schuyler (Ithaca, NY), 1853, The value of a perfect likeness should not be estimated by dollars and cents., Book page, Google Books, LL/35019
James Robertson, 1853, Now ready, Photographic Views of Constantinople, Advert, Google Books, LL/36099
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1853, Daguerre, Magazine illustration, from a Daguerreotype, Google Books, LL/35330
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1853, Daguerre, Magazine page, Google Books, LL/35329
Marcus Aurelius Root, 1853, Root's Daguerrean Gallery, Magazine page, Google Books, LL/35209
Marcus Aurelius Root, 1853, Root's Daguerrean Gallery - a poem on death, Magazine page, Google Books, LL/35210
Philip Henry Delamotte, 1853, View from the south gallery of the Crystal Palace, at Sydenham, Woodcut, Archive Farms, LL/65001
Théophile Gautier, 1853, Théophile Gautier meets customs officiers at Vittoria in Spain, Book page, Google Books, LL/36089
Théophile Gautier, 1853, Title page for théophile Gautier "Wanderings in Spain" (London: Ingram, Cooke, and Co., 1853), Title page, Google Books, LL/36087
William A. Pumphrey, 1853, City Walls between Walmgate Bar and the Red Tower - York, Label, Private collection of Alain Masson, LL/50057
William A. Pumphrey, 1853, Label glued to mount "23 - The Minster from the School of Design (S.E.)" [York Cathedral, England], Label, Private Collection of Robert G. Hill, Toronto, Ont., LL/49828

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