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Lightbox > 2015
2015, X-ray of Edgar Degas sculpture, "Dancer Bowing (The Curtain Call)", X-ray, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/113782
2015, Book cover for Sara Stevenson & A.D. Morrison-Low, 2015, Scottish Photography: The First Thirty years, (Edinburgh: National Museums of Scotland), Book cover, Amazon - UK, LL/63023
2015, Book cover for Florian Vigneron, 2015, Une magnifique addiction: Portait d'un collectionneur de photographies anonymes, (Popcards Factory), Book cover, Amazon - France, LL/63361
2015, Book cover for Michael Berkowitz, 2015, Jews and Photography in Britain, (UNiversity of Texas Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/63423
2015, Book cover for Susan Tumarkin Goodman & Jens Hoffmann, 2015, The Power of Pictures: Early Soviet Photography, Early Soviet Film, (Yale University Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/63424
2015, Electronic invitation for an exhibition on the relationship between tiles and photography in Portugal ("Da fotografia ao azulejo", Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis, Porto, Portugal), E-vite, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/63802
2015, Electronic invitation for an exhibition on the relationship between tiles and photography in Portugal ("Da fotografia ao azulejo", Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis, Porto, Portugal), E-vite, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/63803
2015, Book cover for Steven F. Joseph. 2015, Belgian Photographic Literature of the 19th Century / L'édition photographique belge au 19e siècle, (Leuven University Press), Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/63887
2015, Book cover for Javier Viver, 2015, Révélations: Iconographie de La Sâlpetrière, Paris 1875-1918, (Editorial RM), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/63943
2015, Radiograph of a wax sculpture by Edgar Degas, X-ray, National Gallery of Art, LL/76289
2015, Book cover for Philippe Charlier, 2015, Seine de crimes: Morts suspectes à Paris 1871-1937, (Editions du Rocher), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/90288
2015, Book cover for Zeynep Çelik & Edhem Eldem (eds.), 2015, Camera Ottomana. Photography and Modernity in the Ottoman Empire 1840-1914, (Koç University Publications), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/60616
2015, Boy inside a suitcase being smuggled between Morocco and Ceuta, Spain, Security scanner, Ministerio Del Interior, LL/59914
2015, Radiographs of Edgar Degas wax sculptures, X-ray, composite, National Gallery of Art, LL/76288
2015, X-ray of Edgar Degas sculpture, "Dancer with Tambourine", X-ray, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/113781
2015, X-ray of Edgar Degas sculpture, "Arabesque over Right Leg, Left Arm in Front", X-ray, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/113780
2015, Radiograph of a wax sculpture by Edgar Degas, X-ray, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/113779
2015, Book cover for Scott Merrillees, 2015, Jakarta: Portraits of a Capital 1950-1980, (Equinox Publishing), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/111781
2015, Patent No. US9910286B2 Twinscope 3-D viewer - Inventor: Colleen Woolpert, Patent illustration, US Patent Office, LL/106350
2015, Patent No. US9910286B2 Twinscope 3-D viewer - Inventor: Colleen Woolpert, Patent illustration, US Patent Office, LL/106349
2015, Patent No. US9910286B2 Twinscope 3-D viewer - Inventor: Colleen Woolpert, Patent illustration, US Patent Office, LL/106348
2015, Patent No. US9910286B2 Twinscope 3-D viewer - Inventor: Colleen Woolpert, Patent illustration, US Patent Office, LL/106347
2015, Back cover for Steven F. Joseph, 2015, Belgian Photographic Literature of the 19th Century / L'édition photographique belge au 19e siècle, (Leuven University Press), Book cover, back, Bazar Nadar / Wouter Lambrechts, LL/101601
2015, Book cover for Steven F. Joseph, 2015, Belgian Photographic Literature of the 19th Century / L'édition photographique belge au 19e siècle, (Leuven University Press), Book cover, Bazar Nadar / Wouter Lambrechts, LL/101600
2015, Book cover for Elias Sanbar, 2015, The Palestinians: Photographs of a Land and its People from 1839 to the Present Day, (Yale University Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/58439
Angie Brockey, 2015, Wearable art - Amethyst Flower, Photo-jewelry, Provided by the artist - Angie Brockey, LL/68768
C. Michael Dudash (American, born 1952), 2015, Tintype, Oil on linen, James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art, LL/100962
Christine Turnauer, 2015, Sukh bai, Pushkar, India, [The Dignity of the Gypsies and a Tribute to my Gitanos friends], Photograph, Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation, LL/119005
Christine Turnauer, 2015, Mirasi tribe, Modha, India, [The Dignity of the Gypsies and a Tribute to my Gitanos friends], Photograph, Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation, LL/119004
Christine Turnauer, 2015, Bhagwan, bhai, nde, [The Dignity of the Gypsies and a Tribute to my Gitanos friends], Photograph, Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation, LL/119003
Damian Michaels, 2015, Untitled, Cabinet card, with ink design, Provided by the artist - Damian Michaels, LL/61033
Damian Michaels, 2015, Untitled, Cabinet card, with ink design, Provided by the artist - Damian Michaels, LL/61032
Damian Michaels, 2015, Untitled, Cabinet card, with ink design, Provided by the artist - Damian Michaels, LL/61034
David Kregenow, 2015, John Gossage, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91620
David Kregenow, 2015, Martin Rosswog, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91629
David Kregenow, 2015, Ori Gersht, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91628
David Kregenow, 2015, Sabastião Salgado, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91627
David Kregenow, 2015, Bernhard Fuchs, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91626
David Kregenow, 2015, William Klein, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91625
David Kregenow, 2015, Joachim Schmid, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91624
David Kregenow, 2015, Joel-Peter Witkin, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91623
David Kregenow, 2015, Juergen Teller, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91622
David Kregenow, 2015, Martin Parr, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91621
David Kregenow, 2015, Brian Griffin, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91619
David Kregenow, 2015, Olivo Barbieri, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91618
Davide Puddu, 2015, Cupreoboletus poikilochromus (Parco Gentilis, Guspini, Italy), Microphotograph, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/112121
Erin Waters, 2015, Ceramic plates with a design of three carte de visites, Photoceramic, Private collection of Dennis A. Waters, LL/63065
Erin Waters, 2015, Ceramic cup with a photographic portrait, Photoceramic, Private collection of Erin Waters, LL/63066
Erin Waters, 2015, Ceramic jug with a photographic portrait, Photoceramic, Private collection of Erin Waters, LL/63067
Erin Waters, 2015, Candy boxes with photographic portraits, Packaging, Private collection of Dennis A. Waters, LL/63068
Henry Gillard Glindoni (artist), 2015, X-ray imaging of John Dee painting by Henry Gillard Glindoni, X-ray, Wellcome Collection, LL/92925
Jerry Spagnoli, 2015, Gourd stem, [Heirloom Harvest], Daguerreotype, Provided by the artist - Jerry Spagnoli, LL/66943
Jerry Spagnoli, 2015, Melon leaf, [Heirloom Harvest], Daguerreotype, Provided by the artist - Jerry Spagnoli, LL/66944
Juno Gemes, 2015, Margaret Oxley - Australian painter, philanthropist and muse, Photomontage, Provided by the artist - Juno Gemes, LL/80569
Luther Gerlach, 2015, Farm Path, Arnheim, Holland, Tintype, Provided by the artist - Luther Gerlach, LL/76867
Luther Gerlach, 2015, Toro Canyon Oaks, Santa Barbara, California, Ambrotype, on cobalt blue glass, Provided by the artist - Luther Gerlach, LL/76872
Luther Gerlach, 2015, Imagon Fairies, Arnheim, Holland, Tintype, Provided by the artist - Luther Gerlach, LL/76870
Martin Parr, 2015, Café Landtmann, Vienna, [Cakes & Balls], Pigment print, Ostlicht - Gallery for Photography, LL/115427
Massimo Vitali, 2015, Tropea Stones, C-print, Bonni Benrubi Gallery, LL/82107
Milton Montenegro, 2015, Tree, [Miror], Mineral pigment ink print, on Hahnemuhle paper, Provided by the artist - Milton Montemegro, LL/61340
Milton Montenegro, 2015, Zico, [Miror], Mineral pigment ink print, on Hahnemuhle paper, Provided by the artist - Milton Montemegro, LL/61341
Milton Montenegro, 2015, La Parva, [Miror], Mineral pigment ink print, on Hahnemuhle paper, Provided by the artist - Milton Montemegro, LL/61338
Milton Montenegro, 2015, Cockpit, [Miror], Mineral pigment ink print, on Hahnemuhle paper, Provided by the artist - Milton Montemegro, LL/61339
Milton Montenegro, 2015, Ping-pong referee, [Miror], Mineral pigment ink print, on Hahnemuhle paper, Provided by the artist - Milton Montemegro, LL/61337
Myoung Ho Lee, 2015, Tree #8, Archival Inkjet Print, Yossi Milo Gallery, LL/76518
NASA /C. Henze, 2015, A computer simulation of gravitational waves rippling away from the massive collision of two black holes, Computer simulation, NASA, LL/65166
Nicholas Nixon, 2015, The Brown Sisters, Wellfleet, Massachusetts, Gelatin silver print, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/81232
Nick Brandreth, 2015, George Eastman House workshops, Dry plate in the woods, Colour photograph, George Eastman Museum, LL/64143
Nick Brandreth, 2015, A workshop student working on a negative during a George Eastman Museum Negative Retouching workshop, Colour photograph, George Eastman Museum, LL/64136
Nick Brandreth, 2015, Coating hand made Gelatin Silver Chloride "Azo" Paper in the darkroom at George Eastman House, Colour photograph, George Eastman Museum, LL/64137
Nick Brandreth, 2015, A workshop student at George Eastman House hanging albumen paper up to dry after floating the paper on the albumen, Colour photograph, George Eastman Museum, LL/64138
Nick Brandreth, 2015, No where else in the world other than George Eastman House Museum can you learn how a make a photographic process work and then go and see the masterworks all in the same place, Colour photograph, George Eastman Museum, LL/64139
Nick Brandreth, 2015, Mark Osterman and a George Eastman Museum workshop student working on a composition doing the "Adirondack Experience Workshop" at Great Camp Sagamore the Vanderbilt families Wilderness retreat, Colour photograph, George Eastman Museum, LL/64140
Nick Brandreth, 2015, George Eastman House workshops, Gelatin emulision, Colour photograph, George Eastman Museum, LL/64142
Nick Brandreth, 2015, George Eastman House workshops with Mark Osterman, Colour photograph, George Eastman Museum, LL/64144
Nick Brandreth, 2015, A salted paper print proof of a hand made wet collodion negative at a George Eastman Museum workshop, Colour photograph, George Eastman Museum, LL/64135
Nick Brandt, 2015, Wasteland with Rhinos, [Inherit the Dust], Archival pigment print, Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, LL/91476
Nick Brandt, 2015, Wasteland with Elephant, [Inherit the Dust], Archival pigment print, Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, LL/91475
Nick Brandt, 2015, Underpass with Elephants, [Inherit the Dust], Archival pigment print, Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, LL/91474
Roger Camp, 2015, Self portrait, Colour image, Provided by the artist - Roger Camp, LL/75823
Stahler, 2015, Smartphone, Smartphone, on a stick, Who has the fairest Profile Pic?, Cartoon, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/61923
Unidentified artist, 2015, Echo and Narcissus [Updated for the age of the Selfie], Digital image, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/61906
2015, Book cover for Armen Tsolag Marsoobian, 2015, Dildilian Brothers - Memories of a Lost Armenian Home, (Birzamanlar Yayincilik), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/122337
2015, Book cover for David Odo, 2015, The Journey of "A Good Type": From Artistry to Ethnography in Early Japanese Photographs, (Peabody Museum Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/73666
2015, Book cover for Christophe Mauron, Nicolas Crispini & Christophe Dutoit, 2015, Fous de couleur. Autochromes, les premières photographies couleur de Suisse (1907-1938), (Neuchâtel: Éditions Alphil), Private collection of Hugh Tifft, LL/72561
2015, Book cover for John Stauffer, Zoe Trodd & Celeste-Marie Bernier, 2015, Picturing Frederick Douglass: An Illustrated Biography of the Nineteenth Century, (Liveright), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/72900
2015, Book cover for Peter J. Cohen, 2015, Snapshots of Dangerous Women, (Universe), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/58431
2015, Book cover for Ralph Beaumont, 2015, Heckman's Canadian Pacific: A Photographic Journey, (Ralph Beaumont), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/66546
2015, Book cover for Andras Koerner, 2015, How They Lived: The Everyday Lives of Hungarian Jews, 1867-1940, (Central European University Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/65926
2015, Book cover for Sarah Kate Gillespie, 2016, The Early American Daguerreotype: Cross-Currents in Art and Technology, (The MIT Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/66096
2015, Book cover for Haris Yiakoumis & Tasos A. Andreou, 2015, Metamorphoses of Athens: A photographic journey from the 19th to the 20th century, (Editions Kallimages), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/79033
2015, Book cover for Helena Pérez Gallardo, 2015, Fotografía y arquitectura en el siglo XIX, (Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/60318
2015, Book cover for Christian Delage, Thomas Keenan & Tomasz Kizny, 2015, Images of Conviction: The Construction of Visual Evidence, (Editions Xavier Barral), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/90493
2015, Book cover for Maxine E. McBrinn (ed.), 2015, Oblique Views: Aerial Photography and Southwest Archaeology, (Museum of New Mexico Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/60386
2015, Book cover for July Annear, 2015, The Photograph and Australia, (Art Gallery of New South Wales), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/60402
2015, Book cover for McNeil & Pippa Oldfield, 2015, The Bigger Picture: The Work of Impressions Gallery, (Bradford: Impressions Gallery?), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/60403
2015, Book cover for Elizabeth Edwards & Christopher Morton, 2015, Photographs, Museums, Collections: Between Art and Information, (Bloomsbury Publishing), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/60404
2015, Book cover for Mike Evans, Gary Winter & Anne Woodward, 2015, Picturing England, The photographic collections of Historic England, (Historic England), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/60407
2015, Book cover for Wilson Centre & Tate Britain, 2015, Salt & Silver, (Mack), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/60570
2015, Book cover for Kate Palmer Albers, 2015, Uncertain Histories: Accumulation, Inaccessibility, and Doubt in Contemporary Photography, (University of California Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57599
2015, Book cover for Haris Yiakoumis & Vasiliki Mavroidakou, 2015, Visages d'Athe`nes du XIXe au XXe sie`cle, 1855-1960, (Paris: E´ditions Kallimages), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/79047
2015, Book cover for Martin Parr & WassinkLundgren, 2015, The Chinese Photobook, (Aperture), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57561
2015, Book cover for Ana Iacob, 2015, Avangarda fotografiilor din Bucuresti - Repertoriul fotografiilor din patrimoniul Muzeului Municipiului bucuresti, secolul XIX, (Bucarest: Editura Muzeului), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/79012
2015, Book cover for Sir Wally Herbert & Huw Lewis-Jones, 2015, Across the Arctic Ocean: Original Photographs from the Last Great Polar Journey, (Thames & Hudson), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/61822
2015, Book cover for Daniel Clauzier, Hélène Delépine-Niobet & Florent Palluault, 2015, Images révélées: Poitiers à l'épreuve de la photographie (1839-1914), (Snoeck), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/77757
2015, Book cover for Luis Priamo; Abel José Alexander & Adrián Gorelik, 2015, Buenos Aires: Memoria Antigua (1850-1900), (Fundación CEPPA), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/77477
2015, Book cover for Delfin Rodriguez Ruiz & Helena Perez Gallardo (eds.), 2015, Mirar la Arquitectura, Fotografía Monumental en el Siglo XIX, (Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España), Book cover, Biblioteca Nacional de Espańa, LL/62528
2015, Book cover for Daniel Stier, 2015, Ways of Knowing, (YES Editions), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/77471
2015, Book cover for Rachel Mairs &, Maya Muratov, 2015, Archaeologists, Tourists, Interpreters: Exploring Egypt and the Near East in the Late 19th-Early 20th Centuries, (Bloomsbury), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/62563
2015, Book cover for Marc Walter, Sabine Arqué & Karin Lelonek, 2015, Germany around 1900 / L'Allemagne vers 1900, (Taschen), Book cover, Taschen, LL/62599
2015, Book cover for Stanley B. Burns & Elizabeth A. Burns, 2015, Stiffs, Skulls & Skeletons: Medical Photography and Symbolism, (Schiffer Publishing), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/62729
2015, Book cover for Carl De Keyzer & David Van Reybrouck (eds.), 2015, The First World War: Unseen Glass Plate Photographs of the Western Front , (University Of Chicago Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/62791
2015, Book cover for Patricia Chiu and Edward Stokes, 2015, Lee Fook Chee's Hong Kong: Photographs from the 1950s, (Hong Kong: The Photographic Heritage Foundation (HK) with The Commercial Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/77278
2015, Book cover for Mikhail Karasik & Manfred Heiting (ed.), 2015, The Soviet Photobook 1920-1941, (Steidl), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/63126
Alec Soth, 2015, Book cover for Alec Soth, 2015, Gathered Leaves, (Mack), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/62737
Aline Smithson, 2015, Book cover for Aline Smithson, 2015, Self & Others: Portrait as Autobiography, (Publisher ?), Book cover, Source requested, LL/58370
Alvin Langdon Coburn, 2015, Book cover for Pam Roberts & Anne Cartier-Bresson, 2015, Alvin Langdon Coburn, (Fundación Mapfre), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/60569
Andreas Groll, 2015, Book cover for Elke Doppler, 2015, Andreas Groll - Wiens erster moderner Fotograf: 1812-1872, (Vienna: Photoinstitut Bonartes), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/98184
Baron Raimund von Stillfried, 2015, Book cover for Luke Gartlan, 2015, A Career of Japan: Baron Raimund von Stillfried and Early Yokohama Photography, (Brill), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/73664
Berenice Abbott, 2015, Book cover for Berenice Abott & Julia Haaften, 2015, Berenice Abbott: Aperture Masters of Photography, (Aperture), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57565
Bertha Wehnert-Beckmann, 2015, Book cover for Stadtgeschichtlichen Museum Leipzig, 2015, Die Fotografin. Bertha Wehnert-Beckmann 1815-1901, (Passage), Book cover, Amazon - Germany, LL/63263
Carl Van Vechten, 2015, Book cover for Carl Van Vechten, 2015, 'O, Write My Name': American Portraits, Harlem Heroes, (Eakins Press Foundation), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/58372
Carlos Relvas, 2015, Book cover for Cátia Salvado Fonseca, 2015, Uma família de fotógrafos, Carlos e Margarida Relvas, (Chiado Editora), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/63123
Christina Broom, 2015, Book cover for Anna Sparham, 2015, Soldiers and Suffragettes: The Photography of Christina Broom, (I.B. Taurus), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/77065
Diane Arbus, 2015, Book cover for Alexander Nemerov, 2015, Silent Dialogues: Diane Arbus & Howard Nemerov, (Fraenkel Gallery Publications), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/58894
Edward S. Curtis, 2015, Book cover for Edward S. Curtis, 2015, The North American Indian: The Complete Portfolios, (Taschen), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/58805
E.O. Hoppé, 2015, Book cover for Phillip Prodger, 2015, E.O. Hoppé: The German Work 1925-1938, (Steidl), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/78363
Florence Henri, 2015, Book cover for Florence Henri, 2015, Florence Henri: Mirror of the Avant-garde 1927-40, (Aperture), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57563
George Shiras, 2015, Book cover for George Shiraz III & Jean-christophe Bailly, 2015, L'intérieur de la nuit, (Xavier Barral), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/101533
Guy Tillim, 2015, Book cover for Guy Tillim, 2015, O Futuro Certo, (Steidl), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/87076
Harry Gruyaert, 2015, Book cover for Harry Gruyaert & Francois Hebel, 2015, Harry Gruyaert, (Thames and Hudson), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/67689
Henri Cartier-Bresson, 2015, Book cover for Henri Cartier-Bresson & Clément Chéroux, 2015, Henri Cartier-Bresson: Aperture Masters of Photography, (Aperture), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57564
Jason Langer, 2015, Book cover for Jason Langer, 2015, Jason Langer: Twenty Years, (Radius Books), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57567
Joel Meyerowitz, 2015, Book cover for Joel Meyerowitz & Ralph Goertz (ed.), 2015, Joel Meyerowitz: Retrospective, (Distributed Art Pub Inc -DAP), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/58366
John Heartfield, 2015, Book cover for David King & Ernst Volland, 2015, John Heartfield: Laughter is a Devastating Weapon, (Tate), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/67310
John Thomson, 2015, Book cover for Paisarn Piemmettawat, 2015, Siam: Through the Lens of John Thomson 1865-66, (River Books Press Dist A C), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/73840
Joni Sternbach, 2015, Book cover for Joni Sternbach, 2015, Surf Site Tin Type, (Damiani), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/59881
Julia Margaret Cameron, 2015, Book cover for Marta Weiss, 2015, Julia Margaret Cameron, (Mack), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/61062
Lewis Carroll, 2015, Book cover for Edward Wakeling, 2015, The Photographs of Lewis Carroll: A catalogue raisonné, (University of Texas Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/60865
Luigi Ghirri, 2015, Book cover for Luigi Ghirri, 2015, The Complete Essays 1973-1991, (Mack), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/67724
Marc Ferrez, 2015, Book cover for Marc Ferrez & Robert Polidori, 2015, Rio, (Steidl / Instituto Moreira Salles - IMS), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/68714
Martin Gusinde, 2015, Book cover for Martin Gusinde, 2015, The Lost Tribes of Tierra Del Fuego, (Thames & Hudson), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/60641
Martin Gusinde, 2015, Book cover for Martin Gusinde, 2015, The Lost Tribes of Tierra Del Fuego, (Thames & Hudson), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/77474
Mike Mandel, 2015, Book cover for Sandra Phillips, 2015, Mike Mandel: Good 70s, (D.A.P./J&L Books), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/74328
Nadar, 2015, Book cover for Félix Nadar, 2015, When I Was a Photographer, (The MIT Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/63425
Pieter Hugo, 2015, Book cover for Pieter Hugo, 2015, Kin, (Aperture), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57562
René Groebli, 2015, Book cover for Rene Groebli, 2015, Rene Groebli: Early Work, (Sturm & Drang), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/76458
Richard Pousette-Dart, 2015, Book cover for Charles Duncan, 2015, Absence/Presence: Richard Pousette-Dart as Photographer, (Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/77336
Sally Mann, 2015, Book cover for Sallt Man, 2015, Hold Still: A Memoir with Photographs, (Little, Brown and Company), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/61061
Saul Leiter, 2015, Book cover for Saul Leiter, 2015, Saul Leiter: Painted Nudes, (Sylph Editions), Gelatin silver print, painted with gouache, casein, watercolour, or a combination, Sylph Editions, LL/59176
Saul Leiter, 2015, Book cover for Saul Leiter, 2015, Saul Leiter: Painted Nudes, (Sylph Editions), Gelatin silver print, painted with gouache, casein, watercolour, or a combination, Sylph Editions, LL/59177
Thomas Annan, 2015, Book cover for Lionel Gossman, 2015, Thomas Annan of Glasgow: Pioneer of the Documentary Photograph, (Open Book Publishers), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/76909
Thomas Keith, 2015, Book cover for John Hannavy, 2015, The Victorian Photographs of Dr. Thomas Keith and John Forbes White, (John Hannavy Publishing), Book cover, Amazon - UK, LL/57508
Thomas Keith, 2015, Book cover for John Hannavy, 2015, The Victorian Photographs of Dr. Thomas Keith and John Forbes White, (John Hannavy Publishing), Book cover, Amazon - UK, LL/57507
Walker Evans, 2015, Book cover for Walker Evans & Thomas Zander (ed.), 2015, Walker Evans: Labor Anonymous, (D.A.P./Koenig), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/65871
William Klein, 2015, Book cover for William Klein, 2015, William Klein + Brooklyn, (Contrasto), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/58371
Henry Fox Talbot, 2015, Book cover for Vered Mamon, 2015, Singular Images, Failed Copies: William Henry Fox Talbot and the Early Photograph, (University of Minnesota Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/67888
2015, Evite for "The Daguerreotype Symposium 2015", Hotel de Malestroit, Bry-sur-Marne, France, E-vite, Daguerreobase, LL/61302
Alberto Díaz Korda, 2015, Cigarette packaging showing Che Guevara, Cigarette packet, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/61676
Carlos Relvas, 2015, Publicity for the film Amateur (dir., Olga Ramos, 2015), Digital publicity, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/61548
Eadweard Muybridge, 2015, Publicity for Eadweard: The Godfather of Cinema (2015), Publicity image, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/59131
Fran Forman, 2015, E-vite to "Escape Artist: Photo-paintings by Fran Forman" (The Fox Talbot Museum, 18 July 2015 - 3 January 2016), E-vite, Provided by the artist - Fran Forman, LL/60371
Mac Adams, 2015, Mac Adams, Colour image, Provided by the artist - Mac Adams, LL/62554
Robert Capa, 2015, Exhibition publicity for "Robert Capa et la Couleur / Capa in Color" (Jeu de Paume, Tours, France - November 21st 2015 - May 19th 2016), Publicity, International Center of Photography (ICP), LL/62432
Thomas Child, 2015, Evite for "Qing Dynasty Peking: Thomas Child's Photographs" (9 November 2015), E-vite, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/62296

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