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Photographs and images taken, or published, in 1893
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Lightbox > 1893
Alfred Stieglitz, 1892-1893 (taken) 1913 (print), The Asphalt Paver: New York, [Camera Work, no. 41, pl. 07], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72313
1893, Box for the Southworth & Hawes daguerreotype plates of Lajos Kossuth when brought to Hungary by Mr Béla Krécsi, Box for daguerreotype plates, Hungarian National Museum, LL/76679
1893, Studio window cleaning, Book illustration, Private collection of Bálint Flesch?, LL/119461
1893, Front cover for William Kinninmond Burton, 1893, 'Exhibition of Foreign Photographs / A Catalogue of the Exhibition of the Photographic Society of Japan', Catalogue cover, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, LL/88667
1893, Photo-Cravatte, Catalogue page, Private collection of Patrick Salčtes, LL/66677
1893, Dark tents and dark boxes, Catalogue page, Private collection of Patrick Salčtes, LL/66676
1893, Colonel R.W. Stewarts's "Panoram.", Magazine page, part, Google Books, LL/114403
1893, Transportable Ateliers, Catalogue page, Private collection of Patrick Salčtes, LL/66674
Liberty Brand, 1893, German village, [New Educational Series. Stereoscopic Views.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109604
Liberty Brand, 1893, Fine Arts building, [New Educational Series. Stereoscopic Views.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109605
Wm. Notman & Son, 1893, Worthington engine, Montreal Waterworks, Montreal, QC, Gelatin silver process, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/124624
Reichard & Lindner, 1893, Prince Eitel Friedrich, second son of Wilhelm II, Cabinet card, Private collection of T. Max Hochstetler, LL/22013
Alfred Stieglitz, 1893, Winter, Fifth Avenue, Lantern slide, George Eastman Museum, LL/54466
Alfred Stieglitz, 1893, The Terminus, Gelatin dry-plate lantern slide, Phillips - New York, LL/77710
Alphonse Bertillon, 1893, Les Dimensions du Nez Observees de Profil., Collotype, Archive Farms, LL/113530
Alphonse Bertillon, 1893, Baerisvuyl. Frédéric, Jean. 28 ans, né à Fribourg (Suisse). Ébéniste. Anarchiste. 8/1/93., Albumen silver print, from glass negative, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/78468
Alphonse Bertillon, 1893, Identification Anthropometrique, Instructions Signaletiques, Collotype, Archive Farms, LL/55234
Alphonse Bertillon, 1893, Bertillon's Filing System, Photographic print, National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, LL/45751
Alphonse Bertillon, 1893, Mensuration de la coudée [Measurement of the cubit (from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow)], Photographs, National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, LL/77069
Alphonse Bertillon, 1893, Anthropometry Card of Francis Galton, with Profile and Full-Face Photos and spaces for Key Body Measurements, Anthropometry card, University College, London, LL/40695
Babayeva Studio, Russian (Russian, active 1890s), 1893, [Ivan Constantinovich Aivasovski], Albumen silver print. from glass negative, with inset oil painting, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/78073
Ben Hains, 1893, White's Cave - Crystal Lake, (Showing Wall), [Views of Mammoth Cave and Vicinity], Stereocard, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/95115
Ben Hains, 1893, The corkscrew (near middle), [Views of Mammoth Cave and vicinity.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108931
Ben Hains, 1893, White's Cave - Stalactitic curtain, [Views of Mammoth Cave and Vicinity], Stereocard, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/95112
Ben Hains, 1893, White's Cave - Crystal Lake, (Showing Wall), [Views of Mammoth Cave and Vicinity], Stereocard, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/95108
C.D. Arnold (Chief, Department of Photography), 1893, Horticultural Bulding, [World's Columbian Exposition], Albumen print, Private collection of Sergio Gutierrez, LL/68490
Charles Dudley Arnold, 1893, Manufacturers and Liberal Arts Building, Platinotype print, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin, LL/39147
Charles Dudley Arnold, 1893, [Court of Honor and the Statue of the Republic, World's Columbian Exposition], Platinum print, DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU, LL/116310
Charles Dudley Arnold, 1893, [Fisheries Building Looking East, World's Columbian Exposition], Platinum print, DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU, LL/116309
Charles Dudley Arnold, 1893, [Grand Basin, World's Columbian Exposition], Platinum print, DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU, LL/116308
Charles Dudley Arnold, 1893, [World's Columbian Exposition], Platinum print, DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU, LL/116307
Charles Dudley Arnold, 1893, [Spanish Caravels, World's Columbian Exposition], Platinum print, DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU, LL/116306
Cobb (Albuquerque, New Mexico), 1893, Aztec carvings on Lava - 10 Miles West of Albuquerque N.M., Boudoir card, Private collection of Graham Pilecki, LL/112032
Dr Frederick John Elliot, 1893, Book cover for Dr Frederick John Elliott, 1893, The Elder Scientific Exploration Expedition, 1891-2. Photographs, ([Adelaide, Royal Geographical Society of Australasia (South Australian Branch)]), [Elder Scientific Exploration Expedition], Book cover, Michael Treloar Antiquarian Book Sellers, LL/62216
Dugast & Felix Geoffray, 1893, Les Particularities, Collotype, Archive Farms, LL/55235
Edouard Vuillard, 1893, Interior, Mother and Sister of the Artist, Oil on canvas, MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, New York, LL/45894
Edouard Foà, 1893, Women from Zanzibar, Albumen print, Getty Research Institute, LL/76340
Edouard Foà, 1893, Women from Zanzibar, Albumen print, Getty Research Institute, LL/76341
Eiraku-do, 1893, Studio Portrait of the Kobayashis, and Others, Traditional Dress (case), Ambrotype, Charles Schwartz Ltd, LL/23093
Eiraku-do, 1893, Studio Portrait of the Kobayashis, and Others, Traditional Dress, Ambrotype, Charles Schwartz Ltd, LL/23092
Étienne Jules Marey, 1893, [Movement studies], [Etudes de Physiologie Artistique], Collotype prints, Art Gallery of Ontario - AGO, LL/54578
Étienne Jules Marey, 1893, [Movement studies], [Etudes de Physiologie Artistique], Collotype prints, Art Gallery of Ontario - AGO, LL/54577
F. Schaetzke, 1893, Coal Mine, Bochum, Collodion paper print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/15718
George Frederic Watts, 1893, Julia Margaret Cameron, Photogravure, National Portrait Gallery - NPG, LL/120773
Gustav Nordenskiold, 1893, The Cliff Palace, Photogravure, Archive Farms, LL/105452
Hannah Maynard, 1893, Hannah Maynard having tea with herself, Glass plate negative, British Columbia Archives, LL/65637
Henrietta Briggs-Wall (artist), 1893, American Woman and her Political Peers, Cabinet card, Private collection of Steve DeGenaro, LL/70140
Henrietta Briggs-Wall (Copyright), 1893, American Woman and Her Political Peers, Cabinet card, Private collection of Steve DeGenaro, LL/55115
Henry Anderson Bryden (author), 1893, Home Life at Masinya's Kraal - Ngamiland, Book illustration, British Library, LL/52509
Henry Anderson Bryden (author), 1893, Khama, Chief of Bamangwato, North Bechuanaland, Book illustration, British Library, LL/52510
Hinshaw, Joy & Baker (Illinois Tourists), 1893, A boy on a hobby horse, Cabinet card, Michael Cleveland, Past Reflections: A Collection of Historical Photographica, LL/113259
Ivan Boldyrev, 1893, The Great Palace at Peterhof at Night Illumination, Gelatin silver print, Hermitage Museum, LL/56517
Ivan Boldyrev, 1893, Night Illumination in the Lower Park at Peterhof, Gelatin silver print, Hermitage Museum, LL/56524
J.C. Burrow, 1893, Above The 406, Cook's Kitchen Mine, Photographic print, flashlight, British Library, LL/40163
J.C. Burrow, 1893, The 66, Blue Hills Mine, Photographic print, flashlight, British Library, LL/40164
J.C. Burrow, 1893, Above The 406, Cook's Kitchen Mine, Woodburytype, British Library, LL/49659
J.C. Burrow, 1893, A Mill At The 412, Dolcoath Min, Woodburytype, British Library, LL/49660
J.C. Burrow, 1893, A Rock-Drill End, East Pool Mine, Woodburytype, British Library, LL/49661
J.C. Burrow, 1893, Engine Shaft At The 406, Cook's Kitchen Mine, Woodburytype, British Library, LL/49662
J.C. Burrow, 1893, The 66, Blue Hills Mine, Woodburytype, British Library, LL/49663
J.C. Burrow, 1893, The Bottom Of Cook's Kitchen Engine Shaft, Woodburytype, British Library, LL/49664
J.C. Burrow, 1893, The Chief Mining District Of Cornwall, Woodburytype, British Library, LL/49666
J.C. Burrow, 1893, Museum, Camborne Mining School, Photographic print, British Library, LL/40203
J.M. Schaeberle, 1893, Total Solar Eclipse, Lantern slide, Archive Farms, LL/122098
James Sibley Watson (1860-1951), 1893, The Sesostris. Egypt, [A Trip Along the Nile], Photograph, University of Rochester, Departement of Rare Books, LL/97044
James Sibley Watson (1860-1951), 1893, The Sesostris. Egypt, [A Trip Along the Nile], Photograph, University of Rochester, Departement of Rare Books, LL/97045
John H Hudson (Firm), 1893, The Balloon brand baking powder. [Calendar], Calendar, photolithograph, National Library of New Zealand, LL/76319
John William Lindt, 1893, Portrait of a Dungulla(?); man, named Nerdthoo, from the Mitchell River, north Queensland, with his head turned to his right, wearing a beaded necklace with shell ornament, and showing scarification on his chest and arms; Australia., Albumen print, British Museum, LL/89932
John William Lindt, 1893, Portrait of a chief Geedah from Muralug, sitting on the right wearing a piece of cloth tied around his neck; Geedah's wife sitting on the left wearing a shirt; Australia., Albumen print, British Museum, LL/89917
John William Lindt, 1893, Portrait of a chief Geedah from Muralug, sitting on the right wearing a piece of cloth tied around his neck; Geedah's foster son, named Cowra(?); sitting on the left wearing a cloth wrap; Australia., Albumen print, British Museum, LL/89916
John William Lindt, 1893, Two indigenous Australian people, a man (Coontajandra); and a woman (Langingubble); posing in front of a studio backdrop; both have body scarification; Australia., Albumen print, British Museum, LL/89915
John William Lindt, 1893, An indigenous Australian man, Werboora, posing in front of a studio backdrop; he has body painting and body scarification; Australia., Albumen print, British Museum, LL/89923
John William Lindt, 1893, A side profile view of a Wakaja man, named Coontajandra, showing body scarfication on his back; Australia., Albumen print, British Museum, LL/89924
John William Lindt, 1893, Portrait of a Wakaja man, name Coontajandra with his face turned to his left, but showing the body scarification on his chest; Australia., Albumen print, British Museum, LL/89925
John William Lindt, 1893, Portrait of a Wakaja man, name Narimboo with his hand on his chest, covering his body scarification; Australia., Albumen print, British Museum, LL/89926
John William Lindt, 1893, Side profile view of a Cungella man, named Umbertha with his arms crossed over his chest, showing body scarification on his chest and arm; Australia., Albumen print, British Museum, LL/89927
John William Lindt, 1893, Portrait of an Cungella man, named Ookathunda, showing body scarification on his back; Australia., Albumen print, British Museum, LL/89928
John William Lindt, 1893, Portrait of a Goinchilla(?); man, named Madillah, showing his body scarification on his chest and wearing an arm ornament on each arm; Australia., Albumen print, British Museum, LL/89929
John William Lindt, 1893, Portrait of a Gubbi Gubbi man, named Yammara, with his head turned to his left; Australia., Albumen print, British Museum, LL/89930
John William Lindt, 1893, Portrait of a Goinchilla(?); man, named Madillah, with his arms crossed, showing his body scarification on his chest and wearing an arm ornament on each arm; Australia., Albumen print, British Museum, LL/89931
Josef Theodor Hansen (artist, 1848-1912), 1893, Interior of the S. Juncker-Jensens photographic studio, Oil on canvas, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/92403
Jules Ferrand (Paris), 1893, Bust Portrait of a Man, Cabinet card (Photographie au Charbon), Private collection of Christopher Steiner, LL/76850
Lala Deen Dayal, 1893, Seeta Cave, Ellora, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/40231
Lala Deen Dayal, 1893, Rock cut Kailas Temple, Ellora, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/40232
Messrs Stern, 1893, The Cambridge Crew, Halftone, Archive Farms, LL/128663
Myra Albert Wiggins, 1893, Boy Twins of New York, Cyanotype, Portland Art Museum, LL/72655
Ottomar Anschütz, 1893, Otto Lilienthal in flight, Otto Lilienthal Museum, LL/36809
Paul Martin, 1893, Dancing to the organ, Lambeth, Platinum print, Victoria and Albert Museum, LL/40812
Paul Nadar, 1893, Portrait of Charles Gounod, Klotz / Sirmon Gallery (CLOSED), LL/3350
Peder Severin Krøyer (Danish painter, 1851-1909), 1893, Summer Evening on Skagen's Southern Beach. Anna Ancher and Marie Krøyer walking together., Painting, detail, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/60400
Peder Severin Krøyer (Danish painter, 1851-1909), 1893, Summer Evening on Skagen's Southern Beach. Anna Ancher and Marie Krøyer walking together., Painting, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/60401
Philip A. Miller (American), 1893, Cherokee Land Opening, Albumen print, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/80774
Pierre Jules Cesar Janssen, 1893, Untitled (Study of the Sun's Surface), Woodburytype, National Gallery of Art, LL/117783
R.M. Junghaendel, 1893, Valley of the Tombs of the Kings at Thebes, Photogravure, Archive Farms, LL/122519
Rev. Edgar W.T. Greenshield (1877-1913), 1893, Five whale harpoons hanging in front of a sheet by rope., Gelatin silver print, British Museum, LL/89795
Robinson & Roi (Chicago), 1893, The Famous Glass Dress: Royal Robe of Princess Eulalia, Cabinet card, back, Private collection of John Toohey, LL/48668
Robinson & Roi (Chicago), 1893, The Famous Glass Dress: Royal Robe of Princess Eulalia, Cabinet card, Private collection of John Toohey, LL/48667
Rudolf Krziwanek, 1893, Theodor Reichmann as "The Fliegende Hollander", Cabinet card, Private collection of T. Max Hochstetler, LL/42918
Tamamura Kozaburo, 1893, No. 430 Sanjinko "Treasure House" at Nikko, Albumen print, hand-coloured, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/65290
Teoberto Maler, 1893, [View of the nunnery complex with temple behind, Uxmal], [Views of Aztec, Maya, and Zapotec ruins in Mexico], Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/51562
Th. Yhr, Rønne (photographer, Denmark) unidentified silhouette cutter, 1893, Silhouette of "Andreas Peter Römer, 1803-1844, mate and master", Silhouette, Bornholms Museum, LL/129303
Unidentified photographer, 1893, Cannon in the German Krupp Pavilion at the World Exhibition in Chicago, Photograph, Rijksmuseum, LL/79288
Unidentified photographer, 1893, Two men riding a camel at the Chicago, World's Columbian Exposition, Tintype, Private collection of Andrew Daneman, LL/112240
Unidentified photographer, 1893, Glenesk house, Polton near Lasswade, Midlothian, Scotland, Cyanotype, detail, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/111839
Unidentified photographer, 1893, Parliament of the World's Religions, Chicago, United States, 1893., Photograph, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/98411
Unidentified photographer, 1893, Camp Griffith, Photograph, mounted, Private collection of William Jones, LL/64522
Unidentified photographer, 1893, New York Business Men's Cleveland & Stevenson Clubs Inaugural Ribbon, Inaugural ribbon, Cornell University Library, LL/40596
Unidentified photographer, 1893, Dr P.H. Emerson sailing his wherry, 1893. "Will she weather the point?", Print, Source requested, LL/45031
Unidentified photographer, 1893, Beatrice thom on Tree, Haddonfield, New Jersey, Silver print, American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution, LL/7620
W. P. Buchanan (Firm), 1893, White's Posing Chair, Catalogue page, Private collection of Dan Colucci, LL/76236
W.K.L. Dickson (American, b. France, 1860-1935), 1893, T.A. Edison Experimenting with Micrography, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/74624
W.K.L. Dickson (American, b. France, 1860-1935), 1893, T.A. Edison Experimenting with Micrography, Albumen print, detail, George Eastman Museum, LL/95000
William Notman, 1893, Worthington engine, Montreal Waterworks, Montreal, QC, Silver salts on glass - Gelatin dry plate process, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/105288
William H. Rau, 1893, Village of Glenoe, Ireland, Stereoview, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/126328
William H. Rau, 1893, Village of Glenoe, Ireland, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109965
J. Craig Annan, 1893 (taken) 1900 (photogravure), The Church or the World (detail), [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #5)], Photogravure, Chine-collé, Photoseed, LL/18665
J. Craig Annan, 1893 (taken) 1900 (photogravure), The Church or the World, [Die Kunst in der Photographie (Art Folio #5)], Photogravure, Chine-collé, Photoseed, LL/18694
Alfred Stieglitz, 1893 (taken) 1901 (photogravure), An Icy Night, [Camera Notes], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72261
Alfred Stieglitz, 1893 (taken) 1905 (print), Winter - Fifth Avenue, [Camera Work, no. 12, pl. 02], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72342
J. Craig Annan, 1893 (taken) 1907 (photogravure), Janet Burnet, [Camera Work, no. 19, pl. 04], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71326
Alfred Stieglitz, 1893 (taken) 1911 (print), The Terminal, [Camera Work, no. 36, pl. 15], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72331
Alfred Stieglitz, 1893 (taken) 1913 (ca, print), The Terminal, Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72330
Alfred Stieglitz, 1893 (taken), 1897 (print), Winter on Fifth Avenue, [Picturesque Bits of New York and Other Studies], Photogravure, Lee Gallery, LL/14147
C.D. Arnold (Chief, Department of Photography), 1893, Backmak for the World's Columbian Exposition, Backmark, Private collection of Sergio Gutierrez, LL/68491
1893, Book cover for Octave Thanet, 1893, An Adventure in Photography, (New York: Charles Scribner's & Sons), Book cover, Private collection of John F. Martin, LL/62422
1893, Book cover for "The United States of America: One Hundred Albertype Illustrations" (New York: A. Wittemann,1893), Book cover, Gibbs Books, LL/21459
Alphonse Bertillon, 1893, Photograph and Bertillon record of Francis Galton, Identification card, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/34991
Charles Bernhoeft, 1893, Album cover for Le Luxembourg Pittoresque, Album cover, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/87281
Ferdinando Ongania, 1893, Book cover for Ferdinando Ongania, 1893, Streets and Canals in Venice, Book cover, National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, LL/63528
Albert Londe, 1893, Albert Londe's twelve lens camera, Illustration, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/56815
Eadweard Muybridge, 1893, Title page for Eadweard Muybridge "Descriptive Zoopraxography or the Science of Animal Locomotion made popular" (University of Pennsylvania: Bureau of Education at the World's Columbian Exposition, in Zoopraxographical Hall, 1893), Title page, University of Pennsylvania - University Archives and Records Center, LL/36811
Eadweard Muybridge, 1893, Zoopraxographical Hall at the World's Columbian Exposition, Book illustration, University of Pennsylvania - University Archives and Records Center, LL/36814
Eadweard Muybridge, 1893, The Zoopraxiscope: 1. Athlete, Horse-Back Somersault, Book illustration, University of Pennsylvania - University Archives and Records Center, LL/36815
Eadweard Muybridge, 1893, The Zoopraxiscope: 2. Athletes Boxing, Book illustration, University of Pennsylvania - University Archives and Records Center, LL/36816
Eadweard Muybridge, 1893, The Zoopraxiscope: 3. Athletes Running, Book illustration, University of Pennsylvania - University Archives and Records Center, LL/36817
Eadweard Muybridge, 1893, The Zoopraxiscope: A Couple Waltzing, Phenakistoscope Disc (color lithograph), Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72024
Eadweard Muybridge, 1893, Book cover for Eadweard Muybridge "Descriptive Zoopraxography or the Science of Animal Locomotion made popular" (University of Pennsylvania: Bureau of Education at the World's Columbian Exposition, in Zoopraxographical Hall, 1893), Book cover, University of Pennsylvania - University Archives and Records Center, LL/36818
Eadweard Muybridge, 1893, The building containing the lateral battery of twenty-four photographic cameras, all of which were used when as many consecutive phases of an act of motion were required, Book illustration, University of Pennsylvania - University Archives and Records Center, LL/36810

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