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Photographs and images taken, or published, in 1849
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Lightbox > 1849
1849, Early camera tripod, Book illustration, Internet Archive, LL/55584
1849, Hallmark on Daguerreotype plate, Daguerreotype, hallmark, Museum Enschedé, LL/52967
1849, Hallmark on Daguerreotype plate, Daguerreotype, hallmark, Museum Enschedé, LL/52966
1849, Hallmark on Daguerreotype plate, Daguerreotype, hallmark, Museum Enschedé, LL/52956
1849, Hallmark on Daguerreotype plate, Daguerreotype, hallmark, Museum Enschedé, LL/52948
Choiselat & Ratel, 1849, The Pavillon de Flore and the Tuileries Gardens, Daguerreotype, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/7443
W. & F. Langenheim, 1849, Frederick Langenheim (1809-1879), Calotype negative, Cornell University Library, LL/44745
Alois Löcherer, 1849, The head of the bronze statue of the Bavaria at Munich in Germany, Photograph, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/50979
Atelier Héliographique (Paris), 1849, Portrait of a seated young girl, Daguerreotype, 1/4 plate, carved wood and plaster frame for hanging, National Museums Scotland, LL/68230
Charles Marville, 1849, Napoleon Bonaparte, Engraving, Archive Farms, LL/121552
Charles-Marie-Isidore Choiselat, 1849, The Louvre and the Banks of the Seine, view towards the Pont-Neuf, 1st arrondissement, Paris, Daguerreotype, Musée Carnavalet, LL/95829
Comte Frédéric Flachéron, 1849, Bas Relief from the Arch of Constantine, Rome, Paper negative, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/73862
Francis D'Avignon (artist, 29 Oct 1813 - c. 1871) / Albert Hoffman (artist, active 1849-1854), 1849, Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre, Lithograph on paper, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, LL/80228
Frederick Scott Archer, 1849, [Leatherhead Church], Calotype, George Eastman Museum, LL/74920
Gustave Dardel, 1849, Alpes bernoises, le Schrekhorn et le glacier du Lauteraar (Suisse), Daguerreotype, Musée des arts et métiers, LL/120985
Gustave Le Gray, 1849, Portrait of Maxime du Camp, Book illustration, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/95155
Gustave Le Gray, 1849, Modèle nu allongé de dos sur le sol d'un atelier, Tirage sur papier salé d'après un négatif papier, Société Française de Photographie, LL/60650
Henri Auguste d'Ainecy Montpezat, 1849, Alexandrine Pieternella Françoise Tinne (1835-1869), Oil on canvas, Haags Historisch Museum, LL/83724
J.A. Whipple, 1849, Self-Portrait with Wife, Elizabeth Mann Whipple, in Double Profile, Daguerreotype, 1/9 plate, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/80182
Jacques Moulin, 1849, Nude Girl Standing with a Linen Shirt in Her Hand, Daguerreotype, Albertina, LL/42237
Jacques Moulin, 1849, Standing girl, with linen shirt in one hand (Stehender Mädchenakt, mit Leinenhemd in der einen Hand), Daguerreotype, Albertina, LL/65807
Johann Anton Völlner, 1849, Dr. Jur. Wilhelm Hübner (1804-1886) and family, Daguerreotype, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/82234
John McCosh, 1849, Apothecary of the 2nd Bombay European Regiment, Salt print, National Army Museum, LL/96093
Joseph J. Ponder (probably, itinerant photographer at Lancaster), 1849, Portrait of a middle-aged man in check trousers with a library backdrop, Daguerreotype, 1/2 plate, tinted, National Museums Scotland, LL/68224
Maxime Du Camp, 1849, Grand Temple d'Isis, a Philae, Second Pylone, Salt print (Blanquard-Evrard process), Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/82510
Maxime Du Camp, 1849, Demotische inscriptie, Isistempel, Philae, Salted paper print, printed by Blanquart-Evrard, Rijksmuseum, LL/78853
Maxime Du Camp, 1849, Second Pylon of the Great Temple of Isis at Philae, Salted paper print from paper negative, British Library, LL/6478
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Porta S. Pancrazio, di dentro, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96054
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Primo Casino in Villa Borghese, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96046
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Terza Breccia in Villa Spada, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96063
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Seconda Breccia in Villa Barderini, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96062
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Casino in Villa Borghese, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96045
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Villa Borghese, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96047
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Casino in Villa Borghese, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96044
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Ponte Molle, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96043
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Ponte Molle, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96042
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Ponte Molle, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96041
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Untitled [Porta S. Pancrazio, outside and buildings along the street], [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96059
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Fortificazioni interne Presso Porta S. Pancrazio, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96060
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Casino Barberini. Prima Breccia, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96061
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Di Fuori delle mura di S. Pancrazio, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96069
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Casino Valentini, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96058
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Untitled [San Giovanni in Laterno], [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96079
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Pompei casa del Forno, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96078
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Castel S. Angelo, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96077
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Cloître de la cathédrale Saint Jean de Latran, Rome, Salt paper print, paper negative, Studios Robespierre, Serge Plantureux, LL/19590
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Casino Corsini de quattroventi, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96057
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Tempio di Vesta, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96076
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Arco di Constantino, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96075
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Arco Settimio Severo, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96074
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Foro Romano, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96073
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Fortificazioni esterne a Porta S. Giovanni, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96072
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Aquedotto presso Villa Panfili, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96071
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Mura di Roma, e torre de Venti, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96070
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Quarta Brecci Presso Porta S. Pancrazio, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96064
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Porta S. Pancrazio da Villa Corsini, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96068
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Di fuori La Porta S. Pancrazio, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96067
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Vascello. Fuori di Porta S. Pancrazio, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96056
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Porta S. Pancrazio, di fuori, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96055
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Mura di Roma Presso La Breccia, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96066
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Seconda dimora di Garibaldi, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96053
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Casino Savorelli, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96052
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Prima dimora di Garibaldi, Casino Savorelli. A Porta S. Pancrazio, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96051
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, S. Pietro Montorio, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96050
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, S. Pietro Montorio, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96049
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Piazza del Popolo, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96048
Stefano Lecchi, 1849, Breccia sulle Mura di Roma, [Fotografi di Roma 1849], Salted paper print, Getty Research Institute, LL/96065
Thomas Easterly, 1849, Na-che-ninga [No Heart of Fear], a Chief of the Iowas, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67854
Thomas Easterly, 1849, Na-che-ninga [No Heart of Fear], a Chief of the Iowas, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67866
Thomas Easterly, 1849, Na-che-ninga [No Heart of Fear], a Chief of the Iowas, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67863
Thomas Easterly, 1849, Mahee (Knife) with his wife Kunzanya, and child, Iowa, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67855
Thomas Easterly, 1849, Nacheninga [No Heart of Fear], Iowa, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67845
Thomas Easterly, 1849, Na-che-ninga [No Heart of Fear], a Chief of the Iowas, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67840
Thomas Easterly, 1849, Wife of Mahee (Knife), Iowa. (Kun-zan-ya), Daguerreotype, Missouri History Museum, LL/61588
Thomas Easterly, 1849, Mahee (Knife) with his wife Kunzanya, and child, Iowa, Daguerreotype, Missouri History Museum, LL/61587
Thomas Easterly, 1849, Na-che-ninga, Chief of the Iowas, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/33162
Unidentified artist, 1849, A Devil taking a daguerreotype, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/61404
Unidentified photographer, 1849, Dr. Jonathan Letterman at the bedside of a dead or dying patient, Daguerreotype, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/96827
Unidentified photographer, 1849, [Ballet dancer], Photograph, George Eastman Museum, LL/101504
Unidentified photographer, 1849, Three quarter portrait of Hortobágyi (until 1849 Haberle) Jakab wearing a military uniform., Daguerreotype, 1/4 plate, hand-coloured, Muzeul Revolutiei, Complex Muzeal Arad, LL/118800
Unidentified photographer, 1849, Caroline Parker, Mountpleasant (Seneca Wolf Clan), Daguerreotype, hand-coloured, AMC - Archive of Modern Conflict, LL/67876
Unidentified photographer, 1849, Un Tambo dans les Cordillères à la hauteur de 16.000 pieds, [MuseeDuQuaiBranly], Daguerréotype, whole plate, en coffret, Musée du quai Branly, LL/58160
Unidentified photographer, 1849, Alamo Chapel of San Antonio de Valero Mission [Texas, USA], Daguerreotype, Briscoe Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin, LL/56883
Unidentified photographer, 1849, Alamo Chapel of San Antonio de Valero Mission [Texas, USA], Daguerreotype, Briscoe Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin, LL/56882
Unidentified photographer, 1849, Kun-zan-ya and husband, Mahee, the Knife, Iowa Native Americans, Daguerreotype, copy, reversal, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, LL/53086
Unidentified photographer, 1849, Na-che-ninga "No Heart of Fear" Chief of Iowa Tribe, Daguerreotype, copy, reversal, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, LL/53085
Unidentified photographer, 1849, Three quarter portrait of Hortobágyi Jakab wearing a military uniform., Daguerreotype, tinted, Muzeul Revolutiei, Complex Muzeal Arad, LL/128350
Unidentified photographer (American), 1849, Gouverneur Kemble E. Warren as a West Point Cadet, Daguerreotype, 1/2 plate, Sotheby's - New York, LL/58457
Unidentified photographer (USA), 1849, Untitled (Hose Reel Carriage), Daguerreotype, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114473
William Sherlock, 1849, Group of people gathered around doorway, Salted paper print, George Eastman Museum, LL/69872
Alfred C. Barker, 1849 (taken) 1861 (copy), Emma Barker, Glass plate negative, Canterbury Museum, LL/120560
1849, Title page for Macedonio Melloni, 1839, Relazione intorno al dagherrotipo letta alla R. Accademia delle scienze nella tornata del 12 novembre 1839 da Macedonio Melloni, (Parma: Tipografia Rossetti), Book title page, Biblioteca Palatina, LL/92182
1849, Illustrations from Macedonio Melloni, 1839, Relazione intorno al dagherrotipo letta alla R. Accademia delle scienze nella tornata del 12 novembre 1839 da Macedonio Melloni, (Parma: Tipografia Rossetti), Book title page, Biblioteca Palatina, LL/92183
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1849, Head rests, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34738
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1849, A Daguerreotypist, at the Bay, being desirous of adding to his collection, Magazine page, Google Books, LL/34423
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1849, The Daguerreotype camera, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/34739
J.J. Ponder, 1849, Fragment of an advertisement for J.J. Ponder, an itinerant photographer based at Mrs Woodhouse's in Lancaster, found in the case of a daguerreotype, Advertisement, National Museums Scotland, LL/68190
John Ruskin, 1849, Mer de Glace, Chamonix, Graphite, watercolor, and bodycolor was on white paper, The Ruskin Library and Research Centre, Lancaster University, LL/85686
Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey, 1849, Longe-Porte, Langres, Lithograph, Archive Farms, LL/111775

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