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1938, "Setting his camera for a close-up, Jimmie squinted through the finder" - David O'Hara, 1938, Jimmie Drury - Camera Camera Detective, {New York: Grosset & Dunlap), p. 54, Book illustration, Project Gutenberg, LL/121645
B. Anthony Stewart, 1938, A close-up portrait of a coal miner in Omar, West Virginia, Black and white photograph, National Geographic - FOUND, LL/50044
Bennett Greig, 1938, Machu Picchu showing part of the "King's" group in the southwestern sector of the site, with a corner of the Torreon shown in the left foreground and agricultural terraces in the background., Gelatin silver print, British Museum, LL/89823
Bennett Greig, 1938, Huanuco Pampa, an Inca administrative centre located on the flat, high plain above the Urqumayu River about 12km from the modern town of La Union and 150km from Huanuco., Gelatin silver print, British Museum, LL/89827
Bennett Greig, 1938, Pachacamac in the Lurin Valley to the south of Lima on the southern central coast of Peru., Gelatin silver print, British Museum, LL/89826
Bennett Greig, 1938, Pukaria in the vicinity of (below) Tambo Machay, showing detail of terraced stonework fitted between bedrock., Gelatin silver print, British Museum, LL/89825
Bennett Greig, 1938, Machu Picchu showing detail of steps and niches cut into the rock; near the Torreon (?), Gelatin silver print, British Museum, LL/89824
Bert Morgan, 1938, Seabiscuit Steps High in preparation for his great match race with War Admiral on November 1, 1938 Pimilico, MD, Negative, Archive Farms, LL/123515
Elfelt, 1938, Lorentzen, an employee of the Elfelts studio in Copenhagen, retouching a photo of King Christian II in 1938, Photograph, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106363
John Heartfield, 1938, Velká mezinárodní soute ve lhaní pod protektorátem dra Josefa Goebbelse (The Great International Lying Competition under the Protectorate of Dr. Josef Goebbels), Rotogravure, photocollage, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/122575
Unidentified photographer (Holmes family?), 1938, here's to the same old Merry Xmas and Happy New Year, Christmas greeting, photo collage, Private collection of Robert E. Jackson, LL/116105
1938, Book cover for David O'Hara, 1938, Jimmie Drury: Candid Camera Detective, (New York: Grosset & Dunlap), Book cover, Private collection of William Jones, LL/60598
1938, Book cover for Robert Taft "Photography and the American Scene: A Social History, 1839-1889" (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1938), Book cover, Private collection, LL/19699
1938, Frontispiece and title page for David O'Hara, 1938, Jimmie Drury: Candid Camera Detective, (New York: Grosset & Dunlap), Frontispiece and title page, Private collection of William Jones, LL/60599
1938, Book cover for David O'Hara, 1938, Jimmie Drury - Camera Camera Detective, {New York: Grosset & Dunlap), Book cover, Private collection of Patrick Pound, LL/121646
1938, Book cover for David O'Hara, 1938, Jimmie Drury - Camera Camera Detective, {New York: Grosset & Dunlap), Book cover, Private collection of Patrick Pound, LL/121643
Alexander Rodchenko and Varvara Stepanova, 1938, Book cover for Alexander Rodchenko and Varvara Stepanova "Moskva Rekonstruiruetsia -- Moscow Under Reconstruction. Edited by V.M. Gorfunkel" (Moscow: IZOSTAT, 1938), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28385
Alexander Rodchenko and Varvara Stepanova, 1938, Book cover for Alexander Rodchenko and Varvara Stepanova "Pervaia Konnaia -- the First Cavalry " (Moscow: OGIZ-IZOGIZ, [1938]), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28384
Alfred Ehrhardt, 1938, Book cover for Ehrhardt, Alfred, 1938, "Alfred Ehrhardt, Die Kurische Nehrung", (Hamburg: Heinrich Ellermann Verlag), Book cover, Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung, LL/48572
Archibald Macleish, 1938, Book cover for Archibald Macleish (ed.) "Land of the Free" (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1938), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28383
Bill Brandt, 1938, Book cover for Bill Brandt "Londres de nuit -- London by Night" Introduction by André Lejard (Paris, London and New York: Arts et Métiers Graphiques, Country Life, and Charles Scribner's Sons, 1938), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28382
Bill Brandt, 1938, Book cover for Bill Brandt "A Night in London: Story of a London Night in Sixty-Four Photographs" (London, Paris & New York, 1938), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/28616
Erich Retzlaff, 1938, Book cover for Eduard von Pagenhardt (ed.), Agfacolor, das farbige Lichtbild. Grundlagen und Aufnahmetechnik für den Liebhaberphotographen, (München: Verlag Knorr & Hirth, 1938), Book cover, Private collection of Dr. Christopher Webster, LL/50263
Frantisek Drtikol, 1938, Book cover for Frantisek Drtikol "Zena ve Svetle" (Prague, Editions Beaufort, n.d. [1938]), Book cover, Artcurial, LL/27272
Piet Zwart, 1938, Book cover for Piet Zwart "Het boek van PTT" (Den Haag: Editions PTT, 1938), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/43358
Robert Capa, 1938, Book cover for Robert Capa "Death In The Making: Photographs by Robert Capa and Gerda Taro" (New York, Covici-Friede, 1938), Book cover, Private collection, LL/34200