As a Subscriber you will see all 549 images which will give you a far better sense of what was happening within a single year. At the moment you can see 4.
Robert & Harriet Tytler, 1858, No. 18. The Residency at Lucknow. The square tower on the right slightly in view is the one in which Lawrence was wounded., Photographic print, British Library, LL/41286
Robert & Harriet Tytler, 1858, No. 10. Near view of the Taj [Mahal] from the river Jumna, Agra. Taj means sepulchre on an extensive scale: the Emperors of Delhi lie here., Photographic print, British Library, LL/41279
Alfred Silvester, 1858, National Sports. The Rail! The Road!! The Turf!!! The Settling Day!!!!, Stereocard, hand-coloured, Rijksmuseum, LL/79329
Alfred Silvester, 1858, National Sports. The Rail! The Road!! The Turf!!! The Settling Day!!!!, Stereocard, hand-coloured, half, cropped, Rijksmuseum, LL/79363
Cutting & Turner (Boston, active 1857-1860), 1858, Architectural Designs, Photolithograph, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71455
Cutting & Turner (Boston, active 1857-1860), 1858, Micro-Photo-lithography (head louse?), Photolithograph, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71456
Cutting & Turner (Boston, active 1857-1860), 1858, Photolithograph (Untitled Micro-photolithograph of Insect), Photolithograph, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71457
Édouard Denis Baldus (possibly) / Delmaet et Durandelle (possibly), 1858, Sheet with 9 cutouts of photographs of plaster models of building fragments of C. LeprĂªtre, Salted paper print / Albumen prints, Rijksmuseum, LL/79269
Felice Beato, 1858, Interior of the Secundra Bagh after the Slaughter of 2,000 Rebels by the 93rd Highlanders and 4th Punjab Regiment. First Attack of Sir Colin Campbell in November 1857, Lucknow., Albumen print, Wellcome Collection, LL/36795
Henry Peach Robinson, 1858, Little Red Riding Hood hastened home to tell her mother all that had befallen her; nor did she forget that night to thank heaven fervently having delivered her from the jaws of the Wolf, [Little Red Riding Hood, No.4], Albumen print, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41759
Henry Peach Robinson, 1858, Her Mother having only one day made some cakes, said to Little Red Riding Hood, "I hear your poor old Grandma has been ailing; so, prithee, go and see if she be any better, and take her these cakes and a pot of butter.'', [Little Red Riding Hood, No.1], Albumen print, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41756
Humphrey Lloyd Hime, 1858, Members of the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition, Encampment on the Red River, [Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition], Print, type uncertain, Library and Archives Canada, LL/38938
Humphrey Lloyd Hime, 1858, Tents on the prairie, west of the settlement, Red River, MB, 1858, Silver salts on paper mounted on paper - Albumen process, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/111749
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Arcade in Quadrangle, [Photographic Views in Madura, part IV, plate III], Salted paper print or diluted Albumen print, from calotype negative, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/45862
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, The Great Pagoda, Viravasuntaraya's Munduppum, Madura, India, [Photographic Views in Madura], Albumenized salted paper print or diluteen print, Rijksmuseum, LL/79125
Mari ten Kate (artist), 1858, A photographer taking a portrait while people are watching (Een fotograaf bezig een portret te maken terwijl mensen toekijken), Oil painting, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/95067
William Notman, 1858, Staging for first tube on south side, Victoria Bridge, Montreal, QC, [Victoria Bridge, Montreal, QC], Silver salts on paper mounted on card - Albumen process, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/38924
William Notman, 1858 (taken), Piers in course of construction, Victoria Bridge, Montreal, QC, [Victoria Bridge, Montreal, QC], Silver salts on glass - Gelatin dry plate process, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/38922
William Notman, 1858 (taken), Large boulder raised from coffer dam, Victoria Bridge, Montreal, QC, [Victoria Bridge, Montreal, QC], Silver salts on glass - Gelatin dry plate process, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/38907
Charles Waldack and Peter Neff, Jr (authors), 1858, Title page for "Treatise of photography on collodion" by Charles Waldack and Peter Neff, Jr, (Second edition, Cincinnati, Longley Brothers, 1858)., Title page, Google Books, LL/34669
Charles Piazzi Smyth, 1858, Stereoscopically illustrated book. Teneriffe - An Astronomer's Experiment, by C. Piazzi Smyth. Published by Lowell Reeve in 1858. The hard bound book has over 450 pages and is illustrated with 20 real photographic stereo views., Book cover, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/17483
Charles Piazzi Smyth, 1858, Title page for C[harles] Piazzi Smyth, 1858, Teneriffe - An Astronomer's Experiment, (London: Lowell Reeve), Title page, Rijksmuseum, LL/78809
Charles Piazzi Smyth, 1858, Stereoscopically illustrated book. Teneriffe - An Astronomer's Experiment, by C. Piazzi Smyth. Published by Lowell Reeve in 1858. The hard bound book has over 450 pages and is illustrated with 20 real photographic stereo views., Book cover, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/60976
John Pouncy, 1858, British patent, A.D. 1858, 10 April, No. 780 - Photography [Gum bichromate, carbon printing], Patent cover, Archive Farms, LL/55254
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 30, [The Holy Land, 30(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113982
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 17, [The Holy Land, 17(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113969
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 4, [The Holy Land, 4(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113956
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 6, [The Holy Land, 6(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113958
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 32, [The Holy Land, 32(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113984
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 7, [The Holy Land, 7(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113959
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 8, [The Holy Land, 8(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113960
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 9, [The Holy Land, 9(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113961
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 10, [The Holy Land, 10(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113962
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 11, [The Holy Land, 11(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113963
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 12, [The Holy Land, 12(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113964
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 13, [The Holy Land, 13(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113965
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 14, [The Holy Land, 14(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113966
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 15, [The Holy Land, 15(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113967
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 16, [The Holy Land, 16(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113968
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 5, [The Holy Land, 5(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113957
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 18, [The Holy Land, 18(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113970
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 19, [The Holy Land, 19(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113971
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 20, [The Holy Land, 20(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113972
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 21, [The Holy Land, 21(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113973
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 22, [The Holy Land, 22(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113974
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 23, [The Holy Land, 23(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113975
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 24, [The Holy Land, 24(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113976
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 25, [The Holy Land,25(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113977
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 26, [The Holy Land, 26(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113978
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 27, [The Holy Land, 27(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113979
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 28, [The Holy Land, 28(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113980
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 29, [The Holy Land, 29(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113981
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), p. 31, [The Holy Land, 31(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113983
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), Preface, p. 3, [The Holy Land, 3(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113955
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), Publisher details, [The Holy Land, 2(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113954
Francis Frith, 1858, Francis Frith, 1858, The Holy Land. Descriptive Catalogue of Fifty-Eight Stereoscopic Views in The Holy Land, extending from Jerusalem to Damascus and Baalbec. (London: Negretti & Zambra), Title page, [The Holy Land, 1(32)], Book page, Private collection of Seth Thompson, LL/113953
George Cruikshank, 1858, Frontispiece of "Midnight Scenes and Social Photographs: being Sketches of Life in the Streets, Wynds, and Dens of the City by Shadow" (Glasgow: Thomas Murray and Son, 1858), Frontispiece, Google Books, LL/35309
John Watkins, 1858, W.H. Russell, Book plate, Google Books, LL/36102
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858, Title page, British Library, LL/123010
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [1 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123011
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [12 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123022
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [2 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123012
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [3 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123013
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [4 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123014
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [7 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123017
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [8 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123018
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [9 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123019
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [10 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123020
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [11 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123021
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [6 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123016
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [19 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123029
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [24 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123034
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [25 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123035
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [26 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123036
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [22 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123032
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [27 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123037
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [5 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123015
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [21 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123031
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [20 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123030
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [23 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123033
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [18 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123028
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [17 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123027
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [16 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123026
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [15 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123025
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [14 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123024
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [13 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123023
Roger Fenton, 1858, Marble bust of her Royal Highness the Princess Royal - by Mrs. Thornycroft - from a photograph by Fenton, Wood engraving, British Museum, LL/89833
T. Bullock (Macclesfield), 1858, Placing photographs on address cards, Journal page, Google Books, LL/34388
Winchester's Daguerrean Gallery, 1858, Advert for "Winchester's Daguerrean Gallery", Advert, Google Books, LL/35018