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Photographs and images taken, or published, in 1879
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Lightbox > 1879
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1879, John William Draper (1811-1882), Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/33103
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1879, American nickel plated Stereoscope, patented by Hilarius Pattberg, April 29, 1879., Stereoscope, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11003
1879, Book cover for Rev. J. (James or Jacques) Issaverdenz, 1879, The Island of San Lazzaro - Venice, (Venice: Armenian typografy of San Lazzaro), Book cover, Collection of Michael G. Jacob, LL/86589
1879, Title page for Rev. J. (James or Jacques) Issaverdenz, 1879, The Island of San Lazzaro - Venice, (Venice: Armenian typografy of San Lazzaro), Book pages, Collection of Michael G. Jacob, LL/86590
Eckert & Muller, 1879, No. 632, [Karnevalové typy - Carnival Types], Carte de visite, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/126350
Eckert & Muller, 1879, No. ?, [Karnevalové typy - Carnival Types], Stereoview, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/126171
Eckert & Muller, 1879, No. 656 1/2, [Karnevalové typy - Carnival Types], Stereoview, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/126170
Eckert & Muller, 1879, No. ?, [Karnevalové typy - Carnival Types], Stereoview, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/126169
Eckert & Muller, 1879, No. 629, [Karnevalové typy - Carnival Types], Stereoview, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/126168
Eckert & Muller, 1879, No. 632, [Karnevalové typy - Carnival Types], Carte de visite, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/126165
Eckert & Muller, 1879, No. 642, [Karnevalové typy - Carnival Types], Carte de visite, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/126160
Eckert & Muller, 1879, No. 636, [Karnevalové typy - Carnival Types], Carte de visite, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/126159
Eckert & Muller, 1879, No. 635, [Karnevalové typy - Carnival Types], Carte de visite, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/126158
Lock & Whitfield, 1879, Miss Bella Paterman, [The Theatre], Woodburytype, Private collection of Popescu Mario-Cezar, LL/85600
Lock & Whitfield, 1879, Mr. Harry B. Conway (Harry Blenkinsopp Coulson), [The Theatre], Woodburytype, Private collection of Popescu Mario-Cezar, LL/85607
Lock & Whitfield, 1879, Miss Violet Cameron (1862-1919), [The Theatre], Woodburytype, Private collection of Popescu Mario-Cezar, LL/85606
Lock & Whitfield, 1879, Miss Violet Cameron (1862-1919), [The Theatre], Woodburytype, Private collection of Popescu Mario-Cezar, LL/85605
Lock & Whitfield, 1879, Miss Louise Moodie (1846-1934), [The Theatre], Woodburytype, Private collection of Popescu Mario-Cezar, LL/85610
Lock & Whitfield, 1879, Title page for The Theatre, Title page, Private collection of Popescu Mario-Cezar, LL/85599
Lock & Whitfield, 1879, Mr. F.C. Burnard (1836-1917), [The Theatre], Woodburytype, Private collection of Popescu Mario-Cezar, LL/85601
Lock & Whitfield, 1879, Miss Ellen Lancaster Wallis (1856-1940), [The Theatre], Woodburytype, Private collection of Popescu Mario-Cezar, LL/85602
Lock & Whitfield, 1879, W.H. Vernon (1834-1905), [The Theatre], Woodburytype, Private collection of Popescu Mario-Cezar, LL/85611
Lock & Whitfield, 1879, Mr. Charles Lickfold Warner (10 October 1846 - 12 February 1909), [The Theatre], Woodburytype, Private collection of Popescu Mario-Cezar, LL/85603
Lock & Whitfield, 1879, Miss Lilian Adelaide Neilson (3 March 1848 - 15 August 1880), [The Theatre], Woodburytype, Private collection of Popescu Mario-Cezar, LL/85604
Notman & Sandham, 1879, Rev. Rosenburg, rabbi, Montreal, QC, Carte de visite, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/98966
Achille Mélandri, 1879, Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923), [The Theatre], Woodburytype, Private collection of Popescu Mario-Cezar, LL/85609
Achille Mélandri, 1879, Sarah Bernhardt in "Ruy Blas", [The Theatre], Woodburytype, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/121050
Achille Mélandri, 1879, Sarah Bernhardt, Woodburytype, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/121049
Achille Mélandri, 1879, Sarah Bernhardt in "Ruy Blas", [The Theatre], Woodburytype, Private collection of Jeff Nolte, LL/121045
Achille Mélandri, 1879, Sarah Bernhardt, Woodburytype, Archive Farms, LL/121042
Alexander Henderson, 1879, Snowshoers in Indian file, Mount Royal, Montreal, QC, 1879, Albumen print, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/125827
Alfred Boname, 1879, Les officiers du 44e régiment, Photographic print, Musée Condé, LL/33785
Antonio Pozzo, 1879, Conquest of the Desert [Wagons of colonists], Photograph, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/78256
August Kotzsch, 1879, 5 Kirbise Zierkirbise, Albumen print, Galerie Zur Stockeregg, LL/4486
Benjamin Wyles, 1879, Beggar Boy, Heliotype, Archive Farms, LL/119288
C.I. Payne, 1879, Jeff Davis spoke on the piazza of Exchange Hotel Arrived at the Exchange Hotel Ap. 28th left 30th 1879., Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109872
C.I. Payne, 1879, Jeff Davis was inaugurated in this State House, Montgomery Ala. head of Commercial Street Ar. at M. April 28th left 30th 1879., Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/109871
Carl Gunther, 1879, Scientific instruments, back, [Berlin Trade Exhibition 1879], Stereoview, back, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/100276
Carl Gunther, 1879, Scientific instruments, [Berlin Trade Exhibition 1879], Stereoviews (x4), Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/100279
Carl Gunther, 1879, Scientific instruments, [Berlin Trade Exhibition 1879], Stereoviews (x4), Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/100277
Carl Gunther, 1879, Scientific instruments, backs (x4), [Berlin Trade Exhibition 1879], Stereoviews, backs (x4), Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/100280
Carl Gunther, 1879, Scientific instruments, [Berlin Trade Exhibition 1879], Stereoview, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/100275
Carl Gunther, 1879, Scientific instruments, backs (x4), [Berlin Trade Exhibition 1879], Stereoviews, backs (x4), Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/100278
Carleton E. Watkins, 1879, Lake Independence: Foot of Trail to Mt. Lola. Pack animals. [Survey party left of center, George Davidson at right?], Albumen print, mammoth plate, Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley, LL/101091
Charles Eugene de Ujfalvy de Mezo-Kovesd, 1879, Plate from Expédition scientifique franthaise en Russie, en Sibérie et dans le Turkestan. Atlas anthropologique des peuples du Ferghanah, first edition, Albumen print, Bonhams - London, LL/24124
Dr. Charles Forbes (1844-1917), 1879, Photomicrograph, Negative, collodion on glass, George Eastman Museum, LL/69966
Dr. Charles Forbes (1844-1917), 1879, Trans-section of an ovary, Negative, collodion on glass, George Eastman Museum, LL/75627
Dr. Charles Forbes (1844-1917), 1879, Sheep Tick, Negative, collodion on glass, George Eastman Museum, LL/75626
Dr. Charles Forbes (1844-1917), 1879, Trs. sect. Rattan, Negative, collodion on glass, George Eastman Museum, LL/75625
Dr. Charles Forbes (1844-1917), 1879, Dog Flea, Negative, collodion on glass, George Eastman Museum, LL/75624
Eadweard Muybridge, 1879, Horses. Running. Phyrne L. No. 40, Albumen print, National Gallery of Art, LL/117776
Eadweard Muybridge, 1879, Studies of Foreshortenings. Horses. Walking. Mahomet. Nos. 119-120, Albumen print, National Gallery of Art, LL/117777
F. Robbins, 1879, Library, [The Bradford Oil Region.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110017
George Koppman, 1879, Pitcher, plant bowl and drinking glass from the arts and crafts workshop in Altona (Krug, Pflanzenschale und Trinkglas der Kunstgewerblichen Werkstatt in Altona), Albumen print - Schwarzweißpositivverfahren, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/126293
George Koppman, 1879, Arts and crafts from the arts and crafts workshop in Altona (Kunstgewerbliche Gegenstände der Kunstgewerblichen Werkstatt in Altona), Albumen print - Schwarzweißpositivverfahren, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/126294
George Koppman, 1879, Vanity set from the arts and crafts workshop in Altona (Waschtischgarnitur der Kunstgewerblichen Werkstatt in Altona), Albumen print - Schwarzweißpositivverfahren, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/126295
George Koppman, 1879, Glasses, vessels and candle holders from the arts and crafts workshop in Altona (Gläser, Gefäße und Kerzenhalter der Kunstgewerblichen Werkstatt in Altona), Albumen print - Schwarzweißpositivverfahren, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/126296
George Koppman, 1879, Artisan tableware (Kunsthandwerkliches Tafelgeschirr), Albumen print - Schwarzweißpositivverfahren, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/126297
Henry Dixon, 1879, Lion, London Zoo,, Carbon print, Archive Farms, LL/115784
Henry Dixon, 1879, London - Old Houses in Aldersgate Street, [The Society for photographing relics of old London (No. 31)], Carbon print, Eastern Window (Jan van der Wal), LL/15026
John Burke, 1879, Army Unit in Position during the Winter in the Second Anglo-Afghan War, Albumen print, Rijksmuseum, LL/78749
John Burke, 1879, Emir Mohammad Yaqub Khan and his followers, [Afghan War 1878-79 Peshawur Valley Field Force J. Burke.], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93672
John Burke, 1879, [Bit of the Jugdulluck], Photograph, British Library, LL/73463
John Burke, 1879, The Upper Bala Hissar from the Gate above the Residency, Kabul, Albumen print, British Library, LL/6498
John K. Hillers, 1879, Ceremony, Dance? [Zuni Indians], Black and white Glass negative, National Anthropological Archives, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, LL/99193
John K. Hillers, 1879, Modisi, Hopi Woman, Walpi, Arizona, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/106830
John K. Hillers, 1879, Big Navajo, Walpi, Arizona, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/106831
L. Lafon (French), 1879, Matériel De Montagne, Système Hotchkiss, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/57162
L. Lafon (French), 1879, Canon Hotchkiss A Tir Rapide De 37 m/m, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/57161
Liang Shitai, 1879, Portrait of Li Hongzhang in Tientsin, Albumen print, hand-coloured, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/82529
Louis-Emile Durandelle, 1879, Sculpture Ornementale, Albumen print, Lee Gallery, LL/3197
Louis-Emile Durandelle, 1879, Statues Decoratives, Albumen print, Lee Gallery, LL/3196
Marc Ferrez, 1879, Obras do Abastecimento d'Agua do Rio de Janeiro, Reservatorio de D. Pedro II (Morro do Pedregulho), vista interior da Caixa em construccao, Albumen print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/124150
Melandri, 1879, Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923) as Doña Maria in 'Ruy Blas', [The Theatre], Woodburytype, Private collection of Popescu Mario-Cezar, LL/85608
O.S. Goff, 1879, Bismarck Flour Mill, Bismarck, D. T., Stereograph, State Historical Society of North Dakota, LL/107686
Parsons, 1879, [SS Arizona after it collided with an iceberg], Albumen print, Richard T. Rosenthal, LL/98757
Richard Buchta, 1879, Zande binza (witchdoctor), Sudan, Albumen print, Pitt Rivers Museum, LL/91932
Rouiller, 1879, French Town, Cyanotype, Archive Farms, LL/64940
Unidentified photographer, 1879, Napoléon Eugène Louis Bonaparte, Prince Imperial, Albumen print, photomontage, on card mount, National Portrait Gallery - NPG, LL/41379
Unidentified photographer, 1879, Cetshwayo (1826-1884), Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93101
Unidentified photographer, 1879, St. Lazzaro Armenian Monastery, Book pages, Collection of Michael G. Jacob, LL/86591
Unidentified photographer, 1879, Lord Byron's Olive Trees, Book pages, Collection of Michael G. Jacob, LL/86592
Unidentified photographer, 1879, Cetshwayo (1826-1884), Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93100
Unidentified photographer, 1879, The battlefield of Isandlwana, Albumen print, National Army Museum, LL/41352
Unidentified photographer, 1879, Inspector's Office, New Mole [Gibralter], Albumen print, National Archives, LL/73005
Unidentified photographer, 1879, New Market, Covered Way to Fish Market [Gibralter], Albumen print, National Archives, LL/73006
Unidentified photographer, 1879, Ball at the Windsor Hotel, Montréal, in Honour of the Marquis of Lorne [Montréal, Quebec], Photographic print, composite, Library and Archives Canada, LL/46635
Unidentified photographer, 1879, Lucretia Mott in her 87th year 1879, Carte de visite, Classic Photographics, LL/48710
Unidentified photographer, 1879, Restoration of the Dinornis maximus, Book illustration, University of Texas Libraries, LL/77349
Unidentified photographer, 1879, Restoration of the Dinornis maximus, Book illustration, University of Texas Libraries, LL/77348
Unidentified photographer, 1879, Truth for authority, not authority for truth. Lucretia Mott in her 87th year 1879, Carte de visite, back, Classic Photographics, LL/48711
Unidentified photographer, 1879, The Rock (East Side, looking North) [Gibralter], Albumen print, National Archives, LL/73007
Unidentified photographer, 1879, Esplanade, Eastern Beach [Gibralter], Albumen print, National Archives, LL/73008
Unknown engraver, 1879, Sir Isaac Newton dispersing sunlight through a prism for a study of optics, Engraving, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/62912
William Henry Jackson, 1879, Cameron's Cone from "Tunnel 4," Colorado Midland Railway, Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/50505
P. Vuccino and Co, 1879, Backmark for P. Vuccino & Co., Medow Street, Fort, Bombay, Carte de visite, back, Private collection of Christopher Pinney, LL/52033
F. Robbins, 1879, Backlist for "The Bradford Oil Region.", Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110018
Félix Bonfils, 1879, Backmark for "Felix Bonfils, Beyrouth (Syrie)", Carte de visite, back, British Library, Endangered Archives Programme, The Fouad Debbas Collection, LL/95166
Sperry (Iowa City), 1879, Backmark for "Sperry, Artistic Photography. Iowa City. 1879.", Cabinet card, back, , LL/97444
John Henry Parker, 1879, Book title page for John Henry Parker, 1879, Historical photographs : A catalogue of three thousand three hundred photographs of antiquities in Rome and Italy, with dates, historical or approximative, and a general index, (London: Edward Stanford), Book title page, INHA - Institut national d'histoire de l'art, LL/101415
E. & H.T. Anthony & Co., 1879, Anthony's Background Carrier, Advert, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/80023
Eadweard Muybridge, 1879, Method and Apparatus for Photographing Objects in Motion, Patent model, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, LL/97529
Eadweard Muybridge, 1879, Method and Apparatus for Photographing Objects in Motion, Patent model, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, LL/97530
Henry Stuart Wortley, 1879, Bronze medal awarded to Col H. Stuart Wortley by the Photographic Society of London in 1879. (Front), Bronze medal, Private collection of Stephen J. Harpur, LL/10804
Henry Stuart Wortley, 1879, Bronze medal awarded to Col H. Stuart Wortley by the Photographic Society of London in 1879. (Back), Bronze medal, Private collection of Stephen J. Harpur, LL/10805
John Ruskin, 1879, John Ruskin on the Towers of the Swiss Fribourg, Book page, Google Books, LL/35861
John Ruskin, 1879, Plate 24. the towers of Fribourg, Book illustration, drawing, Google Books, LL/35862
John Ruskin, 1879, Plate 25. the towers of Fribourg (detail), No. 2 was based on a Daguerreotype, Book illustration, drawing, Google Books, LL/35863
Lafayette W. Seavey (manufacturer), 1879, Advert for "Lafayette W. Seavey's World-Renowned Backgrounds and Accessories", Advert, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/80022

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