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Photographs and images taken, or published, in 2020
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Lightbox > 2020
2020, Promotion photograph for "Dead Still" (Acorn TV, 202), Advert, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/100181
2020, Frame from "Dead Still" showing Brock Blennerhasset, played by Michael Smiley, in his studio (2020, Episode 1, Photochemistry, 17:19), Film frame, Private collection of Alan Griffiths, LL/101175
2020, Frame from "Dead Still" showing Brock Blennerhasset, played by Michael Smiley, in his studio with the Inspector of the Dublin Constabulary (2020, Episode 1, Photochemistry, 20:27), Film frame, Private collection of Alan Griffiths, LL/101176
2020, Frame from "Dead Still" showing Brock Blennerhasset, played by Michael Smiley, develops a plate (2020, Episode 1, Photochemistry, 20:27), Film frame, Private collection of Alan Griffiths, LL/101177
2020, Frame from "Dead Still" posing for a post-mortem photograph (2020, Episode 1, Photochemistry, 34:34), Film frame, Private collection of Alan Griffiths, LL/101178
2020, Frame from "Dead Still" posing for a post-mortem photograph (2020, Episode 1, Photochemistry, 34:53), Film frame, Private collection of Alan Griffiths, LL/101179
2020, Climbing trail towards Mount Everest, Satellite image, with digital layers, cropped, ESA - European Space Agency, LL/113767
2020, Book cover for Elizabeth Edwards, 2020, Photographs and the Practice of History, (Bloomsbury Academic), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/117920
2020, 2500+ Professional Photo Overlayss [PhotoWhoa], Digital image, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/96157
Ashima Yadava, 2020, VOTE, Photocollage, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/105900
Jack Pierson, 2020, Abstraction, Colour photograph, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/129634
Jonathan Tod Hilty, 2020, Plate Number 295, flowers at Holden Arboretum, Autochrome, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/105435
Paul Girvan, 2020, Glasses, Blak and white photograph, Provided by the artist - Paul Girvan, LL/116838
Paul Girvan, 2020, Children's socks on display in Halifax as a reminder of the injustices of the Indian residential schools in Canada, Gelatin silver print, Provided by the artist - Paul Girvan, LL/117616
Péter Bergendy (director), 2020, Film still from "Post Mortem" (director: Péter Bergendy, 2020), Film still, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/127098
Unidentified artist, 2020, One small Step for Donald Trump; A giant Leap for Mankind., Postcard, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/105843
Unidentified artist (Chinese ?), 2020, [A Chinese photographer, wearing a mask, with a camera], Artwork, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/105111
Unknown maker, 2020 (taken), A painted studio background with a chair, Photograph, Private collection of Gary Dineen, LL/104623
2020, Book cover for Katrin Schumann, 2020, This Terrible Beauty, (Lake Union Publishing), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/128656
2020, Book cover for Nicole Hudgins, 2020, The Gender of Photography: How Masculine and Feminine Values Shaped the History of Nineteenth-Century Photography, (Bloomsbury Visual Arts), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/95723
2020, Book cover for Petra Durst-Benning, 2020, The Photographer, (Amazon Crossing), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/128655
2020, Book cover for Giuseppe Milani, 2020, Il Risorgimento nella fotografia, (Editrice La Grafica), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/126773
2020, Book cover for n.a., 2020, Aimé Laussedat (1819-1907) : le précurseur de la photogrammétrie, (Publi-Topex), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/123606
2020, Book cover for General Sir Ernest Dunlop Swinton, 2020, Twenty Years After - The Battlefields of 1914-1918 Then & Now, (Naval & Military Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/118435
2020, Book cover for John Rohrbach (ed.), 2020, Acting Out: Cabinet Cards and the Making of Modern Photography, (University of California Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/97014
2020, Book cover for Dara McGrath, 2020, Project Cleansweep: Beyond the Post Military Landscape of the United Kingdom, (Kehrer Verlag), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/97574
2020, Book cover for Simon Dell, 2020, The Portrait and the Colonial Imaginary: Photography between France and Africa, 1900-1939, (Leuven University Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/98117
2020, Book cover for Terry Bennett, 2020, Early Photography in Vietnam, (Renaissance Books), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/100665
2020, Book cover for The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, 2020, Flash of Light, Wall of Fire: Japanese Photographs Documenting the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, (University of Texas Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/103091
2020, Book cover for Elizabeth Ferrer, 2020, Latinx Photography in the United States, (University of Washington Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/103562
2020, Book cover for Katherine Manthorne, 2020, Women in the Dark: Female Photographers in the United States, 1850-1900, (Schiffer), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/103736
2020, Book cover for Françoise Reynaud, Michel Frizot, Dominique Kalifa & Annette Haudiquet (ed.), 2020, Nuits électriques, (Octopus Editions), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/106060
2020, Book cover for Michael Graham-Stewart & Francis McWhannell, 2020, Broad sunlight: Early West African Photography, (London: Michael Graham-Stewart), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/103758
2020, Book cover for Alexa Neale, 2020, Photographing Crime Scenes in Twentieth-Century London: Microhistories of Domestic Murder, (Bloomsbury Academic), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/104264
alva Rubio (writer), Pedro J. Colmbo (artist), and Aintzane Landa (colorist), 2020, Book cover for alva Rubio (writer), Pedro J. Colmbo (artist), and Aintzane Landa (colorist), 2020, The Photographer of Mauthausen, English edition, (Annapolis, MD: Dead Reckoning/Naval Institute Press), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/121087
Ansel Adams, 2020, Book cover for Rebecca A. Senf, 2020, Making A Photographer: The Early Work of Ansel Adams, (Yale University Press in association with the Center for Creative Photography at the University of Arizona), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/97036
Bill Brandt, 2020, Book cover for Martina Droth & Paul Messier, (eds.), 2020, Bill Brandt | Henry Moore, (Yale Center for British Art), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/97407
Dorothea Lange, 2020, Book cover for Sarah Meister, 2020, Dorothea Lange: Words & Pictures, (New York: MoMA), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/97391
Dorothy Bohm, 2020, Book cover for Dorothy Bohm, 2020, Sussex 1960s-1980s, (Café Royal Books), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106176
J.T. Zealy, 2020, Book cover for Ilisa Barbash, Molly Rogers & Deborah Willis (eds), 2020, To Make Their Own Way in the World: The Enduring Legacy of the Zealy Daguerreotypes, (Aperture), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/104140
J.W. Newland, 2020, Book cover for Elisa deCourcy & Martyn Jolly, 2020, Empire, Early Photography and Spectacle: The Global Career of Showman Daguerreotypist J.W. Newland, (Routledge History of Photography), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/106628
Jacques-Henri Lartigue, 2020, Book cover for Louise Baring, 2020, Lartigue: The Boy and the Belle Époque, (Thames & Hudson), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/98169
Moi Ver, 2020, Book cover for Moi Ver, 2020, The Ghetto Lane in Wilna, (Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/106061
Peter Fink, 2020, Book cover for Celina Lunsford, 2021, Peter Fink: My Mind's Eye, (Kehrer Verlag), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/106059
Stephen Berkman, 2020, Book cover for Stephen Berkman, 2020, Predicting the Past, Book cover, Provided by the artist - Stephen Berkman, LL/105368
Dr. Azé, 2020, Le Docteur Azé et la photo ethnographie, Poster, , LL/97551
John Henry Ravenshaw, 2020, The headstone of John Henry Ravenshaw, Old Mortlake Burial Ground, London, Colour photograph, Private collection of Clive Crossley, LL/98201
John Henry Ravenshaw, 2020, The headstone of John Henry Ravenshaw, Old Mortlake Burial Ground, London, Colour photograph, perspective altered and cropped, Private collection of Clive Crossley, LL/98202
John Henry Ravenshaw, 2020, Old Mortlake Burial Ground, London, Colour photograph, Private collection of Clive Crossley, LL/98227
John Henry Ravenshaw, 2020, Old Mortlake Burial Ground, London, Colour photograph, Private collection of Clive Crossley, LL/98228
John Henry Ravenshaw, 2020, Grave of John Henry Ravenshaw, Old Mortlake Burial Ground, London, Colour photograph, Private collection of Clive Crossley, LL/98229
John Henry Ravenshaw, 2020, Grave of John Henry Ravenshaw, Old Mortlake Burial Ground, London, Colour photograph, Private collection of Clive Crossley, LL/98230
John Henry Ravenshaw, 2020, Grave of John Henry Ravenshaw, Old Mortlake Burial Ground, London, Colour photograph, Private collection of Clive Crossley, LL/98231
John Henry Ravenshaw, 2020, Grave of John Henry Ravenshaw, Old Mortlake Burial Ground, London, Colour photograph, Private collection of Clive Crossley, LL/98232
W. Eugene Smith, 2020, Poster for the film Minamata (2020) starring Johnny Depp as W. Eugene Smith [Russian version], Poster, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/124722
W. Eugene Smith, 2020, Poster for the film Minamata (2020) starring Johnny Depp as W. Eugene Smith [Russian version], Poster, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/124721
W. Eugene Smith, 2020, Poster for the film Minamata (2020) starring Johnny Depp as W. Eugene Smith, Poster, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106071
W. Eugene Smith, 2020, Poster for the film Minamata (2020) starring Johnny Depp as W. Eugene Smith [Russian version], Poster, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/106072

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