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Unidentified photographer / artist, 1945, The First Atomic Bomb in history exploded at the Trinity Test Site in New Mexico sky at 5:29:45 a.m. on 16 July 1945, Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico, LL/5504
1945, Brochure cover for American Office of War Information (OWI), 1945, Bildbericht aus fünf Konzentrationslagern., (Amerikanischen Kriegsinformationsamt im Auftrag des Oberbefehlshabers der Allierten Streitkräfte), Brochure cover, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/54665
Bradford Washburn, 1945, Norman Bright is dwarfed beneath a huge ice-wall just east of Silverthrone Col, 12 miles east of Mt Mckinley. Dark layers of ice show summer melts and white layers show winter accumulation, allowing us to date the snowfall like rings on a tree, Gelatin silver print, Decaneas Archive, LL/31894
Carl Mydans, 1945, Gen. Douglas MacArthur with Gen. Richard Sutherland and Col. Lloyd Lehrbas walks through the surf to the beach at Lingayen, Luzon, the Philippines, Gelatin silver print, Phillips - New York, LL/81912
International News Photos (American, active c. 1930s - 1940s), 1945, Max Ernst and Dorothea Tanning and Muriel and Julien Levy Playing Chess, The Julien Levy Gallery, New York, Gelatin silver print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71843
Paul Queenan, PhoM2c - Photographer's Mate 2nd Class, USCG, 1945, Out of the gaping mouths of Coast Guard and Navy Landing Craft, rose the great flow of invasion supplies to the blackened sands of Iwo Jima, a few hours after the Marines had wrested their foothold on the vital island., Gelatin silver print, U.S. Coast Guard, LL/95684
Seidner Zoltán, 1945, [Retouching photographs in a bombed out building, Budapest], Black and white photograph, Hungarian National Museum, LL/125053
Seidner Zoltán, 1945, "American" retouching guard ("Amerikai" retusor) [Retouching photographs in a bombed out building, Budapest], Black and white photograph, Fortepan, LL/125052
TEC 5 H E Boll 168 (U.S. Army Signal Corps), 1945, Soldiers of a tank battalion, with the 30th Infantry Division, 9th US Army, taking a break by what was a German beer parlor. In Magdeburg, Germany. S/
743 TK; 30 Inf Div; NUSA; Magdeburg, Germany., Gelatin silver print, North Carolina Museum of History - NCMOH, LL/115792
Unidentified photographer, 1945, A jeep and three posing Canadian soldiers in front of captured rail guns. Germany, Photograph, Private collection of John Quin, LL/116346
Unidentified photographer, 1945, A man poses with his identification number on a placard. Pond Inlet, Photograph, Library and Archives Canada, LL/103115
Unidentified photographer, 1945, Tracer bullets form pattern of death for night attacking Jap planes, Black and white photograph, National World War II Museum, LL/113437
Unidentified photographer, 1945, Two Jews wearing the Star of David, Ráday Street from the Calvin Square, Budapest, Hungary, Photograph, FOTO:Fortepan, LL/83076
Andreas Feininger, 1945, Book cover for Andreas Feininger "New York" With an Introduction by John Erskine. Picture text by Jacquelyn Judge. (Chicago - New York: Ziff-Favis Publishing Company, 1945), Book cover, Stockholms Auktionsverk, LL/43522
Anton Bruehl, 1945, Book cover for Anton Bruehl "Mexico" With a text by Sally Lee Woodall. (New York: U.S. Camera Publishing Cooperation, 1945), Book cover, Van Ham Fine Art Auctions, LL/29185
Germaine Krull, 1945, Book cover for Germaine Krull & Roger Vaillant "La bataille d'Alsace. Novembre - Décembre 1944" (Paris: Jacques Haumont, 1945), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/47243
Jindrich Styrsky, 1945, Book cover for Jindrich Styrsky "Na jehlßch techto dni -- On the Needles of These Days. Text by Jindrich Heisler, design by Karel Teige" (Prague: F.R. Borovy, 1945), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28390
Josef Maria Eder (author), 1945, Book cover for Joself Maria Eder "History of Photography" (New York: Columbia University Press, 1945), Book cover, Stockholms Auktionsverk, LL/43520
Josef Sudek, 1945, Book cover for Josef Sudek - Rudolf Roucek "Prazsky Hrad" (Prague: Editions Sfinx, Bohumil Janda, 1945), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/47252
Laure Albin-Guillot, 1945, Book cover for Laure Albin-Guillot, 1945, Splendeur de Paris, (Paris: Édité par les Ateliers d'Impressions et de Cartonnages d'Art), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/58716
Man Ray, 1945, Book cover for Man Ray, 1945, Exhibition, Man Ray, April 1945, (New York: Julien Levy Gallery), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/28635
Manuel Álvarez Bravo, 1945, Book cover for Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Diego Rivera et al., 1945,Fotografias, (Mexico: Sociedad de Arte Moderno), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28388
Robert Doisneau, 1945, Book cover for Robert Doisneau, 1945, Album de France, (Paris: Ministère de l'information), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/55858
Robert Doisneau, 1945, Book cover for Robert Doisneau "La délivrance de Paris. 19-26 Août 1944" (Paris: Arthaud, 1945), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/47234
Vladimir Hipman, 1945, Book cover for Vladimir Hipman, Práce je Zivá (Work is Living), (Prague: Ceska Graficka Unie, 1945), Book cover, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/51841
Vladimir Hipman, 1945, Book cover for Vladimir Hipman "Prßce Je Zivß" (Ceska Graficka Unie A.S. V Praze, 1945), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/25412
Weegee, 1945, Book cover for Weegee "Naked City" (New York: Essential Books), Book cover, Christie's - London, LL/44742
Brassaï, 1945, Exhibition invitation for "Brassaï: Dessins" at Renou & Colle, Paris (May 31-June 16, 1945), Exhibition invitation, Private collection, LL/32366
Unidentified photographer, 1945, Purdue University Identity Card for Richard Zirkle, Identity card, The Indiana Album Inc., LL/115274