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Photographs and images taken, or published, in 1889
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Lightbox > 1889
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1889, Autobiography of S. Hunter Smith, Cabinet card, Antiq-Photo, LL/9461
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1889, Autobiography of S. Hunter Smith, Cabinet card, back, Antiq-Photo, LL/9460
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1889, Miss Ward, la plus grande plongeuse du Monde en 1889, Coney Island, USA, Stereocard, Source requested, LL/6857
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1889, Front page layout for "Wilson's Photographic Magazine", Vol. XXVI, July 29, 1889, No. 350 [?], Page layout, Private collection of Gary W. Ewer, LL/16642
1889, Photographic medal of the 1889' Paris Universal Exposition, Medal, Private collection of Gilles Dupont, LL/27335
1889, Advert for "Marion's Complete Box of Finishing Materials", Advert, Private collection of Rob Oechsle, LL/39724
1889, Medal issued to commemerate the 50th anniversary of photography., Medal, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/9672
1889, Medal issued to commemerate the 50th anniversary of photography., Medal, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/9671
1889, Advert for "Marion's Complete Box of Finishing Materials", Advert, detail, Private collection of Rob Oechsle, LL/39725
Garrison Bros., 1889, Compliments of Garrison Bros. [A fan with a photomontage of children], Cabinet card, Private collection of Doug York, LL/125123
Loescher & Petsch, 1889, Kaiserin Augusta Victoria, Cabinet card, Private collection of T. Max Hochstetler, LL/22012
Neurdein Frères, 1889, La Tour Eiffel. - Détail du Campanile., Albumen silver print, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/79755
Neurdein Frères, 1889, La Galerie des Machines - Exposition Universelle de 1889, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/75584
Neurdein Frères, 1889, "Souvenir de ma visite à la Tour-Eiffel", Cabinet card, Ebay, LL/115763
Neurdein Frères, 1889, "Souvenir de ma visite à la Tour-Eiffel", Cabinet card, Ebay, LL/115762
Neurdein Frères, 1889, Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Exposition Universelle de Paris, 1889, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/107819
F. & E. Thévoz, 1889, Mer Morte, Black & white photograph, Penn Libraries - University of Pennsylvania, LL/86397
Webster & Albee, 1889, Conemaugh Boro fire department, Johnstown, [Views of Johnstown, Pa.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110939
Keystone View Company, 1889, 9463 - the Empty Crib - "We‘re nearer to the other shore Since the baby died.", Stereocard, detail, Stereoviews: Stereoviews and Fine 19th & 20th Century Antique Photographs, LL/30144
A. Martin, 1889, Engineer's Excursion Over the 'Loop,' U.P.R.R., Albumen print, mammoth, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/35594
Albert Londe, 1889, Female patient with melancolie catalepsy, Book plate, Wellcome Collection, LL/36800
Albert Londe, 1889, Female patient with twitching eyelids, Book plate, Wellcome Collection, LL/36801
Albert Londe, 1889, Female patient with sleep hysteria wearing a straight jacket, Book plate, Wellcome Collection, LL/36802
Alexander Nasvetevich, 1889, Room of French-Russian Exhibition of 1899 at the Museum of Baron A.L. Stieglitz, Gelatin silver print, Hermitage Museum, LL/56521
Alfred Stieglitz, 1889, Jubilee Exhibition (Berlin) Main Hall, Lantern slide, George Eastman Museum, LL/54468
Alfred Stieglitz, 1889, Photographic Jubilee Exhibition - Installation - Berlin, Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72293
Alfred Percival Maudslay, 1889, Stela D (also known as Monument 4), east side, dated AD 766. ‘The inscription on each side of the Stela is headed by an initial series of six squares of picture-writing (Quirigua, Guatemala), Photograph, Pitt Rivers Museum, LL/91929
Alphonse Bertillon, 1889, Criminal Jean Greniche Killer of 'La Fille Wilhem, said La Chinoise', Carte de visite, Past to Present: Vintage Photo Gallery, LL/30846
Alphonse Bertillon, 1889, Criminal Jean Greniche Killer of 'La Fille Wilhem, said La Chinoise', Carte de visite, back, Past to Present: Vintage Photo Gallery, LL/30847
Arthur James Melhuish, 1889, Captain W. de W. Abney. C.B, R.E, F.R.S. President of the Camera Club., Woodburytype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/51623
Arthur James Melhuish, 1889, Captain W. de W. Abney, Woodburytype, British Library, LL/40172
Ben Hains, 1889, Lower passage opening into Cleveland's Cabinet, [Views of Mammoth Cave and vicinity.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108933
Ben Hains, 1889, Gypsum formation, [Views of Mammoth Cave and vicinity.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108932
Benjamin J. Falk, 1889, Helena Modjeska, Polish actress, Cabinet card, Private collection of T. Max Hochstetler, LL/29073
Carleton E. Watkins, 1889, Los Angeles Plain Coast Survey, Survey camp with American flag and tree, Albumen print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/66165
Carleton E. Watkins, 1889, Los Angeles Plain Coast Survey, Survey camp with multiple figures and tents, Albumen print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/66166
Carleton E. Watkins, 1889, Interior of an Indian Hut, Yakutat Bay. Indian wounded in a Bear Fight, Albumen print, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, LL/96759
Carleton E. Watkins, 1889, Los Angeles Plain Coast Survey, On Wagon, "Studebaker" Group portrait of surveyors, Albumen print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/66164
Carleton E. Watkins, 1889, Los Angeles Plain Coast Survey, Cyanotype, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/66163
Cecil Victor Shadbolt, 1889, Eiffel Tower, Paris, Lantern slide, Dominic Winter Book Auctions, LL/61721
Chas Eisenmann, 1889, Human skeleton [Freak show exhibit], Cabinet card, Syracuse University, LL/49402
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Zwei verschiedene Aufnahmen der Rîkah, des Thronsessels, auf welchen man in Mekka die jungfräuliche Braut in der Duchlah-nacht zu erheben pflegt. Auf B sitzt der Bräutigam dort, wo die Braut sitzen soll. [18 A, B], [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64280
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Ansicht der Moschee, während darin ein gemeinschaftliches Çalât abgehalten wird., [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64263
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Zweite Ansicht der Stadt Mekka über die nordwestliche (rechts) und die südwestliche Seite (links) der Moschee hinaus., [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64265
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Das Reitkameel (Hèdjîn) des Scherîf Jahja, eines Sohnes des Scherîf Ahmed, dessen Vater der berühmte 1886 verstorbene Grossscherîf Abd èl-Muttálib […] mit einer reich mit Silber gestickten Satteldecke (batât). Den Zaum hält der Sklave Jahja's…, [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64279
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Pilgerlager in der Ebene östlich vom ‘Arafah-berge., [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64278
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Westliche Seite des Berges ‘Arafah., [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64277
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Oestliche Seite des Berges ‘Arafah., [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64276
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Der Berg ‘Arafah während der jährlichen Pilgerversammlung (von Süden aus gesehen)., [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64275
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Die zwishcen Muna und ‘Arafah gelegene Pilgerstation Muzdal'fah., [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64274
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Oestlicher Theil des Thales Muna., [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64273
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Westlicher Theil des sich von Westen nach Osten erstreckenden Thales Muna (Mina) während der grossen jährlichen Pilgerversammlung., [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64272
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Dritte Ansicht desselben; im Hintergrund windet sich der Weg nach Mekka [9A]; Das Grab der Mèjmûnah und die nächste Umgebung [9B]., [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64271
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Zweite Ansicht des Lagers der Mèjmûnahpilger., [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64270
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Das Grab der Sittanâ Mèjmûnah und Lager dorthin gepilgerter Mekkaner., [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64269
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Die (vor wenigen Jahren errichtete) Druckerei in Mekka., [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64268
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Vierte Ansicht der Stadt Mekka, [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64267
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Dritte Ansicht der Stadt Mekka: links die nördliche Ecke der Moschee; ein wenig südöstlich von derselben das Bâb ès-salâm, durch welches die Pilger in die Moschee eintreten., [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64266
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Erste Ansicht der Stadt Mekka: links in Hintergrund die Festung Djijâd. Das grosse Gebäude rechts ist ied _Hamîdijjah, links daneben die Druckerei., [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64264
Etienne Leopold Trouvelot, 1889, La Photographie Appliquee a l'Etude de l'Etincelle Electrique, Lithograph based on photographs, Archive Farms, LL/111201
Frank Rinehart, 1889, Red Indian Chief "Hubble Big Horse", a Cheyenne, Platinum print, Private collection of Steffen Wolff, LL/44217
F. Jay Haynes, 1889, Petrified Tree, [Yellowstone Park Scenery / Northern Pacific Scenery], Stereocard, George Eastman Museum, LL/75252
George Barker, 1889, Christmas Day in the Morning, Stereoview, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/123655
George Barker, 1889, The Johnstown Calamity - A slightly damaged house, [Barker's Stereoscopic Gems of American Scenery], Stereoview, Private collection of Ira Stein, LL/102004
George Barker, 1889, A Slightly Damaged House, Johnstown, Pa., U.S.A., Gelatin silver print, stereograph, George Eastman Museum, LL/6895
George Barker, 1889, A Morgue on the Conemaugh, [Barker's Stereoscopic Gems of American Scenery], Stereoview, Private collection of Michael Pecosky, LL/98796
George Barker, 1889, The Johnstown Calamity - Log jam in Main Street., [Barker's Stereoscopic Gems of American Scenery], Stereoview, Private collection of Ira Stein, LL/102009
George Barker, 1889, The Johnstown calamity. The bursted dam, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108196
George Barker, 1889, Beginning Life anew - Site of the old home., [The Johnstown Calamity], Stereoview, Private collection of Michael Pecosky, LL/102308
George Barker, 1889, The Johnstown calamity. The stone bridge, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108197
George Barker, 1889, The Johnstown calamity. An ocean of mud, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108198
George Barker, 1889, The Johnstown calamity. Desolation--The club house, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108195
George Barker, 1889, The Johnstown calamity. An unwelcome intruder, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108194
George Barker, 1889, The Johnstown Calamity. Searching for bodies and clearing the wreck, Stereocard, Jefferson Stereoptics, LL/11869
George Barker, 1889, The Johnstown Calamity. Searching for bodies and clearing the wreck (Detail), Stereocard, Jefferson Stereoptics, LL/11870
George Barker, 1889, The Johnstown Calamity - Carrying body out of the Wreck., [Barker's Stereoscopic Gems of American Scenery], Stereoview, Private collection of Ira Stein, LL/102010
George Barker, 1889, The Johnstown Calamity - The valley of death from Kern Hill. - Showing gap., [Barker's Stereoscopic Gems of American Scenery], Stereoview, Private collection of Ira Stein, LL/102008
George Barker, 1889, The Johnstown Calamity - Scene on Jackson Street., [Barker's Stereoscopic Gems of American Scenery], Stereoview, Private collection of Ira Stein, LL/102007
George Barker, 1889, The Johnstown Calamity - Kernville after the flood., [Barker's Stereoscopic Gems of American Scenery], Stereoview, Private collection of Ira Stein, LL/102006
George Barker, 1889, The Johnstown Calamity - Wreck at the Stone Bridge., [Barker's Stereoscopic Gems of American Scenery], Stereoview, Private collection of Ira Stein, LL/102005
Georges Balagny (1837-1919), 1889, The Photography Gallery, Exposition Universelle, Paris (Photographie (Classe XII)), Book plate, Rijksmuseum, LL/79287
Handa, 1889, Japanese Man Named Kato - Meiji Period Portrait, Ambrotype, Charles Schwartz Ltd, LL/23113
Handa, 1889, Japanese Man Named Kato - Meiji Period Portrait (case), Ambrotype, Charles Schwartz Ltd, LL/23114
Harold Roller (British), 1889, E.A. Abbey Thirty-Seven, Albumen silver print, Yale University Art Gallery, LL/44784
Henri Rivière, 1889, The Eiffel Tower: Painter on a knotted rope along a vertical girder, below an intersection of girders, Gelatin silver print, Musée d'Orsay, LL/45888
Henry N. Hastings, 1889, Buck's Head and Antlers, Albumen print, Private collection of Richard W. Gadd, LL/32901
Henry P. Bosse, 1889, Read's Landing, Minn., Cyanotype, National Gallery of Art, LL/76741
Henry P. Bosse, 1889, No. 181. Marshall Ave. Bridge, Minneapolis & St. Paul, Cyanotype, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/79877
Henry P. Bosse, 1889, View on the Mississippi River from the Base of a Dam, Cyanotype, Rijksmuseum, LL/78840
Henry P. Bosse, 1889, Dorva Central Ry Bridge at Keithsburg, IL, Cyanotype, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/50714
Henry P. Bosse, 1889, Redwing, Minn. and Barnbluff, Cyanotype, National Gallery of Art, LL/76742
Henry P. Bosse, 1889, Minneiska, Minn., Cyanotype, National Gallery of Art, LL/76740
Henry P. Bosse, 1889, From Bluffs at Merrimac, Minn. Looking Downstream, Cyanotype, National Gallery of Art, LL/76739
I.W. Taber, 1889, Taber's Photo Gallery at No.8 Montgomery St. "Over Hibernia Bank" [San Francisco, California], Photograph, Private collection of Graham Pilecki, LL/69003
J.E. Livernois, 1889, Temporary Morgue, Cap Diamant Rockslide [Canada], Photograph, Private collection of Steven Evans, LL/16499
Jacob A. Riis, 1889, Lodgers in a Crowded Bayard Street Tenement - Five cents a spot, Gelatin silver print, MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, New York, LL/59225
John Singer Sargent, 1889, Sarah Choate Sears, Oil painting, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/42152
Kondiref, 1889, Famille bachkire en voyage, [21 phot. d'Oufa (Russie)], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88051
Kondiref, 1889, Oufa, place du marché, [21 phot. d'Oufa (Russie)], Albumen print, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88050
Langill & Darling, 1889, Johnstown Flood, General View looking South, Albumen print, American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution, LL/7586
Luis Boudat Ducollier, 1889, Oficina Primitiva. una sección de las acendraderas, [Album de las Salitreras de Tarapaca], Albumen print, Private collection, Ciudad Real, Spain, LL/62321
Luis Boudat Ducollier, 1889, Oficina Papozo, acendraderas y cachuchos, [Album de las Salitreras de Tarapaca], Albumen print, Private collection, Ciudad Real, Spain, LL/62319
Luis Boudat Ducollier, 1889, Oficina la Patria, cachuchos, [Album de las Salitreras de Tarapaca], Albumen print, Private collection, Ciudad Real, Spain, LL/62318
Luis Boudat Ducollier, 1889, Oficina Ramirez, calderos y bateas, [Album de las Salitreras de Tarapaca], Albumen print, Private collection, Ciudad Real, Spain, LL/62322
Luis Boudat Ducollier, 1889, Oficina Arjentina (sic), maquinaria y bateas, [Album de las Salitreras de Tarapaca], Albumen print, Private collection, Ciudad Real, Spain, LL/62317
Luis Boudat Ducollier, 1889, Oficina Agua Santa, vista general, [Album de las Salitreras de Tarapaca], Albumen print, Private collection, Ciudad Real, Spain, LL/62316
Luis Boudat Ducollier, 1889, Oficina san José, vista general, [Album de las Salitreras de Tarapaca], Albumen print, Private collection, Ciudad Real, Spain, LL/62323
Luis Boudat Ducollier, 1889, Ferrocarriles salitreros, estación principal de Pisagua, [Album de las Salitreras de Tarapaca], Albumen print, Private collection, Ciudad Real, Spain, LL/62315
Luis Boudat Ducollier, 1889, Ferrocarriles salitreros, estación municipal de Iquique, [Album de las Salitreras de Tarapaca], Albumen print, Private collection, Ciudad Real, Spain, LL/62314
Luis Boudat Ducollier, 1889, Oficina Solferino, cachuchos, [Album de las Salitreras de Tarapaca], Albumen print, Private collection, Ciudad Real, Spain, LL/62324
Luis Boudat Ducollier, 1889, Propietarios, elaboradores, ajentes (sic) salitreros, [Album de las Salitreras de Tarapaca], Albumen print, Private collection, Ciudad Real, Spain, LL/62325
Luis Boudat Ducollier, 1889, Oficina Primitiva. calderos, [Album de las Salitreras de Tarapaca], Albumen print, Private collection, Ciudad Real, Spain, LL/62320
Lyddell Sawyer, 1889, The Castle Garth, Photogravure, Private collection of Geoff Lowe, LL/74252
Lyddell Sawyer, 1889, Waiting for the Boats, Photograph, Private collection of Geoff Lowe, LL/74251
Lyddell Sawyer, 1889, The Boat Builders, Photogravure, Private collection of Geoff Lowe, LL/74254
M. Tanaka, 1889, [John Cooper Robinson and Bessie Robinson], Carte de visite, University of British Columbia, Library, LL/91323
Messrs. Appleton & Co. (Bradford), 1889, Alexander Keighley, Photographic print, Woodburytype ?, British Library, LL/40167
Nicanor Blanes (1857-1895), 1889, Bella Vista, Oil on cardboard, Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales de Uruguay, LL/111721
Ottomar Anschütz, 1889, Wild cat, possibly a lynx, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/75301
Ottomar Anschütz, 1889, Baboon sitting on a tree stump, Albumen print, George Eastman Museum, LL/75310
Pacheco & Filho, 1889, Benjamin Constant Botelho de Magalhães, Gelatin silver print, Museu Casa de Benjamin Constant, LL/84018
Robert Redfield, 1889, On White's Hill, New York, Platinum print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72114
Robert Redfield, 1889, Heloise Redfield at Mount Washington, Platinum print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72111
Sam Cheney Partridge (photographer) & W. B. Tyler (printer), 1889, Interior View of Chinatown, San Francisco, Photograph, Fine Art Museums of San Francisco, LL/104821
Sam Cheney Partridge (photographer) & W. B. Tyler (printer), 1889, Interior View of Chinatown, San Francisco, Photograph, Fine Art Museums of San Francisco, LL/104820
Sam Cheney Partridge (photographer) & W. B. Tyler (printer), 1889, Opium Den, Chinatown, San Francisco, Photograph, Fine Art Museums of San Francisco, LL/104822
Sam Cheney Partridge (photographer) & W. B. Tyler (printer), 1889, Exterior View of Chinatown, San Francisco, Photograph, with applied colour, Fine Art Museums of San Francisco, LL/104827
Sam Cheney Partridge (photographer) & W. B. Tyler (printer), 1889, Opium Den, Chinatown, San Francisco, Photograph, Fine Art Museums of San Francisco, LL/104826
Sam Cheney Partridge (photographer) & W. B. Tyler (printer), 1889, Opium Den, Chinatown, San Francisco, Photograph, Fine Art Museums of San Francisco, LL/104825
Sam Cheney Partridge (photographer) & W. B. Tyler (printer), 1889, Opium Den, Chinatown, San Francisco, Photograph, Fine Art Museums of San Francisco, LL/104824
Sam Cheney Partridge (photographer) & W. B. Tyler (printer), 1889, Opium Den, Chinatown, San Francisco, Photograph, Fine Art Museums of San Francisco, LL/104823
Sam Cheney Partridge (photographer) & W. B. Tyler (printer), 1889, Interior View of Chinatown, San Francisco, Photograph, Fine Art Museums of San Francisco, LL/104819
Sam Cheney Partridge (photographer) & W. B. Tyler (printer), 1889, Exterior View of Chinatown, San Francisco, Photograph, Fine Art Museums of San Francisco, LL/104817
Sam Cheney Partridge (photographer) & W. B. Tyler (printer), 1889, Exterior View of Chinatown, San Francisco, Photograph, Fine Art Museums of San Francisco, LL/104818
Samuel Bourne, 1889, Group of Fern Trees, Darjeeling, Albumen print, Museum of Photographic Arts - MOPA, LL/45367
Tancrède Dumas, 1889, 2048 Bedouins at Damascus, Albumen print, Paul Frecker, LL/12064
Tancrède Dumas, 1889, An Arab girl of Nazareth, Albumen print, Paul Frecker, LL/12152
Tancrède Dumas, 1889, 2080 A Druse of Mount Lebanon, Albumen print, Paul Frecker, LL/12068
Tancrède Dumas, 1889, Young Arab woman, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing left (Arabe de Jaffa), Albumen print, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/66357
Tancrède Dumas, 1889, Jewish man, half-length portrait, facing front (Juif á Jerusalem), Albumen print, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/66356
Tancrède Dumas, 1889, Woman standing on the back of another woman, in order to reach window to talk to a man (La vie du Harem), Albumen print, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/66353
Tancrède Dumas, 1889, Two Arab dragomen enjoying a meal (Beyrouth. Drogmans arabs), Albumen print, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/66351
Tancrède Dumas, 1889, A blind man carrying a deformed man on his back (Arabs siriens. Aveugl portent un paralitique), Albumen print, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/66350
Tancrède Dumas, 1889, 2077 A girl of Bethlehem, Albumen print, Paul Frecker, LL/12153
Tancrède Dumas, 1889, An Arab - Bethany, Albumen print, Paul Frecker, LL/12154
Tancrède Dumas, 1889, 2049 A Turkish woman of Damascus, Albumen print, Paul Frecker, LL/12067
Teoberto Maler, 1889, Tantah: el primer palacio con friso de columnas, [Views of Aztec, Maya, and Zapotec ruins in Mexico], Gelatin developing out paper, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/51546
Theophile Ernest Enjalbert (patentee), 1889, Apparatus for receiving coin and for producing and delivering photographs in exchange "therefor" [Patent title], Magazine illustration, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/91908
Unidentified artist, 1889, [A Photographie-Automaten "Bosco" in use], Illustration, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/92146
Unidentified photographer, 1889, Exposition de 1889 - Palais de la Guerre - Exposition Meissonier, Albumen print, Bazar Nadar / Wouter Lambrechts, LL/98170
Unidentified photographer, 1889, Chulalongkorn (1853-1910), The King of Siam, Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93043
Unidentified photographer, 1889, A young woman is wearing a kimono with a matching oriental umbrella, Photograph, Kodak No. 1, Bazar Nadar / Wouter Lambrechts, LL/98838
Unidentified photographer, 1889, 'Views showing Wind Bracing.' Two views of the Forth Bridge during Reconstruction, Collotype, Rijksmuseum, LL/79313
Unidentified photographer, 1889, 1889 Oklahoma Land Rush., Photograph, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/120678
Unidentified photographer, 1889, The pavilion of machines at the World exhibition in Paris, Photograph, Private collection of Sergey Maximishin, LL/105048
Unidentified photographer, 1889, Exposition in the Palais de la Guerre, Albumen print, Bazar Nadar / Wouter Lambrechts, LL/129169
Unidentified photographer, 1889, Thylacoleo fossil skull, Albumen print, The Royal Society, LL/63956
Unidentified photographer, 1889, [Exhibition of military items from the collection of Ernest Meissonier, Palais de la Guerre], Albumen print, Bazar Nadar / Wouter Lambrechts, LL/129478
Unidentified photographer, 1889, 1889 Oklahoma Land Rush., Photograph, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/120676
Unidentified photographer / Unidentified artist, 1889, "1889" Opening of Oklahoma, "The Run" - 18, Postcard, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/120677
Walter J. Hussey (Mt. Pleasant, Ohio), 1889, Walter J. Hussey - Self Portrait, Glass plate negative, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, LL/103639
William McFarlane Notman, 1889, Chinese work gang on the C.P.R., Glacier Park, BC, Silver salts on glass - Gelatin dry plate process, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/116124
William McFarlane Notman, 1889, Young Blackfoot, near Calgary, Dryplate negative, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/82807
William McFarlane Notman, 1889, Interior of snow shed, Glacier Park, BC,, Silver salts on glass - Gelatin dry plate process, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/111880
William McFarlane Notman, 1889, 100 ton mountain engine on the C.P.R., near Field, BC, Gelatin dry plate process, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/90650
Teoberto Maler, 1889 (taken), "Chanchen la Torre," Tower in the patio of the Castle, Chanchen, Getatin silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/115677
H.N. Sweet, 1889 (taken) 1902 (published), Alfred Percival Maudslay at Chichen Itza ["Chichén Itzá. My Room, 1889."], Photograph, British Museum, LL/109425
Alfred Stieglitz, 1889 (taken) 1920-1939 (print), Sun Rays-Paula, Berlin, Gelatin silver print, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/68068
Jacob A. Riis, 1889 (taken) 1946 (print), Sweatshop in Hester Street, Gelatin silver print, Archive Farms, LL/106035
J.G. McPherson, 1889, Backlist for "Views of the Johnstown Disaster.", Stereocard, back, Jefferson Stereoptics, LL/107235
M. Tanaka, 1889, Backmark for "M. Tanaka, Hiyoshicho Shinbashi, Tokyo, Japan", Carte de visite, back, University of British Columbia, Library, LL/91324
Sedgwick, 1889, Backmark for "Sedgwick's, 133 Main St, Zanesville, Ohio", Carte de visite / cabinet card, back, Private collection of Patrick Clemente - Conard Archives, LL/84278
Sedgwick, 1889, Backmark for "Sedgwick's, 133 Main St., Zanesville, Ohio", Cabinet card, back, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/86225
Unidentified photographer, 1889, "This Photograph Was Made With The Kodak Camera, Manufactured Only By The Eastman Dry Plate and Film Co., Rochester N.Y.", Photograph, Kodak No. 1, Bazar Nadar / Wouter Lambrechts, LL/98839
1889, Book cover for Glucq: L'Album de l'Exposition 1889, (Paris: Ch. Gaulon), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/53654
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Title page to C. Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte, (Leiden: E.J. Brill), [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Title page, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64262
Henry Peach Robinson, 1889, Title page of H.P. Robinson "Picture-Making by Photography", Second edition, revised (London: Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld., 1889), Title page, Google Books, LL/35548
Luis Boudat Ducollier, 1889, Title page for L. Boudat Y Ca., 1889, Album de las Salitreras de Tarapaca, (Iquique, [Chile]), [Album de las Salitreras de Tarapaca], Albumen print, Private collection, Ciudad Real, Spain, LL/62313
Robert Johnson (author), 1889, Example page for Robert Johnson "A Complete Treatise on the Art of Retouching Photographic Negatives and Clear Directions how to Finish & Colour Photographs" (London: Marion and Co., 1889), Book page, Private collection of Rob Oechsle, LL/39723
Robert Johnson (author), 1889, Title page for Robert Johnson "A Complete Treatise on the Art of Retouching Photographic Negatives and Clear Directions how to Finish & Colour Photographs" (London: Marion and Co., 1889), Title page, Private collection of Rob Oechsle, LL/39722
Robert Johnson (author), 1889, Book cover for Robert Johnson "A Complete Treatise on the Art of Retouching Photographic Negatives and Clear Directions how to Finish & Colour Photographs" (London: Marion and Co., 1889), Book cover, Private collection of Rob Oechsle, LL/39721
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1889, Photography, drawings and the policeà, Book page, Google Books, LL/35036
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1889, Prisoners being photographed for "the Rogues' Gallery", Book illustration, Google Books, LL/35037
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1889, Title page for Dr. Julius Schnauss "Collotype and Photo-Lithography" (London: Iliffe and Son, 1889), Book title page, Google Books, LL/36484
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1889, untitled (Portrait of a man reading), Book plate, Google Books, LL/36485
1889, Germany, Romain Talbot, Berlin, Advert, Google Books, LL/35552
1889, Commemorative medal for the 50th anniversary of the invention of photography., Medal, Private collection of Andrew Daneman, LL/24416
1889, Elisha Mander & Son, Birmingham, Advert, Google Books, LL/35551
1889, Advert for "the Amateur Photographer", Advert, Google Books, LL/35550
1889, Commemorative medal for the 50th anniversary of the invention of photography., Medal, Private collection of Andrew Daneman, LL/24414
1889, Commemorative medal for the 50th anniversary of the invention of photography., Medal, Private collection of Andrew Daneman, LL/24415
1889, The 1889 "Daguerre Medal" produced by The Photographic Times, Medal, Private collection of Gary W. Ewer, LL/16639
1889, The International Annual - Anthony's Photographic Bulletin, Advert, Google Books, LL/36486
1889, The Mawson "Photo-Mechanical" Plates, Advert, Google Books, LL/36487
1889, Lapel pin produced by the Photographers Association of America to celebrate the "Semi-Centennial of Photography" (1839-1889), Lapel pin, Private collection of Gary W. Ewer, LL/16638
1889, Brodie & Middleton, London, Advert, Google Books, LL/35553
1889, The Mawson "Photo-Mechanical" Plates, Advert, Google Books, LL/36488
Scovill & Adams, 1889, Photo Outfits, Advert, Google Books, LL/43036
Henry Peach Robinson, 1889, A puck like figure with a camera, Graphic, Google Books, LL/35549
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1889, A coin medal produced by the Société franþaise de photographie to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the invention of Photography in 1889., Medal, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/35427
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1889, Note in the Photographic Times and American Photographer about the commemorate medal issued for the 50th anniversary of the birth of photography, Newspaper, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/9678
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1889, Note in the Photographic Times and American Photographer about the commemorate medal issued for the 50th anniversary of the birth of photography, Newspaper, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/9677
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1889, Medal presented by the Photographic Times to commemorate the 50th anniversary of photography, Medal, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/9676
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1889, Profiles of Niepce and Daguerre on a coin medal produced by the Société franþaise de photographie to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the invention of Photography in 1889., Medal, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/35426
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1889, The Daguerre Medal, a souvenir of the Semi-Centennial of Photography present by The Photographic Times., Magazine page, detail, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/35430
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1889, The Daguerre Medal, a souvenir of the Semi-Centennial of Photography present by The Photographic Times., Medal, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/35431
Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1889, The Daguerre Medal, a souvenir of the Semi-Centennial of Photography present by The Photographic Times., Medal, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/35432
Paul Nadar, 1889, Le Figaro issue containing an interview with Georges Ernest Jean Marie Boulanger (1837- 1891), French military and Royalist Political leader, Photomechanical reproduction, George Eastman Museum, LL/75292
Tabor, 1889, The use of finger-marks for identification, Magazine page, Google Books, LL/36151
William Bailey, 1889, Advertisement for William Bailey, photographer, Advert, British Library, LL/37235

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