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1937, Magazine cover of the Soviet periodical "Sovetskoe Foto" (Soviet Photo) which as published 1926-1937. [Issue #7], Magazine cover, Howard Schickler Fine Art (CLOSED - 2006), LL/6533
Bob Reeve, 1937, Brad Washburn and the Fairchild 71 monoplane, Valdez, Alaska, 1937, holding his 50 pond Fairchild K-6 camera. He is actually roped to the far side of the cabin to keep him from falling out in turbulent air, Gelatin silver print, Panopticon Gallery, LL/31891
Edward Chapin, 1937, Page of field notes by Edward Chapin, with photograph of carton nest of Nasutitermes with pith helmet in Jamaica, Field notes, Smithsonian Institution Archives, LL/49703
Edward McKnight Kauffer, 1937, A Postman in Northern Scotland, [Outposts of Britain], Poster, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/66979
John Heartfield, 1937, The Voice of Freedom in the German Night on Radio Wave 29.8, [From Die Volks-Illustrierte (April 21, 1937), no. 16, p. 245], Copper-plate photogravure, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/8471
Studio Struk, 1937, Head-through-the-hole fencing scene, Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne. Paris, France, Real photo postcard, Private collection of Christopher Steiner, LL/112355
Unidentified photographer, 1937, World Exposition 1937, Paris, France, Photograph, FOTO:Fortepan, LL/82999
Unidentified photographer (Holmes family?), 1937, Xmas937 - Just shoveled over to bring a bit of cheer and wish you happy going all through the coming year., Christmas greeting, photo collage, Private collection of Robert E. Jackson, LL/116104
Willem De Kooning (1904-1997), 1937, de Kooning, Juliet Browner (later Juliet Man Ray), and Robert Jonas in the bohemian art community known as The Hamptons, on Long Island, New York, Snapshots, with highlights, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/56931
William Wellman (director), 1937, Young Ester Blodgett (Janet Gaynor) fantasizes about her future in Hollywood as her father remains completely distracted by the view through his stereoscope. (Film still from William Wellman, "A Star is Born", 2:28), Film frame, Private collection of Hal Rammel, LL/79373
William Wellman (director), 1937, Young Ester Blodgett (Janet Gaynor) fantasizes about her future in Hollywood as her father remains completely distracted by the view through his stereoscope. (Film still from William Wellman, "A Star is Born", 2:17), Film frame, Private collection of Hal Rammel, LL/79374
Albert Renger-Patzsch, 1937, Book cover for Albert Renger-Patzsch, Festschrift Günther & Haussner KG; Chemnitz. 75 Jahre Fabrik für Seifen und Parfümerien, (Chemnitz: Günther & Haussner KG, 1937), Book cover, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/51853
Albert Renger-Patzsch, 1937, Book cover for Albert Renger-Patzsch "Neustõdtel - Bilder vom Werden und Wesen einer erzgebirgischen Bergstadt" Ed.: Dr. Gerhard Heilfurth (Schwarzenberg im Erzgebirge: Glückauf-Verlag, 1937), Book cover, Van Ham Fine Art Auctions, LL/29191
Alfred Ehrhardt, 1937, Dingelstedt, Kurt & Ehrhardt, Alfred, 1937, "Alfred Ehrhardt: Das Watt", (Hamburg: Heinrich Ellermann Verlag), Book cover, Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung, LL/48566
André Kertész, 1937, Book cover for Andre Kertesz, 1937, Les cathédrales du vin, par Pierre Hamp, (Paris: Établissements Sainrapt & Brice), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/55878
Arnold Genthe, 1937, Book cover for Arnold Genthe, 1937, Highlights and Shadows, (New York: Greenberg), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/58754
Claude Cahun, 1937, Book cover for Claude Cahun and Lise Deharme (author) "Le Coeur de pic -- The Heart of Spades" (Paris: José Corti, 1937), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28377
Claude Cahun, 1937, Book cover for Lise Deharme, 1937, Le coeur de Pic. Illustré de vingt photographies par Claude Cahun, (Paris: José Corti Éditeur), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/53655
Doris Ulmann, 1937, Book cover for Allen H. Eaton & Doris Ulmann, 1937, Handicrafts of the Southern Highlands, (New York: Russell Sage Foundation), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/53484
El Lissitzky, 1937, Book cover for El Lissitzky "No Pasaran! Ispaniia -- they Shall Not Pass! Spain. Volume 2. Text by Il'ia Erenburg" (Moscow: OGIZ-IZOGIZ, 1937), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28380
Kimura Ihei, 1937, Book cover for Ihei Kimura, 1937, Shashin jitsugi daikoza dai-ni kan: Kogata kamera no utsushikata / tsukaikata, [Master Course in Practical Photography, vol. 2: Shooting With and Using Small Cameras]" (Tokyo: Genkosha), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/28631
Kimura Ihei, 1937, Book cover for Ihei Kimura, 1937, Japanese School Life Through the Camera, (Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/52276
Kata Kalman, 1937, Book cover for Kata Kalman and Ivan Boldizsar (author) "Tiborc" (Budapest: Cserepfalvi, 1937), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28379
Leni Riefenstahl, 1937, Book cover for Leni Riefenstahl "Schönheit im Olympischen Kampf" (Berlin: Deutschen Verlag, 1937), Book cover, AnamorFose, LL/36043
Leni Riefenstahl, 1937, Book cover for Leni Riefenstahl "Schönheit im Olympischen Kampf -- Beauty in the Olympic Games" (Berlin: Deutschen Verlag, 1937), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28381
Man Ray, 1937, Book cover for Man Ray, 1937, La Photographie n'est pas L'Art. 12 Photographies avant-propos de André Breton, ([Paris]:, G.L.M.), Book cover, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/54672
Man Ray, 1937, Man Ray with forward by André Breton, 1937, La Photographie n'est pas l'Art, ([Paris]: Editions GLM), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/113915
Man Ray, 1937, Book cover for Man Ray "La Photographie n'est pas L'Art. 12 Photographies avant-propos de André Breton." (Paris: G.L.M., 1937), Book cover, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/48037
Rudolf Koppitz, 1937, Book cover for Rudolf Koppitz, 1937, Photographs, (Vienna: Edition die Galerie, Verlag Josef Gottschammel ), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/53492