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Photographs and images taken, or published, in 1890
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Lightbox > 1890
Dmitry Ermakov, 1880-1890 (taken), Types de Caucase. Masseur., Postcard, lithograph?, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/122417
Eastman Kodak Co., 1890, A Fair Subject but an Unfair Advantage., Advertisement, George Eastman Museum, LL/75605
Eastman Kodak Co., 1890, A Parting Shot with the Kodak., Advertisement, George Eastman Museum, LL/75604
Eastman Kodak Co., 1890, A Gift Worth Having. (Feminine Chorus): Oh! isn't it lovely! I must have a Kodak!, Advertisement, George Eastman Museum, LL/75603
Wm. Notman & Son, 1890, William Notman and sons William McF., George and Charles, Montreal, QC, Silver salts on glass - Gelatin dry plate process, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/112069
Wm. Notman & Son, 1890, Madame Desjardins, knitting, Montreal, QC, Gelatin silver process, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/124140
Sebah & Joaillier, 1890, Gate of the Imaret of St. Sophia, Albumen print, Private collection of Engin Ozendes, LL/88202
Adolphe Braun, 1890, 24 - Canton de Berne, [Costumes de Suisse], Carbon print, Leonard Joel, LL/52351
Alfred Stieglitz, 1890, Self-Portrait - Cortina, Italy, Gelatin silver print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72298
Alfred Stieglitz, 1890, A Street in Sterzing, The Tyrol, Platinum print, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/68069
Alfred Percival Maudslay, 1890, View showing range of chambers of a building known as the Casa de Monjas or Nunnery, from the south east corner of terrace; man sitting in doorway. Chichén Itzá, Mexico., Lantern slide, British Museum, LL/89796
Alfred Percival Maudslay, 1890, House G, stone lentil with two human figures. Quiriguá, Guatemala., Lantern slide, British Museum, LL/89797
Allgemeiner Deutscher Kunst - Verein (Berlin S. W. Friedrich str. 40), 1890, Heringsdorf - Strandleben. (Germany), Stereograph, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/115280
Antione Sevruguin, 1890, Nasir Al-Din Shah, Kamran Mirza, right and Amin al-Sultan, left, Photograph, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives, LL/104178
Arthur Scheiner (1863-1938), 1890, "Be good, relax and smile, please.", [At the Photographer], Cartoon, Private collection of Fr. Gregor, LL/54751
Arthur Scheiner (1863-1938), 1890, "And now, say cheese, please.", [At the Photographer], Cartoon, Private collection of Fr. Gregor, LL/54753
Arthur Scheiner (1863-1938), 1890, "Do you really want to be in one photo? That'll be difficult, but we'll do our best. Sit down, please.", [At the Photographer], Cartoon, Private collection of Fr. Gregor, LL/54750
Arthur Scheiner (1863-1938), 1890, "Get closer and smile…", [At the Photographer], Cartoon, Private collection of Fr. Gregor, LL/54752
Bailey and Neelands, 1890, [Vancouver Opera House 733 Granville St. under construction], Albumen print, City of Vancouver Archives, LL/123811
Ben Hains, 1890, White's Cave - Humboldt's pillar, [Views of Mammoth Cave and Vicinity], Stereocard, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/95114
Ben Hains, 1890, White's Cave - Stalactitic Curtain (No. 3), [Views of Mammoth Cave and Vicinity], Stereocard, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/95110
Ben Hains, 1890, White's Cave - The frozen cascade, [Views of Mammoth Cave and Vicinity], Stereocard, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/95109
Benjamin J. Falk, 1890, Vernona Jabeau, Cabinet card, Ohio State University, Jerome, LL/53042
Bernhard Wachtl (supplier), 1890, [Frames for cabinet cards], Catalogue illustration, Albertina, LL/94053
Carl Stockmann, 1890, Maria Magdalena (Amalie Deschler), [Erinnerung an Oberammergau 1890 (Souvenir of Oberammergau 1890)], Cabinet card, Paul Frecker, LL/12142
Carl Stockmann, 1890, Judas Iscariot (Johann Zwink), [Erinnerung an Oberammergau 1890 (Souvenir of Oberammergau 1890)], Cabinet card, Paul Frecker, LL/12141
Carl Stockmann, 1890, The Virgin Mary (Rosa Lang), [Erinnerung an Oberammergau 1890 (Souvenir of Oberammergau 1890)], Cabinet card, Paul Frecker, LL/12140
Carl Stockmann, 1890, Christ (Joseph Mayr), [Erinnerung an Oberammergau 1890 (Souvenir of Oberammergau 1890)], Cabinet card, Paul Frecker, LL/12139
Carl Stockmann, 1890, Kreuzschleppung [the road to Calvary], [Erinnerung an Oberammergau 1890 (Souvenir of Oberammergau 1890)], Cabinet card, Paul Frecker, LL/12138
Carl Stockmann, 1890, Meeting of the High Council, [Erinnerung an Oberammergau 1890 (Souvenir of Oberammergau 1890)], Cabinet card, Paul Frecker, LL/12137
Carl Stockmann, 1890, Chorus leader (Jakob Rutz), [Erinnerung an Oberammergau 1890 (Souvenir of Oberammergau 1890)], Cabinet card, Paul Frecker, LL/12136
Carl Stockmann, 1890, Nathaniel (Seb. Lang), [Erinnerung an Oberammergau 1890 (Souvenir of Oberammergau 1890)], Cabinet card, Paul Frecker, LL/12135
Carl Stockmann, 1890, Nicodemus (Franz Steinbacher), [Erinnerung an Oberammergau 1890 (Souvenir of Oberammergau 1890)], Cabinet card, Paul Frecker, LL/12134
Carl Stockmann, 1890, Annas (Franz Rutz), [Erinnerung an Oberammergau 1890 (Souvenir of Oberammergau 1890)], Cabinet card, Paul Frecker, LL/12133
Carl Stockmann, 1890, Saint Peter (Jacob Hett), [Erinnerung an Oberammergau 1890 (Souvenir of Oberammergau 1890)], Cabinet card, Paul Frecker, LL/12132
Carl Stockmann, 1890, John the Baptist (Peter Rendl), [Erinnerung an Oberammergau 1890 (Souvenir of Oberammergau 1890)], Cabinet card, Paul Frecker, LL/12131
Carl Stockmann, 1890, Christ (Joseph Mayr), [Erinnerung an Oberammergau 1890 (Souvenir of Oberammergau 1890)], Cabinet card, Paul Frecker, LL/12130
Carl Stockmann, 1890, Caiaphas (Bürgermeister Lang), [Erinnerung an Oberammergau 1890 (Souvenir of Oberammergau 1890)], Cabinet card, Paul Frecker, LL/12143
Carl Stockmann, 1890, Pilate (Thomas Rendl), [Erinnerung an Oberammergau 1890 (Souvenir of Oberammergau 1890)], Cabinet card, Paul Frecker, LL/12144
Carl Stockmann, 1890, Herod (Johann Diemer), [Erinnerung an Oberammergau 1890 (Souvenir of Oberammergau 1890)], Cabinet card, Paul Frecker, LL/12145
Carl Stockmann, 1890, Joseph of Arimathea (Martin Oppenrieder), [Erinnerung an Oberammergau 1890 (Souvenir of Oberammergau 1890)], Cabinet card, Paul Frecker, LL/12146
Chas.v. Hamer (Columbus, OH, USA), 1890, Man riding a goat (Initiation into fraternal group), Private collection of Jan Weijers (Servatius), LL/33650
E. Long & Son (Quincy, Illinois), 1890, Advert for "E. Long & Son, Solar Printers, No. 528 North Ninth Street, Quincy, Illinois, Advert, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/73636
E. Long & Son (Quincy, Illinois), 1890, Advert for "E. Long & Son, Solar Printers, No. 528 North Ninth Street, Quincy, Illinois, Advert, Google Books, LL/73637
E. Solvet, 1890, La Affaire Gouffe, Engraving, Archive Farms, LL/113529
F. Jay Haynes, 1890, Cinnabar Mountain, Devil's Slide, Albumen print, mammoth, Gitterman Gallery, LL/8094
Frederick Hollyer, 1890, Adolf de Meyer, Photographic print, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/47429
Frederick H. Evans, 1890, Gloucester Cathedral: Cloisters: The Lavatorium, Platinum print, George Eastman Museum, LL/74973
George Barker, 1890, Louisville Tornado. Cash residence - Madison Street. 9 inmates, not one killed or injured, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108178
George Barker, 1890, Louisville Tornado. Main Street - after the zephyr, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108182
George Barker, 1890, Louisville Tornado. Where "ruin's merciless ploughshare passed o'er", Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108183
George Barker, 1890, Louisville, Ky. great railroad bridge over Ohio River (one mile long), Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108181
George Barker, 1890, Louisville Miracle. Statue of the Holy Virgin standing uninjured in wreck of Church of Sacred Heart, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108180
George Barker, 1890, Louisville Tornado. Scene of destruction - Chapel Street, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108179
George Barker, 1890, Louisville Tornado. Entrance to Baxter Square - 3 inch iron rods bent and sign torn away, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108174
George Barker, 1890, Louisville, "caught out on a fly," wild swan killed by the tornado, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108177
George Barker, 1890, Louisville Tornado. General View - Market Street, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108176
George Barker, 1890, Louisville Tornado. Wreck of the Union Depot, Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108175
George Davison, 1890, The Onion Field, Mersea Island, Essex, Photogravure, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41836
Georges Poulet, 1890, Le Rio Salado à Suncho-Corral, [Aurora Argentina], Cyanotype, Daniel Blau Ltd, LL/50728
Georges Poulet, 1890, Pont d'Empalme sur le Rio Salado, [Aurora Argentina], Cyanotype, Daniel Blau Ltd, LL/50730
Georges Poulet, 1890, Railroad Bridge, Monte Aguara, Argentina, Cyanotype, Archive Farms, LL/111844
H. S. Mendelssohn, 1890, Portrait of Dr. John Murray Leaning on Elbow with Open Book, Albumen print, from wet plate negative, Private collection, LL/76298
Harry Furnis (artist), 1890, "Keep Your Eye On The Camera", Woodcut, book illustration, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/117836
Henry Joseph Rivers, 1890, Haverhill 250th Anniversary Parade, Monument Square, 1890 (with the float of A. W. Anderson, a Haverhill photographer), Black and white negative, roll film, Haverhill Public Library, LL/84063
Henry Peach Robinson, 1890, Carolling, Photographic print, British Library, LL/40173
Henry Peach Robinson, 1890, Dawn and Sunset, Photographic print, British Library, LL/40180
I.W. Taber, 1890, Top of Vernal Fall, A.D. 1890, Albumen print, Rijksmuseum, LL/79151
J.E. Bacon, 1890, ["Old Gabriel," said to be 151 years old], Gelatin silver print, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108150
J.E. Bacon, 1890, ["Old Gabriel," said to be 151 years old], Gelatin silver print, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108149
J.E. Bacon, 1890, ["Old Gabriel," said to be 151 years old], Gelatin silver print, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/108148
J. Patrick (Edinburgh), 1890, Robert Louis Stevenson, Samoa, Photograph, Private collection of John Quin, LL/102637
J.M. Harkless (Star Studio, Valparaiso, Indiana), 1890, A group of six men one of whom is undergoing a mock amputation, Cabinet card, Private collection of Robert E. Jackson, LL/86542
John Werge, 1890, Book title page for John Werge, 1890, The Evolution of Photography, (London, Piper & Carter), Book title page, Archive Farms, LL/107423
John Charles Townshend, 1890, Bengal-Nagpur Railway Construction, Photograph No. 16, Albumen print, DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU, LL/73513
John Charles Townshend, 1890, Bengal-Nagpur Railway Construction, Photograph No. 09, Albumen print, DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU, LL/73514
Kassian Cephas, 1890, The photographer K. Céphas at the Buddha sculpture in Tjandi Mendoet, Albumen print, Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Carribbean Studies (KITLV), LL/112403
L. Delaroche, 1890, Foret de Fontainbleu, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/55385
L. Delaroche, 1890, Foret de Fontainbleu, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/55384
L. Delaroche, 1890, Vallee de la Loire, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/55376
Marc Ferrez, 1890, Palace of Rio Negro, Photograph, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/51521
Mathieu Schramm, 1890, Portrait of a bearded man within a decorative mask, Cabinet card, Private collection of Graham Pilecki, LL/96565
Maximilien Luce, 1890, Le Louvre et le Pont du Carrousel, la Nuit [Der Louvre und der Pont du Carrousel bei Nacht], Oil painting, Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Brown, LL/40755
Moreno & Lopez (New York), 1890, Miss Murdock, Cabinet card, Ohio State University, Jerome, LL/53040
Nadar, 1890, George Eastman, Photograph, mounted on card, George Eastman Museum, LL/74476
Nancy Jendre, 1890, Photomontage, Carte de visite, photomontage, Private collection of Brad Feuerhelm, LL/18093
NorthWestern Photo Co. (Chadron, Neb.), 1890, Big Foot, leader of the Sioux, captured at the battle of Wounded Knee, S.D., National Archives and Records Administration, LL/35241
Paus Henry (1848-1905) & Prosper Henry (1849-1903), 1890, Photographie Lunaire, Corne Nord, Albumen print, Lempertz - Cologne, LL/50733
Peter Henry Emerson, 1890, Rope Spinning, [Wild Life on a Tidal Water. The Adventures of a Houseboat and Her Crew], Book, Charles Schwartz Ltd, LL/9508
Peter Henry Emerson, 1890, On the Look-Out, [Wild Life on a Tidal Water. The Adventures of a Houseboat and Her Crew], Book, Charles Schwartz Ltd, LL/9509
Peter Henry Emerson, 1890, The Quays at Dinner-Time, [Wildlife on a Tidal Water], Photogravure, Archive Farms, LL/64822
R.H.C. Kaisses (Groningen, Netherlands), 1890, Three ladies dressed in Japanese clothing and each with a fan, Cabinet card, Private collection of Maarten Krul, LL/100143
Rafail Levitsky, 1890, Portrait of S.L. Levitsky, Photomechanical print, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/42413
Samuel McLaughlin, 1890, Sir Hector Langevin en voyage d'inspection des travaux du chemin de fer dans l'ouest, Albumen print, Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, LL/97946
Schnaebeli & Co., 1890, Prize-winning cow with owner at an agricultural fair, Berlin, Albumen print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/51919
Schnaebeli & Co., 1890, Prize-winning cows and their owners at an agricultural fair, Berlin. 1890, Album cover, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/51917
Schnaebeli & Co., 1890, Prize-winning cow with owner at an agricultural fair, Berlin, Albumen print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/51918
Thomas Houseworth, 1890, Carrie McHenry, as Kako, in Bohemian Gy-url, [Houseworth's Celebrities], Cabinet card, Ohio State University, Colombus, LL/59079
Thomas Houseworth, 1890, Dolly Adams, [Houseworth's Celebrities], Cabinet card, Ohio State University, Colombus, LL/59080
Thomas Houseworth, 1890, Ella Chapman, Rice's Surprise Party, [Houseworth's Celebrities], Cabinet card, Ohio State University, Colombus, LL/59082
Thomas Houseworth, 1890, Gussie Crayton, [Houseworth's Celebrities], Cabinet card, Ohio State University, Colombus, LL/59083
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Postojna Cave [present-day Slovenia], Stereoview, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/100995
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Unwrapped Chinese ladies foot photographed in Tonkin. [Indochine], Albumen print, Dennis George Crow, LL/10045
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Chef d'Oeuvre (Metalworker with his Model of the Eiffel Tower), Albumen print, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, LL/96760
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Handwritten "1890 archaeological Dig string camera", Kodak 2 print, back, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/84144
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Postojna Cave [present-day Slovenia], Stereoview, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/100996
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Vitraye (France), Cyanotype, AnamorFose, LL/10644
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Aboriginal with skin cuts, Australia, Photograph, Private collection of Jan Weijers (Servatius), LL/75895
Unidentified photographer, 1890, "Forty-niner," Street Advertiser in Studio, San Francisco, Albumen print, American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution, LL/7628
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Postojna Cave [present-day Slovenia], Stereoview, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/100997
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Portrait of Ali Sami Aközer [Garden of Imperial School of Engineers, Istanbul], Photograph, Private collection of Engin Ozendes, LL/84282
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Archaeological dig, Kodak 2 print, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/84143
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Exterior of "Fotografia Felici", 76 Via del Babuino, Rome, Photograph, Archivio Storico Felici, LL/128139
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Dog with a gun (Chien et Fusil), Albumen print, Vintage-Photos, LL/32618
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Professional Photographer, Private collection of Jan Weijers (Servatius), LL/26070
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Ella Chapman. Rice's Surprise Party, [Houseworth's Celebrities], Cabinet card, Ohio State University, Jerome, LL/53038
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Ida Florence, The California Prize Beauty, [Houseworth's Celebrities], Cabinet card, Ohio State University, Jerome, LL/53039
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Alfred Percival Maudslay on a mule in Quiriguá, Guatemala, Photograph, British Museum, LL/109426
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Circus Parade, Rochester, NY, Stereoview, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/122014
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Sir J. William Dawson with Geological Club, Pointe Claire, QC, Silver salts on paper mounted on card - Albumen process, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/118783
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Beduinenlager in Deutschland 1890, Albumen print, Private collection of Eric Bos Waaldijk, LL/68508
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Passionplay Oberammergau, Cabinet card, Private collection of Sergio Gutierrez, LL/69416
Unidentified photographer, 1890, Passionplay Oberammergau, Cabinet card, detail, Private collection of Sergio Gutierrez, LL/69417
Unidentified photographer (Russian ?), 1890, Double portrait of a boy and a girl, Card mounted photograph, hand-painted, Murom History and Art Museum, LL/68907
Unidentified photographer (Slovakia), 1890, Company in front of Tivadar Krausz's studio, including Endre Gelléri lawyer and landowner (Társaság Krausz Tivadar muterme elott, köztük Gelléri Endre ügyvéd és földbirtokos 1890 körül), Photograph, Hungarian National Museum, LL/94245
Unknown amateur, 1890, Back view of a lady, Private collection of Brad Feuerhelm, LL/18078
William Libbey, 1890, Expedition tent with decorations, Christmas tree at entrance, Mexico, Nitrate negative, American Museum of Natural History, LL/54258
William Notman, 1890, Benjamin Harrison and his Cabinet, Gelatin silver print, mounted, Archive Farms, LL/65007
William Notman, 1890, Benjamin Harrison and his Cabinet, Gelatin silver print, photomontage, Archive Farms, LL/123555
William Henry Jackson, 1890, The Aztec "Mother Goddess" Coatlicue, Photograph, Archive Farms, LL/121122
J. Craig Annan, 1890 (taken) 1904 (photogravure), The Dark Mountains, [Camera Work, no. 08, pl. 06], Photogravure, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71333
Jacob A. Riis, 1890 (taken) 1950s-1960s (print), The Short-Tail Gang, Corlears Hook, Gelatin silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/25431
J.S. Tulley & Co. (Sheffield), 1890, Backmark for "J.S. Tulley & Co., 24 to 30 Division Street, Sheffield" - "National Telephone 219", Carte de visite, back, Private collection of Prue McKay, LL/86256
M. Bielawski (St. Petersburg, Russia), 1890, Backmark for "M. Bielawski" [St. Petersburg, Russia], Card mount, back, Private collection of Tomasz Bielawski, LL/99161
Arthur Batut, 1890, Book cover for Arthur Batut "La photographie aérienne par cerf-volant" (Paris: Gauthier-Villars et fils, 1890), Title page, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/48298
Jacob A. Riis, 1890, Book cover for Jacob Riis, 1890, How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York, (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/52251
Jacob A. Riis, 1890, Book cover for Jacob August Riis "How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York" (New York: Charles Scribners's Sons, 1890), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28339
Jacob A. Riis, 1890, Book cover for Jacob August Riis "How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York" by Jacob A. Riis (Charles Schribners Publishers, 1890), Book cover, Private collection of Edward Grazda, LL/16693
Peter Henry Emerson, 1890, Book cover, [Wild Life on a Tidal Water. The Adventures of a Houseboat and Her Crew], Book, Charles Schwartz Ltd, LL/9507
Peter Henry Emerson, 1890, Book spine, [Wild Life on a Tidal Water. The Adventures of a Houseboat and Her Crew], Book, Charles Schwartz Ltd, LL/9510
Peter Henry Emerson, 1890, Book cover for Peter Henry Emerson & T.F. Goodhall 1890, Wild Life on a Tidal Water: the Adventures of a House-Boat and Her Crew, Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/15954
Seneca Ray Stoddard, 1890, Title page for S.R. Stoddard "Lake George (Ilustrated) and Lake Champlain. A Book of To Day." Revised Annually, Twentieth Edition (N.Y.: Glen Falls, published by the author, 1890), Title page, Google Books, LL/43027
Allen B. Doggett (artist), 1890, Life at the mines, Park's Bar on the Yuba River, Yuba County, California in 1852, Illustration, Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley, LL/90716
Keystone Dry Plate and Film Works (Wayne Junction, Phila.), 1890, Carbutt's Dry Plates, Advert, Google Books, LL/43028
Miss M.D. Beach, 1890, Kodak'd by Miss M.D. Beach, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/43025
P. Klier, 1890, Difficulties with Dry plates in Burmah, Book page, Google Books, LL/43145
Septima M. Collis, 1890, Kodak'd by Author, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/43024
The Eastman Company (Rochester, N.Y.), 1890, New Kodak Cameras. You press the button, we do the rest., Advert, Google Books, LL/43026

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