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Lightbox > 2016
1888 (film) 2016 (taken), Roll of Kodak film, Colour image, George Eastman Museum, LL/67890
1888 / 1899 (film) 2016 (taken), Only known box of Kodak Film (1888) and one of only three known boxes of Transparent Kodak Film (1889), Colour image, George Eastman Museum, LL/67891
2016, Book cover for Stephen Shames & Bobby Seale, 2016, Power to the People: The World of the Black Panthers, (Abrams), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/68733
2016, Book cover for Richard M. Isackes & Karen L. Maness, 2016, The Art of the Hollywood Backdrop, (Regan Arts), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/85020
2016, Book cover for Staci Gem Scheiwiller, 2016, Liminalities of Gender and Sexuality in Nineteenth Century Iranian Photography: Desirous Bodies, (London: Routledge), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/78220
2016, Book cover for Stephen Sheehi, 2016, The Arab Imago: A Social History of Portrait Photography, 1860-1910, (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/78218
2016, Book cover for Paula Bronstein, 2016, Afghanistan: Between Hope and Fear, (University of Texas Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/65712
2016, Book cover for Grethel Morell Otero, 2016, Damas, esfinges y mambisas: Mujeres en la fotografía cubana 1840-1902, (Ediciones Boloña), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/65612
2016, Book cover for Gail Buckland, 2015, Who Shot Sports: A Photographic History, 1843 to the Present, (Penguin Random House), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/66987
2016, Book cover for Marco Trinei, 2016, Fotografie e Fotografi di Perugia, 1850-1915, (Futura Edizioni), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/76863
2016, Book cover for Thierry Murat, 2016, Etunwan: Celui qui regarde, (Paris: éditions Futuropolis), Book cover, Amazon - France, LL/76061
2016, Book cover for Ross Coulthart, 2016, Lost Tommies, (William Collins), Book cover, Amazon - UK, LL/67366
2016, Book cover for Dan Lenchner, 2016, Normal: How the Nazis Normalized the Unspeakable, (Blurb, self-published, 6107592), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/67529
2016, Book cover for Roland Kays, 2016, Candid Creatures: How Camera Traps Reveal the Mysteries of Nature, (Johns Hopkins University Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/67681
2016, Book cover for Felix Thürlemann, 2016, Das Haremsfenster: Zur fotografischen Eroberung Ägyptens im 19. Jahrhundert, (Wilhelm Fink), Book cover, Amazon - Germany, LL/67685
2016, Book cover for Engin Ozendes, 2016, Modern and Contemporary Approaches to Photography in Turkey, (Istanbul: Yem Publications), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/72642
2016, Title page for Hilary McCartney & José Manuel Matilla (eds.), 2016, Copied by the Sun: Talbotype Illustrations to the Annals of the Artists of Spain by Sir William Stirling Maxwell, (Madrid), Book title page, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/70594
2016, Book cover for Karen Hellman (ed.), 2016, Real/Ideal: Photography in Mid-Nineteenth-Century France, (Getty Publications), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/70448
2016, Book cover for Walter Schels & Beate Lakotta, 2016, Hände, (Fischerverlage), Oil painting on board, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/69984
Alan Lennon, 2016, The Hill's are Alive, Photomontage, Provided by the artist - Alan Lennon, LL/72983
Alan Lennon, 2016, Oh Diana, Photomontage, Provided by the artist - Alan Lennon, LL/72984
Alan Lennon, 2016, Drama Queen, Photomontage, Provided by the artist - Alan Lennon, LL/72985
Alan Lennon, 2016, More Tea Luv?, Photomontage, Provided by the artist - Alan Lennon, LL/72986
Angie Brockey, 2016, Wearable art - Round Roses (#2), Photo-jewelry, Provided by the artist - Angie Brockey, LL/68788
Angie Brockey, 2016, Wearable art - Round Roses, Photo-jewelry, Provided by the artist - Angie Brockey, LL/68787
Beth Moon, 2016, Book cover for Beth Moon, 2016, Ancient Skies, Ancient Trees, (Abbeville Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/82109
Chicago traffic camera, 2016, Car on N. Cicero Ave, Chicago, Digital frame, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/66727
Christine Turnauer, 2016, Beria, Romania, [The Dignity of the Gypsies and a Tribute to my Gitanos friends], Photograph, Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation, LL/119006
Christine Turnauer, 2016, Djevrija and her daughter Selma, Kosovo, [The Dignity of the Gypsies and a Tribute to my Gitanos friends], Photograph, Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation, LL/119007
Christine Turnauer, 2016, Esat-et-Besim, Monténégro, [The Dignity of the Gypsies and a Tribute to my Gitanos friends], Photograph, Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation, LL/119008
Christine Turnauer, 2016, Sunita and her mother Iliria, Roma Gurbeti, Fushe, Kosovo, [The Dignity of the Gypsies and a Tribute to my Gitanos friends], Photograph, Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation, LL/119009
Christine Turnauer, 2016, Todike and her mother Magdolina, Romania, [The Dignity of the Gypsies and a Tribute to my Gitanos friends], Photograph, Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation, LL/119010
Claudia Fährenkemper, 2016, Courtesy Denys Eyre Bower Bequest at Chiddingston Castle, UK, [Samurai], Black and white print, Stephen Bulger Gallery, LL/96140
Claudia Fährenkemper, 2016, Courtesy Denys Eyre Bower Bequest at Chiddingston Castle, UK, [Samurai], Black and white print, Stephen Bulger Gallery, LL/96141
Claudia Fährenkemper, 2016, Courtesy Denys Eyre Bower Bequest at Chiddingston Castle, UK, [Samurai], Black and white print, Stephen Bulger Gallery, LL/96142
Cornelia Parker, 2016, Fox Talbot's Articles of Glass (all that are left),, Polymer photogravure etching on Fabriano Tiepolo Bianco 290gsm paper, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/99121
Dale Bernstein, 2016, Cheese and crackers, Tintype, whole plate / Colour Iphone photograph, Privided by the artist - Dale Berstein, LL/103256
David Kregenow, 2016, Roger Ballen, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91616
David Kregenow, 2016, Stephen Shore, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91617
David Kregenow, 2016, Thomas Struth, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91615
David Kregenow, 2016, Peter Bialobrzeski, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91614
David Kregenow, 2016, Patrick Zachmann, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91613
David Kregenow, 2016, Anthony Hernandez, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91612
Dr. Igor Siwanowicz, 2016, Front foot (tarsus) of a male diving beetle (100x), Photomicrograph, confocal, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/77480
Gershon Kreimer, 2016, David, [Veils], C-print, Provided by the artist - Gershon Kreimer, LL/77462
Gershon Kreimer, 2016, Veil 10 Red 5, [Veils], C-print, Provided by the artist - Gershon Kreimer, LL/77465
Harvey Wang, 2016, Book cover for Harvey Wang, 2016, From Darkroom to Digital, (Daylight), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/67870
Jody Miller, 2016, Edward Weston's darkroom, Wildcat Hill, Carmel, California, Colour photograph, Provided by the artist - Joddy Miller, LL/120794
John Divola, 2016, Untitled, [Daybreak, GAFB], Black and white print, Provided by the artist - John Divola, LL/95977
John Divola, 2016, Untitled, [Daybreak, GAFB], Black and white contact print, Provided by the artist - John Divola, LL/124817
John Divola, 2016, Untitled, [Daybreak, GAFB], Black and white contact print, Provided by the artist - John Divola, LL/124818
John Divola, 2016, Untitled, [George Air Force Base], Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - John Divola, LL/97503
John Divola, 2016, Untitled, GAFB, 3_21_16, [George Air Force Base], Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - John Divola, LL/97888
Maleich Gruberstarss, 2016, Small lake in a park in Leipzig, Germany, Daguerreotype, Provided by the artist - Maleich Gruberstarss, LL/118603
Mary Ann Gerthy, 2016, The stamps used in a photography department, Colour photographs, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/65792
Nicholas Nixon, 2016, The Brown Sisters, Truro, Massachusetts, Gelatin silver print, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/81235
see why (UK), 2016, Donald Trump (The Shining), Digital photomontage, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/72619
Ulf Saupe, 2016, Waterscape #36, Cyanotype, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/67294
Ulitca, 2016, Fruit body Chaetomium globosum, Microphotograph, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/112122
Unidentified artist, 2016, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, Digital photomontage, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/72620
Unidentified artist, 2016, Donald Trump Photo Collage T-Shirt Trump 2016, Photo collage, T-shirt, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/72614
Unidentified artist, 2016, Donald Trump Photo Collage T-Shirt Trump 2016, Photo collage, T-shirt, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/72615
Unidentified artist, 2016, Donald Trump Phone Case - iPhone, Samsung, Photo collage, Phone case, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/72616
Unidentified photographer, 2016, Stock shot of a photographer used to advertise the Internet, Screen capture, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/64577
Unidentified photographer / Akris, 2016, House n trees print sheath dress, Fabric, dress, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/66614
Uwe Brodmann, 2016, La Villa Stern, Pigment print, on Hahnemühle paper, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/78564
2016, Book cover for Joachim K. Bautze, 2016, Unseen Siam: Early Photography 1860-1910, (River Books Press Dist A C), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/73839
2016, Book cover for Joseph Heathcott & Angela Dietz, 2016, Capturing the City: Photographs from the Streets of St. Louis, 1900 - 1930, (Missouri History Museum Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/74236
2016, Book cover for Matthew Witkovsky, Diane Dufour & Duncan Forbes (eds), 2016, Provoke: Between Protest and Performance: Photography in Japan 1960-1975, (Steidl), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/73983
2016, Book cover for Wu Hung, 2016, Zooming In: Histories of Photography in China, (Reaktion Books), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/73982
2016, Book cover for Ronald S. Coddington, 2016, Faces of Civil War Navies: An Album of Union and Confederate Sailors, (Johns Hopkins University Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/66772
2016, Book cover for Zeynep Devrim Gürsel, 2016, Image Brokers: Visualizing World News in the Age of Digital Circulation, (University of California Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/66693
2016, Book cover for Delphine Désveaux, Susana Gallego Cuesta, Françoise Reynaud, Sylvie Aubenas & Kerstin Stremmel, 2016, Dans l'atelier: L'artiste photographié, d'Ingres à Jeff Koons, (Paris Musées), Book cover, Amazon - France, LL/66588
2016, Book cover for Alexander Moissis, 2016, 1898-1944 the Nissim Levis Panorama: Stereoscopic Photos and Travels of a Doctor from Ioannina, (Kapon Editions), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/81963
2016, Book cover for Filippo Maggia, 2016, Ansel Adams Versus Vittorio Sella, (Skira), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/66578
2016, Book cover for Thierry Gervais (ed.), 2016, The "Public" Life of Photographs, (The MIT Press - RIC BOOKS (Ryerson Image Centre Books)), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/90670
2016, Book cover for Philip J. Hatfield, 2016, ines in the Ice: Exploring the Roof of the World, (McGill-Queen's University Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/91314
2016, Book cover for Giovanni Fanelli, 2016, Histoire de la photographie d'architecture, (Lausanne: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes EPFL), Book cover, Amazon - France, LL/65913
2016, Book cover for Jorg Colberg, 2016, Understanding Photobooks: The Form and Content of the Photographic Book, (Routledge), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/92262
2016, The Daguerreotype in Russia, Volume IV - The Collection of the State Literary Museum, Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/92521
2016, Book cover for Matthew A. Rozell, 2016, A Train Near Magdeburg: A Teacher's Journey into the Holocaust and the Reuniting of the Survivors and Liberators, 70 Years On, (Woodchuck Hollow Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/95099
2016, Book cover for Jacques Denis, 2016, Total Records: Photography and the Art of the Album Cover, (Aperture), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/118807
2016, Book cover for Vered Maimon and Shiraz Grinbaum, 2016, Activestills: Photography as Protest in Palestine/Israel (London: Pluto Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/113764
2016, Book cover for Jane Lydon, 2016, Publication: Photography, Humanitarianism, Empire, (Bloomsbury Academic), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/67487
2016, Book cover for Carlos Traspaderne (ed.), 2016, Tangier Archive: The Great War Photographs of Captain Givord, (Uniform Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/72728
2016, Book cover for Robert L. Shanebrook, 2016, Making Kodak Film, Expanded second edition (Self-published), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/69529
2016, Book cover for John Bevis, 2016, The Keartons: Inventing nature photography, (Uniformbooks), Book cover, Amazon - UK, LL/69415
2016, Book cover for Geoffrey Batch, 2016, , (Prestel), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/67721
2016, Book cover for Jamie M. Allen, 2016, Picturing America's National Parks, (Aperture / George Eastman Museum), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/67831
2016, Book cover for Dian Hanson, 2016, Bob Mizer. AMG: 1000 Model Directory, (Taschen), Book cover, Taschen, LL/68015
2016, Book cover for Felix Thürlemann, 2016, Das Haremsfenster: Zur fotografischen Eroberung Ägyptens im 19. Jahrhundert, (Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink), Book cover, Amazon - Germany, LL/68554
2016, Book cover for Clare Harris, 2016, Photography and Tibet, (Reaktion), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/70818
2016, Book cover for Mark Speltz, 2016, North of Dixie: Civil Rights Photography Beyond the South, (J. Paul Getty Museum), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/68621
Alexander Zhitomirsky, 2016, Book cover for Erika Wolf, 2016, Aleksandr Zhitomirsky: Photomontage as a Weapon of World War 2 and the Cold War, (Art Institute of Chicago), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/80295
Bruce Davidson, 2016, Book cover for Vicky Goldberg, 2016, Bruce Davidson: An Illustrated Biography, (MagnumLegacy / Prestel), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/67397
Chris Killip, 2016, Book cover for Chris Killip, 2016, Chris Killip: In Flagrante Two, (Steidl), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/67398
Don McCullin, 2016, Book cover for Don McCullin, 2016, Irreconcilable Truths, (The Provocateur Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/70769
Edouard Fortin (Le Havre), 2016, Book cover for Edouard Fortin, 2016, Edouard fortin, le havre une ville neuve sous l'oeil d'un pionnier, (Echo Vagues)), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/115279
Eduard Flottwell, 2016, Book cover for Ireneusz WItold Dunajski, 2016, Gdansk 1853 Fot. Eduard Flottwell 1811-1862, {Ireneusz WItold Dunajski, self-published), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/77130
Edward Burtynsky, 2016, Book cover for Edward Burtynsky, 2016, Essential Elements, (Thames & Hudson), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/69316
Edward Burtynsky, 2016, Book cover for Edward Burtynsky, 2016, Salt Pans: Little Rann of Kutch, Gujarat, India, (Steidl), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/69317
Erik Kessels, 2016, Book cover for Erik Kessels, 2016, Image Tsunami, (RM Verlag), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/67905
Erik Kessels, 2016, Book covers for Erik Kessels, 2016, Failed It!, (Phaidon), Book covers, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/112126
Francesca Woodman, 2016, Book cover for Francesca Woodman & Anna Tellgren (ed.), 2016, Francesca Woodman: On Being an Angel, (Walther Konig), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/65378
Henri Cartier-Bresson, 2016, Book cover for Savoia (artist) & Morvan (author), 2016, Cartier-Bresson, Allemagne 1945, Magnum Photos, vol. 2, (Dupuis), Book cover, Amazon - France, LL/68020
Jacob A. Riis, 2016, Book cover for Bonnie Yochelson, 2016, Jacob A. Riis: Revealing New York's Other Half: A Complete Catalog of His Photographs, (Yale University Press in association with the Library of Congress and the Museum of the City of New York), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/67139
Jacques-Henri Lartigue, 2016, Book cover for Martine D'Astier & Martine Ravache, 2016, Lartigue: Life in Color, (Harry N. Abrams), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/65377
Josef Koudelka, 2016, Book cover for Josef Koudelka, 2016, Gypsies, (Seoul: Museum of Photography, Seoul), Book cover, Private collection of Stuart Alexander, LL/80554
Josef Sudek, 2016, Book cover for Ann Thomas, Vladimir Birgus & Ian Jeffrey, 2016, The Intimate World of Josef Sudek, (5Continents), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/69823
Krass Clement, 2016, Book cover for Krass Clement, 2016, Impasse Hotel Syria, (Gyldendal), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/90296
Lee Miller, 2016, Book cover for Patricia Allmer, 2016, Lee Miller: Photography, Surrealism, and Beyond, (Manchester University Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/66515
Lewis W. Hine, 2016, Book cover for Alexander Nemerov, 2016, Soulmaker: The Times of Lewis Hine, (Princeton University Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/66444
Louise Dahl-Wolfe, 2016, Book cover for Oliva María Rubio; John Jacob; Celina Lunsford & Louise Dahl-Wolfe, 2016, Louise Dahl-Wolfe , (Aperture), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/66763
Lyddell Sawyer, 2016, Book cover for Geoff Lowe, 2016, Lyddell Sawyer, photographer, 1856-1927, (Ingénu/e Publishing), Book cover, Private collection of Geoff Lowe, LL/74250
Martin Parr, 2016, Book cover for Martin Parr, 2016, Autoportrait, (Dewi Lewis Publishing), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/77470
Neil Leifer, 2016, Book cover for Neil Leifer, 2016, Relentless: The Stories behind the Photographs, (University of Texas Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/80578
Nick Brandt, 2016, Book cover for Nick Brandt, 2016, Nick Brandt: Inherit the Dust, (Edwynn Houk Editions), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/91489
Philip Trager, 2016, Book cover for Philip Trager, 2016, Photographing Ina, (Steidl), Book cover, Provided by the artist - Philip Trager, LL/80399
Philip Trager, 2016, Book cover for Philip Trager, 2016, New York in the 1970s, (Steidl), Book cover, Provided by the artist - Philip Trager, LL/80397
René Groebli, 2016, Book cover for Rene Groebli, 2016, René Groebli: Nudes, (Sturm & Drang), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/76459
Richard Sandler, 2016, Book cover for Richard Sandler, 2016, The Eyes of the City, (powerHouse Books), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/78487
Robert Capa, 2016, Book cover for Florent Silloray, 2016, Capa: L'étoile filante, (Casterman), Book cover, Amazon - France, LL/68051
Roger Ballen, 2016, Book cover for Roger Ballen, 2016, The Theatre of Apparitions, (Themes & Hudson), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/77152
Rose-Lynn Fisher, 2016, Book cover for Rose-Lynn Fisher, 2016, The Topography of Tears, (New York: Bellevue Literary Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/70933
Steve McCurry, 2016, Book cover for Jung Gi Kim (artist) & Morvan (author), 2016, McCurry, NY 11 septembre 2001, Magnum Photos, vol. 3 (Dupuis), Book cover, Amazon - France, LL/68022
Weegee, 2016, Book cover for Weegee, 2013, Weegee: The Autobiography, (The Devault-Graves Agencyl), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/84442
Weegee, 2016, Book cover for Max de Radiguès & Wauter Mannaert, 2016, Weegee: Serial photographer, (Paris: éditions Sarbacane), Book cover, Amazon - France, LL/76060
Werner Bischof, 2016, Book cover for Werner Bischof, 2016, Helvetica, (Éditions Noir sur Blanc), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/68715
Werner Bischof, 2016, Book cover for Werner Bischof, 2016, Werner Bischof: Backstory, (Aperture), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/67399
William Notman, 2016, Book cover for Hélène Samson & Suzanne Sauvage, 2016, Notman: Visionary Photographer, (Paris: Editions Hazan), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/70877
Dan Piraro (Bizarro Comics), 2016, Future Millenial Grandparents - Care to see pictures of every meal I've ordered in a restaurant in the past 45 years?, Cartoon, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/126696
Diane Arbus, 2016, Diane Arbus The Uppercrust Shutterbug, Comic strip, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/67726
Henri Cartier-Bresson, 2016, Page from a comic book Savoia (artist) & Morvan (author), 2016, Cartier-Bresson, Allemagne 1945, Magnum Photos, vol. 2, (Dupuis) on the life of Henri Cartier-Bresson, Book page, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/68019
Lewis Baltz, 2016, Grave of Lewis Baltz, Cimetière de Montmartre, Paris, Colour image, Private collection, LL/70517
Mandy Barker, 2016, UNSEEN Photo Fair - Display of Mandy Barker's exhibition. Enough plastic has been manufactured to coat the entire Earth in clingfilm., Installation display, Provided by the artist - Mandy Barker, LL/82765
Mandy Barker, 2016, UNSEEN Photo Fair - Display of Mandy Barker's exhibition. Enough plastic has been manufactured to coat the entire Earth in clingfilm., Installation display, Provided by the artist - Mandy Barker, LL/82764
Wolfgang Tillmans, 2016, Record album cover for Frank Ocean "blond", Record album cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/118830
Zangaki Brothers, 2016, Advertising for the "Luce d'Oriente: le fotografie dei fratelli Zangaki" exhibition at the Musei di Strada Nuova, Palazzo Rosso, Geneova (24 November 2016 - 31 January 2017), Digital advertising, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/80211

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