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Photographs and images taken, or published, in 1847
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Lightbox > 1847
Hill & Adamson, 1843-1847 (taken), The Bird Cage, Photogravure, from original calotype negative, Archive Farms, LL/107596
Hill & Adamson, 1843-1847 (taken), Tomb in Greyfriars Churchyard, Edinburgh, Salt paper print, from calotype negative, Victoria and Albert Museum, LL/113300
Hill & Adamson, 1843-1847 (taken) 1916 (ca, print), Mrs. Logan and Two Unknown Women, Newhaven, Carbon print, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114565
Hill & Adamson, 1843-1847 (taken) 1916 (ca, print), James Linton and Three Boys, Newhaven, Carbon print, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114564
Hill & Adamson, 1843-1847 (taken) 1916 (ca, print), Mrs. Anne Rigby and Lady Elizabeth Eastlake, Carbon print, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114562
Hill & Adamson, 1843-1847 (taken) 1916 (ca, print), Alexander Rutherford, William Ramsay, and John Liston, Newhaven, Carbon print, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114561
Hill & Adamson, 1843-1847 (taken) 2002 (print), Group of Carved Indian figures [Art 23], Calotype, modern, National Galleries of Scotland, LL/85865
Hill & Adamson, 1847, Newhaven fishwives, two figures with creel, Salted paper print, Edinburgh City Libraries and Information Services, LL/41007
Jacquart & Deramond, 1847, Squelette de negre, Daguerreotype, Musée de l'Homme, LL/62099
Le Gray & Mestral, 1847, [Groupe jouant aux dominos sur une terrasse : Auguste Mestral, Auguste Clésinger et un homme non identifié], Daguerreotype, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88464
Le Gray & Mestral, 1847, [Groupe de quatre personnes, dont Auguste Clésinger, Auguste Mestral et Hippolyte Flandrin, sur une terrasse], Daguerreotype, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88465
Margaritis & Perraud, 1847, The Arch of Hadrian, Athens, Daguerreotype, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/7490
Southworth & Hawes, 1847, Early Operation using ether, Massachusetts General Hospital, Daguerreotype, Massachusetts General Hospital, Archives and Special Collections, LL/6945
Southworth & Hawes, 1847, Use of ether at the Massachusetts General Hospital, 1847, Daguerreotype, Wellcome Collection, LL/112290
Jean-Baptiste-Louis Gros, 1847, View of the Seine and the Louvre, Daguerreotype, George Eastman Museum, LL/74523
Carl Ferdinand Stelzner, 1847, Anna Sophie Marschner, née Süberkrub (1771-1851) next to the oil painting of her husband, Andreas Tobias Marschner (1764-1840) (Anna Sophie Marschner, geb. Süberkrub (1771-1851) neben dem Ölgemälde ihres Mannes, Andreas Tobias Marschner (1764-1840)), Daguerreotype, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/126214
Charles Deas, 1847, A Solitary Indian, Seated on the Edge of a Bold Precipice, Oil painting on canvas, Autry Museum of the American West, LL/94204
Charles Guillain, 1847, Somalians, Lithograph based on daguerreotypes, Archive Farms, LL/128405
Douglas T. Kilburn, 1847, Group of Australian Aborigines, Daguerreotype, NGV - National Gallery of Victoria, LL/65647
Douglas T. Kilburn, 1847, South-east Australian Aboriginal man and two younger companions, Daguerreotype, 1/4 plate, National Gallery of Australia (NGA), LL/29683
Douglas T. Kilburn, 1847, Three Aboriginal Men, Daguerreotype, Museum Victoria, LL/57672
Eduard & Bertha Wehnert, 1847, Madame Winkler with daughter Helene, Daguerreotype, Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst / The Museum of Applied Arts, LL/117775
George Caleb Bingham (1811-1879), 1847, Lighter Relieving the Steamboat Aground, Oil on canvas, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/54203
Hermann Biow, 1847, Der Adolphsplatz in Hamburg zur Zeit des Wiederaufbaus nach dem Brand von 1842, um 1847, Daguerreotype, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/65298
Hippolyte Bayard, 1847, [Self-Portrait in the Garden], Salted paper print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/50653
Hippolyte Bayard, 1847, The Sign of the Horse Seller, Kamingant, [Dessins photographiques sur Papier. Recueil No. 2. (ms. cover title) [The "Bayard Album"]], Salted paper print, from a paper negative, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/124846
Hippolyte Bayard, 1847, [South side of Notre-Dame, Paris, during restoration], Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/124824
Hippolyte Bayard, 1847, [Cirque National, Paris], [Dessins photographiques sur Papier. Recueil No. 2. (ms. cover title) [The "Bayard Album"]], Salted paper print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/124856
Hippolyte Bayard, 1847, [Portrait of a young man], [Dessins photographiques sur Papier. Recueil No. 2. (ms. cover title) [The "Bayard Album"]], Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/124859
Hippolyte Bayard, 1847, [Portrait of seated man], Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/124870
Hippolyte Bayard, 1847, [Panorama of Paris with Louvre and Tuileries in Foreground], [Dessins photographiques sur Papier. Recueil No. 2. (ms. cover title) [The "Bayard Album"]], Salted paper print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/124876
Hippolyte Bayard, 1847, [Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel], [Dessins photographiques sur Papier. Recueil No. 2. (ms. cover title) [The "Bayard Album"]], Salted paper print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/124878
Hippolyte Bayard, 1847, [Quai on the Right Bank with Pont-Neuf], [Dessins photographiques sur Papier. Recueil No. 2. (ms. cover title) [The "Bayard Album"]], Salted paper print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/124885
Hippolyte Bayard, 1847, [Statue of Lille, Place de la Concorde], [Dessins photographiques sur Papier. Recueil No. 2. (ms. cover title) [The "Bayard Album"]], Salted paper print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/124886
Horatio Ross, 1847, Hoddy and John Munro Fishing at Flaipool, Daguerreotype, Victoria and Albert Museum, LL/6769
John Plumbe Jr., 1847, John Plumbe, Jr. Self-Portrait, [The National Plumbeotype Gallery], Lithograph, on paper, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, LL/2058
John Plumbe Jr., 1847, Untitled (Portrait of Seated Woman), Daguerreotype, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114521
John Muir Wood, 1847, The Citadel of Namur, from a Bridge over the Sambre, Calotype negative and uranium or cuprotype print, National Galleries of Scotland, LL/56768
John Muir Wood, 1847, The Citadel of Namur, from a Bridge over the Sambre, Calotype negative and uranium or cuprotype print, National Galleries of Scotland, LL/56767
Joseph Mayrhofer, 1847, Self portrait of Joseph Mayrhofer, Talbotype, hand-coloured, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/78368
Joseph Wilhelm Pero, 1847, Der Lübecker Dom mit den Resten des vom 13. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert errichteten Domklosters (1889 grösstenteils abgetragen zugunsten eines Museumsneubaus), Uncertain type, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/41434
Louis-Adolphe Humbert de Molard, 1847, Louis Dodier, en prisonnier, Daguerreotype, Musée d'Orsay, LL/42637
Louis-Adolphe Humbert de Molard, 1847, Bar-le-Duc: pont Notre-Dame sur l'Ornain, Digital positive, from paper negative, Musée d'Orsay, LL/77467
N. Currier (lithographer and publisher), 1847, Death of Lieut. Col. Henry Clay Jr, Lithograph, Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, LL/43017
Nicolaas Henneman, 1847, Edward Anthony, Calotype, paper negative, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, LL/97542
Philibert Perraud, 1847, L'Etat-major sur le pont du Triton, Daguerreotype, Musée d'Orsay, LL/127274
Pierre Roch Vigneron (1789-1872), 1847, Un amateur de daguerreotypes [Portrait of a man holding a daguerreotype of a cathedral, with a box of daguerreotype plates on the table], Oil painting (Huile sur panneau de cuivre), detail, Opus Mirabilis, LL/67823
Pierre Roch Vigneron (1789-1872), 1847, Un amateur de daguerreotypes [Portrait of a man holding a daguerreotype of a cathedral, with a box of daguerreotype plates on the table], Oil painting (Huile sur panneau de cuivre), Opus Mirabilis, LL/67822
Samuel Broadbent, 1847, Untitled (Portrait of a Girl and a Boy), Daguerreotype, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114515
T. Bettinger, 1847, Constantine, Vue Prise de Koudiech Aty [Algeria], [Vues d'Algérie prises au dauguerréotype (1847)], Lithograph, based on a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/55273
T. Bettinger, 1847, The Port, La Sante, Algiers, [Vues d'Algérie prises au dauguerréotype (1847)], Lithograph, based on a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/112629
T. Bettinger, 1847, Cote Bab-azoun, Algiers, [Vues d'Algérie prises au dauguerréotype (1847)], Lithograph, based on a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/112630
T. Bettinger, 1847, Constantine, Vue Prise du Pont D'Aumale [Algeria], [Vues d'Algérie prises au dauguerréotype (1847)], Lithograph, based on a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/55275
T. Bettinger, 1847, Constantine, Vue Prise de Mansourah [Algeria], [Vues d'Algérie prises au dauguerréotype (1847)], Lithograph, based on a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/55274
T. Bettinger, 1847, Constantine, El Kantara (Vue prise de Mansourah) [Algeria], [Vues d'Algérie prises au dauguerréotype (1847)], Lithograph, based on a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/55272
T. Bettinger, 1847, View from the Casbah, Algiers, [Vues d'Algérie prises au dauguerréotype (1847), pl. 3], Lithograph, based on a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/112628
Thomas Couture (1815-1879), 1847, Romans during the Decadence [Romains de la décadence], Oil on canvas, Musée d'Orsay, LL/45969
Thomas Easterly, 1847, Children's Chief, [Op-po-noos or Appanoose] Sac and Fox, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67839
Thomas Easterly, 1847, Keokuk or the Watchful Fox, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/36409
Thomas Easterly, 1847, Keokuk's wife and grandson, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67867
Thomas Easterly, 1847, Children's Chief, [Op-po-noos or Appanoose] Sac and Fox, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67853
Thomas Easterly, 1847, Children's Chief, [Op-po-noos or Appanoose] Sac and Fox, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67844
Thomas Easterly, 1847, Children's Chief, [Op-po-noos or Appanoose] Sac and Fox, Daguerreotype, Missouri Historical Society, LL/67841
Unidentified photographer, 1847, [Burial site of Lieutenant Colonel Henry Clay, Jr.], [Mexican-American War], Daguerreotype, 1/6 plate, applied color, Amon Carter Museum, LL/38723
Unidentified photographer, 1847, Burial Place of the son of Henry Clay in Mexico, [Mexican-American War], Daguerreotype, 1/6 plate, Amon Carter Museum, LL/38722
Unidentified photographer, 1847, A man being arrested [France], Daguerreotype, Corbis, LL/62595
Unidentified photographer, 1847, Amputation, Mexican-American War, Cerro Gordo, Daguerreotype, Amon Carter Museum, LL/36237
Unidentified photographer (American), 1847, [Portrait of Tsow Chaoong], Daguerreotype, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/90494
Unidentified photographer (British), 1847, Portrait of a woman in shawl, Daguerreotype, 3/4 plate, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/63934
Unidentified photographer (USA, 19th century), 1847, Untitled (Portrait of Bull), Daguerreotype, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/114510
William Collie, 1847, Market Women, St. Helier, Jersey, Salted paper print, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/25978
Thomas Easterly, 1847 (taken) 1868 (copy), Photograph (black and white) from an album, of a daguerreotype; studio portrait of Longhorn, a Sauk and Fox Chief, [BM William Blackmore Coll. Album 21], Albumen print, British Museum, LL/89730
Thomas Easterly, 1847 (taken) 1868 (copy), Photograph (black and white) from an album of a framed daguerroeotype; studio portrait of Moses Keokuk (23 years old), [BM William Blackmore Coll. Album 21], Albumen print, British Museum, LL/89729
Thomas Easterly, 1847 (taken) 1868 (copy), Photograph (black and white) of a daguerroeotype; studio portrait of Keokuk, [BM William Blackmore Coll. Album 21], Albumen print, British Museum, LL/89728
Nicolaas Henneman, 1847, Book cover and title page for Nicolaas Henneman, 1847, Talbotypes or Sun Pictures, Taken From The Actual Objects Which They Represent, (London: Nicolaas Henneman), Book, possibly a maquette, National Science and Media Museum, LL/80412
Southworth & Hawes, 1847, The Mass. Charitable Mechanic Association - Award to Southworth & Hawes for the best Daguerreotypes - Exhibition of 1847, Medal, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/9769
Southworth & Hawes, 1847, The Mass. Charitable Mechanic Association - Award to Southworth & Hawes for the best Daguerreotypes - Exhibition of 1847, Medal, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/9770
Charles Piazzi Smyth, 1847, Self portrait of Charles Piazzi Smyth, Uncertain type, Museum of the History of Science, LL/44300
Douglas T. Kilburn, 1847, Group of Koorie Men, Engraving, from a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/112636
Douglas T. Kilburn, 1847, Lubra, A Young Australian Woman, Engraving, from a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/112635
Douglas T. Kilburn, 1847, Pair of Koori Men, Engraving, from a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/112634
Douglas T. Kilburn, 1847, Melbourne, The Capital of Port Philip., Engraving, from a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/112631
Edward Anthony, 1847, Engraving of the U.S. Senate Chamber. E, Anthony, 247 Broadway, New York. 1847, Magazine page, Google Books, LL/36157
M. Robbins, 1847, Advert for "Daguerreotype Miniatures!", Advert, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, LL/78443
Marcus Aurelius Root, 1847, Portrait of Commodore Conner, Book plate, steel engraving based on a Daguerreotype, Google Books, LL/36154
Nicolaas Henneman, 1847, Title page for Nicolaas Henneman, 1847, Talbotypes or Sun Pictures, Taken From The Actual Objects Which They Represent, (London: Nicolaas Henneman), Title page, National Science and Media Museum, LL/80413
Nicolaas Henneman, 1847, The photographs included in Nicolaas Henneman, 1847, Talbotypes or Sun Pictures, Taken From The Actual Objects Which They Represent, (London: Nicolaas Henneman), Index of images, National Science and Media Museum, LL/80414
Unidentified photographer, 1847, Pieza de Daguerreotipo en Miniatura, Newspaper, Biblioteca Nacional de Chile, LL/60742
Unidentified photographer, 1847, Miniaturas de Daguerreotipo, Newspaper, Biblioteca Nacional de Chile, LL/60743
Van Loan (Washington), 1847, Lieutenant Colonel C.A. May, Book plate, steel engraving based on a Daguerreotype, Google Books, LL/36152
Van Loan (Washington), 1847, Portrait of General Shields, Book plate, steel engraving based on a Daguerreotype, Google Books, LL/36153
Van Loan (Washington), 1847, Lieutenant Colonel C.A, May, Book plate, woodcut based on a Daguerreotype, Google Books, LL/36155

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