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Kodak (artwork and design) Gary Dineen (photograph), 1949, Stop here for Kodak Verichrome film (USA Full-size Kodak Girl), Advertising cut-out, Gary Dineen / East Edge Gallery, LL/121710
1949, Book cover for Jirina Maresova, 1949, Sovetsti pionyri Album fotografii, (Praha: Svet sovetu), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/53656
Andreas Feininger, 1949, Book cover for Andreas Feininger "Feininger on Photography" (Chicago, New York: Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, 1949), Book cover, Archive Farms, LL/128699
Berenice Abbott, 1949, Book cover for Berenice Abbott & Henry W. Lanier, 1949, Greenwich Village: Today & Yesterday, (New York: Harper & Brothers), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/66997
Brassaï, 1949, Book cover for "Histoire de Marie" by Brassaï (Paris: Editions du Point du Jour, 1949), Book cover, Private collection, LL/16317
Brassaï, 1949, "Le Nu Realiste" with photographs by Brassaï, [Marcel Natkin's book "Le Nu" (Editions Tiranty-Paris) - Boucher, Jahan, Sougez and Brassa¯.], Book page layout, Private collection of Gery Cichowlas, LL/13742
Brassaï, 1949, "Le Nu Realiste" with photographs by Brassaï, [Marcel Natkin's book "Le Nu" (Editions Tiranty-Paris) - Boucher, Jahan, Sougez and Brassa¯.], Book page layout, Private collection of Gery Cichowlas, LL/13743
Brassaï, 1949, Illustration in "Le Nu Realiste" with photographs by Brassaï, [Marcel Natkin's book "Le Nu" (Editions Tiranty-Paris) - Boucher, Jahan, Sougez and Brassa¯.], Book illustration, Private collection of Gery Cichowlas, LL/13741
Brassaï, 1949, Page layout for "Le Nu Realiste" with photographs by Brassaï, [Marcel Natkin's book "Le Nu" (Editions Tiranty-Paris) - Boucher, Jahan, Sougez and Brassa¯.], Book page layout, Private collection of Gery Cichowlas, LL/13740
Brassaï, 1949, Front cover for Marcel Natkin's book "Le Nu" (Editions Tiranty-Paris) - Boucher, Jahan, Sougez and Brassaî., [Marcel Natkin's book "Le Nu" (Editions Tiranty-Paris) - Boucher, Jahan, Sougez and Brassa¯.], Book cover, Private collection of Gery Cichowlas, LL/13739
Brassaï, 1949, Book cover for Brassai, 1949, Histoire de Marie par Brassaï avec une introduction par Henri Miller, (Éditions du Point du jour), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/55829
Carlo Mollino, 1949, Book cover for "Carlo Mollino: Il Messaggio dalla Camera Oscura" (Turin, Chiantore Editrice, 1949), Book cover, Artcurial, LL/27287
Margaret Bourke-White, 1949, Book cover for Margaret Bourke-White & Henry W. Lanier, 1949, Greenwich Village, Today & Yesterday, (New York: Harper & Brothers), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/53476
René Groebli, 1949, Book cover for René Groebli, 1949, Magie der Schiene, (Zurich: Kubus-Verlag), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/58758
Richard Peter Sr., 1949, Book cover for Richard Peter & Max Zimmering, 1949, Dresden. Eine Kamera klagt an. Ein historisches Dokument, (Dresden: Dresdener Verlagsgesellschaft KG), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/94851
Robert Doisneau, 1949, Book cover for Robert Doisneau & Blaise Cendrars (text) "La Banlieue de Paris" (Paris: Pierre Seghers Editeur, 1949), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/43362
Various photographers, 1949, Book cover for various photographers "Brycha 1945-1948. Home -- through the 'Vale of Tears" (Tel Aviv: Ha-Berihah, 1949), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28392
Ylla, 1949, Book cover of Ylla, 1949, Le Petit Lion: photographies par Ylla, (Ed. Arts et Métiers Graphiques, Paris), Book cover, Source requested, LL/6782