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Lightbox > 1949
Erwin Blumenfeld, 1947-1949 (taken) 1984 (print), Line on face, New York, Dye transfer print, Villa Grisebach Auktionen GmbH - Berlin, LL/55941
Amiram Erev, 1949, Israeli soldiers on route march, Negev, Gelatin silver print, Silver Print Gallery and Archive, LL/40772
Andre de Dienes, 1949, Picture Post - 13 August 1949, Magazine cover, Source requested, LL/6222
Antranik Anouchian, 1949, Studio portrait. Lebanon / Tripoli, Negative plate, Arab Image Foundation, LL/20163
Bert Hardy, 1949, Ken Jones breaks the London to Brighton Record, Gelatin silver print, Chiswick Auctions, LL/115798
Bill Brandt, 1949, Nu de dos, Campden Hill, Londres, Gelatin silver print, Sotheby's - Paris, LL/56323
Brassaï, 1949, Graffiti, Tête de mort, [Der Tod], Gelatin silver print, cropped, Van Ham Fine Art Auctions, LL/43898
Burt Glinn, 1949, Sammy Davis Jr., New York City, Gelatin silver print, Bonni Benrubi Gallery, LL/3542
Carl Mydans, 1949, Hane-tsuki (shuttle cock and battledore), Gelatin silver print, Candace Dwan Gallery, LL/3701
Chim, 1949, Tereska, a Polish child in a home for disturbed children, Gelatin silver print, Source requested, LL/33285
Cornell Capa, 1949, Bojangles' Funeral (An African-American dancer and movie star, William Robinson), NYC, Gelatin silver print, Peter Fetterman Gallery, LL/437
David Moore, 1949, Martin Place, Sydney, [100 Photographs, pl. 014], Gelatin silver print, David Moore Estate, LL/32037
David Moore, 1949, Redfern interior, [100 Photographs, pl. 011], Gelatin silver print, David Moore Estate, LL/32034
David Moore, 1949, Martin Place 5.10pm Sydney, [100 Photographs, pl. 015], Gelatin silver print, David Moore Estate, LL/32038
Dorothea Lange, 1949, Church on the Great Plains, Edwynn Houk Gallery, LL/5107
Ed Van der Elsken, 1949, Suspected war invalid in his cart, near Marseille, Gelatin silver print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/105929
Elliott Erwitt, 1949, Metropolitan Museum, New York City, Gelatin silver print, Stephen Bulger Gallery, LL/41878
George Rodger, 1949, Nuba tribesman entering keyhole doorway, Kordofan, Southern Sudan, Barry Singer Gallery, LL/2957
George Rodger, 1949, The Victor of a Korongo Nuba Wrestling Match, Kordofan, Southern Sudan, Gelatin silver print, Barry Singer Gallery, LL/2948
George Rodger, 1949, Nuba tribesman leaves bedroom of typical Korongo house, Kordofan, Southern Sudan, Gelatin silver print, Barry Singer Gallery, LL/2950
George Zimbel, 1949, Boys on 93rd Street, New York, [NYC kids], Gelatin silver print, Provided by the artist - George Zimbel, LL/24658
Geraldo de Barros, 1949, [Untitled, Sao Paulo], [Fotoformas], Musée de l'Elysée, LL/7904
Geraldo de Barros, 1949, [Untitled, Sao Paulo], Musée de l'Elysée, LL/7903
Gordon Parks, 1949, Poverty, Mother and child, Puerto Rico., Silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/115099
Hannes Kilian, 1949, Kriegsheimkehrer, Köln (war retournee, Cologne), Gelatin silver print, ferrotyped, Lempertz - Cologne, LL/56631
Hans Bellmer, 1949, La Poupée (The Doll), Photograph, Private collection of Jan Weijers (Servatius), LL/67171
Harry Callahan, 1949, Eleanor, Chicago, Peter Fetterman Gallery, LL/447
Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1949, Last Days of the Kuomintang, Shanghai, Gelatin silver print, Peter Fetterman Gallery, LL/470
Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1949, Last Days of the Kuomintang, Peking, China, Gelatin silver print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71406
Henry Holmes Smith, 1949, Giant, Gelatin silver print, Source requested, LL/33309
Herbert List, 1949, Collonades of the Colloseum, Rome, Gelatin silver print, Fahey / Klein Gallery, LL/4711
Homer Page, 1949, Woman walking at 34th Street and 6th Avenue, Gelatin silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/77821
Jean-Philippe Charbonnier, 1949, Orpheus, the Black Riders (French Riot Police), Gelatin silver print, Galerie Agathe Gaillard, LL/12495
Jerzy Kujawski (1921-1998), 1949, Untitled photogram, Paris, Gelatin silver print, hand-coloured, CEROS - Jean-Mathieu Martini / Serge Plantureux, LL/41143
Jim Steinhardt, 1949, Seated Man with Paintings, Greenwich Village, Gelatin silver print, S K Josefberg Studio (CLOSED - 2004), LL/1304
Jozef Emiel Borrenbergen, 1949, Wakende Vleugels [Oorspronkelijke titel], Photograph, ontwikkelgelatinezilverdruk (OGZ), FotoMuseum Provincie Antwerpen - FOMU, LL/127524
Karl Hugo Schmölz, 1949, Fabrik-Treppenhaus der Fordwerke in Köln-Niehl, Gelatin silver print, on Agfa-Portriga paper, Lempertz - Cologne, LL/94821
Kodak (artwork and design) Gary Dineen (photograph), 1949, Stop here for Kodak Verichrome film (USA Full-size Kodak Girl), Advertising cut-out, Gary Dineen / East Edge Gallery, LL/121710
Lillian Bassman, 1949, "Across the Restaurant", Dress by Jacques Fath, Barbara Mullen, Le Grand Vefour, Paris, Gelatin silver print, Joseph Bellows Gallery, LL/23573
Lillian Bassman, 1949, "the Day-Length Dinner Dress", Dress by Christian Dior, Barbara Mullen, The Ritz, Paris, Gelatin silver print, Joseph Bellows Gallery, LL/23581
Lisette Model, 1949, San Francisco, Woman with Veil, Gelatin silver print, Fahey / Klein Gallery, LL/4740
Lou Landauer, 1949, Front of Buick Super automobile, Color carbro print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/76366
Louis Faurer, 1949, "56th Street Behind City Center on a Sunday", Gelatin silver print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/120234
Man Ray, 1949, Marcel Duchamp with Turkish Coin Necklace on Forehead, Hollywood, Gelatin silver print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72091
Mariën Marcel, 1949, The Spirit of the Staircase, Gelatin silver print, Cleveland Museum of Art, LL/70323
Max Yavno, 1949, Leg, Olympic Boulevard, Hollywood, Gelatin silver print, Bonhams - New York, LL/61789
Minor White, 1949, Columbus Avenue, San Francisco, Gelatin silver print, Princeton University Art Museum, LL/33302
Norman Parkinson, 1949, Fairy, Brooklyn Bridge, Staley+Wise Gallery, LL/5712
Otto Steinert, 1949, Amorphe Strukturen (Verwitterte Tapete), Gelatin silver print, Villa Grisebach Auktionen GmbH - Berlin, LL/70733
Philippe Halsman, 1949, The Versatile Jean Cocteau, [Jump], Gelatin silver print, Magnum Photos London, LL/87095
Rae Russel, 1949, (Man Asleep on Boardwalk), Gelatin silver print, Barry Singer Gallery, LL/2967
Rae Russel, 1949, Three Kids with Dirty Faces, Henry Street, NYC, Gelatin silver print, Barry Singer Gallery, LL/2960
Robert Capa, 1949, Israël. Haïfa - Immigrants européens arrivant au port, Gelatin silver print, Ader Nordmann, LL/56236
Robert Capa, 1949, Israël. Haïfa, Immigrants européens arrivant au port., Gelatin silver print, Ader Nordmann, LL/93811
Robert Capa, 1949, The Beautiful Beach of Telaviv Crowded with Bathers, with the Wreck of the Altalena…, Gelatin silver print, Lee Gallery, LL/13985
Robert Doisneau, 1949, Georgette Houta arpète chez Robert Piguet, Paris, Gelatin silver print, Private collection of Fostin Cotchen, LL/129647
Robert Doisneau, 1949, La Dernier Valse du Juillet 14, Paris, Gelatin silver print, Silverstein Photography, LL/218
Robert Yarnall Ritchie, 1949, [View from the drilling floor of roughnecks removing collars and bit from the traveling block, Superior Oil Company], Gelatin silver print, DeGolyer Library, South Methodist University - SMU, LL/47021
Roy DeCarava, 1949, Untitled (New York City)., Silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/23173
Todd Webb, 1949, 100, New York, [Number series], Gelatin silver print, Carl Mautz Vintage Photographs, LL/25857
Todd Webb, 1949, Courtyard from Blvd. S. T. Germain- Paris, Gelatin silver print, Lee Gallery, LL/3294
Todd Webb, 1949, My Bathroom Darkroom, 11 Square De Chatillon, Paris, Gelatin silver print, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/81473
Unidentified photographer, 1949, Farid el Atrash and Samia Gamal. Egypt / Cairo, Gelatin silver print, Arab Image Foundation, LL/20059
Unidentified photographer, 1949, Farid el Atrash and Samia Gamal. Egypt / Cairo, Gelatin silver print, Arab Image Foundation, LL/20060
Unidentified photographer, 1949, Fashion photo., Color carbro print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/115544
Unidentified photographer, 1949, Dutch press photographer proud of his silver camera, Gelatin silver print, Private collection of Jan Weijers (Servatius), LL/48986
Unidentified photographer, 1949, Camera store at Nádor Street 29, Budapest, Hungary, Photograph, FOTO:Fortepan, LL/83093
Unidentified photographer, 1949, Parking cars during the 60th anniversary celebration of MTK, MTK-FTC (4: 2) and Újpest-Szeged (5: 1) championship match, Budapest, Hungary, Photograph, FOTO:Fortepan, LL/83094
Unidentified photographer, 1949, The lion the lamb the light, [Snapshot Disasters], Gelatin silver print, snapshot, Private collection of Roz Leibowitz, LL/30856
Unidentified photographer (Russian), 1949, [Stalin and Sergei Kirov, 1926] in Joseph Stalin: A Short Biography (Moscow, 1949), Photogravure, Private collection of David King, LL/54308
Van Leo, 1949, Greek dancer. Egypt / Cairo, Gelatin silver print, Arab Image Foundation, LL/20126
William M. Rittase, 1949, Welder, Rheem Manufacturing Co., Gelatin silver print, Archive Farms, LL/116843
Yousuf Karsh, 1949, The painter George Braque (1882-1963), Gelatin silver print, ferrotyped, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/32520
Gjon Mili, 1949 (taken), Nude Descending Staircase, Gelatin silver print, Howard Greenberg Gallery, LL/38001
Ira Latour, 1949 (taken), Gene thompson, Author, San Francisco, Gelatin silver print, Carl Mautz Vintage Photographs, LL/28681
Julius Shulman, 1949 (taken), Housing development; "Northrop Plaza", Los Angeles, California, Gelatin silver print, ferrotyped, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/51982
Nina Leen, 1949 (taken), Model Wearing the Latest Sweater Fashion, Gelatin silver print, Alan Klotz Gallery, LL/23388
René Groebli, 1949 (taken), Untitled, (locomotive), from the series Rail Magic, Gelatin silver print, Howard Greenberg Gallery, LL/37958
René Groebli, 1949 (taken), Untitled, (locomotive and tracks), from the series Rail Magic, Gelatin silver print, Howard Greenberg Gallery, LL/37957
Aaron Siskind, 1949 (taken) 1957 (print), Jerome 20, Gelatin silver print, Etherton Gallery, LL/22201
W. Eugene Smith, 1949 (taken) 1960 (ca, print), Rail Worker Joseph Hunter, Silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/80093
Gordon Parks, 1949 (taken) 1960s (ca, print), Pool Hall, Fort Scott, Gelatin silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/55685
Max Yavno, 1949 (taken) 1960s (ca, print), The Heiress, Gelatin silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/94373
Gjon Mili, 1949 (taken) 1960s (print), Pablo Picasso drawing a centaur in the air with light, Gelatin silver print, Westlicht Photographica Auctions, LL/70575
Harry Callahan, 1949 (taken) 1970 (ca, print), Wells Street, Chicago, Gelatin silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/44354
W. Eugene Smith, 1949 (taken) 1970 (ca, print), Man in radiation helmet, [Life Without Germs], Gelatin silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/55675
Sam Tata, 1949 (taken) 1970 (print), In Nantao, "Photographic Reproductions" of Marshall and Mao Made with Chinese Inks and Brush, Gelatin silver print, National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, LL/63641
Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1949 (taken) 1970s (print), Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, Silver print, ferrotyped, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/96469
Aaron Siskind, 1949 (taken) 1971 (no later than, print), Los Angeles, Silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/31259
Henry Holmes Smith, 1949 (taken) 1973 (portfolio), Giant, [Henry Holmes Smith, Portfolio Two, Center for Photographic Studies], Gelatin silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/77807
Brassaï, 1949 (taken) 1973 (print), Maxim's, Paris, Gelatin silver print, Villa Grisebach Auktionen GmbH - Berlin, LL/55942
Maurice Tabard, 1949 (taken) 1975 (ca, print), Eye and beach montage, Gelatin silver print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/59834
Robert Doisneau, 1949 (taken) 1977 (print), L'innocent, Gelatin silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/77794
Bill Brandt, 1949 (taken) 1980 (ca, print), Nude, Campden Hill, London., Silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/115158
John Gutmann, 1949 (taken) 1980 (ca, print), The Oracle, Gelatin silver print, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), LL/10291
Louis Faurer, 1949 (taken) 1980 (ca, print), Broad Street, Philadelphia, Penn, Gelatin silver print, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/71728
Frederick Sommer, 1949 (taken) 1980 (ca, printed), Venus, Jupiter and Mars, Gelatin silver print, Etherton Gallery, LL/22210
Ben Mitchell (1926-), 1949 (taken) 1980s (print), Times Square, New York City, Silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/57020
Gordon Parks, 1949 (taken) 1980s (print), Husband and Wife on Sunday Morning, Fort Scott, Kansas, Silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/50284
Harold E. Edgerton, 1949 (taken) 1980s (print), Jenny Tuckey Forehand Drive (Jeni Cecil), Gelatin silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/77798
Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1949 (taken) 1980s (print), Praying at the foot of Buddha, Sri Lanka, Silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/80091
Irving Penn, 1949 (taken) 1983 (print), Man lighting girl's cigarette (New York), Gelatin silver print, Sotheby's - New York, LL/80516
Irving Penn, 1949 (taken) 1990 (print), Woman on the Beach, Smoking (Mary Jane Russell, Long Island, N.Y.), Gelatin silver print, Sotheby's - New York, LL/80520
Louis Faurer, 1949 (taken) 1990 (print), Sutton Place South, New York, N.Y., Gelatin silver print, on Agfa paper, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/85357
Louis Faurer, 1949 (taken) 1990 (print), Sutton Place South, New York, N.Y., Gelatin silver print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/54654
George Rodger, 1949 (taken) 2007 (publication), The victor of a Korongo Nuba wrestling match Kordofan, Southern Sudan; 1949, [Magnum Founders], Platinum print, bound into a book, Verso Limited Editions, LL/28605
Norman Parkinson, 1949 (taken) 2010 (print), Young Velvets, Young Prices, New York, Fuji Crystal Colour Print, Chris Beetles, LL/42012
Louis Stettner, 1949 (taken), (portfolio), Rue de la Tombe, Issoire, Paris, [10 Photographs by Louis Stettner, pl. 3], Gelatin silver print, Private collection, LL/15434
Louis Stettner, 1949 (taken), (portfolio), Avenue de Chatillon, Paris, [10 Photographs by Louis Stettner, pl. 6], Gelatin silver print, Private collection of Gery Cichowlas, LL/14749
Louis Stettner, 1949 (taken), (portfolio), Door, Paris, [10 Photographs by Louis Stettner, pl. 5], Gelatin silver print, Private collection of Gery Cichowlas, LL/14748
Louis Stettner, 1949 (taken), (portfolio), Avenue de Chatillon, Paris, [10 Photographs by Louis Stettner, pl. 10], Gelatin silver print, Private collection, LL/15437
1949, Book cover for Jirina Maresova, 1949, Sovetsti pionyri Album fotografii, (Praha: Svet sovetu), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/53656
Andreas Feininger, 1949, Book cover for Andreas Feininger "Feininger on Photography" (Chicago, New York: Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, 1949), Book cover, Archive Farms, LL/128699
Anne Brigman, 1949, Book cover for Anne Brigman, 1949, Songs of a Pagan, (Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/53491
Berenice Abbott, 1949, Book cover for Berenice Abbott & Henry W. Lanier, 1949, Greenwich Village: Today & Yesterday, (New York: Harper & Brothers), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/66997
Brassaï, 1949, Book cover for "Histoire de Marie" by Brassaï (Paris: Editions du Point du Jour, 1949), Book cover, Private collection, LL/16317
Brassaï, 1949, Book cover for Brassai, 1949, Camera in Paris, (Focal Press), Book cover, Private collection of John F. Martin, LL/62423
Brassaï, 1949, "Le Nu Realiste" with photographs by Brassaï, [Marcel Natkin's book "Le Nu" (Editions Tiranty-Paris) - Boucher, Jahan, Sougez and Brassa¯.], Book page layout, Private collection of Gery Cichowlas, LL/13742
Brassaï, 1949, "Le Nu Realiste" with photographs by Brassaï, [Marcel Natkin's book "Le Nu" (Editions Tiranty-Paris) - Boucher, Jahan, Sougez and Brassa¯.], Book page layout, Private collection of Gery Cichowlas, LL/13743
Brassaï, 1949, Illustration in "Le Nu Realiste" with photographs by Brassaï, [Marcel Natkin's book "Le Nu" (Editions Tiranty-Paris) - Boucher, Jahan, Sougez and Brassa¯.], Book illustration, Private collection of Gery Cichowlas, LL/13741
Brassaï, 1949, Page layout for "Le Nu Realiste" with photographs by Brassaï, [Marcel Natkin's book "Le Nu" (Editions Tiranty-Paris) - Boucher, Jahan, Sougez and Brassa¯.], Book page layout, Private collection of Gery Cichowlas, LL/13740
Brassaï, 1949, Front cover for Marcel Natkin's book "Le Nu" (Editions Tiranty-Paris) - Boucher, Jahan, Sougez and Brassaî., [Marcel Natkin's book "Le Nu" (Editions Tiranty-Paris) - Boucher, Jahan, Sougez and Brassa¯.], Book cover, Private collection of Gery Cichowlas, LL/13739
Brassaï, 1949, Book cover for Brassai, 1949, Histoire de Marie par Brassaï avec une introduction par Henri Miller, (Éditions du Point du jour), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/55829
Carlo Mollino, 1949, Book cover for "Carlo Mollino: Il Messaggio dalla Camera Oscura" (Turin, Chiantore Editrice, 1949), Book cover, Artcurial, LL/27287
Hans Bellmer, 1949, Book cover for Hans Bellmer "Les Jeux de la Poupée" (Paris): (Les Éditions premières), (1949), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/28615
Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1949, Book cover for Daniel Wronecki, New York, (Fernand Nathan, 1949), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/51787
Margaret Bourke-White, 1949, Book cover for Margaret Bourke-White & Henry W. Lanier, 1949, Greenwich Village, Today & Yesterday, (New York: Harper & Brothers), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/53476
René Groebli, 1949, Book cover for René Groebli, 1949, Magie der Schiene, (Zurich: Kubus-Verlag), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/58758
Richard Peter Sr., 1949, Book cover for Richard Peter & Max Zimmering, 1949, Dresden. Eine Kamera klagt an. Ein historisches Dokument, (Dresden: Dresdener Verlagsgesellschaft KG), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/94851
Robert Doisneau, 1949, Book cover for Robert Doisneau & Blaise Cendrars (text) "La Banlieue de Paris" (Paris: Pierre Seghers Editeur, 1949), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/43362
Various photographers, 1949, Book cover for various photographers "Brycha 1945-1948. Home -- through the 'Vale of Tears" (Tel Aviv: Ha-Berihah, 1949), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28392
Ylla, 1949, Book cover of Ylla, 1949, Le Petit Lion: photographies par Ylla, (Ed. Arts et Métiers Graphiques, Paris), Book cover, Source requested, LL/6782
Mathew B. Brady, 1949, Mathew Brady Negatives Found In Barn [Inverted], Gelatin silver print, digitally inverted, Archive Farms, LL/129871
Mathew B. Brady, 1949, Mathew Brady Negatives Found In Barn, Gelatin silver print, Archive Farms, LL/128449

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