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Photographs and images taken, or published, in 1843
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Lightbox > 1843
Hill & Adamson, 1843, Rev. Thomas Chalmers, 1780 - 1847. Preacher and social reformer (shown preaching), Calotype print, medium, National Galleries of Scotland, LL/45304
Hill & Adamson, 1843, William Leitch in Monk's Robe ("The House of Death"), Salt print, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/81630
Hill & Adamson, 1843, Rev. John Julius Wood of Greyfriars Church, Edinburgh (1800-1877), Salt paper print, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/126219
Hill & Adamson, 1843, Lane and Peddie as Afghans, Salted paper print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/43656
Hill & Adamson, 1843, Sir David Brewster, 1781 - 1868. Natural philosopher, Calotype print, National Galleries of Scotland, LL/56766
Hill & Adamson, 1843, The Scott Monument under Construction, Calotype print, medium, National Galleries of Scotland, LL/45308
Hill & Adamson, 1843, Hugh Miller, 1802 - 1856. Geologist and author, Calotype print, medium, National Galleries of Scotland, LL/45315
Hill & Adamson, 1843, Ivy-covered tree at Colinton. "the Fairy Tree", Calotype print, National Galleries of Scotland, LL/6817
Hill & Adamson, 1843, John Blackie, Publisher, Edinburgh, Salt print, Villa Grisebach Auktionen GmbH - Berlin, LL/94693
Hill & Adamson, 1843, MacKenzie's Tomb, Greyfriars Churchyard, Edinburgh, Calotype, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, LL/96577
Alexander Doussin Dubreuil (fl. 1842-1845), 1843, Daniel O'Connell (1775-1847), [Repeal Martyrs], Daguerreotype, National Gallery of Ireland, LL/94472
Anna Atkins, 1843, Laminaria Saccharina, Cyanotype, Source requested, LL/1907
Anna Atkins, 1843, Alaria esculenta, [Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype impressions], Cyanotype, Zucker Art Books, LL/75889
Armand Hippolyte Fizeau, 1843, View From Window, 17, rue du Cherche-Midi, Paris, Daguerreotype, etched in acid for printing, Archive Farms, LL/112601
Armand Hippolyte Fizeau, 1843, Toiture et cheminée, rue du Cherche-Midi à Paris, Daguerreotype, Musée d'Orsay, LL/42670
Auguste Edouart (1788-1861), 1843, Thomas Sully, Silhouette, ink, chalk and cut paper on paper, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, LL/84794
Beard's Photographic Institution, 1843, Seated Gentleman, Daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/113178
Bishop & Gray Studio, 1843, John Quincy Adams, Daguerreotype, 1/6 plate, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, LL/60153
Carl Ferdinand Stelzner, 1843, Die Binnenalster mit St. Georg und der St. Georg Kirche, Daguerreotype, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/65258
Carl Ferdinand Stelzner, 1843, Johann P.L. Bartels with his wife Pauline, née Marschner and their seven children (Johann P.L. Bartels mit seiner Frau Pauline, geb. Marschner und ihren sieben Kindern), Daguerreotype, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/126228
Carl Ferdinand Stelzner, 1843, The miniature painter Caroline Stelzner (1808-1875) (Die Miniaturmalerin Caroline Stelzner (1808-1875)), Daguerreotype, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe / MKG, LL/126218
Charles Vernier (French carcaturist and lithographer,1813-1892), 1843, [An amorous couple taking advantage of a pre-occupied photographer], Lithograph, Source requested, LL/55602
David Octavius Hill, 1843, Scott Monument, under construction, showing scaffolding [Edinburgh], Salted paper print, Edinburgh City Libraries and Information Services, LL/41015
Eduard Wehnert, 1843, Bertha Beckmann [Porträt der Bertha Beckmann vor gemaltem Hintergrund], Daguerreotype, Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst / The Museum of Applied Arts, LL/63262
Frédéric Goupil-Fesquet, 1843, Costume de Mr Horace Vernet pendant son voyage, Illustration, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/93892
Frederick Catherwood, 1843, Kabah, 3rd Casa, Engraving, from a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/112613
Frederick Catherwood, 1843, Portion of Western Building, Monjas, Uxmal, Engraving, Archive Farms, LL/112612
Henry Collen, 1843, Portrait of Dr Alfred Swain Taylor, Calotype, over-painted, Archive Farms, LL/89949
Hermann Krone, 1843, City view with the Elisabethkirche in Breslau (today Wroclaw in Poland) seen from the main market. (heute Wroclaw in Polen) vom Hauptmarkt gesehen.), Daguerreotype, National Gallery of Australia (NGA), LL/102760
Hippolyte Fizeau (circle of), 1843, Facade of the Seminary, Place Saint-Sulpice, Etching from daguerreotype plate, Archive Farms, LL/69978
Hippolyte Bayard, 1843, [Construction of the Galerie de la Madeleine], [Dessins photographiques sur Papier. Recueil No. 2. (ms. cover title) [The "Bayard Album"]], Salted paper print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/124851
Hippolyte Bayard, 1843, [Place de la Concorde], Salted paper print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/124825
Hippolyte Bayard, 1843, Château de Blois, façade donnant sur la place de l'église des Jésuites, Daguerreotype, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/91586
Howard Chilton / A.L. Dick (maker), 1843, Albert Gallati, Engraving, from a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/112615
Johann Baptist Isenring, 1843, Peter Wilhelm Friedrich von Voigtlõnder (1812-1878), Austrian optician, Daguerreotype, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/34659
Joseph Woodfall Ebsworth (1824-1908), 1843, North view of Edinburgh from the upper gallery of the Scott Monument, Engraving, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/78451
Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey, 1843, Kaire, G.[rand] El Bordthni. Min.[aret], Daguerreotype, Christie's - London, LL/7473
Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey, 1843, Capital, Greco-Roman Theater, Miletus, Daguerreotype, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/85458
Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey, 1843, Hexagonal Court, Temple of Jupiter, Baalbek, Daguerreotype, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/85459
Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey, 1843, 150. Constantinople. 1843. Fontaine pris du T[emple] du Galat, Daguerreotype, Christie's - New York, LL/39312
Louis Auguste Bisson, 1843, Portrait of an unknown man, Daguerreotype, Framed, Rijksmuseum, LL/25752
Marquis de Bassano, 1843, Fontainbleu (cour ovale), Salted paper print, from a calotype negative, Sotheby's - Paris, LL/80238
Noël Marie Paymal Lerebours, 1843, Portail de Notre Dame de Reims, [Excursions daguerriennes : vues et monuments les plus remarquables du globe], Book plate, Private collection of Jeff Nolte, LL/119531
Noël Marie Paymal Lerebours, 1843, Portail de Notre Dame de Reims, [Excursions daguerriennes : vues et monuments les plus remarquables du globe], Etching with acquatint, from a daguerreotype, Archive Farms, LL/95319
Paul Michel Hossard, 1843, Paris, les berges de la Seine avec la silhouette du Panthéon, Daguerreotype, Musée d'Orsay, LL/42668
Theodor Hosemann (1807-1875), 1843, The photographer deprives the artist of his livelihood, Caricature, Source requested, LL/53724
Unidentified Daguerreotypist, 1843, Nantes, Inondation [Flood], Daguerreotype, whole plate, Sotheby's - Paris, LL/44398
Unidentified daguerreotypist, 1843, Belgian physicist Joseph Plateau (1801-1883), Daguerreotype, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/52063
Unidentified illustrator, 1843, Spectators Viewing Bouton's Diorama of the Church of Saint-Paul-hors-les-Mur after a Fire, Wood engraving, Archive Farms, LL/128319
Unidentified photographer, 1843, Group portrait, three women and three men, Daguerreotype, National Library of Norway / Nasjonalbiblioteket, LL/95739
Unidentified photographer, 1843, Belgian physicist Joseph A. F. Plateau (1801-1883), Daguerreotype, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/126455
Unidentified photographer, 1843, Friedrichstrasse, Stuttgart, Daguerreotype, Private collection of W. & T. Bosshard, LL/73798
William Sherlock, 1843, Winged figure of Victory, Salted paper print, George Eastman Museum, LL/69867
William Sherlock, 1843, Hadrian's Arch and Temple of Jupiter Olympus, Salted paper print, George Eastman Museum, LL/69873
William Sherlock, 1843, The Acropolis Theatre of Bacchus, Salted paper print, George Eastman Museum, LL/69875
Henry Fox Talbot, 1843, Place Vendôme, Salt print, Science Museum, LL/111357
Henry Fox Talbot, 1843, One of the Towers of Orleans Cathedral, as seen from the opposite Tower, Salt print, Moderna Museet, LL/85561
Henry Fox Talbot, 1843, Cloisters, Lacock Abbey, Salt print, calotype negative, Source requested, LL/1905
Henry Fox Talbot, 1843, Cloisters, Lacock Abbey, Calotype negative, Source requested, LL/1906
Henry Fox Talbot, 1843, Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel and the Tuileries, Paris, Salted paper print, National Science and Media Museum, LL/82876
Henry Fox Talbot, 1843, Trafalgar Square during the Construction of Nelson's Column, Salt print, from calotype negative, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, LL/96583
Henry Fox Talbot, 1843, Hotel de la Paix and Maison Lucy Hocquet, Rue de la Paix, Paris, Salted paper print, National Science and Media Museum, LL/82148
Henry Fox Talbot, 1843, Hotel Canterbury, Rue de la Paix, Paris, Salted paper print, National Science and Media Museum, LL/82147
Henry Fox Talbot, 1843, View of the Boulevards at Paris, Salted paper print, National Science and Media Museum, LL/82145
Henry Fox Talbot, 1843, Hotel de la Paix and Maison Lucy Hocquet, Rue de la Paix, Paris, Salted paper print, National Science and Media Museum, LL/82144
Henry Fox Talbot, 1843, View of the Paris Boulevards from the First Floor of the Hôtel de Louvais, Rue de la Paix, Salted paper print, from a paper negative, New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA), LL/82128
Henry Fox Talbot, 1843, An Ancient Door, Magdalen College, Oxford, Salted paper print, National Gallery of Art, LL/76761
Henry Fox Talbot, 1843, Trafalgar Square with Nelsons Column during construction, London, Calotype, Det Nationale Fotomuseum (National Museum of Photography), LL/7981
Henry Fox Talbot, 1843 (taken) 1846 (published), "One of the Towers Of Orleans Cathedral, as seen from the opposite Tower" From Nature, 1843, Talbotype, Private collection of David McGreevy, LL/63815
Hill & Adamson, 1843 (taken) 1880 (ca, print), George Meikle Kemp, Photograph, Moderna Museet, LL/85483
Hill & Adamson, 1843 (taken) 1890 (ca, print), Prof. Alex. Campbell Fraser, Rev. James Walker, Rev. Robert Taylor, Rev. John Murray, Dr. William Welsh and Rev. John Nelson, Edinburgh, Carbon print, from the original paper negative, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/70611
Hill & Adamson, 1843 (taken) 1912 (print), Handyside Ritchie and William Henning, [Camera Work, no. 37, pl. 03], Photogravure, on Japan tissue, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/51888
Hill & Adamson, 1843 (taken) 1915 (ca, print), Three Fisherwomen, Newhaven, Carbon print, Archive Farms, LL/90732
Henry Fox Talbot, 1843 (taken) 2018 (digital composite), North aisle of the Louvre, Paris / North half of the Tuileries, Paris, Digital positive, from two calotype negatives, National Science and Media Museum, LL/82878
Noël Marie Paymal Lerebours, 1843, Title page for "A Treatise on Photography; Containing the Latest Discoveries and Improvements Appertaining to the Daguerreotype" by. N.P. Lerebours, translated by J. Egerton (London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1843), Title page, Archive Farms, LL/112142
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1843, Daguerreotype apparatus, Book Illustration, Google Books, LL/34759
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1843, We had with us a Daguerreotype apparatus. The best that could be procured in New-York, Book page, Google Books, LL/35023
Frédéric Goupil-Fesquet, 1843, Book title page for Goupil Fesquet, 1843, Voyage d'Horace Vernet en Orient, (Paris: Challamel), Book, detail, Getty Research Institute, LL/88185
Frédéric Goupil-Fesquet, 1843, Book title page for Goupil Fesquet, 1843, Voyage d'Horace Vernet en Orient, (Paris: Challamel), Book title page, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88184
Frédéric Goupil-Fesquet, 1843, Costume Levantin Moderne - Costume Smyrniote Ancien, Book illustration, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Estampes et de la Photographie, LL/88183
Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey, 1843, 70. Mosquée Naçeriyeh, au Kaire; M. el Bordéni, [Monuments arabes], Lithograph, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/113763
Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey, 1843, 14. Mosquée el Hakem, au Kaire, Lithograph, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/85460
Noël Marie Paymal Lerebours, 1843, Title page for "A Treatise on Photography; Containing the Latest Discoveries and Improvements Appertaining to the Daguerreotype" by. N.P. Lerebours, translated by J. Egerton (London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1843), Title page, Google Books, LL/34409

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