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Photographs and images taken, or published, in 1877
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Lightbox > 1877
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1877, Doctor and suspended patient, Woodburytype, George Eastman Museum, LL/35660
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1877, Doctor and suspended patient, Woodburytype, George Eastman Museum, LL/35659
1877, [Magic lantern show], Book illustration, Google Books, LL/54318
A. & J. Bool, 1877, St. Bartholomew the Great and Cloth Fair, [Relics of Old London], Carbon print, Yale Center for British Art, LL/87064
Lock & Whitfield, 1877, The Right Hon. Sir Robert J. [Joseph] Phillimore, D.C.L., [Men of Mark, Second series], Woodburytype, Private collection of Hans Christian Adam, LL/52614
Lock & Whitfield, 1877, Dr. Heinrich Schliemann, [Men of Mark, Second series], Woodburytype, Private collection of Hans Christian Adam, LL/52617
Lock & Whitfield, 1877, Frederick Leighton, [Men of Mark, Second series], Woodburytype, Private collection of Hans Christian Adam, LL/52613
Notman & Sandham, 1877, Grand Trunk Railway Engineering Department group, composite, Silver salts on paper mounted on card - Albumen process, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/116122
Mathew Brady's Studio, 1877, Frederick W Seward, Collodion on glass negatives (x2), Archive Farms, LL/112137
Alphonse-Louis Poitevin, 1877, [Imprints of mushrooms], Photograph, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/119922
Antoine Samuel Adam-Salomon, 1877, Jules Verne, [Men of Mark, Second series], Woodburytype, Private collection of Hans Christian Adam, LL/52616
Atelier Carl Alexander Czichna (1807-1867), 1877, Margarethenplatz, Innsbruck, Salt print, hand-coloured, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/115499
Carleton E. Watkins, 1877, Spooner Summit, Douglas County, Nevada, Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/31410
Carol Szathmari, 1877, Romanian battery on the banks of the Danube, Albumen print, Private collection of Dr. Adrian-Silvan Ionescu, LL/34276
Carol Szathmari, 1877, Mass on the field: the ambulance benediction at Poiana, Albumen print, Private collection of Dr. Adrian-Silvan Ionescu, LL/34277
Charles Marville, 1877, Candélabre Console Avec Inscription des Noms des Rues, Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/62943
Charles Marville, 1877, Excavation of the Butte des Moulins for the Construction of the Avenue de l'Opéra, Paris, Albumen print, Rijksmuseum, LL/78748
Daniel Bendann (American, 1835 - 1914), 1877, Portrait of Poe, Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/95969
DBW Studio, 1877, Formal portrait of woman in fur parka -note tattooing on chin (Port Clarence, Alaska. Eskimo), Albumen print, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, LL/53100
Eadweard Muybridge, 1877, Ruins of the Church of San Miguel, Panama, Albumen print, National Gallery of Art, LL/54895
Eadweard Muybridge, 1877, Moonlight Effect-Bay of Panama, Albumen print, National Gallery of Art, LL/54893
Eadweard Muybridge, 1877, [Key to Muybridge's San Francisco Panorama], Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/118311
Eadweard Muybridge, 1877, View from Windows Looking South, Albumen silver print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/66475
Eadweard Muybridge, 1877, Evening Recreations of the Coffee Pickers, San Isidro, Albumen print, American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution, LL/7592
Eadweard Muybridge, 1877, Quezaltenango from the Crater of a Volcano, Albumen print, National Gallery of Art, LL/92684
Eadweard Muybridge, 1877, Panorama of San Francisco from California St. Hill, Albumen prints (x11), Swann Galleries - New York, LL/94324
Eadweard Muybridge, 1877, Frontispiece to Muybridge's Central American Album, Albumen silver print, American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution, LL/97527
Etienne Carjat, 1877, Comte Victor Marie Hugo, [Men of Mark, Second series], Woodburytype, Private collection of Hans Christian Adam, LL/52615
Etienne Carjat, 1877, Cécile Daubray ("Cosette"), Private collection of Jan Weijers (Servatius), LL/29086
F. Brandseph, 1877, Exterieur van het Wilhelma te Stuttgart, Stereoview, Rijksmuseum, LL/114751
Frederick Gutekunst, 1877, The Longest Structure in the World, Albumen print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/23152
G.F. Simonson, 1877, Canterbury St. from… [St. John, New Brunswick, Canada, Ruins - exterior, 1877], Stereoview, Private collection of Jeff Ward - The Early Light Project, LL/118990
G.F. Simonson, 1877, Canterbury St. from… [St. John, New Brunswick, Canada, Ruins - exterior, 1877], Stereoview, right half, cropped, Private collection of Jeff Ward - The Early Light Project, LL/122905
Georges B. von Grumbkow, 1877, Alphons Stübel at the Portal of the Sun, Tiahuanaco, Albumen print, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/50370
Giacomo Martinetti (Italian, 1842-1910), 1877, Family group: Three girls with framed photographic portraits of man and woman on table beside them, Oil on canvas, George Eastman Museum, LL/74645
Gustave Caillebotte, 1877, Rue de Paris, temps de pluie [Strasse in Paris, an einem Regentag], Oil painting, Art Institute of Chicago, LL/40744
H.S. Fifield, 1877, Flume No. 316, Stereoview, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/116697
H.W. Rich (Windsor, England), 1877, Three women in traditional Welsh costume, Albumen print, Private collection of John Quin, LL/112837
J.C. Schaarwächter, 1877, Herr Marcus, Carte de visite, Private collection of T. Max Hochstetler, LL/20746
J.C. Schaarwächter, 1877, Elizabeth Marcus, Carte de visite, Private collection of T. Max Hochstetler, LL/14249
J. Wells Champney, 1877, Light Carrying Heliotypes, Book graphic, Private collection of Dan Kuczynski, LL/61606
John Thomson (1837-1921), 1877, Magic Lantern Peep Show, OIl on canvas, Bonhams - London, LL/54474
John Schofield, 1877, The Bible Christian Church, 3rd St., above Girard Avenue, Phila., Stereoview, Library Company of Philadelphia, LL/118108
John Schofield, 1877, The Bible Christian Church, 3rd St., above Girard Avenue, Phila., Stereoview, Library Company of Philadelphia, LL/118107
John Thomson, 1877, Workers on the Silent Highway, [Street Life in London], Woodburytype, Guildhall Library, LL/6065
John Thomson, 1877, Photography on The Common / Waiting for a Hire, [Street Life in London], Woodburytype, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/86292
John Thomson, 1877, Public Disinfectors, [Street Life in London], Woodburytype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/43270
John Thomson, 1877, The London boardmen, [Street Life in London], Woodburytype, Pierre Spake Fine Art, LL/7530
John Thomson, 1877, London nomades, [Street Life in London], Woodburytype, Pierre Spake Fine Art, LL/7529
John Thomson, 1877, The Dramatic Shoe Black, [Street Life in London], Woodburytype, Archive Farms, LL/124138
John Thomson, 1877, Recruiting Sargeants at Westminster, [Street Life in London], Woodburytype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41805
John Thomson, 1877, Covent Garden Flower Women, [Street Life in London], Woodburytype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41804
John Thomson, 1877, London Cabmen, [Street Life in London], Woodburytype, National Science and Media Museum, LL/41803
L. Fiorillo, 1877, Expedition of the Società Geografica Italiana in East Africa (Spedizione della Società Geografica Italiana in Africa Orientale), Albumen print, Musei Civici Imola, LL/107804
Louis Ducos du Hauron, 1877, Agen, France, Heliochrome (bichromate process), George Eastman Museum, LL/38163
Maksymilian Fajans, 1877, A Praga train station, Albumen print, Muzeum Lubelskie, LL/60975
Nadar, 1877, Georges Richard, [Paris-Théâtre], Woodburytype, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72029
Nadar, 1877, Conchita Gelabert, [Paris-Théâtre], Woodburytype, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72028
Nadar, 1877, Berthe Stuart, [Paris-Théâtre], Woodburytype, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72027
Nadar, 1877, Aline Duval, [Paris-Théâtre], Woodburytype, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72026
Nadar, 1877, Grivot, [Paris-Théâtre], Woodburytype, Philadelphia Museum of Art, LL/72030
Sir Francis Galton, 1877, [Composite Portraits of Criminal Types], Albumen print, from glass negative, University College, London, LL/54314
Sophus Williams, 1877, Heidelberger Schloss. Hof mit Brunnen, [Die Rheinlande], Stereoview, Rijksmuseum, LL/114753
Unidentified artist, 1877, An engraving depicting Professor Charles' experiment, whereby he transferred images onto sensitized paper, Book illustration,, LL/105840
Unidentified artist, 1877, Inside the Central Park camera obscura, Magazine illustration, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/49059
Unidentified photographer, 1877, Aden, Albumen print, Sotheby's - London, LL/58822
Unidentified photographer, 1877, Aden, Albumen print, Sotheby's - London, LL/58820
Unidentified photographer, 1877, Woman with long hair, Silver salts on paper mounted on paper - Albumen process, McCord Stewart Museum, LL/112934
Unidentified photographer, 1877, Red Cloud and Indians. Standing - Red Bear (Sons Are?), Young Man Afraid of his Horse, Good Voice, Ring Thunder, Iron Crow, White Tail, Young Spotted Tail. Seated - Yellow Bear, Jack Red Cloud, Big Road, Little Wound, Black Crow, Wet collodion glass negative, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/48778
Unidentified photographer, 1877, Group portrait, Aden, Albumen print, Sotheby's - London, LL/58819
Unidentified photographer, 1877, Informal portrait of four men standing in front of a poster for the London, Brighton and South Coast railway, Ambrotype, 1/8 plate, mounted for wall hanging, National Museums Scotland, LL/68370
W.H. Tipton, 1877, Old Dunkard Church, [Battlefield of Antietam], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110770
W.H. Tipton, 1877, Around Smithsburg & Cavetown, N. side anti chamber, [Scenery of Western Maryland R.R.], Stereoview, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/110769
William Notman, 1877, The Montreal Snowshoe Club, Mount Royal, Albumen print, composite, Private collection of Steven Evans, LL/8862
William Henry Jackson, 1877, Portrait (Profile) of Perrus Kitti-Busk (Small Boy) in Native Dress with Ornaments, Black and white collodion glass negative, stereograph, National Anthropological Archives, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, LL/84488
William Henry Jackson, 1877, Caw-caw-ke-reek, or Crow Eyes, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82684
William Henry Jackson, 1877, A-sau-taw-ka, or White Horse, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82685
William Henry Jackson, 1877, Ke-wuk-o-we-te-rah-rook, or Acting a Fox, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82686
William Henry Jackson, 1877, Tit-towy-oot-se, or Beginning to go to War, or Johnson Wright, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82687
William Henry Jackson, 1877, See-rar-wot-cowy, or Behind the One That Strikes First, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82688
William Henry Jackson, 1877, Ta-caw-deex-taw-see-ux, or Driving a Herd, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82689
William Henry Jackson, 1877, Ke-wuk-o-car-war-ry, or Fox on the War-Path, or Fat George, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82690
William Henry Jackson, 1877, Cu-roox-ta-ri-ha, or Good Bear, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82691
William Henry Jackson, 1877, Sit-te-row-e-hoo-ra-reek, or Seen by All, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82698
William Henry Jackson, 1877, Paw-hoo-cut-taw-wah, or Kneemark On The Ground On Stooping To Drink, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82692
William Henry Jackson, 1877, Portrait (Profile) of Perrus Kitti-Busk (Small Boy) in Native Dress with Ornaments, Black and white collodion glass negative, in stereograph, half, National Anthropological Archives, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, LL/84487
William Henry Jackson, 1877, Kee-week-o-war-uxty, or Medicine Bull, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82693
William Henry Jackson, 1877, Perrus-kitty-busk, or Small Boy, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82699
William Henry Jackson, 1877, Lee-ta-cuts-a-war-uxty, or Medicine Eagle, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82694
William Henry Jackson, 1877, Loo-kit-towy-his-sa, or On a Fine Horse, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82695
William Henry Jackson, 1877, Loots-tow-oots, or Rattlesnake, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82696
William Henry Jackson, 1877, Loots-tow-oots (Rattlesnake), and wife, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82697
William Henry Jackson, 1877, La-roo-chuk-a-rar-oo, or The Sun Coming In, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82680
William Henry Jackson, 1877, On A Fine Horse or Loo-kit-towy-his-sa, and A Male Calf or Are-wauks, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82677
William Henry Jackson, 1877, Caw-caw-kitty-busk, also known as Little Raven, Albumen print, American Antiquarian Society, LL/82676
G.F. Simonson, 1877, Canterbury St. from… [St. John, New Brunswick, Canada, Ruins - exterior, 1877], Stereoview, back, Private collection of Jeff Ward - The Early Light Project, LL/118991
J.C. Schaarwächter, 1877, Backmark for J.C. Schaarwächter, Carte de visite, back, Private collection of T. Max Hochstetler, LL/14243
Vivot (Amiens), 1877, Backmark for "Vivot, Phtographe, 4 Boulevard de Beauvais, Amiens", Carte de visite, back, Bazar Nadar / Wouter Lambrechts, LL/94215
S.V. Albee, 1877 (taken), Backlist for "The Railroad War at Pittsburgh, July 21-22, 1877.", Stereocard, back, Jefferson Stereoptics, LL/107232
J. Greer (Pendleton), 1877, Book cover for Selim Rothwell, "Scraps from an Artist's Sketch Book" (Boston: The Daily Chronicle, 1877), Book cover, Ninteen-Thirteen: Art Antiques Artifacts, LL/42562
J. Greer (Pendleton), 1877, Temple of Vesta and the House of Rienzi, Rome, Albumen print, tipped in, Ninteen-Thirteen: Art Antiques Artifacts, LL/42563
William Notman Studio, 1877, Fire in Mr. Notman`s studio in St. John, New Brunswick, Canada, Book page, Google Books, LL/36150
Augustus Le Plongeon, 1877, The size and appearance of the statue, "half as large again as the natural size," is here distinctly pictured, together with Dr. Le Plongeon standing in the rear of his discovery. The head-dress, trappings and sandals are clearly defined., Magazine plate, Google Books, LL/36221
Augustus Le Plongeon, 1877, The statue has now been drawn to the upper part of the inclined plane. The ropes of habin bark are attached to the figure. Near the sculptured slabs at the right, already shown in 3, 5 and 6, Mrs. Le Plongeon appears seated., Magazine plate, Google Books, LL/36220
Augustus Le Plongeon, 1877, Decorated Building at Chichen-Itza, Yucatan, Magazine plate, Google Books, LL/36219
Carlo Naya, 1877, Description of the Alethoscope, Catalogue page, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/114153
Carlo Naya, 1877, Catalogue cover for Carlo Naya, 1877, Catalogue Général des Photographies Éditées, (Venise), Catalogue cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/114152
David Scott (Sydney), 1877, Agricultural Society of NSW medal, awarded to David Scott, 140 Pitt St, Sydney 1877. Large photographs, Medal, reverse, Private collection of Marcel Safier, LL/60707
David Scott (Sydney), 1877, Agricultural Society of NSW medal, 1877, Medal, front, Private collection of Marcel Safier, LL/60706
Ernest Bazin, 1877, Recherche de galions dans la baie de Vigo, Magazine illustration, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/79425
G.F. Simonson, 1877, Canterbury St., Showing Ritchie's Building in the Distance., Illustration, based on a photograph, Private collection of Jeff Ward - The Early Light Project, LL/122906
J.C. Moulton, 1877, 3 Dollar photographic coupon [banknote] for J.C. Moulton, Photographer, 368 Main St., Fitchburg, Mass., Banknote, back, Private collection of Joel White, Curiosity Antiques, LL/112883
J.C. Moulton, 1877, 3 Dollar photographic coupon [banknote] for J.C. Moulton, Photographer, 368 Main St., Fitchburg, Mass., Banknote, front, Private collection of Joel White, Curiosity Antiques, LL/112882
Unidentified artist, 1877, [Anmals examining the photographs taken by Topaz], Book illustration, Google Books, LL/43140
Unidentified artist, 1877, Topaz & Sapajo, Singeographers, Paris, Book illustration, Google Books, LL/43137
Unidentified artist, 1877, [Topaz with a camera ending his sorrows in the waters of the Amazon], Book illustration, Google Books, LL/43139
Unidentified artist, 1877, [Topaz with animals with cameras], Book illustration, Google Books, LL/43138

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