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Lightbox > 2014
2014, Vintage Cameras Dress, Dress, Etsy, LL/54964
2014, Martin Parr's best books of the decade, a collection of 31 books in a specially designed bookcase, Photograph, Botterweg Auctions, LL/55710
2014, HMS Erebus on the sea floor, northern Canada, Side-scan sonar image, Parks Canada, LL/55768
2014, Book cover for Mattie Boom, 2014, The First Photograph from Suriname: A Portrait of the Nineteenth-century Elite in the West Indies, (Rijks Museum), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/69982
Alex Prager, 2014, Simi Valley, Archival pigment print, Sotheby's - New York, LL/74026
Beth Moon, 2014, Book cover for Beth Moon, 2014, Ancient Trees: Portraits of Time, (Abbeville Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/82108
Chinese Space Agency, 2014, [The far side of the Moon captured by the Chinese Chang'e 5-T1 spacecraft], Photograph, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/125625
Claudia Fährenkemper, 2014, Untitled [Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, Austria], [Armor], Black and white print, Stephen Bulger Gallery, LL/96099
Claudia Fährenkemper, 2014, Untitled [Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, Austria], [Armor], Black and white print, Stephen Bulger Gallery, LL/96098
Claudia Fährenkemper, 2014, Untitled [Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, Austria], [Armor], Black and white print, Stephen Bulger Gallery, LL/96097
Claudia Fährenkemper, 2014, Untitled [Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, Austria], [Armor], Black and white print, Stephen Bulger Gallery, LL/96096
Claudia Fährenkemper, 2014, Untitled [Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, Austria], [Armor], Black and white print, Stephen Bulger Gallery, LL/96095
Claudio Santambrogio, 2014, I, Salted paper, chemigram, Provided by the artist - Claudio Santambrogio, LL/78724
Cortis & Sonderegger, 2014, Making of "AS11-40-5878" (by Edwin Aldrin, 1969), Photograph, East Wing, LL/66539
Damian Michaels, 2014, Untitled, Cabinet card, with ink design, Provided by the artist - Damian Michaels, LL/61035
David Kregenow, 2014, Nadav Kander, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91640
David Kregenow, 2014, Jeff Wall, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91639
David Kregenow, 2014, Will McBride, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91638
David Kregenow, 2014, Anton Corbijn, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91641
David Kregenow, 2014, Boris Mikhailov, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91637
David Kregenow, 2014, Harry Gruyaert, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91636
David Kregenow, 2014, Paolo Ventura, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91635
David Kregenow, 2014, René Groebli, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91634
David Kregenow, 2014, Mark Power, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91633
David Kregenow, 2014, Bernard Plossu, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91632
David Kregenow, 2014, Joel Meyerowitz, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91630
David Kregenow, 2014, Bertien Van Manen, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - David Kregenow, LL/91631
Jack Wilgus, 2014, New Belgium Snapshot Wheat Beer, Packaging, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/76398
Luther Gerlach, 2014, Ficus Tree and Sleeping Bag, Santa Paula, California, Ambrotype, on amethyst glass, Provided by the artist - Luther Gerlach, LL/76868
Mandy Barker, 2014, Lighter, [Hong Kong Soup:1826], Colour photograph, Provided by the artist - Mandy Barker, LL/82759
Mandy Barker, 2014, Transform, [Hong Kong Soup:1826], Colour photograph, Provided by the artist - Mandy Barker, LL/82760
Martin Parr, 2014, Beijing, China, [Autoportraits], Colour print, Martin Parr Foundation, LL/96192
Mike Crawford, 2014, Ceramic mural showing Daguerre and Niepce, Cafe Royal, Edinburgh, Scotland, Photograph, Provided by the artist - Mike Crawford, LL/55268
Myoung Ho Lee, 2014, Tree #5, Archival Inkjet Print, Yossi Milo Gallery, LL/76516
Nicholas Nixon, 2014, The Brown Sisters, Wellfleet, Massachusetts, Gelatin silver print, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, LL/81170
Nick Brandt, 2014, Alleyway with Chimpanzee, [Inherit the Dust], Archival pigment print, Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, LL/91471
Nick Brandt, 2014, Quarry with Giraffe, [Inherit the Dust], Archival pigment print, Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, LL/91472
Nick Brandt, 2014, Quarry with Lion, [Inherit the Dust], Archival pigment print, Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, LL/91473
Quyen Dinh (tattoo artist, Los Angeles), 2014, Gay Ol Time, Colour photograph, Private collection of Robert Young, LL/84501
Romano Kuduzovic, 2014, Félix Paravicino having problems with a Mac Book, [Famous Paintings As Conceptual Photographs], Colour photograph, Provided by the artist - Romano Kuduzovic, LL/99558
Romano Kuduzovic, 2014, Young Man testing the Nikon D3200, [Famous Paintings As Conceptual Photographs], Colour photograph, Provided by the artist - Romano Kuduzovic, LL/99560
Romano Kuduzovic, 2014, Mona Lisa while drying her hair, [Famous Paintings As Conceptual Photographs], Colour photograph, Provided by the artist - Romano Kuduzovic, LL/99561
Romano Kuduzovic, 2014, Frida using tablet and enjoying jazz music, [Famous Paintings As Conceptual Photographs], Colour photograph, Provided by the artist - Romano Kuduzovic, LL/99559
Romano Kuduzovic, 2014, The Man with a Gamepad playing games, [Famous Paintings As Conceptual Photographs], Colour photograph, Provided by the artist - Romano Kuduzovic, LL/99562
Romano Kuduzovic, 2014, Polish woman while ironing her hair, [Famous Paintings As Conceptual Photographs], Colour photograph, Provided by the artist - Romano Kuduzovic, LL/99563
Romano Kuduzovic, 2014, Girl with a Samsung Galaxy S3, [Famous Paintings As Conceptual Photographs], Colour photograph, Provided by the artist - Romano Kuduzovic, LL/99557
Susie Bigglestone, 2014, John Chillingworth with a copy of Picture Post, Black and white photograph, Provided by the artist - Susie Bigglestone, LL/82286
Vincenzo Laera, 2014 (taken) 2015 (print), Bennet Barre, Gelatin silver print, Bassenge Photography Auctions, LL/59812
Unidentified photographer / artist, 2014, Book cover for John O'Brian (ed.), 2014, Camera Atomica, (Black Dog Publishing), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55610
2014, Book cover for Inge Henneman et al., 2014, Shooting Range: Photography & The Great War, (MER.paperkunsthalle), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56670
2014, Book cover for Simon Baker, 2014, Cnflict, Time, Photography, (London: Tate Publications), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56669
2014, Book cover for Gael Newton, 2014, Gardens of the East: Photography in Indonesia 1850s-1940s, (Canberra, A.C.T. National Gallery of Australia), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/76189
2014, Book cover for Andrew E. Hershberger,2014, Photographic Theory: An Historical Anthology, (Wiley-Blackwell), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56598
2014, Book cover for Alona Pardo & Elias Redstone (eds.), 2014, Constructing Worlds: Photography and Architecture in the Modern Age, (Prestel), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56834
2014, Book cover for Karl Jacoby, 2014, Crimes against Nature: Squatters, Poachers, Thieves, and the Hidden of American Conservation, (University of California Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/74057
2014, Book cover for Norma I. Qintana, 2014, Circus: A Traveling Life, (Damiani), Book cover, Provided by the artist - Norma I. Quintana, LL/59333
2014, Book cover for Birger Stichelbaut & Piet Chielens, 2014, De oorlog vanuit de lucht: 1914-1918 Het front in België, (Mercatorfonds), Book cover, Amazon - France, LL/101067
2014, Book cover for Horacio Fernández, 2014, Photobooks Spain 1905-1977, (RM/Museo Nacional Centro De Arte Reina Sofía), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57079
2014, Book cover for Charlotte Cotton et al., 2014, This Place, (Mack Books), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57309
2014, Book cover for Andrew E. Hershberger (ed.), 2014, Photographic Theory: An Historical Anthology, (Wiley Blackwell Books), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/58424
2014, Book cover for Nancy Marie Mithlo (ed.), 2014, For a Love of His People: The Photography of Horace Poolaw, (Smithsonian Institution), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/58422
2014, Book cover for Christopher Penn, 2014, The Herklots Folder of Photographs: The Development of Coonoor and the Coffee Plantations in the Nilgiri Mountain Range, South India During the Nineteenth Century, (Christopher Penn), Book cover, Amazon - UK, LL/58294
2014, Book cover for Karin Adrian von Roques, Samer Mohdad & Claude W. Sui, 2014, View From the Inside: Contemporary Arab Photography, Video and Mixed Media Art, (Schilt Publishing), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57593
2014, Book cover for Elias Redstone, 2014, Shooting Space: Architecture in Contemporary Photography, (Phaidon Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57591
2014, Book cover for Robert Shore, 2014, Post-Photography: The Artist with a Camera, (Laurence King Publishing), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57590
2014, Book cover for Laurence Prod'homme, 2014, Charles et Paul Géniaux : Deux frères en photographie, (Fage Editions), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57585
2014, Book cover for William A. Ewing, 2014, Landmark: The Fields of Landscape Photography, (Thames & Hudson), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57375
2014, Book cover for Ferdinand M. Bertholet & Lambert van der Aalsvoort, 2014, Among the Celestials: China in Early Photographs, (Brussels: Mercatorfonds), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/73842
2014, Book cover for Murray Moss, 2014, Tertium Quid: Pictorial Narratives Created from Vintage Press Photographs, (August Editions), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/85044
2014, Book cover for Jeffrey Fraenkel, 2014, The Plot Thickens, (San Francisco: Fraenkel Gallery, Distributed by Artbook/D.A.P.), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/61060
2014, Book cover for George Lowe & Huw Lewis-Jones, 2014, The Crossing of Antarctica: Original Photographs from the Epic Journey That Fulfilled Shackleton's Dream, (Thames & Hudson), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/61821
2014, Book cover for Mary Street Alinder, 2014, Group f.64: Edward Weston, Ansel Adams, Imogen Cunningham, and the Community of Artists Who Revolutionized American Photography, (Bloomsbury), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/66775
2014, Book cover for Mitra Abbaspour, Lee Daffner & Maria Hambourg (eds.), 2014, Object:Photo. Modern Photographs: The Thomas Walther Collection 1909-1949, (New York: The Museum of Modern Art), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57281
2014, Book cover for Marisa Silver, 2014, Mary Coin: A Novel, (Plume), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/80386
2014, Book cover for Terry Bennett, 2014, Photography in Japan 1853-1912 , (Tuttle Publishing), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/73665
2014, Book cover for Dian Hanson (ed.), 2014, The Big Butt Book 3D, (Taschen), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55586
2014, Book cover for Wilhelm M. Donko, 2014, Auf den Spuren von Österreichs Marine in Siam (Thailand): Dokumentation aller Schiffsbesuche, zusammengestellt aus Akten, Reiseberichten und privaten Tagebüchern, (epubli), revised 2nd edition, Book cover, Amazon - Germany, LL/94281
2014, Book cover for Peter Blair, 2014, Chamonix Mont-Blanc en 3 D: Un voyage à travers le stéréoscope: de 1850 à nos jours, (Belvedere), Book cover, Private collection of Peter Blair, LL/98499
2014, Book cover for Peter Blair, 2014, Chamonix Mont-Blanc en 3 D: Un voyage à travers le stéréoscope: de 1850 à nos jours, (Belvedere), Book cover, Private collection of Peter Blair, LL/98500
2014, Book cover for Robert Hirsch, 2014, Transformational Imagemaking: Handmade Photography since 1960, (Focal Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/53732
2014, Book cover for Jackie Higgins, 2014, The World Atlas of Street Photography, (Yale University Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55603
2014, Book cover for Robert Hirsch, 2014, Transformational Imagemaking: Handmade Photography since 1960, (Focal Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/53733
2014, Book cover for Stephen McLaren & Bryan Formhals, 2014, Photographers' Sketchbooks, (Thames and Hudson), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55587
2014, Book cover for David King, 2014, The Commissar Vanishes: The Falsification of Photographs and Art in Stalin's Russia, New edition (Tate Publishing), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/54309
2014, Book cover for Lawrence T. Jones III, 2014, Lens on the Texas Frontier, (Texas A&M University Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/53989
2014, Book cover for Martin Parr & Gerry Badger, 2014, The Photobook: A History, Volume III, (Phaidon), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/53734
2014, Book cover for Dian Hanson (ed.), 2014, The Big Book of Pussy 3D, (Taschen), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55585
2014, Book cover for Steffen Siegel (ed.), 2014, Neues Licht. Daguerre, Talbot und die Veröffentlichung der Fotografie im Jahr 1839, (Munich: Wilhelm Fink), Book cover, Amazon - Germany, LL/55345
2014, Book cover for Peter Walther, 2014, The First World War in Colour, (Taschen), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55269
2014, Book cover for Meags Fitzgerald, 2014, Photobooth - A Biography, (Conundrum Press), Book cover, Etsy, LL/55129
2014, Book cover for Denis Pellerin & Brian May, 2014, The Poor Man's Picture Gallery: Stereoscopy versus paintings in the Victoria era, (London Stereoscopic Company), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55128
2014, Book cover for Hope Kingley, 2014, Seduced by Art: Photography Past and Present, (London: National Gallery), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55102
2014, Book cover for Marc Walter & Sabine Arqué, 2014, An American Odyssey: Photos from the Detroit Photographic Company 1888-1924, (Taschen), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/54935
2014, Book cover for Jeremy Rowe, 2014, Arizona Stereographs 1865 to 1930, (Carl Mautz Publishing), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/118439
2014, Book cover for Anne M. Lyden, 2014, A Royal Passion: Queen Victoria and Photography, (J. Paul Getty Museum), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/53226
2014, Book cover for "I Wanted to Lie Down and Die": Trafficking and Torture of Eritreans in Sudan and Egypt, (Human Rights Watch), Book cover, Human Rights Watch, LL/53439
2014, Book cover for Christopher Penn, 2014, The Nicholas Brothers & A. T. W. Penn: photographers of South India 1855-1885, (Quaritch), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/53917
2014, Book cover for Alessandra Mauro (ed.), 2014, Photoshow: Landmark Exhibitions that Defined the History of Photography, (Thames and Hudson), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56578
2014, Book cover for Alessandra Mauro (ed.), 2014, Photoshow: Landmark Exhibitions that Defined the History of Photography, (Thames and Hudson), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56577
2014, Book cover for Jeffrey Fraenkel, 2014, The Plot Thickens, (Fraenkel Gallery), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56555
Bernd & Hilla Becher, 2014, Book cover for Bernd & Hilla Becher, 2014, Basic Forms - Grundformen, (Schirmer/Mosel), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56584
Nicholas Brothers, 2014, Book cover for Christopher Penn, 2014, The Nicholas Brothers & A. T. W. Penn: Photographers of South India 1855-1885, (London: Bernard Quaritch Ltd), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/58293
Aaron Siskind, 2014, Book cover for Charles Traub, 2014, Aaron Siskind: Another Photographic Reality, (University of Texas Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56488
Alexander Gardner, 2014, Book cover for Jane L. Aspinall, 2014, Alexander Gardner: The Western Photographs, 1867-1868, (Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/58423
Alexander B. Weeks, 2014, Book cover for Alexander B. Weeks & Catherine Murray, 2014, Alexander B. Weeks: A Daguerreotypist's Journal: Brooklyn, Recife, Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Toledo, Detroit, (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/53513
Anders Petersen, 2014, Book cover for Anders Petersen, 2014, Anders Petersen: Rome, (Cologne: Walther König), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56581
Andy Warhol, 2014, Book cover for Andy Warhol & Marechal, 2014, Andy Warhol: The Complete Commissioned Magazine Work, (Prestel), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57396
Bertha Wehnert-Beckmann, 2014, Book cover for Jochen Voigt, 2014, A German Lady: Bertha Wehnert-Beckmann. Leben & Werk einer Fotografiepionierin, (Chemnitz: Edition Mobilis), Book cover, Amazon - Germany, LL/63254
Bruce Davidson, 2014, Book cover for Bruce Davidson, 2014, Bruce Davidson: In Color, (Steidl), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/58367
Bruce Davidson, 2014, Book cover for Bruce Davidson, 2014, Bruce Davidson: Los Angeles 1964, (Steidl), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/58895
Carleton E. Watkins, 2014, Book cover for Carleton Watkins, 2014, Carleton Watkins: The Stanford Albums, (Stanford University Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56579
Catherine Leutenegger, 2014, Book cover for Catherine Leutenegger, 2014, Kodak City, (Kehrer Verlag), Book cover, Source requested, LL/54762
Charles Bernhoeft, 2014, Book cover for Edmond Thill et al., 2014, Charles Bernhoeft: photographe de la Belle Epoque, (Luxembourg: Musée national d'histoire et d'art), Book cover, Amazon - France, LL/55576
Charles Nègre, 2014, Book cover for Michael Hagner, Bernd Stiegler & Felix Thürlemann (ed.), Charles Nègre: Selbstporträt im Hexenspiegel, (Wilhelm Fink), Book cover, Amazon - Germany, LL/67581
Charles Traub, 2014, Book cover for Charles H. Traub, 2014, Charles H. Traub: Dolce Via: Italy in the 1980s, (Damiani), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56831
Chim, 2014, Book cover for Carole Naggar, 2014, David Seymour: Vies de Chim, (Contrejour), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55489
Chim, 2014, Book cover for Carole Naggar & David Seymour, 2014, David Seymour, (Silvana Editoriale), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56580
Chris Steele-Perkins, 2014, Book cover for Chris Steele-Perkins, 2014, A place in the Country, (Dewi Lewis Publishing), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56572
Danny Lyon, 2014, Book cover for Danny Lyon, 2014, The Seventh Dog, (Phaidon), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/54118
Danny Lyon, 2014, Book cover for Danny Lyon, 2014, The Seventh Dog, (Phaidon Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57081
David Bailey, 2014, Book cover for David Bailey & Tim Marlow, 2014, Bailey's Stardust, (National Portrait Gallery), Book cover, Amazon - UK, LL/57381
David Bailey, 2014, Book cover for David Bailey, 2014, Bailey Exposed, (National Portrait Gallery), Book cover, Amazon - UK, LL/57380
David Bailey, 2014, Book cover for David Bailey, 2014, Bailey's East End, (Steidl), Book cover, Amazon - UK, LL/57378
Mike Disfarmer, 2014, Book cover for Kim O. Davis, 2014, Disfarmer: Man Behind the Camera, (Kim O. Davis), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57082
Mike Disfarmer, 2014, Book cover for Mike Disfarmer & Chelsea Spengemann (ed.), 2014, Becoming Disfarmer, (Neuberger Museum of Art), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57080
Donigan Cumming, 2014, Book cover for Donigan Cumming & Robert Enright, 2014, Donigan Cumming: The Stage, (Errata Editions), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55511
Dorothea Lange, 2014, Book cover for Neil Scott-Petrie, 2014, Dorothea Lange: Color, (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/73532
Dorothea Lange, 2014, Book cover for Linda Gordon, 2014, Dorothea Lange: Aperture Masters of Photography, (Aperture), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56582
Duane Michals, 2014, Book cover for Linda Benedict-Jones, 2014, Storyteller: The Photographs of Duane Michals, (Prestel), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56490
Eugene Richards, 2014, Book cover for Eugene Richards, 2014, Eugene Richards: Red Ball of a Sun Slipping Down, (Many Voices Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57376
Eve Arnold, 2014, Book cover for Eve Arnold, 2014, Eve Arnold, (Silvana Editoriale), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57437
Fan Ho, 2014, Book cover for Fan Ho, 2014, Fan Ho: Fan Ho: A Hong Kong Memoir, (Modernbook), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55344
Francesca Woodman, 2014, Book cover for Gabriele Schor & Elisabeth Bronfen, 2014, Francesca Woodman: Works from the Sammlung Verbund, (D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers, Inc.), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57400
Fred Lyon, 2014, Book cover for Fred Lyon, 2014, San Francisco: Portrait Of A City 1940 -1960, (Princeton Architectural Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/54063
Georges Albert Legrain, 2014, Book cover for Michel Azim & Gérard Réveillac, 2014, Karnak dans l'objectif de Georges Legrain. Catalogue raisonné des archives photographiques du premier directeur des travaux de Karnak de 1895 à 1917, (Paris: CRA), Book cover, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/85132
Hannah Höch, 2014, Book cover for Dawn Ades & Daniel F. Herrmann, 2014, Hannah Hoch, (Prestel), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56009
Henri Cartier-Bresson, 2014, Book cover for Henri Cartier-Bresson, 2014, The Decisive Moment, (Steidl), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/54765
Henri Cartier-Bresson, 2014, Book cover for Cle´ment Che´roux, 2014, Henri Cartier-Bresson: Here and Now, (Thames & Hudson), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/54183
Horst, 2014, Book cover for Martin Barnes, 2014, Horst: Patterns from Nature, (Merrell Publishers), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57583
Horst, 2014, Book cover for Susanna Brown (ed.), 2014, Horst: Photographer of Style, (Skira Rizzoli ), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57579
James Welling, 2014, Book cover for James Welling, 2014, James Welling: Man on Fire, (Prestel), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56589
James Welling, 2014, Book cover for James Welling, 2014, Diary / Landscape, (University Of Chicago Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56585
Jessica Todd Harper, 2014, Book cover for Jessica Todd Harper, 2014, Jessica Todd Harper: The Home Stage, (Damiani), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57317
John Heartfield, 2014, Book cover for Sabine T. Kriebel, 2014, Revolutionary Beauty: The Radical Photomontages of John Heartfield, (University of California Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/66992
John Ruskin, 2014, Book cover for K. & J. Jacobson, 2014, Carry Off the Palaces: John Ruskin's Lost Daguerreotypes, (Quaritch), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/53918
John Thomson, 2014, Book cover for Joel Montague & Jim Mizerski, 2014, John Thomson: The Early Years - In Search of the Orient, (White Lotus Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57315
John Thomson, 2014, Book cover for Emily Kathryn Morgan, 2014, Street Life in London: Context and Commentary, (MuseumsEtc), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55908
Josef Koudelka, 2014, Book cover for Josef Koudelka, 2014, Josef Koudelka: Nationality Doubtful, (Chicago: The Art Institute of Chicago), Book cover, Private collection of Stuart Alexander, LL/80555
Julie Blackmon, 2014, Book cover for Julie Blackmon, 2014, Homegrown, (Radius Books), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55599
Karl Martin Holzhäuser, 2014, Book cover for Karl Martin Holzhäuser, 2014, Licht-Bilder, (Kettler), Book cover, Amazon - Germany, LL/106390
Katy Grannan, 2014, Book cover for Katy Grannan, 2014, Katy Grannan: The Ninety Nine and The Nine, (Fraenkel Gallery), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56499
L.A. Huffman, 2014, Book cover for Gene & Bev Allen, 2014, The Collotypes of L.A. Huffman: Montana Frontier Photographer, (No publisher provided) ISBN: 1606390724, Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/53936
, 2014, Book cover for Roger Taylor, Crispin Branfoot & Sarah Greenough, 2014, Captain Linnaeus Tripe: Photographer of India and Burma, 1852-1860, (Prestel), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55101
Madame Yevonde, 2014, Book cover for Brett Rogers & Adam Lowe, 2014, Madame Yevonde: Be Original or Die, (The British Council), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57442
Martin Parr, 2014, Book cover for Martin Parr, 2014, Martin Parr: Bad Weather, Books on Books No. 17, (Errata Editions), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56558
Martin Parr, 2014, Book cover for martin Parr, 2014, Martin Parr: Grand Paris, (Editions Xavier Barral), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56583
Nicholas Nixon, 2014, Book cover for Nicholas Nixon, 2014, Nicholas Nixon: The Brown Sisters. Forty Years, (New York: The Museum of Modern Art), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55750
Nick Brandt, 2014, Book cover for Nick Brandt, 2014, Nick Brandt: On This Earth, A Shadow Falls, (Big Life Editions/D.A.P.), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/59580
Nick Waplington, 2014, Book cover for Nick Waplington, 2014, Settlement, (Mack), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/58426
Patrick Demarchelier, 2014, Book cover for Patrick Demarchelier, 2014, Patrick Demarchelier, (Steidl), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56881
Paul Strand, 2014, Book cover for Martin Barnes, Karen Beckman et al., 2014, Paul Strand: Master of Modern Photography, (Philadelphia Museum), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56489
Paul Strand, 2014, Book cover for Paul Strand, 2014, Paul Strand: Master of Modern Photography, (Philadelphia Museum), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56880
Robert Adams, 2014, Book cover for Robert Adams, 2014, Robert Adams: A Road Through Shore Pine, (Fraenkel Gallery), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55742
Robert Capa, 2014, Book cover for Bertail (artist) & Morvan (author), 2014, Robert Capa, Omaha Beach, 6 juin 1944, Magnum Photos, vol. 1 (Dupuis), Book cover, Amazon - France, LL/68021
Robert Doisneau, 2014, Book cover for Jean Claude Gautrand, 2014, Robert Doisneau, (Taschen), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56837
Robert Frank, 2014, Book cover for Peter Galassi (ed.) & Robert Frank, 2014, In America, (Steidl), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55751
Robert Frank, 2014, Book cover for Robert Frank, 2014, Partida, (Steidl), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55743
Robert Heinecken, 2014, Book cover for Eva Respini (ed.), 2014, Robert Heinecken: Object Matter, (New York: The Museum of Modern Art), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57282
Robert Heinecken, 2014, Book cover for Eva Respini, 2014, Robert Heinecken: Object Matter, (New York: MoMA), Book cover, MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, New York, LL/55490
Roger Ballen, 2014, Book cover for Roger Ballen, 2014, Roger Ballen: Asylum of the Birds, (Themes & Hudson), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/77151
Saul Leiter, 2014, Book cover for Saul Leiter, 2014, Saul Leiter: Early Black and White, (Steidl / Howard Greenberg Library), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56497
Shimooka Renjõ, 2014, Book cover for Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, 2014, Shimooka Renjo: A Pioneer of Japanese Photography, (Kokushokankokai Inc. / Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/53653
Sophie Calle, 2014, Book cover for Sophie Calle, 2014, Voir la mer, (Actes Sud), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/53058
Stephen Shore, 2014, Book cover for Stephen Shore, 2014, Stephen Shore: Survey, (Aperture/Fundación MAPFRE), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56491
Stephen Shore, 2014, Book cover for Stephen Shore, 2014, From Galilee to the Negev, (Phaidon), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/58425
Vanessa Winship, 2014, Book cover for Vanessa Whinship, 2014, Vanessa Winship, (Fundación Mapfre), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57377
Vivian Maier, 2014, Book cover for Richard Cahan & Michael Williams, 2014, Eye to Eye: Photographs by Vivian Maier, (CityFiles Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55749
Vivian Maier, 2014, Book cover for John Maloof, 2014, Vivian Maier: A Photographer Found, (Harper Design), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/55747
William Eggleston, 2014, Book cover for William Eggleston, 2014, William Eggleston: From Black and White to Colour, (Steidl), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56498
William Mortensen, 2014, Book cover for William Mortensen, Larry Lytle, A.D. Coleman & Michael Moynihan, 2014, American Grotesque: The Life and Art of William Mortensen, (Feral House), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56829
William Mortensen, 2014, Book cover for William Mortensen, George Dunham, Michael Moynihan & Larry Ltyle, 2014, The Command to Look: A Master Photographer's Method for Controlling the Human Gaze, (Feral House, reprint), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56830
William Despard Hemphill, 2014, Book cover for Dr Karol Mullaney-Dignam, 2014, William Despard Hemphill, Irish Victorian Photographer (Dublin: Office of Public Works), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/116881
William J. Stillman, 2014, Book cover for Stephen L. Dyson, 2014, The Last Amateur: The Life of William J. Stillman, (SUNY Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/57417
Willy Ronis, 2014, Book cover for Willy Ronis, 2014, Paris éternellement, (Editions Hoebeke), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/56563
Wynn Bullock, 2014, Book cover for Brett Abbott, Barbara Bullock-Wilson, & Mary Kelly, 2014, Wynn Bullock: Revelations, (University of Texas Press), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/67488
2014, Volume 1: Artistic work from some of the most acclaimed photographers in Canadian history, [150 Years of Photography], Postage stamps, CanadaPost, LL/55620
2014, Volume 1: Artistic work from some of the most acclaimed photographers in Canadian history, [150 Years of Photography], Postage stamps, CanadaPost, LL/55619
Dennis Hopper, 2014, Poster for "Dennis Hopper The Lost Album" (Royal Academy of Arts, 26 June - 19 October 2014), Poster, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/87288
L. Fiorillo, 2014, Evite for "Luigi Fiorillo: L'avventuroso fotografo di Alessandria d'Egitto", curated by Elisabetta Papone and Adriano Silingardi, Musei di Strada Nuovo, Palazzo Rosso, Genova (24 October 2014 - 11 January 2015), E-vite, Musei di Strata Nuova, Palazzo Rosso, LL/55726
Michael Kenna, 2014, Evite for Michael Kenna, "Michael Kenna: Paris", Musée Carnavalet (28 October 2014 - 1 February 2015), E-vite, Musée Carnavalet, LL/55812
Michael Kenna, 2014, Evite for Michael Kenna, "Michael Kenna: Les Camps de Concentration: L'Impossible Oubli" (28 October 2014), E-vite, Musée Carnavalet, LL/55813
Nick Hedges, 2014, Nick Hedges at his exhibition "Make Life Worth Living: Photographs for Shelter, 1969-72", Colour image, National Science and Media Museum, LL/55618
Ralph Winwood Robinson, 2014 (taken), A camera owned by Ralph Robinson, Redhill, Colour image, Private collection of Robert Jones, LL/54865

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