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Stereographica - Antique Photographica
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Unidentified photographer, n.d., Mother and two children (Possibly), Daguerreotype, 1/2 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11032
James F. Gibson, 1863, 5-6 July, Federal Dead on the Field of Battle of First day, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania., Magic lantern slide, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/34123
Furne fils & Tournier, n.d., [1. Man working in garden], [Épreuve a Mouvement], Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/68689
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Ambrotype in a Wharton style mount/case, Ambrotype, 1/6 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/13254
Francis Bedford, n.d., 2409. Clifton - Suspension Bridge from Salvator Rosa Valley, [Clifton Illustrated], Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11209
Unidentified photographer, n.d., A group of people outside a house, Tintype, stereoscopic, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/39541
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1920s (ca), Benson Tintype Street Camera, Camera, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11110
West & Waddell , n.d., No. 100 - Wells and Tanks between Derrick and Gillmore, [Oil Regions of Pennsylvania], Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11199
Unidentified manufacturer, n.d., Half plate Union Case, "the Wedding Procession", (Berg # 1-10), Union case, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/17458
Unidentified photographer, n.d., A gentleman wearing a top hat, English, Daguerreotype, 1/4 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/17448
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., A beautiful floral still life arrangement, Autochrome, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/17478
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1917, 22 July, Lovely little girl on her bicycle, Autochrome, stereo, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11279
Anthony, 1859, 4 July, No. 109 View in New York Harbor. Steamship Quaker City coming up the Bay., Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11189
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Milkman with his horse and trap (English), Ambrotype, 1/6 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/13257
Unidentified photographer, 1840s, English military portrait, Daguerreotype, 1/6 plate, hand-tinted, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11237
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1860-1870s (ca), American diminutive Camera Obscura, Camera obscura, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/32925
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1845 (ca), Magic Lantern "Carée" by Lapierre, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/17437
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1890s (ca), Gilt embossed leather frame to hold four carte des visite (French), Carte de visite frame, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11131
Window & Bridge, n.d., Lady Jocelyn, Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/32938
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Portrait of a soldier, Ambrotype, 1/6 plate, painted, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/13259
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1860 (ca), Murray & Heath Stereoscope, English, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/13122
William Edward Kilburn, n.d., Portrait of an older lady (English), Daguerreotype, 1/4 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11036
Sarony, n.d., Opera singer Carlotta Patti., [Sarony Stereo Celebrities], Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21598
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1880s, Stereoscopic Field Camera, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/13116
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., French tissue view showing a sailing vessel. Transcends to a beautiful moonlit night scene., Stereo, tissue view, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11223
Unidentified photographer, n.d., American tintype of two women with a Holmes-Bates stereoscope on the side table., Tintype, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/34125
Howlett & Downes, n.d., 16, the Leviathan Steam Ship, Portrait of Mr. Brunel, Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/13279
A.E. Hotchkiss, n.d., A young girl in a studio setting with a Holmes-Bates stereoscope and views on the table beside her., Cabinet card, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21593
Thomas Taylor (Reading, PA), n.d., Velvet covered frame shaped in the form of a high wheel bicycle. The frame has the original convex glass, Cabinet card frame, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/17474
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Temptation of St. Anthony, Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21603
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1850 (ca), Pivoted lever mechanical (H/P) Slide (K1) - Shows a clown jumping up and down, Lantern slide, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11010
Realistic Travels, 1914-1918, Stereoviews of World War One by Realistic Travels, Stereocards, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11181
Unidentified photographer (English), n.d., A seated young woman, Daguerreotype, oversized, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55416
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Uutside of Fairbairn's haberdashery shop (English), Case, 1/6 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11249
Unidentified photographer, n.d., A young woman reading a book, Daguerreotype, stereo, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21581
Ottridge (Luton), n.d., A man standing next to himself (English), Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11267
H.H. Bennett, n.d., No. 135 Gates Ravine, [A Trip Through the Dells of the Wisconsin River], Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11297
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Portrait of a little girl with her Greyhound Dog (English), Ambrotype, 1/4 plate, oversize, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11050
Unidentified photographer, n.d., America postmortem of a child, Daguerreotype, 1/6 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/32931
H.C. White, n.d., The manufacture of stereoscopes and views, Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55466
A.E. & A.J. Alden, n.d., A group of people outside one of the Springs at Saratoga, N.Y., Tintype, stereoscopic, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11070
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Cleveland fire department, Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/32948
n.d., Thermoplastic 1/4 plate Untion case, "Morning" (Berg #1-30), Thermoplastic case, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11158
Unidentified photographer, n.d., A memorial still life, Autochrome, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/42964
George Barker, n.d., [Niagara Falls showing a distant view of a wire walker], [Premium Views by Geo. Barker], Stereocard, cabinet size, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11194
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Portrait of a lady in blue, Autochrome, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/32951
Michael Burr, n.d., Art in '60-Your Likeness & a Shave, 6d, Stereocard, hand-tinted, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55464
Francis Frith, n.d., 369 - The two Obelisks and part of the Hall of Columns at Karnak, [Views in Egypt and Nudia], Stereocard, hand-tinted, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55479
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1870s (ca), Classic French or English Brewster style stereoscope with extra large lenses, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/13121
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1870s (ca), American walnut storage box marked "Stereoscopic Views", Storage box, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21558
London Stereoscopic Company, 1856, Christmas, Catalogue of Binocular Pictures of the London Stereoscopic Company, Catalogue, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55445
Thomas Taylor (Reading, PA), n.d., A high wheel cyclist, Cabinet card, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/17475
William Henry Jackson, n.d., 453 - Rapids above the Falls, [The Scenery of the Yellowstone], Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11186
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1922, 14 January, Saturday Evening Post magazine, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/17442
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1890s (ca), Ives Patent Stereo KROMSKOP, Stereo Kromskop, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21561
Elliott & Armstrong, n.d., A young lady with a grapho-scope on the table, Cabinet card, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55432
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1920s-1930s (ca), Erotic French glass view, Glass stereo view, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/13284
Underwood & Underwood, n.d., Underwood & Underwood boxed set of 97 of 100 views of "England", Stereocards, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11176
1970, February, Auction catalogue of the famous Strober sale, Book cover, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11019
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1860s (ca), J. H. Dallmeyer, box form Stereoscope on an adjustable brass column, Stereoscope, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11000
T.R. Williams, n.d., A brace of dead game birds, Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11088
1870s (ca), American storage rack for stereo views, Storage, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55443
Burr, n.d., An older gentleman, with a fine looking table top stereoscope on the table behind him, Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/32973
Underwood & Underwood, n.d., Underwood and Underwood "Stereographs" boxed set of 100/100 views of China., Stereographs, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11066
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Stereo Travel boxed set of 100 views (numbered 1 to 100) of "Scotland", Stereocards, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11175
James Robinson, n.d., The Death of Chatterton (Back), Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11090
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1856 (ca), Classic early Brewster style Stereoscope by Carpenter & Westley, London, in a fitted mahogany box., Stereoscope, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11116
Unidentified photographer (French), 1920s-1930s (ca), Erotic scene, Glass view, stereo, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55487
1912 (ca), Book cover for "the Ensign Handbook of Photography"., Book cover, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11018
Arthur Lee (London), n.d., Post mortem portrait of a man, Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/34128
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Portrait of an older lady (English), Daguerreotype, 1/6 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/32932
Keystone View Company, 1930s (late), Keystone complete boxed set of 600 views of "Tour of the World", Stereocards, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11179
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1905 (ca), Walnut storage cabinet for views and a viewer, Storage box, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21565
James Elliott, n.d., Death of Thomas a'Becket, [English History Series], Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11302
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1930s (ca), A man poking a fire at home, Autochrome, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11169
Schier & Schoefft, n.d., A Water Carrier in Egypt, Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55430
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Underwood & Underwood boxed set of 24 views of "Yosemite Valley", Stereocards, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11177
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1888 (ca), A Promising Outlook, Lithograph, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/31534
Unidentified Manufacturer, Early 20th century, Monoscopic magic lantern slide viewer, designed specifically for the standard English size of 3.25" square, Magic lantern slide viewer, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11015
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Black mount Diablerie / Devil tissue view "30 theatre de Satan", Stereocard, tissue view, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11106
Unidentified maker, n.d., Carte de visite designed to be the first image in an album, Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/68673
Unidentified photographer, 1884 (ca), A couple on a Rudge Rotary Tandem Tricycle, Tintype, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/68668
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1890 (ca), French Walnut cased Photo Coloring Outfit, Photo coloring outfit, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11130
London Stereoscopic Company, 1860 (ca), Maker's mark for "London Stereoscopic Company 54 Cheapside", Maker's label, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/68681
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1860s (ca), Inlaid English storage box for stereo views, open, Box for stereo views, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/34121
John Hodda (Northwich), n.d., A pigeon, Cabinet card, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/68674
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1854, 30 November, Three young girls (English), Ambrotype, 1/2 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11242
n.d., Mascher's Improved Stereoscope, Stereoviewer, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55421
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Little Nell from the Old Curiosity shop by Charles Dickens, Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11092
1870s (ca), Ornately carved American Walnut stereo view holder, Stereo view holder, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11122
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., HOLMES-BATES stereoscope on a Bush patented stand, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/17421
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1870s (ca), Table top stereoscope in ebony with colorful hand painted decoration (French), Stereoscope, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11112
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Portrait of a beautiful young lady wearing a bonnet, Daguerreotype, 1/6 plate, oversized, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/13157
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Portraits of twelve women, Daguerreotype, 1/4 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/31510
William Notman, 1863, #5384, Capt. Hon. Wenham Clarence Walpole Coke, Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11056
Negretti & Zambra, n.d., Crystal Palace view # 29, View from the North Gallery, Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/32963
William England, n.d., No. 87 - the Niagara Suspension Bridge, interior view, [North American Series by William England], Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11294
London Stereoscopic Company, 1862, No. 123, Centre piece, etc., the property of the Duke of Barbant., [The International Exhibition of 1862], Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11213
Baldwin, n.d., J. J. Rogers Co., Store Interior, Ausable Forks, Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/32972
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., A family group the man is posing with his Penny Farthing or High Wheel bicycle, Cabinet card, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11275
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., A vase of Peonies, Autochrome, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21595
Charles Clifford, 1861 (ca), Queen Victoria, Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/17462
John Plumbe Jr., n.d., Portrait of an older woman post mortem, Daguerreotype, 1/6 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/17449
Loescher & Petsch, n.d., Wilhelm I - King of Prussia and German Emperor (Deutscher Kaiser), Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11262
Howlett & Downes, n.d., 16, the Leviathan Steam Ship, Portrait of Mr. Brunel, Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/13280
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., White mount Diablerie / Devil tissue view "64 Entrée de L'Enfer", Stereocard, tissue view, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11109
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Portrait of a pretty young woman, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/13262
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1930 (ca), Portrait of a lady (French), Autochrome, stereo, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11174
T.R. Williams, n.d., Crystal Palace view No. 1 - The Byzantine Court, Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55461
Carleton E. Watkins, n.d., Unidentified San Francisco scene, [Watkin's Pacific Coast], Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55451
Unidentified photographer, n.d., A woman holding a Daguerreotype (American), Daguerreotype, 1/6 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11238
E. & H.T. Anthony & Co., n.d., Anthony view No. 53 - Montgomery Street, San Francisco, Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55462
William Edward Kilburn, n.d., Portrait of a husband and wife in a double thick case (English), Daguerreotype, 1/4 plate (x2), Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11141
John Murray, 1857 (ca), [Unidentified temple in India], Stereocard, from paper negative, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/68670
Warren De la Rue, n.d., Glass view of the moon, Glass stereo view, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/17485
Plummer & Morris (England), n.d., English Fireman, Cabinet card, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/60627
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1920s (ca), PHOTOSCOPE coin operated stereoscope by the Exhibit Supply Company, Chicago, Photoscope, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11128
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., A wooded trail in the Autumn, Autochrome, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21597
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., French "BK" tissue view of sailing ships in the harbor at Toulon, Stereo, tissue view, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11222
William Notman, n.d., No. 110 Grand Trunk Railway, Below Engine House etc., Riviere du Loup, Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/32961
Francis Frith, n.d., 399 - Tombs of the Memlock Kings at Cairo, [Views in Egypt and Nudia], Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55485
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Portrait of a Nun (French), Ambrotype, 1/2 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11243
Unidentified photographer, n.d., A young woman reading a book, Daguerreotype, stereo, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21580
J.E. Mayall, n.d., Portrait of a youth - Chauncey H. Calliphronas (English), Daguerreotype, 1/4 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11229
Clarkington, n.d., Portrait of a young Naval Officer (English), Daguerreotype, 1/4 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11038
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Canary Songster, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/31499
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1870s (ca), American easel style photograph album, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/13144
Beseler Lantern Slide Co., n.d., Giving first aid, Lantern slide, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/31506
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Portrait of an older lady in some sort of handcart conveyance, pulled by her man servant. On the front of the cart on a perch sits her Parrot or Macaw. (English), Ambrotype, 1/2 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11049
Unidentified creator, n.d., Advertising "Coca-Cola", Magic lantern slide, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/32928
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., A pretty young girl in almost dream like pose, Autochrome, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/17477
T.R. Williams, n.d., Still life arrangement including an early Brewster stereoscope, Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11082
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Mother of pearl Daguerreotype case, Case, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/17452
Negretti & Zambra, n.d., 28 - Canton, Street View, Treasury Street, [Views in China], Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11306
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1876 (patent), PICTURE EXHIBITOR, patented by George A. Lauer, January 19,1876, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/17433
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1885 (after), Graphoscope by Gustav Schneck, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/31503
T.R. Williams, n.d., The Cock and Fox, Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55460
Alfred Hart, n.d., No. 48, Secret Town Trestle from the West, [Central Pacific Railroad], Stereocards, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11182
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Studio portrait of a nude young woman (French), Daguerreotype, stereo, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11135
Thomas Houseworth & Co, n.d., # 882. Fallen Tree Hercules…, [Calaveras Big Trees], Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/68686
Rogers, 1878 (patented), The Photographer & Sitter, Statue, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55440
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1860-1870s (ca), American diminutive Camera Obscura, Camera obscura, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/32926
J.E. Mayall, n.d., Prince Alfred in naval uniform, Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11162
Unidentified manufacturer, n.d., Mascher's Magnifying Case with sixth plate American Daguerreotype, Mascher case, 1/6 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/34124
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Ambrotype brooch of a gentleman, with gold(?) chain surround., Ambrotype, jewelry, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11153
Francis Frith, n.d., 380 - The Memnonium at Thebes, [Views in Egypt and Nudia], Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55481
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1860s (ca), Improved Cosmorama Stereoscope, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/13118
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Tinted stereo Daguerreotype of Mother, Father and their son in full dress uniform (Detail), Daguerreotype, stereo, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/13149
T.R. Williams, n.d., # 31 - Interior of the English Medieval Court, [Crystal Palace], Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/68688
Lee (57, Church St., Liverpool), n.d., English Ambrotype showing nine images, Ambrotype, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/42961
E. Fixon (Paris), n.d., Portrait of three children, Daguerreotype, 1/4 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/68666
L.L. Rogers, n.d., Memorial image to Abraham Lincoln, Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/32969
G. Maynard, n.d., A Cricket batsman wearing leg pads, Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/39547
Unidentified photographer, n.d., American Daguerreotype pin back brooch of an attractive young woman, Daguerreotype, brooch, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/42960
n.d., Early stereo viewer embossed on leather covered lid, "Loyd's American Stereoscope, Patented April 15th, 1856"., Stereo viewer, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11114
1933, Keystone Jr, stereo viewer complete set of views numbered from 1 to 105 of the 1933 Century of Progress Chicago World's Fair., Stereo viewer, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21604
Francis Bedford, n.d., 2084 Llandudno - View of the Bay and Beach, [North Wales Illustrated], Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11078
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Book style leather case designed to hold four 1/6 plate images., Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11156
F.W. Baker and Co, n.d., Portrait of a young woman and a young man, Daguerreotype, stereo, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/68664
J & A Molteni (Paris), n.d., Skeleton of an orangutan, from the Natural History Museum in Paris, Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/31535
Roger Fenton, 1857-1858, Untitled, [British Museum series], Stereo view, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/17495
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Early Phantasmagoria type (H/P) slide, Lantern slide, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11282
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Tiger maple stereo-graphoscope on a turned column., Stereoscope, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21560
W. & F. Langenheim, n.d., Niagara Falls, "Edge of Horseshoe Falls", Stereographs, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11069
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1860s (ca), French "Microphore" magnifying viewer for Cartes de Visite, Carte de visite viewer, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21567
James Robertson, 1992, Book cover for Bahattin Oztuncay "James Robertson - Pioneer of Photography in The Ottoman Empire" (1992), Book cover, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/39557
Unidentified maker, n.d., Folk art frame, Pcture frame, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/68675
Charles DeForest Fredricks, n.d., Civil War General Banks, Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11253
London Stereoscopic Company, 1860 (ca), English Brewster style stereoscope with brass decoration, Stereoscope, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/68679
Mathew B. Brady, n.d., Small hand painted, metal statuette of Mathew Brady with his camera, manufactured by "Traditions", Statuette, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/39556
n.d., Alethoscope Day/Night photographic view of the Arch of Constantine, Rome., Alethoscope view, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21568
Window & Bridge, n.d., Lady Jocelyn, Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/32937
Nadar, n.d., Sarah Bernhardt as Theodora, Cabinet card, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11271
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1930s (ca), Erotic American glass view, Glass view, stereo, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11104
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Queen Victoria, Tintype, 1/16 plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11154
Perry Bros., n.d., Three surveyors, Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/32943
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., French "BK" tissue view of sailing ships in the harbor at Toulon, Stereo, tissue view, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11221
A. Hing (Hong Kong), n.d., Memorial card for John O'Neill, Cabinet card, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21594
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1870s (ca), Cadwell Revolving Stereoscope, Stereoscope, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21556
William Edward Kilburn, n.d., Stereo Daguerreotype of a young highlander in a Kilburn patent viewing case, Kilburn patent viewing case, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/68663
Unidentified photographer / artist, Mid 19th century, Wrought iron hanging bracket, showing a photographer and sitter in silhouette, Hanging bracket, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/21579
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1912, Interior showing good examples of the "Arts & Crafts" style, Autochrome, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/31515
Charles Clifford, n.d., Queen Victoria, Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11160
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Henry Irving (English actor), Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11057
Eastman (manufacturer), 1890s (ca), Eastman FLASH Cartridge No.1 Tin, Flash, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/42956
Warren De la Rue, n.d., Stereoscopic Series No. I., view of the moon, Stereo view, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/17486
1964, Book cover for "Stereo Views - A History of Stereographs in America and their Collection" by William Culp Darrah, Book cover, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11311
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Portrait of a man seated in an Adirondack style chair with Niagara Falls in the background, Ambrotype, whole plate, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11048
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1930, Kodak, Beau Brownie no. 2 in blue, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/13117
L.W. Clark (Streator, Ills), n.d., A little girl looking at a photo album, Cabinet card, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/34130
André Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri, 1860-1870, Portrait of a dog seated on a chair, Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11263
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1900 (ca), French, Art Nouveau storage box for 6 x 13 glass or stereo Autochrome slides, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/17425
John P. Soule, n.d., The Sermon, [Kitty Series], Stereocard, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11200
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Italian Court at the Crystal Palace Exhibition, Daguerreotype, stereo, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/11023

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