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Information requests
1Improving content on US states
2Introduction to photography in California
The arrival of the masses
3Early photographers and studios of California
4Californian Gold Rush (1848-1855)
5George Robinson Fardon: San Francisco Album. Photographs of the Most Beautiful Views and Public Buildings of San Francisco (1856-1857)
6Arnold Genthe: Chinatown
7Sam Cheney Partridge (photographer) & W. B. Tyler (printer): Chinatown, San Francisco
8California: Cliff House
9California: Point Lobos
10California: Yosemite Valley
11California: Yosemite: Yosemite Valley and the Merced River
12California: Yosemite: Glacier Point
13San Francisco: Chinatown
The Great Outdoors
14Carleton E. Watkins: The Yosemite Valley (California, USA)
15Carleton Eugene Watkins: California, Mt. Shasta
16Carleton Eugene Watkins: Mining Claims, Butte County, Cal.
17Charles Leander Weed: California (taken 1864-1865)
18Alfred Hart: Central Pacific Railroad
19Eadweard Muybridge: Buena Vista, Sonoma
20I.W. Taber: [Logging and transportation of "World's Fair Big Tree, Mammoth Forest, California"]
21Seth Kinman: California hunter
22Rudolph D'Heureuse: The Mojave Road
23Eadweard Muybridge: California Dry Dock, at Hunters Point, San Francisco, California
Capturing movement
24Eadweard Muybridge: Experimental establishments
San Francisco Earthquake (1868)
25Earthquake: San Francisco (1868)
San Francisco advertising album (1880)
26I.W. Taber: The Taber photographic album of principal business houses, residences and persons (1880)
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire (1906)
27USA, California, San Francisco earthquake and fire - 1906
28USA, California, San Francisco earthquake and fire - 1906 - The photographers
Pictorialism in California
29William Dassonville: Trees
30Anne Brigman: Pictorialist nudes
Ansel Adams and the American perception of sublime nature
31Ansel Adams and Straight landscape photography
32Ansel Adams: Yosemite
33Ansel Adams: Illustrated Guide to Yosemite Valley (1946)
34Ansel Adams: Hills Brothers Coffee Can
35Ansel Adams
Edward Weston
36Edward Weston: Point Lobos
37Edward Weston: Oceano Dunes
38Edward Weston: Trees
The Great Depression
39Dorothea Lange: White Angel Breadline, San Francisco
Internment in California
40Internment camps in the USA during the Second World War
Street photography
41Joseph Selle's Fox Movie Flash: Mid-Century Street Vendor Photography
42Max Yavno: California
43Julius Shulman: Architecture
44Richard Misrach: San Francisco: Golden Gate Bridge
Ed Ruscha and the Artist's book
45Ed Ruscha: Self-published books
46Ed Ruscha: Royal Road Test (1967)
47Ed Ruscha: Every Building on Sunset Strip (1971)
48Ed Ruscha: Thirtyfour Parking Lots in Los Angeles (1967)
Interpretations of landscape
49Lewis Baltz: New Industrial parks near Irvine, California (1974)
50Robbert Flick: Trajectories
Aerial photography of California
51William A. Garnett: Aerial views of Californian suburbia
52David Maisel: Oblivion
Contemporary culture
53Lauren Greenfield: Girl Culture
54Larry Sultan: Pictures from Home
55Philip-Lorca diCorcia: Street hustlers
56Norma Quintana: Forage from Fire (2017-2020)
A & A Lightning Viewing Co., Frank G. Abell (1844-1910), Abell & Priest, Ansel Adams (1902-1984), S.M. Adams, Alfred S. Addis, Addis & Koch, Allen, American View Co., H. Anderson, D.E. Appleton & Co., Cyrus M. Armstrong, J. Asher, Atwater & Garrison, Lina Auger, J.E. Bacon, Jesse H. Baker, C.M. Baldwin, John E.D. Baldwin, G. Ball, Lewis Baltz (1945-2014), A.W. Barker, Barkhaus's Book Store, Barnette, Lewis N. Barney, Bartley & Fell, Baumgardt Publishing Co., J. Bawden, B. Bayley, Bayley & Cramer, Bearden, Richard Behrendts, Robert Belcher, John Bell, W.A. Bell, Edgar Bergen, B.W. Berry Co., Jennie C Best, Raymond Best, Betancue, G.S. Betterley, W. Beuthel, E.L. Bickford, W.C. Billington, J.P. Blanchard, Robert Bloomberg, Elias A. Bonine (1843-1916), R.A. Bonnell,, A.H. Bosworth, F.E. Bosworth, George F. Bouquet, D.S. Boydston, Julius T. Boysen, H.W. Bradley, Bradley & Rulofson, Lucia Brann, Henry Bratt, J.G. Brayton, J.C. Brewster, Philip Brigandi (1873-1945), H. Brince, A.E. Brinkerhoff, Brown, T.A. Brown, W. Brown, Brown & Edwards, W.B. Bryan, Burnett & Ercanbrack, G.R. Bushnell, E.P. Butler, W.B. Byram, William Byrd, California Art Photo Co., California Camera Artists, Inc., California Laboratory Supply Co., California Stereoscopic View Co., A.O. Carpenter, James S. Chapman, Chesebro, George Clark, C. Clawson, Willis A. Clinch, J.L. Clinton, Fayette J. Clute, David Cobb, I.T. Coffin, Coffin & Jacobs, Charles T. Collier (1853-1934), Conklin & Co., F.A. Cook, J.J. Cook, Frederick C. Coombs (1803-1874), Cottage Gallery, Rose Cotton, Walter S. Cotton, Craftsmen's Guild, C.L. Cramer, Crandall, E.L. Crawford, Charles C. Curtis, Rudolph D'Heureuse, E.M. Davidson, N.R. Davidson, Davis, Davis Bros., Davis Machine Shop, W. Delavan, Oliver Denny, Samuel DeVergilio, L. Dowe (1838-1919), Jos. H. Downing, Downing, Rea & Rauscher, A.M. Dunham, Dunham & Lathrop, F. Durgan, Eclipse Photo Car, Ecstacy Series, Lindley Eddy, Alexander Edouart, Edouart & Cobb, Elite Studio, Lemuel S. Ellis, Ellis & Son, Oliver Enders, A.W. Ericson, James W. Erwin, A.J. Everett, Gustavus Fagersteen (1829-1889), Gustavus Fagersteen (1829-1889), E.N. Fairchild, George Robinson Fardon (1807-1886), Fellows, Fellows Studio, C.P. Fessenden, Richard Finney, Herbert R. Fitch, G.A. Flach, A.P. Flaglor, Flaglor & Durose, D.P. Flanders (1840-1878), Flanders & Godfrey, W.H. Fletcher, Franklin J. Flocks, Camillus S. Fly (1849-1901), Martin Folb, James M. Ford, O. Foss, Foss & Hickox, A. Frese, E.S. Frost, Garden City Photo Co., B.L. Gardner, Geo. D. Gardner, T. Garner, William A. Garnett (1916-2006), Edwin Garrett, Arnold Genthe (1869-1942), Charles Gentile, Luther Gerlach, J.Z. Gilbert, W.M. Godfrey, Golden Gate Series, A.C. Golsch, G.E. Gould, Gove & Allen, John Grady, Katy Grannan, M.H. Grant, S.F. Graves, E. Graybiel, Griffiths & Samson, F. Gruber, John Gutmann (1905-1998), Johan Hagemeyer (1884-1962), H.H. Halsey, Halsey & Coffin, Charles F. Hamilton, Hamilton & Shew, C.H. Hammerton, Hanson, Hardesty & Armstrong, W. Harris, Alfred Hart (1816-1908), Hathaway, A.L. Hawes, E.S. Hays, E.J. Hayward, Hayward & Muzzall, M.M. Hazeltine (1827-1903), J.H. Heering, L.H. Heller (1839-1928), Hemingway & Holmes, Dr. Melvin Henningson, Anthony Hernandez (1947-), A.A. Hickox, E.R. Higgins, J.B. Higinbotham, F.M. Hill, Hill & Yard, Hirsch, Kahn, & Co., J.R. Hodson, Holmes, Dennis Hopper (1936-2010), Reverend J.W. Hough, J.S. Howard, B.F. Howland, Wm. B. Ingersoll, International View Co., The International View Co., Frederic E. Ives (1856-1937), J.W.H., B.D. Jackson, James M. Jacobs, G.W. James, Don Jim, A.P. Johnson, C.E. Johnson, C.W.J. Johnson, Clinton Johnson, Edward E. Johnson, George H. Johnson, Johnson Bros., R.A. Jones, J. Joslin, D.R. Judkins, Judkins & Hammor, Kemp & Vance, R.A. Kerber, C. Kint, Gene Kirksey, N.M. Klain, E.A. Kusel, Frank Kuykendall, O.V. Lange (1853-1913), Lange & Newth, E.C. LaRue, Alma Lavenson (1897-1989), George R. Lawrence (1868-1938), Lawrence & Houseworth, J.R. Leavenworth, W.S. Lewis, Ralph Lidell, J.M. Lingfelter, Harold Lloyd, Los Angeles Art Co., Los Angeles Stereoscopic View Co., R.N. Loucks, S.J. Lovewell, Fred Lyon, MacDonald & Dowe, J.R. Mains, Mains & Grant, Mains & Shippy, Mains & Von Hasseln, Mike Mandel (1950-), F.H. Maude, Oscar Maurer (1871-1965), Professor May, Roger May, Chris McCaw (1971-), A.J. McDonald, T.B. McGinley, S.C. McIntyre, S.P. McIntyre, C.A. McMullen, J.M. Miller, Rupert Miller, C.H. Mills, Ella M. Morris, George D. Morse, Jim Murray, E.E. Murray & Co., Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904), Muzzall, Nelson & Bailey, Enno Nesemann, B.B. Netner, E.W. Newth, Nichols, Norton & Co., Charles B. Noe, Nokes, Leda & Dana, T.G. Norton, O.K. Studio, H. Olsen, E.D. Ormsby, C. Osbon, Charles R. Osborn, E.A. Ostlund, Dan Owen, The Pacific Photo Studio, Pacific Stereoscopic Photo Co., E.T. Palmer, Pan American Publishing Co., Parker, J.C. Parker, Parker , Parker & Parker, Rondal Partridge (1917-2015), Lee Passmore, Daniel R. Payne, Henry T. Payne, Laura Payne, Payne, Stanton & Co., Henry Greenwood Peabody (1855-1951), O.C. Percival, A.J. Perkins, Perkins & Foss, Owen Phairis, The Photographic Palace, Pickett & Everett, Charles C Pierce, E.W. Pierce, Pierce & Blanchard, Piggott & Shaw, Arthur Clarence Pillsbury (1870-1946), Susan Pinsky, Charles Piper, Plummer & Haelsig, Andrew Price, Putnam & Valentine, Norma Quintana, Radex Co., Raffaelli, Stephen Randall, Michael Rauner, A.T. Rauthrauff, Raymond, T.L. Rea, W.J. Rea, Geo. W. Reed, M.A. Reese, J.J. Reilly (1839-1894), Reilly & Hazeltine, Reilly & Ormsby, Reilly & Spooner, J.R. Renner, E. Reseman, Frank M. Reynolds, N.L. Ridderhof, M. Rieder, Harry Franz Rile, A.H. Rogers, F.H. Rogers, G.L. Rose, George L. Ross, Ross & Ormsby, George H. Rothrock (1843-1924), William Rulofson (1826-1878), Edward Ruscha (1937-), Sacramento Gallery, Z. Sakata, San Jose Historical Museum, John & Valeria Sardy, M. Sarver, Rudolph Schiller, H. Schoene, Mathieu Schramm, F.G. Schumacher, J.C. Scripture, S. Selleck, J.A. Sherriff, J. Shew, William Shew (1820-1903), A.L. Sibley, A.S. Silveira, Louis H. Smaus, J.G. Smith, W.S. Smith, Smith & Perkins, Snow & Roos, Chas. Sonnichsen, John P. Soule (1828-1904), T. Sourisseau, Dr. W.F. Southard, Southern California Fine Art Co., Mary Spesert, J. Pitcher Spooner, The Sportsmen's Club, Stanford University Museum of Art, Wyland Stanley, T.E. Stanton, David Starkman, Joseph B. Starkweather, Starr & Johnson, S.S. Stearns, The Stereoscopium Co., L.J. Stinson, Stockton Art Gallery, George E. Stone, Alfred M. Stringfield, J.D. Strong, R. Strong, William M. Stuart, S.M. Sturgis, J.K. Sutterley & Co., Sutterley Bros., Charles Swedlund, Howard R. Sweezey, Pauline Sweezey, I.W. Taber (1830-1912), R.L. Tabor, J. Taylor, Terrill, H. Thompson, Wm. Thunen, Tip-Top Photo Co., J.A. Todd, M.M. Treadwell, A.R. Treat, Treat & Grant, J.H. Turney & Co., W.N. Tuttle, Tuttle & Lee, O.E. Tyler, Universal Stereoscopic View Co., W.A. Vale, James E. Van Court, Robert H. Vance (1825-1876), A.C. Varela, Hector W. Vaughan, Adam Clark Vroman (1856-1916), Otto Walasek, Walker & Fagersteen, Jerry Walter, C.P. Warden, Warner, Roger Warren, W.E. Warren & Son, Carleton E. Watkins (1829-1916), C.L. Weed (1824-1903), Brett Weston (1911-1993), Edward Weston (1886-1958), H.E. Whirry, J.R. Wilding, Wise & Prindle, Mrs. E.W. Withington, Frank E. Wolfe, S.A. Wolfe, Valentin Wolfenstein, R.E. Wood, E.A. Woodard, A. Woods, D.H. Woods, R.B. Woodward, Polly Wray, Max Yavno (1911-1985), Zephyr Photographic Studio, Ray Zone
Subscribers have access to the fifty six informative Fragments on this Theme, Online Exhibitions, Visual Indexes and References.
Information requests
1Improving content on US states
2Introduction to photography in California
The arrival of the masses
3Early photographers and studios of California
4Californian Gold Rush (1848-1855)
5George Robinson Fardon: San Francisco Album. Photographs of the Most Beautiful Views and Public Buildings of San Francisco (1856-1857)
6Arnold Genthe: Chinatown
7Sam Cheney Partridge (photographer) & W. B. Tyler (printer): Chinatown, San Francisco
8California: Cliff House
9California: Point Lobos
10California: Yosemite Valley
11California: Yosemite: Yosemite Valley and the Merced River
12California: Yosemite: Glacier Point
13San Francisco: Chinatown
The Great Outdoors
14Carleton E. Watkins: The Yosemite Valley (California, USA)
15Carleton Eugene Watkins: California, Mt. Shasta
16Carleton Eugene Watkins: Mining Claims, Butte County, Cal.
17Charles Leander Weed: California (taken 1864-1865)
18Alfred Hart: Central Pacific Railroad
19Eadweard Muybridge: Buena Vista, Sonoma
20I.W. Taber: [Logging and transportation of "World's Fair Big Tree, Mammoth Forest, California"]
21Seth Kinman: California hunter
22Rudolph D'Heureuse: The Mojave Road
23Eadweard Muybridge: California Dry Dock, at Hunters Point, San Francisco, California
Capturing movement
24Eadweard Muybridge: Experimental establishments
San Francisco Earthquake (1868)
25Earthquake: San Francisco (1868)
San Francisco advertising album (1880)
26I.W. Taber: The Taber photographic album of principal business houses, residences and persons (1880)
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire (1906)
27USA, California, San Francisco earthquake and fire - 1906
28USA, California, San Francisco earthquake and fire - 1906 - The photographers
Pictorialism in California
29William Dassonville: Trees
30Anne Brigman: Pictorialist nudes
Ansel Adams and the American perception of sublime nature
31Ansel Adams and Straight landscape photography
32Ansel Adams: Yosemite
33Ansel Adams: Illustrated Guide to Yosemite Valley (1946)
34Ansel Adams: Hills Brothers Coffee Can
35Ansel Adams
Edward Weston
36Edward Weston: Point Lobos
37Edward Weston: Oceano Dunes
38Edward Weston: Trees
The Great Depression
39Dorothea Lange: White Angel Breadline, San Francisco
Internment in California
40Internment camps in the USA during the Second World War
Street photography
41Joseph Selle's Fox Movie Flash: Mid-Century Street Vendor Photography
42Max Yavno: California
43Julius Shulman: Architecture
44Richard Misrach: San Francisco: Golden Gate Bridge
Ed Ruscha and the Artist's book
45Ed Ruscha: Self-published books
46Ed Ruscha: Royal Road Test (1967)
47Ed Ruscha: Every Building on Sunset Strip (1971)
48Ed Ruscha: Thirtyfour Parking Lots in Los Angeles (1967)
Interpretations of landscape
49Lewis Baltz: New Industrial parks near Irvine, California (1974)
50Robbert Flick: Trajectories
Aerial photography of California
51William A. Garnett: Aerial views of Californian suburbia
52David Maisel: Oblivion
Contemporary culture
53Lauren Greenfield: Girl Culture
54Larry Sultan: Pictures from Home
55Philip-Lorca diCorcia: Street hustlers
56Norma Quintana: Forage from Fire (2017-2020)

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