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1Introduction to archaeological photography
Traveling through the Ancient and Classical World
2Photographers on the Grand Tour
3Karl Baedeker's Handbooks for Travellers
4Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey: The Ancient and Classical World
5Noël Marie Paymal Lerebours: Excursions daguerriennes : vues et monuments les plus remarquables du globe (1842)
6Louis de Clercq: Voyage en Orient (1860)
7Duc de Luynes: Voyage d'Exploration a la Mer Morte a Petra et sur la River Gauche du Jourdain (1868-74)
8Adolph Schaefer: The Buddhist monument at Borobudur in Central Java, Indonesia (1844-1845)
9Luigi Pesce: Archaeological sites of Persia (1850s)
10Gabriel Tranchard: The excavations of Victor Place at Khorsabad, Iraq (1850s)
11Richard Banner Oakeley: The Pagoda of Hallibeed (1859)
12Major [Robert] Gill & James Fergusson: One Hundred Stereoscopic Illustrations of Architecture and Natural History in Western India (1864)
13Pierre Tremaux: Exploration archéologique en Asie Mineure (1862-ca.1868)
14Émile Gsell: Cambodia: Angkor
15John Thomson: Cambodia: Angkor Thom / Angkor Wat (1866)
16John Thomson: The Antiquites of Cambodia (1867)
17Edmund David Lyon: Indian architecture (1860s-1860s)
18Alexander Svoboda: The Seven Churches of Asia (1869)
19John Henry Ravenshaw: Gaur; its Ruins and Inscriptions (1878)
20Thomas Biggs: Architecture at Ahmedabad, the Capital of Goozerat (1866)
21John Henry Haynes: Syria: Palmyra (1884)
22Lala Deen Dayal: Photographs for Sir Lepel Griffin "Famous Monuments of Central India" (1886)
23Turkestan Album: Archaeology in Central Asia (1871-1872)
24The Archaeological Survey of India
25Isidore van Kinsbergen: The archaeology of Java
26C.H. Graves: Boroebodor. Ruins of the world's greatest Buddhist temple, Java. (1902)
27Ernst Herzfeld (1879-1948) and others: Archaeology of the Middle East and work on Arabic Inscriptions
28Palestine: Megiddo: Aerial archaeological surveying with a balloon (1930s)
29Erich F. Schmidt: Flights Over Ancient Cities of Iran (taken 1935-1937, published 1940)
Central America
30John L. Stephens: Incidents of Travel in Yucatan (1843)
31Désiré Charnay: Cités et Ruines Americaines. Atlas (1863)
32Désiré Charnay: Mexico: Uxmal
33Désiré Charnay: Mexico: Mitla
34Désiré Charnay: Mexico: Chichen-Itza
35Dr. Augustus and Alice Le Plongeon: Archaeological research in Mexico (1870s)
36Alfred Percival Maudslay: Guatemala: Quiriguá
37Alfred Percival Maudslay: Mexico: Chiapas: Palenque
38Charles Betts Waite: Mexico: Mitla
39Teoberto Maler: Views of Aztec, Maya, and Zapotec ruins in Mexico
South America
40Arthur Posnansky: Archaeological remains at Tihuanaco, Bolivia (1903-1904)
North America
41Thomas Easterly: The Destruction of Big Mound (1853-1854)
42Massachusetts: Dighton Rock
43HMS Topaze and Easter Island, Chile (1868)
44Martin Chambi: Peru - Macchu Picchu
45Edward Ranney: Archaeological sites of Peru
46Greece: Athens: Acropolis: Parthenon
47Greece: Athens: Acropolis: Erechtheion
48Greece: Athens: Acropolis: Propylaia
49Greece: Athens: Temple of Olympian Zeus (Olympieion)
50Dmitri Constantine: Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens
51Alfred-Nicolas Normand: Greece
52Fred Boissonnas: Greece
Italy - Rome
53Italy: Rome: The Colosseum
54Italy: Rome: Arch of Constantine
55Italy: Rome: Forum Romanum
56Italy: Rome: Forum Traiani
57Robert Macpherson: The monuments of Rome
58Robert Macpherson: The statues of Rome
59James Anderson: The monuments of Rome and is surroundings
60John Henry Parker: Recent Excavations in Rome: Made in 1868
61John Henry Parker: Selections from Mr. Parker's Historical Photographs of Rome and Italy, arranged in systematic order, with prefaces to each subject (1879)
62Edmond Behles: Rome
Italy - Pompeii
63Italy: Pompeii
64John Shaw Smith: Pompeii
65Thomas H. Dyer: The Ruins of Pompeii. A Series of Eighteen Photographic Views (1867)
66Giorgio Sommer: Pompeii
67Jean Andrieu: Pompeii
68Michele Amodio: Pompeii
69Auguste Lesouëf: Pompeii (1880)
70Mission Héliographique
71France: Pont du Gard
72Philip Henry Delamotte: Illustrations of Roman mosaics assisted by Talbotype copying and reduction (1850)
73England: Stonehenge
74Major-General Sir Henry James R.E., F.R.S.: Plans and photographs of Stonehenge, and of Turusachan in the Isle of Lewes; with notes relating to the druids and sketches of cromlechs in Ireland (1867)
Egypt - Archaeological sites
75Egypt: The Pyramids of Giza
76Egypt: Climbing the Pyramids
77Charles Piazzi Smyth: Lantern slides and other photographs of Egypt
78Egypt: The Sphinx
79Egypt: Pyramid of Djoser (Zoser), Sakkarah (Saqqara)
80Egypt: Colossi of Memnon
81Egypt: Dendara
82Egypt: Edfou (Edfu)
83Egypt: Karnak
84Egypt: Kom Ombo
85Egypt: Luxor
86Egypt: Philae
87Egypt: Thebes
88Egypt: Thebes: Medinet Habu - Medinet Haboo (Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III)
89Egypt: Valley of the Kings
90Félix Teynard: Egypt and Nubia
91William de Wiveleslie Abney: Thebes and its Five Greater Temples (1876)
92H. Béchard: The Pyramids
93The Breasted Expeditions to Egypt and the Sudan (1905-1907)
94Photographing in the interior of the Great Temple at Abu Simbel (1906)
95Photographing the Temple of Amun and Amunhotep III at Soleb (1907)
96Charles Jacquin (French): Autochromes of Egyptian archaeological sites (ca 1912)
Egypt - Archaeological finds
97Egypt: Wall art, bas-relief, hieroglyphics and graffiti
98Egypt: Cleopatra's Needle
Egypt - Use of magnesium light
99Charles Piazzi Smyth: Use of magnesium light at the Great Pyramid (1865)
100Charles Piazzi Smyth: Photography, Magnesium, and the Pyramid (1865)
101Charles Piazzi Smyth: As soon as it was discovered that photography was possible by magnesium... (1865)
Israel and Palestine / The Holy Land
102George Skene Keith: Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion (1859)
103Auguste Salzmann: Jerusalem
104Ordnance Survey of Jerusalem
105Ordnance Survey of the Peninsula of Sinai
106American Palestine Exploration Society
107Palestine Exploration Fund
Archaeological excavations
108Archaeological excavations in progress
109Epigraphy - Squeezes of inscriptions
Archaeological finds and museum displays
110Introduction to archaeological finds
111Délié & Béchard: Album du Musée Boulaq
112Emil Brugsch: La Trouvaille de Deir-El-Bahari
113Roger Fenton: The British Museum
114Stephen Thompson: British Museum
115Giorgio Sommer: The ash-covered remains from Pompeii
116John Edward Lee: Roman Imperial Photographs being a selection of forty enlarged Photographs of Roman Coins (1874)
117Underwood & Underwood: Classical and Renaissance sculptures
118Paris-Stereo: Vues d'Italie (1920)
119Conclusions on archaeology
William de Wiveleslie Abney (1843-1920), Josef Albers, Alinari, George Allen (1891-1940), Michele Amodio, James Anderson (1813-1877), Konstantinos Athanasiou, Renato Bartoccini (1893-1963), O.S. Baudesson, Joseph David Beglar, Harry Charles Purvis Bell (1851-1937), Cecil Bendall (1856-1906), Dr. Theodor Bloch, Paul-Émile Botta (1805-1870), George Bridges (1788-1863), Marilyn Bridges (1948-), Giacomo Brogi (1822-1881), Emil Brugsch (1842-1930), James Burgess, Harry Burton (1879-1940), Edward Charles Buxton Jnr (1839-1925), Alexander Edwin Caddy (1846-1904), Leonida Caldesi (1823-1891), Henry Cammas (1813-1888), W. Caney, Désiré Charnay (1828-1915), Hurrichund Chintamon, Henry Hardy Cole (1843-1916), Dmitri Constantine, William Henry Cornish, Henry Cousens (1854-1933), François Joseph Edouard de Campigneules (1826-1879), Louis de Clercq (1836-1901), A. de Moustier, Emmanuel de Noailles (1830-1909), Délié & Béchard, P. Dittrich, Maxime Du Camp (1822-1894), Thomas Easterly (1809-1882), Alexander John Ellis (1814-1890), Beniamino Facchinelli (1839-1895), Emmanuel Forchhammer (1851-1890), C.G. Fountaine, Francis Frith (1822-1898), Henry Bailey Wade Garrick, Robert Gill, Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey (1804-1892), Victor Viktorovich Golubev (1878-1945), John Beasly Greene (1832-1856), Claude Grillet, Jean-Baptiste-Louis Gros (1793-1870), John Henry Haynes (1849-1910), Walter Hege (1893-1955), Konrad Helbig (1917-1986), John Robert Hogg (1838-1908), Hector Horeau (1801-1872), Leavitt Hunt (1831-1907), Mohammedani Ibrahim, Henry James (1803-1877), John Mounteney Jephson (1819-1865), Pierre-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière (1798-1865), Edward Kater (1816-1866), H.B. King (1830-1905), Jadu Kishen, Friedrich Koch, Edwin Max Konstam (1870-1956), Suprakash Ganguli Pindi Lal, Joseph Lawton, Alice D. Le Plongeon, Augustus Le Plongeon (1826-1908), Augustus & Alice D. Le Plongeon, Georges Albert Legrain (1865-1917), Edmund David Lyon (1825-1891), Peter Paul Mackey (1851-1935), Robert Macpherson, Giovanni Battista Maggi, Teoberto Maler (1842-1917), Philippos Margaritis (1810-1892), Alfred Percival Maudslay (1850-1931), V.G. Maunier, J. McCartney, James McDonald, Rajendra Lal Mitra, P. Moraites, Poorno Chander Mukherji, Henry Newton (1822-1900), Giuseppe Nicci, Alfred-Nicolas Normand (1822-1909), Norris, Richard Banner Oakeley, John Henry Parker, Luigi Pesce (1818-1891), H. Phillips, Edward Ranney, John Henry Ravenshaw (1833-1874), Alexander Rea (1858-1921), Rhomaides frères, James Robertson (1813-1888), Aimé Rochas, Rubellin, Luigi Sacchi (1805-1861), Auguste Salzmann (1824-1872), Major Sargeaunt, Henri Sauvaire, Adolph Schaefer, Horst Schliephack, Erich F. Schmidt (1897-1964), Lieutenant Philip Henry Sharpe, Carlo Baldassare Simelli (1811-1877), Charles Smeaton (1838-1868), Edmund William Smith (1858-1901), Giorgio Sommer (1834-1914), B.L. Spackman (1824-1879), John Alfred Spranger (1889-1968), William J. Stillman (1828-1901), Alexander Svoboda (1826-1896), David Harold Day Sykes, Félix Teynard (1817-1892), F. & E. Thévoz, Gabriel Tranchard, Pierre Tremaux (1818-1895), Linnaeus Tripe (1822-1902), Max Uhle (1856-1944), Isidore van Kinsbergen (1821-1905), Louis Vignes (1831-1896), Charles Betts Waite (1861-1929), Alfred Watkins (1855-1935), Panagos T. Zaphiropoulos
Subscribers have access to the one hundred and nineteen informative Fragments on this Theme, Online Exhibitions, Visual Indexes and References.
1Introduction to archaeological photography
Traveling through the Ancient and Classical World
2Photographers on the Grand Tour
3Karl Baedeker's Handbooks for Travellers
4Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey: The Ancient and Classical World
5Noël Marie Paymal Lerebours: Excursions daguerriennes : vues et monuments les plus remarquables du globe (1842)
6Louis de Clercq: Voyage en Orient (1860)
7Duc de Luynes: Voyage d'Exploration a la Mer Morte a Petra et sur la River Gauche du Jourdain (1868-74)
8Adolph Schaefer: The Buddhist monument at Borobudur in Central Java, Indonesia (1844-1845)
9Luigi Pesce: Archaeological sites of Persia (1850s)
10Gabriel Tranchard: The excavations of Victor Place at Khorsabad, Iraq (1850s)
11Richard Banner Oakeley: The Pagoda of Hallibeed (1859)
12Major [Robert] Gill & James Fergusson: One Hundred Stereoscopic Illustrations of Architecture and Natural History in Western India (1864)
13Pierre Tremaux: Exploration archéologique en Asie Mineure (1862-ca.1868)
14Émile Gsell: Cambodia: Angkor
15John Thomson: Cambodia: Angkor Thom / Angkor Wat (1866)
16John Thomson: The Antiquites of Cambodia (1867)
17Edmund David Lyon: Indian architecture (1860s-1860s)
18Alexander Svoboda: The Seven Churches of Asia (1869)
19John Henry Ravenshaw: Gaur; its Ruins and Inscriptions (1878)
20Thomas Biggs: Architecture at Ahmedabad, the Capital of Goozerat (1866)
21John Henry Haynes: Syria: Palmyra (1884)
22Lala Deen Dayal: Photographs for Sir Lepel Griffin "Famous Monuments of Central India" (1886)
23Turkestan Album: Archaeology in Central Asia (1871-1872)
24The Archaeological Survey of India
25Isidore van Kinsbergen: The archaeology of Java
26C.H. Graves: Boroebodor. Ruins of the world's greatest Buddhist temple, Java. (1902)
27Ernst Herzfeld (1879-1948) and others: Archaeology of the Middle East and work on Arabic Inscriptions
28Palestine: Megiddo: Aerial archaeological surveying with a balloon (1930s)
29Erich F. Schmidt: Flights Over Ancient Cities of Iran (taken 1935-1937, published 1940)
Central America
30John L. Stephens: Incidents of Travel in Yucatan (1843)
31Désiré Charnay: Cités et Ruines Americaines. Atlas (1863)
32Désiré Charnay: Mexico: Uxmal
33Désiré Charnay: Mexico: Mitla
34Désiré Charnay: Mexico: Chichen-Itza
35Dr. Augustus and Alice Le Plongeon: Archaeological research in Mexico (1870s)
36Alfred Percival Maudslay: Guatemala: Quiriguá
37Alfred Percival Maudslay: Mexico: Chiapas: Palenque
38Charles Betts Waite: Mexico: Mitla
39Teoberto Maler: Views of Aztec, Maya, and Zapotec ruins in Mexico
South America
40Arthur Posnansky: Archaeological remains at Tihuanaco, Bolivia (1903-1904)
North America
41Thomas Easterly: The Destruction of Big Mound (1853-1854)
42Massachusetts: Dighton Rock
43HMS Topaze and Easter Island, Chile (1868)
44Martin Chambi: Peru - Macchu Picchu
45Edward Ranney: Archaeological sites of Peru
46Greece: Athens: Acropolis: Parthenon
47Greece: Athens: Acropolis: Erechtheion
48Greece: Athens: Acropolis: Propylaia
49Greece: Athens: Temple of Olympian Zeus (Olympieion)
50Dmitri Constantine: Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens
51Alfred-Nicolas Normand: Greece
52Fred Boissonnas: Greece
Italy - Rome
53Italy: Rome: The Colosseum
54Italy: Rome: Arch of Constantine
55Italy: Rome: Forum Romanum
56Italy: Rome: Forum Traiani
57Robert Macpherson: The monuments of Rome
58Robert Macpherson: The statues of Rome
59James Anderson: The monuments of Rome and is surroundings
60John Henry Parker: Recent Excavations in Rome: Made in 1868
61John Henry Parker: Selections from Mr. Parker's Historical Photographs of Rome and Italy, arranged in systematic order, with prefaces to each subject (1879)
62Edmond Behles: Rome
Italy - Pompeii
63Italy: Pompeii
64John Shaw Smith: Pompeii
65Thomas H. Dyer: The Ruins of Pompeii. A Series of Eighteen Photographic Views (1867)
66Giorgio Sommer: Pompeii
67Jean Andrieu: Pompeii
68Michele Amodio: Pompeii
69Auguste Lesouëf: Pompeii (1880)
70Mission Héliographique
71France: Pont du Gard
72Philip Henry Delamotte: Illustrations of Roman mosaics assisted by Talbotype copying and reduction (1850)
73England: Stonehenge
74Major-General Sir Henry James R.E., F.R.S.: Plans and photographs of Stonehenge, and of Turusachan in the Isle of Lewes; with notes relating to the druids and sketches of cromlechs in Ireland (1867)
Egypt - Archaeological sites
75Egypt: The Pyramids of Giza
76Egypt: Climbing the Pyramids
77Charles Piazzi Smyth: Lantern slides and other photographs of Egypt
78Egypt: The Sphinx
79Egypt: Pyramid of Djoser (Zoser), Sakkarah (Saqqara)
80Egypt: Colossi of Memnon
81Egypt: Dendara
82Egypt: Edfou (Edfu)
83Egypt: Karnak
84Egypt: Kom Ombo
85Egypt: Luxor
86Egypt: Philae
87Egypt: Thebes
88Egypt: Thebes: Medinet Habu - Medinet Haboo (Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III)
89Egypt: Valley of the Kings
90Félix Teynard: Egypt and Nubia
91William de Wiveleslie Abney: Thebes and its Five Greater Temples (1876)
92H. Béchard: The Pyramids
93The Breasted Expeditions to Egypt and the Sudan (1905-1907)
94Photographing in the interior of the Great Temple at Abu Simbel (1906)
95Photographing the Temple of Amun and Amunhotep III at Soleb (1907)
96Charles Jacquin (French): Autochromes of Egyptian archaeological sites (ca 1912)
Egypt - Archaeological finds
97Egypt: Wall art, bas-relief, hieroglyphics and graffiti
98Egypt: Cleopatra's Needle
Egypt - Use of magnesium light
99Charles Piazzi Smyth: Use of magnesium light at the Great Pyramid (1865)
100Charles Piazzi Smyth: Photography, Magnesium, and the Pyramid (1865)
101Charles Piazzi Smyth: As soon as it was discovered that photography was possible by magnesium... (1865)
Israel and Palestine / The Holy Land
102George Skene Keith: Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion (1859)
103Auguste Salzmann: Jerusalem
104Ordnance Survey of Jerusalem
105Ordnance Survey of the Peninsula of Sinai
106American Palestine Exploration Society
107Palestine Exploration Fund
Archaeological excavations
108Archaeological excavations in progress
109Epigraphy - Squeezes of inscriptions
Archaeological finds and museum displays
110Introduction to archaeological finds
111Délié & Béchard: Album du Musée Boulaq
112Emil Brugsch: La Trouvaille de Deir-El-Bahari
113Roger Fenton: The British Museum
114Stephen Thompson: British Museum
115Giorgio Sommer: The ash-covered remains from Pompeii
116John Edward Lee: Roman Imperial Photographs being a selection of forty enlarged Photographs of Roman Coins (1874)
117Underwood & Underwood: Classical and Renaissance sculptures
118Paris-Stereo: Vues d'Italie (1920)
119Conclusions on archaeology

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