Ogerau, n.d., Louis de Clerq, Heliogravure, Source requested, LL/53195
Louis de Clercq
Born: Louis-Constantin-Henri-François-Xavier de Clercq Other: Louis-Constant-Henri-François de Clercq Other: Louis De Clerq Other: Louis Declercq
Born: 1836, 25 December - France, Pas-de-Calais, Oignies Died: 1901, 27 December - France, Pas-de-Calais, Oignies Gender: Male Active: Middle East / Spain / France
French photographer who accompanied the 1858-59 expedition of the historian Emmanuel-Guillaume Rey to study sites in Syria and Asia Minor. He published 222 calotypes in his six volume work Voyage en Orient 1859-1860, villes, monuments et vues pittoresques (1860).
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Ogerau, n.d., Louis de Clerq, Heliogravure, Source requested, LL/53195