He was a relative of the Marquis de Moustier (1817-1869) the French ambassador to Turkey. In 1862 he obtained imperial authorization to take photographs in Anatolia and he traveled through Asia Minor the same year. His photographs were used as the basis for photolithographic engravings that were included in his travel article "Voyage De Constantinople À Ephèse, Par L'intérieur De L'Asie Mineure - Bithynie, Phrygie, Lydie , Ionie" in the French magazine Le Tour de Monde, Nouveau Journal des Voyages (1864).
Genealogy of A. de Moustier
If you are related to this photographer and interested in tracking down your extended family we can place a note here for you to help. It is free and you would be amazed who gets in touch.
Henri Sauvaire, 1865 (ca), Portrait of Camille Rogier painting surrounded by two men and three young women sitting in the salon (Portrait de Camille Rogier peignant entouré de deux hommes et trois jeunes femmes assis dans le salon), Albumen print, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/88197