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Police and law enforcement photography





Photography as an aid to detection
1The Weymouth Poisoning Case - Miss Mary Tirrell Disinterred (1860)
2J.E. Mayall: Use of cartes de visite to support police investigations
3The Pinkerton Detective Agency and photography
Crime scene photography
4Alphonse Bertillon (attributed): Album of Paris Crime Scenes
Wanted criminals
5Wanted criminals
Bertillon anthrometric records
6Anthropometric records - Alphonse Bertillon system
Crime prevention
7U.S. Treasury Note and National Bank Note Detector (1866)
Hans Gross on photography and criminal investigation
8Hans Gross: Criminal Investigation (1906) - Importance of Photography from a judicial point of view.
9Hans Gross: Criminal Investigation (1906) - Particular cases of the employment of Photography.
10Hans Gross: Criminal Investigation (1906) - Recognition of Criminals from their Photographs.
Police and law enforcement photography
      Crime and punishment
         Police and law enforcement photography

Related topics
Crime scene photography
Domestic violence
Lynch photography
Police and law enforcement photography
Alphonse Bertillon (1853-1914), Carl Durheim (1810-1890), Arnold Odermatt (1925-), Weegee (1899-1968)
Subscribers have access to the ten informative Fragments on this Theme, Online Exhibitions, Visual Indexes and References.
Photography as an aid to detection
1The Weymouth Poisoning Case - Miss Mary Tirrell Disinterred (1860)
2J.E. Mayall: Use of cartes de visite to support police investigations
3The Pinkerton Detective Agency and photography
Crime scene photography
4Alphonse Bertillon (attributed): Album of Paris Crime Scenes
Wanted criminals
5Wanted criminals
Bertillon anthrometric records
6Anthropometric records - Alphonse Bertillon system
Crime prevention
7U.S. Treasury Note and National Bank Note Detector (1866)
Hans Gross on photography and criminal investigation
8Hans Gross: Criminal Investigation (1906) - Importance of Photography from a judicial point of view.
9Hans Gross: Criminal Investigation (1906) - Particular cases of the employment of Photography.
10Hans Gross: Criminal Investigation (1906) - Recognition of Criminals from their Photographs.

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