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Fakes, forgeries, tricks and deceptions





Fakes, forgeries, altering photographs and intention
1Fakes, forgeries and deception
Combining different works to create a painting
2Combining a daguerreotype with a miniature to create a painting (1848)
Altering and combining negatives
3George N. Barnard: Rebel Works in front of Atlanta
4Gustave Le Gray: Combination prints
5Dmitri Constantine: Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens
6Felice Beato: Indian Mutiny (1858) - Mutineers hanged
Mirrors and multiple exposures
7Albumen prints: Multiple exposures
8Cartes de visite: Multiple exposures
9Abraham Lincoln as a returning spirit
10Ranger & Austen: Clairvoyant Medical Examinations - Buffum & Cleveland
11Cabinet cards: Multiple exposures
12Tintypes: Multiple exposures
13Real photo postcards: Multiple exposures
14Gelatin silver prints: Multiple exposures
15Cottingley Fairies
16William H. Mumler: Spirit photography
17P.T. Barnum: Spiritual Photography (1866)
18William Hope: Spirit photography and séances
19Richard Boursnell & J. Evans Sterling (London Spiritualists): Spirit photographs
20Miss Houghton: Chronicles of the Photographs of Spiritual Beings and Phenomena Invisible to the Material Eye (1882)
Exaggeration photo postcards
21William H. Martin: Exaggeration photo postcards
22Henry M. Beach: Exaggeration photo postcards
Improving a photograph
23Arthur Rothstein: Cow skull in the Badlands
24The alteration of the truth in Soviet Russia
25Press photographs with paint or instructions
Questionable prints
26Lewis W. Hine: Power house mechanic working on steam pump
Themes - War
27Faking war photographs
28Boer War (1899-1902): Fabrications
29Photographic fabrications of the First World War
30Mrs. Gladys Maud Cockburn-Lange and her faked First World War dogfight photographs
31Justification for the Iraq War (2003-2011)
32Conclusions to fakes, forgeries and deception
Subscribers have access to the thirty two informative Fragments on this Theme, Online Exhibitions, Visual Indexes and References.
Fakes, forgeries, altering photographs and intention
1Fakes, forgeries and deception
Combining different works to create a painting
2Combining a daguerreotype with a miniature to create a painting (1848)
Altering and combining negatives
3George N. Barnard: Rebel Works in front of Atlanta
4Gustave Le Gray: Combination prints
5Dmitri Constantine: Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens
6Felice Beato: Indian Mutiny (1858) - Mutineers hanged
Mirrors and multiple exposures
7Albumen prints: Multiple exposures
8Cartes de visite: Multiple exposures
9Abraham Lincoln as a returning spirit
10Ranger & Austen: Clairvoyant Medical Examinations - Buffum & Cleveland
11Cabinet cards: Multiple exposures
12Tintypes: Multiple exposures
13Real photo postcards: Multiple exposures
14Gelatin silver prints: Multiple exposures
15Cottingley Fairies
16William H. Mumler: Spirit photography
17P.T. Barnum: Spiritual Photography (1866)
18William Hope: Spirit photography and séances
19Richard Boursnell & J. Evans Sterling (London Spiritualists): Spirit photographs
20Miss Houghton: Chronicles of the Photographs of Spiritual Beings and Phenomena Invisible to the Material Eye (1882)
Exaggeration photo postcards
21William H. Martin: Exaggeration photo postcards
22Henry M. Beach: Exaggeration photo postcards
Improving a photograph
23Arthur Rothstein: Cow skull in the Badlands
24The alteration of the truth in Soviet Russia
25Press photographs with paint or instructions
Questionable prints
26Lewis W. Hine: Power house mechanic working on steam pump
Themes - War
27Faking war photographs
28Boer War (1899-1902): Fabrications
29Photographic fabrications of the First World War
30Mrs. Gladys Maud Cockburn-Lange and her faked First World War dogfight photographs
31Justification for the Iraq War (2003-2011)
32Conclusions to fakes, forgeries and deception

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