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NYPL - New York Public Library
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Rank Parker (?, artist), 1899, Score sheet for "Snap-shot Sal", Song sheet cover, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/67911
Jean Baptiste Corot, 1853-1874, La petite soeur, Cliché-verre, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/42456
James McDonald, 1865, Interior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. gate of the cotton market in west wall and cloister; b. west wall and cloisters, looking south, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102913
Edme Quenedey (engraver), 1801 (ca), Physionotrace portrait of Lady Mount Cashell, Physionotrace, engraving finished with etching and aquatint, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/42457
Felice Beato, 1870s, Bridge beyond Odowara, leading to Halla, Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/73669
White Studio (New York, N.Y.), 1912, Robin Hood keysheets, Photographs, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39647
Ben Hains, 1889 (copyright), 40. On Echo River, [Views of Mammoth Cave and vicinity], Stereocard, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/42258
P.H. Rose, 1885 (ca) 1865?-1900 (imprint), Galveston Opera House, Galveston, Texas., Stereoview, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/114145
Russell Lee, 1937, June, New growth of pine forest in Black River Falls project, Wisconsin., Gelatin silver print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48454
Walker Evans, 1937, February, Entrance to Marianna, Arkansas, during the 1937 flood, Gelatin silver print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48446
James McDonald, 1865, Ancient tombs in the environs of the city : a. tombs in the Valley of the Kedron; b. entrance to the tombs of the kings, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102944
James McDonald, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. east face of n.e. angle; b. Golden Gate from the north east, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102924
James McDonald, 1865, Views in the city : a. ancient fountain in the street El-Wad; b. Church of St. Anne with north face of the Pool of Bethesda, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102934
S[imon] Alschuler, 1871, Union Park in winter. Interior view of New England Church., [Views of Chicago After the fire of the 8th and 9th of October, 1871.], Stereoview, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/126480
Gordon Parks, 1942, July, Anacostia, D.C. Frederick Douglass housing project. Mother watching her children as she prepares the evening meal., Gelatin silver print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48467
Carl Mydans, 1935, August, Cleaning greenhouse roof. Prince Georges County, Beltsville, Maryland., Gelatin silver print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48460
Unidentified artist, 1895-1917, If you want it - take it - with a Kodak., Commercial poster, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/43021
Noël Marie Paymal Lerebours, 1841-1842 (publication), France. Maison Elevée, rue St. Georges, [Excursions daguerriennes : vues et monuments les plus remarquables du globe], Aquatint, based on a Daguerreotype, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/33107
Daziaro, 1880 (Questionable), Front album cover "Moscou", Album cover, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/104453
Anna Atkins, 1844 (ca), Chordaria flagelliformis, [Photographs of British algae: cyanotype impressions. Part IV (Version 1)], Cyanotype, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39584
Thomas Houseworth & Co, 1866, Grading the Central Pacific Railroad. The cut at Owl Gap, Placer County., [California], Stereocard, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/76271
Félix Bonfils, 1894, March (album), Mer morte, vur sur la large, Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/53050
Timothy H. O'Sullivan, 1864, 21 May (event), 730. General Grant's Council of War., [1861 The War For the Union 1865 / 1861 Photographic War History 1865], Stereoview, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39174
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Zwei verschiedene Aufnahmen der Rîkah, des Thronsessels, auf welchen man in Mekka die jungfräuliche Braut in der Duchlah-nacht zu erheben pflegt. Auf B sitzt der Bräutigam dort, wo die Braut sitzen soll. [18 A, B], [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64280
Felice Beato, 1870s, View of Hakoni Village, Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/73672
Alinari, 1855 (ca), Firenze. Fontana di Gian Bologna nel Giardino di Boboli [Florence, Fountain of Oceanus by Giambologna in the Boboli Gardens], Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/124203
James McDonald, 1865, City walls : the Zion Gate, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102940
Anna Atkins, 1843, October - 1844, May, Cystoseira fibrosa, [Photographs of British algae: cyanotype impressions. Part II], Cyanotype, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39583
Alinari, 1852-1857, Firenze, Porta principale del Battistero Florence, main door of the Baptistry, Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/67919
Unidentified photographer, 1860-1929, Kairo : bords du Nil et Dahabieh, Photochrom, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64261
Édouard Baldus, 1851, Cloister of Saint Trophime at Arles, Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/90428
Ben Hains, 1889 (copyright), 21. Entrance to Gothic Avenue, [Views of Mammoth Cave and vicinity], Stereocard, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/42254
Teresa Zarnower (1897-1949, artist), 1942-1945 (check), Figures and buildings from war-torn Warsaw, [Obrona Warszawy [The Defense of Warsaw]], Photomontage, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64284
Walker Evans, 1935, December, Belle Grove Plantation, 1858. [Iberville Parish,] Louisiana, Gelatin silver print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48445
Anna Atkins, 1844 (ca), Furcellaria fastigiata, [Photographs of British algae: cyanotype impressions. Part IV (Version 1)], Cyanotype, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39585
Anna Atkins, 1846, June - 1847, November, Rhodomenia laciniata, [Photographs of British algae: cyanotype impressions. Part VI], Cyanotype, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39588
Arthur Rothstein, 1936?, A fertile valley in Piedmont, West Va., Gelatin silver print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48470
Albert Fernique, 1883, [Assemblage of the Statue of Liberty in Paris.], [Album de la construction de la Statue de la Liberté], Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39628
James McDonald, 1865, Interior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. west entrance to Kubbat-as-Sakhra; b. details of n.e. side of Kubbat-as-Sakhra, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102908
Anna Atkins, 1843, October - 1844, May, Fucus nodosus, [Photographs of British algae: cyanotype impressions. Part II], Cyanotype, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39582
John Vachon, 1940, July, Children of migrant fruit worker, Berrien County, Mich., Gelatin silver print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48478
James McDonald, 1865, Interior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. interior of Kubbat-as-Sakhra; b. screen and pulpit on the south entrance to platform, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102909
Daziaro, 1880 (Questionable), Khram Khrista Spasitelia, Albumen print, hand-coloured, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/104471
Félix Bonfils, 1894, March (album), Vue générale de l'emplacement du temple de Salomon. - General view of the site of Salomon's temple, Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/53046
Désiré Charnay, 1862-1863, Palais Des Nonnes, à Uxmal; cote sud., [Cités et Ruines Americaines. Atlas], Albumen print, tipped in, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/36226
Daziaro, 1880 (Questionable), Tserkov' Pokrova na Filiakh, Albumen print, hand-coloured, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/104474
V. Kozlovskii, 1886, [Rock crystal], Photograph, mounted, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/63970
Russell Lee, 1937, Setember, Bedroom in farm home in Minnesota cut-over lands, near Northome., Gelatin silver print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48455
James McDonald, 1865, Panoramic view of the city. General view of the city, from the Hill of Evil Counsel, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102948
Langenheim, Lloyd & Co., n.d., Warner, Miskey & Merrill's show room [with lamps and fixtures], 718 Chestnut St., Philadelphia., Stereoview, back, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/99084
Anna Atkins, 1843, October - 1844, May, Fucus vesiculosus, [Photographs of British algae: cyanotype impressions. Part II], Cyanotype, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39581
Unidentified photographer, 1890 (ca), [Surgeon General's Library, Washington, about 1890, Dr. J.S. Billings at centre table.], Photographic print, mounted, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/40694
Arthur Kales, 1917-1918, Ruth St Denis and Ted Shawn in an art pose, Black & white print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/36032
Carl Mydans, 1936, October, Old horse sign in Manchester, New Hampshire., Gelatin silver print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48463
Francis Frith, 1862?, Entrance to the Great Temple, Luxor, [Lower Egypt, Thebes and The Pyramids], Albumen print, tipped in, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48053
Brown Brothers (New York, N.Y.) Rosenfeld, A., ca. 1925 -- Photographer, 1917, Triangle fire, Photographic print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39640
A.E. & A.J. Alden, n.d., Back for "Alden's Views" - "A.E. Alden, A.J. Alden, Atists.", Stereocard, back, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/106782
1864, 21 May (event) 1887, June (published), General Grant and staff at Bethesda Church; General Grant is sitting with his back to the smaller tree. (from a war-time photograph.), Magazine illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39136
Jacob A. Riis, 1897 (before), Manuscript draft for How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York, Book page, handwritten, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/114405
Carl Mydans, 1935, November, View in slaughter house in the meat section at the experimental farm of the United States Department of Agriculture. Beltsville, Maryland., Gelatin silver print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48457
Felice Beato, 1870s, The Temple of Hachiman-Kamakura, Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/73676
Anna Atkins, 1849, November - 1850, June, Dictyota dichotoma, in the young state; and in fruit., [Photographs of British algae: cyanotype impressions. Part XI], Cyanotype, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39594
Daziaro, 1880 (Questionable), Kolokol'naia Ivana Velikago, Albumen print, hand-coloured, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/104463
Alinari, 1852-1857, Firenze, 2da Porta di Ghiberti al Battistero [Florence, 2nd Gate of the Baptistery by Ghiberti], Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/67921
James McDonald, 1865, Views in the environs of the city : a. Valley of Hinnom, looking south from the Jaffa Gate; b. stair case in the English Cemetery cut out of the face of the escarped rock, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102943
Daziaro, 1880 (Questionable), Uspenskii sobor v Kremle, Albumen print, hand-coloured, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/104464
Alinari, 1852-1857, Firenze, 2a Porta Meridionale del Duomo [Florence, 2nd south gate of the Duomo (Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore)], Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/67916
Unidentified photographer, 1866, Jerh. Donovan Rossa, [Thomas A. Larcom photographs collection, 1857-1866 [Mountjoy Prison], Volume 2, 1866, Plate 80], Album page, detail, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/40162
Lawrence & Houseworth, 1864-1874 (ca), The Pioneer's Cabin, 32 ft. diameter., [Calaveras Big Trees], Stereocard, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/76725
Albert Fernique, 1883, [Men at work on the construction of the Statue of Liberty.], [Album de la construction de la Statue de la Liberté], Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39629
1868-1875, Book cover for J. Forbes Watson & Hohn William Kaye (eds.), 1868-1875, The People of India, (London: India Museum / W.H. Allen & Co.), Book cover, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/73511
Charles D. Graves (Artist), 1894, The Koreans On Board Ship., Print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/73712
Anna Atkins, 1843, October (Part I), Introduction to "Photographs of British algae: cyanotype impressions", Part I, [Photographs of British algae: cyanotype impressions. Part I], Cyanotype, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39578
James McDonald, 1865, "Photographs taken in and about the City of Jerusalem" in Title page for 1865, Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Contents page, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102905
James McDonald, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. double gateway in south wall; b. west side of south west angle, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102918
James McDonald, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. Golden Gate from outside; b. Golden Gate from inside, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102915
James McDonald, 1865, Citadel : a. entrance to citadel; b. detail of lower part of the n.e. tower of citadel, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102927
Unidentified photographer, 1908-1909, State St. Factory and Main Office, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y., Postcard, offset photomechanical print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/43022
James McDonald, 1865, Interior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. Dome of the Chain; b. s.w. corner of the platform, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102910
Elias A. Bonine, 1875 (ca), Pine Forest. Florida, [Views in the Sunny South. Florida Series], Stereocard, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/49735
Carl Mydans, 1936, March, Cotton patch showing rocky character of land at Crabtree Creek recreational demonstration area near Raleigh, North Carolina., Gelatin silver print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48464
Miller & Best, 1871, 21 November, Reception of the Grand Duke Alexis, [The "Best" series - New York City], Stereocard, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/53512
Silsbee, Case & Co., 1860 (ca), [Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1809-94], Carte de visite, cropped, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39633
Désiré Charnay, 1862-1863, Pierre de la Croix, à Palenque., [Cités et Ruines Americaines. Atlas], Albumen print, tipped in, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/36223
Jean Baptiste Corot, 1853-1874, La jeune fille et la mort, Cliché-verre, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/42454
Carl Mydans, 1935, November, View of three types of cow (dairy, beef, and dual purpose) developed at the experimental farm of the U.S.D.A. Prince Georges County. Beltsville, Maryland., Gelatin silver print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48458
Anna Atkins, 1844, June - 1845, November, Delesseria sanguinea, [Photographs of British algae: cyanotype impressions. Part V], Cyanotype, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39586
Felice Beato, 1870s, Castle of Yedo, inner moat, Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/73686
Daziaro, 1880 (Questionable), Uspenskii sobor v Kremle, Albumen print, hand-coloured, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/104460
Wiggins, 1880, Backmark for "Views of Cedar Rapids and vicinity.", [Views of Cedar Rapids and vicinity.], Stereoview, back, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/117935
Underwood & Underwood, 1904, Skeleton and cast of biggest known whale, 75 ft. long, caught off Newfoundland - World's Fair, St. Louis, U.S.A., Stereoview, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/122704
James McDonald, 1865, Interior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : eastern view of the platform from the Golden Gate, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102914
Pomeroy & Wilson , 1872-1875, Backlist for "Views of Bridgeport and vicinity.", [Views of Bridgeport and vicinity.], Stereoview, back, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/117937
Felice Beato, 1870s, Burial ground of the Taikuns, Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/73688
W.L. Hall, 1875 (ca), Picture of a petrified body, belonging to a pre-historic race, Stereocard, detail, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/96179
Désiré Charnay, 1862-1863, Palais Des Nonnes, à Chichen-Itza : coté-Nord., [Cités et Ruines Americaines. Atlas], Albumen print, tipped in, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/36225
Arthur Kales, 1919, Ted Shawn in Japanese Spear Dance, Black & white print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/36030
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Oestlicher Theil des Thales Muna., [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64273
S. Wing, 1850-1930, View of houses in Waterville., Stereoview, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/117933
James McDonald, 1865, Interior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. Dome of the Chain; b. s.w. corner of the platform, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102912
Alinari, 1852-1857, Firenze, Porta di Andrea Pisano al Battistero [Florence, door of the Baptistery by Andrea Pisano], Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/67920
Albert Fernique, 1883, Head of the Statue of Liberty on display in a park in Paris, [Album de la construction de la Statue de la Liberte], Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/67820
James McDonald, 1865, Interior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. Kubbat-as-Sakhra from s.e. corner of platform; b. Kubbat-as-Sakhra from n.w. corner of platform, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102906
Charles François Daubigny, 1862, [La gardeuse de chÞvres], Cliché-verre, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/42453
Dorothea Lange, 1935, November, Along the highway near Bakersfield, California. Dust bowl refugees. [Dust bowl refugees, on highway near Bakersfield, California.], Gelatin silver print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48449
James McDonald, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. eastern wall near south east angle; b. eastern face of south east angle, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102916
Sheldon Dick, 1938, July, Children in slum district. Baltimore, Maryland., Gelatin silver print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48443
Daziaro, 1880 (Questionable), Vid Kremlia s Kamennym mostom, Albumen print, hand-coloured, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/104454
James McDonald, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. wall south of Wailing Place; b. Wailing Place of the Jews, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102920
Hippolyte Arnoux, 1860 (ca), 682. Pyramide [ ] Cheops Sphinxe et Caravan, Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/63955
Thomas Houseworth & Co, 1864-1874 (ca), Father of the Forest ; 112 feet circumference, Mammoth Grove., [Calaveras Big Trees], Stereocard, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/76723
Unidentified photographer, 1937, 6 May, [The Hindenburg dirigible disaster], Black and white print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39643
Sarony, n.d., Sarah Bernhardt, Cabinet card, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/104285
White Studio (New York, N.Y.), 1915, See my lawyer keysheets, Photographs, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39649
1868-1875, Title page for J. Forbes Watson & Hohn William Kaye (eds.), 1868-1875, The People of India, (London: India Museum / W.H. Allen & Co.), Book title page, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/73464
Felice Beato, 1870s, Japanese Yakonin in dress of ceremony, Albumen print, hand-coloured, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/73697
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Factory of the Eastman M'F'G Co., Rochester, N.Y., Uncertain print type, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39644
Félix Bonfils, 1894, March (album), Porte de Damas. - The Damascus gate, Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/53048
P.H. Rose, 1890 (ca) 1865?-1900 (imprint), Galveston Beach Galveston Beach., Stereoview, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/114143
James McDonald, 1865, Panoramic view of the city. General view of the city, from the Mount of Olives, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102947
Félix Bonfils, 1894, March (album), Porte Saint Étienne, Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/53047
John Moran, 1871 (copyright), Photographer at Pinogana, [Darien Expedition], Stereocard, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64168
Jean Baptiste Corot, 1853-1874, Le petit berger, 2e planche (réduction), Cliché-verre, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/42455
Antoine Claudet, 1860 (published), Mr. Edward Ross, the rifle champion of England., Magazine illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39135
Elias A. Bonine, 1875 (ca), [Two men in a fishing boat], [Views in the Sunny South. Florida Series], Stereocard, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/49737
Russell Lee, 1937, April, Child flood refugees. Tent City near Shawneetown, Illinois., Gelatin silver print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48453
Charles Bierstadt, 1886 (ca), Bartholdi Statue of Liberty, New York Harbor, Stereoview, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/40145
Alinari, 1852-1857, Firenze, 2a Porta Settentrionale del Duomo [Florence, 2nd north gate of the Duomo (Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore)], Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/67918
Daziaro, 1880 (Questionable), Arkhangel'skii Sobor v Kremle, Albumen print, hand-coloured, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/104466
James McDonald, 1865, City walls : a. the Damascus Gate; b. outside of wall of city, close to the Damascus Gate on the east side, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102938
Daziaro, 1880 (Questionable), Tserkov' Vasiliia Blazhennago, Albumen print, hand-coloured, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/104478
Noël Marie Paymal Lerebours, 1841-1842, Excursions daguerriennes : vues et monuments les plus remarquables du globe. (Title page, vol. 1) ([1841]-1842), [Excursions daguerriennes : vues et monuments les plus remarquables du globe], Title page - Aquatint, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/33104
Daziaro, 1880 (Questionable), Ikonostasis, Uspenskii Sobor, Albumen print, hand-coloured, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/104465
Daziaro, 1880 (Questionable), Vid Devich'iago Monastyria, Albumen print, hand-coloured, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/104468
Francis Frith, 1862?, The Rameseum, Thebes, [Lower Egypt, Thebes and The Pyramids], Albumen print, tipped in, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48054
James McDonald, 1865, Citadel : a. tower at n.e. angle of citadel; b. detail of the escarp of n.e. tower of citadel, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102926
Pierre Alfred Villeneuve, n.d., Giuseppe Garibaldi, Carte de visite, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39639
Jean Baptiste Corot, 1855, [Les jardins d'Horace], Cliché-verre, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/42452
Appert Brothers, 1871, 25 May, Assassinat de Gustave Chaudey a Ste. Pélagie le 23 Mai 1871, Photograph, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/122325
Désiré Charnay, 1862-1863, La Prison, A Chichen-Itza., [Cités et Ruines Americaines. Atlas], Albumen print, tipped in, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/36224
L.A. Sawyer, 1880s (ca), University Singers of New Orleans; In aid of Colored Orphans' Home of Louisiana., Cabinet card, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39635
Kodak, n.d., If you want it - take it - with a Kodak., Poster, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39642
White Studio (New York, N.Y.), n.d., The song of songs keysheets., Photographs, cropped, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39646
Ben Hains, 1889 (copyright), 5. Old Saltpeter Pipes (1812), [Views of Mammoth Cave and vicinity], Stereocard, detail, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/42257
Félix Bonfils, 1894, March (album), Porte de Jaffa, Jérusalem, Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/53045
S.F. Adams, n.d., Portrait of Nancy Luce, island eccentric, and her bantie hens., Stereoview, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/99820
Lawrence & Houseworth, 1864-1874 (ca), Big Tree - Wm. Cullen Bryant, near view. Calaveras Group., [California], Stereocard, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/76724
Arthur Rothstein, 1935, September, Daughter of Dalton McLeod, Negro rehabilitation client. Fuquay Springs, North Carolina., Gelatin silver print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48471
C.H. Gallup, 1880s (ca), [John King, chimney sweep, shown with gear while singing out his call.], Cabinet card, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39637
Unidentified photographer, 1860-1910 (ca), Helene Levy in winged costume, posed in mid air, Cabinet card, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39634
Anna Atkins, 1843-1853 (published), Title page for Anna Atkins "Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions", [Photographs of British algae: cyanotype impressions], Cyanotype, cropped, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/126494
Augustus Francis Sherman, 1906-1914 (ca), [Lapland children, possibly from Sweden], Platinum print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/31792
William Henry Jackson, 1870, Eroded sand stones, Monument Park, [Geographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian (U.S.)], Stereocard, detail, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64203
James McDonald, 1865, Views within the city : a. to so called Tower of Antonia in the street leading the St. Stephen's Gate; b. Street El-Wad or of the Valley, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102935
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Korean Upper Class Family, Postcard, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64222
Anna Atkins, 1846, June - 1847, November, Gigartina confervoides, [Photographs of British algae: cyanotype impressions. Part VIII], Cyanotype, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39590
Alinari, 1852-1857, Pisa, Prima Porta della Cattedrale [Pisa, Main Door of the Cathedral], Albumen print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/67915
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Zweite Ansicht des Lagers der Mèjmûnahpilger., [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64270
Bell & Bro., 1859-1920, Backmark for "Bell & Bro., 319 Penn Avenue, Washington, D. C." - "Interior View,s of the Smythsonian Institution", [Interior Views of the Smythsonian Institution], Stereoview, back, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/98804
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1889, Der Berg ‘Arafah während der jährlichen Pilgerversammlung (von Süden aus gesehen)., [Bilder aus Mekka, mit kurzem erläuterndem Texte], Book illustration, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/64275
James McDonald, 1865, Exterior of the Haram-ash-Shárif : a. east face of n.e. angle; b. Golden Gate from the north east, [Ordnance survey of Jerusalem, made with the sanction of the Earl de Grey and Ripon, Sec. of State for War, under the direction of Col. Sir Henry James], Albumen prints, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/102923
London Stereoscopic Company, 1858, 1 September, The Atlantic Telegraph Jubilee, New York., Stereoview, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/98935
Thomas Houseworth & Co, 1868-1875 (ca), Snow sheds near Cisco., [Central Pacific Railroad.], Stereoview, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/111872
Armand Hippolyte Fizeau, 1842-1844 (ca), Engraving of Bug, Photolithograph, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/69825
Unidentified photographer, 1866, Jerh. Donovan Rossa ; Bryan Dillon ; Thomas Duggan ; Chas. Underwood O'Connell., [Thomas A. Larcom photographs collection, 1857-1866 [Mountjoy Prison], Volume 2, 1866, Plate 80], Album page, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/40161
E. & H.T. Anthony & Co., 1850-1930, Olympic Theatre, Hand Torch, Madison Square., Stereoview, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/99433
Francis Frith, 1862?, The Broken Obelisk, Karnac, [Lower Egypt, Thebes and The Pyramids], Albumen print, tipped in, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/48055
Daziaro, 1880 (Questionable), Tserkov' Rozhdestva Bogoroditsy, Albumen print, hand-coloured, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/104475
Anna Atkins, 1848, November - 1849, June, Grateloupia filicina, [Photographs of British algae: cyanotype impressions. Part IX], Cyanotype, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/39592
Charles Bierstadt, 1871-1872, His Imperial Highness, the Grand Duke Alexis, and Suite., [Niagara Falls, N.Y.], Stereocard, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/53511

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