Philip Henry Delamotte, 1855, Interior of the Egyptian Museum, with the Philae Portico, [Rebuilding the Crystal Palace], Photographic print, British Library, LL/40197
Unidentified photographer, 1862, Back of the book cover for William & Mary Howitt, 1862, Ruined Abbeys and Castles of Great Britain, (London: A.W. Bennett), Book cover, back, British Library, LL/62532
Unidentified photographer(s), 1918, July, A.G. Two-Seater (Type C.iv.) [Aerial recognition photographs], Book page, British Library, LL/66066
Babu Jageswar Prasad, 1883, Dhundrupantghat [Benares], Photograph, British Library, LL/125295
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858 (published), The Shevagungah and Aycoody Zemindar minors [Madura]., [Stereographs of Madura], Stereoview, British Library, LL/123002
Calvert Richard Jones, 1835, 1 August - 1847, 23 October, 242. Dunster Market House, from the South, Waxed paper negative, British Library, LL/126105
1914, 5 September, Front page of London Opinion, "Your Country Needs You", Magazine cover page, British Library, LL/64484
Henry Fox Talbot, 1838 (after), Framed Portrait of Barbara Slingsby by an artist from the School of Peter Lely, propped up in the Cloister at Lacock Abbey, Salted paper print, British Library, LL/83649
Willoughby Wallace Hooper, 1886, A gang of Dacoits being conveyed down the river from Mandalay to Rangoon on board one of the Irrawaddy Flotilla Company's steamers, [Burmah], Photograph, British Library, LL/73475
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858 (published), Inside view of the entrance to the quadrangle [Palace of Tirumalai Nayak, Madura]., [Stereographs of Madura], Stereoview, British Library, LL/122990
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858 (published), Inner arcade on the west side [of the quadrangle, Madura]., [Stereographs of Madura], Stereoview, British Library, LL/122993
Robert & Harriet Tytler, 1858, No. 18. The Residency at Lucknow. The square tower on the right slightly in view is the one in which Lawrence was wounded., Photographic print, British Library, LL/41286
W. Mountain, 1884, Advertisement for W. Mountain's Royal Academy Studios, Advert, British Library, LL/37237
Henry Fox Talbot, 1844, 22 March (prior to), A Scene in a Library, Coloured and waxed salted paper print from a calotype negative, British Library, LL/78335
Willoughby Wallace Hooper, 1886, Much of the water used by the inhabitants within the city walls is drawn from the moat, and this is chiefly done by the small boys of the family who come out for that purpose, morning and evening…, [Burmah], Photograph, British Library, LL/73487
H.A. Mirza, 1907 (ca), Picture of the Sanctuary of Medina the Radiant, [Views of Mecca and Medina], Photograph, on blue card mount, British Library, LL/58608
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858 (published), View of the Raya Gopuram from S. W. [Madura], [Stereographs of Madura], Stereoview, British Library, LL/122943
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [23 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123033
Robert Gill, 1868, View from the right of Facade of Buddhist vihara, Cave II, Ajanta, Stereoview, British Library, LL/37210
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [12 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123022
Edwin Clay Blair, n.d., Monsters of the deep cast ashore at River John, Nova Scotia, 1918. No. 4., Photograph, British Library, LL/127217
Unidentified photographer, 1894, H.H. Shahu Chhatrapati Maharaj [seated with palace servants], Photographic print, British Library, LL/37209
Philip Henry Delamotte, 1855, Preparations for the erection of the Colossi of Aboo Simbel, [Rebuilding the Crystal Palace], Photographic print, British Library, LL/40207
Willoughby Wallace Hooper, 1886, A Baker's Shop in the Chinese quarter of the town. It is not perhaps a very inviting place, nevertheless the bread made in Mandalay is exceedingly good, [Burmah], Photograph, British Library, LL/73488
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858 (published), Entrance to the Temple of Minatchi in the Great Pagoda [Madura]. (Ashta Lachimi Mundapam.), [Stereographs of Madura], Stereoview, British Library, LL/122960
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858 (published), View of Madura from the roof looking towards the Great Pagoda., [Stereographs of Madura], Stereoview, British Library, LL/122997
Philip Henry Delamotte, 1855, Colossal Vase from the Public Garden at Berlin, by Professor Drake, [Rebuilding the Crystal Palace], Photographic print, British Library, LL/40177
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [25 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123035
O.S. Baudesson, 1882, Close view of portion of the domed ceiling of the Adinatha Temple (Vimala Vasahi), Abu, Photographic print, British Library, LL/112802
Willoughby Wallace Hooper, 1886, Phoongyees with Mendicant Pots in their hands going their rounds to receive the food given them by the charitably disposed, [Mandalay], [Burmah], Photograph, British Library, LL/73494
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858 (published), View across the nave in the Poodoo Mundabam [Madura]., [Stereographs of Madura], Stereoview, British Library, LL/122946
Edwin Clay Blair, n.d., Monsters of the deep. No. 1. [Beached whales.]., Photograph, British Library, LL/127216
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858 (published), [Sculptured figures on the front of the 1000 pillared Mundabam, Madura]., [Stereographs of Madura], Stereoview, British Library, LL/122978
Edwin Clay Blair, 1918, "Monsters of the deep. No. 1. [Beached whales.].", Photograph, British Library, LL/122706
1918, July, Book cover for Air Ministry, 1918, July, Types of German Aeroplanes, (Air Ministry, Air Intelligence), Book cover, British Library, LL/66065
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [21 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123031
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [27 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123037
Adolphe Duperly, 1840, A View Of The Ordnance Yard (Taken From The Wharf), [Daguerian Excursions in Jamaica, pl. 1], Lithograph, based on a daguerreotype, British Library, LL/49657
H.A. Mirza, 1907 (ca), Picture of the City of Mecca the Great, [Views of Mecca and Medina], Photograph, on blue card mount, British Library, LL/58607
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858, Descriptive Notes by the Rev. W. Tracy, M.A. Accompanying The Stereographs of Madura. 1858 [4 of 27], Book page, British Library, LL/123014
Philip Henry Delamotte, 1855, Lower part of the scaffolding for the erection of the Great Transept Ribs, [Rebuilding the Crystal Palace], Photographic print, British Library, LL/40199
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858 (published), [Another part of the outer Prakarum of the Sundareshwara Temple] with Vahanums [Madura]., [Stereographs of Madura], Stereoview, British Library, LL/122969
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858 (published), Upper corner of one of the side halls in the quadrangle [Madura]., [Stereographs of Madura], Stereoview, British Library, LL/122995
Madho Prasad, 1905 (ca), [Top of broken pillar in foreground with the famous Sarnath lion capital standing on the ground beyond.], Photograph, British Library, LL/125300
Robert Gill, 1868-1869, East inner colonnade from the court of the ruins at Mehekar (Mehkar), Buldana District, Berar, Photographic print, British Library, LL/37216
Willoughby Wallace Hooper, 1885, One of King Theebaw's war steamers fully armed and equipped for the purpose of annihilating the presumptuous "Kalars", Photograph, British Library, LL/49684
Philip Henry Delamotte, 1855, Monument to Giuliano De Medici, with figures of Night and Day, by Michael Angelo, [Rebuilding the Crystal Palace], Photographic print, British Library, LL/40202
Maurice Palmer, 1870, Advertisement for Maurice Palmer, photographer, Advert, British Library, LL/37238
H.A. Mirza, 1907 (ca), Picture of the Mausoleum of Our Lord Amir Hamza, May God Be Pleased upon Him, [Views of Mecca and Medina], Photograph, on blue card mount, British Library, LL/58614
Linnaeus Tripe, 1858 (published), Part of the Palace roof and turret at N. E. corner [Madura]., [Stereographs of Madura], Stereoview, British Library, LL/123000
Unidentified photographer, 1870-1871, The Gallery of Louis XIII at Versailles, used as a hospital in the winter of 1870-71, Albumen print, British Library, LL/6496