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The Stereographs Project
The Stereographs Photographer Project
Information on stereo photographers is widely scattered and this project brings it together into a coherent series of datasets.
PLEASE NOTE: The names shown here are only for testing purposes and more complete listing will be added as soon as possible. If you have ANY datasets on stereo photographers please let me know: let's make this a collaborative project.
L & F - Paris, France
L & H - New South Wales, Australia
L et F SEE: L & F - Paris, France
L. Hensel's Photograph Gallery SEE: Hensel, L. - Hawley, PA, US:Port Jervis, NY, US
L.D. & Co. - New York City, NY, US
L.G. Freres & Cie Depose SEE: LG Bros. & Co. - France
L.G. Fres. & Cie SEE: LG Bros. & Co. - France
L.H.V. - Boulder, CO, US
L.L. SEE: Leon & Levy - Paris, France
LB - St. Nazaire, France
LEF - France
LF - France
LG Bros. & Co. - France
LJ SEE: Jouvin, L. - Paris, France
LL & C - Paris, France
LL - Paris, France
LL SEE: Leon & Levy - Paris, France
LS & Co. Series - UK
LSC SEE: London Stereoscopic Company - London, England, UK:New York City, NY, US
La Rue, E.C. SEE: LaRue, E.C. - Pasadena, CA, US
La Rue, Eugene C. SEE: LaRue, E.C. - Pasadena, CA, US
La Rue, Eugene Clyde SEE: LaRue, E.C. - Pasadena, CA, US
La Stereoscopica SEE: Marzocchi, Louis - Italy, Milan
LaBarre, I.D. - Whitehall, NY, US
LaFosse, A.F. - Manchester, Lancashire, England, UK
LaMarsh SEE: Truesdall & LaMarsh - Kenosha, WI, US
LaMarsh, B. SEE: Truesdall & LaMarsh - Kenosha, WI, US
LaRoche & French - Tacoma, WA, US
LaRoche & French SEE: LaRoche, F. - Tacoma, WA, US
LaRoche & French SEE: Larocque, F. - Lewiston, ME, US
LaRoche, F. SEE: LaRoche & French - Tacoma, WA, US
LaRoche, F. - Tacoma, WA, US
LaRock & Swett - Lewiston, ME, US
LaRock & Swett SEE: Larocque, F. - Lewiston, ME, US
LaRock SEE: LaRoche & French - Tacoma, WA, US
LaRock SEE: LaRock & Swett - Lewiston, ME, US
LaRue, E.C. - Pasadena, CA, US
Laatsch, Ted - US
Labbe, Ron - Boston, MA, US
Labelle SEE: Vallee & Labelle - Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Labelle, Francois-Xavier SEE: Vallee & Labelle - Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Labonte, S. - Southbridge, MA, US
Labonte, Solomon A. SEE: Labonte, S. - Southbridge, MA, US
Lacan, Ernest - Paris, France
Lacey, E.G. - Morristown, NJ, US:Dover, NJ, US
Lacey, Frank M. - Indianapolis, IN, US
Lachenal & Favre SEE: L & F - Paris, France
Lachenal, J. SEE: L & F - Paris, France
Lachenal, Jean SEE: L & F - Paris, France
Lachenal, Favre & Cie SEE: L & F - Paris, France
Lachman - Austria
Ladbury - Bendigo, Victoria, Australia
Ladd & Pringle - Fredonia, NY, US
Ladd & Pringle SEE: Pringle, C. - Fredonia, NY, US
Ladd SEE: Ladd & Pringle - Fredonia, NY, US
Ladmore & Son - Hereford, Hertfordshire, England, UK
Ladmore SEE: Ladmore & Son - Hereford, Hertfordshire, England, UK
Ladrey, Ernest - Paris, France
Laemmle, Carl - New York City, NY, US
Laffron, L. - Paris, France
Lafranchini, J. - Verona, Italy
Lagast-Huys - Ostende, Belgium
Lagrange & Hermanos, A. - Monterrey, Mexico
Lagrange SEE: Lagrange & Hermanos, A. - Monterrey, Mexico
Lagrange, A. SEE: Lagrange & Hermanos, A. - Monterrey, Mexico
Lagsdon, Jesse - Council Bluffs, IA, US
Laidler SEE: Hoard & Laidler - Jamestown, NY, US
Laifle, J. - Regensburg, Germany
Laifle, Johann SEE: Laifle, J. - Regensburg, Germany
Laighton Bros. - Norwich, CT, US
Laighton, John SEE: Laighton Bros. - Norwich, CT, US
Laighton, William S. SEE: Laighton Bros. - Norwich, CT, US
Laing - Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, UK
Laing, J. SEE: Laing - Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, UK
Laing, T. - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK
Lais, Lori - Roma (Rome), Italy
Laister, E.H. - London, England, UK
Lake George View Co. - Whitehall, NY, US
Lake SEE: Clark, Lake & Co. - Rockford, IL, US
Lake, Malona Monroe - Park Rapids, MN, US
Lake, Mrs. E.C. SEE: Lake, Malona Monroe - Park Rapids, MN, US
Lakin, J.H. SEE: American Stereoscopic Exchange Club - Washington, DC, US
Lakin, J.H. - Montgomery, AL, US:Natchez, MS, US
Lakin, Josephus H. SEE: Lakin, J.H. - Montgomery, AL, US:Natchez, MS, US
Lakin, Josephus Holtzclaw SEE: Lakin, J.H. - Montgomery, AL, US:Natchez, MS, US
Lakin, Josephus Hutchins SEE: Hughes & Lakin - Natchez, MS, US:Vicksburg, MS, US
Lakin, Josephus Hutchins SEE: Lakin, J.H. - Montgomery, AL, US:Natchez, MS, US
Lallemand & Hart - Strasbourg, France
Lallemand & Hart SEE: Lallemand, Charles - Strasbourg, France
Lallemand & Hart SEE: Hart, Ludovico Wolfgang - Strasbourg, France:Paris, France:London, England, UK:Melbourne, Victoria, Australia:South Yarra, Victoria, Australia
Lallemand, Charles SEE: Lallemand & Hart - Strasbourg, France
Lallemand, Charles - Strasbourg, France
Lamarsalle, J. - Villefranche, France
Lamb SEE: McAlpin & Lamb - Salem, OR, US
Lamb SEE: Thurlow & Lamb - Newburyport, MA, US
Lamb - Ironwood, MI, US
Lamb, Colby SEE: Thurlow & Lamb - Newburyport, MA, US
Lamb, H.W. - Malvern, Worcestershire, England, UK
Lamb, J.G. - Christchurch, New Zealand
Lamb, James George SEE: Lamb, J.G. - Christchurch, New Zealand
Lamb, W.W. - Medford, WI, US:Hurley, WI, US:Gidden, WI, US
Lamb, William Wells SEE: Lamb, W.W. - Medford, WI, US:Hurley, WI, US:Gidden, WI, US
Lamberson & James - Galena, IL, US
Lamberson & James SEE: James, J.E. - Galena, IL, US
Lamberson SEE: Lamberson & James - Galena, IL, US
Lambert & Okey - Camdentown, London, England, UK
Lambert, Alexander - Frederick, OK, US
Lambert, Charles - Arlon, Belgium
Lambert, Edward Jas. SEE: Lambert & Okey - Camdentown, London, England, UK
Lambert, Ivan - Norwood, Manitoba, Canada
Lambert, J.W. - Galesburg, IL, US
Lamiche fils & Aug‚ - Paris, France
Lamiche SEE: Lamiche fils & Aug‚ - Paris, France
Lamiche, F.B. - Paris, France
Lamon, W.H. - Lawrence, KS, US
Lamon, William H. SEE: Lamon, W.H. - Lawrence, KS, US
Lamont - Pottsville, PA, US
Lampiere - France
Lamprey, Maurice S. - Farmington, NH, US:Fisherville, NH, US:Penacook, NH, US:Concord, NH, US
Lamson & Smith - Rochester, NH, US
Lamson SEE: Lamson & Smith - Rochester, NH, US
Lamson SEE: Taylor & Lamson - New York, NY, US
Lamson, J.H. - Portland, ME, US
Lamy, E. SEE: Ludays & Lamy - Paris, France
Lamy, E. - Paris, France
Lamy, Ernest Eleonor Pierre SEE: Lamy, E. - Paris, France
Lamy, Ernest Eléonor Pierre SEE: Lamy, E. - Paris, France
Lamy, Ernest SEE: Ludays & Lamy - Paris, France
Lamy, Ernest SEE: Lamy, E. - Paris, France
Lancaster SEE: O'Connor & Lancaster - London, Ontario, Canada
Lancaster - Cedar Falls, IA, US
Lancaster, Hahnemann SEE: Lancaster - Cedar Falls, IA, US
Lancaster, J.W. - Rome, GA, US
Lancefield Bros. - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Lancefield Lending Library - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Lancey, E.W. - US
Land Brothers - Detroit, MI, US
Land, J.C. - Waukesha, WI, US
Land, William J. SEE: American Stereoscopic Exchange Club - Washington, DC, US
Landau, Alexander
Lander & Kirsch - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Lander SEE: Lander & Kirsch - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Landis, D.B. - Mill Creek, PA, US
Landon, E.C. - Gananoque, Ontario, Canada
Landon, F. - Bristol, VT, US
Landon, S.C. - New Milford, CT, US
Landon, Seth C. SEE: Landon, S.C. - New Milford, CT, US
Landsberg, Albert - New York City, NY, US
Landy, J. - Cincinnati, OH, US
Landy, James SEE: Landy, J. - Cincinnati, OH, US
Lane & Paul - Lebanon, NH, US
Lane & Paul SEE: Lane, A.A. - Lebanon, NH, US
Lane & Paul SEE: Paul, H.H. - Lebanon, NH, US
Lane, A.A. - Lebanon, NH, US
Lane, A.H. - Lee, ME, US:Lincoln, ME, US:Waldoborough, ME, US
Lane, Albert A. SEE: Lane & Paul - Lebanon, NH, US
Lane, Albert A. SEE: Lane, A.A. - Lebanon, NH, US
Lane, Asa H. SEE: Lane, A.H. - Lee, ME, US:Lincoln, ME, US:Waldoborough, ME, US
Lane, Colwell - Long Branch, NJ, US:Red Bank, NJ, US
Lane, Geo. J. - Worcester, MA, US
Lane, J.W. - New Sharon, ME, US:Farmington, ME, US:Waldoboro, ME, US
Lane, Nate - Paterson (Patterson), NJ, US
Lane, O.R. - Atlanta, GA, US
Lane, Owen Rudoph SEE: Lane, O.R. - Atlanta, GA, US
Lane's Art Gallery SEE: Lane, O.R. - Atlanta, GA, US
Langdon & Tallman - Batavia, NY, US
Langdon & Tallman SEE: Tallman, C.W. - Batavia, NY, US
Langdon SEE: Langdon & Tallman - Batavia, NY, US
Langdon, Edward C. SEE: Langdon & Tallman - Batavia, NY, US
Lange & Newth - San Francisco, CA, US
Lange & Newth SEE: Newth, E.W. - San Francisco, CA, US
Lange & Newth SEE: Lange, O.V. - Berkeley, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US
Lange, E. - Pyatigorsk, Russia
Lange, O.V. - Berkeley, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US
Lange, Oscar V. SEE: Lange & Newth - San Francisco, CA, US
Lange, Oscar V. SEE: Lange, O.V. - Berkeley, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US
Lange, Oscar Victor SEE: Lange, O.V. - Berkeley, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US
Langenheim, F. SEE: Langenheim, Frederick
Langenheim, Frederick SEE: Langenheim, W. & F. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Langenheim, Frederick SEE: Langenheim, Lloyd & Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Langenheim, Frederick
Langenheim, W. & F. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Langenheim, W. & F. SEE: Langenheim, Frederick
Langenheim, W. & F. SEE: Langenheim, William
Langenheim, William SEE: Langenheim, W. & F. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Langenheim, William SEE: Langenheim, Lloyd & Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Langenheim, William
Langenheim, Lloyd & Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Langenheim, Loyd & Co. SEE: Langenheim, Lloyd & Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Langer & Hassel - Prague, Austria
Langer & Pommerrenig - Prague, Austria
Langer SEE: Langer & Hassel - Prague, Austria
Langer SEE: Langer & Pommerrenig - Prague, Austria
Langer, A. - West Point, NE, US
Langer, Anton SEE: Langer, A. - West Point, NE, US
Langham, Jr., John - Philadelphia, PA, US
Langhorne, F.C. - Plainfield, NJ, US
Langill, H.H.H. - Hanover, NH, US:White River Junction, VT, US:Norwich, VT, US
Langill, Howard Henry Harrison SEE: Langill, H.H.H. - Hanover, NH, US:White River Junction, VT, US:Norwich, VT, US
Langley SEE: Orr, Langley & Co. - Valparaiso, IN, US
Langley - Manchester, NH, US
Langley, J.T. SEE: Langley - Manchester, NH, US
Langley, Joseph - Norwalk, CT, US
Langley-Orr Company - Chicago, IL, US
Langlois, E.T. - Winooski, VT, US
Langworthy, O. - Ashaway, RI, US
Lanning, H.B. - Trenton, NJ, US
Lansil & Gould - Bangor, ME, US
Lansil & Gould SEE: Gould, C.R. - Bangor, ME, US
Lansil SEE: Lansil & Gould - Bangor, ME, US
Lant SEE: Good, Berner Bros. & Lant - Lancaster, PA, US
Lanterman, F.P. - North Yakima, WA, US
Lapham, A.M. - Decatur, IL, US
Larcher - Creusot, France
Larcomb, A. - Nashville, TN, US
Larcombe, A. SEE: Larcomb, A. - Nashville, TN, US
Lardner - Philadelphia, PA, US
Lare, C.A. - Beloit, KS, US:Downs, KS, US
Lare, Charles A. SEE: Lare, C.A. - Beloit, KS, US:Downs, KS, US
Large, G.W. - Yellow Springs, OH, US
Large, O.C. - Yellow Springs, OH, US
Largeron, A. - Gerardmer, France
Laricheleere, E.L. - Escanaba, MI, US
Larkin SEE: Hibbard & Larkin - Burlington, VT, US
Larkin, J.E. - Elmira, NY, US
Larkin, John Edward SEE: Larkin, J.E. - Elmira, NY, US
Laroche, M. SEE: Laroche, Martin - London, England, UK
Laroche, Martin - London, England, UK
Larocque, F. SEE: LaRoche & French - Tacoma, WA, US
Larocque, F. SEE: LaRock & Swett - Lewiston, ME, US
Larocque, F. - Lewiston, ME, US
Larrabee SEE: Dean & Larrabee - Lincoln, ME, US
Larrabee, Frank H. - Hillsboro, IL, US
Larrabee, W.F. - Fort Monroe, VA, US
Larrigan, G.H. - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Larrigan, George Henry SEE: Larrigan, G.H. - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Larsen, N.P. - Copenhagen, Denmark
Larsen, Olaf P. - Squirrel, ID, US:Moscow, ID, US
Larsen, P.M. - Aalborg, Denmark
Larsen, R.K. - Vejle, Denmark
Larsen, T.A. - Drammen, Norway
Larson, Louis - Tacoma, WA, US
Larsson, Carl - Gefle, Sweden
Lartigue, Jacques SEE: Lartigue, Jacques-Henri
Lartigue, Jacques-Henri Charles Auguste SEE: Lartigue, Jacques-Henri
Lartigue, Jacques-Henri
Laruelle - München (Munich), Germany
Lasada - Madrid, Spain
Lasby, Dr. William F. SEE: Lasby, W.F. - Minneapolis, MN, US
Lasby, W.F. - Minneapolis, MN, US
Lassensen & Hilstad - Sioux Falls, DT, US
Lassensen SEE: Lassensen & Hilstad - Sioux Falls, DT, US
Latarget, J. - Hazebrouck, Belgium
Latest Novelty Co. - Lawrence, MA, US
Latham, John - Matlock, Derbyshire, England, UK
Lathrop SEE: Dunham & Lathrop - Oakland, CA, US:Reno, NV, US
Lathrop, W.H. - La Crosse, WI, US:Medford, WI, US
Lathrop, William H. SEE: Lathrop, W.H. - La Crosse, WI, US:Medford, WI, US
Latier, James D. SEE: Simmons, Latier & King - Waterloo, IA, US
Latourette, A.V. - Galveston, TX, US:San Antonio, TX, US
Latourette, Alex V. SEE: Latourette, A.V. - Galveston, TX, US:San Antonio, TX, US
Latto, J.C. - South Boston, MA, US:Weymouth Landing, MA, US
Latto, John C. SEE: Rand & Latto - Boston, MA, US:Weymouth, MA, US:Milton Lower Falls, MA, US:South Boston, MA, US
Latto, John C. SEE: Latto, J.C. - South Boston, MA, US:Weymouth Landing, MA, US
Lauber, A. - Lebanon, PA, US
Laudy, L.C. - Ansville, NY, US
Lauer, George E. SEE: Port Allegany View Co. - Port Allegany, PA, US
Lauk, I.A. - Zanesville, OH, US
Launey & Goebels - Savannah, GA, US
Launey & Goebels SEE: Launey, Arthur R. - Savannah, GA, US:Shelbyville, IL, US
Launey SEE: Sittler & Launey - Shelbyville, IL, US
Launey, Arthur R. SEE: Launey & Goebels - Savannah, GA, US
Launey, Arthur R. SEE: Sittler & Launey - Shelbyville, IL, US
Launey, Arthur R. - Savannah, GA, US:Shelbyville, IL, US
Launmuller & Brunner - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Launmuller SEE: Launmuller & Brunner - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Laur Brothers - Gaylord, MI, US:Indian River, MI, US
Laurence, Wm. - Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, UK
Laurent, J. SEE: Laurent, Juan - Madrid, Spain:Paris, France
Laurent, Jean SEE: Laurent, Juan - Madrid, Spain:Paris, France
Laurent, Juan SEE: JL - France
Laurent, Juan - Madrid, Spain:Paris, France
Laurl SEE: McAlpin & Laurl - Portland, OR, US
Lavigueur SEE: Lebeau & Lavigueur - Chicago, IL, US
Lavis, G. & R. - Eastbourne, East Sussex, England, UK:London, England, UK
Lavis, George SEE: Lavis, G. & R. - Eastbourne, East Sussex, England, UK:London, England, UK
Law & Son, W.W. - Northampton, Northamptonshire, England, UK
Law SEE: Carvalho, Law & Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Law, G. - Burlington, WI, US
Law, W.W. SEE: Law & Son, W.W. - Northampton, Northamptonshire, England, UK
Lawder, Standish D. - Denver, CO, US
Lawes, C. - Cobourg, Ontario, Canada:Peterborough, Ontario, Canada:Port Hope, Ontario, Canada
Lawes, Charles SEE: Lawes, C. - Cobourg, Ontario, Canada:Peterborough, Ontario, Canada:Port Hope, Ontario, Canada
Lawley SEE: Milliken & Lawley - London, England, UK
Lawrence & Co., W.H. - Denver, CO, US
Lawrence & Houseworth - San Francisco, CA, US
Lawrence SEE: Park & Lawrence - Rochester, MN, US
Lawrence SEE: Ross & Lawrence - St. Louis, MO, US
Lawrence, A.J. - Bridgeport, CT, US
Lawrence, C.A. - Nashua, NH, US:Lawrence, MA, US
Lawrence, Charles A. SEE: Lawrence, C.A. - Nashua, NH, US:Lawrence, MA, US
Lawrence, F. - Worcester, MA, US
Lawrence, Frank SEE: Lawrence, F. - Worcester, MA, US
Lawrence, G.R. SEE: Lawrence, George R. - Chicago, IL, US
Lawrence, Geo. R. SEE: Lawrence, George R. - Chicago, IL, US
Lawrence, George C. - Damariscotta, ME, US
Lawrence, George R. - Chicago, IL, US
Lawrence, George Raymond SEE: Lawrence, George R. - Chicago, IL, US
Lawrence, George S. SEE: Lawrence & Houseworth - San Francisco, CA, US
Lawrence, George SEE: Lawrence & Houseworth - San Francisco, CA, US
Lawrence, J.D. - Northampton, MA, US
Lawrence, John Fortune SEE: Lawrence, John - Dublin, Ireland
Lawrence, John - Dublin, Ireland
Lawrence, William Mervin SEE: Lawrence, William - Dublin, Ireland
Lawrence, William - Dublin, Ireland
Laws & Son, P.M. - Newcastle-on-Tyne, Northumberland, England, UK
Laws, C.H. - Bury, Lancashire, England, UK
Laws, P.M. SEE: Laws & Son, P.M. - Newcastle-on-Tyne, Northumberland, England, UK
Lawson - London, OH, US
Lawson, Colonel Melvin M. SEE: Lawson, Melvin M. - Arlington, VA, US
Lawson, E. - Parkersburg, WV, US
Lawson, Melvin M. - Arlington, VA, US
Lawson, N.B. - Muskegon, MI, US
Lawson, Norman B. SEE: Lawson, N.B. - Muskegon, MI, US
Lawson, Tom - Silver King, AZ, US
Lawton, James M. - New Bedford, MA, US
Lay, J.S. - Monmouth, IL, US
Layne, J.D. - US
Lazarus, John - Mooers, NY, US
Lazelle, E.J. - Springfield, MA, US
Lazelle, Edward J. SEE: Goldsmith & Lazelle - Springfield, MA, US
Lazelle, Edward J. SEE: Lazelle, E.J. - Springfield, MA, US
Lazzarini - Anvers, Belgium
Le Deley, E. SEE: ELD - Paris, France
Le Dien & Le Gray SEE: Le Gray, Gustave
Le Gray & Mestral SEE: Le Gray, Gustave
Le Gray, Gustave
Le Gray, J.B. Gustave SEE: Le Gray, Gustave
Le Gray, Jean-Baptiste-Gustave SEE: Le Gray, Gustave
Le Journal - Paris, France
Le Lieure SEE: LeLieure - Torino (Turin), Italy
Le Roux, E. - Anvers, Belgium
Le Stereo-Nu - Paris, France
Le Stereoscope - Paris, France
LeBas - France
LeBeau, J.L. - Chicago, IL, US
LeClear SEE: Tallman & LeClear - Batavia, NY, US
LeClear, J.M. SEE: Tallman & LeClear - Batavia, NY, US
LeClear, J.M. - Ballston Spa, NY, US
LeForest, L. - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
LeFort SEE: Lefort, Pierre-Henri-Amand - Paris, France
LeLieure - Torino (Turin), Italy
LeMaistre, J.W. - Philadelphia, PA, US
LeRoy & Terrill - Youngstown, OH, US
LeRoy & Terrill SEE: LeRoy, F.L. - Youngstown, OH, US
LeRoy, F.L. SEE: LeRoy & Terrill - Youngstown, OH, US
LeRoy, F.L. - Youngstown, OH, US
Lea, George - Tomah, WI, US
Lea, R.B. - Hiram, ME, US
Leach & Hanna - Cherokee, TX, US:Llano, TX, US
Leach & Hanna SEE: Leach, Don M. - Raton, NM, US:Plano, TX, US:Gainesville, TX, US:Cherokee, TX, US:Mineral Wells, TX, US
Leach - Fort Dodge, IA, US
Leach, Don M. SEE: Baker & Leach - TX, US:NM, US
Leach, Don M. SEE: Leach & Hanna - Cherokee, TX, US:Llano, TX, US
Leach, Don M. SEE: Shannon & Leach - Llano, TX, US
Leach, Don M. SEE: White & Leach - Raton, NM, US
Leach, Don M. - Raton, NM, US:Plano, TX, US:Gainesville, TX, US:Cherokee, TX, US:Mineral Wells, TX, US
Leadbeater - TX, US
Leaman & Lee - Reading, PA, US
Leaman, W.K. SEE: Leaman & Lee - Reading, PA, US
Lease - Lancaster, PA, US
Lease, A.M. SEE: Lease - Lancaster, PA, US
Leavenworth, J.R. - San Francisco, CA, US
Leaver, Ben - Manchester, Lancashire, England, UK
Leavitt, A. Lawrence - Newport, RI, US
Lebeau & Lavigueur - Chicago, IL, US
Lebeau & Lavigueur SEE: LeBeau, J.L. - Chicago, IL, US
Lebeau, J.L. SEE: Lebeau & Lavigueur - Chicago, IL, US
Lechner, R. - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Leck, G.H. - Lawrence, MA, US
Leck, George H. SEE: Leck, G.H. - Lawrence, MA, US
Lecocq-Frènè - Paris, France
Lecomte - Rouen, France
Leda SEE: Nokes, Leda & Dana - CA, US
Ledot Jne. - Paris, France
Ledot aine - Paris, France
Ledot the elder SEE: Ledot aine - Paris, France
Ledot the younger SEE: Ledot Jne. - Paris, France
Ledot, Inc. - Paris, France
Lee & Co., Edwin P. - Cardiff, Glams.
Lee & Edmondson - Norwalk, OH, US
Lee & Edmondson SEE: Lee, Charles - Norwalk, OH, US
Lee Gallery SEE: Lee - Richmond, VA, US
Lee SEE: Leaman & Lee - Reading, PA, US
Lee SEE: Park & Lee - Elyria, OH, US
Lee SEE: Tuttle & Lee - Santa Barbara, CA, US
Lee - Richmond, VA, US
Lee, Arthur - Bath, Somerset, England, UK
Lee, C.E. - Elyria, OH, US
Lee, Charles Edward SEE: Park & Lee - Elyria, OH, US
Lee, Charles Edward SEE: Lee, C.E. - Elyria, OH, US
Lee, Charles SEE: Lee & Edmondson - Norwalk, OH, US
Lee, Charles - Norwalk, OH, US
Lee, Edwin P. SEE: Lee & Co., Edwin P. - Cardiff, Glams.
Lee, George E. - White Pigoo, MI, US
Lee, J.T. - Wells, Somerset, England, UK
Lee, L.H. - Hampton, VA, US
Leech, J.B. - Manchester, Lancashire, England, UK
Leedham, J.S. - Girard, PA, US
Leeland Art & Manufacturing Co. - Mitchell, DT, US
Leeson, W.H. - New Orleans, LA, US
Leeson, William H. SEE: Leeson, W.H. - New Orleans, LA, US
Leet, W.R. - Danville, Quebec, Canada
Lefavour & Clough - Beverly, MA, US
Lefavour & Clough SEE: Clough, A.F. - Springfield, MA, US:Beverly, MA, US:Warren, NH, US:Orford, NH, US
Lefavour & Clough SEE: Lefavour, J.S. - Salem, MA, US:Waverly, MA, US:Beverly, MA, US
Lefavour, J.S. SEE: Lefavour & Clough - Beverly, MA, US
Lefavour, J.S. - Salem, MA, US:Waverly, MA, US:Beverly, MA, US
Lefavour, John S. SEE: Perkins & Lefavour - Salem, MA, US
Lefavour, John S. SEE: Lefavour, J.S. - Salem, MA, US:Waverly, MA, US:Beverly, MA, US
Lefebvre, Alfred - Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Lefort, H. SEE: Lefort, Pierre-Henri-Amand - Paris, France
Lefort, H.A. SEE: Lefort, Pierre-Henri-Amand - Paris, France
Lefort, Pierre Henri Amand SEE: Lefort, Pierre-Henri-Amand - Paris, France
Lefort, Pierre-Henri-Amand - Paris, France
Leftwich Bros. - Carrollton, MO, US
Leftwich, John Warwich SEE: Sacramento Gallery - Sacramento, CA, US
Legendre, Ernest SEE: EL - France
Lehmann, Wilhelm - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Lehmann, Verlag von J.F. - München (Munich), Germany
Leidig, Carl - Nürnberg (Nuremberg), Germany
Leidloff, H. - Atlanta, GA, US
Leigh, W.H. - US
Leight & Heath - Sidney, OH, US
Leight & Heath SEE: Leight, J.W. - Sidney, OH, US
Leight & Heath SEE: Heath, W.H.F. - Bradford, OH, US
Leight, J.W. SEE: Leight & Heath - Sidney, OH, US
Leight, J.W. - Sidney, OH, US
Leisenring & Bros. - Mount Pleasant, IA, US
Leisenring, J.B. - Fort Dodge, IA, US:Mount Pleasant, IA, US
Leisenring, James B. SEE: Leisenring, J.B. - Fort Dodge, IA, US:Mount Pleasant, IA, US
Leisenring, John R. SEE: Leisenring & Bros. - Mount Pleasant, IA, US
Leisenring, Joseph SEE: Leisenring & Bros. - Mount Pleasant, IA, US
Leisenring, W. Kare SEE: Leisenring & Bros. - Mount Pleasant, IA, US
Leivens - Coutrai, Belgium
Lekegian, G. - Cairo, Egypt
Lekegian, Gabriel SEE: Lékégian, G. - Cairo, Egypt
Lekegian, Garabed (?) SEE: Lékégian, G. - Cairo, Egypt
Leland, E.J. - Worcester, MA, US
Leland, Edwin J. SEE: Leland, E.J. - Worcester, MA, US
Lemberg, G. - Odessa, Russia
Lemer, Le Rue - Harrisburg, PA, US
Lemer, LeRue SEE: Amey & Lemer - Harrisburg, PA, US
Lemon, O.C. - Whitehall, IL, US
Lennan, W.M. - Greenock, Renf.
Lennie - Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland, UK
Lennie, James SEE: Lennie - Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland, UK
Lennie, John SEE: Lennie - Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland, UK
Lennie, Liza SEE: Lennie - Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland, UK
Lenning & Thompson - Martinsburg, PA, US
Lenning SEE: Lenning & Thompson - Martinsburg, PA, US
Lentsch, A. - Salzburg, Austria
Lenzi, G.A. - Norristown, PA, US
Lenzi, George A. SEE: Lenzi, G.A. - Norristown, PA, US
Leo, Charles O. - Osage City, KS, US
Leon & Levy - Paris, France
Leon & Levy SEE: Levy, J. - Paris, France
Leon, Moise SEE: Leon & Levy - Paris, France
Leon, Moyse SEE: Leon & Levy - Paris, France
Leonard & Martin - Topeka, KS, US:Lawrence, KS, US
Leonard & Martin SEE: Leonard, J.H. - Topeka, KS, US
Leonard - Bloomsburg, PA, US
Leonard, J.H. SEE: Leonard & Martin - Topeka, KS, US:Lawrence, KS, US
Leonard, J.H. - Topeka, KS, US
Leonard, Robert J. - Deale, MD, US
Lepetit - Trouville, France
Leppert, E.D. - Portland, OR, US
Leppin & Masche - Berlin, Germany
Leppin SEE: Leppin & Masche - Berlin, Germany
Les Belles et Betes - France
Lesher & Bailey - Carlisle, PA, US
Lesher & Williams - Columbia, PA, US
Lesher & Williams SEE: Williams, L.M. - Columbia, PA, US
Lesher SEE: Lesher & Bailey - Carlisle, PA, US
Lesher SEE: Lesher & Williams - Columbia, PA, US
Lesher, H.C. - Carlisle, PA, US:Chambersburg, PA, US
Lesher, John C. - Carlisle, PA, US:Shippensburg, PA, US
Lesher, Mrs. J.C. - Shippensburg, PA, US
Lesrel, Robert - Paris, France
Lesse - Spain
Lessman, E. - Caracas, Venezuela
Lessor & Cie., R. - Vevey, Switzerland
Lessor, R. SEE: Lessor & Cie., R. - Vevey, Switzerland
Lester, A. - Manchester, Lancashire, England, UK
Lestrade - Vic-Bigorre, France
Lesure SEE: Myers & Lesure - Middletown, NY, US
Lesure, H.A. - Orange, MA, US
Lesure, H.A.. SEE: Lesure, H.B. - Orange, MA, US
Lesure, H.B. - Orange, MA, US
Letton & Whitehead - Jacksonville, IL, US
Letton & Whitehead SEE: Letton, J.A. - Jacksonville, IL, US
Letton, J.A. SEE: Letton & Whitehead - Jacksonville, IL, US
Letton, J.A. - Jacksonville, IL, US
Letts, J.M. - Bordentown, NJ, US
Letts, J.M. - Ithaca, NY, US:Dundee, NY, US
Leuthold & Co., J.A. - Interlaken, Switzerland
Leuzinger, G. SEE: Leuzinger, Georges - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Leuzinger, Georges - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Levaque, J. - Bruges, Belgium
Levasseur - Rouen, France
Leveridge, C.W. - Albany, NY, US
Levey Brothers - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Levey, W.H. - Woodstock, IL, US
Levy & Cohen - Philadelphia, PA, US
Levy Fils & Cie. SEE: Levy, J. - Paris, France
Levy SEE: Ferrier & Soulier & Levy - France
Levy SEE: Levy & Cohen - Philadelphia, PA, US
Levy SEE: Levy, J. - Paris, France
Levy, Issac SEE: Leon & Levy - Paris, France
Levy, J. SEE: Ferrier & Soulier & Levy - France
Levy, J. - Paris, France
Lewellen, F. - London, England, UK
Lewinson, Louis - Berlin, Germany
Lewis - Kingston, NY, US
Lewis & Hutchinson - Monmouth, OR, US:Ogden, UT, US
Lewis & Hutchinson SEE: Lewis, C.C. - Monmouth, OR, US:Portland, OR, US
Lewis Art Studio - Amboy, IL, US
Lewis Brothers - Lebanon, NH, US
Lewis F., Lewis F. - US
Lewis Studio - East Des Moines, IA, US
Lewis and Davis - Charlestown, NH, US
Lewis SEE: Chase & Lewis - Ouray, CO, US
Lewis SEE: Clapp & Lewis - Portland, IN, US
Lewis SEE: Lewis and Davis - Charlestown, NH, US
Lewis - North Troy, VT, US
Lewis, A. - Lake Mahopac, NY, US
Lewis, A.A. - Claremont, NH, US:Newport, NH, US
Lewis, A.D. - Newcastle-on-Tyne, Northumberland, England, UK
Lewis, A.J. SEE: Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. A.J. - Sioux Falls, DT, US
Lewis, Arthur A. SEE: Lewis, A.A. - Claremont, NH, US:Newport, NH, US
Lewis, Bedlington - Scofield, UT, US
Lewis, C. - Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Lewis, C.C. SEE: Lewis & Hutchinson - Monmouth, OR, US:Ogden, UT, US
Lewis, C.C. - Monmouth, OR, US:Portland, OR, US
Lewis, C.E. - Dover, NH, US:Wolfeboro, NH, US:Lebanon, NH, US
Lewis, Charles E. SEE: Lewis, C.E. - Dover, NH, US:Wolfeboro, NH, US:Lebanon, NH, US
Lewis, Cyrus SEE: Lewis, C. - Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Lewis, E. - Ellenville, NY, US:Kingston, NY, US
Lewis, E.V. - Mt. Kineo, ME, US:Moosehead Lake, ME, US
Lewis, Edward SEE: Lewis, E. - Ellenville, NY, US:Kingston, NY, US
Lewis, F.M. - Clarion, PA, US
Lewis, Frank - Cawker City, KS, US
Lewis, G.R. - Lebanon, NH, US
Lewis, German SEE: Lewis Art Studio - Amboy, IL, US
Lewis, Harry - Milwaukee, WI, US
Lewis, Harry - Philadelphia, PA, US
Lewis, J.A. - New Britain, CT, US
Lewis, J.B. SEE: Lewis, Mrs. J.B. - Greenwich, CT, US:New York City, NY, US
Lewis, J.F. - Rockdale, TX, US
Lewis, John A. SEE: Lewis, J.A. - New Britain, CT, US
Lewis, L.R. - Waterbury, CT, US:Colchester, CT, US
Lewis, Loren R. SEE: Lewis, L.R. - Waterbury, CT, US:Colchester, CT, US
Lewis, Morton C. SEE: Lewis Studio - East Des Moines, IA, US
Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. A.J. - Sioux Falls, DT, US
Lewis, Mr. A.J. SEE: Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. A.J. - Sioux Falls, DT, US
Lewis, Mrs. A.J. SEE: Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. A.J. - Sioux Falls, DT, US
Lewis, Mrs. J.B. - Greenwich, CT, US:New York City, NY, US
Lewis, R.B. - Hudson, MA, US
Lewis, Randal - Oswego, NY, US
Lewis, Russell Burnap SEE: Lewis, R.B. - Hudson, MA, US
Lewis, T. - Cambridgeport, MA, US:Foxboro, MA, US:Mansfield, MA, US
Lewis, Thomas SEE: Lewis, T. - Cambridgeport, MA, US:Foxboro, MA, US:Mansfield, MA, US
Lewis, W. Scott SEE: Lewis, W.S. - Hollywood, CA, US:Los Angeles, CA, US
Lewis, W.G. - Bath, Somerset, England, UK
Lewis, W.S. - Hollywood, CA, US:Los Angeles, CA, US
Ley - Dayton, WA, US:Spokane Falls, WA, US
Ley, Thomas A. SEE: Ley - Dayton, WA, US:Spokane Falls, WA, US
Libbey, C.E. - Salina, KS, US
Libbey, C.E. - Calais, ME, US:Wolfeborough, NH, US
Libby, E.P. - Keokuk, IA, US
Libby, Evelyn Porter SEE: Libby, E.P. - Keokuk, IA, US
Libby, F.L. - Sanford, ME, US
Liberty Brand - St. Paul, MN, US
Librairie Ducloz Fils SEE: Ducloz, F. - Moutiers, France:Brides, France
Libreria Spithover SEE: Spithöver, Libreria - Roma (Rome), Italy
Libreria Spithover SEE: Spithöver, J. - Roma (Rome), Italy
Libreria Tedesca di Gius. Spithover SEE: Spithöver, Libreria - Roma (Rome), Italy
Lick Gallery, The SEE: Ives & Hover - Tacoma, WA, US
Lidberg, Andrew - Ishpeming, MI, US
Lidell, Ralph - Los Angeles, CA, US
Lieber & Co., H. - Indianapolis, IN, US
Lieber, H. SEE: Lieber & Co., H. - Indianapolis, IN, US
Liebert, A. SEE: Liébert, Alphonse J.
Liebert, Alphonse J.
Liebert, Alphonse SEE: Liébert, Alphonse J.
Liebert, M.L. - Paris, France
Liebich, A.K.A. - Cleveland, OH, US
Liebich, Arthur K.A. SEE: Liebich, A.K.A. - Cleveland, OH, US
Liebich's Photographic Art Gallery - Cleveland, OH, US
Liebich's Photographic Art Gallery SEE: Liebich, A.K.A. - Cleveland, OH, US
Liebick, M. SEE: Liebich's Photographic Art Gallery - Cleveland, OH, US
Liebmann, Max - Nürnberg (Nuremberg), Germany
Lienhardt, J.J. - Einsiedeln, Switzerland
Liersch & Co., Gustav SEE: Liersch, G. - Berlin, Germany
Liersch, G. - Berlin, Germany
Liersch, Gustav SEE: Eiche & Liersch - Berlin, Germany
Liersch, Gustav SEE: Liersch, G. - Berlin, Germany
Lighter SEE: Field, Lighter & Co. - Chicago, IL, US
Lilienthal, T. SEE: Lilienthal, Theodore - New Orleans, LA, US
Lilienthal, Theo. SEE: Lilienthal, Theodore - New Orleans, LA, US
Lilienthal, Theodore - New Orleans, LA, US
Lillelea & Co. - London, England, UK
Limpert & North - Columbus, OH, US
Limpert SEE: Limpert & North - Columbus, OH, US
Lin SEE: Crouer, Lin & Weaver - Findlay, OH, US
Lincoln & Kelley - Fall River, MA, US
Lincoln SEE: Lincoln & Kelley - Fall River, MA, US
Lincoln, E.H. - Boston, MA, US
Lincoln, Edwin Hale - Boston, MA, US:Cambridge, MA, US:Pittsfield, MA, US
Lincoln, Geo. W. - Hillsboro Bridge (Hillsborough Bridge), NH, US
Lind, G.A. - Fond du Lac, WI, US
Lind, Julius - Copenhagen, Denmark
Lindahl, Axel Theodor SEE: Lindahl, Axel
Lindahl, Axel
Linde & Co., E. - Berlin, Germany:London, England, UK
Linde, A. SEE: Linde, August - Gotha, Germany
Linde, Aug. SEE: Linde, August - Gotha, Germany
Linde, August - Gotha, Germany
Linde, E. SEE: Linde & Co., E. - Berlin, Germany:London, England, UK
Lindenmath - Allentown, PA, US
Lindmark, J.R. - Poughkeepsie, NY, US
Lindner, O. SEE: Reichard & Lindner - Berlin, Germany
Lindner, O. - Berlin, Germany:Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Lindop, W.E. - St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
Lindop, William E. SEE: Lindop, W.E. - St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
Lindsay SEE: Clark & Lindsay - Laconia, NH, US
Lindsay SEE: Everett & Lindsay - Concord, NH, US
Lindsay, Charles H. SEE: Brandt & Lindsay - Nashua, NH, US
Lindsay, Charles H. - Nashua, NH, US
Lindsay, L.W. SEE: Tebbetts & Lindsay - Laconia, NH, US
Lindsay, L.W. - Laconia, NH, US:Bristol, NH, US
Lindsey & Brown - Asheville, NC, US
Lindsey & Brown SEE: Lindsey, T.H. - Asheville, NC, US
Lindsey SEE: Bradt & Lindsey - Nashua, NH, US
Lindsey, T.H. SEE: Lindsey & Brown - Asheville, NC, US
Lindsey, T.H. - Asheville, NC, US
Lindsly & Claudius - Auburn, NY, US
Lindsly & Claudius SEE: Lindsly, H.R. - Auburn, NY, US
Lindsly, H.R. - Auburn, NY, US
Lindsly, Harvey R. SEE: Lindsly & Claudius - Auburn, NY, US
Lindsly, Harvey R. SEE: Lindsly, H.R. - Auburn, NY, US
Line, A.A. - Carlisle, PA, US
Line, Albert Allen SEE: Line, A.A. - Carlisle, PA, US
Linenschmidt, H.E. - Wellsville, MO, US
Linford, J. - Canterbury, Kent, England, UK
Lingfelter - Wabaunsee, KS, US
Lingfelter, J.M. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Lingo SEE: Clark & Lingo - Lafayette, IN, US
Lingo, E.A. - PA, US
Linn & Bro., R.M. SEE: Linn, R.M. - Lookout Mtn., TN, US
Linn, J. Birney SEE: Linn, J.B. - Lookout Mtn., TN, US
Linn, J.B. - Lookout Mtn., TN, US
Linn, James Birney SEE: Linn, J.B. - Lookout Mtn., TN, US
Linn, R.M. - Lookout Mtn., TN, US
Linn, Robert M. SEE: Linn, R.M. - Lookout Mtn., TN, US
Linnett, J. - Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, UK
Linney - Miltonville, KS, US:Concordia, KS, US
Linnie, Eliza SEE: Lennie - Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland, UK
Lion Photographic Studio - Lion City, IL, US
Lippert, Ludvig - Fredericia, Denmark:Copenhagen, Denmark
Lippincott, J.B. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Liscomb, W.C. - Bristol, RI, US
Liscomb, William C. SEE: Liscomb, W.C. - Bristol, RI, US
Littell, Otto J. - Eureka, IL, US
Little & Co., J.J. - Bridgeport, CT, US
Little Chronicle Publishing Co., The - Chicago, IL, US
Little SEE: Groves & Little - Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales, UK:Carlisle, Cumberland, England, UK
Little, Ernest I. - Oskaloosa, IA, US
Little, H.N. - WV, US
Little, H.N. - Oskaloosa, IA, US
Little, Hiram N. SEE: Little, H.N. - Oskaloosa, IA, US
Little, J. - Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
Little, J.J. SEE: Little & Co., J.J. - Bridgeport, CT, US
Little, James SEE: Little, J. - Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
Little, Jas. SEE: Little, J. - Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
Little, R.J.M. - Columbia, PA, US
Littlefield - IA, US
Littlefield, Charles E. SEE: Littlefield - IA, US
Littler, J.C. - Jacksonville, FL, US
Littleton View Company - Littleton, NH, US
Littra, E. - Stockholm, Sweden
Livernois & Bienvenu - Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Livernois & Bienvenu SEE: Livernois, J.E. - Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Livernois, Elise L'heureux SEE: Livernois & Bienvenu - Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Livernois, J.E. - Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Livernois, Jules-Ernest SEE: Livernois & Bienvenu - Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Livernois, Jules-Ernest SEE: Livernois, J.E. - Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Livesay, Jno. G. - Portsmouth, Hampshire, England, UK
Livingston, J.W. - Windsor, Berkshire, England, UK
Livingston, John Wesley SEE: Livingston, J.W. - Windsor, Berkshire, England, UK
Lizars, J. - Belfast, Ireland
Lloyd & Co., Andrew J. - Boston, MA, US
Lloyd - Round Lake, NY, US
Lloyd, Andrew J. SEE: Lloyd & Co., Andrew J. - Boston, MA, US
Lloyd, Harold - Hollywood, CA, US
Lloyd, J.H. - Waterford, NY, US:Cohoes, NY, US:Round Lake, NY, US
Lloyd, James - Southport, Lancashire, England, UK
Lloyd, T.F. - Manchester, Lancashire, England, UK
Lloyd, William SEE: Langenheim, Lloyd & Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Lobb, C.R. - Wadebridge, Cornwall, England, UK
Lobdell, S.A. - Salem, OR, US
Locher, J.V. - Ragaz, Switzerland
Locher, V. - Leoben, Austria
Lochhead, J.F. - Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Lochman, C.L. SEE: Lochman, Dr. C.L. - Carlisle, PA, US
Lochman, Charles L. SEE: Lochman, Dr. C.L. - Carlisle, PA, US
Lochman, Dr. C.L. - Carlisle, PA, US
Lochman, W.J. - Hamburg, PA, US
Lock & Whitfield - Brighton, East Sussex, England, UK:London, England, UK
Lock & Whitfield SEE: Whitfield - London, England, UK
Lock SEE: Lock & Whitfield - Brighton, East Sussex, England, UK:London, England, UK
Lock, Amos H. SEE: Locke, A.H. - Athol, MA, US:Plymouth, MA, US
Lock, Samuel Robert SEE: Lock & Whitfield - Brighton, East Sussex, England, UK:London, England, UK
Locke & Co., H.R. SEE: Locke, H.R. - Canton, DT, US:Sioux Falls, DT, US
Locke & Robbins - Plymouth, MA, US
Locke & Robbins SEE: Robbins, W.S. - Plymouth, MA, US
Locke & Rogers - Boston, MA, US
Locke & Rogers SEE: Locke, A.H. - Athol, MA, US:Plymouth, MA, US
Locke & Rogers SEE: Rogers, C.H. - Plymouth, MA, US
Locke Bros. - Sioux Falls, DT, US:Canton, DT, US
Locke SEE: Cobb & Locke - Kirwin, KS, US
Locke - Boston, MA, US
Locke, A.H. - Athol, MA, US:Plymouth, MA, US
Locke, Amos H. SEE: Locke & Rogers - Boston, MA, US
Locke, Amos H. SEE: Locke & Robbins - Plymouth, MA, US
Locke, Amos H. SEE: Locke, A.H. - Athol, MA, US:Plymouth, MA, US
Locke, E.P. - Kingfield, ME, US
Locke, H.R. - Canton, DT, US:Sioux Falls, DT, US
Locke, J.T. - Claremont, NH, US:Canaan, NH, US:Exeter, NH, US:Franklin, NH, US:Johnson, VT, US
Locke, W.A. - La Salle, IL, US
Lockley, Fred - Portland, OR, US
Lockport View and Portrait Co. - Lockport, NY, US
Lockwood & Ely - Racine, WI, US
Lockwood & Ely SEE: Ely, Cook - Oshkosh, WI, US:Racine, WI, US
Lockwood SEE: Lockwood & Ely - Racine, WI, US
Lockwood - New York City, NY, US
Lockwood, E.N. SEE: Lockwood, W.M. & E.N. - Ripon, WI, US
Lockwood, Ferris C. - Freehold, NJ, US
Lockwood, Miss A. - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Lockwood, Miss Alvira SEE: Lockwood, Miss A. - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Lockwood, Miss M.L. - Lisbon, DT, US
Lockwood, Mrs. E.N. - Ripon, WI, US
Lockwood, Mrs. W.M. SEE: Lockwood, W.M. & Mrs. - Green Lake, WI, US:Ripon, WI, US
Lockwood, W.M. & E.N. - Ripon, WI, US
Lockwood, W.M. & E.N. SEE: Lockwood, Wm. M. - Ripon, WI, US:Green Lake, WI, US
Lockwood, W.M. & Mrs. - Green Lake, WI, US:Ripon, WI, US
Lockwood, W.M. SEE: Lockwood, W.M. & E.N. - Ripon, WI, US
Lockwood, W.M. SEE: Lockwood, W.M. & Mrs. - Green Lake, WI, US:Ripon, WI, US
Lockwood, W.M. SEE: Lockwood, Wm. M. - Ripon, WI, US:Green Lake, WI, US
Lockwood, Wm. M. - Ripon, WI, US:Green Lake, WI, US
Lockwood, Wm.M. SEE: Lockwood, Wm. M. - Ripon, WI, US:Green Lake, WI, US
Lockwood's Photograph Art Gallery SEE: Lockwood, Wm. M. - Ripon, WI, US:Green Lake, WI, US
Lockwood's Temple of Photographic Art SEE: Lockwood, Wm. M. - Ripon, WI, US:Green Lake, WI, US
Loder, B.F. - Elkton, MD, US
Loder, Benjamin F. SEE: Loder, B.F. - Elkton, MD, US
Lodge & Co. - Gilmanton, NH, US
Lodge, L.H. SEE: Lodge & Co. - Gilmanton, NH, US
Loeffler & Son, J. SEE: Loeffler, J. - Tompkinsville, Staten Island, NY, US
Loeffler, A. - Tompkinsville, Staten Island, NY, US
Loeffler, J. SEE: American Stereoscopic Exchange Club - Washington, DC, US
Loeffler, J. - Tompkinsville, Staten Island, NY, US
Loeffler, John Jacob SEE: Loeffler, J. - Tompkinsville, Staten Island, NY, US
Loeland, O. - Mitchell, DT, US
Loescher & Petsch - Berlin, Germany
Loescher SEE: Loescher & Petsch - Berlin, Germany
Loeser, F.W. - Brooklyn, NY, US
Lofinck - Manhattan, KS, US
Logan - Fargo, DT, US
Lohrer, O.F. - Dubuque, IA, US
Loker, J.E. - St. Charles, IL, US
Lomas, C. - Pithole, PA, US
Lomb, Henry SEE: Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. - US
Lombard - West Medford, MA, US
Lombardi & Co. - Brighton, East Sussex, England, UK
Lombardi, P. - Siena, Italy
Lombardi, Paolo SEE: Lombardi, P. - Siena, Italy
Lomer, Albert SEE: Chandler & Lomer - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Lomer, Albert - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Londe, Albert
London Stereoscopic & Photographic Company SEE: London Stereoscopic Company - London, England, UK:New York City, NY, US
London Stereoscopic Co SEE: London Stereoscopic Company - London, England, UK:New York City, NY, US
London Stereoscopic Company - London, England, UK:New York City, NY, US
London Stereoscopic Company SEE: Williams, T.R. - London, England, UK
London Stereoscopic Company SEE: England, William - London, England, UK
Long, J.F. - Exeter, Devon, England, UK
Long, R.W. - Staple Hill, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England, UK
Long, W. - Cape May, NJ, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Long, William SEE: Long, W. - Cape May, NJ, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Longley, F.E. - London, England, UK
Lonsbury & Agrell - Allegan, MI, US
Lonsbury & Agrell SEE: Agrell, Charles G - Allegan, MI, US
Lonsbury SEE: Lonsbury & Agrell - Allegan, MI, US
Loof, H.W. - Tonbridge Wells, Kent, England, UK
Loofborough & Raitt - WI, US
Loomis SEE: Aylesworth & Loomis - Rocky Point, RI, US
Loomis, C.M. - New Haven, CT, US
Loomis, Charles W. SEE: Loomis, Charles - Parkersburg, WV, US
Loomis, Charles - Parkersburg, WV, US
Loomis, D.A. - Fredonia, KS, US
Loomis, E.W. - US
Loomis, F. - Pine Hill, NY, US
Loomis, Frank E. - Stillwater, MN, US
Loomis, G.H. - Boston, MA, US:Newton, MA, US
Loomis, G.T. - RI, US
Loomis, Grove Hinman SEE: Loomis, G.H. - Boston, MA, US:Newton, MA, US
Loomis, J.P. - US
Loops, C. - Milwaukee, WI, US
Loops, Charles SEE: Loops, C. - Milwaukee, WI, US
Lopes - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Lopez SEE: Vara & Lopez - Madrid, Spain
Loquist Bros. - Peoria, IL, US
Loquist Bros. SEE: Loquist, N.E. - Peoria, IL, US
Loquist, John G. SEE: Loquist Bros. - Peoria, IL, US
Loquist, N.E. - Peoria, IL, US
Loquist, Nelson E. SEE: Loquist Bros. - Peoria, IL, US
Loquist, Nelson E. SEE: Loquist, N.E. - Peoria, IL, US
Lord Kinnaird SEE: Kinnaird, George William Fox - Scotland, UK
Lord SEE: Lord, Marcus & Co. - Belfast, Ireland
Lord SEE: Shaw & Lord - Boston, MA, US
Lord, Herbert W. - Darby, MT, US
Lord, J.A. - Uxbridge, Middlesex, England, UK
Lord, R.E. - Boston, MA, US
Lord, Rufus E. SEE: Shaw & Lord - Boston, MA, US
Lord, Rufus E. SEE: Lord, R.E. - Boston, MA, US
Lord, Marcus & Co. - Belfast, Ireland
Lorens, A. SEE: Lorens, Alfred - St. Petersburg, Russia
Lorens, Alfred - St. Petersburg, Russia
Loring & Green - Syracuse, NY, US
Loring & Green SEE: Loring, E.P. - Syracuse, NY, US
Loring & Green SEE: Green, Guy - Syracuse, NY, US
Loring SEE: Abbott & Loring - Springfield, MA, US
Loring SEE: Loring & Green - Syracuse, NY, US
Loring, Davis - Eastport, ME, US
Loring, E.P. SEE: Loring & Green - Syracuse, NY, US
Loring, E.P. - Syracuse, NY, US
Loring, Edward P. SEE: Heywood & Loring - East Cambridge, MA, US
Loring, Henry K. SEE: Hamacher & Loring - Walla Walla, WA, US
Loring, Henry K. - Walla Walla, WA, US
Lorson, E. - Fribourg, Switzerland
Los Angeles Art Co. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Los Angeles Stereoscopic View Co. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Loten - Vincennes, IN, US
Lott SEE: Case & Lott - Key West, FL, US
Loucks SEE: Cooke & Loucks - Dolgeville, NY, US
Loucks, R.N. - Pomona, CA, US
Loupret SEE: Hevy & Loupret - Nashua, NH, US
Loupret - Lowell, MA, US
Lov SEE: Schreiber & Lov? - US
Love, J.W. SEE: American Stereoscopic Exchange Club - Washington, DC, US
Love, J.W. - Portage City, WI, US
Love, W. - Cuba, NY, US
Lovejoy & Foster - Chicago, IL, US
Lovejoy & Foster SEE: Lovejoy, Edward - Chicago, IL, US
Lovejoy SEE: Lovejoy & Foster - Chicago, IL, US
Lovejoy, C.A. - Nashua, NH, US
Lovejoy, C.L. - Rome, NY, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Lovejoy, C.L. - Glens Falls, NY, US
Lovejoy, E. - Milford, NH, US
Lovejoy, Edward SEE: Lovejoy & Foster - Chicago, IL, US
Lovejoy, Edward - Chicago, IL, US
Lovell & Knowlton - Northampton, MA, US
Lovell & Knowlton SEE: Lovell, J.L. - Ware, MA, US:Northampton, MA, US:Amherst, MA, US
Lovell SEE: Reeves, Lovell & Co. - London, England, UK
Lovell, J.L. - Ware, MA, US:Northampton, MA, US:Amherst, MA, US
Lovell, J.S. - Davenport, IA, US
Lovell, John L. SEE: Lovell & Knowlton - Northampton, MA, US
Lovell, John L. SEE: Lovell, J.L. - Ware, MA, US:Northampton, MA, US:Amherst, MA, US
Lovell, John S. SEE: Lovell, J.S. - Davenport, IA, US
Lovell, M.S. - Randolph, NY, US
Loveridge SEE: Perry & Loveridge - Savannah, GA, US
Lovewell, S.J. - Stockton, CA, US
Low SEE: Brownson & Low - Toledo, OH, US
Low, F. - Amhurst Park, London, England, UK
Low, Fred C. - Cambridge, MA, US:Gloucester, MA, US
Low, Skene SEE: Hall & Lowe - Victoria, Manitoba, Canada:Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Lowd, W.Q. - Jackson, MS, US
Lowe SEE: Schreiber & Lov? - US
Lowe SEE: Smith & Lowe - Ionia, MI, US
Lowe SEE: Low, Fred C. - Cambridge, MA, US:Gloucester, MA, US
Lowe, B. - Ilkley, Yorkshire, England, UK
Lowe, F.L. - East Cambridge, MA, US
Lowell & Senter - Portland, ME, US
Lowell & Senter SEE: Senter & Co., W. - Portland, ME, US
Lowell SEE: Lowell & Senter - Portland, ME, US
Lowell, A.G. - Canaan, NH, US
Lowinsohn - Berlin, Germany
Lowmiller, F. - Milwaukee, WI, US
Lowndes, J. - Cheadle, Cheshire, England, UK
Lowy, J. SEE: Löwy, Josef - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Lowy, Josef - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Loyd SEE: Langenheim, Lloyd & Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Loyer, J.W. - Gettysburg, PA, US
Lozo SEE: Forrest & Lozo - Belleville, Ontario, Canada:Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Lucas & Fryett - Silver City, NM, US
Lucas, C.S. - Poughkeepsie, NY, US
Lucas, Geo. L. - Rockford, MN, US:Sauk Centre, MN, US
Lucas, Harry W. - Silver City, NM, US:Clifton, AZ, US
Lucey, William - Ilion, NY, US
Luck, T. - Racine, WI, US:Oshkosh, WI, US
Luckhardt, Fritz
Lucock, Jos. - Carlisle, Cumbria, England, UK
Ludays & Lamy - Paris, France
Ludays & Lamy SEE: Lamy, E. - Paris, France
Ludays SEE: Ludays & Lamy - Paris, France
Ludden SEE: Kenney & Ludden - Salem, NY, US
Ludden, A. - Tacoma, WA, US
Ludwig, F. - Chicopee, MA, US:Chicopee Falls, MA, US
Ludwig, Frank SEE: Ludwig, F. - Chicopee, MA, US:Chicopee Falls, MA, US
Lufkin & Hamor - Lawrence, MA, US
Lufkin & Hamor SEE: Hamor, A.B. - Amesbury, MA, US:Salisbury, MA, US:Lawrence, MA, US
Lufkin & Hamor SEE: Lufkin, C.F. - Titusville, PA, US
Lufkin SEE: Johnson & Lufkin - Erie, PA, US
Lufkin, C.F. SEE: Lufkin & Hamor - Lawrence, MA, US
Lufkin, C.F. - Titusville, PA, US
Luke & Wheeler - Leadville, CO, US:Cameron, CO, US
Luke & Wheeler SEE: Luke, W.O. - Leadville, CO, US:New Castle, CO, US:Abilene, KS, US
Luke & Wheeler SEE: Wheeler - Del Norte, CO, US:Grand Junction, CO, US:San Juan, CO, US:Colorado Springs, CO, US:Lake City, CO, US
Luke SEE: Luke & Wheeler - Leadville, CO, US:Cameron, CO, US
Luke SEE: Russell & Luke - Colorado Springs, CO, US:Leadville, CO, US
Luke, W.H. - Plymouth, Devon, England, UK
Luke, W.O. - Leadville, CO, US:New Castle, CO, US:Abilene, KS, US
Luke, Wellington O. SEE: Luke & Wheeler - Leadville, CO, US:Cameron, CO, US
Luke, Wellington O. SEE: Luke, W.O. - Leadville, CO, US:New Castle, CO, US:Abilene, KS, US
Lulves, E. - Hannover, Germany
Lulves, Eugen SEE: Lulves, E. - Hannover, Germany
Lumiere & Jougla - Paris, France
Lumiere & Jougla SEE: Lumiere, Antoine - Lyon, France
Lumiere & Jougla SEE: Jougla, J. - Paris, France
Lumiere, Antoine - Lyon, France
Lumière, Antoine SEE: Lumiere & Jougla - Paris, France
Lumière, Charles-Antoine SEE: Lumiere & Jougla - Paris, France
Lummis, E.F. - Watkins, NY, US
Lumpkin & Co., E.S. SEE: Lumpkin, E.S. - Richmond, VA, US
Lumpkin, E.S. - Richmond, VA, US
Lumpkin, Edward S. SEE: Lumpkin, E.S. - Richmond, VA, US
Lundbeck, Emil - Haslev, Denmark
Lundberg, Wilh. - Stockholm, Sweden
Lundh - Hoganas Nedre, Sweden
Lupson - Stoke Newington, London, England, UK
Lupson, Augustus SEE: Lupson - Stoke Newington, London, England, UK
Luray Caverns Views - Luray Cavern, VA, US
Lusche, H. - Chicago, IL, US
Lussier SEE: Crow & Lussier - Salem, OR, US
Lustig, Michael - Graz, Austria
Luswergh - Roma (Rome), Italy:
Luth & Son, Franz - St. Gallen, Switzerland
Luth, Franz SEE: Luth & Son, Franz - St. Gallen, Switzerland
Luther SEE: Norton & Luther - Cleveland, OH, US
Luthin, F. - Hoboken, NJ, US
Lutsey, H.G. - New London, WI, US
Lyall, Arthur - Garretson, NC, US
Lyerlin, Anna - Karlstad, Sweden
Lyle SEE: Galbreaith, Harvey & Lyle - Manitou, CO, US
Lyman SEE: Shepard & Lyman - Wheeling, WV, US
Lyman, Frank - Boston, MA, US
Lyman, W.H. - Buffalo, NY, US
Lynch, A.K. - US
Lynd, A. - Perry, ME, US
Lynn - Paris, TX, US
Lynn, E.A. - Tacoma, WA, US
Lynn, Samuel SEE: Lynn - Paris, TX, US
Lynx - Paris, France
Lyon SEE: Mather & Lyon - Cazenovia, NY, US
Lyon SEE: Stien & Lyon - New York, NY, US
Lyon, E.W. SEE: Eckerson, McMillan & Lyon - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Lyon, E.W. SEE: Eckerson & Lyon - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Lyon, E.W. - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Lyon, E.W. - St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada:Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada
Lyon, Edwin William SEE: Lyon, E.W. - St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada:Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada
Lyon, Will H. SEE: Mather & Lyon - Cazenovia, NY, US
Lyon, Will SEE: Mather & Lyon - Cazenovia, NY, US
Lyte, F. Maxwell - Luznown, France
Lyte, Farnham Maxwell SEE: Lyte, F. Maxwell - Luznown, France
Lyte, Maxwell SEE: Lyte, F. Maxwell - Luznown, France
Léautté Frères SEE: LF - France
Léon & Lévy SEE: LL - Paris, France
Léon, Moyse SEE: Leon & Levy - Paris, France
Léon, Moysé SEE: Leon & Levy - Paris, France
Lévy & Cie, J. SEE: Levy, J. - Paris, France
Lévy et ses fils SEE: Levy, J. - Paris, France
Lévy, Georges SEE: Leon & Levy - Paris, France
Lévy, Isaac Georges SEE: Leon & Levy - Paris, France
Lévy, Isaac SEE: Leon & Levy - Paris, France
Lévy, J. SEE: Leon & Levy - Paris, France
Lévy, Léon & SEE: Leon & Levy - Paris, France
le Deley, Ernest Louis Désiré SEE: ELD - Paris, France


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